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02x21 - Wind + Water

Posted: 01/10/21 11:25
by bunniefuu
Hurry up, Mac.

Does it look like I'm taking my time?

Well, I'm just saying, your burglary skills suck.

Maybe if you step out of my light.

Oh, yeah, sorry.

Ah, thank you.


You can pat yourself on the back later.

Hey, I'm gonna send Matty our coordinates so she can redirect that exfil chopper to us. ETA?

30 minutes. So I'm also gonna upload that data we just stole to the Phoenix just in case...

We, uh, never set foot on that chopper?

Yeah. Pretty much. You know, right about now, Jack would be going on and on about how this is all my fault we're in this mess.

Personally, I'm more interested in finding a way out of this mess, since it won't take the guys we stole this from 30 minutes to catch up to us.

Way less than 30 minutes.

Mac? I hate to sound like you-know-who, but... now would be a really great time to do something awesome.

I need you to start complaining.

What? Yeah. Or-or tell me a long-winded story that doesn't seem to go anywhere.

You want me to pretend to be Jack?

Sadly, it helps me think.

Uh, all right.

Hey, hey, Mac, I-I love that big brain of yours, I do, but... uh, if you'd have just let me sh**t them 17 doofuses outside with the two b*ll*ts I had left, we'd be kicking back on the Phoenix jet right now, sipping martinis, instead of... instead of sitting here, waiting to get our heads blown off.

Got it. Riley? I need you... Yeah. turn on the gas stoves, but don't light the burners.

So your brilliant plan is to k*ll us slowly with gas?

Oh, nothing about it's gonna be slow.

I didn't say it was brilliant.

Turn on those burners, fast.

They're gonna be coming in here any second.

Oh, that's nasty.

Ah, gross.

Mac. They're in the diner!

Spread out, find a way in.

Mac, I really hope you're almost done.

Coming. Must go faster.

Freezer, freezer. Let's go, right now.

You know, if we make it out of here, I'm gonna recommend you talk to someone about your codependency issues.

To be honest, it's a pretty big "if."

They're in here somewhere.

Spread out.

Okay, you ready? Yeah, yeah.

Is that gas.

Run! Come on, let's go.

All right, we better split before the fire department shows, or we're gonna be answering a lot of questions.Yep.

Oh, come on.

I really need a vacation.

You know, Mac, when you invited me on an island vacation, I-I pictured pristine beaches, you know?

Maybe some tropical drinks with them little umbrellas in them I love those.

I know. And, look, I really do appreciate you using your vacation days to help me rebuild my old Army buddy's house.

I really owe you all a big thanks.

Happy to help, Mac.

Never been a fan of those little umbrellas, anyways.

Well, Puerto Rico needed us way more than we needed the R&R.

Even after the diner incident.

What, you two survive one near-death experience, and it's the new Cairo or something.

Hey, I thought we didn't talk about Cairo.

We don't. It's all right.

You were there with us in spirit, Jack.

Hey, guys, seriously, I really appreciate you all pitching in, 'cause without your help, it would've been a year before Carlos and his family had a roof over their heads, so thank you. Speaking of, who's ready to raisethe roof?

Come on, now. I knew it was coming. I knew it.

Tell me now, you know you liked it.

All right, guys, pull at the same time when I say it.

We're gonna do it a couple times till we get it all the way up.

H-Hey, Mac, I know this might not be the best time for constructive criticism...

Not really.

...but why are we using these rickety-ass ladders when there's perfectly good telephone poles right there?

Two words: Hurricane Maria.

Heavy rain, it loosens topsoil, which means that nothing out here is as sturdy as it looks.

Ah.All right, on three, pull.

One, two, pull!








All right, now give it a little bit of slack there.


There we go.: Yeah.

Good job, guys.

Nice. Thanks, Bozer, good job.

All right, yeah, go ahead and tie it off.

He's gonna be stoked.


My house has a roof, Mac!

It's got a frame we still need plywood, tar paper, shingles. Oh, man.

It's way more than I've had in months, okay, so I'm happy.

I get you.

Oh, I-I'm sorry I-I wasn't here to help, but this damn truck died on me twice on my way from the lumber yard.

It started making that g-g-glug sound, and I couldn't do anything. Let's take a look.

Check this first... yeah.

That's what it is.

You got some water in your fuse box a while back.

Oh, water.

I have no idea how that happened.

I know, right? Good news is, it's an easy fix.

Believe it or not, this should hold you, at least until you get the new parts for your truck.

Thank you, Mac.Yeah.


Oh, mija!

Come over here.


Mira nuestra nueva casa.


Me encanta.

You hungry, Papa? Yeah.

I brought everyone lunch.

Lunch? Wow. Look at that.

Mac. Look at you... ah, yes, thank you.

Hey. Gracias, cariño.

Thank you.

Thank you.Riley.

I asked my mom to do my hair like yours today.

It's so pretty.

Let me see.

I love it.

You know, Mac?

I owe you, I... I owe you big-time, man.

You don't owe me.

I owe you.

I never would've made it through basic training without your help.

Well, Mac, you wouldn't have needed my help if you hadn't started arguing with our sergeant on the very first minute of the very first day.

Well, it's-it's... it's mathematically impossible to give 110%.

That's all I was saying.

Which is probably why they made you the Green Beret, and me the guy who stands next to things that might explode.

Isn't it? Hey, Carlos.

Hey, Jack. What do you say we get this lumber unloaded, see what else we can get done before the sun goes down, yeah? Yeah, let's do it.

Oh, and you guys, work up on those appetites, 'cause tonight, you're all gonna go back to my place and have a big thank-you dinner.

My mother-in-law makes the best pasteles you're ever gonna taste.

Ooh, you had me at "dinner," man.

Okay, mija, let's go.

Riley said she likes my hair.

I told you it looked beautiful.


Hey. I hear you got the roof on today.

We did, yeah.

Carlos always told me, "MacGyver can fix anything."

Well, now, he did have a little bit of help.

But I was promised some pasteles.

Um, she said, "Dinner is served."

No, she didn't, Carlos. You're a terrible liar, but I'll let it slide.

You know why, Mom?

'Cause you're a cutie pie.

Come on, get over here, I'll escort you to dinner.Ah.

Gracias. My pleasure. Let's go.

So, Jack, what do you think of my mama's pasteles?

Oh, Valeria, these are the best things I've ever put in my mouth.


What'd she say?

She says "thank you."

Hey, Carlos.

I don't remember you being this handy in Afghanistan.

Well, Mac, it's amazing what one can do when given no other choice.

Or when your wife sets up the kitchen.

There it is.

Okay, okay, so the kitchen was all Kamila.

But I think I've helped a little bit making this place a home.

Didn't I? Those wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me.

Yeah, I was thinking those did not come with the tent.

No, sure didn't.

Those belonged to Kamila's abuela.

After the storm, I went back to what was left of our house, and, you know, trying to salvage anything I...

And you found the candlesticks, and now, we're all safe, and healthy, and that's all that matters.

Of course, perdóname, mi cariño.

Claro que si.

So I want to thank my old friend MacGyver, and my new friends: Jack, Bozer and Riley, for taking a break from their lives and coming out here, help us rebuild ours.

You know, all the way out here, on this small island in the middle of the ocean, it's easy to feel like the rest of the nation has forgotten what happened to us.

So it means the world, to me and my family, that you did not.

That you came out here to help us.

So as soon as we have a real house again, I can go back to work at the bank, and help the rest of the island get back on its feet.

A toast.

Here's to friends, old and new, this thank-you, it's not just from me and my family, but all Puerto Rico.

To a brighter tomorrow.


Salud. Salud.

Hey, guys, only four more hours till Matty wants us back on that plane to L.A.

Man, my lower back's gonna hate me for saying this, but I wish we could stay and keep working.

Yeah, you know, it would've been nice to see this bad boy finished before we left, Mac.


Hey, Adriana, is it lunch already?

Where's my dad?

He's not at your place?

We kind of figured after last night's party, he just let himself sleep in.No.

Papa was up at sunrise. He should be here by now.

I'm sure he's fine, sweetie.

Yeah, I bet my build on his truck probably didn't hold up, so he's stuck on the side of the road.

We're gonna go find him now, aren't we? Yeah.

Yeah, we'll find him, sweetie. Don't worry.

That's Carlos's truck.



Maybe he had a flat tire and went for help.

Left the motor running with the keys in the ignition.

Hey. Check this out.

b*llet holes.

Carlos didn't have car trouble.

I think he had troubletrouble.

Mac, only you can go to Puerto Rico to build a house and wind up working a missing persons case.

Sounds like you need a vacation from your vacation.

Yeah, about that, Matty.

I know we're supposed to be on a plane in a few hours, but I need some more time to figure this out.

Look, I get it, and I'm sorry, but we have a national security crisis brewing here.

I need you guys on a plane to Pakistan.

Matty, Matty, Carlos's truck has about five b*llet holes in it that I don't think got there by accident, okay?

He could be in some real trouble here.

I understand that, Jack, but I can't just call a t*rror1st group and ask them to put their plans on hold for a few days. You're gonna have to let the local authorities look for Carlos.

No, no. The local authorities are up to their eyeballs trying to maintain order and find people who went missing in the storm. That's not gonna work.

If we leave now, Carlos is gonna be just another name on a very long list.

I hate to say it, but if we don't find him, no one's going to.

Okay, if I reroute your infil flight to leave directly from Puerto Rico, and I brief you on the plane, I could buy you another eight hours.

That's the best I can do.

If you can't find Carlos by tonight, you're gonna have to leave it to the local authorities.

Sounds good. Thanks, Matty.



We've got till sundown. Where do you want to start?

I don't understand.

Who would want to hurt Carlos?

Well, actually, we were hoping you could help us out with that, Kamila.

We checked out his truck, nothing was missing...

Not the lumber in the back, nothing.

So we don't think it was a robbery.

We were thinking this was personal.

Did Carlos have any enemies?

Enemies? No.

No, I mean, everyone loves him. He's... he's Carlos.


You can't think of any reason why someone would want to hurt him?


What about those?

Last night, I got the impression there was a story there that you didn't want Carlos to tell.

I just didn't want to scare Adriana.

Right after the storm, Carlos went back to what was left of our house and he found looters taking our stuff.

Most of them fled the minute that Carlos yelled, but one of them grabbed my grandmother's candlesticks before running.

So Carlos chased him, wrestled him to the ground, and realized that it was one of our neighbors.

So he made a citizens' arrest and tied the man up and waited five hours for the police to arrive.

A-And did this looter have a name?

Jorge Villareal.

Do you think that he did this?

Well, we won't know until we have a chat with him.

Do you know where we can find him?

Jorge's house was destroyed by Maria.

Last I heard, he was living in his auto shop off the highway in Santa Ana.

Good place to start.

Yeah. Thank you.


Please, promise me that you'll find Carlos.

We've lost everything. I can't lose him, too.

I promise.

Stop running, Jorge.

I said stop!

Where's Carlos?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Listen, Jorge, my patience is real thin right now, so do yourself a favor, tell us where you took Carlos after you shot his truck all to hell.

Why would I do that? You tell me.

Carlos is my friend. I'm his friend.

Is heYeah, we heard all about your arrest for looting your friend's home.

So we're thinking this is about payback.

Tell us where you took Carlos right now. You can avoid putting "kidnapping" on your rap sheet. You don't want that on there.

I swear to you, I didn't even know Carlos was missing.

Okay, was I mad at him when he put me in jail? Sure.

At first, but you spend a few days in lockup, and it gives you time to think about what you've done, who you've become.

If anything, I owe Carlos a thank-you.

A thank You're gonna have to connect the dots for us, big boy. When Maria destroyed my home, my family and I, we stayed here.

We slept here on the floor of this garage.

So I got desperate.

I did some things I'm not proud of.

Carlos caught me.

And while we were waiting for the cops, he reminded me that... that turning on each other only makes things worse.

So as soon as I got out of jail, I joined the relief effort, and I haven't broken a law since.

I believe him.

So do I, damn it.

Now our only lead just became a dead end.


Can you believe this?

It's been seven months since Maria hit and the whole island's still struggling.


Friends of mine went through the same thing after Katrina.

Crazy how a bunch of wind and water can bring down everything we rely on.

Excuse me.

Look, I know you're really busy.

We just wanted to file a missing persons report.

We can take your statement, but you're gonna have to wait like everyone else.

We're stretched even thinner than usual today.


Half the force is out on a special protection detail.

Protecting what?

So get this, half of the San Juan PD is tied up today protecting a shipment of federal aid money sent to help restart Puerto Rico's economy.

How much federal aid money?

$2 million in cash.

It's being trucked from the port to a bank downtown.

Want to guess which bank?

I'll assume it's the bank Carlos manages.

Got it on the first try, Jack.

Wait, this isn't about anything that Carlos did after the storm, this is about who he was before.

It'd be pretty easy to go into that bank, stick a g*n in the manager's back, and withdraw $2 million.Yeah.

Hey, what time was the money scheduled to be at the bank? 1:30.

That was ten minutes ago.

All right, Riley, Bozer, stay put, we're coming to pick you up.

All right, I'm in the bank's security system.

Pulling up surveillance cameras now.

There, that's Carlos walking into the bank right now.

Looks like he's made himself a new friend.

And those new friends look like they're carrying concealed weapons.

Wait, what's Carlos doing?

He's triggering a silent alarm, which is bad 'cause that guy right there is holding a police scanner.

Everybody, get down!

Get down!

They shot him in the leg.

Floor it.

This robbery just turned into a hostage situation.

Hey, hey, hey! Coordinate with the cops when they get here.

Where the hell you going? To become a hostage.

Everyone on the floor!

Face down! Hands on your head!

Get down, get down now! You, get down now!

On the floor. Do you have any cell phones? Let me have 'em.

k*ll the cameras.

Erase the security tapes.

Barricade the door!

Do not move! Cell phones!

Get your cell phones out!

Stay down!

Don't move!

Do not move!

Hands! Let me see 'em! Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You got anything on you, huh?

You got any weapons on you?

What's this?

I always wanted one of these.

Get up! Get up! Okay.

Move! Open the door.

Open it. Let's go.

Captain, Jack Dalton, former Delta.

There's quite a situation we have ourselves here, but don't worry, I saw the whole thing go down.

You got five armed men inside, at least 17 civilians.

Now the good news is, they weren't expecting a hostage situation, so they are ill-prepared. The even better news is, I got a man on the inside.

Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to please step back.

Yeah, wait, I don't, I don't think you understand. I'm here to help.

I am fully trained in hostage tactics from a little place called Quantico.

Sir, we're handling the situation.

I'm gonna have to ask you to please step back.

Por favor? I...

Webber, Dalton here.

Listen, I think we're gonna need a little hand with the local authorities down here they're being, uh... well, less than cooperative.

So what are we gonna do, just stand here and watch?

Not if Matty has anything to say about it. Watch this.

Oh, yeah, that's definitely a call from Matty.

Damn, she works fast.

Indeed she does.

Looks like we're gonna be working together.

Thank you, Captain.

You two take the manager to the vault and get our money.

Hands on your head.

All right, pal, on your feet.

Yo, I said on your feet.

Hey, guys, I can...

Maybe I wasn't clear with the rules.

Nobody moves and nobody talks.

If you don't listen to me, then the only person who can get you in the vault is gonna die. Just let me t-treat the wound.

What are you, some kind of doctor? No, I'm not.

I know how to treat a g*nsh*t wound.

Doesn't look like any of your guys know how, so...

You got five minutes.

I only need four.

I will need my knife back, though.

Give it to him.


Shouldn't you be on a plane right now?

What, and leave before I can get your mother-in-law's recipe for pasteles?



Lucy, I'm MacGyver.

Can you do me a small favor and just keep pressure on this wound?

Yeah. I'll be right back.

Wait, where are you going? Kind of depends.

Do you guys have a break room? I need black pepper.

Y Uh, it'll make sense in a second.

Rajelio, he eats lunch at his desk every day.

He might have some. This one?


Hey, what are you doing?

Saving his life.

Is that all right with you?

Get over there by the bank counter. Move!

Get up. Come on, move, move!

Get up.

You, too. Get up.

Get over here where I can see you, on the floor.

Hurry up. On the floor.

What are you gonna do, Mac, season my leg?

Actually, yeah.

Black pepper's a natural coagulant.

It's gonna hurt like hell, but it's gonna save your life.

What is that for?

All right, one last step.

Time's up. Yeah, almost...

Yeah, okay, he-he's good to move.

Watch the hostages. We'll be back.

You got it. Grab the bags.

Over here.

Sit! Sit! All right.

Move over there. Get over there.

It'll be fine.

Hey, Lucy, I'm assuming that front door is not the only way out of here.

Um... oh, there's a window upstairs.

Um, upstairs on the second floor.

It's next to the drive-thru lane.

Hey, Jack.

Jack, can you hear me?


You'll get it back. Calm down. Hey, Mac.

It's good to finally hear your voice, man.

Took you long enough.

How's it going in there?

Carlos is fine.

He's alive and stable for now.

No other hostages have been harmed.

Um, but the robbers are downstairs stealing money from the vault right now.

Okay, okay, that's good, but what's the plan, homie?

I got a dozen SWAT guys out here ready to rock and roll. We'll come in that front door and join the party. You just say the word.

At this point, that would just get people k*lled.

I'm gonna start releasing hostages.

That sounds great, Mac. How?

Uh, well, I don't know yet.

Just have someone waiting by the drive-thru lane for hostages.

Copy that.

Hey, uh, where do you keep your dye packs?

Open it.

Open it!

You have a wife and kid at home, yeah.

Do it for them.


Let's go, let's go.

Okay, guys, as soon as the guard is distracted, run up the stairs as fast as you can, open up the window you told me about.


Hook that onto something that'll hold you, and then climb down... My friends will be waiting.


Let's go.


Let's go.

What in the hell?!

Go, go, go.

What the hell?!

What the hell?

What is this I can't see!

Ash? Stop. Don't go. It's too late.

Ash, where are you?

What the hell's going on here?

Move 'em.

Is anyone else coming?

I-I don't know. We didn't stop to look back.

Move! Over here.

Get up, now. Get up!

Get up.

I leave you alone for five minutes, and you lose three hostages?


I don't know, man.

Okay? I just went over to the door to check it out, because I heard something over there, and then this happened to me.

It was one of them!

It was one of them.

I want all bank employees, except for my friend, the manager, over here, now. That's you.

The rest of you, put your hands down, now.Up. Get up, now.

You, get up. And you.

Let's go, right over here. On your knees, right here.

Hurry up! Get down. On your knees.

Somebody's trying to be a hero here.

And since only bank employees would know where you keep the dye packs, you four are my prime suspects.

Was it you?

Look at me.

Was it you?

What about you?

Look at me.

You look like a troublemaker.

I think it was you.

Then you'd be wrong.

'Cause it was me.

I'm the one you want.

So you free my hostages, and you've been talking to the cops.

I should just k*ll you right now.

Show the others what happens when you try to be a hero.

We got a problem, man.

They called in the SWAT team.

Losing those hostages makes it look like we're losing control.

And we're not losing control!

We got to get out of here, now.

How are we gonna do that?

You tell us.

Okay? This was your idea.

I say, we get those hostages, we use them as shields, and we sh**t our way out of here.

And what about the rest of them?

They all seen our faces, they all got to go.

Hey, I know nobody asked me, but if your plans don't get you all k*lled, it'll damn sure get you all caught, and every dead hostage tacks on another life sentence.

Look, I can get you out with the money, without anyone firing another shot, but you got to promise me that no one else gets hurt.

Why the hell should we trust you?

Because I just made a radio out of a pair of headphones and snuck three hostages out of the bank without you noticing.

Using Ethernet cable and a coffee mug.

Okay, how?

First, I need you to buy me some time.

Come on, Mac, just make those little hamsters in your brain spin the wheels a little bit faster and figure this out, will you?

You do know that's not how brains work, right, Jack?

Yeah, yeah, thanks for the Neurology 101 lesson, Professor.

Just figure it out, will you?

They got Mac.

Why aren't we going in? For that very reason.

If they figure out who he is, they're just gonna use him as leverage... Think about it. So we just stand down?

For now.

You all right?

Yeah. Yeah, why?

Well, you were just talking to yourself as we walked around the corner just now... I thought I'd ask. No, no.

I wasn't talking to myself, okay? I was role-playing.

I was role-playing a conversation that I'd probably be having with him if I was inside that bank.

Now, you know he's cooking something up... I'm just... Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. know, figure a way to help. Yeah. Okay, just making sure. Yeah.

Those two really don't do well when they're separated, huh?

Oh, you have no idea. Sir.

It's them. They say they're ready to make demands.

It's about damn time. This is Captain Delarosa of the San Juan PD.

To whom am I speaking?

My name doesn't matter.

What matters is that I'm willing to make a trade.

In exchange for not hurting any hostages, I want a helicopter and guaranteed safe passage off the island.

Safe passage to where?

I'll tell the pilot our destination once we're on board. Those are my terms.

They are not negotiable.

Understood. I'll make some calls.

But look, this whole thing goes a lot smoother if we establish trust.

How about a sign of good faith?

Send out a few hostages.

How about you keep the three you got and get me a helicopter.

30 minutes or someone dies.

Get me the superintendent on the line, and find me an emergency service that can spare a chopper.

Yes, sir. So now they suddenly want a chopper.

Why didn't they ask for that hours ago?

Yeah. And we've all seen this movie.

They got to know that nobody ever actually gets the chopper.

What the hell's going on in there?

How the hell is all that gonna help us get out of the bank?

Counterfeit detection pens are full of iodine, which will react with, um... You know what?

I can give you a chemistry lesson, or I can get you out of here.

We don't have time for both.


Do your thing.

We got a problem here?

Not if you give me your word that you'll leave all the hostages behind.

If that doesn't work for you, you can just sh**t me now.

You have my word.

If the Coast Guard can't spare one, call the hospitals.

Someone has to have a helicopter. Yes, sir.

We need to go full breach, Captain, right now.

We're in the middle of negotiating.

No, you're not.

They just asked you for a chopper they know you can't get.

I'm telling you, these guys picked this bank on this island because they are fully aware of what's going on in Puerto Rico right now.

So you think they're stalling?

Call them back.

Tell them you have a chopper that-that's fueled up and ready to take off right now.

See how they respond.

If they're serious, they'll take it.

If not, you know they're holding out for something else.

Hand me the phone.

No one's picking up.

You were right.

Full breach.

Battering ram, in position.

Throw smoke.

Go, go, go!

Jack! Carlos!

Where's Mac? Took him downstairs.

Come on, everyone, let's go, get up.

Get up, get out of here, come on!

Carlos and the hostages are secure, but the robbers are gone, with the money, and MacGyver.

So, for the record, this wasn't part of the deal.

I said I'd get you out with the money if you left all the hostages behind.

"All" included me.

Well, guess you should've been more specific.

Honestly, after giving us a taste of what you're capable of, you really think we'd just let you go?

Who knows how else you might come in handy?

Jack, what are the chances you're calling to tell me you just saved Mac's friend, everything's fine, and the four of you are on your way to the airport as promised?

Well, we rescued Carlos, but the other things on your wish list hit a bit of a snag.

Define "snag."

Well, the robbers escaped into the sewers under the bank with all the money... and Mac. So we're tearing through San Juan looking for them now.

Is it weird that none of this even remotely surprises me?

Okay, hang on. I'm gonna help you find our boy.


Your robbers are gonna be desperate for a way off the island.

And if they're not complete morons, then they'll know that a plane is hard to get and easy to track.

So my guess is they're gonna be looking for a boat.

I'm sending you coordinates to the closest marina to the bank. Got it.

We're about eight minutes out.

Jack, take the next left. H-Hold on.

Matty, that's not the only marina on the island.


But it's the closest, which makes it their most likely destination and our best shot.

And I'm not disagreeing with you.

But if you're wrong...

I know, Jack.

All right, hold on.

We've got a problem.

Move that tree. Move that tree. Let's go.

Let's go, let's go.


Come on, guys.

It's too heavy.

Okay, what now?

See, I knew you'd come in handy.

Find a way to clear the road, or this is where you die.

Just gonna use this as a lever, if you don't mind.

Just hurry it up, genius.

Come on. Okay.

Look out! Whoa!

Light him up! Aah!

I got it.

Lower your weapons!

Show me those hands, scumbag.

Get on your knees. On your knees now!

Put your weapons on the ground.

All right.

Take it slow.

All right, take it slow. I got it, I got it.

After you. I'm fine, Mac.

You don't need to be worried about me anymore.




Oh, mija.

It's so good to see you.

Thank you for keeping your promise.

Thank you.

Thank you all.


Thanks for inviting us here. Now, you guys have to come back for a proper housewarming... Anytime.

Yeah... as soon as the house is finished, okay?

Well, that housewarming party may be happening sooner than you think.

Our boss is sending some of our coworkers to help with reconstruction.

They'll be here tomorrow.

Thank you so much, Mac.

For everything.

Yeah, I hate to ruin the moment here, but if we don't get to the airport pronto, Hurricane Matty is going to destroy us all.

That was insensitive.

Carlos, that was insensitive.

I'm sorry.

Considering you guys just saved my life, I think I'll give you a pass.

Well, thanks.



So, no one's gonna tell us what she just said?

Well, I don't think you want to know, Bozer.

But-but I get the gist, a-and you can tell her that, uh... me gustaolder women.

Me gustaolder women mucho.

Yeah, we better get out of here before he says something else we can never unhear.

Right? Take care, guys.

Safe travels.Bye.


Since when do you like older women, Jack?

I like all women, Bozer. I don't discriminate.

But I have been thinking maybe I'm fishing in the wrong pond.

You know, time to get out of that kiddie pool.

Start deep-sea diving for somebody more mature.

Only a woman that's been around the block is fully gonna appreciate an all-around 180 guy like Jack Dalton.

You mean 360.

Three... yeah, maybe it is 360.