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04x07 - A Shot In The Dark

Posted: 12/16/20 11:05
by bunniefuu




There's enough for all of us.

Structure seems to be holding.


Water's dripping through in places but not enough to be an issue.

RCE and the Belters set up separate camps, so not much has really changed down here.

Except they're gonna hate each other even more.

Except for that.

Naomi, we got some daylight peeking through.

Water must've receded some.

It has but not as quickly as we hoped.

Scopes are still showing an ocean sitting on top of you.

Nowhere at all for us to go?

Not unless you managed to pack a boat.

So how long until we get back to the surface?

I can't tell for sure, but...

not for a couple of days, at least.

Sounds like we're gonna be down here for a while, then.

Any progress getting the drive back online?

No, fusion doesn't work here anymore.

f*cking Miller.

How long will the reserves last?

Us and the Edward Israel can maintain orbit for months on batteries, but...

I ran the calculations on the Barb's orbital decay rate.

Based on the ship's current altitude speed and power reserves, they have maybe a few more days before they fall out of orbit.

I need to come up with something fast.

Keep me updated if anything changes.


Can we go back up to the surface?

Not yet.

Water's receding slower than we thought.

We only have enough water purification tablets to last a day, maybe two.

We need to figure out a way to send down a resupply.

You saw what happened to the RCE shuttle.

Parachuting supplies might be an option, but we still won't be able to get to anything until the water recedes.

Listen, I'm doing everything I can.

What can we do to help you?

So we're all just still at the mercy of you and your invisible friend.

You said you started noticing the spots about an hour ago?


It's, uh...

It's in both eyes?

It's worse in my left eye, but there's some in my right eyes as well.

My wife's a med tech.

She mentioned she saw a child with a eye infection a few days ago.

Some kind of outbreak?

Mm, no, I wouldn't call it that.

It's more like an allergic reaction of some kind.

So you can treat it?

Antihistamine compound should clear it up, but I...

I need to check everyone first to be sure.

Just sit tight.

The Edward Israel can't tell us exactly how long we're gonna be down here, so we're operating as if indefinitely.

What's our food and water situation?

Our purifiers are at 100%, and we have four and a half cases of emergency rations.

Good, I still want everyone on one food and water ration per day till we know more.

Belters are gonna run out of food before us, and when they do, they're gonna act desperate, so we need to be ready.

I've already seen them eyeballing our gear.

Yeah, they jumped us once.

They're gonna do it again.

Protect our camp and our equipment at all costs.

But be smart.

We're outnumbered, and our tactical advantages are diminished down here.

There's a fight coming, but let them bring it to us.

If everyone keeps their heads, we'll all make it out of here.

You know what to do.

Go do it.

Two days?

That's it?

The Barb has maybe a day of battery power left.

After that, it won't be able to accelerate and raise its orbit.

There has to be something we can do.

We're going to reroute the batteries on the light shuttles to power the Barb's thrusters.

That will buy more time in orbit.

How much more time?

I can't say exactly until I see the power modules.


- What else can we do?

- Here, take a look.

All right...

Our best guess is that, um, this perimeter of moons is the boundary for this fusion shutdown.

We just won't know until we are outside of them.

- Is that where we're heading?

- Not yet.

Only as a last resort.

What do you mean, last resort?

The Barb won't make it that far on battery power.

If we got it, we're gonna off-load your daughter and everyone else onto the Roci, all right?

Nobody on the Barb is gonna go down with that ship.

If we lose the lithium ore that we mined, we may as well be dead.

We'll have nothing left and no way to rebuild the colony.

Please, there has to be something else.

- It can't end like this.

- I know.

And we're doing everything we can to make sure that doesn't happen.

While this attempt to attack Earth's defenses was easily deterred, it was not as easily avoidable.

We have a peace agreement with the OPA, and I put my trust in our new allies to provide justice for the victims of the hijacking.

The OPA leadership failed me, and I, in turn, failed the people of this planet by not putting a high enough priority on bringing these t*rrorists to justice.

The safety of this planet and its people is my sacred responsibility and one that I have never taken lightly and never will.

Jesus Christ.

I sound incompetent!

I wouldn't f*cking vote for me.

You did the right thing addressing this head-on, ma'am.

This is head-on?

With someone's head on a spike is how I should have addressed it.

Where are we on the suspect?

Intel expects to be briefing you within the hour.

We couldn't wait to comment on the incident until we had someone in custody, not after the way the debate ended.

So instead, you had me sit there with my tits hanging out, blathering for 15 minutes, saying, "Trust me.

I am not always a f*ck-up." I saw it.

You came across as honest and open, ma'am.

Do you know who else is honest and open?

The person who says nothing when nobody asks a f*cking question!

I see politics never sleeps.

Oh, please, tell me I'm just having a bad dream.

We just got the new poll numbers.

Do share.

The suspense is k*lling me.

Gao is within three points.

And that's taking into account the speech?

It could've been a lot worse.

Get the f*ck out, both of you.

Unless you need something stiffer?

How about cyanide?

We only have hemlock.

How poetic.

Why did I let you talk me into hiring those two idiots?

Because they're the best at what they do.

Oh, I see.

Then I'll start packing up my office.

Firing them this close to the election will only do more harm.

To whom?

They just made me admit I was weak.

All you admitted was that you're not infallible.

In an election, they're the same thing.

What was I thinking?

You got out in front of it and you told the truth.

It would've been better not to say anything.


- I think you're overreacting.

- Of course I am.

Because I should have not reacted at all.

Now the public can second-guess me.

I should have trusted my judgment.

You were honest with the people.

There's no bad judgment there.

f*cking stop it!

If I did the right thing, then why is Nancy f*cking Gao within three f*cking points?

I think your advisers were right.

Oh, I see.

So when there's another Eros and our planet is burning, at least we did the right thing.

I don't like to see you like this.

You wanted to be a part of this campaign.

You're right.

I did.

Now we know I'm not infallible.

Marco Inaros k*lled everyone on the Sojourner, disguised the ship, and then used it to attack us.

We stopped him this time.

Our intel on the Inaros faction is limited.

They've been linked to multiple acts of piracy, smuggling, and extortion in the Belt but nothing on the scale of Black Sky and Golden Bough.

It appears Marco has a very loyal following amongst his people, but his group's politics and independent way of operating have proved divisive even amongst other OPA factions.

A public operation this large doesn't exactly fit the faction's profile.

How certain are we that the OPA information is valid?

We have high confidence in our source.

Marco Inaros is looking to make a name for himself, and now he has.

We've been digging into Marco's whereabouts, and a deep-cover asset in the Belt intercepted this broadcast.

This was taken days ago aboard the Pizzouza, a Belter freighter out of Pallas Station.

With the cooperation of the governor of Ceres, we renditioned a known associate of Marco to a black site and confirmed the ID.

Apparently, Marco often travels on freighter ships for anonymity.

And uses passengers as, uh, human shields.

Real hero of the people.

Is Marco still aboard the freighter?

We've been monitoring the ship's flight path.

It hasn't made any stops, and no other ships have docked with it.

Whoever got on hasn't gotten off.

But none of your assets witnessed him actually board the ship?

No, but as I said, our confidence is high.

Assuming he's still on the ship, what are our options?

The UNN Raskolnikov is the closest battleship in the freighter's AO.

On your order, the Raskolnikov can destroy the freighter with a m*ssile strike in a matter of minutes.

Marco and everyone else on board will be eliminated.

There better be another option.

A tactical marine strike.

The Raskolnikov will fire a precision rail g*n shot in order to take out the ship's drive.

Then a marine insertion team in a breaching pod will board and take the ship.

Collateral damage will be low, but our own risk of casualties still exists.

But is there a chance we would be able to capture Marco alive?

Yes, ma'am, but a very low one.

If we could put this t*rror1st on trial, we could make an example out of him for any other Belters looking to prey upon the colony ships at the blockade.

Keep monitoring the freighter.

I want both strike options on the table.

General, move your team into position and notify me when they're ready.

- Yes, ma'am.

- I'll make my decision then.

Okay, that's good.

Hold it there.

Captain Holden.

Obviously, the predicament that we're in down here and our ships are in up there wasn't something that we could've planned for.

No, but it would help if your people shared some of your supplies with the settlers.

We don't know how long we're going to survive down here, so I need to put the interests of my people first.

It's gonna be a lot shorter for all of us if people begin to starve.

I understand that, which is why we all need to get out of here as soon as possible.

Has company policy suddenly changed?

In light of your recent confession and the fusion problem, all our priorities have changed.

You said your ghost friend has been turning on these ancient machines here?

Yeah, and unless we can shut them off, I don't think we'll get our fusion drives back online.

Is there anything my people can do or...


or help you do?

- Like what?

- I don't know.

I don't know.

I'm just trying to work out exactly what we're dealing with here so that we can possibly help you fix the situation.

Nobody wins if we all die.

It's not up to me.

Unless Miller comes back, I don't think there's anything I can do.



Good, you're both here.

I have bad news.

Seems to be contagious.

It's not the only thing.

Before we evacuated, I noticed some kind of...

microorganism growing in my eye.

I've examined nearly everyone here.

We are all infected.

I still need to check you.

Sit down.

You told me it was an allergy.

That's what I've been telling everyone.


I don't want to start a panic.

The truth is, single-cell microorganisms native to this planet are making a home in our eyes.

They're not hijacking our cells like a virus would, but human bodies are water and high-energy molecules.

None of their natural competitors are in us.

So our vitreous fluid is a new environment that they are quite happy in...

lots of little green babies filling up the space.

So th... they're...

they're eating away at our eyes?

Yes, they probably will end up eating away at our eyes.

So what can you do?

Right now, nothing.


Let me try again.

So how long...

until people start going blind?

They already are.

I can't be sure until we all lose sight, but maybe a day.

A day?

That's all?

Why is it suddenly happening now?

Well, these things like saltwater.

That flood probably acted like a great, big exposure event.

Also, we're all living in each other's pockets, so everything is going to spread more easily.

Have you noticed any kind of green spots or floaters in your eyes?

No, not at all.


You don't seem to be infected.

Everyone's infected but him?

Does this maybe have something to do with your alien ghost friend?

It couldn't.

It's only a transmission in my head.

I need a blood sample from you.

Doctor, I think it goes without saying that curing this is our main priority now.

Um, all of our safety depends on it.

I'll do everything I can.

Is it okay?

Thank you.

Why you sitting all by yourself?

Me dad went looking for me mom.

- They never came back.

- Mm.

That happened to a bunch of people.

Your parents made sure you made it, though.

Yeah, I guess so.

That was their job, to protect you, to make sure that you're safe.

But they're not here anymore.


No, they're not.

What happened to your eyes?

Green stuff got in them.

Yeah, I've been seeing green spots too.

Does it hurt?

Just itches.

Hey, you see that pretty lady over there?

No, right there.

Everything's green.

Don't worry.

I'll see for the both of us.

Hey, what are you doing?

- Hey, hey.

- Give me that!

Oye, don't f*cking touch me!


Give me that back!

Stay here.

Ka tinga stay over there!

Oye, don't f*cking touch me!

- f*cking thief!

- I did not do nothing!

You tried to steal our water!

I was going to get my own wa...

You f*cking liar!

Stand down!

Stand the f*ck down!

And get back to your post.

That's an order.



Come on.

This is only the beginning.


At some point, you know we're gonna have to k*ll some of these people.

In things like this, that's what always happens.


- Damn it.

You're gonna need every last one of those power modules.

There should be 12 of them.

Yeah, I see them.

You ever been in the guts of a ship like this before?

Not a working one.

There was an old decommissioned freighter on the Ganymede docks I went to on a school field trip.

I thought I'd be doing stuff like this in university sims, not for real in orbit.

Trust me, this is a better education than any university could give you.

What's so funny?

You sound like my mother.

Well, she's right.

For what it's worth, your mother hates herself for what she did.

I don't believe she ever wanted to hurt anyone.

She was just trying to protect your family and your home.

Ilus is her dream, not mine.

I know the feeling of wanting to run away.

Every day is harder than the next.

What did you do?

I ran...

and regretted it ever since.

Your mother's been caring for you even since before you were born.

She wants you to go and chase your dreams.

That's all any mother ever wants.

But she's scared that you'll make a mistake, do something you'll regret, she won't be able to protect you.

None of that really matters anymore.

We need to get all of the sedatives and painkillers from the first aid kits in the camp.

That'll help with the blindness?

In a way.

When people realize they can't see anymore, saying "keep calm and carry on" is probably not going to be enough.

You don't think you'll find a treatment before then?

Not unless I can find the reason that...

you seem to be immune.

Well, not everybody got the plague.

Not everybody talks to an alien.

Going blind doesn't sound as bad anymore.

You make it sound like a burden.

If you need a guy talking to me, you'd feel the same way.

I don't think I would.

You are being given knowledge and answers that humans have only dreamt about.

I've also been given horrific nightmares and visions of death I can never unsee.

To me, that sounds like an acceptable trade-off.

I have traveled billions of kilometers to be the first exobiologist to study...

the most basic forms of extraterrestrial life, and you, on the other hand, are the only person in human history with a direct line of communication to an advanced alien species, and you're annoyed?

It's not the same when you don't have the choice.

Any scientist would k*ll to change places with you.

I know I would.

How are the Belters holding up?

They're not all gonna make it.

That's not the optimism I was hoping for.

I'm taking some of the meds out of your first aid kit.

Are you sick?


But everyone else is.

Hey, you been seeing green spots in your eyes?



Everyone's been infected with them but me for some reason.

The doctor lady said it was allergies.

It's much worse.

How much worse?

We got maybe a day before everyone goes blind.

Are you f*cking serious?

A lot more of us aren't gonna make it now.

We're working on a treatment, so hopefully, that doesn't happen.

But if people start panicking, none of us are gonna make it out of here alive.

I need your help making sure everyone stays calm.

I can't do this without you.

Yeah, I'll do what I can.

"Great Hector's sister did Achilles win", but our great Ajax "bravely beat down him." Achilles was the greatest of warriors, so Ulysses tries to bend and defeat him with reverse psychology.

Now, this technique may seem...

Sit, sit.

Pay attention.

I'm not going to be on the test.

I have a feeling whatever I say next will be nowhere near as interesting as our guest's entrance.

That's true.

Finish the play...

that will be on the test, as well as the readings of Preston, Wordsworth, and Logan.

I will see all of you next week.

I thought surprise visits were against the rules.

f*ck the rules.

I'm in charge.

And I wanted to see my husband.

Well, I'm flattered to be a security breach, but what is so urgent?

I'm sorry.

I was overstressed and not myself this morning.

Well, I was wondering who that woman on our sofa was, the woman who didn't even want this job in the first place.

You're right.

I never did.

I blame it on the g*dd*mn Ring.

When Eros happened, I remember I felt so helpless.

Everything was about to end, and there was nothing I could do about it.

That's how I'm feeling right now.

Because you're scared for the planet or because you're not in control of the outcome?

Both of those things.

I wish I could do more to help you.

I could never do this job without you.

I need to lean on you during times like this.

I've never questioned the things you've done before because I knew you were doing them for the right reasons.

But it feels like this election isn't about you being right anymore.

It's just about you needing to win.

Would losing be so bad?

I don't know, which is what scares me, and why I need to win.

I can't be right if I don't.

How far are you willing to go to find out?

As far as I have to.

Oh, hey.

I just wanted to tell you Naomi and Felcia, they got an extra three hours of power out of the light shuttle.

They're real pretty, huh?

They remind me of Ganymede.

The guy who put them in is from there.

He actually went back there to help, you know, rebuild.

Ganymede was so beautiful.

When Felcia was little, she'd make me take her to look at the mirrors above the domes.

I thought she liked them because...

they were big and shiny.

But she wanted to figure out how they worked.

I don't remember ever seeing her happier than those moments staring up into the sky.

That was a different lifetime.

I had a family back on Mars.

What happened to them?

Oh, no, I mean...

No, they're...


they're still back there and everything.

It's just, uh...

I'm just not part of it anymore.

When my son was five, the little guy, he wanted sand for his birthday.

- Sand?

- Mm-hmm.

Sand from a real beach from Earth.

He must have seen it in some picture somewhere.


you have any idea how much that costs to get that stuff?

I still remember the look on his face when he opened that box.

I wonder if he still has that.

I lost my family...

because I couldn't be the man that my wife and my little kid needed me to be.

I have to live with that.

I can never make that right.

You still have a chance to make it right, make new memories with your kid instead of sitting around like me, hanging on to one moment that I got right.

They're fixing Ganymede and...

those busted mirrors right now.

There's hope for you.

The mirrors, that's the answer.

I think I know how to save the Barb.

One time, Felcia and I saw a tug drone go out and manually raise a mirror when the thrusters failed.

Right, okay.

I see what you're getting at.

And yes, the Roci has drones, but even if we used them all, there's no way we'd increase the speed of a ship like the Barb enough.

But we could use the Roci itself, right?

We'd be putting both ships at risk.

But could it work?

In principle, it could work.

We've got enough battery power for the thrust it would require, but we'd still need something to connect the ships, and there's nothing on the Roci we could use.

What about mining nets?

- We have some on the Barb.

- Yeah, I don't know.

For this not to be su1c1de, we gotta have some distance between us.

How much distance?

Kilometer to be safe.

Okay, so what if we take the nets apart and weave together a single cable that long?

Could that work?


I need to make this right.

Naomi, what's the...

I said I don't wanna talk to you.

Just listen, Felcia.


Your mom has got an idea on how to save the Barb.

Wait, she does?


We want to connect the Roci to the Barb so the Roci can pull the ship higher up into orbit.

We're going to need you to deconstruct the mining nets and weld and weave them together into a single tow cable.


Yeah, we can do that.

The cable will need to be at least one kilometer long for safety.

We can't have the ships running into each other.

And we can't connect it to the nose.

Our center of mass has changed because of all the lithium we're carrying.

We'll need to build a gantry to provide a height to counterbalance everything.

It could work, but...

do we have enough time to do all this?

We're going to find out.


You're f*cking joking, right?

She's working on a treatment, so there's hope.

But obviously, things have changed.

We need to maintain peace with the Belters until we know Dr.

Okoye can treat us, and that means we're gonna need to share our food and water.

That's why you stopped the fight.

This thing could go sideways very easily, get us all k*lled if we don't think quick.

But if we do this right, this disaster is the best thing that could've happened to us.

It did in one day what was gonna take us years.

If we wait out these settlers, this planet's ours.

You heard what Holden said.

He's gonna defend the Belters' claim to...

Which is why I'm not putting my fate in the hands of a court.

We have to silence Holden now.

You seen Liam?

He's on water purification duty until further notice.

Penance for overreaction.

I've been thinking about the "Anteros." I still have nightmares about that ship, all those... floating Belter faces.

On the ride home, I strapped myself to the wall when I slept to see if I could forget about zero-G.

But it didn't matter.

Didn't sleep anyways.

The RCE tripled their profits that quarter, and I got an extra $6,000.

I've been spilling blood my entire career and making others rich off it.

UN sent us to this planet to do research and to coexist with the Belters, but it's in the company's interests if the Belters eventually cede their claim and any stake in the planet.

My contract will give me one percent of the claim value after all the Belters have gone.

Now, that meant millions in lithium money.

But if we can control the technology that Holden activated, this planet is worth hundreds of billions more.

Sounds like you're finally getting what you're owed.

No, we're getting what we're owed.

There's more than enough for the both of us...

and for everyone who helps us do what needs to be done.

Things aren't going to end well on this planet for Holden.

And I need to know that you've got my back when I make my move.

You've never had to pay for my loyalty.

I thought so too, but your off-duty activities have given me reason to question you.

Amos is not a problem.


Liam, where are you?






Everybody stay the f*ck back!

Stay the f*ck back!


what are you doing?

What are you doing?

Come on!

Stay back!

- Just...

- Stay back!

No, get...

Let me go!

What are you doing?

Shut the f*ck up!


You k*lled my friend, you f*cking piece-of-shit skinny!

How does that feel?

How the f*ck does that feel?

- Let him go!

- Let him go, Eugene!

This guy k*lled my best friend!

Then he'll be dealt with.

He dies, you die.

You got three seconds.


Do it, I can't protect you like this.


Put your f*cking g*n down, or I'll sh**t you myself!

What the f*ck?


What the f*ck?

No, don't...

don't touch him!

What the f*ck is happening?

Those slugs...

they k*lled them.

Where are they coming from?


Any kind of change in flight path?

No, ma'am.

The Pizzouza's still on its same course.

The UNN Raskolnikov is ready, in position.

Missiles are hot.

Rail g*n is charged.

And your marines?

UNMC 1 is floating dark in the Pizzouza's flight path.

Both strike options are ready.

Shields at 100%.

Standing by.

Send in your marines, General.

Yes, ma'am.

Raskolnikov, breaching option is a go.


One left.

One left.

Hey, you, you!

Out where we can see you!

Where is Marco Inaros?

Mi na sasa.

Mi na sasa.

Mi na sasa.

Going east.

Going east.

Keep moving.

Keep moving.

Marco Inaros.

Marco Inaros!

We don't know!





No IDs.


Crew quarters clear!

Mi na sasa!

What's happening?

Do they have control of the ship?

They're moving to OPS.

Another 30 seconds.

Cover right.

Cover right.

Clear right!

Stop moving!

Where is Marco Inaros?

- I don't know!

- Where is he?

Where is Marco Inaros?

No IDs.

Continue sweep.

Mi na sasa.

Mi na sasa.

I don't know.

Contact right!

Return fire!

Return fire!

Oh, my God!

We're under fire!

This is UNMC 1.

The Pizzouza...

it's gone.