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02x05 - Do a Little Harm...

Posted: 12/27/20 09:16
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Station 19"...

You were a prime candidate for a promotion.

I just submitted my Lieutenant's application.

You're my kid. That means something to me.

Sure. Okay.

If you want to talk, you can reach me here.

The night of the skyscraper.

If I was part of making that incident harder on you, I'm sorry.

I appreciate that, Hughes.

Let's not talk so much about the danger part.

Everything okay?

Miranda. She's been stressed lately, so now I'm getting stressed.

Just ask already. To move in.

Isn't that what you've been angling at for weeks now?

You know me too well.

Sometimes we set fires on purpose.

It's called a controlled burn.

Why you up so early?

And more importantly, why are you up out here without me?

Mm. It's your day off.

You should sleep in.

It's our day off, and we should spend it doing anything but sleeping.

You light the match, then let the fire ignite and build...

Now that we have the time, we should talk, right, like we planned?

Yeah, we should talk. Okay.

Talking is good.

But wouldn't talking be a lot more fun... after some not talking?

Bigger and brighter.

And then we could follow the not talking with maybe a little... more... not talking.

And then...

I'm thinking maybe waffles.


I mean, if you're up for it.

And even though we could put it out, we don't.

We wait.

We let the heat devour everything in its path...

because sometimes you just have to burn all the trees to the ground...

if you want them to grow again.

That table looks wrong.


You like the couch there?

I tried it here, too, but I-I can move it back if you want.

What do you think?

So many words so early in the morning.

I woke up totally wired...

Had to do something to burn off this energy, you know?

Do you sleep, like, ever?

Happy birthday, by the way.

Yeah, thanks.

Wait. What?

Came for you about an hour ago.

I did not know they delivered that early.

Yeah. You know, when you're living with someone, there's a general rule you don't rearrange the furniture and you don't open their mail.

We need to have a talk about boundaries.

I'm gonna move the couch back.

You're not gonna open it? Looks pretty nice.

You want bacon? Like, really nice.

Aren't you even curious? Nope.

Who do you think it's from? I know who it's from.

Hey, man, bound... Boundaries.

"Lost time is never found again."

That's dark.

What's that all about? Nothing.

For real, who's it from?

My birthday is not a thing.

So please, just don't make it a thing.

What about the bacon? I'll eat at the station.

Happy birthday.

Okay, so, you have two options for your eggs.

Frittata'd or... cold.

Because it'll be later because it'll be after...

How about to go? I'm sorry.

I have to prep for a meeting with that restaurant investor.

Hey, where is the, uh, dry cleaning that you picked up?

I kind of forgot it at the station.

I will swing by on break and grab it.

If you don't have time to eat, maybe you have time for, you know...

Spontaneous morning sex is what I'm getting at.

That's what I'm... I'm really sorry.

I'm really late. Okay, sure. Yep.


I need advice.

Um, hi, good morning. Thanks.

So, Ryan will be at the station today for that annual life-saving training we do with P.D.

That's today, right? I don't know.

I haven't thought about it.

I'm literally mid-shampoo.

Well, Ryan and I agreed we needed to talk, but then Handsome Brad called, and I started talking to him when I don't even care about Handsome Brad.

But you care about Ryan?

He broke things off.

He stopped talking to me.

But, yeah, I kind of hate how much I care about him.

And his dad's here.

I know their history.

I should check in about that, right?

Or no. I'm not even his girlfriend.

You're way better at this kind of stuff.


Maybe Ryan needs a little space...

Alone, to process everything in the comfort of his own bathroom long enough to rinse the conditioner out of his hair before getting bombarded with Herrera problems.

So, you're saying you need a couple more minutes for conditioner, and then you'll answer my questions? Go!

So, you were trying to spice things back up with a frittata.

Okay, isn't that the universal equation?

Is it? Breakfast plus bed equals sex in that bed, yes.

You know, in your house maybe.

Besides, there's nothing to spice back up.

We were taking things slow, and then I got hurt, and we kind of skipped spice.

You skipped spice?

You can't skip beginning-of-relationship spice.

It's the best of the spices.

Okay, see, this is what happens when I'm out of your life for too long.

You do crazy things like not have hot, round-the-clock sex with your gorgeous boyfriend.

It's a c... It's a crime.

Stop it. You stop it.

Yeah, baby.

But you got to work on that hook.

Ain't nothin' wrong with my hook.

You keep dropping your right arm every time you throw it.

That's how you wind up face-down in the ring.


If anyone was gonna end up face-down, I figured it was gonna be you last night.

I've never seen you close down Joe's before.

Yeah, well, I'm still feeling the rush, baby.

Yeah, I hear that.

If we can walk out of a three-alarm blaze with just a few scratches, that's cause for celebration.

Explain that to Eva sometime.

Six months into marriage number two, and I'm already sleeping on the couch every other night.

I'm sorry, man.

You know... You know what I don't get?

You can stay out all night and still end your day so damn happily married.

It's not about how you end your day, Rip.

It's all about how you start it.

Word of advice, you may want to give Sullivan a little extra space, as in all the space.

He's in a mood. Ugh, when isn't he in a mood?

Cranky's kind of his baseline.

No, it's worse than usual. Just ask the punching bag.

I wonder what's up. Guys, quick. Come on.

Come on!


Only have a couple of seconds.

For what?

Throwing a party after shift for Dean. Our place.

It's his birthday. Miller hates his birthday.

I want to do something nice.

By throwing him a party that he won't want at his own house.

Totally. People who say they don't like birthdays are the ones who usually actually want something special, right?

That has not been my experience. Nope, okay.

Nope, nope. Not hearing this. What?

Come on. Actively un-hearing this.

Why not? No, I'm really sort of extremely terribly bad at secrets, so...

Vic's got a secret.

I give it about five minutes.

All right, yeah.

Happy birthday, Miller. What?!

Jack's throwing a surprise birthday party to celebrate.

Vic! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

Come on, man. Like, I thought I was clear.

Look, guys, I don't want to make my birthday a thing, okay?

Okay. Okay? Can we...

Miller. Yeah.

I had no idea. Happy birthday.

Thank you, sir.

Chief Ripley, hello.

I was, uh... I was looking for Sullivan.

I figured he'd be in here for breakfast.

He doesn't eat with us, Chief.

No? No.

Okay, thank you all. I'll try his office.

Oh, and, Bishop, I was pleased to see your Lieutenant application come through.

Looking forward to our interview.

Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.

Low-key throwing your hat in the ring, Bishop.

I like it. It's nothing.

I applied for a lieutenant position.

That's it. It's not nothing.

It's just an application.

Application and an interview.

This is a big deal.

I mean, I-I'm in your bathroom oversharing every morning, and y-you kept something this big a secret?

It's not a secret.

It's just one application. That's it.

And I didn't mention it because I don't want to talk about it yet.

We already have two lieutenants in our station.

Never heard of a station having three.

I don't want to talk about this, Gibson.

Actually, I just came to wish you luck.

I'm not your best friend.

I'm not your roommate.

It's not personal to me.

So, if it gets real, and you're trying to take my job, good luck.

You'll need it.

Oh, I see how it is, Mr. Zen.

Now you want me to think you're all.

"'Namaste' out of your business, Maya," but I see you.

You want to go head to head with me.

You know, it is kind of strange that you didn't tell anyone, but I get it.

You're scared to lose.

Oh, I'm not scared to lose. No?

You do realize you've never seen me really compete, right?

I mean, I had to put Competitor Maya in storage after the gold medal, but...

Oh, man, were you in the Olympics?

That... whoa, really?

Gibson, I'll destroy you.

Mm, not worried.

Mm, maybe you should be.


Once we recovered the liver, we immediately started it on warm perfusion, brought it right back to life.

An actual zombie liver.

That's unbelievable.

Oh, believe it, 'cause I did it.

And you, uh... you also somehow managed to convince Jo to go for this behind Alex's back.


I know it's hard when your spouse is the chief of the hospital.

I miss that.

You miss me breaking protocol behind your back?


I just...

Like, even though Alex and Jo disagree, just seeing them working together reminded me of what it used to be like with us.

I know, and it... it's been harder since I started at 19.

It really has.

Ben... But that's what today is for, right?

For us to reconnect, even if we don't see each other as much.

Ah... Starting with fresh coffee.

Chief, what can I do for you?

Six-week evaluation of your team's stats.

And you're bringing it in person, huh?

Should I be worried?

I noticed your crew was having breakfast a few minutes ago.

Didn't see you in there.

Yeah, I like to maintain a professional distance.

All right, well, response times are good, call times down, patient recovery rates up.

Seems like the team at 19 is doing well.

Yeah, well, I think they're getting adjusted to having me around.

And how are you adjusting?

I'm not sure what you mean.

Well, you've been away from Seattle a long time, and it took some convincing to get you back here.

I know you had reservations.

It's time I focus on the future, not the past.

Today's date is not lost on me.

I'm aware of the date, and I'm fine.

All the same, I thought I'd stay a while, watch a little of the training today.

See you out there.

All right, here we go.

All right, take it easy, man.

Stick to the right lane. No, we got sirens, okay?

We can drive in whatever lane we want.

Cars move for us.

Perks of the job. Yeah, yeah, I'm glad you're having a good time right now, but you do remember I'm interviewing for Captain next week.

So I kind of want to live to see it.

You know what your problem is? What's my problem?

You don't embrace or enjoy enough.

You got to embrace and enjoy, man.

Embrace and enjoy? Yes, embrace and enjoy.

You're never gonna get ahead in the department if you keep acting like this.

Like what, like I enjoy my job?

Maybe I don't want to get ahead. Sully, you're so good.

You could move up to the Battalion Chief in no time.

Yeah, which requires pushing pencils, inspecting uniforms, keeping people in line.

Oh, man. Those don't sound like perks to me.

There's more to it than that.

I got into this to fight fires, to save lives.

Not to be a drill sergeant. No offense.

I'm offended.

Nah, I'm good where I'm at.

Welcome to basic life-saving training.

We'll be working in groups.

Officers, you're here today to be more effective in the field.

Sometimes P.D. arrives first on the scene.

When a victim is severely injured, every second matters.

Today, you learn how to make those seconds count.

Just to be clear, if Jack asks you to buy balloons...

Saving lives is about synergy.

The correct answer is no.

You have the P.D. working with the Fire Department. You got it.

Streamers are more eco-friendly anyway.

Again, as a team, collaborating.

I want two firefighters on every dummy with four or five officers each.

For some of you, this will be a refresher... Did Ripley just wave at you?

But for others, this is brand-new. Yeah, so?

It's a traditional form of greeting.

Don't get scared. People wave.

They do. Work together.

I just didn't realize you and Ripley were waving buddies.

It's about assistance... But I guess, uh, about work... today's a day full of surprises, so... and observing.

Don't look now, but Tanner's trying to catch your eye.

What kind of buddies are you two these days?

Today, you cease to be an individual.

Buddy buddies who don't talk or see each other... If you want to save lives...

Right... you have to do it together.

Or know how to act around each other, actually.

Have you tried waving?

Today you'll learn basic techniques to save victims in the field. It works.


That's your foundation.

That's the core of your training.

Let's get to it.

So, we got the whole day ahead of us.

What's next, huh?

We... We could, uh, go to the movies.

When's the last time we did that?

Or, if you'd rather, we could just stay home, binge a movie.

We... We said we would talk today.

Now, I know it's too early to start thinking about lunch.

But we should talk.

I-I wish we didn't...

No, I wish I could put it off, but I-I can't sit here or go to the movies with you and pretend like I don't have something I need to say.

Okay. Just, uh, sit with me, please?

What's going on?

A-Are you all right?

Is... Is it your heart again?

Did something change?

Miranda, I'm starting to get worried here.

No, it's... okay.

Uh, lately, I've been trying to lower my stress level.

I know that. And I thought, if I cut back on my workload, that that would help, and then I thought it was the pressure of being chief, so I stepped down, but even after all of those changes, I'm still stressed.

Do you want to try and get help, or...

I love you so much, Benjamin Warren.

I-I've felt like...

I feel like the... the two of us are so strong, right? Yeah.

We've gotten through so much together, and I know that we can get through this, too.

Get through what, exactly?

I need a sabbatical.

I need to lower my stress.

And I love you, but I can't spend every day wondering if you're okay or if you're gonna make it home anymore, and I-I feel like I can maybe get myself together if you and I can... take a break...

from our marriage.

Hey, did I, um...

Did I tell you that Ripley was at that therapy thing I went to after last shift?

He's very different outside of work.

More sweaters. I never saw him as a sweater guy.

You'll be over there. Um. Blazers for sure, but...

Mm. Do you think he's here to talk to Sullivan about Maya, about promoting her?

He's not here to brush up on his CPR certification.

You happy with Herrera?

And of course Ryan's being assigned to us.

If... If it gets weird, can you just run interference or something?

Oh, yeah, probably not.

What? I'm teaching CPR all day.

I need something fun to keep me distracted.


We still need to talk.


About CPR.

So we're gonna start by showing you all how to correctly administer chest compressions.

You'll know if you've successfully completed CPR, because your dummy will beep back to life.

And beep, Tanner's up first.

Everyone else, let's talk ABCs...

Airwaves, breathing, circulation.

Or anyone else can go first. I'll go.


You need anything before we get started?

Some water, cup of coffee?

No, I am already coffeed up.

My day starts at 4:00 a.m.

Mine did too, today. You must work the early shift.

I get the best runs in before 6:00 a.m.

Hi, Officer Kingsley? Maya Bishop.

I get my best runs in early, too.

Yeah, gold medalist Maya Bishop?

Yeah, I'd recognize you anywhere.

Man, I was hoping I might meet you today.

You were? Yeah.

I run, too. Since when?

Since I moved into the houseboat.

You have a houseboat?

Oh, my God. You are so lucky.

I love being on the water.

Kingsley, we need your badge number on the sign-in sheet.

Yeah, yeah, sorry.

I'll be right back.

So, you really meant it about competing with me over everything, apparently.

You can try and edge in there, but she and I already hit it off.

You missed your window.

Please. She's obviously into me.

Plus, we already have more in common.

Like what?

Like running.

And boobs.

What do you have? My charm.

And this.

Ugh, you're gonna have to try harder than that.

Good, now begin your compressions.

How's, uh, Brian?

Brady? Brad.


Move your hands over to the right a bit.

He's great. Cool, good.

Listen, there's something I need to ask you.

Apply more pressure to your compressions.

It won't feel natural.

Nothing feels all that natural right now.

Just be careful not to push too hard.

You may cause more damage than you realize.

We do classes every year.

I know how to perform CPR.

And I know how to teach it.

So, that's one-person CPR.

Now we'll dive into two-person CPR.

I heard it's your birthday.

If it's all the same to you, sir, I'd rather not talk about it.

Not a fan? He's so, so not.

It's just another day, no different than the day before or the day after.

That's right.

I mean, it doesn't make sense to try to make it a big deal.

To remember one specific day.

For what, huh?

There's no reason.

Screw your birthday.

Right, o-okay.

That's cool.

Got plans after shift? Round two at Joe's, baby.

Oh, you're gonna have to hit that without me.

It's Claire's birthday.

I haven't figured out what I'm gonna yet.

I have to get on that A.S.A.P.

Favorite restaurant and a bracelet from Tiffany's.

Boom, you're done. Yeah, that's why you sleep on the couch.

Oh, you want another one of these? Hey, you two!

88 was the first one called to this scene, you're just now showing up?

We got here as fast as we could.

Trust me. Not fast enough.

Apologies, Captain. Eh, don't apologize to me.

Hustle. Get in there. Do better.

My team will handle that first van before the damn thing explodes.

You guys cover the other car.

Two civilians, minor injuries, both alive.

Keep them that way.


Man, Herrera is tough.

What is it? You okay?

That's her car. That's my wife's car!

Hey, you, get off her!

You'll break her ribs! Get... Get off my wife!

Sorry, I was just trying to help. Let us take care of that...

You could be doing more harm than good.

The car came out of nowhere. I swerved out of the way.

Next thing I know, she got out, and she dropped to the ground.

I-I ran to help. I just wanted to help.

No pulse.

You're gonna be fine.

It's okay, baby.

You're gonna be fine.

Remember, one of the greatest threats to your victim after a traumatic injury is blood loss, so hemorrhage control is gonna be key.

That's why we're training you to apply these dressings in this manner... To effectively cut down on fatalities due to field-related exsanguination.

Just press real hard to keep them from bleeding out.

Hey, Trav.

Can I ask you a personal question?

You don't have to answer.

Have you been having any trouble these past six weeks or so, you know, at... at night? What?

Like, when it's time for bed, have you been having any No, of course not, man.

You know, it's normal to schedule sex.

People get busy, okay?

Spontaneity... Not always practical.

It's not a big deal. I meant sleeping.

You know, actual sleeping at night.

I... I... Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

No, I meant no. Yeah.

I haven't had trouble there, either. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

I sleep like a baby. Okay.

Look, Jack's up at all weird hours, and he's really full of energy, and he's been doing a lot of weird things, you know, making weird decisions.

Like dangerous decisions?

It could be dangerous.

He's redecorating my house at 3:00 a.m. without my permission, and I think your day-planner lover just arrived.

Did you have a noon-er scheduled?

Afternoon delight!

It's respect, man.

All right.

Hey, let me grab your shirt.


Oh, hi.

Sorry. Hello. Hello.

I'm Gravis, Trant's... Nope, that's not right.

I am Grant, Travis' boyfriend.

Grant, right, you work at that.

Fusion restaurant downtown, right?

It has good food. Sorry, sir.

I'm just, uh, grabbing something for him real quick, and I'm gonna get back to my station.

Hurry up.

That's Sullivan? Yeah?

You never mentioned your new mean boss also looked like that.

How did this never come up? Oh, yeah, dude's fine.

Anybody with working eyeballs can see that.


I can't believe you're reacting like this.

Are you blushing?

You're not? Okay, all right.

Okay. Let's go get your dry cleaning.

Nicely done.

Thank you.

Yo, Bishop here's going out for a Lieutenant position soon.

Ah. She's a really great candidate.

Oh, yeah? I don't doubt that.

I would know since, you know, I already am a Lieutenant.

All right, folks. Heimlich 101.

Now, let's say Lieutenant Gibson is choking on a slice of Hawaiian pizza, which he loves because he's a monster.

Now, I want to save his life, not because I support him eating pineapple on pizza, but because it's my duty, and lucky for Gibson, I am great at my job.

So I wrap my arms around him, and I apply pressure here! Wait.

Oh, starting to regret that ab workout earlier this morning.

Wow! It is really lodged in there, Gibson.

I think it's out. I don't think so.

I think we might... I see this is funny to you two.

I was just trying to keep things light, sir.

I expected more from you, Bishop.

It's not funny when you're treating a victim in the field.

It's their life.

It's not a joke.


Shock delivered. Still V-fib.

The blunt-force trauma must be severe.

Baby, come on. Can you hear me?

It's Bobby.

Was she talking when you got here?

Was she complaining about pain or...

I don't, uh, really know.

Uh, my bike wiped out, and I just...

You fell off your bike, hit your head?

Yeah, but not too bad.

Okay, she... she needs epi right now.

No, that's not the protocol.

It's two minutes of CPR, then check her pulse.

To hell with protocol!

Hey, stand down!

This is Rescue Team 88.

I need another pair of hands over here and a gurney and a backboard. Copy.

Medic en route. That's my wife.

That's Claire. Not right now, she isn't.

Right now, she's a patient... My patient.

You're my best friend. You're not gonna bench me now.

You're too close on this. You can't be objective.

No, no, no. The cyclist could have a head trauma.

Get him back to the Aid Car. Do a full neural assessment.

Screw you! I'm not going anywhere! Sullivan!

You've been given an order by your commanding officer.

That means you follow it.

He has his victim. You have yours.

Back to the Aid Car, now.


I don't want to lose you, Miranda.

You're not gonna lose me.

That's not what this is about.

This is about m-me trying to get myself into better shape.

This is my fault.

I-I haven't held up my end of things.

No, it's not. I never built you your tree house.

Ben. I-I promised you, after your heart attack, you told me you wanted a tree house.

And... And I promised I'd build one, and I haven't.

I've... I've been busy, and... and when I get home, I'm always tired, but I-I should have prioritized it.

Tired or not, it doesn't matter.

It was for you. It was... It was to help you.




What are you doing? I'm gonna build that damn tree house.

I got all day. Ben, no.

I can get supplies. I can do this right now.

It's not the tree house. That's not gonna fix this.

I need to go. I need you to hear me.

I need you to understand. No, okay, I can't!

I can't understand this, Miranda.

It is the first step on the road to divorce.

No, no.

It's a sabbatical.

Call it whatever you want. It's a separation.

I-I'm not trying to see other people.

I'm not going to keep you from Tuck.

I... This is about me taking the time for myself to get well.

A-A-And you don't want me staying here?

How is that supposed to help anything?

If I already know you're not coming home, then I won't stay up worrying about whether or not you will be or what state you'll be in if you do.

You're gonna magically stop thinking about me or how I am?

I have to try something. Because I sure as hell am not gonna stop thinking about you.


What? 160/95.

Or 140/85 or 150/90.

That's what my BP looks like.

I've been checking it, keeping track.

Miranda, those... those numbers are too high. I can't breathe!


Every time I... think about signing your life's benefits paperwork or think about you in a fire or...

Or wait for you to come home, I-I can't breathe.

My heart races, and I-I don't feel like myself, and I'm afraid being married to you when you put your life on the line every single day...

I'm scared it could k*ll me.

See, that's why I need the sabbatical, for my health, for my life.

I love you, but worrying about you, you are literally breaking my heart.

Shouldn't this thing have beeped by now?

Just keep pumping, Tanner.

What's going on over there?

Well, when two people that attractive want to get sweaty together, sometimes they simply can't be stopped.

Oh. You think Jack wants to get sweaty with that girl?

I thought Bishop wanted to get sweaty.

5 bucks on Bishop.

Actually, 10 bucks.

Did your dummy beep?

No, see, that is a tough call.

Jack's got the hair, but Maya reads books.

Can you show me the...? Do you want to go to the...? Yeah, I'll... I'll do that.

Nope, got a hair flip. 10 bucks on Gibson.

You stopped your compression.

You're just letting your dummy die.

I think the thing's broken.

Hey, hey. We got a pool going over who's gonna win that girl, Bishop or Gibson.

You guys want in?

I think Grant has a thing for Sullivan now.

Nah, he just got caught up for a minute in the tall, handsome firefighter thing.

Yeah, exactly, that's Sullivan.

Give me 20 on Gibson.

Look, stop selling yourself short.

You got it goin' on.

You just got to show him.

Yeah, just give him some... some firefighter spice.

Pshhh. Whee. What do you...

What do you mean, like role-play?

$20 on Bishop, and... can you spot me some cash?

What? You know I'm good for it.

I don't know that, actually.

I don't know that.

It's his birthday, man.


Thank you, thank you.

We still haven't talked.

I'm not sure what to talk about, Ry.

I think we just need more time.

I need you. What?

Your help.

Can we put all the weird stuff aside?

I need you.

My friend who's known me for 500 years.

My dad's back, and... I know.

And he wants to hash things out with me one-on-one, but...

I can't see straight with him.

He says he's changed, but I can't...

I need someone that I can trust to tell me if I should trust him.

You want me to sit down with your dad with you.

I mean, I did, but then you made me do about a million compressions and my arms are falling off, so...

What the hell is going on here?

We were just... You're treating this day like a damn field trip!

Your vic's life depends on you and you alone.

Sir, we finished the exer... We're the first up on the scene.

Our job isn't supposed to be fun or funny.

It's about responsibility.

We don't have time for mistakes.

Every moment counts.

We're two minutes out.


Shock administered. Anything?

We're still V-fib. Shock's not working.

Prepping amiodarone.

Wait, what? Her heart needs a restart.

It'll buy us enough time to get her to the hospital and into an OR.

You'll k*ll her. What?

She's allergic to iodine.

Amiodarone is made from it, Luke.

We'll let the hospital know she has the allergy.

They'll be ready when we arrive.

No, you can't give it to her. We have to risk it.

If we don't do something right now, she'll die.

Her brain needs oxygen. Look, we're almost there.

The hospital can save her without it.

They can't save her if she's already gone.

She is my wife, Luke. It's my call.

No, you're too close to this. The call is mine.

You son of a bitch.

I didn't do anything wrong.

Anything wrong?

You're unprofessional. You're unfocused.

I expect my team to listen to me.

I expect you to listen to me.

We heard you, Captain.

Herrera, this doesn't concern you and...

It does, actually.

We're teaching the basics on dummies today.

This is an exercise. It doesn't count.

Not enough to be singling Bishop out all day in front of the Chief.

Herrera, I'm... You want to yell at me, go ahead. I deserve it.

I'm picking a fight with my commanding officer right now, but don't kick Bishop around, not when she doesn't deserve it, not when she's one of the very best people you've got, and you have no business making it look otherwise.

You have some nerve telling Sullivan, that's enough.

Stand down.

It was the best choice in the moment.

I think, deep down, you know that.

You should have listened to me. Sully.

I had to foll... You're my best friend, Luke, but she's my world, not yours.

It wasn't your decision to make.

I stand by my decision.

You w... You would have done the same thing.

Stop talking now.

I don't need you to talk to me ever again.

Are you... you're going?

Yeah, Chief Ripley thought it'd be best if I took off the rest of the shift.

He's on duty if you need anything.

Hang onto it.

What? You and Bishop.

The bond you have.

You know, this place can break it.

Don't let it.

Hi, Chief.

Try not to hold today against him.


He was off base earlier, but today is...

Today is not a great day for him.

I'm surprised you stuck around for the, um...

The whole training session.

You just like it that much here?

I mean, o-overall, we are pretty likeable.


It's my job to visit all the stations.

So it's more, uh...

It's more that I like my job.

Oh, right, duh, obviously.

I do like 19, though.

I like the energy here.

Of course, I, uh...

I like the people.


Excuse me? What?


Oh, nothing.

No, I wasn't...

Just, uh... Oh, what'd you say?

I didn't say anything. Me neither.

No? No.




You actually came.

Well, that's what happens when you text me...

"Come to the roof."

I come to the roof.

I wanted quiet. Figured you might, too.

So nobody's gonna jump out and scream things at me?

The last thing I want is to make your birthday worse.

We don't even have to talk.

Just sit.

All right.

Listen, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to overstep today.

I wasn't serious about keeping it.

The watch is from my father, and that inscription...

It's a threat.

I'm 30 years old.

Time to join the family business, to contribute to the Miller legacy.

He wants me to hang up my turnouts and put on a business suit.

Yeah, but you're 30.

Your folks can't expect you to do whatever they say.

They'll cut me off from everything.

Money, holidays.

We don't have the best dynamic, but to be cut off entirely...

Just for being a firefighter?

Think they'd be proud.

They think me risking my life on the daily is disrespectful to them because they worked so hard to make another way for me, yet they're willing to completely destroy our relationship because of what?

A job?

My job.

That's disrespectful.

So I guess I'm cut off.

Does that mean no more fancy houseboat?

It means you're gonna have to start paying rent.

We could pawn the watch.

All right.

Tell them to come out already.

What do you mean?

I saw the cake in the fridge.

Let's get this over with.

No. Unh-unh, unh-unh. No, no, no, no.

No, no singing. No singing.

We're not celebrating my birthday.

We're celebrating, uh, the fact that we have cake.

Chocolate cake day, or whatever.

I'll cut, you serve?

Oh, okay.

Sure, happy to.

What... you thought I was gonna invite you up here and not put you to work?

You got to work for your cake.

Like I said, happy to.

Thanks. Oh, thank you.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the Lieutenant thing.

I'm sorry you didn't feel like you could tell me.

I mean, you know you can barge into my bathroom and bombard me with all your stuff, right?

Any time.

Because you are my friend.

You're awesome and tough, and...

I'm a beast.

I mean, when I compete, I just... I tend to change.

I get these blinders up, and I think I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to wake the beast or something.

I don't know.

I sound crazy.

It doesn't make sense.

I just didn't want you and me to get all competitive or...

You think I can't handle the beast?

Oh, I can handle the beast.

I... I will beast out right with you.

You can't scare me off, Maya Bishop.

You know that, right? Don't even try.

Well, be careful what you wish for. Mm.

Hey, Gibson.

Guess who got her number.

Oh, damn. I knew it! She wins.

All right, Vic, pay up.

I also got her number.

Yes! What?

What? Yes!

What's the over/under on this?

Okay, who wants to go double or nothing on who gets the first date?

Chief, you want in on this? Mnh-mnh.

Anyone else?

Some fires are harder to put out than others... even when we're the ones who've started them.

I guess this is it.

Don't say it like that.

It's just a little break.

I don't even know how to leave.

I... want to kiss you goodbye, but, I mean, do I do that or... or not?


Should I just leave?

Yeah, I-I guess I'll just go.

We can light the match.

We can fan the flames.

Uh, what's going on?

You're right. I'm sorry.

This is... This is weird. Never mind.

I thought maybe I would try to spice it up a bit.

It just... it feels like there's this big annoying thing hanging over us.

I-I don't know how to get past it, and I can't just, you know, walk in here and rip your clothes off out of the blue, so I figured... Can't you?

But we can't always control what the fire does, where the fire goes.

Or how damn hot it's gonna burn.