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03x16 - Lidar + Rogues + Duty

Posted: 01/10/21 10:40
by bunniefuu
As you can see, the month-to-month increase in units shipped is reflected here.

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

What, what, what?

G-Give me, give me a sec, okay?

It's just a minor technical glitch, I think. I hope.

Come on, come on, come on. What, what, what?!

Okay. Just stop.

This is painful to watch.

I don't even know what I did wrong.

You hit the command shortcut for making the laptop go to sleep.

If I can't get through a demo of the simplest tasks here at home, how am I ever gonna survive the first day on the job, huh?

Which starts in-in less than ten hours.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey. Don't spiral now, Dad.

Okay? You're almost there.

By the time I'm done with you, you'll at least be able to fake it till you make it.

Hope so.

Thanks. I appreciate the crash course.

Uh, answer me this, though.

Why on your résumé did you say you were proficient with spreadsheets when you're not, at all? Because I wanted the job.


Inventory associate at a distribution warehouse?

Uh, pretty solid gig... With benefits, I might add.

So I figured, you know, a little embellishment, worth the risk.

Well, given your record, I guess it's karmic justice in you making sure things don't get lost or stolen.

That's good. That's good.

And you're doing a really good job at getting it together.

Ah, thanks.

So, white lies aside, I'm proud of you.

Well, coming from you, Riles, that means the world to me.

LAPD! What the hell?

Show us your hands! Hands where I can see 'em!

Now put 'em up! On the ground!

Okay, okay!

You can't just...

Get your hands off my daughter! Dad!

You heard me! Dad!

Riley Davis, you're under arrest!

Okay, I officially cannot take this anymore.

We've been listening to pan flutes for, like, two hours.

It helps me concentrate.

And nobody's making you stay.

Director Webber said I should familiarize myself with the lab and give you a hand.

And this has been you helping?

I'm lending moral support.Right.

Thank you. You're welcome.

I was being sarcastic.Whatever.


And... done.

Great. Now we can change the music.

Not before the didgeridoo solo.

Ah. My servos are now operating in optimal range.

Thank you, Bozer.

You're welcome.

Now, if you actually want to help, I do have a few diagnostic tests I need to run on Sparky.

Really? I got a few tests I'd like to run.


Kind of more of a riddle.


A woman has five cousins.

Monday is the first cousin. Tuesday is the second cousin.

Wednesday is the third cousin. Thursday is the fourth cousin.

What is the name of the fifth cousin.

The expected answer to your riddle would be "Friday."

But that is not correct.

And all the information you need to find the answer is contained within the riddle.

Do you understand? Yes.

Then answer the riddle. Go ahead, Sparky.

Show her your brilliance.Processing.

Processing. Processing.

Processing. Processing. Sparky.

Processing. Processing.

You got him stuck in a logic loop.

All I did was ask him a question.

Maybe the answer will unstick him.

Processing. Processing.

Processing. Processing.

I heard you had a rough night in jail, but... damn.

That hair's pretty funky.

Well, the accommodations in county aren't exactly five star.

You okay? Yeah, I'm all right.

It's Elwood I'm worried about.

He's still in lockup, and he's about to miss his entire first day of work.

Matty was able to spring Riley pretty easily, but Elwood, it's taking a little longer, considering his past.

A past he's really trying to leave behind.

What exactly happened to you guys?

Uh, I was helping him brush up on some software skills, prep for his new job and then, boom, we got swatted.

Swatted? It's when some jerk calls 911 and pretends to alert police to an imminent t*rror1st thr*at.

SWAT has to take any call about terrorism seriously, which can lead to innocent people staring down the wrong end of a dozen M4s.

Any idea who called the cops?

No. And that's what's bugging me.

I... I moved into this apartment after I joined the Phoenix.

So how'd this swatter get my current address?

That's the million-dollar question, because all of our personal information is classified.

To find them, I'm gonna have to figure out how they found me.

And you best believe I will.

Oh, Matty needs me in the w*r room.

Uh, alone.

Hey, boss.

Is everything okay?

Mac, I think you should sit down.

I received word that Lieutenant Commander Robert Reese was flying a covert op over southwestern Azerbaijan.

The first operational use of the lidar ground mapping system you engineered.

Something happen?

35 minutes ago, his jet suffered a total systems failure and crashed.

There is no indication that Reese ejected, Mac.

He's presumed K.I.A.

Reese is dead?

I wanted you to hear this news from me.

I'm so sorry, Mac.

I know that you and the Reese family are close.

Do we know what caused the malfunction that brought the jet down? You know, we don't know much right now, but we do know that the cascade of failures began shortly after Commander Reese switched on the lidar.

So this is my fault?

No. No.

And you can't start blaming yourself.

Who's leading the recovery?

This mission was top secret.

Once the Azerbaijani government realizes that we violated their airspace, things are gonna get very complicated very quickly.

So, no one.

No. Not yet.

Matty, I need to recover his body.

His family deserves closure, but Reese also deserves to be buried in Arlington Cemetery, not 6,000 miles away in a foreign country.

I agree with you, Mac.

But I have no authority...

We don't leave our own behind.

Which is why the Phoenix jet is gassed up and waiting.

Take Desi, bring your friend home.

Thank you.

We still on course? Oh, uh, right.

Sorry. The PIN says the debris field is east of us, so this way.

Where were you just now?

Recalculating the power draw of a fighter jet. It's got a 120 volt, 400 hertz three phase system, so I wired the lidar straight to the A.C. generator to pull 17 amps, in parallel.

You're doing electrical engineering calculations in your head?

Well, I need to know what went wrong with Reese's jet.

I just don't see how the lidar could've caused such a catastrophic malfunction.

Yeah, I mean, from what I read on the way over, lidar is pretty much a camera that uses lasers, right?

You mount it on an airplane and you get detailed 3-D images of everything below, even through dense tree canopy.

Yeah. Over the last couple years, Reese and I have been working together, and I developed a next-gen lidar capable of operating at Mach speeds on fighter jets.

So you two became tight?


Tell me about him.

Well, we complemented each other perfectly.

His aviation knowledge, my engineering.

His patented shrimp gumbo and my appetite.

I even crashed in his basement for a month when a water line busted in my house and flooded.

His twins call me Uncle Mac.

I haven't, I haven't been around to see them much lately, but...


I get how much this all hurts.

I do.

Now take all those emotions, put it in a box, and do not open it until this op is over.

Why ask about Reese and I if you didn't really want to hear it?

'Cause I needed you to get it out of your system.

We both got to stay dialed in, or Matty will be sending a team to recover us.

Heads up, Riley. Matty expedited a release of the 911 call that got you swatted.

No need. I'm already in the LAPD system. Processing. Processing.

That surprises me zero percent.


Hey, uh, how's Elwood? He get out yet?

Well, considering he almost got sh*t and spent the whole night in lockup right before starting a new job he's totally not prepared for, I'm sure he's just peachy.


And it's all because of me.

I'm used to Elwood creating turmoil in mylife, not the other way around. Processing.

Processing. Monday.

Processing. Processing.

What's his problem? I don't know.

Desi asked him some stupid riddle, and now he's stuck in a logic loop.

Seems like the rest of his functions have shut down while he tries to solve it.

Well, why don't you tell him the answer?

Processing. That's creepy.


I would, but, uh... Processing.

You don't know the answer. I even looked online.

Okay, look, the riddle goes like this: A woman... Uh, hold that thought.

Processing. I just found the 911 call.

911, what's your emergency?

Hey, I overheard my neighbor talking about planting a b*mb.

There's people coming in and out of her place at all hours.

I don't know what they're planning.

I'm scared.

Her name is Riley Davis.

She lives at 400 Pine Street, apartment 2B.

Did you recognize the voice?

No.Can you trace the call?

They used Voice over Internet Protocol and spoofed a local number, which is almost untraceable.

But... if I access the internet service provider's records and search the database... So that's a yes.

Yes, that's a yes. How can I help?

Processing. Do something about him, right now.

Okay. Uh... Processing. Monday.

Sorry, buddy, but this is creepy.Processing. Processing.



Hope you're not afraid of the dark.

Processing. Processing.

Well... let's find the cockpit.

That's where the body will be.

Hey, MacGyver, was this part of the cockpit?

It's the nose cone. We must be close to the cockpit, then.


That's the lidar. It's still intact.

What are you doing? I'm taking it.

This might be able to tell us what went wrong up there.

Uh, we got company.

All right, buy me some time.

I got to get this unhinged.

Stay out of sight and I'll go be my charming self.

You can speak Azerbaijani?


It's close enough.

It's not... polite... to touch... a lady... without her consent!

Well... that didn't work out the way that I planned, but we're good.

Actually, I don't think we are.


Desi! Duck!


I think we lost them.

We have to go back. We have to find Reese's body.

I'm not going home without him.

Yeah, agreed, but this place is gonna be swarming with soldiers soon, so for now, we need to find cover.

We'll try again when it gets dark.


What's wrong?

I think that parachute might belong to your friend.

Reese ejected.

It's the pilot's seat.

The survival kit's been taken.


I know what you're gonna say.

Doesn't mean he's alive.

Locals could've arrived first, grabbed his body and the kit.

There are a lot of reasons why the Azerbaijani m*llitary would grab a dead U.S. pilot.

I know.

But take a look at these.

U.S. Army-issued boots.Yeah.

And I don't see any other prints.

No. His are the only ones here.

Reese walked away from the crash.

He's still alive.

Mac, I tasked a satellite to look for Reese near where you found his ejection seat, but it's impossible to see anything through these trees.

We'll just have to pick up his trail.

Your friend's used to dealing with emergencies three miles above the b*ttlefield.

Any idea what he's gonna do down here?

There's too many variables to accurately predict his behavior.

Okay, so what's the plan?

Cover as much ground as possible.

We just got to find him before the Azerbaijani m*llitary does.

What are you doing?

Mac got me thinking, what if the locals have already picked up Reese's trail?

Desi, patching through local chatter.

Bad news, MacGyver. There have been sightings of an injured male in a U.S. flight suit.

m*llitary units are heading east to a small village called Farux. Okay, we got to hurry.

That search party massively outnumbers us.

Won't be long before they find Reese.

We'll just have to pinpoint his location before they stumble onto him.

I like that in theory. How do we make it a reality?

Well, it's just like you said, Reese has never been in this situation before, so he's gonna fall back on his training.

Everything he does will be by the book.

Question is:

Which building would this book tell him to hide in?

That restaurant. It's closed down.

Which means no locals would wander in, and it backs up into the woods.

Providing a quick escape.

Reese! Reese, Reese, Reese, Reese! Hey!


It's me. It's Mac.

Oh, man.

It's good to see you, buddy.

You, too. Let him go.

Come here. Easy, easy.

I got a little banged up when I augured in here at Mach speed.

Oh, yeah, you broke your clavicle.

Oh. Sounds way less cool when you say it.

Look, a, uh, brace will set your collarbone back into place and then, uh, give you some more range of motion, even help with the pain. Hang tight.

Matty, we have Reese.

He's banged up but mobile.Great.

Sending exfil coordinates right now.

Arm one.

Arm two.

What are you doing here, man?

Well, uh, we heard that your plane went down.

So you came to bring home a body.

Something like that, yeah.

Well, lucky for you, I can still walk

'cause I don't know how much luck you'd have trying to lug me out of here. Oh!


It'll feel better soon.

So you say.

Can we get word to Rose?

Let her know I'm alive.

She's probably freaking out right now.

I'm on it.

Name's Desi.

Thank you. Appreciate you coming all this way on my account.

What can I say? I'm a sucker for frequent flyer miles.

And I hate to break up the reunion, but this ain't exactly a safe house.

Exfil's three miles from here. We should get moving.

Yes, ma'am.

We need to find another way out.

There is no other way out.

That back door is wedged shut. It won't budge.

Guess we're making a last stand.

Uh, maybe not. Follow me.

Everyone knows air makes a raft inflate, but filling it with water greatly increases its density, creating more force.

This gonna work? Yeah. I just hope it works fast enough.

Never thought a raft would save my life ten miles from the sea.

How's that arm of yours?

Oh, as good as new.

Okay, might be a spell before I'm fly-fishing with the twins again, but I'm alive.

Hey, Reese, uh, flight control said that your systems went haywire as soon as you turned on the lidar?

Yeah. One second, I'm painting the treetops with our fancy laser, and the next...

I'm dropping from the sky in an $80 million brick.

Hey, look, man, I'm sorry.

Obviously, the tech needed more testing...

Mac, Mac, Mac, I'm a test pilot. I know the risks come with the job.

Besides, what are the chances that all my jet's fail-safes would fail at exactly the same time?

Astronomically low.

What are you doing?

I'm going to power the lidar, establish an uplink with the Phoenix, transfer data. Good.

I think we all want to know what happened up there.

So this is your swatter. Brock Eskola?

On the Net, he goes by the handle "Predator Squad."

He's a hacker I had beef with a few years back after he slaved one of my C&C servers to his botnet for a DDoS att*ck.

Okay, well, that answers the "who" part of our question, but that still doesn't tell us how he got your current address.

I can tell you it wasn't by exploiting our Phoenix network.

I checked the system. There's no holes.

Then it sounds like we're gonna have to have a few words with Predator Squad ourselves.

I'll send a tac team to scoop him up.

Sorry, but Elwood Davis is here.

I'll make it quick.

He asked for Director Webber.


You asked to see me?

I want to know what you're doing to protect my daughter.

Excuse me? D-Don't "excuse me" me, okay?

I-I don't know exactly what goes on inside this building, but I wasn't born yesterday.

You know what strings to pull.

I realize you're having a hard day...

What if one of those SWAT guys made a mistake with all those g*ns pointed at her?

That's the thought I can't get out of my head.

So I ask you again, Ms. Webber, all right?

What are you doing to protect my daughter?

Everything I can.

You have my word.

Thank you.

You're welcome. Glad we were able to work through this.

Riley said you started a new job today.

Can I arrange to have someone drive you back to work?

Well, my new boss wasn't too thrilled about me showing up late on day one, so, actually, I'm looking for a newnew job.

That's unfortunate. Sorry to hear that.

All that matters is knowing Riley's safe.

Okay, Riley, Bozer, uplink has been established.

The data should be coming your way now.

We're getting it, Mac.

Dot-L-A-S files are streaming in.

I'm starting a scan of the diagnostic logs.

I see a ton of error codes popping up right after Reese turned the lidar on.

Huh, that's weird.

What's weird?

Someone updated the lidar software three hours before Reese took off for his mission.

No, that can't be right.

Goes against protocol to make a change like that just before takeoff.

I don't know what to tell you.

I can say with 100% certainty that someone plugged into your jet and pushed an update.

Can you see what the update was designed to do?

Yeah, hold on.

So, it was supposed to corrupt the lidar's data.

But the code is super buggy, a rush job, so... when the lidar was flipped on, this code inadvertently shut down all the jet's flight control systems.

My plane was sabotaged?

Hey, fellas, we're gonna have to put this tech support call on hold.

Gotta go. Go, go, go!

What do you think I'm trying to do?

All right.

Fight or flight?

You okay? Yeah. Good.


That was awesome.

Hey. These guys don't look like Azerbaijani m*llitary.

No I.D.s.

This tracker is locked onto our comms.

How's that possible? Well, I don't know.

You would need the exact frequency, not to mention the encryption codes.

Only a handful of elite espionage organizations in this neck of the woods would have that kind of tech.

GRUs, the Saudis, Iranian intelligence.

Sounds like the kind of guys who'd sabotage top secret experimental lidar.Yeah.

Yeah. All right, Riley, I'm sending you photos of our mystery men maybe you can help us put names to the faces.


Starting facial rec now. I'll let you know as soon as it's...

That was fast.

You already got a match?

Yeah. And you're not gonna believe this.

The two guys who just tried to k*ll you... are CIA.

The two CIA agents you tangled with are part of a working group stationed in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.

They were sent there six months ago to man a listening post and gather regional intel.

Well, no one will be tracking us over comms anymore.

Any more info on the rest of the group?

According to the CIA internal network, the whole Azerbaijan team has gone dark.

Which means that entire team could be a thr*at to you.

And Langley won't have any answers for us.

Why would these guys sabotage my plane and then try to k*ll us? Hey.

I might have found a clue as to what this is all about.

If this CIA group wanted to sabotage the lidar, that means there's something they didn't want anyone to see.

So I started looking through the maps that were rendered before the malware kicked in.

Reese, your mission was to search for m*llitary installations under the tree canopy, right? Well, that was the idea.

Well, I'm no expert at reading lidar maps, but, to me, this looks a lot less like a m*llitary installation and a lot more like the dig site in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Matty, are-are you seeing this?

Yeah, and I wish I wasn't.

Those canisters appear to be chemical weapons. That's exactly what they are.

30 years ago, Azerbaijan and Armenia went to w*r.

It was violent, it was bloody, and it involved chemical weapons.

White phosphorous, to be exact.

Now, after the w*r ended, large caches of the stuff ended up unaccounted for.

So these two CIA clowns just stumbled on it and started digging it up? Why?

My guess:

They're opportunistic salesmen.

Azerbaijan sits at the nexus of two active w*r zones and three countries that support terrorism.

So, if you're looking to start a business selling chem weapons, this part of the world's a great place to do it.

Okay, this off-the-books recovery mission has just become an active Phoenix op.

Mac, Desi, I need you to get to that dig site.

Neutralize the remaining rogue CIA agents and secure those chemical weapons right now.

Yes, ma'am. Copy that, Matty.

All right, let's roll. Daylight's burning.

Easy, Reese. We'll find a safe place to stash you until this is over.

Mac, I don't sit on the sidelines.

Yeah, and I didn't come all the way out here to drag you into the line of fire.

I thought you were gone once already.

What am I gonna tell your family if something happens?

I hear you, pal.

When I wear this uniform, I go where the fight is.

Don't worry, I'll just... supervise.

And where are you going?

Take that old jeep if you want to, boys, but I'm rolling in style.

Well, what about these two? Leave 'em.

We'll circle back after we've taken care of their friends.

Looks like they're packing up their equipment, ready to break camp. When their buddies didn't check in, they must have figured it was a good time to bug out.

Once those trucks are on the road, it'll be tough to stop 'em from getting into Iraq or Syria.

Well, we're the cavalry, and we're all here, so who's got a plan?

Our best bet is to sneak in, quietly take 'em out one at a time.

Love it.

How? We're gonna slow 'em down.

Whatever that means.

You two watch the front.

I'm gonna go do some shopping.

So, we got to guess, or are you gonna tell us what you're building?

You ever watch nature shows as a kid?

If Real Worldor Road Rules on MTV count, then yeah.

I was always partial to that crocodile hunter guy.

Yeah, I was thinking more like National Geographic.

Like when a researcher had to subdue a predator with a tranquilizer g*n.

That's what you're building?

Yeah. When unlit, the blowtorch will fire compressed butane gas through the PVC pipe, like an air g*n.

And I'm guessing these are the darts.

Definitely packs a hell of a punch.

Yeah, but that brings me to the tricky part.

In order for these darts to fly straight, they have to be stabilized, so in place of a feather, like you'd find on an arrow, we use gauze pad.

And second, they can't just hit the target it's not enough.

They also have to inject the morphine.

So, if I use these steel spacers as casings, it will provide enough weight for when the dart hits the target to depress the plunger and...

Night-night, CIA turncoats.

Yeah. More like it'll deliver the equivalent of ten sh*ts of vodka.

Which is where you come in.

All right, truck's about to roll out.

Let's get to it, nature boy.

Where are the guys at?

I-I can't make out what they're saying.

Little souvenir I picked up from the last guy we sent to dream land.

Parker, Olson, Andrews.

Report in.

Does anyone copy?

Move. Go.

I don't need to speak Azerbaijani to know they're onto us.

At least we cut down their odds.

Let's take these last guys out fast. Agreed.

Come on, come on!

Come on.

Canister's empty.

I got this.Reese. Reese!

Freeze! Now!

Get up. Get up!


There's another one out there.

Go. Go!

Listen up, hero!

You better come out right now.

Or it's your friends that are gonna pay the price!

Tell your friend to quit playing and come out.

Take it easy, Spencer. Shut up.

You don't know me. Oh, I saw your file, so actually I do know something about you.

You got pulled from the field and dumped at a listening post.

Not exactly a career turn to make a 14-year vet feel appreciated.

I get why that'd make you feel bitter, which is when bad choices suddenly look good.

Don't try to get in my head.

Clearly, there's not a lot in there if you're making choices like this.

Just keep talking, Desi.

Walk away now, and we'll forget this is treason. Enough!

Tell your buddy to come out now or I'm gonna sh**t this man!

And then I'm gonna sh**t you.

This man has a name.

It's Lieutenant Commander Robert Reese, and he's served more than 15 years in the Navy.

He's a husband to Rose, a father to twins.

He makes the best shrimp gumbo you've ever had outside New Orleans, and he never hesitates to let a friend crash on his couch.

You really think you can play a tune on my heartstrings?

I think you once loved your country the same way this man does.

You and your guys stumbled upon a cache of chem weapons.

Millions of dollars just sitting in the ground.

Anyone would be tempted.

But this can still get sorted out.

We crossed a line that there's no coming back from.

It's not too late.

For you, it is.

What the hell?

Oh, those are my buddies from Delta Force C Squadron saying hi.

Wave back, boys.

You're surrounded.

Hold for my command!

So here we are, Spencer.

Decision time.

We can do this the easy way or the messy way.

Your choice.

On your knees.

Lock your fingers behind your head.

How did you know I was gonna use the lidar to fake a team of sn*pers?

I didn't. But I'm starting to realize that, given enough time, you'll always come up with something.

I didn't think you were paying attention when I was talking about Reese earlier.

I'm always paying attention.

I'm starting to realize that.

I'm so glad you're home.

Come on, now. I wasn't gone that long.

We can never thank you enough.

But, uh, we can start with dinner at the house on Sunday.

I'd never miss it.

I expect you both. It's gumbo night.

Thank you. Of course.

Thank you, Uncle MacGyver.

I'll see you guys on Sunday, okay?

See you Sunday.

Thanks again, pal.

You got it.

You'll be happy to know that Spencer and the other rogue CIA agents are in federal custody and cooperating.

And with the intel they'll give us on their buyer, we should be able to take a half a dozen t*rror1st groups off the board.

That's very good news.

They also gave up the saboteur who uploaded the virus to the lidar camera.

They bribed a contractor in Turkey who had access to the U.S. airfield where Reese was stationed.

But most importantly, Reese is back home safe with his family.

Yeah. I thought I was gonna have to hand over a folded American flag to Rose, so...

Thanks to you both, that didn't happen.

Nice work.


Thank you.

Still having robot problems, huh?

I'm glad this amuses you.

Do you have any idea how many hours I spent bringing this guy to life? You have friends.

Why did you feel the need to build another one?

I like to make things.

Apparently, you like to destroy them.

Look, it is cruel and inhumane to leave a sentient being not knowing the answer to a riddle.

Especially a sensitive and caring sentient being like yourself?

Just tell me the answer, please.

It's a play on words, Bozer.

"What is the fifth cousin's name."

That's a statement, not a question.

What in the hell are you talking about?

The answer is "What," Bozer.

That's not a riddle. Except it is.

What is the fifth cousin's name. Of course.

Sparky. You're okay?

I believe so.

My failure to solve Agent Nguyen's riddle was due to my inability to identify her final sentence as a statement.

I'm so glad you're back.

Now, you, stay away from my robot.

Actually, Bozer, riddles like these could be a great help to me.

They will improve my ability to interpret expression and tone.

May I hear another?

A man with size nine shoes works at a local deli...

Oh, no, you don't.

I got a riddle for you.

What's a new agent wearing a green jacket that needs to leave?


Mm, scoot.

Stupid riddles.

Might be a future in this for you.

Let's see if it closes first before we call it a new career path.

Perfect. Boom.

Anyway, I thought we shouldn't hold our breath waiting for the LAPD to fix your door. Yeah, you got that right.

This was really nice of you. Thank you.

Riley, the other night reminded me of how helpless I feel trying to protect you from this part of your life that, you know, you can't tell me about.

It's... it's not easy.

But hanging a new door is something the old man can do, so...

Well, you should know, the guy responsible for the swatting is in custody.

He's gonna be spending a long time behind bars.



Listen, I found this new place that has excellent spring rolls.

I was thinking maybe daddy-daughter dinner?

Yeah. Yes, that sounds great.

Dad, I... I got to go. I'm sorry.

Everything okay?

I don't know.

What's going on?

Had some words with your Estonian hacker friend.

He said he got your address on a dark web forum used by organized crime and even some t*rror1st networks.

Said it was posted less than a week ago.

By who? And how'd they get my address?

We don't know. The post was anonymous.

Okay. Well, I doubt you called me in here just to say you hit a dead end.

What is it?

Riley, your address wasn't the only address posted on this forum.

It was part of a larger set of documents.

With the exception of Desi, the entire team's classified personnel files have been made public.

We all got doxxed?

The Phoenix has been compromised.

And what's worse is we have no clue who did this or why.