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12x09 - A Fait Accompli

Posted: 01/20/21 10:18
by bunniefuu
Previously on "NCIS Los Angeles..." And who is Jimmy Fang?

I have no idea, but he did enter the country with David Lao, the man that Rountree and Sam currently have in custody.

Lao and Fang are Chinese nationals.

CALLEN: LAPD ID'd the rest of the men inside.

None of them were Lao's accomplice Jimmy Fang.

That means he's in the wind.

I can't get a clean look.

I can, but this bun ain't bulletproof.

Go, go.



What was that?

KENSI: Guys, Fang's in a van headed your way.


Oh, hell.

Look out!

I got him.



♪ And you'll regret ever making me sad ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm not your punch bag ♪

♪ What kinda love is that?

♪ Thought your heart was bulletproof ♪

♪ Danger, ain't a stranger...



♪ Punch bag, gotta hit back...

Let go of me, copper.

You're welcome.

- You okay, buddy?

- I think so.


SABATINO: Well, that didn't go as planned.

Damn it.

♪ All right, Eric just learned that Fang is Chinese triad, so we have to I.D. the two guys that were with him.

Yeah, I'll check with the LAPD, see if CSU has found anything.

- What the hell happened today?

- I don't know.

Some sort of deal, maybe something that had to do with whatever was in that briefcase.

Have you heard from Sabatino?


Not yet.

Uh, he is still back at the hotel downloading his people on Fang's involvement.


It is 10:00 p.m., so you guys call whoever you have to call, let them know it's gonna be a long one, then meet me back here in 20 minutes, okay?

Copy that.


Hold on a second.

Change of plans.

Go home, get some rest.

Sam just texted, told us to pick this up tomorrow morning.


I mean, triad's all over this.




When you're offered rest on this job, you take it.

- Okay, I was...

- Stop talking.

Go home, Rountree.


SAM: Admiral Kilbride.


Enemies far and wide attempt to hack our communications, and you're over here just Twitter-Gramming away.

Does anybody really care what you had for lunch, Agent Hanna?

Actually, I was just texting with my daughter.


How are the kids?

My son is in flight school...

He's gonna be the first military aviator in the family...

And my daughter's just been accepted to Annapolis.

Nice to know there's still kids out there that got that fire in their belly to do great things.

I am proud and grateful.



With what you've accomplished, being your child comes with some unique pressures.


No, that's true, but, uh, Michelle and I never wanted to be the measuring stick for them, you know?

Aiden and Kam are their own people.



What about your boy?

He, uh, he's an attorney, right?

Last I heard.

That was years ago.

Suppose you're wondering what would drag me to L.A.

- Another protection detail?


After the hell you and Callen put me through the last time?

No, no.

Hetty just asked me to check on the store in her absence.

And where is Hetty?

On an operation that hit a snag.

Is she in danger?

Not immediate.


Well, let me give you a sitrep.

No, that's all right, I've already been briefed, but you want to tell me what Jimmy Fang was doing in that warehouse yesterday?

Well, it could've been tied to the superbills that we believe the Acostas are smuggling through the tri-border area.

Who put you onto the superbills?

We got a tip from a CIA officer that we, uh, run across before.

Oh, I think you have more than "run across" Vostanik Sabatino before.

Now, he is on domestic soil working the superbills case?


Technically, he's observing.


Well, I suppose the Chinese could be manufacturing the superbills and moving them across the tri-border area.

Fang entered the country with David Lao.

What's their connection?

Well, the FBI has Lao in D.C.

They're trying to figure out if he was ever partners with Fang.

Speaking of partners, where's Callen?

Oh, he had to take care of something...


CALLEN: Hi, I called last night.

Uh, my name is Callen.

I'm trying to surprise my girlfriend.

And I just need to know if the SC- group will be staying in their current hotel, for a couple more nights.

If someone could call me back, that would be very much appreciated.

Thank you.


He literally will not stop talking about you.

Like, I mean, I want my dad to like you...

- And he does.

- Yeah, but I didn't want him to have, like, a full-on crush on you.

Oh, okay.

I didn't even know that you liked hunting.

Oh, I don't.

My dad said that you guys talked about hunting for, like, an hour after dinner.

No, I talked about camping and animals, and he looked at my stories through the eyes of a hunter, so to him, they were hunting stories.

Are you playing Jedi mind tricks on my dad?


- No.

- Yeah.


I guess I can just tell what people want to talk about.

So I make them feel comfortable and they keep on talking.

I'm sorry.

It's-it's kind of weird.

I didn't mean to s...



What was that for?

You are going to be the best recruit that Andersen Consulting has ever seen.

And you're gonna love Chicago.

Hey, recruit.

- DEEKS: Hey.

- What you calling me for?

Shouldn't you be on deck for PT?

Yeah, no, I'm-I'm headed up there right now.


Listen, I just wanted to say I'm so excited that you're coming to graduation.

Oh, I know.

It's gonna be so much fun.

Um, hey, so, listen, uh, I got approved for my days off - and I booked my flight.


Why are you breathing like that?

What's wrong?



Why-why would something be wrong?

Everything is...

Everything is fantastic.

I was just practicing my meditative breathing.

Uh, since when do you practice meditative breathing?

Since I realized that we have to do a road trip across the country together.

Do you think that our...

marriage can survive such a road trip all the way back to L.A.?

Well, I think I'm going to need some mandatory silent miles.

Well, how many miles are we talking about here?


I'm thinking probably...

ten minutes every hundred miles?

Ten minutes of silence?

That seems like a missed opportunity for bonding and also for safety, I got to be honest.

Is it even safe to drive in silence for that long?

Because people fall asleep and then they...

then they die.

I don't want to...

I don't want to be a statistic.

- Do you want to be a statistic?

- You've just upgraded yourself to a 15-minute silent period.




You know what, babe, Ops is calling me.

I got to go.


All right.

Listen, so then that's fine.

We'll-we'll, uh...

Five, uh...

five minutes for every miles?

Is that good?

I love you.


I love you, too.


You got this.





I didn't know you could get a strong cup of actual coffee-flavored coffee in California.

Beans are mold-free, fair-trade.

Watered, no doubt, by the tears of snowflakes.


- Admiral Kilbride.

- Admiral Kilbride.

You two always harmonize?

Only when we're really lucky.

It's good to see you, sir.

Hetty asked the admiral to lend us a hand.

I didn't think you worked here anymore, Beale.

- Oh, I don't.

Uh, well, not exactly.

- Mm.

Um, uh, temporarily, yes, I do.

Uh, I'm a technical consultant while we're beta testing Kaleidoscope . .


But, uh, you can call me the Technical Operator Formerly Known as...

It was a statement, not a question.

- Okay.

- What do you got, Eric?

Statement or question?



LAPD just sent this over from the crime scene.

SAM: Broken bracelet.

KENSI: Can you zoom in on that silver piece?


I recognize that.

That's from a jewelry designer in Hollywood.

- Like Tiffany's?



If Tiffany's designed stuff for, you know, metalheads, bikers and fans of necrology.

- Sounds lovely.

- [BEEP]

Just got a hit on a car that drove off from the warehouse during yesterday's sh**t.

Uh, DMV records indicate it is registered to Musa Okoye.

KENSI: So, he didn't leave in the van with Fang.

And he's got his briefcase with him.

Looks like he's in from Nigeria for work.

He's been working as an engineer at Delta Seven Industries since .

He's working in their aerospace engineering division.

A lot of our m*ssile defense technology comes out of there.

What's he working on?

Looks like his group is working on a new defense system.


Designed to intercept hypersonic missiles.

SAM: Missiles that are too fast, for defense to target.

And can take a nuclear warhead.

Starting to feel like the world is a giant powder keg.

If Russia or China get their hands on that tech...

We got to find Okoye.

What are you thinking, Admiral?

Agent Blye, you and the, um, observer guy hit the jewelry store...

Let's find out who was wearing that bracelet.

Sam and I'll talk to Okoye's boss.

Beale, you work with the two newbies - to track down Okoye.

- Copy that.

Sounds like a plan.

"Come back, see your friends, test out your software." Get blown up by nukes.

Thanks a lot, Hetty.

- FATIMA: Hey, you.

- LAUREN: Hey, you.

What are you doing east of Doheny?

FATIMA: Caught you meeting my boyfriend for a quickie.


LAUREN: We never meant to hurt you.

FATIMA: Oh, wow. "We"?

You're, like, the worst.

Yeah, for real, the worst!

LAUREN: Don't be a hater just because I won.

We're moving in together.

FATIMA: His dad cut him off last month.

That Merc is a rental.

Have fun living over the hill.

- Bye, bitch.



Oh, snap!

Yo, you were nasty!

[LAUGHS]: What you mean, "were"?

I still got it.

ROUNTREE: I remember this show.

It-it lasted a couple seasons, right?

Hmm, more like five.


- Well, why'd you quit acting?

Wasn't for me, I guess.

Does the rest of the team know?

Well, they have, like, every intel source known to man at their fingertips.




Beale found Musa Okoye's home.

Oh, cool.

Let's go.


Bye, bitch.


Ronald Lewis?

Uh, yeah.

And, uh, you can call me Ron.

Special Agent Hanna, NCIS.

This is...

Well, that is a nice suit there.

Yes, it is.

Now, don't interrupt the man again.

Yes, sir?

Uh, we need to talk to you about one of your engineers: Musa Okoye.

Yeah, yeah, sure.


What's up?

We think he may have stolen classified information.

Well, we run extensive security analysis.

I would know if something was stolen.

We're working with the Department of Defense and Delta Seven to, uh, access security logs, but we were hoping you could fill in some gaps in the meantime.


Are you sure about Musa?

[CHUCKLES]: I mean, he's just not that guy.

- Why not?

- Well, I mean, he's, like, the ideal employee: He shows up every day, does his job, goes home, not a peep.

And that guy is freaking brilliant.

Okoye got any close friends at the office?

Uh, no, not that I know of.

How hard would it be for an employee in your division to steal classified files?

Well, the system is segmented.

It's designed to prevent that, but, well, you guys know how it is.

If-if someone wants to, and... and they're smart enough, they could probably find a way.

Smart enough?


What if they were brilliant?

Baby, I have no idea what happened.

Yesterday I'm on course to graduate with my class.

This morning they tell me - that I'm washing out.

- That doesn't make any sense.

I mean, did your... did your scores drop on your tests - or your PT or something?

- No.


When are you leaving?

I'm leaving right now.

All right, baby, I love you, and we are going to work this out, okay?

I just, I got to go now.

[SIGHS]: Okay.

I love you.

I'm gonna call you from the airport.

- Okay.

Be safe.

- Looks like the owner's inside.

There's only one customer.

Once he clears, we'll head in.

Okay, yeah, thanks.

How's lover boy?


- ERIC: Hey, Sam.

- What's up, Eric?


So, I've been going through Okoye's phone records.

It's mostly just quick calls and work-related texts except for one number.

It's a cell phone for Angela Brown.

She worked in the HR department at Delta Seven Industries until two months ago.

He still talk to her after she left?

- Every day.

- Could be a girlfriend.


All right, well, find Angela and have Castor bring her to the boatshed.

You got it.

SABATINO: I miss this place.

"This place," like L.A.?


Just Hollywood.

You know, recording again.


Recording what?

My music.

I'm a musician.


But I didn't know that.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.


we started in the East Village, and then we, you know, we eventually came out west.

We played some shows on the Strip, and...

you know, then I got involved in this racket.



Well, like, what kind of music?

Well, like, Ratt meets Quiet Riot.

I have no idea what that means.

You know, like...

Of course you do.

It's like, uh, you know, "Round and Round" mixed, like, with "Cum On Feel the Noize." - Sorry.

- You're kidding.

Where'd you grow up, in one of those cult, sister wives kind of places - with no MTV?



You know what?

Is that...

is that what this little, like, nubbin nipple thing on the top of your head is?

It's because you're getting the band back together?

Yeah, yeah, maybe I am.

You know, I mean, it's not such a crazy idea.

You never know what could happen once this grows out.


Okay, sorry.

- It's not that crazy of an idea.

Yeah, okay, you know what?

That customer's walking out of the store, so I am going to "perform" my job.


♪ Come on, feel the noise ♪

♪ Girls, rock your boys ♪

♪ Rock!


I got it.

♪ This is such a fly whip.

And you don't even like to drive.

You ride a motorcycle.

And yet the motor pool trusts me more than they trust you.

That's just mean.

Eric said the emergency warrant went through.

We might not need it.

That's Okoye's car.

Maybe he's home.

FATIMA: Oh, yeah.


Federal agents!

Anyone here?

Kitchen and front area are clear.

Bedrooms are clear.

There's an empty safe in the closet.

Looks like Okoye came back, cleaned it out and took off.

Well, Okoye's car is still here, so...

maybe someone picked him up.

He must have known this would be the first place someone was gonna look for him.

Whatever was in that safe was worth the risk of getting caught.

Uh, Okoye's a Nigerian national, so if he's on the run, he definitely would need his passport.

Well, that's for sure.

Dust void.

Wh-Where his computer would have been.

Passport and personal files...

Two things you need but can't buy when you're on the run.

Hey, Eric.

Is there any surveillance on this street that would show a car picking up Okoye?

I'll check it out.

♪ Cracking up in here without you...

♪ Huh.

So you're telling me that people that wear this stuff can actually afford it?



Here to pick up a piece for your kid?



- Our kid?

That-That's funny.

- No.


What's your name?

- Kendra.



Why do we got to be here shopping for a kid?

No, these pieces just aren't for you.


Okay, actually, we're federal agents.

Oh, your parents must be so proud.


Do you recognize this piece?

Yeah, of course.

I sold it.

Hmm, let me guess...

Mass-produced, and you have no clue who bought it.

That attitude is why this art is just not for you.

Oh, I get it...

You're hitting on me.

She's hitting on me.

I don't think she's hitting on you.

It was a custom piece, the biggest we ever made.

So you basically made a bracelet for Sasquatch?

Dad jokes are so bad.


No responsibilities.

Not a dad.

Yeah, and I'm not bi.

Okay, you know what?

Who did you make this piece for?

Do I have to answer these questions?

No, of course not.

But then again, I can always call in for a search warrant, and they can tear the place apart.

Yeah, maybe we find the answers to our questions.

Maybe we find out that you do a lot of sales in cash and forget to charge sales tax.

Well, that doesn't sound fun.

- Mm-mm.


Do you have a name?

Simi Latu.

Thank you.

[WHISPERS]: Are you really bi?

Go home to your kids.

A little bit?

Just a little?



I'll call you.

What do you got, Eric?


So, I found an address associated with Simi Latu, but so far no photos.

- No driver's license?

- ERIC: Nope.

Ah, maybe Simi's too big to fit in the car.

That'd have to be pretty big.

- That would be like...

- Like Sasquatch big.

Did you watch Expedition Bigfoot?

Oh, my God.

Dude, every episode.

Did you see the found footage one?

Oh, my God, the found footage!

- So...

- Are you kidding me right now?

Hey, Eric, do you have something that we can use?

Uh, yeah.

Sorry, Kens.

[CLEARS THROAT]: Um... not much, but this address is associated with some dudes with ties to a violent criminal organization that operates out of the South Bay and Gardena.

Members have done time for m*rder.

Big and violent.

Sounds like a peach.


Special Agent Sam Hanna.

This is Retired Admiral Kilbride.

We need to ask you some questions about Muso Okoye.


What about Musa?

Is he okay?

We're trying to locate him.

Are you two friends?


Maybe more than friends?

[LAUGHS]: Please.

I'm married.

My husband knows him.

Why are you interested in who Musa's friends with?

We believe he may have stolen classified information from Delta Seven.


He'd never do that.

You sound awfully certain.

I just know Musa.

I-I mean, he comes over to my house for dinner every week.

He's practically part of my family.

I mean, he's shy, but he's kind and sweet and honest.

He would never steal anything.

He ever say why he came to L.A.?

For the job.

Most people never get their dream career.

Aerospace has always been his.

His travel records show he hasn't been back home.

Does he have any ties to Nigeria?

Just his family.

And every once in a while he gets together with a few other Nigerians, you know, to cook their food, talk about home.

Angela, do you recall their names?

I only met them once.


They seemed nice.

ERIC: Hey, guys, if Okoye is working with these other Nigerians, it's not in his personal phone records or e-mails.

Please tell me.


is Musa in some kind of danger?

ERIC: Hey, Fatima?


What's up, Eric?

Unfortunately, none of Musa Okoye's neighbors have cameras facing his house.



Thanks, man.

We're striking out left and right here.

What you got?

This is a Bluetooth keyboard.

I wonder if...

Oh, nice.

Bet this keyboard is linked to this smart TV.

Oh, dope.

We can watch all your old episodes.

Or we can see what Okoye was searching for online.

See if it points us to where he is.

Eh, still gonna binge your show this weekend.


Could use the residuals.

What are residuals?

Let's just say the Porsche?

Not from the motor pool.




- Kona Gardens.

Where do they come up with these names?

Nothing here remotely reminds me of Kona.

Yeah, well, either way, look alive.

If Simi Latu is here, he's gonna rabbit as soon as he sees our badges.

Guys his size don't rabbit.

They kind of steamroll right over you.

I'm guessing they're not gonna need to see your badge to know that we don't belong here.





I'm Special Agent Kensi Blye.

Peter DeBartolo.

KENSI: Okay.

We want to talk to Simi Latu.

Ah, so now you can hear us.


All right, let's not make this a thing.

- Yeah.

- Easy.


Stay where you are!


We never carry any weapons.

Why you got your hand on your g*n?

- You gonna sh**t us unarmed?


Just tell your men to stand down.

Or what?


What you gonna do, little ponytail man?

Raise your hand if you've been to jail.


KENSI: Put your hand up if you've done time.


There's no one here that's done time.


Now I know you're lying to me.


You're gonna tell me that no one here has done time?

Okay, you know what?

We're gonna play a little game.

That's what we're gonna do.

I am going to pick someone, and if I pick somebody that's done time, you got to talk to us.

And if you pick wrong?


That's not gonna happen.

I have a lot of faith in you guys.


We got a deal?

I like you, lady.

Thank you.

All right, let's begin.


Let me see here.

Aw, go on, get out of here.


They've all done time.

I know.

What do you want to talk about?

You lose a bracelet last night?

I had one stolen from me last week.

Huh, that's very convenient.

Call it what you want, Duran Duran.



Why you care about the bracelet?

It ties you to a warehouse where you were at with Jimmy Fang.

I don't know nothing about that, and you ain't got anything on me.

He's been paying you in counterfeit money.

SABATINO: We could just have LAPD arrest your guys one by one as they start using that fake cash.

What do you mean, fake cash?

That's Jimmy Fang's business.

That's what he does.



You starting to remember a little something about last night now?

If I talk to you, I want Fang to go down.

Trust me, we want that, too.

My nephew, he does protection gigs for Fang.

Muscle for hire stuff.

I wasn't there last night, but he probably was.

And now I know who stole my bracelet.

Ah, your nephew, he sounds like a real good kid.

Yeah, we're all real proud of him over here.

Where can we find him?

No idea.

Kid's a ghost.

You can look for him, but you won't find him.

Everything Fang paid for has been fake?

As a three-dollar bill.


Come on, you got to give us a little something we can work with, preferably in English.

Where can we find Fang?

Well, the TV back there doesn't work.

Couldn't even get it to turn on.

- Did you find anything?

- Nada.

This guy loves a cold house.

I know, seriously.

That don't make any sense.

The heat's set for .

Yeah, well, it's lying.

There's nothing coming out.

Well, I'm sort of a noob to the whole HVAC world, but if it's running and nothing's coming out, then...

Means the thermostat's broken or there's something blocking the duct.

You don't think...

Come on.


Aw, man.


Eric, send the coroner.

We found Musa Okoye's body.

Angela, I appreciate all your help.

Agent Castor here will make sure you get home.

- CASTOR: Ms. Brown.


Let us know as soon as you hear from Musa.

I will.

Thank you both.

Angela, I'm so sorry.

What is it?

Musa's dead.


If Simi was telling us the truth, this electronics store is Fang's spot.


So, that awkward dude Beale, is he rich now?


Yeah, like really rich.


The world is a strange place.

Here we go.

SABATINO: That is a ton of suitcases.

KENSI: And if he's transporting s in superbills, that's a few million, but if those are hundreds, that's, like, or million.

That's a lot of recording studio hours.

Hey, Sam, we got eyes on Fang.

Looks like he's in possession of a lot of superbills.

- We'll keep you posted.

- SAM: Copy that, Kens.

KILBRIDE: Fang's espionage mission to the U.S.

was to acquire classified military technology.

Now, what if the plan all along was to pay for it with those fake bills?

But Okoye had the tech, and now he's dead.

Say Fang k*lled him.

Then he's got the cash and the stolen tech.

Sam, Fang is on the move.

We're sticking with him.

SAM: Coming to you now.

If Fang has the superbills and the technology, why is he waiting until now to take off?


So, the warrant finally came through.

I was able to ID those Nigerians that Okoye's been meeting up with from his e-mails.

They're all engineers.

They're all clean.

Any of these guys travel back to Nigeria?

Well, if you wouldn't interrupt me, I would tell you that one of them, Victor Abara, his brother is a high-ranking member of Boko Haram.


Oh, if you're a Nigerian expat in this country for work and you have any link at all to any jihadist t*rror1st group, you're probably gonna get sent home.

Especially if that project - is for the U.S. military.

- Yeah.

Who else could have known about Okoye's ties to these Nigerians?

Well, Okoye's e-mails are regularly reviewed as part of an internal supervision policy by his manager.

Ron Lewis.

He may have seen the same names and made the same connections we did.

Beale, you got to find out where Lewis is now.

Fang's about to turn onto the South.

He could be headed towards Downtown.

Bunch of private helipads there.

Yeah, lot of freeways also head Downtown.

Could be headed to Phoenix, Vegas or Mexico.

Lot of options for a dude looking to disappear with fake millions.

Might want to step on the gas a little.

ERIC: Guys, I got a hit on Ron Lewis's Lexus heading north on Figueroa, right past the Staples Center.

- He's Downtown.

- Same place Fang is headed to.

If they're meeting up...

That means that Fang has the cash but not the tech.

Because Ron's got it.

Kensi, we think Fang is meeting Ron Lewis.

Eric is tracking him now.

- Copy that.

- Ugh.

- I never liked that Ron guy.

- You never met him.

I read his file.

He went to USC.


Have you ever liked anyone that went to USC?


Yeah, what's up, Eric?

Ron Lewis may be meeting up with Fang.

I sent you the coordinates.

You're eight minutes out.

- We'll be there in five.

- Five?



Fang just pulled into a parking structure on nd and Spring.

Ron's Lexus is parked at the very top level of that same structure.

Copy that.

Well, what do you think?

We're going in.



Jimmy Fang, federal agents!

Put your hands up!

SABATINO: You, too, Ron!

Look out!

Get down!

Really, Ron?


I'm really starting to hate this Jimmy Fang.


Don't do it!

Sit down, Trojan boy!


It's all there.

The entire m*ssile defense system.

Downloaded from Musa Okoye's office terminal.

By Ron Lewis.

The guy actually wet himself.

He told me everything.

So it was Ron trying to sell the tech, not Musa.

He just needed a scapegoat.


Bye, bitch.


Yeah, they're a match to the superbills coming out of the tri-border area.

Well, at least now we know that Fang and the triad were the ones bringing it into the country.

But because you decided to TKO my only lead, I couldn't even talk to him before LAPD arrived.

I'm still no closer to finding out who's making this fake money.

Well, guess it's a good thing because, uh, you're not Secret Service, and that fake money thing is kind of their jam.

It may be their jam, but these bills are being used - [PHONE BUZZES]

- to fund t*rror1st groups, - and I got to find out who's behind it.

- Yeah.

All right, looks like I get to hop on a plane to go talk to someone else I'll never have talked to in another place I'll never have been...

I'm out of here.


what about, uh, what about your, uh, recording sessions?

Well, that's the awesome thing about playing ' s metal.

The market will always be there.

As long as I keep living on a prayer and never run to the hills.

- Hey, Sabatino.

- Yeah?

♪ So you think my singing's out of time ♪

♪ It makes me money ♪

♪ And I don't know why ♪

- ♪ And I don't know why ♪ - ♪ I don't know why ♪

♪ Anymore, oh, no ♪

♪ So come on, feel the noise ♪

♪ Girls, rock your boys ♪

♪ We get wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ We get wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ So come on, feel the noise... ♪

Made yourself comfortable, I see.

You know, finding a place in this building to make a private phone call is virtually impossible.

Well, that's kind of the way Hetty likes it.

Well, her fingerprints are all over this place.

That's an understatement.

So, you gonna stay here or are you, uh, flying out?

I got a place at the Chateau.

The Chateau?

Kind of allegiant.

Had some great times there back in the ' s.

You want to grab a beer?

I'd love to, Admiral.

I got some paperwork I need to finish up.

Copy that.

Oh, uh, tell Agent Callen, I hope his personal matter went well.



[CRYING]: Callen!

Why-why are you doing this?

I'm sorry.

[QUIETLY]: You're sorry?

You're sorry.

You're sorry?!

You're sorry, okay!

You're sorry...


Okay, I'm ready.

Let's just go.

HETTY: Jocelyn's your one chance at a nice, peaceful life.

I don't want that life.

If I get out of this car, I'll never know who my own father is.

I'll never even know my own name.

It'll be a lonely existence, Mr.



All she said is to go to her office?

Well, it's typical Hetty.

Gives you just enough to keep coming back.

Yeah, I've always thought she'd make one hell of a drug dealer.

- Mm.

- Okay, right, I'm here.

Office with the creepy doll heads everywhere.


- Mr. Deeks.

- Whoa!

Where do you think you're going?

To change my underwear?

Hetty, are you, are you okay?

No time for idle chitchat.

Mr. Deeks, open the top drawer.

Open the top drawer to...



♪ I found out an hour ago.

Henrietta Lange...


...this is the most savage...


...messed up...

greatest thing that anyone...

has ever pulled on me.

I mean, I got to be honest, this is, this, this is...

...this is pure gold.

HETTY: I could never in good conscience allow strangers at FLETC to give you that badge.

- Thank you.

- [g*nsh*t]


Now go celebrate with your team.

Oh, yeah, no, we about to get it.

On Saturday.

Wait, what?

What'd she say?

- Did she say Saturday?

- She-she...


No, because what she meant was, I think she...

She could...

Did she mean today?

Because "today" is also a word that means "this day." - Not Saturday, because...

- No, I think, I think it's just that Callen wasn't available, so she wanted all of us to, you know, celebrate together or something.



I-I barely even know the man.

I can't pronounce his first name.

No, this is, this, this right here is years in the making.

And now we're gonna put it on pause...

I'm about to go Richter.

You and I, rage fest.

- Baby?

- Yes?

I am so proud of you.

Thank you.

And you know what, um, nothing is stopping us from, you know, celebrating today.

- Today?

- Just the two of us.

The two of us?



- Oh!


- Oh, wait, whoa.

Yeah, no, I got a, I got a, a rib thing.

- I think it may be broken.

- I knew it.

- Or fractured.

- You lied to me.

I didn't lie, I just withheld the total truth.

You lied, but I love you.

Because you can't...


- Does it hurt right here?

- Not too hard!

That's-that's the...

I'm so sorry.

This is what happens when you lie to your wife.

- It feels like...

- Yeah.

- Good evening.

- Hey.

How you doing?

Could be better.

- Much better.

- Yeah.

I'm sorry for the losses your town took during the wildfires.


What can I help you with?

Well, I'm actually here to surprise my girlfriend.

But I need to know what room she's staying in.

Well, she's not here.

I'm empty tonight.

Oh, did the Rebuild U.S. group move on already?

The who?

The group that's been staying here to rebuild your town?

I don't know who's been lying to you, man.

But ain't nobody been up here to help us rebuild.


I'm still not going to paddleboard yoga with you.

It doesn't get more L.A. than paddleboard yoga.

And if I'm coming back to L.A. next weekend...

Oh, you're coming back next week?


There's a lot I want to catch you up on.

Okay, that's great, Kam.

Everything okay?

Yeah, yeah, everything's good, really good.

I got to go.

Love you, Dad.

I love you, too, baby.

See you soon.
