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05x06 - Air Drop

Posted: 12/25/20 09:42
by bunniefuu










The C-130 Liberty One will depart Naval Air Station Key West at 2200 hours.

Lima team, partnered Navy/Marine Corps, will air-drop 13 miles off the Cuban coast, landing at Guines, which... According to intel Admiral Chandler obtained from Dr. Montano...

Is the home to a hidden rebel stronghold.

What kind of numbers can we expect?

The rebel force is somewhere between 500 and 5,000.

Our team's dropping in with a 2-ton gift of small arms and light weapons.

Whatever their size, I promise you, that militia will be well-outfitted.

Now, once Lima team makes contact with El Gallo and his men...

I'm sorry, Admiral.

How confident are you in this El Gallo?

This unknown leader of Free Cuba?

You think he's more inclined to join our cause than, say, the Chinese or the Indians or the Brits right now?

How confident are you that when our team lands, they find themselves met by friendly interests and not, say, indifference or hostility... 1 to 10?

One being they slit our throats soon as we hit the beach. Well...

Six, sir.

General, you signed off on this?

I did, sir.

Though, to be frank, I have concerns.

General's worried the intel I got from Dr. Montano may not be trustworthy.

I've lost a lot of Marines already, Mr. President.

Trust in anything coming out of Gustavo's camp is in short supply.

But you trust it, Admiral.

I was with the man.

He lost faith in Gustavo and gave his life to stop the bloodshed.

I've had the country running at full tilt for the last three months to put us in a position to take back Mexico, and now you wanna air-drop a dozen of our finest into the lion's den before we can back 'em up?

Gustavo's preoccupied with shoring up support from his base.

Now is the best time for us to make our move on Cuba.

And we need it, sir...

Not just as a buffer against another major attack, but as a staging area to launch our own invasion south.

Please continue, Admiral.

Thank you, sir.

Synced & corrected by MaxPayne == ==

Señor Barros.


Tell me, what's a win?

Jumping to the end already?

Doesn't feel like a jump to me.

In your speeches, you promised your people a quick victory.

But, from what I've seen, you've been stuck in place for some time now.

I'm curious if your thinking has changed or if you regret starting a w*r with the United States.

We didn't start this w*r.

You sank a U.S. fleet in Mayport on the very day that your loyalists m*rder*d the duly-elected leader of Panama.

That sounds textbook.

Mayport wasn't an attack, nor was it the beginning.

You're young, but smart enough to know the U.S.'s history of m*rder and political insurrection in Latin America.

Guatemala '54, Cuba '61, D.R. '65, Chile '73, Nicaragua '82, Grenada '83.

This w*r is a battle for the survival of the people of Gran Colombia.

So, is this your justification for the forced conscription, the purges, the death squads?

Where do you get this information from?

Several accounts from defectors...

Defectors from what?

Our borders are not closed.

People are free to come and go as they wish.

Their accounts are remarkably consistent.

This isn't a w*r of public opinion.

This is about taking a fresh look at the world...

Post-virus, post-famine.

It's about adjusting the balance.

United States have been bullies for too long.

This movement is a rebirth.

Take your camera and your notepad and go to the countryside.

Go to the cities of Central and South America and see the pride in people's faces.

Freedom from tyranny is what they demanded.

And it's what I'm giving them.

And I'm inviting the people of all of the Americas to join.

Ensign Swain. Any news?

No, sir. No surprise there.

She's probably hiding in a hole somewhere, hoping we give up looking.

No chance of that, sir.

I've been monitoring cell activity for Colombia and the United States for months.

If Kelsi's still in contact with anyone down south, we'll know it. Well, good.

Till then, I have another job for you.

Sir, I... Radio jammers aboard the James were fried in the attack.

I need you to reprogram her electric grid.

I want to make sure those Cuban a*tillery batteries don't use our Herc as target practice.

Where do you need me?



I only got $1.15.

Are you kidding?

No. Beat it.

Hey! Stop!

Get back here!

Zoey? It's getting late, sweetie.

Time to come in.

But, Mom! Aunt Kelsi's here.

Just a few more pushes?

Yeah, Mom.

Just a few more?

Yeah, I heard rumors that you were in Carta-geena?

Mm, Cartagena.

Yeah, right.

You didn't leave the country?

You just disappeared.

If you wanna ask, ask.

Just stop, please.

Oh, go ahead. Ask me.

I don't need to ask.

'Cause you know everything about me, right?

I know what kind of person you are.

Oh, what kind of a pers... The kind who runs off with any loser promising adventure.

The kind who makes a mess and leaves the rest of us to clean it up.

The kind who hasn't even bothered to come see her own daughter.


Can you read me "The Paper Bag Princess"?

Uh... did you brush your teeth?

Okay, I'll be in in a sec.

Night, Aunt Kelsi.


Sleep tight.

Don't let the bedbugs bite.

Remember when you used to read that to me?

You need to turn yourself in.

I know.

No, you don't know.

Otherwise, you wouldn't be here.

Putting me in danger. Putting Zoey in danger.

No one's in danger. It's not like I'm...

A what?

A m*rder*r?

A t*rror1st?

Go ahead. Tell me you're not.

Look me in the eye and tell me the cops, the Navy, and the g*dd*mn FBI tore my house apart for three weeks because you didn't k*ll that woman.

I don't know where else to go.

Police station would be a start.

And say what?

The truth. The truth?

What's the truth, Elli?

That I'm an idiot?

That I thought I was helping?

That it turns out I am just a piece of Florida white trash thinking I could solve the world's problems?

I know what I did.

And I know what's coming for me.

God knows I deserve it.

You're not trash, and you're not a monster.

And, I mean, at this point, according to the U.S. government, you're basically the most important human being on the planet, right?

Just tell them something.

Cut a deal. It won't be so bad.


We're gonna get you a good deal.

And we're gonna make it through this.

You, me, and Zoey.

On course, 2-1-0, making 16 knots.

Estimated time of arrival based on current speed...

3 hours and 45 minutes.

Anything pop up in the shakedown?

Well, some trouble out of two gen, but we'll have it online in the hour.

And we haven't sprung any leaks, so that's a good thing.

Roger that.

CIC, Bridge. Report your status.

Sub-surface clear. All systems go.

Surface clear. All systems go.

Bridge, T.A.O. Testing is complete.

All combat systems are up and ready to go.

It's good to be back, ma'am.

Glad to hear it.

After three months of dry dock, I think we set a record.

Captain, Radio. All circuits up.

HF Channel is encrypted and secure.

Who else do we have on the line?

Patching through Command now.

Nathan James, we hear you loud and clear.

Much as I enjoyed Moby d*ck, it's a pleasure to hear your voice.

Admiral Chandler, how's the Herc?

Weapons supply is currently being loaded and on schedule.

Hitting Cuban airspace in 3 hours.

Sound about right, Captain Green?

We'll be waiting. Have a safe flight, Admiral.

Go ahead.

Watch it, Marine.

Sorry, Chief. My bad.

Excuse the fellas, Admiral.

The Marines have been grounded since the Mayport attack.

They're angry and ready to hook and jab.

They'll get their chance.

Thank you, sir, for everything you've done.

All loaded up.

When's the last time you jumped?

On purpose? I don't know.

Six or seven years. Like falling off a bike.

Sure you don't want to join in the fun, Professor?

Someone's gotta stay on the plane and do the hard work.

Gunny, check the palletized gear and equipment.

Lima team, load up. Let's go get some.


Boo-yah! Boo-yah.





You know, I always wondered why Navy corpsman deploy with the Marines.

'Cause the Marines like to fight, sir.

I-I mean, I...

I'm... I'm not saying that y'all don't, sir.

I was just, um...

You know, I meant that, um...

I was saying that we...

Take it easy, corpsman.

Save your energy.

Yes, sir.

So, you guys work out?

C'mon. Thought you b*stards were supposed to be fun.

We've been waiting like 50 years to invade this shit-box island, am I right?

My mother's Cuban.

Command, this is Liberty One.

We're leaving American airspace and proceeding on schedule. Over.

Copy that, Liberty One.

Nathan James is in range to jam the radar in the Cuban a*tillery batteries.

Stand by.

HF feed is holding up.

Wish we had better eyes on the b*ttlefield.

Yes, sir.

Without satellites, this will have to do.

Ensign, we ready?

All set, Admiral.


Liberty One, Command.

You are clear to proceed.

Navy Spear, sending jam package now.

Commence jamming sequence on your end.


Jamming sequence initiated.

Liberty One, Navy Spear.

Cuba's blind, and they don't know it.

Copy that, Navy Spear.

Ground winds out of the northwest...

1-5 knots.

Deploy chutes 9,000.

Jump Team, Flight Lead. 2-minute warning.

Lima team, stand by. 2 minutes, 2 minutes.

2 minutes.

2 minutes.

Good luck.


All right, go!




All teams, Command. Jamming's holding.

You have another 40 seconds.

Navy Spear, roger that.

We're good. Let's go. Weapons supply away.

Uplink confirmed. Nav system engaged.

Aye, sir. I have control of the cache.

Deploying the chute now.

Unknown air track. Inbound, Liberty One.

What the hell is going on over there?

Flight Lead, come in. Come in.

Liberty One, Liberty One, this is Command.

We have a m*ssile detonation.

Target's trajectory leading back to the north side of Cuba.

Liberty One is hit and going down.

Flight Lead, what's your status?

Flight Lead, do you copy?!

What the hell?!

Did everyone egress?




No, no.

Lima, Command.

What is your status?

Our status is g*dd*mn livid, Admiral.

Why weren't we jamming those a*tillery batteries?

We're gonna get you some answers.

This is Dufine. I wanna speak to Captain Utt.

Command, Utt. Lima team has landed.

No sign of Bowen, Lin, Murphy, Weeks, Santora, or Hird.

Mostly likely they were K.I.A.

Looks like Liberty One was shot out of the sky.

Pilots were on course.

Jamming was set.

We had no early warning.

Admiral Chandler was also on board, ma'am.

Command, Navy Spear.

Commencing search and rescue now.

Helm, all ahead, 2/3.

Gear is off target.

No confirm on beacon.

It must be out of range.

Mother, can we get a fix on that weapons supply?

We were tracking it using a radar relay from the plane.

Last position, supply was off-course, headed west on a path toward the north shore of Havana.

That's Gustavo country.

The rebel camp is 3 miles in the other direction.

Why don't we go there first?

No. We secure the gear. Then we find the rebels.

You wanna walk into Havana with half our team and no firepower?

We can't risk letting those weapons fall into the wrong hands.

I agree.

We don't have a choice.

They know we're here, so we have to move fast.

That beacon has a 2-mile range.

If we can get in the area, I know we can find it.

Mission hasn't changed.

Roger that.

Command, Utt.

We are proceeding feet dry in search of weapons supply.

Update when we arrive.

Copy all.

Ma'am, based on its speed and trajectory, the plane could have gone down anywhere here.

If we're looking for a debris field, it could be miles long.

Let's get that bird in the air.

Aye, ma'am. I'm going to CIC.

The bridge is yours.



This entire borough's a hotbed for Cuban military.

Just that kinda day.

Gear's close.

Whole thing could've been picked over by now.

Barco, take Green and see if you can get eyes on.

Aye, sir. Let's go.

Let's do it.

Hey, ma'am.

Ma'am, your neck is bleeding.

It's... It's nothing. I didn't even feel it. No.

You probably just got nicked by the shrapnel from the blast.

Here, just apply pressure. Okay?



Package is across the street behind the bar.

Can't get eyes on it yet, but it's there.

Could be on the rooftop.

Half the city's awake, and the other half will be up soon.

Let's move.

Debris field scattered.

No sign of life.


Anyone else hearing that?

Mother, I'm picking up something strong here.

Copy that, Brawler. We see it.

Looks like it's headed to the port at Matanzas.

Navy Spear, what do you see?

We don't have an I.D. yet, sir, but it's huge.

It's got the same signature as the ship we fought at the Yucatán Strait.

You said you hit that battleship pretty hard.


No worse than she hit Nathan James.

She's a monster.

The radar jamming was focused on the a*tillery batteries.

If that ship was patrolling the waters over the horizon from the Nathan James, it would have had a clear look at Liberty One.

This wasn't on you, Ensign.

Bridge, Captain. Set course to 2-4-5.

Course 2-4-5, aye.

This time, we sink her.

Ready all VLS.

Aye, ma'am.




Looks like we're in over our heads.

Have to take it piece by piece.

Toone, cut her down.

Yes, sir.

The rest of us, underneath.

El Gallo.



Leader of the Cuban rebels.

We have a lot to discuss.

Closing in on the target, ma'am.

1,500 yards.

We should see them when we get around the bend.

We lost the signature.

It's okay. She's trapped in the bay now.

OOD, slow to 3 knots. Stand by to maneuver.

Aye, ma'am. Helm, all ahead 1/3 for 3 knots.

Helm, aye.

Prepare to fire as soon as we get eyes on that ship.


Where the hell'd it go?

There's no other way out of this harbor.

We got the weight, Toone. Cut it.


Bring it up. Careful.

Set it down.




Americanos! Americanos!

Holy shit!

I need some help here!

Mother, Lima.

We're trapped in the courtyard, and contact is imminent.

Request emergency evac at my location. Over.

Lima, Navy Spear.

Helo is 20 mikes from your posit. Over.



They're gonna ram it!

Kandie, set a claymore on that door.

Hold it. Push.


We're set.

Lima team, on my command, drop back.

All g*ns on the door.

When they breach, give 'em hell.

Drop back, drop back!

I didn't jump out of a plane to get k*lled by friendly fire.

You guys wanna lower your weapons?

You're clear.

Package secure?

The street's contained, but we need to leave... now.

Welcome to Cuba.


Smokes, thermites, and frags.

You got it all.

Systems check.

Got that?

You know, for a Navy man, you're not bad with a r*fle.

Yeah, well, for a Marine, you're not bad as a doorstop.

Get a room.

Then we'll have to take the airfield, the capital building, the presidential palace, and then the radio station.

Sounds like you got everything under control.

It's been a difficult few months, but the worst is still ahead.

Thank you for living up to your end, even though you had no reason to trust me.




Viva Tavo!

Coming in from the west side, as well as from the center. That's great.

Hey, Kelsi?