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02x02 - Muscle Car + Paper Clips

Posted: 01/10/21 10:29
by bunniefuu
Any time you want to close that door, Riley, would be great!

Yeah, I'm trying, Jack! This is an $800 million military aircraft designed to be unhackable!

It's not exactly user-friendly!

Yeah? Well, neither am I. Status update, now.

We are still... mid-acquisition!

Don't worry, boss.

We'll get that digital doohickey before takeoff, just like you requested! Jack, I'm tracking your airspeed and altitude.

Need I remind you what would happen if these people escape with a handheld.


It's kind of hard to remember stuff with four guys trying to k*ll you.

Hey, Mac, a little more punching and less of whatever that is you're doing!

What are you doing?!

Oh, you're gonna like this, I promise.



Drop it!



Take the shot!

You don't want to press that button!

Uh, this dude's not crazy enough to trigger an EMP on a plane while he's still on the plane, is he?

That will shut down the engines.

Oh. He's exactly that crazy.

Did he just take the last parachute?!

Yeah! And I just sent out a cargo crate with all the stuff I need to make more!

Hang on, Cage.

Almost done. Just finishing touches.


Your new and improved evening wear.

With custom ballistic Kevlar woven right in.

You'll be the bulletproof belle of the ball.

And have I mentioned how... dashing I look in a tux?

Nice try.

But Matty wants me to interrogate the ambassador solo.

By the way, this is really good.

Where'd you learn to sew like this?

Tenth grade. Ayesha Goldfarb.

She was Juliet. I wanted to be her Romeo.

Are we talking real life or high school production?

Both. They cast that doofus Aaron Schwartz instead.

So I volunteered for the crew to be near Ayesha, and the only department that still needed help was costumes.

Ah. And were you star-crossed lovers?

Nah. She wound up dating the guy who played her dad.

They're married now. It's weird.

Yeah, that's sad. Mm. Very sad.

I would feel bad for you if any of that was true.

I do this for a living, Bozer, against much better liars than you.

It's not lying, all right?

It's acting.

So what gave me away?

Rapid blinking, shifting your weight, six microexpressions, you kept looking up and to your right...

Do you want me to keep going?


We good.

What I don't know is why.

So, you gonna tell me?

Or am I gonna have to make you tell me?


The team's got a bet to see who can sneak a lie past you first.

When did Jack come up with this idea?

All right, now you're just freaking me out.

Look, I promise to get out of your head if you promise to help me play a trick on Jack one of these days.

Ah, Jack doesn't like tricks.

Well, then Jack shouldn't have started a w*r.

Ooh, yeah. Thanks.

Glad to see you got my message, Riley.

I couldn't not get it. You sent it six times.

Each with increasingly more urgent emojis. Well, sometimes a small picture is worth a thousand words.

And why should I have to call you six times? Call me back.

I know what this is about.

Yeah. Pizza.

What do you want? There's nothing like crash-landing a plane that's just been EMP'd to make you appreciate a good slice of pie. Or two.

This isn't about pizza.

I remember this place.

You used to make me come here as a kid.

I never made you do anything, okay?

Pizza and Skee-Ball. You love this place.

You love this place. I hated Skee-Ball.

Plus, you'd only make me come here when you wanted to give me some long-winded advice that usually ended in weird metaphors, like punching sharks in the face.

That's not a metaphor, okay?

I didn't say punch a shark in the face.

Don't do that. You're only gonna piss him off.

I said poke him in the eye.

You need to remember that, in case you ever have to fight one of 'em.

So, I told Matty that the mission failure was my fault.

Why would you do that?

Because what happened on that plane definitely wasn't yours.

I hesitated, Jack, and the guy got away... That's textbook definition for "it's my fault."

Yeah, but the reason you hesitated isn't.

Look, I remember the first time I had to k*ll somebody.

And it's... It stays with you.

It's not something that you just easily... forget.

But you have to come to terms with it.

And I know you haven't come to terms with what you had to do.

But you're gonna have to.

Because if you don't... Have you ever made a mistake in the field, Jack? Sure.

That is all this was.

One mistake. Well, I hope that's true.

Because this mistake ended in the loss of an EMP.

The next mistake you make like this could end in the loss of everything.

Do you hear me?


Now, I don't know... why you won't just talk to me.

I've told you a thousand times, come and talk to me, that I'm here for you.

I love you, too, Jack.


Who-who doesn't like.

Skee-Ball and pizza?

I remember you running around in here from one end to the other.

And all those tickets.

I won you all those tickets.

You weren't that good, Jack.

Oh, I was good.

You weren't that good.

You trying to tell me that you hacked the Skee-Ball machines?

At 12?

I wanted to get out of here.

I was tired of seeing you lose.

That is terrible.

Matty wants us back at the Phoenix.

I'm fine, Jack.

I promise.


Riley, have you ever heard of a hacker group called Bedlam74?

No. Why? Because they've heard of you. Phoenix intercepted several messages from them from the deep Web.

They're looking for Artemis37.

Your old hacker handle.

What do they want? They'd like to hire her for a job, and they're willing to pay big bitcoin.

Hackers are paranoid, tight-knit groups that only work with people they trust.

Why do they want new blood?

Well, their best coder disappeared about a month ago.

Disappeared, like won the lottery?

I think she means more the murdery kind, Boze.

What's the job that they want Riley for then?

Doesn't matter. She's not in the black hat business anymore, am I right?

Well, I think she may need to come out of retirement, just for this one.

We've discovered that Bedlam74 has been gearing up for a major cyber attack.

And if they're willing to spend a small fortune to hire a legend like you, whatever this attack is...

Could be catastrophic.


These guys want a face-to-face.

And I'm thinking that this is our best shot to ID them, get a sense of exactly what it is they're planning.

So you want Riley to go undercover as Riley?

If Riley goes under as herself, who do Mac and I go as?

Each other?

You're not going.

Nobody would believe that you even know how to turn on a computer, Jack.

Okay. Besides, they only want to meet with Riley.

If she goes with anyone else, it'll blow the whole operation.

Mac, Jack, you'll provide backup from a follow vehicle.

Riley, you're gonna go in alone.

The hell she is.

Look, this is crazy.

This could be the only way to stop a deadly attack.

It's not the only way.

I can handle it.

Hey, Riley. Slow down. I want to talk to you.

Look, I don't need everyone checking in on me, all right?

I'm fine.


I, uh, just wanted to wish you good luck, being your first solo mission and all. But I didn't mean to...

Bozer, I'm sorry.

Thank you.

I thought you'd be excited. Wh-What's going on?

Jack gave me one of his pizza talks.

He doesn't think I'm ready for the field right now.


Are you kidding? He's your biggest fan.

After me, of course. I mean, Jack's like a cactus.

He's all prickly on the outside but mushy on the inside.

And filled with water.

Okay, that comparison kind of fell apart on me.

But the point is, Jack's on your side.

He knows you're ready for a solo mission.

Cheer up.

She is not ready for a solo mission. I thought you said what happened on the plane is your fault, Jack.

What? Oh, yeah. What I said about the plane.

Yeah, it was totally my fault. There.

Mm. And mine.

I helped. I u-unhelped.

You know I dock your pay every time you lie to me, right?

When did we start doing that?

I know what happened on the plane, guys.

Okay. Then you know she's not ready.

I know this mission needs her. So what?

Look, it's not... it's not just about what happened on the plane, okay?

Riley still hasn't dealt with, you know, offing somebody. I know.

Taking a life is the hardest part of this job.

Look, I've seen operatives way more seasoned than Riley fall apart.

But pulling them from the field? No.

That shatters their confidence.

She's got a point.

Are you serious? Riley can do this, but not if you don't give her a chance.

Chance to get herself k*lled. Give up on her now, and she may never get over it.

Hey, a mission like this can go south six ways to Sunday in a hurry, and you know it!

And you... you want to send her out there by herself?

Are you out of your mind?! I'm telling you, Matty, it's a mistake. She is not ready for this!

Maybe not, Jack, but if she can't get through this mission, then she just doesn't belong in the field!

She either gets back on the horse now... or not at all.

Jack, unless Matty changed my orders, I really don't need another lecture.

Hey, relax. I can't talk you out of anything.

I know that. I've know that since you were a little kid.

Must have learned that stubbornness from you.

Okay, well, good. Maybe I can teach you something else.

Follow your gut on this thing, okay? If something doesn't feel right, it's probably not right. You know what I mean?

And pretty much the only thing you can count on is that things will not go according to plan.

But remember, when things do go wrong, you can always...

Improvise. Right.

Matty and I will be your eyes and ears back here at headquarters.

They'll check me for bugs as soon as I get there.

If I don't go in dark, I might not come back.

Whoa, watching from a stakeout-mobile is bad enough.

How are we supposed to watch your back if we can't even hear you talk?

Uh, Riley, can I borrow your necklace?

Are those my headphones?

Uh, I think they were your headphones, man.

During the Cold w*r, the Soviets invented a passive listening device, and they hid it inside of a U.S. ambassador's office.

And they called it.

"The Thing." BOZER They had the whole.

KGB, and that was the best name they could come up with?

Sounds better in Russian.

The Americans were very careful about scanning for bugs.

But The Thing would only transmit if there was a microwave beam pointed directly at it.

So, no beam, no transmission, no Bedlam finding the bug?

Now you hear me.

Now you don't.

Okay, so we'll be able to hear her. How will she be able to hear us?

She won't. It's a one-way only.

So I get to do this whole op without Jack's voice in my ear?

Best mission ever.

If anything goes wrong, we'll hear it, and we'll be there right away. Got to come up with a code word or something if she needs some help.

If thing's go pear-shaped, just say... "albatross."

I'm not gonna say "albatross." Gesundheit.

I don't care, man. Make it up. You got to say something.

Help? How's "help" for a code work, Jack?

I mean, it's not that good honestly.

Hey, potato, potahtoe.

Tomato, tomahtoe. Hey.

Bedlam just sent the location for the meet.

Well, are you ready?

Just another Friday night at the office.

I don't like this, man.

I don't like it. I know.

I could tell because you said, "I don't like this, man" over and over and over until we got here.

Just... have a little faith.

Riley knows what she's doing.

What do you want?

I'm Artemis37. I hear someone's been...

Use your words, dude.

That's my cue.

Jabba the Hacker's getting awfully handsy up there. Easy, Jack.

She's got this.

She's in.

Patching audio to Phoenix.

I don't like this.

Riley has hacked the NSA twice.

And how many international disasters has she helped us avert?

She can handle a few hackers. Yeah.

I don't need you to remind me how tough she is, okay?

I'm still gonna worry about her.

Did you see the size of that guy?

He's a big guy.

He's a big dude.

You are a hard person to track down, Artemis.

Well, that's 'cause I'm not looking to be found.

I don't even get out of bed if I don't like the offer.

Well, clearly, you like our offer.

It was enough to get me here.

But since I don't know anything about this job, and I certainly don't know who you are, you better start sharing, or I walk.

Um, I'm Cyclone.

That's Akira, that's D-Rez, and that small mountain of a man behind you...

That's Goliath.

Cyclone? Goliath? You guys hackers or theme park rides?

I've never heard of any of you before.

Oh, you've heard of us.

You remember the worm that hit the stock exchange last year?

Yeah, someone made off with more than five mil, right?


And we're still blackmailing the owner of a biotech company for insider trading.

Did you want to see his e-mails?

I'll wait till you post about it online.

Well, now that we're all besties, how about you tell me about this job?

Well, let's just put it like this.

If you gave yourself root kernel access to the NSA network, this really shouldn't be a problem, given that you are Artemis.

And I heard that she was dormant for a couple years, so... how do I even know that you're her?

I don't see anyone else here who swiped right.

Yeah, that's not gonna cut it.

Before we talk business, I need to see your skills.

I want you to hack in to the city's electrical grid, shut it down.

You got five minutes.

You came to me, remember?

That means you need me.

I can walk any time I want.

Well... actually...

Turn up your little microwaves.

That sounded like a g*n.

Yeah, the volume's up as loud as it'll go. All right.

You know, we're done here. Hey, hey, stop.

Give her a chance.

He's right, Jack.

If I called in the cavalry every time the two of you had g*ns pointed at you, you'd never get anything done.

Let this play out.

Are you sure Riley's safe in there?

Not really.

But I wouldn't have put her in the field if I didn't think she could handle it.

You gonna work, or you gonna bleed?

Five minutes.

Start the clock.

You know, based on your reputation, you're... you're not exactly what I expected. Yeah?

I didn't really have any expectations about you, since I never heard of you before today, so...

Enough chitchat.

Clock's ticking.

Okay, that was definitely a g*n.

Yeah, but, Jack?

Jack, get back in the car. No.

Jack, she didn't say "albatross." So what?!

Stand down, Jack.

This is the only lead we have.

Yeah? That's the only Riley we have, too.

And if you go in there now, you'll blow Riley's cover and put her life in danger.

I'm not the one who put her life in danger, okay? You're the one that did that.

You should have never sent her in there in the first place.

I'm putting a stop to this right now.

Right now!

Well, the lights are still on. Oh.

What are you doing?

You know what I'm about to do.

No, you're not. Yeah. I wouldn't advise getting in my way right now.

You want to get to her, you're gonna have to go through me.

Boy, get out of my face. Stop! Stop!

Man! You're not the only one who cares about her. I do, too.

But she can handle herself.

The only one who can't see that is you.

And if you don't learn to see it right now, you might just get her k*lled.

Don't make me hurt you, man.

Really? You're throwing in the towel already?

Wow. Artemis, you're a disappointment.

I don't think you want to do that.

I'm locked out!

What did you do?

Well, hacking a power grid felt too easy.

I hacked you guys instead, put ransomware on all of your rigs.

If I don't enter a code in the next 30 seconds, all your gear will be wiped clean.

And by the way, last time a guy pulled a g*n on me, he wound up dead.

So either pull the trigger, or get that thing out of my face.

Good decision.

Jack. Hey, stop!

She's fine! How do you know that?

Because I'm listening, Jack.

Fine. You've convinced me.

Now turn our rigs back on.

Why don't we stop playing games and you tell me about this job?

Riley did it. She's in.

Good. Because Jack's out.

Matty. You nearly blew the entire op.

You're emotionally compromised, Jack, and you're coming home.

That's an order.

This really is a gorgeous office, Mr. Ambassador.

And I'm so glad we could share a little private time.


I have some questions for you.

And if you answer them all, your bosses back in Beijing never need to know you brought a foreign operative into your private study.

Who are you?

What agency do you work for?

Oh, sorry. That's me.

I'm with our diplomatic friend at the moment.

Now? I'm about to acquire the...

Yes, I understand.

We're gonna have to continue this another time.

But until then...

...this is going to have to be our little secret.

Hi. I just received a massive encrypted data dump to my personal e-mail, and it looks like it's from Riley Davis?

And I'm not looking at it because...

Are these Bedlam's files?

When Riley hacked their gear, she must have stolen them to send back. She also gave us mirror access to her machine so we can see everything she's doing. And... have you figure out Bedlam's plan for the cyber attack?

Using the files we all just got just a few seconds ago?

Mm-hmm. Oh, we're all over that, Miss Matty. Come on, come on.

I know you're new, but we need to hurry with this.


Are you off your meds or something?

Okay, before you go full Yosemite Sam on me, ask yourself if getting into a shouting match will do anything to make Riley safer.

You just better be right.

We here to make a withdrawal?

You're here to give us root access to an encrypted network.

That's really all you need to know.

Do you realize I was this close to accessing the Chinese ambassador's offshore accounts when Matty pulled me out?

You think you're not happy about it, you should see Jack.

Mac, do you mind?

Oh, yeah.

What's their play?

Not sure.

Since when do hackers rob banks in person?

It's your girlfriend?


Fifth text in the last two hours.

Lots of emojis.

I figured out Jack met Riley when Riley was about ten or 11, that her real dad was abusive, so Jack stepped in to fill that role, and that Riley's the closest thing Jack has to a family of his own.

Dude, trained interrogator. I notice stuff.

What I can't figure out is why Jack's being so overprotective of a woman who can clearly fend for herself.

Well, she did freeze up on our last mission, so...

Yeah, but you're not treating her like a helpless little girl.

He is. Why?

When abusive dad got abusive, Jack kind of kicked his ass, so... he thought Riley would never forgive him, and he just left.

So he feels guilty because he abandoned her then, and he doesn't want to make the same mistake now.


Hey, Matty, I've rendezvoused with Cage, and it looks like they're just planning to rob the bank?

No, they're planning to assassinate the secretary of defense.

The files that Riley slipped us contained details of their plans. Bedlam's getting paid

$20 million to k*ll Secretary Vasquez.

Well, unless the SecDef is still in the bank right now, I think it's safe to pull Riley out of there. I mean, we know what they're planning on doing.

Right? Mission accomplished.

Famous last words, Jack.

We only know the who. We don't know the where, when, or how they plan to carry out this cyber assassination.

Cyber assassination, my ass. I can't believe we're risking Riley's neck for something as crazy as k*lling somebody with a computer.

What are they gonna do... beat him to death with their laptops?

It's not that crazy, Jack, all right?

Everything is online these days, so everyone is vulnerable.

Any number of devices could be turned against us at any time: Traffic lights, medical implants, planes, cars... All right, all right, thanks, I get it.

Who is she again?

They're right, Jack. You know, with just a few keystrokes, these hackers can k*ll you from halfway around the world.

Which is why we need to leave Riley in.

So where's the SecDef now?

Oh, my God.

He's here, in L.A. At a restaurant just a few blocks away.

Well, that's too close to be a coincidence. So why can't we just call the guy and tell him not to go anywhere near a computer?

Jack, because his phone is a computer.

It's probably got spyware all over it, so any attempt to warn him could tip Bedlam off, put Riley in danger. Yeah, but we can't wait around to figure out how breaking into a bank leads to a m*rder.

Mac, Cage, I need you to go warn the SecDef in person.

Oh, hell no.

It's bad enough you're pulling me off the case, but now you're just gonna leave Riley hanging out in the breeze with nobody watching her six?

The mission is to save the secretary of defense.

Hey, if Mac can't watch her back, then I'm going to.

You understand me?


I'm a little sick of people standing in my way today, Bozer, so with all due respect...

All due respect, Jack, Riley's got all of Phoenix watching her back.

How do you know that? Cyclone switched off the security cams, but Jill turned them back on.

Who is this Jill person?


Riley's been teaching me some tricks.

Jack, Phoenix is going to keep an eye on Riley.


While we figure out what these hackers are doing at the bank.

Mac, Cage, go warn the SecDef.

Why go from hacking the stock market to robbing a bank?

'Cause that's not why we're here.

Is that the janitorial closet?

Did these weirdos break into a bank holding millions of dollars just so they can clean it real good?

Find out what's on the other side of that wall.

Do you kids have any idea how many death threats I get a day?

I appreciate the warning. And I'll... I'll definitely have my phone and laptop checked for malware.

You have to trust us.

But unless Phoenix has harder intel than "somebody plans to k*ll you with technology..."

...I have a plane to catch.

A plane is, actually, one of the main things that they could hack.

The building next door is owned by Spartan Safeguard Solutions, a data management company that hosts secure servers for dozens of different companies:

Tech giants, hospitals, aircraft manufacturers, car makers.

With root level access to these servers, Bedlam could easily upload the malware to crash a car or bring down a plane.

You're up, Artemis.

We are jacked in behind their firewall, so we just need you to hack the system and give us full admin privileges.

This isn't just part of their plan.

This is their plan.

Mac, Cage, do you have eyes on the SecDef?

This assassination is going down right now.

He's leaving in a black SUV.

A late-model, super-hackable SUV.

Well, then, catch up to it, fast.

We just got to hope she can stall them long enough for that to happen. Looks like she's trying.

She can type way faster than that.

What's taking you so long?

You hacked us much quicker than this.

I'd go a lot faster if I knew what I was hacking into.

Wow. I see the problem.

You're mirroring your whole system to somebody else.

Who do you work for?

I said, who are you working for?

We need to leave.

We'll deal with her later.

We have a man to m*rder.

Besides, she's already gotten around most of this encryption.

You happy?

We've got full admin access.

We can upload the malware on the move.


I can't say that it's been a pleasure doing business with you.

But this next part should be fun.

Don't worry, Riley. I let you down once, I'll never let it happen again.

This thing is beautiful, but what's wrong with our car?

Anything built after '97 is basically a rolling computer.

This, on the other hand, is four wheels, a chassis, and a whole lot of horses.

Okay, SecDef's car is six blocks ahead, but we still have no idea how Bedlam plans to k*ll him.

Right now I'd just settle for catching up.

You got a plan for when we do?

Because he's got three armed guards, and he's already blown us off once.

It's not like he's just gonna pull over.

All right, tell me where he's going.

I'm gonna get ahead of him.

Are you sure this is gonna work?

I'm never that sure.

Send backup, now!

What the hell are you people doing?

Hey, come on, Matty, I don't have time for this right now.


It's me. Riley?

Did you get free? Are you safe?

I'm still working on that.

They left come gear in the trunk with me, so I used it to make a phone.

Yours was the only number I had memorized.

Do you know where you are right now, do you know where they're taking you? My phone doesn't have GPS.

Well, I'll have Phoenix track your cell phone signal.

I smell the ocean.

I think they're getting closer to where they're gonna...

Hey, Jack, if anything happens, can you please tell my mom for me that I...

Hey, don't do this right now.

I'm not telling your mom a damn thing.

I'm on my way to get you.

When this is over, we're-we're gonna eat pizza, we're gonna play some Skee-Ball, all right?

Yeah. You can do this.

So listen up. If I don't get to you before they stop that car, you have to be ready to... Stop the car.

Jack, I got an idea.

I got to go.

You wanted Artemis?

You got her.

Jack, we got a lock on Riley's cell phone.

She's three miles west of you.

Malware just went live.

SecDef's a dead man.

What the hell's going on?

The steering is locked up.

Buckle your seat belts, boys.

Jack, they should be right in front of you.

Yeah, I got 'em.


This is kidnapping. And treason!

Actually, treason requires intent to aid the enemy, so...

Mac, you're not helping. We will let you go as soon as we know that you're safe, sir.

Mac, I think we may know how Bedlam plans to k*ll the SecDef.

Well, we've already got him away from any cars, or plane, or laptop that they could use to hack into the...


The company that Bedlam hacked makes medical devices.

Now, there's nothing in his file, but if the SecDef has an insulin pump or any kind of...

He has a pacemaker.

Bedlam hacked his heart.

They're sending him into cardiac arrest.



Hang on. Hang on.

I got you.

Riley. Riley. Ri?


Come here, baby.

Oh, boy. Oh, boy.

Oh, I got you.

I'm right here.

I got you.

You okay? Huh?

How did we not know this guy had a pacemaker?

Matty read his entire file.

Vasquez was eying a run for the presidency, so it's no surprise he tried to hide it.

This isn't working. I can't get a pulse.

He's in a-fib.

They didn't just shut down his pacemaker, they reprogrammed it to deliver continuous shocks.

Well, unless you've got a plan to fix it, we're about to watch the secretary of defense die.

Hang on, hang on, hang on.

Go ahead, Mac.

Jack, is Riley okay?

Uh, I-I think so.

How's the secretary of defense?

Not good.

Riley, can you hack his pacemaker remotely and remove the malware?

Not fast enough to save him.

From what I saw, their code is riddled with logic bombs.

Best I can do is to shut it off completely.

Yeah, I can work with that. Do that.

No, no, wait a minute, now.

I stone cold flunked out of med school, but if you turn off his pacemaker, ain't he gonna die?

Yes, technically, but I think I can fix that.

Well, brother, if you can fix death, we're in the wrong business.

You went to med school?

No, he's lying.

I seriously thought about it.

Come on, get out of there. Come on.

I'm gonna borrow your phone. You'll get it back, I think.

Here, one second.

Are you sure this is gonna work?

Still no, but it's our best shot. Riley... how's it going?

Okay, I'm shutting off his pacemaker... now!

Okay, stop compressions.

1.17 hertz audio.

It's the same frequency as a human heartbeat.

The same pulse that's coming out of those speakers is going through these wires.

We have a pulse.

I-It's weak, but it's there.

You just made an external pacemaker out of paper clips. Yeah, and a 1967 Mustang fastback.

If you're gonna do it, do it in style, right?

What the hell just happened?

Yeah, I wouldn't... I wouldn't touch those, sir.

You, uh, you kind of need them to live.

Hey, I don't want you to get all weepy, but I wanted to thank you.

Oh, yeah? For what?

I couldn't have done it without you, Jack.

Well, actually, you did do it without me.

Last night was all you. All I did was pop the trunk.

Now that you're all big time, finished your first solo mission, I don't suppose you're gonna be wanting any advice from good ol' Jack anymore, huh?

To be fair...

I never really wanted to take any of your advice, so...

Oh, okay. All right.

But when I was in that trunk, I realized something.

Telling someone how scared you are doesn't make you weak.

In fact, it might just give you the strength you need to find your way out.

k*lling that guy was the scariest thing I've ever done.

And for a while, I thought if I just ignored it... it would all go away, but you're right...

It didn't.

So... if you're still willing to listen, I think I'm ready to talk.

My door's always open.

Just so we're clear, Jack, you... you don't have an office.

Oh, no. So you don't have a door.

I mean this door here.

This pizza place is my office, okay?

Oh, okay. This is where we do it.

Okay. Fine.

Well, that is good news.

So, the SecDef...

Oh, I love this guy.

Back off, furball, or I'll pluck those whiskers.

All of them.

Get back to your litter box.

As I was saying, the SecDef is not pressing charges.

You're welcome.

And now the Phoenix has a very powerful ally at the Department of Defense.

And all we had to do was kidnap the guy and nearly k*ll him.


What is this for?

First solo mission.

I knew you'd crush it.

It almost crushed me.

Nah. I never doubted you.

But you, on the other hand...

All the places you've been to in the world...

New York, Italy, even Chicago, and you like the pizza here?

Easy-peasy, always greasy, bro.

And, Mac, about what happened outside of the warehouse...

Forget it, Jack.

Riley's just lucky to have someone as dedicated as you watch her back. And... you should thank Cage, too.

She stepped it up big time.

Well, I already did.

Who do you think invited her to the party?

Is this seat taken?

No, not at all.

All right.

Hey. Hi.

Hey, caught it. In your mouth. Oh, no way.

All right, who's ready for some Skee-Ball?