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06x13 - The Box

Posted: 12/23/20 08:37
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Scandal"...

Make no mistake, you are still a prisoner.

Jake Ballard is no longer an acceptable choice for Vice President.

We have a very short list.


I am confident you will handle the rest.

What's going on?

A drone entered White House airspace, sir...

Looks to be armed.

Principals secure in bunker five.

Someone needs to tell me what is happening.

The drone is ours.

We're running a play in order to take you back.

I'm done losing.

I'm naming my own VP.

I took Mellie back, and you are now our prisoner.

You can't take Olivia Pope.

Olivia Pope takes you.

This has been a very strange day.

I was certainly not expecting the call I got from President-Elect Grant this afternoon.

And I must admit, my first impulse was to say no to this appointment.

But once I realized it was real, something deep in my heart told me this was meant to be.

This was the opportunity to make my husband's death mean something, to heal myself and this nation.

What do we got?

NORAD is tracking eight bogies so far, Mr. President, each one over a metropolitan area.

They're up on the screen.

What are they?

High-end commercial drones modified to deliver a payload, sir.

They're not registered with the FAA, and they're being controlled by an untraceable radio signal.

The profile is similar to the one that landed on the south lawn today, but much scarier.

The technology has different markers, but it's the show of force that concerns me...

Eight at once.

Eight in this pattern...

It's a coordinated effort.

There's a ninth drone over Boston.

Make that nine.

A local news crew just spotted one over Boston.

Federal agents moved quickly to evaluate a drone that has entered the airspace over Boston.

This makes nine drones currently hovering over major US.

cities, including Chicago and Dallas.

Do you know about this?

Officials are trying to determine who is responsible for these unmanned aircraft...

which resemble the drone that landed on the south lawn of the White House earlier today.

Olivia Pope.

You have something that belongs to me.


Do you mean your associate?

I assure you, she's being given the same respect you gave our loved ones.

I mean Mellie Grant.

She's my President.

I'm going to need her back.

Listen to me...

No, you listen to me.

You people may have been able to protect your families, your loved ones, as you call them, but in doing so, you put the entire country at risk.

Your little stunt today with the drone...


Who could have imagined that one remote-controlled toy was capable of generating so much fear.

Imagine what nine could accomplish.

You're doing this.


But unlike yours, mine are fully armed and ready to blow.

So, here's what's going to happen next...

I will detonate the drones one by one at random intervals until my President and yes, my associate, as well, are released.

Unless, of course, you don't feel like gambling with the lives of thousands of Americans and would rather return them to me right now.

You're pushing, Peus.

We both know no one, not even you, has the resources to pull off what you're describing in the amount of time...

There's been an expl*si*n in Dallas, Mr. President.

Reports of casualties are coming in.

My God.

One down, Ms. Pope.

Eight to go.

I look forward to hearing from you.

I want the National Guard on the move.

Coordinate with local law enforcement on the immediate evacuation of the affected city centers.

And why isn't the Director of FEMA on the phone?

Someone get ahold of her, now!

Where's my air analysis over Dallas?

Report's coming in now, Mr. President.

Are the drones radioactive or what?

Unfortunately, we're not able to make that determination just yet.

There's still a very good chance there's more than a few chemical agents on board.

I need to know what we're dealing with.

I need answers, people...

Definitive ones.

Get some.

These horrific images are coming out of Dallas, where a b*mb exploded mere minutes ago.

First responders are just now starting to arrive to assess the situation, but as you can see, the blast hit several buildings and left many people injured, possibly dead.

Authorities are still trying to track down the ones responsible...

What are you doing?

Drink with me.

It's no DuBellay.

We are not drinking.

It's not even a '94 Chateau D'yquem.

Revolting, their selection.

We are at w*r.

There is a w*r happening out there.

All the more reason to have one last drink with your father, because that's what this is, Olivia.

One last, final drink before I go.

You are not going anywhere.

Says who?


The President?

That's funny.

So that's it?

You just want to run?

When did you become a man who runs away from anything?

When I stopped involving myself in affairs I have absolutely nothing to do with.

What about everything you built?

All that you've sacrificed?

Everything that you believe in?

I made my peace with those things long ago.

What about me?

You're free to join me.

I'm not.

I can't.

Why not?

Because I'm not done fighting.

I haven't even begun to make my peace.

Not yet.

Come upstairs with me.

So I can die?

Or worse, watch you die?


If you decide to stay here, if you do not leave with me, that is what will happen.

You will die.

I'll have them send down some better wine for you, Dad.


35 Americans dead, and that's just as of three minutes ago.

We need to locate Peus.

He's the one who's controlling the drones.

We find him, all this ends.

What if we tried tracing the call that Peus made to Liv?

Could we get his location from his signal?

Peus bounced it off of satellites over Russia, Argentina, Australia.

I've got my boys in the NSA working on it, but...

Unfortunately, we don't exactly have the luxury of time.

Peus could detonate another b*mb at any second.

These people...

They just want me.

I say...

We don't negotiate with t*rrorists, Mellie.

Rosen, what's the name of their front, that fake super PAC they have?

The Fund for American Renewal.

I want you to raid it... now.

We do still have an asset in our custody...

One who has the potential to lead us straight to Peus' doorstep.

Where's Peus?


Did something happen?

Oh, Samantha.

You... are a ghost.

Man after my own heart.

Threats are so much creepier when they come with a smile.

Oh, that wasn't a thr*at.

Just an observation.

We've been trying to figure out just who the hell you are for weeks.

You don't seem to have anything resembling a life or a past.

No high-school yearbook, no prom photo, not even an I.D badge from your first job at the Dairy Queen.

As far as the world knows, you don't exist.

I used to be the same way.


I need to find Peus.

I need you to tell me where he is.

You do that, I'll see to it that you go free.

You can hop on a boat, sail out to some island...


Well, that's just not gonna happen, is it?


It's a legitimate offer.

I doubt that.

But even if it were, I'm not a person who gets to disappear.

Far too valuable to my employer.

He makes it his business to know where I am every minute of every hour of every day.

The only way I disappear is by a b*llet.

Either yours or his.

And if I were to trust you?

If for some unfathomable reason, I were to help you?

He would track me all the way to that little island paradise, and then he'd probably just nuke the island.

I kind of hoped you might say that.

I'll send someone in with a Band-Aid.

Did you get it?

You really think you can use this thing to find Peus?

All I have to do is piggyback onto the carrier signal and follow it all the way back to its source location.

That means yes.

The President has worked out a very thorough disaster-relief plan.

I just haven't had a chance to connect with him on the specifics yet.

After I speak with the President, you'll be my first call, Mayor Barta.


Why are you here?

You mean in my office?

Instead of in the Oval with your boss, helping address this national crisis.

Well, I've called four mayors.

I have five more to go, and then a conference call with the House Armed Services Committee.

He's frozen you out, hasn't he?

Did you need something, Cyrus, or are you just here to annoy me?

Luna Vargas is asking for a briefing.

Press has been hounding her since we announced her, and now with the drones, I said she should talk to you.

But that was when I thought you actually knew something.

I'd be happy to.

Oh, Red, come on...

Get her in here!

She's the Vice President-Elect, and I'm the President's Chief of Staff.

The White House is speaking with Mayor Silachi now to assess his needs, while the President is actively working with the Joint Chiefs of Staff to de-escalate the situation.


Does that mean you know who's behind the att*cks?

This is an ongoing thr*at.

All tactical information is classified.


So, you're saying you do know, you just can't tell us?

What I'm saying is no comment.

Are there any other questions?

With only two more weeks in office, is the President worried that the string of att*cks will tarnish his legacy?

The President is only concerned about the safety of the American people at this time.

Next question?


How are we doing, General?

The UAVs are being reprogrammed to function in an urban environment.

We're almost there, Mr.


Any chance of knocking them out remotely?

They're being controlled by relay stations communicating with a central hub.

The only way to stop them all would be to find the central control location.

Ballard's working on that.

Sir, the drones are moving.

I should have his location in a couple of seconds.

No, no, no!

What's happening?

Something on the other end triggered a k*ll switch in the tracking chip's code.

It's shutting me out.



You're bothering me.

Am I?

This is two...

Two times you've challenged me.

Two insults.

We are going to find you, Mr. Peus, and when we do...

I'm curious...

When's the last time you visited the city of brotherly love?

What are they doing?

They're taking defensive positions, preparing for an att*ck.

I thought our Predators weren't ready.

Not our att*ck, sir.


The Philadelphia drone's heat signature is spiking.

Just stop.


My President-Elect and my associate, Ms. Pope.

I want them back.

That's the only way this stops.

I don't have that authority.

I'm not the President.

Aren't you?

The United States is not going to bend to the will of a t*rror1st.

That's a good line, though I don't believe it.

Mr. Peus...

Talk soon, Ms. Pope.


It's confirmed, sir.


The Philadelphia drone detonated.

Damn it!

If you are just joining us, we're following breaking news out of Philadelphia, where an expl*si*n was reported a few miles from the 30th Street train station.

While local emergency services are scrambling to mitigate this disaster, all eyes turn to the White House, hoping it can shed some light on this dire situation.

58 more casualties.

58 more American citizens dead because we can't find one man.

David Rosen on Line One.

Tell me you found Peus.

He's not in his home or his office.

We seized his computers.

Bunch of files.

Talked to his staff.

No indication of where he is or how he's operating the drones.

Okay, keep me posted.

Are we this incompetent?

It looks bleak right now...

Your father needs to start talking.

He's not going to.

He just wants to run.

That's unacceptable.

We are at w*r.

Fitz, those people controlled him.

b*at him.

He may not even know anything.

You believe that Rowan, master manipulator, spent six months c*ptive with these people and didn't cull anything useful?

Anything that could end this carnage?

Anything that could help save this nation in the final weeks of my Presidency?

Let's go.

I have no help to give, nor a desire to give it.

The only desire I have is to leave, run...

With my daughter.

Change your mind yet, Olivia?

I'm staying, Dad.

Because she's a patriot.

Is that meant to mean that I am not?!

Americans are dying!

Our country is under att*ck.

And because you've finally decided to pick your head up from the sandbox only to notice that the Republic is crumbling under your watch, I'm the one who's supposed to wipe your chin and clean your bottom and make you look like the leader of the free world?!


As far as I am concerned, you're one of them.

You assassinated Frankie Vargas.

The only reason you're not frying right now is because you can help.

Your threats to me do not change reality.

Game over.

They win.

You lose.

We need to find Peus.

Step these bombs.


You want me to pull you from the quicksand so that you can immediately tumble off the cliff?

You were working with them!

Let go!!


It's part of their plan, isn't it?

Fitz, let go.

Tell your boyfriend he is three seconds away from having both of his arms snapped in half!


The only thing that explains why you're sitting on the sidelines while the Republic is under att*ck is that you're working with them.

What about protecting the Republic?

Sacrificing for the Republic?

How many patriots have you m*rder*d in the name of the Republic?

There is no Republic!!

Look around!

The Republic?!

Is in ashes.

The Constitution is in shreds.

We, the people, have been suffocated by their bare hands!

This is every man for himself, and I very much intend to save myself.

That is my only concern!

What did they do to you?


The plan is to stay the course while we figure out where these drones are being controlled from and how we defuse them.

"Stay the course"?

So, do nothing?

Not nothing.

We're strategizing, gathering information.

Presenting a united front to the press while the President handles...

Mr. President.

We were just updating Mrs. Vargas on the situation.

Thank you.

Luna, could you excuse us for a moment?

Of course, sir.

Have the mayors been briefed?

All nine, sir.

I'd like them followed up with.

Every hour, on the hour.


What about FEMA?


The Federal Emergency...

I know what FEMA is, sir.

Then tell me you've dispatched them to Philadelphia.

I assumed you were speaking with Director Morrison from the Sit Room, that the agency was following your orders directly.

You assumed?

That's all I can do, sir, seeing how I haven't been present in any of the meetings.

It's fine.

I'll have someone else do it.

No, sir, I can do it.

All remaining responders will be sent to Philadelphia.

They'll arrive within the hour.

We sure we want to do that?

What are you thinking?

It's just...

we send all our federal responders to Dallas and Philadelphia tonight, we'll be in big trouble if, God forbid, those seven other whirligigs go off.

Might be better to ask the governors to send in local people for now, reassess the situation in the morning.


Cyrus, I want you with me.

I have a briefing I could use your help with.

You got a tie?

I think I can find one, sir.

Let's go.


You got a second?

So we've been going through the files we pulled from Peus' super PAC.

Has your father ever mentioned getting packages from them?




What is this?

Invoices for a courier service that made deliveries from the Fund for American Renewal to your father's work space, 23 boxes in total, each addressed to your father, each delivered separately over several weeks.

He never mentioned them?


Do you mind if I keep these?


This Samantha woman...

she isn't talking?


Let me amend that.

She's talking a lot, she's just not saying anything useful.

Maybe it's time to get creative.

By "creative," you mean what I think you mean, no.

There are seven more bombs, sir.

Seven more cities that could suffer losses.

Yes, and if this were Abu Ghraib, I'd say, by all means, pull out her fingernails, but this is the White House.

She's on White House grounds, and if we're going to spit on the Constitution in the White House, we lose the right to say we're better than them.

I see he hasn't changed.

What do we know about this woman?

Loves cats, hates democracy.

I'm only half-kidding.

Does she have a TV?

Anything in her cell?

Wherever you're keeping her, does she have access to the news?




This is perfect.


She knows nothing.

In a cell, your TV, your radio...

It's your world.

We can tell her anything.

She'll have no way of confirming it.

Come on.

You can't be serious with this crap.

I'm serious.

We have Peus.

No, you don't.

We do.

Picked up his car on satellite, sent a tail to track him, and followed him to the drone control center.

Our intent was to follow him all the way, grab him, and neutralize the drones all at once, but his driver realized he was being tailed, so we had to move in sooner than we wanted.

I liked it better when you were digging transmitters out of my neck with a pen Kn*fe.

That was fun.


Asking me to believe this fish story?

I honestly don't care whether you believe me.

I just came here to let you know we're offering him immunity in exchange for the control-center location.


And let me guess, you're willing to offer me the same if I talk before he does.


What do you mean, "Nope"?

Well, I'll say it again slowly.

We have Peus.

I don't need you at all.


Then why are you here?


I'm here because I asked to be.

I'm here because I don't like you.

I'm here because I wanted to be the one to tell you we took Peus and that you're never going to see daylight again.

I'm here to enjoy the exact moment when it sinks in that you are completely and royally screwed.

Thank you.



Just wait.

You're better off giving me the deal.



Here's why.

Offer it to Peus, all you're getting is the drones.

You're not getting names.

You're not getting bank accounts.


I can get that for you.

Give me his deal...

I'll give you everything.

How's it going out there?

Do you still have the surveillance video from my father's dinosaur room?



My father received a package from Peus every two or three days starting the day after the election.

I want to know what they were sending him.


What's inside?

I don't know.

I don't have a good angle on it.

What did he get on the 10th?

I don't get it.

Is the box empty?

Whatever it is, it scares him.

A brick?

Why would Peus send my father a brick?

Let me see the invoices.

It's for the weight.

Every box weighed the same...

11 pounds.

What does it mean?

She's agreed to sign the immunity deal...


Yes, but she wants you to deliver it.


This is a good thing.

Do I have to be nice to her?

Be any way you want to be.

Just keep your wits about you.

Do not get too close to her.

Do not let her touch you.

Do you think you can do that?


This is the deal?

That's the deal.

You give us everything you promised, we put an end to all of this madness.

I sign this immunity agreement, you go free.



Samantha, I'm afraid they're gonna change their minds.


I'm sorry?

My name is Grace.

Grace Dennis.

That's my name.

My real name.

You actually have a real name?

I actually do.

It says Samantha on the forms, but I want this done right.

I'll make sure that's corrected.


This is...

I don't know how to say this.


can we start over?

We don't have a lot of time.

I'll make sure the changes are implemented later.


You and me.

You and me?

You and me.

Let's start over.

I mean, you know my real name now.

So it's a start.

You m*rder*d Elizabeth North.

I know!

I know I've done terrible things, but...

She was my friend, and you m*rder*d her.

I was doing my job.

Your job?

Your job?

Listen to me when I tell you this.

I hate you.

All of this, this "you and me"...

That was me doing my job.

Everything I've done with you, everything I've done to you, has been...

I've wanted to puke every minute of every day, but I've persevered in the interest of seeing you pay.

You've been pretending?

I've been pretending.

You hate me?

I hate you.

Don't do that.

What are you doing?!

I used to think you were just twitchy.

But I get it.

It's a tell.

This is all a bluff.

You don't have Peus.

You don't have anything.


You're wrong.


You twitch when you lie.

But during that little speech of yours, you didn't twitch at all, because you meant that.

You are actually all hurt and upset about that disgusting woman.

You better hope that I never get out of here, David Rosen.

I don't have to hope, because you never will.

Am I twitching now?

My father's not working with them.

How do you know?

They're sending him boxes.

Every three days, a box with a large brick inside shows up.

A brick?


I don't know.

But each time one arrives, he gets more and more agitated.

They mean something to him, something terrible.

A box?

With a brick in it?

I know it sounds crazy.

But, somehow, my father is being controlled for the first time in his life.

I need to talk to him again.


You think about your legacy much?

Worry about it?

I do.

I worry.

Always have.

And at times like these, Americans are dying right now, and there's nothing I can do about it.

This will be my legacy.

Eight years in office.

All history will remember me for is the body count.

And your sex scandal.

And that.

I could have done better.

I could have been better.

I know that.


good for you for learning something.

Are we done?

Rowan, I know...

about the boxes they sent you.

Do you?

They sent you a box every few days.

Random days, no pattern to it.

Same weight every time.

A brick inside every time.

I know.

You know nothing.

You're as ignorant as a toddler playing with a handgun, so you need to cease speaking.

I know they were trying to scare you, trying to blackmail you, take your sense of control away somehow.

I have never been in control of my own life.


Never at any step.

I think I am, but, really, I am surrounded by people who are experts at pulling strings and making me think I am in control.

What I'm saying is that...

you have taken so much from me, and still...

I admire you.

You are not in control?

That's what makes you just like me?

That's what makes you know?

You never wanted control.

You don't know what control is.

You are so...

And she loves you.


Let me explain something to you.

You will never truly understand freedom because you've never been in chains.

No one has systematically oppressed you, worn you down, kept your deepest fears alive and well 24 hours a day!

No one has ever broken you!!

Random days.

A box, always 9 to 11 pounds.

A brick inside every time.

Sent just for me.

And they were very clear.

I should be grateful to be serving them because the day I was no longer helpful or cooperative was the day...

The human head weighs 9 to 11 pounds, the same as one of those bricks.

If I stopped cooperating, if they thought I was not behaving...

there would be a severed head in that box.

That head would be Olivia's.

You know nothing.

And we are not alike in any way.

But you could take them down...


This is your chance.

You can't let them win.

I joined the CIA in the '70s.

Nixon was out.

Conservatism was in.

Look at me.

I was a black man with a short Afro.

A perfect sh*t.

I could code, speak eight languages.

Women loved me.

I was something.

They were nervous about it.

The halls of the U.S.

government shook at the thought of a black man with that much power.

No matter what they did to stop me, I still climbed all the way to the top.

Nothing could stop my rise.

That was then.


I'm a father incapable of protecting my own daughter.


Olivia is what you're best at.

That is what you do.

You say you protect the Republic, but, really, she is your Republic.

She is your legacy.

How do you want history to remember her?

Thanks for the drink.

Evacuations are under way in all the affected cities, and perimeters are in place, sir.


Where are my Predator drones, General?

Armed and ready for launch.

But there's been a complication, sir.

As the Philadelphia drone blew, the rest shifted closer to nearby buildings, invalidating our f*ring solution.

If we hit the drones now, without a clean f*ring solution, there's a chance the collateral damage from our missiles will be worse than the bombs themselves.

We need more time, Mr.


We're out of time, General.

Then we go now.

Our pilots will do their best to avoid collateral damage.

It's your call, sir.


They want us to make a mistake.

Let me know when it's safe to take them out, General.

Yes, sir.

Tell me the latest number again.


19 of them were children.


Am I actually gonna bend to a group of t*rrorists?


You're not.

You can't.

I can.

I did.

I guess the real question is, will I do it again?


I gave the t*rrorists everything they asked for with West Angola, Liv.

They had you.

And I had no choice.

You're not gonna make that mistake again.

She's the mother of my children.

Which is exactly why you can't bend by handing her back to them.

You think it's the booze that's making all of this feel that much crazier?

Should we stop drinking?

All this would feel crazy either way, so, no, we shouldn't.

This isn't the way I envisioned our last two weeks together.

Me neither.

Mr. President.

He'd like to see you.

- I'm sorry to interrupt.

- Dad.

Can I have a moment with the president alone, sweetheart?

Of course.

You came here for another drink?

I'm here...

to apologize...

and to help.

I think I know how to make Samantha talk.

I know how difficult this must be.

I want you to know we will keep you safe.

Fitz will keep you safe.

Olivia, I'm sorry.

You have nothing to be sorry for.

I'm afraid I do.

- Hey, hey!

- Dad!

Uncuff Ms. Wagner.

Your prisoner...

Remove her cuffs!


Dad, what are you doing?

What's going on, Eli?

What is this?

I'm leaving the country.

I need my freedom.

I need a guarantee that I will be left alone, that your people will leave me alone.

If you can give me that, I will take you with me... right now.

If not, you stay.

The passcode for the tunnels...

What is it?

There are no tunnels.


Don't play me for a fool, son.

There's an exit to the tunnels just down the hall.

I need the passcode!


Now or never.

Do you have the authority to guarantee my freedom, or don't you?


I don't.

But you get me out of here, and I'll get you that guarantee.


Don't do this, Dad.


I told you I was running.




This way.


What's happening?

Why all the commotion?

Not now, Red.

Is Fitz in there?

What's he doing?

He's waiting for me.


Cyrus, whatever's going on, let me in there with you.

I can help.

Why should I let you in?

Because you asked nicely?

You don't ask to go to the Oval.

Okay, I came clean.

I apologized.

And now you're trying to take my job.

Haven't I been punished enough?

Nobody's punishing you, Red.

You're punishing yourself.

We're just doing our jobs.

Nobody's trying to take yours.

You're giving it up.

You want back in?

Don't ask.

Prove that you deserve it.

Get back in.

I heard about Rowan.

Mellie, I don't know what to say.

They have k*lled so many people.

If this goes on any longer, they will k*ll more.

And the only reason they are doing it is to get what they want, which is me as their puppet.

You are not going back to them.

I have already called a car to the South Portico.

It's over.

It's not over.


It's not over!

You have never been and never will be anyone's puppet.

You are about to be the first female president of the United States.

Do you have any idea how incredible that is?

How impossible?

They almost handed this job to a man who had been in prison over giving it to you.


Because a woman in power is a nasty woman...

a woman who needs to be put in her place.

That is what Peus and Samantha want to do.

They don't give a crap about what you've sacrificed to get here...

Every drop of blood, bead of sweat, and falling tear.

They just want to turn you into a figurehead.

And I will be damned if they turn the most powerful person in the world into some princess whose only power lies in a wave or a smile.

This is not their White House.

It's ours.

And neither one of us is leaving without a fight.


You done good, ole boy.

I didn't do it to earn your praise.

I did it to be free...

From them, from you.

So, we're clear.

The boxes stop.

And when I'm gone, I'm gone.

And I never hear from you again.

I earned this!


Make the arrangements.

Congratulations, Eli.

You've been emancipated.

He's on the move.

You here for another drink?

I'm here to apologize...

and to help.

I think I know how to make Samantha talk.

You think you can break her?

I'll do better.

I'll gain her trust.


Uncuff Ms. Wagner.

Your prisoner...

Remove her cuffs!


Dad, what are you doing?

I'll force a meeting with Peus, let him lead us to the drones.

Congratulations, Eli.

You've been emancipated.

He's on the move.

That's where you come in.

Roger that.

Who's next...



You're next.

And once Jake's taken care of Peus, what happens to Samantha Wagner?

Cash, passport, condoms...

Everything you'll need for Zanzibar or wherever.


What's in the box?

A tooth, for her.

The last piece of the puzzle.

It must have come while we were detained.

Well, here.

Have a look.

It's empty.



This is freedom.

As abruptly as it began, the crisis has come to an end.

According to reports from the cities under siege, all remaining drones have been neutralized.

Evacuation orders have been lifted in those cities, while emergency relief efforts continue in Philadelphia and Dallas.

While the origin of the drones remains a mystery...

It's over.

The president is expected to address the nation shortly.

For now, however, the worst seems to be behind us.

While the rubble is cleared in Philadelphia and Dallas, residents in those two cities say they have been overwhelmed by the support of their fellow Americans.

Vigils are planned across the country tomorrow night to mourn the victims of the att*cks, but also to celebrate the heroes who opened their homes, contributed to the relief efforts, and provided valuable intel to the White House.

Mayors Silachi and Barta will meet in Washington Wednesday night to honor several of those men and women.

That's it.

There you are.

You made it.

You survived.