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07x04 - This Isn't Charity

Posted: 12/24/20 08:31
by bunniefuu
What's your story?

If we're gonna be partners, I need to know.

I was a surgical resident.

I cheated on my boards and got kicked out.

Good to see you, man.

Good to see you, Ritter.

Hey, maybe you noticed I'm not with Engine 37 anymore.

You'll get a permanent assignment soon enough.

I have a suggestion for your Engine Lieutenant.

I won't let Jerry Gorsch call the sh*ts.

You need to make the best choice for the house.

I am proud to announce Christopher Herrmann will be taking over as the next Lieutenant on Engine 51.

Those bugles look good on you...


They feel good.


What do you got going on today?

You plan on just hanging out around here?

Unless we get a call.

Well, yeah, but no plans to..

go to headquarters, the supply people, giving expert testimony, you know, nothing like that?

What's up?

One of my best friends from high school is in town.

- Yeah?

- Yes.

And I really want you to meet him.

I mean, he's basically like my twin brother.


he's the best.

You're gonna love him.

Let me know when he gets here.

I will.

Empty every length of 2 1/2 out of the hose bed and flake it off down the apron.

Hey, Herrmann.

Maybe you forgot, but we dropped the lines last shift.

And then they were used on two calls.

Drop 'em again.

You're a real ball-buster, Lieutenant.

It's standard procedure to inspect the hose beds every shift.

They know that.

He's just testing the new guy to see what he can get away with.

Maybe they don't like taking orders from someone coming off truck.

Nobody likes taking orders, period.

My youngest decided that he wanted to go to school today dressed as Spider-Man.

I told him to change and he threw a tantrum.


And I didn't have time to argue, so he went to school dressed as Spider-Man.

Engine 51, Truck 81.

All right, let's break it and go.



Primary search on one.

Kidd, with me.

All right, it looks like a one-roomer.

Let's get a quick hit on it.

Grab the crosslay.

Let's go.


Fire department, call out!

Fire department, call out!

Clear the doorway.

Heads up, Captain, - we'll knock it down for you!

- Go!

Fire department!

Call out!

We got one!

Sir, can you hear me?

Truck 81 has an adult male, bringing him out the A-side.

Is he breathing?

I don't know.

Let's turn him over.

On three.

One, two, three.

I got a pulse.

Let's get him in.

What the hell happened to him?

Those weren't thermal burns.


Let's get ready for overhaul.

Looks like something exploded in here.

Don't smell any gas.

Should we get the monitor just in case?

This wasn't gas.

The appliances are all still intact.

This looks like the blast point.

V-pattern, upward and outward.

Curtains caught fire and then it spread from there.

Guy's hands were missing, which means that he could have been holding whatever exploded.

Could be a homemade pipe b*mb.

Yeah, these are charred on the inside.

This was the b*mb casing.

Well, it looks like he tried to put the fire out.

This is from the extinguisher.

But, uh, where's the canister?

That's not from a fire extinguisher.

That's from a grenade.

81 to Main requesting b*mb Squad and police response at 982 North Alfred.

b*mb Squad?

A grenade exploded.

For all we know, there's more inside.

Nobody goes back in.

You got it, Captain.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What are you doing, Barnes?

Re-bedding the supply line.



Reconnect to the hydrant first and fill up the booster t*nk.

We can fill up at 51.

What if we get another call on the way back, huh?


Missed you at the picnic.

Yeah, sorry about that.

Who's this, huh?

Oh, this is Tuesday.

I adopted her a few weeks ago.

You know why Dalmatians are firefighter dogs, don't you?

Yeah, they were bred to run with horses.

That's right.

And now, they get to be lazy and ride in trucks and eat treats all day, don't you?

Yeah, you do.



She knows "sit" and "stay." But that's about it.

Eh, she's young.

She'll learn.

You bring her to work with you then?

Puppies are 24/7.

Uh, nah.

I've been staying home with her, you know, while I look for a new job.

I quit the CFD.

That's why I didn't go to the picnic.

Are you sure that's what you want?

I mean, maybe if you keep floating, you'll find the right fit somewhere.

I'm sure.

But I really appreciate all the advice you gave me.

And for believing in me.

So I brought you a present to say thanks.

My uncle gave this to me when I joined the department.

But now...

Oh, I can't accept this.

I don't want the reminder and I don't want to throw it away.

I want you to have it.

See you around, Mouch.

Hey, come on.

Leave it.

Come on.

Hey, Chief, uh...

I don't want to jinx a no-hitter, but I haven't seen Gorsch around lately.

What gives?

Said he'd be gone all week.

Didn't feel the need to say why.

Maybe he's backing off?

No, too much to hope for.


How's things going on the engine?

Hell of a first call as a new Lieutenant.

Eh, the fire was contained.

We knocked it out pretty quick, so...

So far so good.

That's great.

'Cause I ruffled a few feathers passing over Gorsch's brother-in-law, so...

We need a smooth transition.

Thank you.


You any good at those?


I'm looking for Stella Kidd.

You must be Tyler.


Kelly Severide.


The boyfriend.


You're one lucky dude, man.

I think Kidd's in the kitchen grabbing something to eat.

Follow me.

Oh, you made it!


It's good to see you.

Oh, you too.

God, oh, and you two met!

- Yeah.

- I missed it.

Ah, well.

Everyone, this is Tyler.

This is my best friend from high school.

- Hey, Ty.

- Hey.

So you're the ones keeping Stella Kidd in line these days, huh?

No way, that's a full-time job.

Don't I know it.

She is trouble with a capital T.

Hey, come on, now.

I got a reputation to maintain, all right?


You guys want to see some photos?

You don't have to ask twice.

All right, good.

I came prepared.


This is us freshman year.



And this is at my parents' lake house.


We look like babies.



I got a good one.

This is Stella's prom photo.


I thought I looked so badass.

I dyed my hair green once for St.

Paddy's day.

When I had hair.

Yeah, every guy in the school wanted to take Stella to the prom, including me.

But she crushed my soul and went with Russell Collins.

Okay, shut up.

You were dating Gina Gomez and you were whipped.

Ambulance 61, person injured.

1723 North Lincoln Avenue.

Wait, you don't gotta go, do you?

No, that's just for ambo.

But you can go ahead and give me that phone...

Oh, no, no, no.

'Cause this trip down memory lane is officially done.

Right this way.

She fell off the bars and landed on her shoulder.

What's her name?


Tough kid.

She's pretty mad at herself.

She rarely makes mistakes.

Oh, thank God.

What took you so long?


We heard you took a pretty nasty fall.

My stupid hand slipped.

Is it just your shoulder that hurts?

I heard something snap.

But that doesn't mean anything, right?

Maybe it's just dislocated?

Are you her mom?


She has regionals this weekend.

She has to compete.

She's ranked second right now.

Okay, well, let's see if that's even possible.

Excuse me.

- Amanda.

- Fine.

Let the paramedics do their work.


It hurts.

We just need to take a quick look.

How bad is it?

Don't worry, Erika.

You are in good hands.

You are gonna be back on those bars in no time.

You were really sweet with her.

Do you have a younger sister?




I'm on my way to see a patient.

Erika Curtis?

We just brought her in with a fractured clavicle.

She's a gymnast.

- Okay?

- I examined her in the ambulance on the way over.

She has the muscle mass of someone twice her age.

And, considering the severity of the break, appears to have low bone-density.

It's all signs of someone who's taking performance-enhancing dr*gs.

She's how old?


I know what I saw.

Any substances she's using would show up in a blood test.

We're not testing a 12-year-old girl for PEDs when she was brought in with a clavicle fracture.

You can attribute that test to something else.

Anemia, thyroid function, whatever you want.

And risk a lawsuit based on the hunch of a paramedic?

What's going to happen when they see it on their bill?

Look, I can barely get the tests I need approved as it is.


I hope you don't think I was getting on your case just for kicks, all right?

All these standard procedures that we're supposed to follow, they were created for a reason, all right?



I don't need you to like me.

But I need you to do what I say.

We need to be a team.


No problem.

Okay, good.

We're good, then.

Hey, you...

Why don't you ever come into Molly's?

You should stop by.

I usually play darts down the street.

Yeah, we got a dart board.

But listen, I tell you what.

Why don't you and the guys come over when shift's done and I'll give you 10% off all your drinks.

Yeah, sure.

All right.


Oh, and just to be clear, that's 10% off all domestic beers and well drinks only.


We were all out of jalapenos so I had to use banana peppers.

I cannot vouch for the taste.

It is completely untested.

- I'll make a sandwich.

- Smart move.

So you show up to put out a fire and find some guy who blew himself up...

- Mm-hmm.

- With a grenade.

Is that normal?

Uh, there is no normal in the CFD.

Stella Kidd.

Who would have thought the girl doing gravity bongs on our senior trip to Vegas would become a bona fide hero?

And look damn good doing it too.

Oh, my God.

Well, enough about me.

How about you?

Are you still scouting for Baylor?

Oh, yeah.


Yeah, I'm checking out a sophomore running back at Phillips this afternoon, which reminds me.

I gotta head out.


Oh, come on.

Hey, I'm in town for the weekend.

Why don't we just grab dinner one night?

Yes, hell yes.


Because we have tons more to catch up on.


And I just...

I want you and Kelly to hang out some, you know?

Just, like, get to know each other better.

Yeah, that'd be cool.


We'll figure something out.


What do you think of Kidd's friend?

I think you should go clean the driver's side compartment.

What's the deal with you and that doctor?

The deal is he's a prick.

He's not wrong, though.

Hospitals get sued all the time.

He can't just make up a reason to test her blood.

I gave him a reason.

We went to residency together in Lakeshore and I got better reviews.

He doesn't want me to be right.

Gymnasts peak at what, 14?

Did you notice how worried her mother was when she was going into regionals in second place?

As if that wasn't good enough.

She could have been in shock.

Or maybe she wants her daughter to win so badly that she's giving her steroids.

Truck 81, Ambulance 61, expl*si*n, Union Park.

You know what happened here?

Couple of teenagers threw something that exploded and then took off.

What exploded?

Whatever it was, my ears are still ringing.

Lady over here got hit by something.

- Brett, Foster.

- Yep.

Guys, back up.

Give us some room, folks.

- Back up.

- Give us some room.

Okay, where does it hurt?

Do you have any other injuries?

Just my leg.

Something hit it.

- Keep pressure on it.

- Mm-hmm.

Said whatever exploded went off around here.


Come check this out.

Another grenade?

Two grenades in the same area on the same day is not a coincidence.

What do you think's going on?

It could be anything from terrorism to teenagers pulling YouTube pranks.

Well, it doesn't seem like the woman in the park was targeted, just unlucky.

She got hit with some shrapnel.

And for all we know, this morning could have been a su1c1de.

The victim was holding onto the grenade.

Maybe he wanted to go out with a bang.

But we can't ask him.

He's still in critical.

In the meantime, we sent fragments from both scenes to the lab.

We'll see if the grenades are the same type.

We might be able to ID them, get lucky.

But it's a long shot.

Yeah, did you get a chance to talk to anybody who got a good look at those teens?

All we know is they were Caucasian males, around 15, 16 years old.

Well, the city's covered in cameras.

We'll see what we can find.

Yeah, we'll get the story out to the media, too.

Maybe we'll get somebody on the tip line.

Appreciate the info, Chief.

- Here if you need us.

- All right.

All right, we're done here.

So let's just gather up some supplies and then head back...

Mrs. Curtis?

Oh, no.

Just trying to get these forms filled out.

How's Erika doing?

They say she'll be in surgery another few hours.

It's just they have to put a metal plate on her collarbone.

It's really a routine procedure these days.

There's not much to worry about.

Yeah, they have really great doctors here, too, so we should really get going.

I just have a few questions for you about Erika.

- Okay.

- Do you know what PEDs are?

- Foster...

- Performance-enhancing dr*gs?

They build muscle fast and increase the blood's oxygen-carrying capacity for optimal performance, but they also have devastating long-term side effects, especially on a 12-year-old girl.

What exactly are you saying?

That my daughter is doping?

Erika would never do that.

She is a hard worker.

She practices twice - every day.

- Excuse me.

What are you doing, Emily?

Um, we were just asking about Erika.

So glad to hear that the surgery's going well.

You cannot just go accusing someone like that.

That's not how this works.

I wanted to see her reaction.

Okay, you are not a doctor anymore, Foster.

You're a medic.

Once we hand over the patient, we have to step aside.

What if I can't?

Police are on the lookout for two teenagers who were spotted fleeing the park before the expl*si*n.

You can't see a thing in that photo.

Can't they, uh, zoom and enhance?

Sure, if you want it to get blurrier.

I used to say the streets of Chicago were a w*r zone but this is ridiculous.

CPD says they were MK-2 hand grenades which haven't been used since Vietnam.

How do a couple teenagers in Chicago get ahold of one of those?

Hey, what's going on in here?


Just taking a bathroom break.


You guys finish scrubbing down those nozzles already?

Yes, sir.

They're good to go.

Who did this, huh?

What are you looking at me for?

Anyone could have stolen those out your locker.

Okay, I get it.

Hazing the new guy, huh?

All right.

Gluing my bugles in the urinal?


I guess this means that it's my turn to prank you then, huh?

Go grab your toothbrushes.

Meet me out on the floor.

I think those nozzles need a second scrub-down.

Come on, Herrmann.

Where's your sense of humor?

Lieutenant Herrmann.

Show me some damn respect.

I am so glad you got to meet Tyler.

I wish he could have hung out longer, though.

You two barely got to talk.

Maybe next time.

Well, uh, when he was leaving, he mentioned inviting me and some of our old friends to his lake house for the weekend.

We used to go up there in high school, rage, no parental supervision.

It was just crazy fun.

- Good memories.

- Huh.


what is "huh"?

Do you not want me to go?

What is this?

What is this with you and Tyler?

You didn't even try to get to know him.

He's in love with you.

We're friends.

I mean...

you maybe.

But he's got his eye on more.

If you want to go, go.

But I'm right about this.

Hey, I'm just about to start restocking the ambo...

Uh-huh, I'll be out in one minute.

"Anabolic Steroids in Sports." Look, I get it.

You don't think I know what I'm talking about, or maybe you don't trust me because I told you I cheated on the boards.

But that had nothing to do with my instincts.

I was a damn good doctor.

I don't doubt it.

But that's not this job.

I just want to help that little girl.

Yeah, well, let me know.

Yep, anything you need.

Hey, Chief, uh, you got a sec?



What's on your mind, Lieutenant?

Oh, it's not a big deal.

It's, a...


personnel issue.

Sit down.

Go on.

I'm not here to rat anybody out or anything.

I'm just hoping for some advice.

I wanted to do a good job, make you feel like you made the right decision promoting me, so I got some books on leadership.

And they all say, "Emotional stability is an important trait for an effective leader." But, uh, to be honest, Chief, um...

I'm about to lose it on this guy.


Okay, here's my advice.

Forget what the damn books say.

Go with your gut.

I promoted you because I trust you to make the right call.

So go do what you gotta do.

Excuse me, sir?


Can I help you, ma'am?

I didn't know where else to go.

Maybe you'll know what to do with these?


Whoa, careful.

Don't want to drop these.

They're heavier than they look.

Where'd you get them?

They were my late husband's.

I saw on the news - that a grenade exploded.

- Uh-huh.

Figured I should turn them in.

What's going on?


Cruz, clear everyone off the floor.

Yeah, no problem.


I'll keep an eye on these till the b*mb Squad gets here.


look old.

Could be unstable.

Shouldn't we evacuate?

Blast radius shrinks to a few feet with a Kevlar vest around it.

I got this.

Ma'am, right this way.

Yeah, thanks.

See you soon.


So, uh, police are on their way.

They're gonna have some questions for you.

I figured they might.

Where'd your husband get the grenades?

I'm not sure.

He fought in Vietnam.

Collected all kinds of memorabilia.

After he passed, I decided to move.

I had a garage sale to get rid of all the clutter.

I thought they were replicas.

I never would have sold any if I thought they were real.

How many grenades did you sell?

Looked like three were missing.

That's right.

There was a bald man, a young man who lived down the street, and a boy I'd never seen before.

Did you get the boy's name?

Okay, everyone, settle down.


I'm sure you've heard by now there is another grenade in the neighborhood.

CPD is on the case, but now 51 is going to help.

We're putting up fliers, making phone calls, and posting on social media to warn people the grenade is real.

But also to find the boy who has it.

Couldn't all this talk of a grenade cause a panic?

A little panic is in order.

The boy is around 11 or 12 years old.

He arrived on foot alone, which means he most likely lives in the area.

Each unit will have a street to canvass along with some schools and playgrounds.


Let's get a move on.

Time is of the essence.


I, uh, I thought about it a lot and I'm not going to the lake this weekend.

- No?

- No.

You know, I got to catch up with Tyler today, and, uh, you know, you and I have been talking about going to Buddy Guy's.

- You sure?

- Yeah.


That's 500, let's go.

All right.

All right, hey, 51!

Let's go find this kid.

And keep it serious, guys.

We got a Lieutenant with no sense of humor.

What was that again, Barnes?

See what I mean?

Okay, you know what?

If being a firefighter is such a big joke to you, don't worry about coming out with us.

Oh, hey, relax.

I was just yanking your chain.

Oh yeah?

You know what?

I already filled it out.

You know what they say, Barnes?

One bad apple can spoil the bunch.

I need you guys to work together like a well-oiled machine.

So when we go out on a call at 3:00 am and lives are at stake, we don't make mistakes.

That is why we do drills.

And follow standard procedure, right?

And that is why I am transferring you out of 51.

Go clean out your locker and be gone by the time I get back.

Oh, come on.

Are you serious?

Let's roll out.


If you see anything, give us a call.

Thanks a lot.

Yeah, so if you happen to see anything like that, feel free to give that a call, okay?

Thank you so much for stopping, sir.

If you see anything, just please call the number on the bottom, all right?

I know it sounds crazy, but it's true.

We're looking for the little boy who bought it.

We think he lives in the area.

Please call the number on the flier if you hear anything.

Hey, it's someone from the hospital.


Amanda, hi.

It's Erika's mom.

I hit every house on the block.

Nobody knows about any kid with a grenade.

So we hit the next block.

And then the next.

He's around here somewhere.

- We have to find him and fast.

- Okay.

Hey, man.

Is this for real?


You know something about it?


Nobody's in trouble.

But whoever has that grenade is in serious danger.

So if you know something, anything...

Kyle Buchanan has it.

Do you know where Kyle is?

Right now?

They're filming a movie in his backyard.

It's the last house down the alley.

You did good.

We have a positive ID and location on the boy.

Heading there now.

Get me an address.

I'll call b*mb Squad and CPD to meet us there.

Okay, you're advancing now.



Kyle, they've got you pinned down.

Throw the grenade!


Kyle, freeze!


The grenade is real, Kyle.

But it won't go off unless you release the handle.

So keep a tight hold on it.


You're doing great, Kyle.

Just take a deep breath.

Try to relax.

We'll do this slowly.


So we don't release the handle.

All right.




Get down!


I just want to say...

I should have had your back.

My old partner was my best friend.

I always knew where she was coming from, what she was thinking.

I don't...

I don't really know you.


But you're my partner now.

And I should have had your back...

from the start.

Just so you know, I got yours.

Let's do this.

Um, sorry to interrupt.

Uh, we were here earlier for Erika?

Uh, yeah.

How's she doing?

It was a pretty bad break, but the surgeons put a plate in to help it heal properly.

Good to hear.

Yeah, I've been training Erika since she was seven.

She's a natural.

It's a shame about her injury.

She was on her way to first place at regionals.

You must be so disappointed.

Did you know she was on performance-enhancing dr*gs?


- Not Erika.

- I'm afraid so.

Her blood showed traces of oxymethalone and oxandrolone.

Wow, are...

Are you sure?


Wow, I had no idea.


'Cause it would have required daily injections from someone who knew how to administer the correct dosage.

Not to mention tracking the stuff down and paying for it.

And you trained Erika almost every day, right?

I give her B12 injections.

Perfectly legal.

So when the cops search your office, that's what they'll find?

You called the cops?

Okay, you two can get out of my gym now.



Here, guys.

This is outrageous.

I haven't done anything wrong.

You have nothing to worry about, then.

How oblivious could I be?

This man was drugging my daughter.

She'll be okay.

Erika's strong.

She'll recover quickly.

You tried to tell me, but I wouldn't listen.

It's not easy to believe that a coach would do something like this to a kid.

Thank you for not giving up.

It's because of you the doctor ran a blood test.

No, that was all my partner.

They used to work together.

He knows how smart she is.

What's gonna happen to my coach?

Well, he's in trouble.

Those weren't just B12 sh*ts he was giving you.

I know.

Did you know that stuff is hurting your body?

It makes me stronger.

I need it to win.

Yeah, I used to think that winning was everything too.

And if I wasn't the best, or the top of my class, I was nothing.

And trust me when I say thinking like that...

it's a fast train right into a brick wall.

Or a hospital bed.

I've been here too.

But you, you got talent, girl.

And let that lift you up and make you feel good and then you can have fun.

I bet if you do that, you'll go as far as you want.


Well, look at that.

Barnes finally did what I asked.

But now I'm a man down.

Gorsch will probably have a relative to recommend.

What if I can help with that?

Hey, Kelly.

What's up?

I'm just looking for Stella.

Is she around?


Left a while ago.

Thought you were heading to your buddy's party.

Yeah, I am.

Just wanted to check in with her before I left.

You know, funny thing is, at first she was supposed to join me.

Seemed real excited about it too, then...

out of the blue she just cancels.

Maybe she changed her mind.


You know, I'd hate to think somebody changed it for her.

Now, just so you know, Kelly, I might be leaving Chicago, but I'll never be out of her life.

Nina, would you like me to get you a clean glass?

Oh, I doubt there's a clean one back there.

The three-sink method most bars use can actually leave the glass dirtier than it was before being washed.

Oh, no, that's okay.

The alcohol kills the germs.

Oh, a common misconception.

Even 80-proof vodka isn't enough to k*ll off disease-causing bacteria.

Okay, there is Zac Harmon tonight at 9:30, or we could wait till tomorrow and see Lurrie King at 10:00.

Your call.


You're just gonna not offer an opinion?

At all?

Either's fine with me, that's all.


Lurrie King.


Do you want another beer?

Yes please.

- Herrmann!

- Yep.

_ Hey.

Mouch has a lot of good things to say about you.

Any of it true?

I think Mouch is a really good guy, but I told him already, I turned in my resignation.


I trust Mouch's opinion as much as I trust my own.

So if he says that you got what it takes, then I believe it.

You said that?

Well, sure.

Hey, Ritter.

This isn't charity.

I'm looking out for my friend here.

He needs someone he can count on.

Come on, kid.

What do you say?


All right!

Hey, let's get a beer over here for my buddy Ritter.

Hey, on the house.

That's the last time you'll ever hear those words.


I don't get it.

Why are you doing all this for me after I froze up in that stairwell?

Because you got back up.

And getting back up, that's the hard part.

Take it from someone who's been there.


I'm gonna do you proud, Mouch.

You damn well better.

Welcome to 51, Ritter.