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01x05 - The Lost Boy

Posted: 12/17/20 09:19
by bunniefuu
Witches hear the immortal whispers of those who pass between the worlds.

They speak of a child who is destined to bring the end of destiny.

If told what she must do, she will fail.

But she won't walk alone.

There is a boy whose fate is bound with hers.

Together, they will change everything.

Careful in the back there, Tony!

I am.

We need those weapons. Guard them well.

I am! Mr. Scoresby, you're not walking?

Three reasons.

One: I struggle terribly with bunions.

Two: Someone's got to protect this balloon.

I can protect your balloon.

Protection requires a certain expertise.

I've got expertise.

You got some, kid, I'll give you that.

Number three: Why walk when you can ride?

Then why aren't you in your balloon now?

Saving it for when it's needed.

Wouldn't it be useful to have a view of what's ahead?

We have.

And a witch's daemon is a better eye in the sky than I'll ever be.


Mr. Scoresby? Call me Lee.

We're going to win this one, aren't we?

We're going to get those children back.

Well, if I was a betting man, I'd say no.

And I am a betting man.

But I can tell from your face you want me to say yes, so... yes.

You're not an easy man to like. You know that, Lee?

So people tell me.

He comes home every lunchtime?

Every day.

And he looks after her full-time?

Seems so.

And none of the authorities were involved?

No social services right now, as far as I can see.

So no-one checks up on them?


There he is.

Right on time.

He seems like a good kid.

♪ Susurros immortales ♪

♪ Audiunt haruspices ♪

♪ Incipite parvuli ♪

♪ Incipite parvuli ♪

♪ Procedant menses magni ♪

♪ Incipite ♪

♪ Incipite. ♪

Lyra. You asked to see me?

Your bear? You were right. We needed him.

He looks magnificent, doesn't he?

I wanted to consult your symbol reader.

I want to know more about how they're defending this place... Bolvangar.




A company of Tartars, Lord Faa, guard The Station.

They have fences all around it.

60 men with r*fles and bigger g*ns.


It's trying to tell me something else.

It's trying to warn me of something.

I suspect it's trying to warn you of everything.

We're walking into a blood battle here.

But we're ready.

Heave to, lads!

If you think that's bad, wait till we hit the snow and ice!

The alethiometer told me...

I was asking about Bolvangar...

Hello, Lyra. Yes, hello.

... and it told me about the next valley... there's a village with something horrible in it and folks are troubled by a...


... a ghost, I think.

Or something. It's connected to our task, but I don't know how.

I think I need to go to it.


I'll go alone.

So you want me to let you go off on your own to look for some horrible ghost?

We need to get to Bolvangar to rescue our children.

Have you forgotten how much you are hunted?

By my mother?


I can't be afraid of my mother for the rest of my life.

You taught me that.

All right.

I'll give you some other reasons.

We need you.

It's two days' walk to Bolvangar. Anything could befall us.

Your skills with the alethiometer keeps us safe.

The alethiometer says I need to go.

Well, Ma Costa's down there, mm-hmm?

Do you want to go and tell her that her son has to wait because you went off on a whim?

It's not a whim.

I trust it.

I don't know why, but I need to go.

We can't let you go, Lyra.

This is too important.

I'm sorry.


Do you trust me?

Are you eating with us?

There's somewhere else I need to go.

A fishing settlement.

The alethiometer says I must go.

Farder Coram won't let me.

He give you a reason why?

Because they want to carry on to Bolvangar

'cos they need to get Billy back.

And Roger.

Tony, look after the food.

I'll burn it.

I don't care.

What do you say is in this village?

I'm not sure, but it might be some sort of ghost, I think.

Something awful has happened there.

Why is this ghost important?

I don't know, but it might be a vital clue.

It might help me find Roger and Billy.

You're asking me to trust you over... No. No, I'm not.

I'm asking you to trust this.

Well, you ask a lot. I need to think.








Elaine, isn't it? Charles Latrom.

I don't know who you are. Oh, you must.

John and I were in Glasgow together.

Must be 20 years?

I was lieutenant then.

I probably look unrecognisably old.

You haven't aged a day.

John's friend?

I was in Oxford for work.

Thought I'd pop by on the off-chance.

I can't believe it. It's been too long.

John isn't home, is he?

John died.


Well, that's terrible news.


13 years ago.

I should have been told.

I mean...

I'm sorry.

It was a long time ago. I have to go.


Their expedition was lost in Alaska.

They never found their bodies in the storm, but he...

He didn't come home.

If I can ever be of any use to you...

Here's my number.

I'm sorry.

He was a good man.

Okay, boys, go easy this time.

Now, box.

Gloves up, stay tight.


Good, Will. That's right. Good, good.

Stay in the centre.


Keep it tight.

One, two, three.

Good. Quick, up, Will.


One, two, three.


William! [DOOR SLAMS]


William. [HE SNICKERS]


I know, I shouldn't have come.

Your mum's here to save you, William.

I had a visitor and I...

I got... I didn't I didn't know where else to go.

She had a visitor?

From outer space?

No, no, I just, I just wanted to see you.

Why don't you sit down here, Mrs. Parry? Come on, come on.

Sit down. Just there. There you go. It's okay.

I don't mean to cause any trouble. I'll go. I'll go.


She comes, she goes.

Beep, beep.

Your mum's mental, Parry.

[HE GRUNTS] Oi! Break! Oi, break!

Don't... ! I said get up.


What the hell was that? The both of you!

He fouled me first. Towel off!

We're done today.

Go after her.

Mum, Mum, Mum.

I'm sorry. I am sorry.

That was wrong. I know you don't like that.

I didn't want to come, but I had to. Come back inside, Mum.

I was going to the shop to get eggs and they were following...

They weren't following you. There was a man and he was asking about your dad.


What are we doing now?

[UNDER BREATH]: Eight, nine, ten...

Come back inside, Mum. I need to get my stuff.

Mum? Mum? Mum. Mum. I'm just...

Hey. Come back inside.




Is she okay?

She's just having a bad spell at the moment.

They pass.

Look, I know what people think...

Your mum needs you to not care what people think.

But if she needs care, Will, proper care, or if you need proper care...

She's just a bit unsettled.

We're not at risk.

Well, my door's always open.

I know things aren't... We're fine.

I hope that's right.


Come on, Mum.

Let's get you home.

You'll give yourself a headache, staring like that.

I'm looking for my father.

Maybe once we save Roger, we can go save my father, too.

She is wise to look for him up there.

Kaisa, is he right?

Is there a city in the lights?

He believes so and the Magisterium thinks he intends to use Dust in some way in order to make a bridge between this world and the world beyond the Aurora.

Is that why they imprisoned him?

At the Magisterium's behest, the bears are keeping him c*ptive.

But King Iofer is scheming and duplicitous and allows your father to continue his research under house arrest.

Do you know what I'm looking for in this fishing settlement?

No, but I know you're right to look into it.

You must trust your instincts, Lyra.

Where are they going, do you think?

Your guess is as good as mine on that one.

You better talk to John Faa in the morning.



You haven't changed since the day I left you.

You don't look so different.


Coram, I am 300 years or more.

You aren't so old I can't see the man inside.

I didn't know you'd want to see me.

I didn't want to see you.

You went to our Consul. You started... I had no choice.

We need your help, Serafina.

Look at us.

We are walking into a battle poorly manned and prepared for.

They will be ready for us.

But you will fight them anyway.

They are stealing our children.

You've found your fight since last I saw you.

Our son was taken by disease.

These are being taken by other human beings and they must be stopped.

And even if I am too weak to fight them, I am duty-bound to try.

The Magisterium?

Yes. While it may be madness to confront them, we cannot stand by.

That said, Asriel cannot claim sanity.

He looks for multiple worlds when he should concentrate on this one.

He is right to search.

He is?

Witches have known of the other worlds for thousands of years.

We are as close as a heartbeat...

... but we cannot touch...

... or see or hear these other worlds...

... except in the Northern Lights.

And why there?

Because the charged particles in the Aurora make the matter of this world thin.

It is a time when anything can happen.


Not that.

Not him.

I must leave now.

I have much to discuss with my sister witches.

Will I see you again?

Kaisa will continue to lead you there.

What he sees, I see.

Where I can help, I will.

But Asriel is bringing a great w*r and the Magisterium know it.

Even the witches aren't as united as we once were.

There has never been a moment...

... when I have not thought of you.

Of him.

Goodbye, Coram.


You're sure that symbol reader isn't playing the fool with you?

It never does, Lord Faa.

I don't think it could.

You call me Lord Faa when you want something and John Faa when you don't, you know that?

No, Lord Faa? [HE CHUCKLES]

Iorek Byrnison.

You're willing to do as this child bids?

If you can spare me.

I can't.

But she's insistent and I trust it.

You are to take her where she wishes to go.


I'm commanding you now, Lyra. Do you understand?

Yes, Lord Faa.

You go search for whatever it is and when you find it, you come and find us.

I want you back in the safety of the camp before tomorrow night.

Thank you, Lord Faa.

I won't let you down.

I wasn't going to miss this.

Iorek's first ride.


I'm not heavy.

I'm not a horse.


But, kid, promise me that this alethiometer thingy isn't lying to you.

It doesn't lie.

I trust it, too.

Ghosts, I heard... you're going to find a ghost?

Think so. Is that a sensible thing to do, look for ghosts?

I've never heard Lee Scoresby talk about being sensible before.


I will bring her back.

Hold tight.

I won't be gentle.

Now, you two be good to each other, okay?






You're just like him.

Your father.


You've told me that before.

I don't think it's true.

I love you.

I love you so much. You know that, don't you?

And I hate being like this.

That man this morning set me off.

I love you too, Mum.

And you're not to say that.

Now eat. You need to eat.

You cook like him as well.

I don't remember his cooking.

Oh, he didn't need much to rustle up a genuine feast.

It's an omelette, Mum.

No feast. And you're kind like he is.

You've got his temper.

He always... He always wanted to protect the vulnerable.

And he went out into the world and found a way to do it.

And you're going to follow him.

Take up his mantle.

His mantle?

What does that mean?

He wasn't done.

He had more battles to fight.

What battles?

You don't see? This world is broken.

It takes extraordinary people to fix it.

Extraordinary people, like your dad, like you.

I'm not extraordinary.

Something is different.


The rug's been moved.

There's marks on the carpet.

Someone's been in here.

Have you been keeping up with your meds?

You're not yourself.

They have, Will. They have.

Just sit down and eat, please.

Mum, calm down.

You were eating.




They have been in here. You might not be able to tell, but trust me, they have.

What's in the folder, Mum?

I can't... It's not right.

What's in the folder?

[WHISPERING]: It's not for you.

These are not for you.

Tell me what's in that folder, Mum.

You're scaring me.


... from your father.

They're important.

His letters?

You never said anything... No.


You shouldn't...

I have to keep you safe.

Safe? You're not ready. Not yet.



... ignore me.

It's nothing. It's nothing.


Do you have food?

Ma Costa packed me bread and eggs.


It's cold and you're warm.

I meant no rudeness.

You can keep warm.


Do you never get lonely without a daemon?

Bears are made to be solitary.


What about Svalbard bears?

Aren't there thousands of them?


I didn't mean to offend you.


I was just curious, you see.

They have my father prisoner there.

He is imprisoned at Svalbard?

I am not a Svalbard bear.

Oh, I thought you was.

They said you were.

I was a Svalbard bear of wealth and rank... a prince, but I broke the rules and I was sent away.

What did you do?

I k*lled another bear.

Who did you k*ll?

That is not the important question.

And what is the important question?

Why did I k*ll?

Bears should not k*ll other bears, Lyra.

But I did.

I was not of right mind.

For such a crime, I was rightfully stripped of all rank and title.

I was exiled and Iofur Raknison has become king.

If your father is a prisoner of the Svalbard bears, he will not escape.

He'll find a way out.

One blow will crush a seal's skull, or break a man's back or tear off a limb.

And we can bite.

He'll trick them.

Trick them?

Bears see tricks and deceit as plain as arms and legs.

We can see in a way humans have forgotten.

You cannot trick a bear.

You don't know my father.

He tricked me into believing that he was my uncle and that my mother and father were dead and then he didn't tell me who my real mother was.

And then one time when they were trying to poison him, he...


But you are not a bear.

You're wrong.

Some part of me is definitely bear.

You'll see.




I've been thinking.

You can read them if you like... the letters.

You might need them.



No, they're to you.

I was just looking for you to say goodnight.

That's the place I saw.

You're not scared, are you?

Not yet, but when I am, I shall master the fear.

There is worse to come, then.


Something is wrong here.

Where is everybody?

[HE GROWLS] That's the place.

PAN: Lyra.

Do you know what you are doing?


But I hope I'm doing the right thing all the same.



Whatever you're seeking, it's in there.

Shall I go with you?

I'll go alone.

Wait here and keep watch.


Pan, you're making me nervous.

Don't let Iorek see me nervous.


When I am frightened...

... I shall master my fear.

When I am frightened, I shall master my fear.

Don't stay here.

Oh, Lyra, go now.

Turn back.

Pan, don't.


We have to trust the alethiometer.


When I am frightened, I shall master the fear.

When I am frightened, I shall master my fear.

[HESITANTLY]: When I am frightened, I shall master my fear.



Lyra? Is that who I think it is?



How long has he been here?

Where did he come from?

And where is his daemon?

He's got no daemon.

No, Lyra, keep away.

Billy, where's Ratter?

I know we should help him, but I'm scared.

Come on.

Come on, Billy Costa.

Your ma's been waiting for you.

Let me take you to her.



Billy! Is that my Billy?

Come on, son.

Where's Ratter? Where's his daemon?

Is that my Billy?

Billy, where's Ratter?


Maggie, let me help you.

Take him inside. Get him warm.



Best leave them to it.

Trust me when I tell you that they love you, but this...

... they won't want you there for.

He was... He was... without his daemon. Like a ghost.


The alethiometer was right.

It was like...

... like he wasn't there.

Like he couldn't even hear me.

This must be what they do. This is what they take.

It's horrible.

It's worse than anything.

Why would they take someone's daemon?

It's about control, isn't it?

Because if you can remove someone's soul, you can do anything.


Yeah, our furry friend here doesn't deal too well with emotion.

Never has. He'll be back at first light.

Hey, you did a brave thing, kid.

A good thing.

I am proud of you.

You trusted your instincts.

You found Billy.

Come on.

What they done to him, Ma?

Why did they take Ratter?

What'll it do?


We can't help that now.

Billy, it's your ma.

Do you want to look at me?

♪ Hush, little one, just breathe ♪

♪ Feel the light in you and the light in me ♪

♪ Settle now, be still ♪

♪ My love holds you on the eternal wheel ♪

♪ Hush, little one, just breathe ♪

♪ The mighty stars await your majesty ♪

♪ Hush, little one, just be ♪

♪ Feel the light in you and the light in me. ♪


It's all right.

We'll be all right.

You can go to Ratter.

You can go to Ratter.

We'll be all right.










Whatever this is, I hope it's important.

Are you still watching the house? Of course.


You're right to be.


I've hacked the wife's bank and I found a money trail.

What kind of money trail?

Parry set up an account two weeks before he left which pays a small amount into his wife's account every month.

How much money?

Substance, basically nothing. The money's not important.

The important thing is, is that it still pays out now.

That however much he put in there, he knew that he was paying out for a marathon and not a sprint.

He knew it was possible that he was going away for a long time.

That man had been on over 20 expeditions before and served in countless w*r zones.

And this... This was the moment that he thought he needed to make sure his family had long-term support.

Go on. He knew about the window.

Or something like the window.

And he wanted to make sure his family were being looked after.

But if he knew about the window before, then...

There's probably answers in that house.

A paper trail.

Find that and you might just find out where and how he crosses.

I like this mouse hunt.

It's fun.



He died.

He must been wandering around for days... frozen, exhausted.

Can I see him?

Of course you can.

Now we know what terrible wickedness these people are capable of.

Now we can see our duty plainer than ever.

We have to fight.

We have to k*ll.





♪ Dear son ♪

♪ Your soul never leaves you ♪

♪ Dear son ♪

♪ God does never leave you ♪

♪ Dear son ♪

♪ You are God's son ♪

♪ Dear son ♪

♪ Your soul never leaves you ♪

♪ My son ♪

♪ You are God's son. ♪







PAN: Lyra, I heard something outside.












Do you have a name?



Lizzie, eh?

And you have a... Is that a ferret daemon?


And there we are.

She was young enough after all.




Ah! You can come with me.

Sister Clara, could you take...

Sorry, I've forgotten.

Lizzie... And see to her?

Certainly, Doctor.

Come with me, dear.

She looks on the verge of change, don't you think?

Yes, Doctor.

She's category A. Prep her for immediate treatment.

Now you can take everything off.

We'll take a quick little look, see you're all nice and healthy and then we'll get you some nice, clean clothes.

Who did you come here with, Lizzie?

My father.

We were bringing some new Danish smokeleaf.

We were trading it for furs.



I see it, too.

It's like the one Billy was wearing.

This is it, Pan.

This is Bolvangar.