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01x03 - The Spies

Posted: 12/17/20 09:17
by bunniefuu
Let me go!

Turn here.

Looks empty.

Let's get the girl inside.

Go! Go!

Let him go!

Let him go!

Check if there's anyone in the back.


Tony Costa.

Start in there!

Find me something that is heretical or illegal.

You could make this easier for yourself.

Just tell me where she is.

I left Lyra with you.

I trusted you to look after her.

She is here, or you know where she is.

I wouldn't expect Boreal to understand scholastic sanctuary, but you... No, no, Master, I never, never understood it either.

Why does scholarship need protecting?

You don't believe original thinking should be protected?

Well, if the thinking was clever enough, it would find a way to obscure itself from the Magisterium, wouldn't it?

Scholastic sanctuary is just another way of protecting bloated privilege.

Tired old men, talking in a tired old way about tired old things.

Oh, dear.

And you, Master, you have been abusing your privilege.

Do you deny they're yours?

We do have ways of identifying who last read them.

Those are academic texts.

I have perfect right...

These books are for those who read alethiometers.

The only alethiometers in use are sanctioned by the Magisterium.

There is no record of there being an alethiometer at Jordan College.

Now, Lyra must be here, so tell me where she is or I will find the alethiometer.

You know I will.

And if I find it...

I no longer have it.

And who does?


She arrived in my care with it.

I merely returned it to her.

Tell me where she is...

...or I will destroy all of this.

I kept her safe in this college for 12 years.

I gave her to you to look after, and you lost her.

You've already done the worst you can possibly do.

You heard him.

Tear everything apart!

Widen the search. She's not here.

I've never seen so many Gyptians.

Who are all of these people?

The Gyptians aren't just in Oxford, you know, Lyra.

They've come from all over the country to meet here in London to find the missing children.

Tony, please, just explain how you found her.

From the beginning.

We were just out getting supplies. What supplies?

Well, there was this van, and then there was someone driving it, and there was, like, noises from the back... muffled screaming and that.

Obviously, we was like, "Yeah, we're going to have to stop it".

So we chased it and got lucky.

Tony rescued me, Ma Costa.

I don't understand.

I was just out with the guys, Ma!

Don't even think about lying to me, Tony Costa, because you know you're not very good at it.

We got one! We've finally got a clue to where Billy is!

So close.

Close isn't good enough, though, is it?

It's something.

It's a start.

The start of b*ating them.

I will give you that.

We need the girl.

It's all right.

You've had a fortunate escape, Lyra Belacqua, but now, I ask you to help us.

Did you have a sense of where they were taking you?

Is he not talking... the Gobbler?

Not as yet. So, anything you saw?

I didn't know where I was, and I didn't know where they were taking me.

I'm sorry. I wish I could be of more help.

Ma Costa has agreed to take you in, so if we could talk again tomorrow...

You're keeping me here? For your own safety.

We want to look after you.

Why? I need to find my friend Roger!

I don't know who you are!

And as fun as it may seem to stay a prisoner again...

You may not know us, but we know you, Lyra.

And have done since you were a baby.

You are not our prisoner, Lyra, but you have always been important to us.

Is this because of my father?

Because he's Lord Asriel?

Who told you that?

Your father was good to us.

He has always respected our way of life.

But you are special on your own account.


Frustrating as it may seem...

...that's not a question for me to answer.

I can't ask you to trust us, Lyra.

I can only hope we'll earn your trust.

We all want to find the missing children.

So... will you stay with us?

The girl needs to be found. Mrs Coulter's quite insistent on it.

Any help that the Magisterium... Jordan College's sanctuary is long-held and, this morning, disrupted.

She did what she had to do.

She did it badly and baldly.

And she would happily bear consequence.

Were you not part of this raid?

And I will happily bear consequence, too.

As it turns out...

...there's been developments.

There's a rumour the Gyptians have her.

The girl.

And you're sending...? Officers are being dispatched now.

The sooner this unseemly situation is contained, the better.

We can't run away from them.

You said you'd give them a chance.

They know more about the Gobblers than we do.

We're more likely to find Roger with them than on our own.

Pan, how do you know we'll be safe here?

They want to get their children back.

I think we can trust them, and I never thought that about her.

Well, we'll be better disguised in their clothes than hers.

Lyra, what do the symbols mean?

It's clear that it means something, but I have no idea what.


Oh, look at you. You make a fine Gyptian.

Much better.

I'm cooking. Will you help?

My friend, Roger, he worked in kitchens.

Never thought you should learn?

What good it do me?

Oh, a Gyptian woman learns more than just cooking in our kitchens, Lyra Belacqua. We're armed.

There you go, girl!

While you're stuck indoors, we'll learn you some of our tricks.

There! Lesson one learned already.

You'll be a Gyptian woman yet.

Is that what I'm going to be... a Gyptian woman?

You'll be whatever you want to be.

Be your path.

That's your choice, and yours alone.

I'm glad you're staying, Lyra.

You'll be safe as houses here. You'll see.

We're not like Mrs Coulter, you know.

We just want to keep you safe.

Yeah, she said something similar to me, too.

I'm sure she did.

Maybe she even meant it, but maybe Mrs Coulter isn't as powerful as she thinks.

After all, you got away, didn't you?

Although I still haven't got to the bottom of why she has a monkey daemon.

Then again, I'm often confused by daemons.

I would never have guessed Tony Costa's daemon would have settled as a hawk.

I think I'll settle as a mole.

Oh! A mole, is it?

Yes, so we can burrow underground and stay safe from all you grown-ups.

Very sensible.

But, not so good on the water, huh?

Nowhere to burrow.

I don't want Pantalaimon to settle.

I want him to be able to change forever.

And so does he.

Well, there will come a time when you will be tired of him changing.

When you come of age, and your daemon settles into its final form, it will reveal what kind of person you really are.

Suppose you don't like the shape that your daemon settles as?

Well, that would mean you are discontented.

Many people would like to have a lion as a daemon, and they end up with a poodle.

No, I would not change a hair on Sophonax, but that is not to say that sometimes I don't dream her different.


...would you like to see the man who took you?

You people think you're so clever, but we found you, didn't we?

There's no protection for you here.

Just me and you in a room.

Tell me where they are.

I know you know.

Tell me where they are and why you've taken them.

Is this all right, Lyra?

Tell me.

Tell... me.

He wanted to do worse to Roger and Billy.

Why would they take them and the other children if it wasn't to hurt them?

Grumman isn't who you think he is.

I ran a facial recognition trace based on your photo, whatever that was, and I found a match.

Colonel John Parry, 49th Commando.

Former Marine and explorer, presumed dead around 13 years ago.

He was lost in Alaska, supporting a government-funded science expedition environmental thing.

He'd done a couple of gigs for them before.

Prior to that, he was 14 years in the Royal Marines.

He was born here.

In my world.

Charles, he didn't travel from your world to mine.

He travelled from my world to yours.

Not possible. He has a daemon clearly in the picture.

No-one is born in this world with a daemon.

I don't think you know that.

Maybe you acquire a daemon when you cross, or...

Where precisely did he disappear?

Look, this stuff was well locked up.

Somebody didn't want just anybody poking about. He was a colonel.

But you're good, and you found out anyway.

I traced his ship.


The Brooks Range.

He's long gone from there by now.

This is of no use to me. Okay.

Maybe this might be.

He left a wife... and a child.

I found them on voter registration.

Maybe she'll know something.

But she's not well. Medical records.

She's had a long-term history of mental health problems.

This is a hard copy... of everything... that I found.

It's all there.

Is this search just for you, or whoever you work for?

It's just you, isn't it?

Why did you never try to follow me?

You could have.

You know enough to have crossed behind me.

You don't have the courage that's needed.

You don't want to find the window, because you're scared of it.

It's true.

I was scared, too.

But I mastered my fear.

I never thought that I was the only person to cross.

But until Stanislaus, I never came across anyone who was fearless enough to have done it.

I want to know what he knows, I want to know where he crosses, and I want to know what he has seen.

This is very helpful.

I'll let myself out.

Is he saying anything?

He said she's taking them North, but he doesn't know where.

Of course. They can do anything they want with them there.

But I saw, in her study, plans, papers.

If we could just get to them...

No! We are not going to Mrs Coulter!

Maybe we could... Mrs Coulter cannot know where we are.

If you got captured, we'd risk her knowing everything.

I forbid it!

Go! Now!

By order of the Magisterium, we are searching all Gyptian boats in the area.

Prepare to be boarded.

Hurry, Lyra.

By order of the Magisterium, we are searching all Gyptian boats in the area.

Prepare to be boarded.

Lyra, quick! I'll hide you.

You said I'd be safe here!

Hey! Hey!

Under whose jurisdiction dare you board these boats?!

Article Three of the Watercourse Bill.

The Magisterium have no rights here.

Never seen her.

What are you looking for this time?

My son's missing, you know that, don't you?

It's Billy. Billy Costa.

Write that down.

Mean anything to you? No, of course not.

You should be looking for my son and all the other missing Gyptian children!

Lyra, don't breathe!

She's not here. Let's get moving.

We'll search further downriver.

It's safe to come out.

I'll never be safe!

Where are you going now?

Away from you! Away from all this!

I'm sorry we had to keep you hid like that.

And it's her! It's all her!

And Farder Coram says she won't find me, but I don't think she'll stop until she does!

And I don't know why, and I don't know if I can trust you.

All I do know is that, on my own, everything makes sense, and when I'm with you, I'm just as much at risk!

You're right.

She won't stop until she finds you.


Why am I so important to her?

How am I supposed to trust you when no-one tells me the truth?!

The truth is complicated.

Some things, you're better off not knowing.

I am so bored of being told that!

She's your mother, Lyra!

That's what no-one is telling you.

She's your ma.


No, no.

Lyra. Lyra. Listen. Wait!

It's time you knew.

As a young man, Asriel, your father, went exploring all over the North.

He was high-spirited, quick to anger.

Your ma, she was already married.

As soon as they met, they fell in love.

When she was pregnant with you, they thought they could get away with it, but soon as you was born, there was no hiding the Asriel in you.

Your father had estates, so he put you in the care of a Gyptian nurse.

But Edward Coulter, your mother's husband, followed, determined to k*ll you.

k*ll me?

Men get funny about their shame.

He ransacked the place.

The Gyptian hid you well, but he'd have found you eventually.

Asriel fought him there and then, and Edward Coulter was k*lled.

The law didn't know how to respond.

Asriel k*lled defending his home, but the law also allows a man to avenge the violation of his wife.

Your ma was broken with the shame of it all.

It's why she's like she is.

She was a pariah for years.

And they stripped all money, land and property from Asriel.

You, the law placed in a nunnery, but in the great flood, Asriel stole you away...

...and took you to Jordan College.

And that's all I know.

That's all I remember.

You were the Gyptian nurse.

I held you for the whole night.

I just want to keep you safe.

I didn't manage it before.

Let me manage it now.

I need your help.

This house.

This family.

They're connected to someone I desperately need to find.

Watch them and report back to me.

You've got it.

As your king, I called this Roping for us to come to listen and to decide.

You all know why.

27 Gyptian children have been taken.

Some from families in this very room.

Others from our Gyptian brothers and sisters across Britain.

And who is taking them?

We believe it's the Gobblers. Yes!

And now's the time for action.

For no-one else is doing anything about it.

Not those in power, the law makers.

In fact, the authorities, the landloper police and the clergy, are invading our boats, making us the criminal.

So we have no choice but to deal with these Gobblers ourselves.

I disagree!

Yes, Raymond van Gerrit?

Lord Faa, the landlopers invaded us, not out of scorn, but because we harbour fugitives.

And not even one of our own.

If we attempt to take on the Gobblers, we'll attract even more attention from the Magisterium! Exactly!

Our children are not the only children being taken.

Let the landlopers find these Gobblers!

So we let them fight for us, Ray? Why not?

And what of those who've already had their kids taken?

What of us, Raymond?

As a father, I am sorry for what you have lost, Ma Costa...

She hasn't lost anything yet.

To risk so much?

Who knows what they're doing to our children?!

Even if we do succeed, are we really prepared to lose more sons?

More daughters? We have to do something!

Raymond's right. She's a thr*at!

Get rid of the girl! Get rid of her!

Ma, we need to get her out of here.

Do what you want with me, but you have to stop her!

I know them.

The Gobblers.


She won't stop.

I'm frightened, too!

They took my friend Roger, and I reckon, Billy, Roger...

...they're more frightened.

What I know is they'll... she'll just keep on taking your children.

Fighting back is the only way.

The Gobblers have taken their prisoners to the far North.

To the land of the dark.

So we are going after them.

Any Gyptian still travelling here has been sent word to head straight for the port.

Do we know where they are? The North is vast.


We can discover that information... No, we do not know where.

But we will go to Trollesund, and we will ask the witches for their support.

What if the witches say no?

Too many questions.

We know it will be dangerous. We also know we're strong!

So, yes, now I am asking you to put yourselves more at risk.

For Lyra! Yes!

For the children we have lost! Yes!

But mostly for ourselves! Yes!

I am the Western King, and I'm asking you to ready yourselves to travel North, ready yourselves to fight, and ready yourselves to bring our children home.


Heads of families, raise a tax, muster a levy, find me the best warriors from every home!

Yes! And bring them to me!

Yes! We shall strike the strength out of them.

Yes! We shall leave them ruined and wasted!

Yes! Broken and shattered!

Yes! Torn to a thousand pieces and scattered to the four winds!


Gyptians! Gyptians!

Gyptians! Gyptians!

Gyptians! Gyptians!

Gyptians! Gyptians!


Lightning bolt.


Is that a fish?

Don't think I won't hurt you, Tony Costa.

How'd you know it was me? I could smell your hair slick.

Go back to bed, Lyra. Or I could come with you?

No. Got to stay out of sight, remember?

If you don't tell me where you're going, Tony Costa, I will scream this place down, and your ma will come running...

Okay, fine!

All right, Farder Coram, he thinks we know enough.

He doesn't want to risk any more damage before we go up North, but he's old and frightened, so we think there's more to find out.

You're going to her place?

Benjamin says you was talking about plans, and if we can find them, well...

At the end of her flat, her study.

You go through the right-hand drawer, and she's got everything there.

You didn't see me.

We should sleep. With him gone? I can't sleep.

Pan. I saw it.

What were you thinking about?

It was... strange.

Like... like my mind, it... went blank. Then make your mind go blank again.

You should be good at that.


It's really working.



Where's Tony?

He's not in his bed!

She said... top right drawer.

Not so easy to escape me.

Who sent you, Gyptian boy?

I asked who sent you, boy?

There is no way out of here.

So this is just you and me.

Have you any idea how much pain I can cause you?

You'll tell me everything.


I betray my family for no-one.

Oh, no, no!

I've asked all over the camp. No-one knows anything.

If I find out you or John Faa have put anything in Tony's head...

Blame will help no-one here.


It'll help me.

Then blame my mother.

Or me.

Many people tried to stop Tony Costa.

Myself included.

None succeeded.

It's not your fault, Lyra.

I know that.

And she knows that.

It was because of me why you wouldn't let Benjamin go to Mrs Coulter's, right?

Because you thought it would allow her to find us.


That's right.

Thank you.

For trying to...

For keeping me safe.

The Master at Jordan gave me something.

He told me not to tell her about it, but I think I can trust you.

You know what one is, then?

I never thought I would... set my eyes on one of those again.

The Magisterium have confiscated them all.

He said it tells the truth, not that I know how.

Well, I was told that you frame a question by turning the three hands on these pictures.

Each symbol has many, maybe infinite, meanings.

And then the needle points to another symbol within which you can find your answer.

Can it help us now? With Tony?

No, sadly not.

Reading it takes years of study.

Many books.

And without those books, it's useless.

Now, I must wake John Faa...

...and decide what to do.

Farder Coram was very clear.

It takes years of learning and books.

It's the only way I can help, Pan.

Then you need to clear your mind again.

Like you did before.

All right, Benjamin's a spy, so...

...the serpent for cunning.

Crucible for knowledge.

Beehive for hard work.

It worked!

It worked, Pan. What?

No, that's impossible.

No, it's not. Look!


It's... hourglass...

...with a skull on top of it.

So that means...

Farder Coram!

Farder Coram!

Farder Coram!

Lyra, get inside!

Lyra, I told you to get below!

I made it work. The alethiometer. It told me Benjamin's dead!

What are you talking about?

Tony, too, maybe. Listen to me! I told you to stay below...



Someone get the other one!

Hold it!

What is it?

A spy-fly.

Spy what?

What worries me is the one that's got away.

Right now, it'll be on its way to Mrs Coulter to tell her it has seen you.

We go North. Now!



So sorry.

I left him. I did. I got scared.

You came home. You did right.

This is the only thing we found.

There's so many.

There's so many!

It's got Billy on it.

Looks like it's got every child they've ever took on it.

We've got to help them, John.

We've got to. Billy's on it!

Where's Benjamin?

Can we at least recover the body?


She has the body, I'm afraid.

Lord Faa, we must leave.

That was the first death, but there will be others.

But with the right wind, with the witches on our side and Lyra...

You really think she's that important?

She can read the alethiometer without the books.

She can do what? How?

That, I...

...I don't understand, but it told her of Benjamin's death.

I don't know how she does it, but if she can continue to do it, she will be more valuable to us than any soldier we have.

They trust you, John.

They will follow you.

It's your strength they need, and for what's it's worth, I believe we will get our children back.

Load up the ship.

We travel to the port.

Tell the captain... set a course for Trollesund.

And what are you intending to do with that?

Throw it in the sea.

Spy-fly doesn't live. It wouldn't drown.

Inside is just a bad spirit with a spell through its heart.

They're forbidden.

Even the Magisterium are frightened of them.

She broke the law sending it after me.

That's the second reason to keep it.

Loving gesture, hateful gesture.

It's a symbol of your mother's desperation for you, so it should be kept.

Give it back to Farder Coram. He'll weld it safe.

The North is going to test us all, you know that?

We're going to find out what they're doing to the children and why they've been doing it.

I'm ready to fight.

You're a remarkable girl, Lyra Belacqua.

I don't think the North knows what's coming.

Your new security team are rigorous.

Sadly, they're necessary.

Gyptians, I hear.

What do they want?

And the Magisterium...? All taken care of.

We still have a card to play.

A spy-fly.

Are you out of your mind?

We've found her.