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09x02 - That Kind of Heat

Posted: 11/19/20 06:12
by bunniefuu
I started "Girls on Fire" to show young women that they have an opportunity they probably never thought of before.

Good, Kylie.

- Thanks for this.

- Sure.

I would like you all to meet Gianna Mackey.

She is working with Brett on .

If he dies, you die.

Unfortunately, we couldn't revive him.

You all right?

That guy definitely went into my top ten scary.



You okay?


Yeah, I'm okay.

What the hell?

Oh, my God.

You're bleeding.

I'm bleeding?

Where is he?

Do you see him?

I can't...

I can't see anything.


We have to get out of here.

, what is your location?

, respond.

Do you hear me?

Brett, I'm stuck!


We should have seen them by now.

Whoa, hang on!


- Down there!

- Damn it.

That's Brett's rig.

- Kidd!

- I'm trying!

Let me out!

Yeah, hold on, I'm gonna turn around!



I think I can fit through that.

Wait, wait, wait.

Let me go first.

He might be out there.


- Watch your eyes!

- Okay.

Give me your hand.


You okay?

You okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.

What happened?

Was it Halleck?

Yeah, I don't know where he is.

Is that his car?

Whoa, Casey!

Help me get him out!

Sylvie, wait!

Wait, careful!

He has a g*n!

- It's time to take advantage.

- Hey!

Where's the g*n?

I don't know.

I-I can't get out.

, we've got a gasoline fire.

Get the extinguishers down here.

Copy that.


Can you slide out of there?

I'm stuck.

My leg, it's...

It's caught on something!

I need to get in there.

Take a look.

Don't move!

We're gonna get you out.


Don't let me burn.

There's a bracket under the dash.

It's cutting into him.


Get me out!

Hey, hey, hey!

Stop moving!

Get the fire out!


Kidd, bring me the Sawzall.



- Stop moving!

- Ah!

Wait, wait, wait!

Don't do that!

Stop, wait!

Don't, don't!


Oh, God.


His femoral artery...


There's a jump bag on the truck.

I want you to find it and bring it down here.

We gotta stop this bleeding.

Right, okay.

Got it!

Stop, stop.

Wait, wait, wait, stop, stop!


I need your jump bag.

I guess we're gonna save this lunatic.


Let's go!

Oh, God!

Watch his heart rate.

It's pretty amped up.

My guess is meth.

Any dizziness, loss of vision?


I'm fine.

Thanks, Gallo.


We'll get you and Mackey over to Med.

Get you checked out.

Oh, I don't need to go to the hospital.

Yeah, I'm...

I'm totally fine.


Let's get you back to the house, then.

Brett, Mackey.

- Talk to me.

- We're okay, Chief.

Yeah, I'm...

I'm fine.

So what do you need, a ride home?

Talk to a counselor?

Not for me.

Yeah, I just want to get cleaned up - and get back into service.

- Not gonna happen.

I can't get a replacement ambo until tomorrow, so...

Enjoy the break.

You earned it.

Once you've decompressed, you get me the incident reports.

- Copy that.

- You got it, Chief.

Hey, you okay?

What's that bandage on your head?

A laceration, how serious?

It's not serious, it's small.

Well, you should have gone to Med to have them check you out.

You know, head injuries, you never know.

She's fine.

I gave her a good once-over to see...

- Yeah, I bet you did.

- Joe!

I'm fine.

For real, okay?

Well, look, if you start to get dizzy at all, or you get a headache, you're gonna have to go to Med right away.

I've never seen Cruz act like that before.

The hovering overprotective thing?

Yeah, me neither.

I wonder what that's all about.


Sounds like a crazy one.

Brett and Mackey are lucky to be alive, let alone unhurt.

How bad was the rig?

It was totaled.

I'm gonna go check on Brett.

But you are still good to help me set up those drills later, yeah?

- Sure, yeah.

Already have 'em planned out.


- Thank you.

- Mm.


I just wanted to tell you, I'm really glad you're okay.

Thanks to you.


You got yourself out of there.

It's just the craziest thing...

climbing out of there and seeing you.

How did you get there so fast?

Well, it wasn't just me.

We all responded quick, rushed down there together.



I just didn't see anyone else... at first.

Yeah, they were there.

It's always been you.


I just mean that...

you're always the one who's there for me in a crisis.

That's... that's all I mean.

I'm just...

I guess I'm just...

trying to say thank you for...

for being such a good friend.


Boden's looking for that report.

On my way.

Better get moving.

Chief's waiting.

So we just need to organize the...

I basically just told Casey that I'm in love with him.

- What?

- Ugh.

I think my brain got more rattled in that accident than I realized because I just blurted out, "It's always been you." Well, that could mean a lot of different things.

- Could it?


- Maybe.

You know what?

There's no need to panic here, okay?

What is so wrong with him knowing how you feel?

That is how you feel, right?

- I can't feel that way.

- Why not?

I just...

I just can't.

Trust me.

I'm just gonna pretend that I didn't say what I said and then everything can go back to normal.

Is that really the healthiest?

I didn't say it, okay?

- Okay.

- Thank you.


I have had it!


Why is this thing making two-sided copies?

It's unacceptable.

Oh, well, if you want to change it, you just do... that.

All of this clerical nonsense just to commission a new ambulance.

With civilians not allowed to work in the house for almost a year now, the paperwork is piling up.

These have been on Gloria's desk for a year?


Here, give me those forms.

Gallo and I can handle it for you.

That's a very generous offer.

Hey, does anyone know where got towed?

Gallo and Ritter will handle that for you.

They work in the bullpen.

All right, I need the exact salvage yard the rig is in.


And the address.

- Okay.

- Thanks.

Why does the Squad lieutenant want to track down an ambulance?

Why does a Truck newbie want to get all up in my business?

We'll find out.

No worries.

Thank you.

If we had just taken the Red Vines back to the bunks like I suggested, none of this would have happened!

But I told you, that's stealing!

It's just a couple of small things.

- "Stealing." - Hey.

Heard you guys got the bullpen now.

Can you print up the "Girls on Fire" roster, make about copies, and create a sign-in sheet?

And add the name Kylie Estevez.

She hasn't actually signed up, but I'm hoping she'll show.

Thank you.

You're the best!

Oh, hey, Brett!

Did Mackey leave already?

Yeah, she took off right at shift change.

I wish I could have...

boosted her up better after the crash.

No, no.

I'm the one that brought her to , even though she's still so green.

I don't know what I was thinking.

Cruz... just so you know, she really handled herself out there.

I mean, green or not...

she's pretty amazing.

Hey, there's Evel Knievel!

How you doing, kid?

Glad the shift is over.

So, everyone going to Molly's tonight?

Of course.

We own the place; We're always there.

How about you?

You up for it?

Oh, um...


It's probably good for me to be out, so yeah.


Me too.

I'll be there, I mean.

Okay that was weird, right?


What's all that?

Oh, helping out the chief.

I figured out how to process req forms and permits, that kind of thing.

In all my years on the job, I have never pitched in on clerical work.

Ritter, um...

Let me give you some advice from Uncle Louie, okay?

Never learn how to do something that you don't want to do.

Right, I got Kidd to handle all those trendy cocktails over at Molly's by not learning how to make them myself.

It's not that big a deal.

And Boden needs the help.

Just thinking about that attitude makes me tired.

Hey, Severide.

I was about to start hunting you down.


Okay, so here's what I found out.

CFD headquarters gave me the number of the tow company that hauled the ambulance, but those guys have no record where they took it.

So they say, "Talk to CPD." CPD says, "No, it's a Fire issue," and sends me back to the Bureau of Support Services.


Are you telling me that you couldn't find the ambo?

Lieutenant, I'm really pissed off right now.

I've been yelling to the phone for the last hour.

Apparently the only person who knows where it ended up is Deputy Chief Walker, and...

he's off shift now.

I can't reach him.

I'm really sorry, I'll keep working on getting the answer...

No, Walker usually grabs breakfast by the Palace Diner.

I got it from here.


- Thanks, Gallo.

- You're welcome.

Hurry up, Yvette.

Every second counts!

Now, that is the standard gap between drywall studs.

You're gonna have to really squeeze through that, okay?

Where's that hose?

There you go, there you go.

Now which way is out?

Which way to the exit?

- Bumps to the pump!

- That's right!

There we go, there we go, there we go.

Hey, Natalia, will you spot her on the next section?

- Sure.

- Great.

Keep going, Yvette.

What do you think?

Severide helped me put together a mayday drill.

I think you might just make firefighters out of these girls.

That's the plan.

And how does that make you feel?

Knowing this might be the future of the CFD?

Keep going!

It feels pretty damn good, Chief.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

So... can I help?

Need a hand?


- Okay.

- Yeah, yeah.

You can help me replace the drywall.


There's one disappointment.

My best recruit, Kylie, she's a no-show.

I mean, this program wouldn't exist if she hadn't roped her friends into it, and now she won't return my calls or my texts.

What do you think that's about?

I don't know.

Sounds like you've given up.

That's not the Stella Kidd I know.

- Good!

- Yeah!

Good job!

All right, Yvette!

All right!

All right, who's next?

- Joe?

- I figured you'd be here.

Whenever you had to blow off some steam, these bleachers would pay the price.

Damn, you got a good memory.


It's hard to forget something like you jumping on Pendelay James trying to get your lunch money back.

See, that wasn't my lunch money.

That was Nicky's.

Of course.


I'm okay...

if that's what you're worried about.



I don't know.

I don't know if is the place for me.


It's not just because of the crash.

I mean, yeah, the crash was crazy, but...

I'm guessing that doesn't happen every day.

Not every day.

I thought I wanted to be at a busier house.

Reality is...

maybe I'm just not cut out for it.

The way Brett acted at the scene...

my head is spinning, crawling out of that rig, and she's racing over to save the psycho who ran us off the road.

She's been doing this a while.

Yeah, but...

some people are made for that kind of heat.

Maybe I'm just not one of them.

You took on Pendelay James.

And a hundred other kids who were a hell of a lot bigger than you!

I wasn't scared of them.

Would you...

think less of me if I go?

Be honest.


I mean, the way you worry, maybe it's better for both of us if I'm at a slower house, you know?

You know, I promised Dex when he got sick that I would take care of you.

It's all that I could think about when all that craziness went down, my obligation to your big bro.

And the truth is...

He would be so proud of the young woman you've become.

And as much as it pains me to say, I think is exactly the right place for you.


What are you doing here?

Well, I went to your place and your mom told me where to find you.


Bet you get some nice perks working at this place, huh?

All the day-old donuts I can eat!

Plus this fashion-forward apron.

Ah, slick!



I'm sorry that I didn't call.

Oh, no worries.

No, I just...

Look, I just wanted you to know that...

I would love to have you back.

I mean, you are my G.O.F superstar.

I really appreciate that.

But, uh...

My parents were struggling even before COVID, and then my dad lost his job when things shut down.

So I'm just helping out the best I can, you know?

Between this and school, it doesn't leave any time.

I get it.

But that's the great thing about the program.

I mean, it sets you up for the future.

It puts you on track for the CFD.

And, you know what, even if you can't do it right now, just know that the program will be there for you whenever you're ready.

Oh, maybe next summer.

Once school's out.

Hopefully I won't have to work then.


I better get back inside.

Of course, yeah.


stay in touch.

Okay, Kylie?

I will.

Hey, how's it going?

Lieutenant Kelly Severide, CFD, Squad .

I think you got a wrecked ambulance from my firehouse?


I just need to get something out of there.

- It will only take a few minutes.

- Authorization?

It's a CFD vehicle.

I need authorization?

You need a form - C, signed by the officer that brought the vehicle in.


Can you just do me a solid, man?

I just need to get something out of there before it gets sent to the crusher, all right?

Look, bro, get me a form - C, or you're S.O.L.

Hey, did you talk to Mackey?

Yeah, I tried to give her the hard sell, but I don't know if it changed anything.

And she's...

just trying to figure it all out.

I get it.

Well, thanks for reaching out to her anyway.



Just so you know, Mackey is gonna be all right, no matter where she ends up.

Because she has you looking out for her, like I had Mouch.

That makes all the difference when you're just getting your feet.

All right.

Here you go, guys.

Sorry about the delay, that tap is slow.

- Herrmann?

- Yeah?

Can you make a couple Smithereens?

- I'm swamped.

- Uh, you know what?

I wish I could, but you know how bad I am at making them fancy drinks?

I always mess 'em up!


Okay, I got it.

All right.

- Not real.

- It's true.


Can I get you a drink?

You never offered to get me a drink.

- Shut up, Capp!

- Thanks, uh...

Stella's gonna grab me a rosé when she gets a chance.

You need something stronger than that after the day you had.

No, that call was really something.

You guys should have been there!

So we're heading up Stuart, right?

All of a sudden, Kidd starts zigzagging around the road.

That's when Casey spots the ambo down an embankment and just goes to .

I mean, "Turn it around!

"Turn around, that's Brett's rig!

- Turn it around!" - Yeah, I saw it was , so...

- You guys know the rest.

- No, we don't.

Right, so Kidd's hauling ass, but we blow way past the scene.

Casey says, "Screw this!

I gotta get down to Brett!" And he leaps from the rig while it's still moving.

Swear to God.

He left all his gear behind.

No helmet, no jacket.

Last I see is him sprinting back to the ambo like a man possessed.

I've never seen him run like that.

Meanwhile, the rest of us?

We're stuck waiting for Kidd to do a K-turn in a -foot aerial apparatus.

By the time we jump off...

Casey's already there with Brett.

How the hell he got down there so fast, we'll never know.

It was awesome.

- Yeah!

- Superhero.

Sorry, um...

I just remembered that I have to go to a...

my friend Olivia's for a... for a thing.

I'm so sorry.

Oh, that was my bad.

I didn't mean to make light of anything.


It's not you.

Any word?

- No.

- Ugh.

I guess I'll go find out which floater I'm getting as a partner.

You're here!


I'm really glad to hear it.


Is that what I think it is?

You got a few minutes?

You bet!

How's it going, Gallo?

Can you not?

I'm trying...

Ugh, I lost count!

Whoa, sorry.

I was just offering a friendly hello.

- Will not happen again.

- No...


It's just, Ritter's supposed to be doing this, but Herrmann took Engine out to gas up, and now I'm stuck trying to collate all these packets ASAP before Boden flays me.


Can you give me and Severide a hand out here?

Yeah, sure.

Just give me five minutes.


Sorry, I'm just in the middle of, you know.

Gallo, I'm not asking for a favor.

I'm giving you an order.

Get out here.

Morning, Chief.


How's it working out with Gallo and Ritter picking up slack in the bullpen?

They are painfully slow and minimally competent.

But it's better than letting the paperwork pile up until I disappear under a landslide of timesheets and case reports.


Well, what if...

I told you I could solve that problem for you?

- Okay, we're good.

- Perfect fit.

"Leslie Shay." I like the name.

Did she ride on ?

Yeah, Shay rode on .

She was part of the DNA of this firehouse.

She was our friend.

So much new blood at these days, pretty soon the people who never knew Shay are gonna outnumber those of us who did.

And they should know whose shadow they're walking in.

Hey, thanks for the help.

You kidding?

What's that look?

What look?



I'll be around tonight for cigars, but not if you still have that look.

If you get it resolved, let me know.


What do you say we start a program called "Boys on Fire"?

That sounds like a cabaret act.



I mean, like "Girls on Fire," but for boys.

I think the point of "Girls on Fire" is to encourage young women to consider a career in the fire service.

- And what about boys?

Don't they need encouragement?

I think boys get plenty of encouragement.

Help, please, help!


Yo, Doherty.

Hey, stop the rig!

Something's up at the train platform.


Over there, over there!

She fell onto the tracks!

I think she fainted!


Yo, stop!

I got you.

Come on!

- Herrmann.

- Come on, come on, come on!

Come on, Ritter!



Man, that was amazing!


Can't stay away from donuts, can you?

You really get me.

Question for you.

How do you feel about making copies, answering phones, and filing paperwork?

Couldn't be any worse than cleaning out a deep fryer.


Well, my Chief just got approval to hire a part-time assistant.

Now, look.

The firehouse doesn't smell nearly as good as a donut shop, but the pay is a little better and you would get an inside look at the world of firefighting.

And, best of all, we would make sure that you had time for "Girls on Fire." Wait, are you seriously offering me a job?


And you don't have to answer right away.

You can...

I feel bad, you know, making Brett think I was freaking out and questioning everything.

You don't have to be perfect, Mack.

No one expects that except you.

It's all right to be scared and screw up.

And both of those things are gonna happen a lot on this job.

You just learn to manage.

Move on.

I will try like hell.

That much I can promise.

Right, and I will promise not to worry as much.


On that note.

If there is a...

cute boy that I happen to want to socialize with?


No way, never gonna happen.

We'll see about that.

Hey, there he is!

The man of the hour!


I hear that your victim checked out of the hospital already.

Yeah, it sounds like she had a seizure on the platform and just took a header.

It was a pretty close call.

Well, it was.

And that was a hell of a save, friend.

I'm just doing my job, but...


I won't say no to a free beer.

- Oh, that's not a free beer.

- Right, of course.


Uh, Mouch has been looking for you.

- Ritter!

- Hey, what's going on, Mouch?

- Eh.

- Hey.

- That's my pen.

- Oh, this?

No, no, no, no.

This is my pen.

I mean, your uncle gave it to you when you became a firefighter, but then you gave it to me when you decided to quit.

Yeah, well, but then you talked me out of quitting.

That's right.

And I've been keeping it safe ever since, just waiting for the right moment to return it.

So you heard about the train rescue?


But this isn't just about the rescue.

It's also about you taking all that work off Boden's hands.

It sounded like you guys thought I was a fool - for doing that.

- Yeah, well...

It says a lot about you.

I mean, you're not just at for action and glory.

You're there to help people in ways big and small.

And you never expect anything in return.

Us old guys...

we taught you how to be a firefighter, but now...

You're starting to teach us.

Thanks, Mouch.

For everything.

- Hi.

- You rush out of Molly's, then you avoid me all shift.

Talk to me, Sylvie.

Did I do something wrong?


I was avoiding you...

So I wouldn't end up doing this.


I just...

You want to slow down?

No, it's not that.

I've wanted this for a really long time.

Me too.

Oh, no.

I have to ask you a question first.


The reason that I've been...

so scared of this happening, um...

The thing I need to know...

If Gabby came back to Chicago, right now, tonight...

and asked you to leave with her, would you go?

I haven't talked to her in a long time.

That's not the question, Matt.

I don't know.


Thank you for being honest.

I guess that I knew you were still in love with Gabby all along, and so this is...

I mean, this is on me.

It's more complicated than that.

No, it's...

It's really not.

I'm sorry.

I think you should leave.