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08x03 - Vendetta: Part 3

Posted: 12/27/20 09:35
by bunniefuu
Details on the meet.

You just tried to buy a bio-w*apon, you don't exactly get the moral high ground.

Tirana-Shkoder train.

Yeah, moving!

Let's get this done. The product; Zayef appreciates it.

The Intel has just come through.

What does it say about him there, on the left?

That's Mahiya's younger brother, Zayef.

Something about this doesn't scan.

It's too dangerous, we have to go. leaves the bioweapon behind.

Something far worse is coming down the line.
































The sun is shining, the weather is hot, and we have got absolutely nothing.

Going on about three hours now.

You sure about this?

He's got a point, though, boss.

If Zayef and Mahir have gone to ground, then it's not much of a lead.

The Intel's patchy, but GCHQ have intercepted an encrypted image from an associate of Mahir's showing this pay phone with this date.

Which could be a code or deliberate misinformation.

We're pinning it all on a pretty slender thread.

Well, when it's the only thread we have, we pull it, see what unravels.

Oh, I could get used to a place like this.

You're not thinking of leaving us again, are you, mate?

Didn't work out so well for you last time.

Stand by. I have eyes on a possible alpha.

Male, 40s, blue shirt.

See him.

When are you arriving?

Who's that? Is that Zayef?

Can you trace the call? I'm trying.

It's rerouting, bouncing around.

I'll be waiting at the meet.

Bravos, snatch Alpha. Minimum of fuss.

Our Israeli friends don't know we're here, and Whitehall would prefer it to stay that way.

Copy that. We'll grab him and walk him out.

Copy that.

We have an unknown hostile on motorbike.

Zero Alpha, we're in pursuit.

Hey, sorry, bro. Back.

Bravo Two going mobile.

Bravo, we need that target alive.

Alpha One heading east.

We are still covert. No g*ns, no noise.

Eyes on Tango. Right behind him.

Shit, I've lost Alpha. I've lost Alpha.

Zero, I have eyes on Alpha.

I'm in pursuit.

f*ck me!

Come on.

Alpha One is heading southeast.

I gotta head in pursuit on foot.

We still got a Tango on a motorbike.

Copy that, Bravo Two.








You okay?

Hold it!

Go! Go!

Drive, or you're dead!

Go! Go!

Drive, taximan! Don't stop!


Get me the hell out of here now!

Hold it!

Come on, come on, come on! Move!

Move it! Move it, quickly, quickly!

Hands! Hands!

Don't even think about it.

You just f*cked up my mission!

And, you know... hello.

I'll drop you at the hospital.

No hospital.


Shajara Heights.

Get me a doctor.

Someone who won't ask questions.

I have enough problems in my life already.

You're from across the border, huh?


No, I just keep myself to myself.

Wait, taximan. I can pay you.

More than you're worth.

I would need to see that money first.

F-f*cking thing.

You get it wrong three times and everything's wiped.

What is it?

I sell this, I give you 50,000, if you help me.

I'm bleeding pretty f*cking badly, friend.

I need a doctor and fast.

Please. This kind of money...

It could change your life.

Captain Zarkova.


Still hanging around in the nicest of places.

We would like to know a little more about that man you were chasing.

Yes, I bet you would, but I would like to say hello to everybody first.

So... hello.

Zarkova, good to see you.

Yeah, I wish I could say the same.

Nobody's stopping you.

Lance Corporal, you're still alive.

Good for you.

Thank you. Okay, great.

Now that we have caught up, exchanged pleasantries, all these kinds of things, I'm going to have to ask you to stay the f*ck away from my op.

We had that guy before you got in our way.

You did not have shit, and now I have a very big problem.

Does your problem include the two jihadists that are on their way? Aww, look at that.

We know more than you do. Really? Really?

Do you even know what he has, what you're chasing?

No. Okay.

The man is Russian, wanted by Russia.

This is none of your business, so thank you.

What is it that you want, exactly, Colonel?

We have Intel. You have Intel.

We pool our resources, for old times' sake.

We made a good team once. You ever worked with better?

Yes, many times.


Bit harsh.

You working here alone? Again, none of your business, but yes, I am, and I doubt whatever Intel you have will make me change that.

We know where your target is.

Facial recognition just got a hit on him.

His name is Lieutenant Colonel Lev Kogan, deputy security chief of the Combined Arms Center for Electronic Warfare.

He stole a device from a secure facility.

Device code name: Imperiya.

Imperiya's a myth.

Actually, it is very real.

No f*cking way.


Sorry. Imperiya is... well, it's basically the cyber warfare equivalent of an atomic b*mb.

A crypto-viral Trojan horse.

It can take down a city's network in seconds... power, security, emergency services... leaving the city utterly exposed to an attack.

You mentioned jihadists.

We believe they've secured a deal with Lieutenant Kogan for this device.

Been tracking these guys for a while.

We got a feeling they're ramping up to something big.


Any idea why they might have chosen Tel Aviv?

The weather, the sea, jihadist cells on the West Bank.

I have no idea. I really don't give a shit.

All I care about is Kogan and what he's stolen from Russia.

How did you trace him here?

That's not how we're doing this.

Facial recognition picked him up being helped into a short-stay apartment in Shajara Heights.

If we do this together, I take the lead, and Imperiya's mine to take home to Russia.

We just want the people he's meeting.

I will need a comms device.

Comms are for 20.

Welcome back, Blondie. It's nice to see you too.

All right, here's how we're gonna play it.

Bravo One keeps eyes on the outside.

Myself, Bravos Two and Three approach the building, and if we have to, we go loud.

You getting this, Zero? Copy that.

Go with it for now, Bravo One, but discretion is yours.

The doctor.

No doctor.

Not yet.


So... how much is this worth, huh?

He was going to give me 50,000 just for a doctor.

It's worth nothing to you.

You have no idea what to do with it.

Which is why you're going to tell us what it is and who's buying it.


Huh? Huh?

Apartment 3F was the last one rented out, two days ago.

It fits the timescale. So how was Russia?

I was expecting a postcard.

It was good, you know?

They were really grateful for what we did, for stopping Pavel. Oh, yeah?

They throw you a parade? No.

Just a medal.


It doesn't have to be like this, huh?

We have someone coming... bandages, medical supplies.

But we need to know the name of the buyer first.

f*ck you, taximan.

I like this guy.

I think you will start talking.

Mmm, mmm.

Got local police out here.

Nothing I can't handle if it comes to it, but remember, we don't have permission, so the quieter, the better, regardless of what bloody Zarkova says.

Copy that.

We'll do our best.

You should be running your own team by now.

On the count of three.

Three, two, one.

Shit, we got possible contact.


Tell me! The buyer!

It's worth millions, but you will get shit.

We'll take him with us.

He can't go anywhere in this condition.

Take this.

Go on, leave him. We gotta go.

Give us cover.

There'll be money in this for all of us.

Topal, move now! Follow me.

Runners to the left!

Wyatt, they may have the package!

Copy that! I'll take them!

Bravo Two moving out.

Stand back.


Move! Move!

Oh, God! I'm hit!

I'm dying! It's just a scratch.

What's your name? Constable Yoni Spiegel.


All right, listen to me, Constable Spiegel.

I'm gonna draw their fire.

You're gonna get these people to safety, okay?

Eh? No, no, no. I can't. I can't.

These guys don't care who they hit.

People are gonna get hurt.

f*cking man'yeck scum!

Give me the magazine!

You've got the badge. You can do this.

Yes? Good lad.

Okay, ready?


Go! Go! Move! Move!


Bravo Two, I got runners heading down the east stairwell.

Copy that. Move in to engage.



Bravos, be warned. Local police moving in.

Pick up the package now. We cannot be caught.

Still engaging!

Shit! Hold it!



What? What is it? Gas pipe!

If we start sh**ting again, the whole place is gonna go up.

I don't think that's true.

Anything that causes a spark will ignite it.

There's not enough gas. Stop!

Pull that f*cking trigger, Zarkova, and we're all dead.

I think maybe you did not go to university, so...

I've got a f*cking engineering degree.

From where?

The Australian Defence Force Academy.

It's not exactly Moscow State, is it?

I just need you to shut the f*ck up, Zarkova.



So they sent the f*cking izmennik after me.


He was going for the g*n. I did not have a choice.

They've taken Imperiya. We need to stop them.

Bravo One, any sign of the runners?

Yeah, we've got them pinned.

Moving in!

Fall back.

Put the g*n away and keep your shit together.

No, we can still get them.

Wyatt, we have no permissions here. We can't be caught.

Zero Alpha, Bravos One and Two withdrawing to extraction point.

It's over, mate. Fall back. They're gone.

This is a misunderstanding. We were just passing.

Oi, what are you doing?

Cleaning up Russian fingerprints.

Boss said as quiet as possible.

Not my boss. Oh, for f*ck's sake.

I think we need to talk.

That was close.

Open it.

Let's see what this is.

What the hell is this shit?

I think it's military.

This is f*cking wild, man.

How we gonna find a buyer for this?

I don't know.

I was thinking maybe Haim?

No offense. You think Haim's gonna talk to someone like you?

If it's worth enough, Haim will deal with anyone.

Danny, this is a gift fallen from the sky.

This is a way out of all this.

But I don't have your... connections.

You're right.

You're not a scumbag like me.

I'm in.

I'll make some phone calls, arrange a meeting.

But, Topal, once Haim gets involved, shit gets nasty.

You ready?

Are you ready for this? Yes.

Massive expl*si*n on the streets of Tel Aviv, four dead, and what the hell happened to Kogan?

He reached for a w*apon.


None of this is convenient. Lance Corporal?

I didn't see him reach for the w*apon, but I did hear him call you the izmennik, which means a traitor.

You didn't see shit because you were in the other room getting your ass handed to you.

And yeah, some people in Russia were not happy that I worked with the West because...

Okay, who the hell initially opened fire at the apartment?

Well, that was me, but I had to...

You had orders to go in covertly.


I did not have any orders.

This was my op.

Do you think a silent takedown would have been possible?

It's hard to say, boss, but, uh, yeah.

Bullshit. We had no choice.

I'd like to know why Russia's sending in a lone agent rather than a squad, not even a partner.

Excuse me.

Get your f*cking secretary under control, please.

Well, you do seem to be struggling for answers.

Because I answer to Moscow, not you.

This was a mistake.

Bravo Two.

Yeah, I got eyes on.


You were right, boss, only way to be sure.

Wind her up, and off she goes.

And now we see where it leads.

So... you're one of Odele's little drug runners?

Oh, no, no. That's my friend Danny.

Danny Dahan. We grew up together.

Uh, he's the one who got in touch with Odele.

I, uh... I drive a taxi.

Actually, I-I co-own it with another driver.


Is it Topal, right? Yes, Mr. Haim.

I've been told you have something valuable that needs moved.


What am I looking at? Russian military tech.

Secure lockbox.

Without the correct key code, it... it wipes the contents.

Whatever this does, people have died for it.

It could be worth a lot to the right buyer.

Why come to me?

Because I don't know who the right buyer is.

Uh, I have also the cell phone of the previous owner.

Maybe it will help.

What is this?


Scam? No, no, no.

I swear to...

See, I, I came up from the streets.

I know the shit you Arabs pull.

So tell me the f*cking truth.

I hit the Russian with my taxi.

He wanted a doctor, but...

But I stole it from him.

Okay, you're a madman.

So this Russian, is he going to be a problem?

Uh, no, no, not anymore.


Then stop driving around the f*cking taxi that hit him.

Leave this box with me. I'll see what I can dig up.

I will need the pass code.

No, not until we have a sale.

I'm looking for a 50-50 split.

70-30. Mr. Haim...

Mr. Haim what?

Passengers ever give you shit?

Tell you you don't belong here?

People... know nothing.

Now, get the f*ck out of here.

McAllister. Hey.

Thanks for giving my superior that witness statement.

Oh, no worries.

Didn't see any harm in giving you the credit for saving those people.

I've not had much success recently.

Some people around here, they... they don't really respect me as a cop.

I'm sure that's not true.

Someone put superglue on my locker once.

I was stuck there for three hours.

Oh, you're serious. Yeah.

I-I don't know how you do it, b*ll*ts flying past.

You weren't even scared. The training kicks in.

You press it down, get the job done.

Fight now, cry later.

I will. Thank you, Thomas.

Uh, if there's anything I can ever do to help...

Great. Actually, yeah.

Uh, could do with IDs on the sh**t, and while we're at it, there's a couple of dodgy fellas coming into town today or tomorrow.

I wouldn't mind you putting them in the system, see if anything flags when they arrive.

When I said help, I meant...

Spiegel, mate, come on.

Don't need to tweak my statement, do I?

So come on. How was it?

Seeing Zarkova again?

Don't know, it was kind of like a high school reunion, you know?

Measure up where you're at in life.

Who got a medal, who didn't.

How about you, sir?

Well, she was a useful asset to us before, so...


That's one way of putting it.


Oh, nothing, sir. I just meant, like, her assets were of use...

To you... before.

Sir, McAllister's fed through his Intel from the police station.

He's got a confirmed ID on one of the sh**t, a Nadav Topal.

Done some prison time for drug running, now works as a taxi driver.

He's the guy that hit Kogan. It is.

The plates match. I ran them, and a few hours ago, Topal went to the house of one Yada Haim.

Haim started out with a shoeshine business, invested his profits in back-alley gambling, graduated to extortion, loan sharking, now gone semi-legit as a property developer.

And who's the cheeky babe?

That's Rivkah Haim. They've been married for three years.

Do we have any idea why Topal was meeting him?

Well, we shouldn't, but Haim's house runs on a Wirepad Smart Home system: cameras, lights, heating, everything.

You may remember Wirepad were in the news last year for slack security in their software.

Oh, yeah.

I mean, the boss and I couldn't stop talking about it.

Well, some of us find that sort of thing interesting, and it's useful, as it turns out.

What, you can control the cameras from here?

No, I can only monitor them.

Right, well, um, good work.

Try to find a way in. Imperiya's the priority.


Oh, come on.

Sorry, it's running slow.

I'll take a look inside.

Bravo Two, sitrep.

Yeah, I'm still on her.

Yeah, who's this?

You want a beer?

So how did you make me?

Your technique was fine.

Wasn't looking for reassurance, kid.

You need to stop following me, Sergeant.

It was kind of a coincidence. What?

Us being here, you showing up.

Or me being here and you showing up.

You look tired.

Yeah, I'm f*cking shattered.

Last time I saw you, you were planning to go home, make things right with your wife.

Tried to go back.

I did, but you know what it's like.

You get home and it's kind of like home's changed.

It's not really home that's changed, though, is it?

It's complicated.

So what are we doing here?

Just catching up, I guess. No, you don't do catch-ups.

You're working an angle, you know, making a connection, heart-to-heart, trying to gain my trust.

And now you need to go, Sergeant.

Whatever Zayef is planning, you know it's gonna be some insidious shit.

We're not discussing this. You need to walk away.



Sam... please.

Thanks for the beer.

Zero Alpha, I got some bad news.

I lost her.

Please tell me you're joking.

Why's that?

Because we just discovered a back door into our system.

What? No, no, no, no, no.

It's been there since she last worked with us.

She wasn't here by coincidence.

She's accessed every bit of Intel we've had.

We just got boned, Wyatt.


















I know.

Forget about Zarkova.

It was a calculated risk.

We know what Zayef is after, so we got what we needed from her.

Now we grab this Imperiya device before Mahir and Zayef.

That's the mission.

Nothing else matters.

We're in.

Haim's hosting an investment party for his new property venture, Palm Branch Plaza.

You're all on the guest list.

The safe is in the basement guarded by security, cameras, motion sensors.

As it's a smart home, everything runs on the same system, which means we just need to get to the access in the vents there, and then I can take control remotely of the house security.

Motion sensors automatically reset after five minutes, but it gives us a window.

I'd like to volunteer McAllister for vent-crawling duty. Uh, thank you, mate, but you're better in tight spaces. That's your job.

The moment we get that window, Novin will make her way down to the safe and retrieve the package using this little number here.


McAllister, security will be heavy, so you'll be on man management. Nonlethal, please.

Uh, nonlethal, yeah. Copy that, boss.

I need to get this. By all means.

You're only retrieving stolen Russian military tech from a notorious Israeli gangster.

Surveillance sh*ts show that the stolen device is in a STAVKET tech box, key code operated, usually with a fail-safe that wipes the contents, but we have a bump key. I hate to be that guy, but if it's STAVKET-grade, a bump key's not gonna work.

But with a few adjustments, it can be tricked into reverting to the factory default.

000... anyone wanna guess the rest?

Nine. Z...

Hey, talk to me.

My cousin at Home Front Command put those two suspects of yours into their system.

They got flagged on the bus to Jordan, crossing the border, arriving Tel Aviv bus station in an hour and a half.

Oh, you're a superstar. Send me the details.

If these guys are dangerous, shouldn't the police handle it?

Look, by helping us, you are handling it.

Just got a lead on Zayef and Mahir.

Incoming, bus station, hour and a half.

We divide forces. Secure Imperiya.

Excellent. Take Sergeant Wyatt.

And if we get eyes on?

Capture or k*ll.

Solid copy on that, boss.

But that means we're two short for the party.

Well... hmm?

I'll do your hair.

I don't feel entirely comfortable in this.

Or with how that man is looking at me.

How you feel is irrelevant. You look the part.

Get to work.

Nice speech, sir.

f*ck me. How the other half live, eh?

You'd be bored senseless.

Yeah, but I'd start drinking at noon, so...

Hello, welcome. I'm Rivkah Haim.

Alistair Fleming. Fleming Mutual Investments.

And this is my wife... Tonia.


So this is the new place, huh?

The oasis in the city that you deserve.

The pinnacle of luxury and high-end living.

That's quite a claim.

Well, if you're going to bullshit, might as well go big.

Please enjoy yourselves, and, uh, thank you for coming.

Excuse me.

Nadav Topal.

He make you?

Not sure he'd recognize me, boss, but I'd rather not run the risk.

Did you clock the wife's reaction?

I did, yes.

Zero, sitrep. Two minutes.

Oh, for God's sake.

Move into position.

In and out, same route.

What the hell are you doing here?

Business. With my husband?

Topal, is this about me? Of course not.

Just so we are clear, I made my choice, and I'm living with that.

Rivkah, last time we met, it... it was...

Last time was a mistake.

If Haim ever knew you and I were...

This is not about you.

Whatever this is, walk away.

It's not worth it.

You okay? Yes.

Zero, sitrep.

One moment.

Don't even know why I bothered to dress up.

Bravo Three, you have your window.

Opening basement doors.

Disconnecting motion sensors.

You have five minutes till system auto-reboot.

Bravo One, update.

No ID yet, boss. Bus arriving now.

Zero Alpha, positive ID.

We have eyes on hostiles.

Looks like Zayef's got himself a little fan club.

Observe and engage when ready.

Three minutes.

Oh. Oh?

What do you mean, "Oh"?

Well, the security system seems to be trying to reboot.

I'm trying to stop it.

Well, how long has she got?

Ten seconds.

Bravo Three, get out of there now.

Boss, we're never gonna make it.

Every alarm in the place is about to go off.

Three... two... one.

What happened?


Nothing happened.

Alarm systems are down.

Everything okay, Alexander?

Apparently, it is.

Bravo Three, proceed.

So you managed to neutralize the backup security.

Seemed like the smart thing to do, yes.

I also may have a back door into your systems.

Thank you. We know about that.

Are you working here alone?

I am now, yes.

And I think I need your help.

Bravo Three, security patrol.

One Tango inbound. Needs intercepting.

Follow me.

_ Excuse me.

Sorry, seem to have got lost. I...


Do you mind?

All Bravos, sitrep.

Zero Alpha moving for exfil.

Package secure.

Moving for exfil.

Zero Alpha, got some unexpected company.

Yeah, it's your little cop buddy.

Shit, what's he playing at?

Get down!

Wyatt, cover me. No, mission comes first.

Look at him. Come on! You assh*le.

On three.


Spiegel, come on! McAllister! Ah!

Come on, we gotta move! No!

Keep your head down and get your shit together!

Move! Go! Go! Go!

So, Mr. Haim...

So the Russian's phone was a good idea.

I need the pass code so they can examine the product.

I'll give it to them myself, once we talk money.

That's not how we're playing this.

Topal, you will give me the f*cking pass code.

The pass code, it is on my phone.

Let me, huh?

What are you playing at?

Who's your lovely new friend, Alistair?

Anyone else wanna be a f*cking hero?

The people that have the stolen Russian tech; they also grabbed one of our own.

We go in covert, grab ourselves the bag and secure the stolen Russian tech.

Got to be kidding me.

If you want your soldier back secure the package and clean up our trail.

Level 3, contact!

Has the package!

She's in a police vehicle headed south.