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02x04 - Tower of the Angels

Posted: 12/19/20 08:37
by bunniefuu
There's a knife in a tower, surrounded by angels.

That's what Grumman discovered.

His son will lead you to it.

It must be Dust.

You have something important to do.

To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.

g*nshots Dr Grumman is an enemy of the Magisterium, and so are you!

The Magisterium are making hell for the witches.

But all Serafina cares about is finding the girl.

She followed Asriel through.

She's safe with me.

The woman who turns children into ghosts?

I don't think so.

SCREECHING There's a prophecy about Lyra.

It means people will be looking for her and not all of them good.

You stole them from the guard.

What do we do?

We get ourselves a boat.

We should be on the water by dawn.

Who's that in the tower?

There's no way in and no way out.

What is it that you want?

I'm aware you've found a doorway.

The man that made that doorway has a knife.

Bring the knife to me and I'll give you what you want.

We'll get your knife.

It won't be long before the Spectres are after you.

I'm not scared.

That's because you've never seen them at work.

300 years ago, a guild of philosophers became curious about the bond between the smallest of atoms.

They forged an instrument, a knife, that in the hands of the right person could cut the very fabric that joins worlds.

They christened that person The Bearer.

And the knife they called The Subtle Knife.

The Guild built a tower in the city of Cittagazze.

A monument to the knife which they hid within it.

They kept its powers secret, but had a choice.

Use this knife for the benefit of all existence or just for the benefit of their own.

They chose badly, stealing trinkets to fatten their own pockets.

A strange, evil force crept out from the shadows.


GROWLS, SCREAMING And then came Asriel's great tear in the sky.

And with it came a mass flood of Spectres.

A pestilence.

Those that survived fled.

The Subtle Knife was born of hope but used with greed.

And yet, in the right hands, it could still save us all.

How do we get up?

Well, we definitely can't climb up there.

Come on, let's go and take a closer look.

We must have missed something.

Lee, we're low on water.

Grumman has to be around here.

You know what they say - a dead end is a new beginning.

FLIES BUZZ There's something strange here.

Do you feel it too?

Not so much, Hester.

I never wanted to see the sky so bad in my entire life!

We'll find him soon.

Filthy blood suckers!

Rub some jimson-weed ointment on it!

I'm three inches thick in jimson-weed.

I want to get out of this swamp.

I want to see the sky.

BIRD CALLS Lee Scoresby, we thought you'd be more hare than tortoise.


Who is we?

Are you a witch's daemon?

You'll see soon enough.

Now try and keep up!

I really hope you have what I'm looking for!

Nothing's straightforward here.

Well, if he can get in, so can we.

It's like the Jordan crypt down here.

What can you see?

It looks like someone's been living here but I...I can't see an entrance.

Then we have to think wider.

Maybe there's something over here?

This is where we isolate and observe Shadow Particles or Dark Matter.

We call it The Cave.

So far, my colleague, Dr Malone, has evidence of low level activity, but the hope is to record signs of - dare I say it - conscious behaviour.

If we succeed, we will have the power to understand what makes up the very fabric of the known universe.

Maybe multiple universes.

Yes, it's a little incomprehensible at first.

And you only have a few days before they shut you down?


Although I'm hoping that you might be able to help us with that.

On the phone you mentioned "private interest"?

Please, do come in.

Mary, another all-nighter?

Didn't you get my text?

Sorry, you're...

Charles Latrom.

I take it you're Dr Malone?

Er, yeah, sorry.

No, no, no, don't you worry.

I can see you've had a long night.

I've always admired women with a good work ethic.

Erm, shall we sit down?

I understand from Dr Payne that you've been making some fascinating discoveries in the field of Shadow Matter.

I know you haven't been published, but I'm here because I'm interested in funding your work.

You're not serious?

I am very serious.

Sorry, er...

What organisation did you say you worked for?

You're on the verge of something ground-breaking...

..something that could take the theory of Dark Matter's potential consciousness a great deal further, and even attract defence funding, which, as you may know, is still plentiful and certainly not subject to those wearisome application processes.

I think this conversation is over.

Oh, well, I...I think there's more to discuss.

No, I'd like you to leave, please.

I'll see myself out.

Defence funding?!

Seriously, Oliver, what were you thinking?

I know!

We haven't exactly been inundated with offers.

We need to be realistic.

That money will allow us to continue our work.

We...we have to stop and think.

If you could see what Lyra did, The Cave was genuinely communicating with her.

She's special, Oliver.

Where is she then?

You don't have any evidence, Mary.

I'm telling you that what we're dealing with here is powerful beyond our comprehension.

We can't let that fall into the wrong hands.

No, Mary, what we're dealing with here is the fact that you haven't slept in weeks.

It's like a maze down here!

Maybe we're looking for a tunnel if it's underground?


An angel.



What have you found?

It's this door.

Look, it matches the angels on the tower.

Come on.

Care to tell me where we're headed?

I hope there's a bacon sandwich at the other end!



You're here.

Who are you?

They call me Jopari.

But I've had a few names in my time.

Well, I'm looking for a Doctor Stanislaus Grumman - is that one of them?

It is, yes.

But call me Jopari for now.

Mr Jopari, my name's Lee Scoresby.

I'm from the country of Texas.

You're a long way from home, Mr Scoresby.

Well, there are strange winds blowing through the world now, sir.

Do you like soup?

Maybe a bacon sandwich?

Mr Jopari, I've come here humbly to ask for your help.

I have reason to believe you're in possession of an item that confers protection on anyone who holds it...

You're wrong, Mr Scoresby, you didn't come to me.

I summoned you.

Yeah, I beg your pardon.

I've risked life and limb and my perfect complexion through swamps and snow to get here.

You didn't summon me!


This was my mother's.

It brought you here.

I...I haven't seen this for 20 years.

I don't understand.

You've travelled a long way.

You must be hungry.

Who the hell do you think you are?

Sit down, Mr Scoresby, and I'll tell you.

Who do you think owns this place?

They're a group called The Guild.

Angelica told me about them.

Stay close, Pan.

You're not scared, are you?



I'll go first.


I'll go first...

..seeing as all this is my fault.

Seeing as it's your fault, you've got to do as I say.

Centuries ago, some pig-headed philosophers invented a tool...

..for their own undoing.

A Subtle Knife, also known as Esahaettr.

This knife could cut not just flesh, but spirit.

It could slice between worlds, it could k*ll immortals.

You have this knife, do you?


But I want to find the person who does.

I believe a new bearer of the Subtle Knife is soon to take up the mantle.

We need to find them and take them to Lord Asriel.


You know him?

I don't like Asriel.

Like him?

Who does?

This is much, much bigger than that.

Don't confuse the man with the mission.

Mr Scoresby, there are two forces that have always been at w*r with each other - those who repress, who command, who don't want us to be conscious, enquiring beings, and those who want us to know more, to be stronger and wiser, to explore.

And those two forces are lining up to battle as we speak.

And if the right side has any chance of success, Asriel will need the knife.

That may well be, but I come here for one reason and that's a girl named Lyra, not to help her father.

She's the best person I know and she's in danger.

If you don't have the knife and you can't help her, I'll be on my way.

You love this girl?

Yes, more than Asriel.

He just left her to fend for herself.

Imagine, leaving your kid like that.

I never had a daughter.

I haven't been that lucky.

But if I did, I hope she'd be half as strong and brave and good.

I did.

You did what?

I left my boy.

My son.


Who are you?

My name is Giacomo Paradisi.

I am The Bearer.

The Bearer?

There's a boy hiding in this tower.

He stole the knife from me!

Quick, help me with these.

The knife.

Who are you?

Why are you here?

What do you want?

Look, we need that knife.

Careful, Lyra.

It's OK.

Just, just calm down.

No, it's mine!

Get out!


Lyra, help him!

GRUNTING SHOUTS I've got the knife!

Don't touch him!


Fight boy!



You get out of here while you still can!

Your fingers.



I think he's waking up.

You're back!

Where am I?

We're in Giacomo's quarters.

Drink it all.

What is it?

Plum brandy.

It'll help with the shock.

I know neither of you are of this world.

I have encountered daemons before.

We don't have long.

I need you to concentrate now.

Concentrate on what?

The knife knows when to leave one hand and settle on another.

It's the cleanest cut in all the universes.

I fought and lost the same fingers.

I don't know who you are, or where you're from but...

..Will, you are The Bearer of the Subtle Knife.

I stepped out of my world many years ago and left them behind.

My wife.

My son.

I thought my work was more important.

Such a fool.

For years I tried to get back to them, but the way I came had disappeared.

Then I became a scholar and a shaman to find a way, but it seems my world is closed from me.

But there were other doorways, other discoveries to be made.

Imagine my astonishment to learn that part of my nature is female.



So you've given up?

Not given up.

Just made peace with my limitations.

If I want to be a father that's good, proper now, I need to leave a world behind me for him, where he's able to think for himself.

Where he's free.

That's why I need to help Asriel.

You make a very good argument, Mr Jopari.

How about we make a deal?

You swear to put Lyra under the protection of that Subtle Knife...

..I'll take you wherever you need to go.

I swear, by the love you have for your boy.

I'll gladly do that.

You have my word.

Lyra will be under the protection of the knife.

But you must know, Mr Scoresby, The Bearer of the knife will have their own task and that could put Lyra in even greater danger.

I can only be guided to them.

I cannot speak for The Bearer's character.

There are two sides to the Subtle Knife.

This edge will cut through any material in the world.

It will even ward off and k*ll Spectres.

I've seen that colour before.

It looks like the one at Bolvangar.

Like the blade that tried to cut me and Pan apart!

The other edge is more subtle still.

With it, you can cut an opening out of this world altogether.

This is a great burden for one so young, but the knife, the Esahaettr, has chosen you.

Now, it's not only the knife that has to cut, it's your own mind.

So put your mind at the very tip of the knife.

Concentrate, boy.

You're looking for a small gap.

It's almost invisible, but the knife tip will find it if you put your mind there.

Stand steady until you see the smallest gap appear.

WILL BREATHES SHAKILY You're not clearing your mind.

I'm sorry, I can't.

Will, you can do this.


Did I do something wrong?



In my world you're not supposed to touch someone else's daemon, but you didn't do something wrong.

It was me, Will, I wanted to.

He wanted to help.

I was trying to read the Alethiometer when I was frightened once.

And I couldn't shut the fear out, just like you can't shut the pain out.

So I had to accept it.

That's what you've got to do, you've got to say, "I know it hurts...

"..but right now the most important thing is the knife." OK.


Let's do this.


Now look at me and focus.

Ruta, I'm so sorry.

Your lands.

Lake Lubana?

They destroyed everything.

We summoned the rains to put the fire out, but it was too late.

Hundreds of witches are dead, and it is on my conscience.

Don't allow this to consume you.

It is done.

And my anger now is for them.

And I will need Queen Ruta Skadi for what's next.

Kaisa spoke with the Bear King.

Lyra is indistinct because she followed Asriel through the Anomaly.

Lyra is in this other world.

Will you join us through the Anomaly?

I will go with you gladly, but it is heavily guarded.

I am ready to fight.

The Magisterium are weak.


They hide behind gunships and bombs.

We do not.

Once we are through, I'm going to get Asriel.

He needs to return and finish what he started.

The Magisterium will pay for what they did to us.


You're gripping it too tight.

I saw something!

Like thin strings that were almost invisible.

I felt them connect with the knife.



This time, don't lose sight of those strings.

For each string is an opening into another unique world.

Slide the knife into them and down.

Make a cut.

You will feel a powerful resistance.




You did it, Will!

Now you must learn to close.

Sheath the knife.

For this you need to put your soul into your fingertips.

Touch very delicately until you feel the edge.

Then pinch it together.

It's gone.

That was easy.

You're a fast learner, much faster than I was.

Now listen, there are four things you need to know.

First, never open a window without closing it.

The windows left open have done great damage.

Second, never let anyone else use the knife.

Third, don't use it for base purposes - don't show it off, don't let it inflate your ego.

And lastly, keep it secret.

It mustn't fall into the wrong hands.

You have come here for a purpose, boy.

Maybe you don't know what that is, but you're brave.

And your friend here with the daemon is wise.

The knife will protect you.

But promise me that you will protect it, too.

I promise.

I sense you'll be a better bearer than I was.

Now go.

But without the knife the Spectres will get you.

Come with us, you'll be safe.

No, Will, I have fulfilled my duty.

The knife has been passed on.

You must find your own path now.

I'd like to meet my destiny in private.


Let him go.

Come on, we need to go.

Good evening, Miss.

MRS Coulter.

Yes, your friend is waiting for you.

Thank you.



You look well.

The north has always agreed with you.


Such a mysterious summons, Carlo.

What have you done?

Thank you.

It's Lyra.

I've found her.

She's in Oxford.

Just not this Oxford.

Asriel, always so insistent he be the first to do everything.

Busting his way through multiple worlds.

Some of us have found simpler, less dramatic doors.

Go on.

I've found a window, into another Oxford.

And to my surprise, Lyra was there.

I have her trapped, her and some boy that she was travelling with.


But you do realise that Lyra has a tendency to escape traps.

I made a bargain - that she and the boy acquire something for me.

Something that's beyond my reach.

They're fetching it now.

And when they return it to me, she's yours.

Oh, so, in fact, you don't have her at all?

I have something that's vital of hers.

Something vital?

She'll return.

Then she's mine.


A gift.

From me... you.

Very well, Carlo.

Take me to another world.

What is it?

Will, we need to go, come on.

Come on, Will, we need to go.

We need to go now, Will.

Come on.

SHE GASPS Stay with me and move quickly.


It's time for bed.



I'm not looking.

Coming up backwards.

I'm just bringing towels.

I'm so sorry, Will.

I'm so sorry.

I have to tell you something.

Before I lost the Alethiometer, it told me you were important - that you were connected to this place.

I think it meant The Knife.

Like Mr Paradisi said, you were chosen, Will, and that's because of the person you are.

So what do you want to do now?

We've got to get the Alethiometer back... we'll have to steal it.

Latrom's dangerous.

We'll do it.


Goodnight, Will Parry...

..Bearer of The Knife.

Goodnight, Lyra Silvertongue.

There she is!

She may not look like much.

Wait till you see her fly.

We'd better get a move on.

I'm sort of a wanted man around these parts.

The Magisterium is after me and they know I'm an aeronaut.

Anyway, I probably should've told you all that before.

Anyway, let's hope for good wind.

Just leave the winds to me.

Looks like our Shaman's all hat and no cattle.

We're going nowhere fast.


Shaman, remind me to add "aeronaut" to your list of accomplishments.

Lyra Silvertongue, we're on our way!

Let's try this again.

CHIMING Focus all attention on attention itself.

Don't project.


Right, OK.

Show me.

WHIRRING Ask a question.



Are you Shadows?


Are Shadows the same as Lyra's Dust?


And is dust Dark Matter?


So Dark Matter is conscious?


The mind that's answering these questions - it isn't human, is it?


But humans have always known us.

There's more than one of you?

Uncountable billions.

But what are you?




Angels are creatures made up of Shadow-matter, of Dust?


And Shadow-matter is what we call spirit?

From what we are, spirit.

From what we do, matter.

Matter and spirit are one.

You've always been there?




So does that mean Angels have intervened in human evolution?


But why?


BEEPING There's something out there.

Two, three, four incoming flying objects.

BARKING Witches!



Man the g*ns!