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13x04 - Terror of the Zygons - part 4

Posted: 02/05/04 15:23
by bunniefuu



First transmitted : 20th September, 1975
5:20pm - 5:45pm

BRIGADIER: Mister Benton, prepare to move out.

BENTON: Sir. Okay, move it!

BROTON: The humans will be following our course by their radar. Transmit a jamming signal.

ZYGON: Immediately, Commander.

DOCTOR: You've been hiding too long, Broton. It's become a habit.

BROTON: What do you mean?

DOCTOR: I thought the plan was to conquer the world.

BROTON: The plan has not changed.

DOCTOR: But you can't rule a world in hiding. You've got to come out onto the balcony sometimes and wave a tentacle, if you'll pardon the expression.

BROTON: In a few hours there will be no further need of secrecy. Have no doubt, Doctor.

BRIGADIER: Greyhound Leader to Trap One. Emergency alert to all radar stations. Alien spacecraft heading south from Loch Ness.

BRIGADIER (OOV.): Second, alert Strike Command, but warn them there is to be no attack. I repeat, no attack until further orders.

BRIGADIER: Have our aircraft standing by at Inverness for immediate return to London HQ. That is all. Out.

SARAH: Brigadier, before leaving, we should search that castle.

BRIGADIER: Why? There's nobody there now.

SARAH: No, but we might find something that'll tell us where the Zygons have gone.

HARRY: Or what they're up to.

BRIGADIER: Yes. Worth looking, I suppose. All right, I'll drop you two at the castle. Get in.

HARRY: I give up, old girl. Come on, let's get back

SARAH: No, just a minute, just a minute.

HARRY: I don't think you're going to find any scandals.

SARAH: No, listen, listen. The Duke is Chieftain of the Antlers Association, Trustee of the Golden Haggis Lucky Dip, whatever that might be, and President of the Scottish Energy Commission.

HARRY: Sarah, we're wasting time.

SARAH: Agreed. Agreed.

BROTON: We have a suitable landing zone. Prepare for descent.

ZYGON: Reducing dynacon thrust. Dynacon thrust at phase two.

BROTON: Initiate descent trajectory.

ZYGON: Descending now.

BROTON: Complete touchdown procedure.

BROTON (OOV.): Receive a message from Commander Broton. To avoid detection, all unwanted signals are forbidden. Internal communication will remain on half power.

DOCTOR: Half wit.

BRIGADIER: Lost contact?

BENTON: I'm afraid so, sir, yes.

BRIGADIER: What, all of them?

BENTON: Okay, thanks. (puts the phone down) They tell us there's a complete black-out all over the country, sir. No radar working anywhere. London seem to think it's some kind of jamming device.

BRIGADIER: I see. Well, we'll just have to hope that somebody spots them. All right, carry on Mister Benton.

BENTON: Right, sir.

BRIGADIER: Ah, Sullivan and Miss Smith. You're only just in time.

HARRY: It's a very, very long walk, sir.

BRIGADIER: Yes, well, we're heading back to London. Advance party's just left. Did you find anything at the castle?

SARAH: No, nothing.

HARRY: Any news of the spacecraft, sir?

BRIGADIER: It was last reported heading south over Leicestershire, and then they lost it. We've also had a report of a large underwater object travelling south at high speed.

SARAH: Guess what.

BROTON: How far from the target is the Skarasen now?

ZYGON: One hundred and fifty two Earth miles. It is approaching the mouth of the estuary.

BROTON: That is close enough. Sever contact. The skeletar will bring it to the target from that range.

DOCTOR: Social call?

BROTON: You admire our technology, human?

DOCTOR: Well, I'm not human, and I've seen better.

BROTON: Better than this?

DOCTOR: Very good, very good. Almost impressive. But why bother?

FORGILL: It is necessary to activate a body print every few hours, otherwise the original pattern dies and cannot be used again.

DOCTOR: Ah. So you still have a use for the real Duke.


DOCTOR: Formal occasion?

FORGILL: Perhaps.

DOCTOR: I gather we've landed. Where are we?

FORGILL: You like asking questions.

DOCTOR: Well, it's the only way to learn. When does this great operation begin, this conquest of the world?

FORGILL: Phase one is already complete.

DOCTOR: And what are you going to do with it when you've got it? Isn't it a bit large for just about six of you?

FORGILL: Other Zygons are on their way. When our planet was destroyed in a recent catastrophe, a great refugee fleet was assembled.

DOCTOR: Hmm. And they're coming here at your invitation.

FORGILL: Exactly, Doctor. It will be many centuries before the fleet arrives. In that time, the whole of this Earth must be restructured.

DOCTOR: I'll say one thing for you, Broton. You think big.

FORGILL: Polar icecaps must go, the mean temperature raised several degrees, thousand of lakes with the right mineral elements constructed. I shall recreate my own planet here on Earth.

DOCTOR: Using forced labour.

FORGILL: That is my intention. Human labour and Zygon technology. The task is challenging, but not impossible.

DOCTOR: You're underestimating human beings, Broton.

FORGILL: We shall see. Tomorrow I demonstrate my ultimate power.

SARAH: It's been hours now. Not a word from anywhere.

BENTON: Oh, don't worry, Miss. Something's bound to happen. I mean, they've got to make a move soon, haven't they.

SARAH: It's the Doctor I'm worried about. Could be dead for all we know.

BENTON: Oh, come on. If I know the Doctor, he's most likely working out a way to escape right at this minute.

SARAH: Oh yes, I know that. It's just not hearing anything.

SARAH: Any news?

BRIGADIER: Nothing on the spaceship, but we've had another report on that underwater object. It's been sighted off the coast. The Navy are sending some frigates from Chatham.

BENTON: UNIT Headquarters. Who? Oh, yes, he's here. Just a moment, please. It's for you, sir. The Prime Minister.

BRIGADIER: Lethbridge Stewart speaking. Oh, absolutely understood, madam. No public announcement. Yes, madam. Discreet action. Discreet but resolute.

DOCTOR: Right, now for the big question. Is half power lethal?

FORGILL: A relay must have jammed in the dystelic circuit.

ZYGON: No, Commander. The circuit panel is in order.

FORGILL: Trace the source, quick. We must stop that transmission.

BENTON: Sir! I think this is it.

FORGILL: Whatever he's doing has jammed the door. It is the Doctor!

SARAH: It's the Doctor, I know it is.

BENTON: Well, I've checked the triangulations, sir, and I make it about, about here.

BRIGADIER: Just beyond Brentford. A disused quarry. We've got them, Mister Benton!

BRIGADIER: Right, let's move out.

FORGILL: Is he dead?

ZYGON: Yes, Commander. The power destroyed him.

FORGILL: It is well. I underestimated his intelligence, but he underestimated the power of organic crystallography. Come, it is almost time for me to leave.

DOCTOR: I'm alive!

FORGILL: Distance?

ZYGON: The Skarasen is fifty Earth miles away, Commander.

FORGILL: Excellent. It is time for me to place the activator on the target. Humanity is at our feet.

DUKE: Who are you?

DOCTOR: His Grace the Duke of Forgill, I presume?

DUKE: Yes. Where the blazes am I?

DOCTOR: On a spaceship.

DUKE: Spaceship?

FORGILL: In two minutes, close down dyastetic transmission and maintain monitor contact.

ZYGON: Understood. Commander.

FORGILL: Open the escape hatch. When phase two is completed, I shall broadcast my demands to the world.

LAMONT: What are you doing?

DOCTOR: We've got to lure the Zygons out of the control room somehow. This is also a fire sensor. If I can heat it sufficiently

DOCTOR: Quick, back into your alcoves! We'll soon see how good their fire drill is.

DOCTOR: (quietly) Okay, quick, everybody out. It won't take them long to realise it's a false alarm.

DOCTOR: Come along, quick. Break that vacuum mechanism to jam the door.)

CABER: This one?

DOCTOR: Yes, that one, man. Get on with it.

CABER: Is that broken enough?

DOCTOR: It's more than enough.

DOCTOR: Right, let's see what other damage we can do. Anybody know what this is?

DUKE: I haven't the faintest idea.

LAMONT: You tell us.

DOCTOR: I will. It's a self-destructor, and it works like this.

DOCTOR: Right, we've got about sixty seconds before the whole ship blows up.

ZYGON (OOV.): Open this door! Open this door!

SARAH: There it is!

SARAH: Doctor!

DOCTOR: Everyone get down!


DOCTOR: Was that bang big enough for you, Brigadier?

HARRY: Nicely done, Doctor. That's the end of the Zygons, eh?

DOCTOR: Not entirely. Broton escaped and he still has control of the monster. He plans to attack some target in London.

SARAH: Close to the Thames, huh?

DOCTOR: Exactly. And this time it'll be something really spectacular.

BRIGADIER: I've just remembered. When I spoke to the PM earlier, she was about to leave for Stanbridge House. And that's on the river.

DOCTOR: What's happening there?

DUKE: The Fourth International Energy Conference. The place'll be full of VIPs from all over the world. It's a meeting of crucial importance.

DOCTOR: Ah. That could be it, Brigadier.

BRIGADIER: Yes, but he'd need a pass to get in. The security's very tight.

SARAH: But he'll have a pass. The Duke, the real Duke, is President of the Scottish Energy Commission.

DUKE: That's right, I am.

DOCTOR: Well, come on. Let's get to London.

BENSON: Tell the Brigadier the monster's been sighted again. It'll be at Stanbridge House in another four minutes. I repeat, another four minutes. Over.

BRIGADIER: Three and a half minutes, Doctor, and still no sign of Broton in the conference hall.

DOCTOR: Well, he was checked into the building. What's behind the conference hall?

BRIGADIER: Catering section and river terrace.

DOCTOR: You search there. Sarah and I will take the cellar.

DOCTOR: Not much light.

SARAH: Maybe somebody should tell the Energy Congress.

DOCTOR: Stay there.

BROTON (OOV.): I thought you were dead.

DOCTOR: Loose thinking, Broton.

BROTON (OOV.): This time, I shall make certain.

DOCTOR: (to Sarah, sotto) Get the Brigadier. (loud) Broton, your spaceship's been destroyed. This building is surrounded by soldiers.

BROTON: I control the Skarasen! I can destroy this planet or become its master. That is the choice I offer your world.

SARAH: Brigadier! Brigadier!

BRIGADIER: Morton, through the other door! Right, come with me.

BROTON: The Skarasen will destroy you all.

SARAH: Doctor!

DOCTOR: The signal device, quickly. Broton's hidden it in this room somewhere. Brigadier, evacuate the building. The monster will tear the place down to get the device.

BRIGADIER: Right. Ferguson, with me.

DOCTOR: Quiet, both of you. Listen. I can almost feel it.

DOCTOR: The monster must be allowed to destroy it.

HARRY: There's nothing I can do for him.

SARAH: And as for this one.

HARRY: Sarah, I think we've been left behind.

SARAH: Harry, you're right.

DOCTOR: Here, boy. Fetch it. Fetch it.

HARRY: He must have gone this way.

SARAH: Well, let's hope so.

SARAH: It's huge! Where's the signal device?

DOCTOR: He's chewing it.

SARAH: It's going back under the surface.

DOCTOR: He'll go home now he's eaten the device.

HARRY: Home?

DOCTOR: Loch Ness, Harry. The only home he knows.

DUKE: Tell me, I imagine the whole business caused quite a stir.

BRIGADIER: No, the Cabinet's accepted my report and the whole affair's now completely closed.

DUKE: You mean it never happened.

BRIGADIER: Well, a fifty foot monster can't swim up the Thames and attack a large building without some people noticing, but you know what politicians are like.

DUKE: Yes, quite. By the way, I was coming to meet you people. I could swear I caught a glimpse of the monster in the Loch.

SARAH: But you're not sure.

DUKE: The sun was in my eyes. Now, where is this contraption of yours?

DOCTOR: My contraption, your Grace, is this way. I think. Follow me. Come on.

DUKE: That's the TARDIS?

DOCTOR: Yes, that's the TARDIS. And I'm going to pilot it all the way to London. I can be there five minutes ago.

SARAH: Just a minute, Doctor. I thought you couldn't do that.

DOCTOR: Of course I can. Coming?

BRIGADIER: No, thank you.

HARRY: I think I'll stick to InterCity this time, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Sarah?



SARAH: All right. Providing we do go straight back to London.

DOCTOR: Oh yes, we will. I promise.

DUKE: Well, I'll be. Do they have return tickets?

BRIGADIER: Yes, I imagine so.

DUKE: You should have taken them and got your refund, man. I thought you were a Scotsman.

The Doctor


Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart


Harry Sullivan


Sergeant Benton


RMS Benton


Duke of Forgill


Sister Lamont


The Caber





Angus Ferguson McRannald






Radio Operator




Incidental Music




Directed by


Script Editor