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03x02 - Full Court Press

Posted: 12/25/20 10:59
by bunniefuu
We've been planning this for weeks, Maz. Fine.

Boyfriend trouble?

I mean, can someone really be your boyfriend if you barely see them anymore?

[Uh, you put me on the speaker.]


What's the problem?

We've been trying to find a place over the last month.

Then we line up some Realtors, set up some viewings and he cancels.

He just can't get away from work.

I mean, who takes their job that seriously?

Except me, of course. Still no calls?

Mrs. Kowalski and her cheating husband?

Uh! Anyone else?

Do collection agencies count?

You spend a little time in jail and everyone forgets your number. Am I right?

Too soon. My bad. No. It's fine.

It's not like that thought hasn't crossed my mind.

Hey, any calls?

Never mind.

How about... a couple of courtside seats to the Hazards playoff game tonight to lighten the mood?

I know who'll appreciate these.

Maz. Oh no, you don't!

I have a colourcoded schedule of viewings lined up over the next couple of days and I have to keep him focused.


Everett, get your coat. I'm getting you out of here.

Uh! Me? No, I'm good. Thanks.

You're about to eat a tub of sour cream.

It's kind of like yogurt. No, it's not.

Fine. Let's get our home run on!

I'm kidding!




There he is! There he is! MVP, three years in a row.

Dirty play! Come on!

Wake up, ref! You're missing a great game!

(INDISTINCT COMMENTARY) That was good. Convincing.

I heard you yell at the TV once.


Mr. Shade.

Come with me, please. Who are you?

Someone you're gonna want to listen to.

You all wait here.

But we're missing the game! It's halftime.

I told you not to throw that popcorn.

It was a bad call.

Cordell Squires!

Wait, you sent those tickets? Of course I did.

Thanks for coming, man. Yeah, you got it.

Wait, you two know each other? Yeah. I covered Cordy back in his NCAA days, back when I was a broadcaster.

Nobody's called me that since college.

This is my partner, Angie. You must be the Everett half of Shade and Everett. It's actually Everett and...

Never mind. Listen, I gotta run to the locker room, so I'm gonna cut to the chase.

What's up? I need your help with something.

This picture was posted on a website called "Daily Rumor". Is that...?

Gabby would never step out on me. This guy is Eric Martin.

He's the manufacturing contact for our sneaker line.

They met last Monday.

Buddy, you know that tabloid rumours are just part of being famous. I know.

Gabby says it's a waste of time hiring PIs.

Gabrielle Squires? Of Demolition?

That's our brand. Oh, I know. I'm a huge fan.

Did you know that she took a tiny apparel company and turned it into a half a billion dollar empire?

Yeah. I know. I know the guy, remember?

It took us a decade to get where we are and rumours like this could t*nk us in a month.

And Gabby, she keeps up a brave face, but I know this is wearing on her.

So I need you to find out who took this picture so I can shut them down. I need you to keep it quiet though.

Nobody on my team knows that I'm hiring you and I don't want Gabby to find out either.

Alright. We'll get on it.

Great seeing you, Shade. You too, buddy.

Enjoy the game. Thanks.

This is huge!

I mean, a client like Cordell Squires could put us back on the map. It pays to know people.

And by people I mean me. (CHUCKLES)

Stick with me, kid. I'm going places.

Oh, yeah. Going places, alright.


♪ I see you and you see me ♪

♪ Watch you blowin' the lines when you're makin' a scene ♪

♪ Oh boy, you've got to know ♪

♪ What my head overlooks ♪

♪ The senses will show to my heart ♪

♪ When it's watching for lies ♪

♪ Cause you can't escape my ♪

♪ Private Eyes They're watching you ♪

♪ Private Eyes They're watching you ♪

♪ Watching you, watching you, watching you ♪

[I've searched the Daily Rumor website.]

[None of their photos are credited.]

That makes sense. If I ever find the guy who took that photo of me on the dock at Becca's family cottage 15 years ago...

The one where you're naked holding the moose antlers

[over your head? Which I've never seen.]

Wait... So, who's the dude with Gabrielle?

His name's Eric Martin. He's a sneaker manufacturer she works with. Do a soft search and see if you can find

[any secrets in his closet.] Wait a sec.

I just sent you an article.

It's Cordell going bananas on a photographer

[over a month ago.]

[And again, no photo credit.] _

They reported on the incident. Apparently, Cordell grabbed the photographer's $25,000 lens and bashed it against a wall.

Elizabeth Moore. Freelance paparazzo.

Sounds like motive to me. How do we find this photographer?

She's been taking a lot of photos of this boxer this week. Seamus Conor. He's in town for some big fight.

Yeah, right. He's been all over the news.

Can you find out where he's... [The Queen Eleanor.]

A boutique hotel in Yorkville. Zoe Chow for the win.


So, g*n to your head...

Is Gabrielle having an affair? Nah.

I don't buy it. I know them. They're a team.

Totally devoted to each other.

At least they were.

There he is.

Seamus Conor. If he's here, our pesky photographer shouldn't be too far away.

And... Gotcha.

Oh! For the love of all that is holy, get out of my way!

Elizabeth Moore, I presume? I don't get nearly enough credit for not being a violent psychopath. Does this photo look familiar?

Of course. It's plastered all over the web right now.

The picture. You took it. No, I wish.

I heard it went for fifty grand. Fifty grand?

Yeah. Can you believe some regular schmuck got the shot of the year? This wasn't taken by a pro?

Are you kidding? Look how poorly composed it is.

What about your highly-publicized riff with Cordell? Left you short of a $25,000 lens. I'd be pissed.

Yeah, I was. And then, a week later, a brand new lens arrived from Demolition with an apology.

Why do you care so much about a photo of Gabrielle at The Jasper Arms Hotel anyway? How do you know it's The Jasper Arms?

I've been photographing celebrities there since it opened. See that wallpaper?

It's in all their suites. Now, if you'll excuse me...

Jasper Arms? Hmm-mm.

Check it out!

I will if you come back 5 steps.

Right. Heights.

So cute. Don't patronize my fears.

Definitely where the photo was taken from.

Yeah. Now all we have to do is figure out who took it.

Security cameras?

Nothing pointing directly at this spot.

Parking attendant, maybe? Automated parking.

You thinking what I'm thinking? Maz.

He's been uptight about helping lately.

There's a new inspector at the station and he's been dodging me.

We'll just have to be extra convincing.

(MAZ): No, no, no! I cannot help you.

He looks like Maz. He talks like Maz.

And yet, the Maz I know would never refuse a lifelong friend...

A lifelong friend who was recently charged with espionage.

Those charges were vacated! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!

Detective Mazhari, you have visitors?

Yes, Inspector Carson! This is... uh... my cousin... Tamantha... and her boyfriend... Earl.

Pleased to meet you. I had no idea so many people in your extended family were cops.

Because we all know that only members of the police force are allowed back here. Isn't that right, Maz?

Yes, Inspector. Right.

She's a treat.

You two have to leave. Right now.

One parking machine.

All we need is the usage for last Monday.

Do you know how close I am to being demoted to desk monkey?

You'd be such a cute little desk monkey. Alright.

Fine. I... I just feel bad for our client.

Yeah, Cordell Squires is gonna be really disappointed.

Tut-tut-tut. Sit.

Did you say Cordell Squires? Are you kidding me?

Well... You help us out, we'll get you an autograph.

An autograph? What am I, 10 years old?

No, if I help you out, I want courtside seats to a playout game.

And I want to meet him and not just like a

"Hey! How are you doing?" flyby type thing.

I want a meaningful interaction with us.

Maybe we go for paninis and we come up with a secret handshake. You know what I mean?

Some real skin to skin contact.

Kinky. But we'll see what we can do.

And listen to me, you bozos. This is the last time.

Fine. Just call us when you've got something.

Come on, Earl. That jalopy ain't gonna drive itself.

After you, Tamantha. What?

That could be a name.


Yes, yes, yes! (GIGGLING)

Oh! It's perfect!

Check it out.

Two bedrooms, hardwood floors, on Queen West and... a pet washing station in the basement.

You don't have any pets. Not yet.

But you know, who knows? Now that Maz and I are gonna be actually able to spend more time together.

So how'd you find it? One of Maz's buddies is moving down south and he had to give up the lease.

Maz just sent it over. And also, this is the list of users for that parking station.

Recognize any names? I think you'll spot it.

Demolition? That's the Squires' company.

Maybe Gabrielle parked there? But she wouldn't have to.

They have a reserved parking spot at Jasper Arms.

OK, so someone from their company took this photo... But why?

Maybe a coincidence they were there that day?

Don't think so. Look.

Clock in the hotel room says 9:45.

Charge on the credit card, 9:27.

So whoever took this photo knew Gabrielle was gonna be there.

Someone from the Squires' team isn't playing by the rules.

Here. What's this?

It's our cover. We're with Big League Entertainment, producing 'A Day in the Life' segment on the Squires.

Got it. Hold on a second.

How come you get to be the Executive Producer?

Because you're the host or whatever.


That's what I call a diversified product line.

Gabrielle's a genius. She's basically branded every aspect of their relationship.

Hey there. I'm Jacqueline Bynes.

I'm the Squires' publicist. Who scheduled you again today?

Um, Cordell reached out to me directly.

We go way back. I'm Matt... Shade.

I know. Epic fail guy. (GIGGLING)

Follow me.


Wait here. I'll let Cordell know.

Stop it. You're staring. I am not.

You're looking right at her. Do you have any idea how inspiring she is? She rose...

She's coming. Act normal. Matt Shade?

Gabby! How are you?

I haven't seen you since my first year of college.

What are you doing here?

My colleague and I... Hi. Scarlett Pierce.

We're doing a Big League doc piece on Cordell.

I'm such a huge fan.

Of you. Not Cordell. I mean he's cool and all, but...

He's not you.

Well, Cordell didn't tell me anything about this.

Well, I'm sure he didn't want to bother you. He knows how busy you are.

Ah! Looks like he's free now.

Nice to see you again, Gabby. So nice to meet you.

Don't worry. She doesn't suspect anything.

We said we're here doing a reality show spot.

Oh, OK. Why don't you guys come in?

Alright, guys. I need the room. Alright. I'll get the door.

No, you too, Mims.

Don't mind him. You guys have a seat.

Mims has been like an older brother to my boys since high school.


You find out who took the picture?

We found out where the picture was taken from.

OK. Why does that sound like bad news?

The photograph was taken from a parking garage across the street from The Jasper Arms Hotel.

Your company credit card was used to pay for parking at roughly the same time. Hold up.

You're trying to say somebody from Demolition took that picture?

Have you been in a fight with anyone recently?

Maybe someone holding a grudge?


No, everybody who works for me and Gabby is like family.

I'm serious, nobody would do this.

How about this? See for yourself.

We're having a launch party tonight for our new bottled water.

Trying to quell the rumours about this photo.

Why don't you guys come? Meet everybody.

Sure. Yeah, we could do that.

But maybe you could start by telling us how many people had access to the corporate card.

57 people?!

Yeah. So who're we looking at? OK.

Personal trainer, uh... physiotherapist, personal chef, nanny...

Woah, woah. They don't have kids.

Nanny for their dogs.

Cordell's manager, brand rep, party planner, DJ, publicist... Zoe, we get the idea.

How do we narrow this down? Well...

Cordell was playing out of town when the photo was taken, so between social media and that, I was able to eliminate 38 people.

OK, so that leaves 15... 19.

19 unaccounted for.

Yes and luckily, they're all going to be at the event tonight. What about our sneaker guy?

You mean this guy? The factory he owns is in China.

I found it easily enough off the Demolition website, but I'm still having a hard time tracking him down.

Well... Keep digging, Zoe. I will.

Oh! Um... After... the break that I'm about to ask which you're totally going to say yes to because you're the best bosses in the world. Go look at the apartment, Zoe.

Thank you! Good luck.



It's about time!

Stop it. You're embarrassing me.

It was gonna fall in the pool.

So how do you want to play this? Well... You talk, I'll film. Just get them to tell you where they were last Monday around the time that photo was taken.

Sure. Piece of cake. Alright.

So you guys are all set up to do your thing.

I let the entourage know that you'll be speaking with them.

Perfect. I just need to know what types of questions you'll be asking.

Oh! You know...

Day in the life stuff. You know, you are such a vital part of the brand, why don't you start with you. Tell us about your day.

Say... Last Monday?

Oh! Worst day ever.

I got a flat on the 403 and was nearly late for a book layout meeting.

Um... Ha! Ha! Ha! Not that interesting, huh?

Let me know if I can do anything else for you.


I saw that! You saw nothing.

Day in the life is like this, yo. We fly to Ibiza to party during one of my sets. Cordell, he gets up on stage and starts spinning with me. Gabster started dancing with her ladies. You feel me?


Maybe you could tell me about a slightly more normal day.

Like... maybe last Monday.

Slept in 'til about 6 pm.

Then went for a falafel with the boys.

Falafel? Vegan is the new black.

I didn't properly introduce myself earlier.

I'm Anastasia, Gabrielle's cousin and primary assistant. So you and Gabrielle must be together constantly.

Attached at the hip. Were you with her at The Jasper Arms last Monday? She had a meeting there.

You expect me to remember her entire schedule and mine?

Isn't that your job?

I was sick that day. Stomach flu.

Is that glamorous enough for you?

You take care of Cordell's Instagram account?

That's right. I take the photos, come up with the filters, choose the captions.

Until Mims changes them, of course.


Moocher Mims is actually paying for something. That's a first.

Why do you say that? Let's just say he'll bet on anything and he ain't ever lucky.

Does Cordell know about that?

Cordell's got a soft spot for the boys who were with him when he first started. Mims, he takes advantage.

To be honest, I think he's jealous.

Cordell got everything he ever wanted.


You know it is definitely Mims, right?

Guy with a gambling problem suddenly flush.

Likes to bend the rules. That would be a serious violation of the Bro-code.

When my high school buddies moved to Chicago in my playing days, every one of them had my back.

I'm sorry. Did you just say that you had an entourage?

Friends, Everett. You should try them out.

What about Anastasia, uh?

"I was home sick" isn't exactly an alibi.

Yeah, sure, Anastasia wants to be in the limelight, but look at her. I mean, she absolutely adores Gabrielle.

I'm telling you, it's Mims. Here he comes.

What's he doing back here? Cordell mentioned he works out of a back office near the locker room sometimes...

But why so late at night?

Because he's the leak.

And we're gonna catch him in the act.


Looks like we found our inside man.

Oh! Come here!

Get off... Ow!


Let's never speak of this moment.



Is that a Daily Rumor guy?

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Unbelievable. What are you two doing here?

How's the photo business Mims? I don't know what you're talking about, Little Mama.

We saw you selling more Gabrielle photos to that reporter. Hey, my man!

Photos of Cordell...

What, you signed these?

You know, the more I think about it, you two ain't no TV producers.

We're investigating who took the picture of Gabrielle and leaked it to the Daily Rumor site.

Well, I would never sell out my boy or his girl like that. Period!

Really? Is that why you're sneaking around behind Cordell's back, selling his MVP trophies? I ain't sneaking around and these ain't MVP trophies. This is from high school, man!

Besides, Cordell knows about it.

Does he know you're forging his signature?

Where were you the day Gabrielle's photo was taken?

Anastasia and I were at... her place in the West End doing kung fu business.


Anastasia said she was sick. Yeah, of course she did, cause, you know, Cordell and Gabby have a strict "no messing around with your colleagues" policy. Gabby would k*ll us if she found out!

Matter of fact, you know what?

We don't have to... tell Cordell about any of this, right? No.

We won't, but... you should.

You own him that at least. (SIGHS)

Oh! Anastasia's building confirmed that Mims was there Monday. So, basically, everyone has an alibi. We need to start over.

We need to review their entire entourage.

Of course... Why didn't I think of that before?

What have you got? Eric Martin, the shoe manufacturer. His real name is Xiang Mau.

He just uses an English name when he's doing business here to make it easier for you white folks.

That's why I couldn't find him before.

OK, but... that's not the guy in the photo with Gabrielle.

I don't get it. Why would Cordell send us on a wild goose chase? Maybe he didn't.

Maybe he just believed what Gabrielle told him.

So... who's the guy in the picture? I don't know.

We need to take this to Cordell.

Let me go and talk to him. Fine, but...

Just be careful, OK? We can't risk anything happening to this case. It's too important.

Zoe, what's wrong? Uh? No, nothing. Nothing.

The... the lease for the apartment just came in.

Well, that's great, isn't it? Yeah. It's fantastic.

I mean, there's no reason why someone wouldn't want to live there. And yet?

Maz and I fight all the time.

We're already arguing about the apartment and we haven't even moved in!

I just thought living together would solve everything.

My cousin Rachel, her and her ex, they...

They started fighting a couple years into their relationship, so they got engaged.

And then, they fought more... so they got married.

And then they figured: "Hey, now we hate each other.

Let's have a kid!" They kept thinking it would be a fresh start, but it never worked.

So... What should I do?

I think you already know.

Excuse me. Hey... Is Cordell here?

I sent him a text but he hasn't responded.

Uh, no. He stepped out for a last-minute team meeting.

Will you tell him I'm looking for him? Thanks.

Shade! How's the doc coming along?

Uh... We may have hit a snag. I know that look.

You've got something on your mind.

Come on, let's talk.


Look at you!

That was my last year of high school.

I played the national anthem for our homecoming game. You still play?

Oh, my God! Not in years.

My schedule's just too crazy.

Now we've got the water launch and the shoes...

It's... With the Chinese... manufacturer, right? Yeah.

You know what? I just remembered I have an appointment I have to be at.

I'll let you get back to work. I thought you were coming to see Cordell. It can wait.

Stop it, Shade. What's going on?

You're not doing a documentary on Cordell.

I'm a private investigator now.

My partner and I were hired to find out who took that picture and sold it to the Daily Rumor.

Cordell hired you after I told him not to.

He's trying to protect you. He needs to leave this alone.

And so do you. Look, here's the thing...

I know the guy in the picture isn't Eric Martin.

Have you told Cordell? Not yet.

But he will want an explanation. I'll talk to him.

Will you? This is none of your business, Shade.

It kind of is. We were hired specifically...

I don't give a damn why you were hired! This is my life we're talking about! And Cordell's. Get out!

Gabby! You can't... I said get out!

You're fired!

You got us fired? No!

Technically, she's not our client.

Technically? You got us fired and you caused a rift between our client and his wife for no reason! What were you thinking?

I went over there to talk to Cordell.

She was there instead. She caught on to me So I tried to get to the truth. You blew our case, Shade.

We needed this. We needed it big time!

(SIGHS) No. You needed it.

OK. Time to go.

We're fine.

The Agency is gonna get through this.

The agency's reputation's tanked because of me.

And we're in debt because of me.

You remortgaged your house... because of me.


It's not your debt, it's our debt.

OK? And it's not your reputation, it's our reputation. And it's not my mortgage...

OK, it is still my mortgage.

But the point is... whatever happens here, it doesn't just happen to you, it happens to both of us.

That just makes it worse.

No, it doesn't. We're a team.

And when we get that win, your win, it'll be ours, not mine.

Did that make sense?

No. Not really.

But it was a good speech up until then.

Yeah, thanks.

Look, I'll go see Cordell.

I'll figure out a way to smooth this over.


We'll both go.

Cordell! Hey, man. What're you guys doing here?

You haven't talked to Gabby?

Uh... Since when? Why?

Uh... Listen. Um...

We don't want to throw you off your game during this playoffs, but... we can't keep this from you.

The guy in the photo with Gabrielle, that's not Eric Martin.


Who is it? We don't know.

Shade went to see you, you weren't there.

He ran into Gabrielle and... she fired us.

Well, I guess that explains why she didn't want to hire a PI in the first place.


You know, we've been drifting apart the past few years. Conflicting schedules and different business ventures, but...

I never thought she'd cheat on me.

I mean, what are we? Just a brand with nothing behind it? Just hold on.

OK? Don't get ahead of yourself.

This doesn't feel like the slimy infidelity cases I deal with all year round. It really feels there's more to this story. You focus on winning this playoff series. We will find out who the guy in the photo is and what's really going on, OK? Yeah.

So, got any ideas on how to ID the mystery man in the picture?

We could show it around Demolition.

It was published on the Daily Rumor website.

You'd think if someone knew who it was they'd have mentioned it to Cordell.

What about The Jasper Arms? Maybe they have a guest name.

I'm betting Gabrielle booked the room. And even then, I don't know if the hotel would tell us.

There is another possibility.

It's a bit of a long shot, but... maybe worth a try.

OK, Shade. Go ahead.


What the hell?



[I got the license plates. I'm texting them to Maz.]

Let's boogie. (ALARMS BLARING)

Yes, Maz. We're outside right now.

I know! We'll get you skin-to-skin contact!


I thought we were cut off from running license plates.

Apparently he really likes Cordell Squires.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Are we sure this is the right address?

The other two were rental cars.

And there's this.

That's the guy from the photo. Gary McHenry.

Zoe looked him up once we had the address.

He's an engineer. Any connection to Gabrielle?

None that I could find. Huh.

Guess we're gonna have to go old school.



Yeah... I don't buy it.

No way this guy is Gab's type. You think?


Mom said don't forget to put the bricks on top because of the raccoons. I'll do it when we get home.

Come on, honey. We're gonna be late, kiddo.

Wait... The violin... What?

Angie, look.

Is that Gabrielle? When she was thirteen.

It's a heck of a resemblance if I do say so myself.

Think about it. The age works.

That girl's clearly adopted. And musical talent is a hereditary trait. Oh, my God!

Is that Gabrielle's biological daughter?

So you figured it out.

Not the whole story.

Does Cordell know? Not our place.

We thought you would want to tell him.

I didn't want to derail his game.

I was going to tell him as soon as playoffs were over...

Tell me about what?

You're hiding something from me.

I needed time to figure things out.

You lied to me about the guy in the picture.

You hired PIs when what you needed to do was trust me.

Who's the guy in the picture? Don't you raise your voice at me!

Guys. Take a breath.

Have a seat, Cordell. No, I'm fine standing. Thanks.

When I was 17, I had a baby, Cordell.

By a guy I barely knew.

And I gave her up for adoption to a wonderful family I met through social services.

Whoa, whoa... What are you saying to me right now?

The man in the photo is her adoptive father.

He e-mailed me a few weeks ago.

Ruby's 13 now.

That's what they named her.

She asked if she could meet with me.

I met with Gary at the Jasper Arms to talk it through.

Why didn't you tell me about this?

I always meant to. But... it was never the right time and... and the secret just snowballed.

I'm sorry.

I am so sorry.

It's alright.

We got away from each other.

We'll make it work. I promise.

I didn't think I was ever gonna meet her.

And now she wants to meet me and...

I want to meet her.

It's OK. I'm here.

I'm here for all of this stuff, alright?

We're gonna be OK.

We need to figure out who took this picture.

I don't want them getting all up in some innocent kid's face.

Yeah... Gabrielle...

Can you walk us through the day the photo was taken?

I went to the gym, I had a breakfast meeting about endorsements, I came here to do some paperwork and then I met Gary at The Jasper Arms.

Did anything unusual happen?

No. Nothing?

Even the smallest detail could help.

Well, the concierge from The Jasper Arms called me and told me that my booking had changed, but they had okayed it with my assistant.


Yes. She's the point person for The Jasper Arms bookings.

But Anastasia was out sick that day.

She had the stomach flu. So who spoke to the concierge?

If Anastasia doesn't answer her phone, do the calls get forwarded? I have no idea.

Let's find out. Will you send her a text and tell her not to answer her phone?

Let me see her number.

(MANNERED VOICE): Oh, hello!

This is George from the concierge desk at The Jasper Arms Hotel.

Yes, I'm just calling to confirm that room 502 will be acceptable to Mrs. Squires for her meeting this evening.

Yes, it's booked for 9pm.

Yes. Thank you.

Going for round two, Jacqueline?

Maybe this one will go for more than fifty grand.

What are you two doing here?

Wow! There's a lot of good ones here.

You have been following Gabrielle for a while.

You set me up.

You set yourself up.

What could you possibly have to say for yourself?

Five years I spent building your brand and then you decide to drop me, just like that?

What are you talking about? I saw the résumés. On your desk.

Piles of publicists looking for work.

Oh, my God. And you thought...

Jacqueline, we were going to promote you.

We're reorganizing the entire lifestyle division.

Yeah, you were going to be at the helm.

We were just waiting for the legal work to clear.

But you guys were so secretive, I... I thought...

I'm sorry I started looking for your replacement before I let you in on the plan. That's on me.

But your crazy response? That is on you, girl.

Better get going.

You got a new job to look for and the competition is fierce.

See? That's why I love you.

Thank you.

Hey, buddy.


They do make a great team.

I got it! I printed out the lease agreement.

Tommy said the property manager needs it signed by the end of the day, so...

Great. Awesome. Uh... Yeah.

I just need to go get a pen. OK.

Um... There's one right here.

Awesome. Thank you. Here you go.

You found a pen. You're so helpful.

It's all pretty standard. You know. Yeah.

Something wrong?

You haven't sign it. Oh! Yeah. No, I... You know...

I just... It's freshly printed, I didn't want to...

After you. Oh... I'd say...

I'll go ladies first. How about that? Alright?

(CHUCKLES) What are we doing here?

I don't know. Yeah.

Do you really want to move in with me?

Do you really want to move in with me?

Listen, I've been thinking about the last time things were really consistently good and happy... with us...

It really seems like it's been a while, right?

Since before we were serious. Yeah.

Because it was... uncomplicated and blissfully free of expectations.

But now... Lots of complications.

Lots of expectations.

So what do you propose we do here?

I think we both know.

Break up?

Is it... Break up?

Wait, wait, think about it.

We'll be better to each other, right?

And we'll... even be better people probably if... if we were just...

Friends? Yeah? Yes! Yes.

Yeah, OK. Friends!

Yeah, we'll be friends. We can be friends.

OK, friends. Great. OK. OK.


Story's out!

That was fast.

"Cordell and Gabrielle talk intimate details

"of their relationship and a secret kept for 13 years." We got a shout out.

What? Where? Second paragraph.

You got to be kidding me.

They called us Shade & Everett?

It's got a nice ring, don't you think? Ha! Ha! Ha!

Come on, be nice or I won't show you the present that Gabby and Cordell sent over.

In addition to the fat check?

Oh! Cool.

"Cool"? Do you know what these are?

These are courtside tickets to game seven of their playoff series.


You don't want to go. No, I do.

I see that blue folder sticking out of your purse.

You'd rather be working on a case. No. No! We'll go to the game.

It'll be fun. We'll... eat hotdogs.


I got a better idea.



I can't believe Shade and Angie got us these seats.

I can't believe they're not here! I know. They're cray.



Are you guys enjoying yourselves? Yeah.

Good. Thank you so much.



Oh, my God! Wouh! Take that! Take that!

Thanks so much again for bringing us.

Anytime. We'll have to hang out soon, OK?

Hey, yeah! That's great! Hey, you like the...

What? I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

So glad you guys could come. Come on, come on.

Let's get you guys on the... There you go. You're on.


There he is! Oh!

Mrs. Kowalski was right, wasn't she?

See? You're fine.

What do you mean? After, you know...

It threatened everything I love.

About the job. The Agency.

You don't always have to be perfect, Everett You just have to stay in the game.

You think I'm perfect?

That is not what I said.

It must be so hard being around someone so perfect all the time.

And we're back. (LAUGHING)