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02x01 - The Search for the Midnight Wraith

Posted: 01/21/21 11:18
by bunniefuu
Previously on Nancy Drew...

You had every opportunity to tell me the truth that Ryan Hudson is my biological father?

- Oh, my God.

- All we knew was what Lucy told us.


You left this in my car.

Is this you?

This is a picture of Lucy as a baby.

Why do you look like twins?

NANCY: Lucy wanted me to find out that she had her baby before she died, and that the baby survived.

I survived.

CARSON: I'll sleep in my office loft.

I'll give you that space you want.

NANCY: My friends and I did this ritual to call to this sea spirit.

And it worked.

The-the Aglaeca answered my call,
but the problem is, I couldn't hold up my end of the bargain.

And now we've triggered this, uh, curse.







NANCY: I used to go looking in the dark to find the truth. I was Nancy Drew, girl detective of Horseshoe Bay, solver of everyone else's mysteries. Then I learned that I was the biggest mystery all along. Everything I thought I knew about my life had been a lie.

I have no idea who I am anymore.

And now I may never get the chance to figure it out.



Because a vengeful sea spirit called the Aglaeca is about to k*ll me and my friends.


I burned alive at the Marvin Estate.

Hanged from a meat hook right here.

Drowned in my truck.

I drowned, too.

NANCY: I fell from the bluffs.

Just like my mother.

BESS: Maybe these are visions of what could potentially happen, you know, not actually our future.

Like, a-a proposed death.

Like a serving suggestion on a waffle box.

- You can't actually...

- Or maybe our time is running out - and we're all gonna die.

- Nobody is dying.

And spiraling out of fear is not useful right now.

We may know how the Aglaeca wants to k*ll us, but we don't know when.

We need a plan.

BESS: Okay, I know.

We destroy the implements of each other's demise.

Like, I can get rid of Nick's truck.

Hey, I kind of love that truck.

We're gonna drown inside it.

Oh, okay, okay.

Bess, lose-lose my truck.

Um, I'll get rid of the meat hooks in the cooler and anything else that looks impale-y.

I'll try to render Bess nonflammable.


Detective Tamura.

Nancy Drew?

Up for debate, but sure.

Gonna need you to come with me.

- Why?

- minutes ago, we got an incident report from the edge of Gorham Woods.

Some girl came running out of the forest, got sideswiped by park rangers.


She'd been att*cked prior to that.

No I.D., no phone. Before she lost consciousness, she said your name. Nancy Drew.

NANCY: Just when I thought I had enough problems for one night.

♪♪ NANCY: Totally happy to help you identify your Jane Doe, but I have something very urgent to get back to.

More urgent than being a suspect in a comatose girl's as*ault?

You have four eyewitnesses to verify my whereabouts this evening.

I hoped you'd have something to contribute besides attitude.

Wait there.

Parental warning.

Six o'clock.

I cannot deal with Carson right now.

I'll cover you.




Hey, Mr. Drew.



- Is everything okay?

- Yeah.


I mean, i-it's nothing.

I just thought I had appendicitis, but it turns out it was just bad fried clams from The Claw.


Yeah, I've had that exact same experience.

A couple of times.

You might want to look into changing vendors.

Good tip.




I got a new client in the ER.


Are you... you're representing doctors now?

Uh, not exactly.

Okay, well, really cool.

That's awesome, Mr. D. I got to go.

- Bye.

- Bye.

Hey, George.

How's Nancy doing?

I moved out yesterday, so I haven't seen her.

Um, she's totally fine.

Yeah, no.

She-She's staying out of trouble.

- Bye.

- Bye.

NANCY: I've never seen her before.

Yet she clearly knew you.

I'm known for solving cases around town.

Maybe she needed my help with something.


The Hero of Horseshoe Bay.

Great fansite, by the way.

Well, thank you.

Did you notice the, uh, numbers on her hand?

_ No.

I'm an incredibly unobservant detective.

They mean anything to you?

- No.

- All right.

We're done here.

You know, it is weird, though, that she was seen running out of Gorham Woods on a full moon.

I mean, you know what they say.

What do they say?

Just that the woods are haunted by the Gorham Wraith.

It's a phantom that rises with the full moon, and feeds on the fear of those lost in the woods.

It draws you deeper and deeper in until you can't find your way out.

It's the last anybody ever hears from you.


You can go now.

I just...

I hope she wakes up soon...

... gives you the answers you're looking for.

Well, let's hope her answers corroborate yours.


Carson's gone.

How's Jane Doe?

She is still unconscious, but she's got a great handshake.

That is "Aglaeca" hidden in the code written on her hand.

How do you have the bandwidth for another mystery right now?

Because I think that Jane Doe's mystery has something to do with ours.

ACE: Thanks for making sure I don't die in there with my bloodied, writhing body hanging in what was once my happy place.

Hey, Nancy was right.

Spiraling about fear won't get us anywhere.

She was just saying that for morale.

I don't think she believes it herself.

It's not like you to have doubts about Nancy.

You were ready to drink poison for her.

I knew that was water.

This is not water.

This is a death curse which we only caught because we helped Nancy call to the Aglaeca.

Well, if you blame Nancy, why are you hacking for her right now?

Enlightened self-preservation.

Code might be Aglaeca-related.

Whoa, where is that coming from?

I believe that's Aglaeca for "don't mess with me".


Did you find anything from the code?

Uh, yeah.

Led to an anonymizing browser and an encrypted outbox, which...

I just cracked.

And it contained a single outgoing message directed to you, Nancy.

NANCY: "Nancy Drew, I have a mirror that can be used against the Aglaeca.

Be at the old hatchery barn outside Gorham Woods at : a.m. Bring the cash".

What cash?

Wait, someone wants to sell us an Aglaeca-fighting mirror?

Someone and her partner.

Look, that's a man's hand in the photo.

NICK: Hey, : a.m. was minutes ago.

He could still be there.

- Maybe he waited.

- GEORGE: Hold up.

Before we go galloping off into the Gorham Woods on a full moon, how do we know that this mirror can help us fight the Aglaeca?

Yeah, and how did Jane Doe and her MIA partner know we even needed help?

I give you a tweet from @NancyDrewNews.

"Nancy needs your help.

Cash reward for any leads related to the fearsome Aglaeca.


I did not post that.

I sure as hell didn't.

And I'm not on social media.

Guess who is.

Okay, yeah, I sent out an SOS.

You Twitter-sourced our death premonitions, and you offered a reward.

Okay, you know when you have a vision of yourself as a crème brûlée, it's-it's a good time to try things.

Oh, and, um, Nick.

D-Do you mind lending me the-the bucks?

GEORGE: $ for what?

We still have no idea if this mirror has anything to do with the Aglaeca.

We do.

And it does.

I recognize the snake carvings.

I-It belonged to the Women in White...

the first people who called to the Aglaeca.

- See?


- ACE: Don't forget, this still leaves us in the middle of some haunted woods - on a full moon.

- There's nothing to say that the wraith isn't urban legend.

Except centuries of lore and superstition, and the occasional person who was never seen again.

And the fact that every urban legend we encounter in Horseshoe Bay turns out to be real.


Oh, dear.

Devil's advocate.

So far, we've been playing defense against a bunch of hallucinations.

At least we know this mirror exists.

A lead worth following.

Only one we got.

Who's in?


NANCY: Looks like no one's here. I found a lighter.



(WHISPERS): Sorry.

Hey, Nick.

Shine a light over here.


I got a phone.


And some...

kind of medication or drug.

It's still sealed.

I'll get it unlocked.

It's some kind of messaging app.

- Gil, where are you?

- NANCY: That's our Jane Doe.

Keep your pants on, Amanda.

Leaving the lodge now, all right?

I got it.

(CHUCKLES): Who's that handsome devil?

Send the picture I just took, the message, encrypt it all.

Hey, code's on your hand.

Don't screw this up.

Don't patronize me.

GIL: Fine.

But only because you're two minutes older.


BESS: Okay, so why did they use the video messages?

It's a dark web app.

They expire in a matter of hours and the police can't trace them.

Um, by the way, you have an hour to refill your pump.

You're welcome.


- Wha... ?



Is that you?


- Why isn't this working?


Oh, come on, c-come on.






Get off... get off me!

Was that the wraith?

So it is real.

No, no, we can't make anything out from the video.

Whatever it was, Amanda ran from it, and she got past the boundary of the woods.

That's how she escaped, and she found herself outside this barn.


Well, we're about a half a mile from where Amanda was found.

So she must have kept running west and then fallen down this slope.

That's where she got her injuries.

ACE: Amanda said Gil had to refill his pump in the video.

A pump could mean he's diabetic.

I'm willing to bet that vial is insulin.

But he never made it back.

Say something happened to Gil when he was leaving the lodge.

How far could he be from here if Amanda expected him - back in an hour?

- ACE: There's an old hunting lodge on the north edge of the Gorham Woods.

I used to hike a lot when I was an Eagle Scout.

- Nobody ever seemed to use the place.

- GEORGE: Mm-hmm.

Right here.

- Pinecrest Lodge.

- BESS: Yep.

Built in .

Owned by the Hudson Family Trust.

(QUIETLY): Of course.

(SIGHS): Come on.


- _ So, Gil's bootprints have triangles.

The ground's pretty soft from yesterday's rain.

I'll take a look around, see if he left any tracks.


I-I'll keep an eye out for bears.

The rest of us can head into the lodge to see if Gil's still in there.


(WHISPERS): All right, shh, shh.

I can hear a voice.

(WHISPERS): You're imagining things.




Or not.

Mr. Hudson.

I can explain.

By all means.

I'd love to hear it.

Mr. Hudson will be with you soon.

Please, no.


Oh, my God.

Is that a meat hook?

You know, if your grandfather was gonna k*ll someone, this is definitely the room he would do it in.

Okay, remember, Everett does not know we are related, and I'd like to keep it that way.

But aren't you just a little bit curious about all of this, Nancy?

The-the society, - the-the money...

- And the murders and the...

the bullying my mother into suicidal depression and the threats to k*ll me as a baby?

Yeah, all that happened before I was even born.

God knows what he would do to me now.

- Yeah, but he is your blood.

- And I am...

nothing like him or the Hudsons.

God, that really doesn't answer my original concern about us getting k*lled in a room with very spiky walls.

So, I think that this is where they bleed out the venison.

And where they keep their Aglaeca-related heirlooms.

Gil must have snagged that mirror off the wall before Everett got here tonight.

Who would've thought that Mr. Hudson would be hanging out here, having some weird insomniac rich-people gathering?

No, and he clearly didn't want us to crash.

Otherwise, why would he put us in here?

EVERETT: A man has a right to defend himself from intruders.

Okay, can I just be straight up?

Is this your k*lling room?

Who do you think I am?

ACE: Someone who kills people.

innocent men on a ship.

Also, you put a hit out on Carson Drew when he was in prison.

Why so quiet tonight?

I don't know, it's just I'm thinking about what you were doing with your secret council.

My guess is, plotting to get yourself acquitted of murders.

Or strategizing my defense for my upcoming trial.

When you say it out loud, it sounds downright criminal.

ACE: Says the man who put us in a room full of knives and a drain on the floor.

Why are you on my property?

Well, Miss Drew?


RYAN: I invited her.

Well, Nancy isn't answering my texts...

(SIGHS): as usual.

And you know she's gonna figure out we're together, right?

(SIGHS): Uh... maybe we tell her.

Or maybe we let ourselves drown horrifically in your truck and get out of a really awkward conversation.

Look at you, always finding the bright side.


Hey, this is the last place Gil was standing before he left to meet his sister at the hatchery barn.

And those are his bootprints.

GEORGE: Maybe he cut through the Gorham Woods.

No local would be caught dead there during a full moon.

Perfect getaway plan.

Yeah, but he didn't make their meet, so he's probably still in that forest.

With the wraith that could k*ll us.

One problem at a time.

Come on.

NICK: Looks like Gil started walking three yards this way...

He was heading south towards the hatchery barn.

And he changed direction.

Looks like he... he started running.

Like he was being chased.

I'm good.

I didn't realize that Nancy was gonna come through the back door, but I invited her here because I wanted to thank her.


For finding out the truth about Lucy Sable.

Yeah, she told me things that I needed to know.

Made me realize how lucky I was to have her help.

So I figured that that deserved a face-to-face conversation and a little something for her troubles.

So you decided to tip her in the middle of the night?

Well, yeah.

Soon as she got done working at that lobster shack.

I mean, come on, she doesn't set her own hours.

And she felt the need to bring an entourage with her?

Well, she enjoys traveling with wingmen.

She's a lot like you in that way.

You're welcome, Ryan.

I didn't mean to intrude.

I think you and your father have some important things to get back to.

Show your guests out.

You have a lovely home.

When you get back...

you will apologize to my friends for the interruption.

Those guys?


Come on, they're not your friends.

No, they're just the latest group of suits that you're gonna...

drag into a risky business venture.

They'll go down for your actions.

You'll walk away scot-free.

That's how it always happens.

But maybe I tell them to walk away instead.


They can't.

Their fortunes are tied to mine.

Just as mine are tied to yours.

If I go down, I bring you with me.


Nick just texted.

They found footprints.

Come on.

I'll catch up.



Your story was inspired.

You didn't have to cover for me.

Yeah, you're right.

Well, especially since the last time we had a conversation, you shut the door in my face.

Although I guess you saying that you didn't want me in your life, that must not apply to...

when you're in a jam?

Okay, well, now that my jam's concluded, I really have to go.



I want you to keep it.

You earned it.

I don't want any Hudson money.

Well, then don't think of it as Hudson money.

Think of it as money from a friend.

Well, if you were my friend, you wouldn't be comparing me to Everett.



NANCY: For the record, you're not my wingmen.

ACE: Noted.

You okay?

You want me to tell you you're nothing like your grandfather?

That you don't... drag your friends into bad situations?



While you walk us into a haunted forest to look for a solution to a fatal curse that only got triggered because we helped you.

GEORGE: Hey, Gil's bootprints veer off here.

It looked like...

someone att*cked him here.

Ripped off his insulin pump.

Okay, we really need to call the police.

Come on.

Still no signal.

NICK: If he doesn't have any insulin, he's running out of time.

This is now a rescue mission.

- ♪♪ - _ Dang it.

I lost my bracelet back there.

Okay, didn't we pass this tree, like, ten minutes ago?

I can't tell.

They're all starting to look the same.

BESS: What are those?

ACE: Scarecrows.

Locals put 'em up to keep the hikers out.

Um, I always heard they were to keep the wraith in.

Come on.

The footprints go this way.



Guys, I really think we should just go back.


Oh, God.


Okay, that wasn't so bad.






- ACE: Go!

- BESS: Hurry up!

ACE: Don't look back, go!


Over here!

ACE: Run!


♪♪ Come on.

Come on, come on, come on, get on quick.


- Are you okay?

I was so cold.

- MAN: Hands inside the windows, please.


Who said that?

As impressed as I am that you found me, I don't want to get k*lled by that scary-ass thing in the woods.

Gil Bobbsey.


Nancy Drew.

Did you bring it?

Your insulin pump?

Yeah, I fou...

we found it in the woods...

No, no, no.

Forget that.

The money.

Did you bring the money?


I believe the terms were $ for a mirror to be used by a certain someone.

Gil, forget the money.

Your body is shutting down.

- Let us help you.

- All right.

Well, now it's...

$ .

Is he negotiating?

How are you negotiating?


You know, if you die, you don't get anything.

If I die, you don't get the mirror.


Are we having fun yet?

- Um...

- He's going into shock.

Get him that...

get him that pump.

The c... the cannula, the cannula goes into the slot.

- It's okay.

I got it.

- Here, here, here.

NICK: Okay.

Stay with us.

My dad's diabetic.


Okay, okay, okay.

Okay, the insulin's running again.

GEORGE: Damn, the Bobbsey twins are hardcore.

Okay, Nancy.

Does he have the mirror or not?

Let's find out.


Don't try and steal from a thief.

Payment first.

Wait, where-where's my sister?

The hospital.


What happened?

The wraith got to her first.

But she's...

She escaped.

She's fine.

I have to see her.

- Hey, hey, hey, hey.

- Hey, no, no.

We can't go anywhere.

No, the wraith is out there.

So you, uh, had a run-in, too?

How long are we safe in here?

That depends on how it finds its victims.

Well, according to local legend, it sniffs you out by your fear.

So just don't be afraid?

It will find us and k*ll us all.


GIL: So, we, uh, got some Aglaeca trouble, do we?

How'd you piss her off?

Okay, you know what, I thought we were trying

- to not be afraid.

- You start.

What do you know about the mirror?

I remembered seeing it in the Hudsons' lodge when I was a kid.

My dad was the caretaker.

He said that the mirror belonged to a Hudson ancestor.

One of the first women to call out the Aglaeca.


Apple don't fall far.


BESS: Okay.

It could be a deer.

You know, do...

do deers make that sound?

GIL: Only if something terrible's happening to them.

I don't see anything.

We got to ignore our fear.

Otherwise we're like, um, catnip to the wraith.

- Right?



Don't think about the wraith.

Think about...

think about happier times before now.

Uh, go.

Uh, okay.

This-this summer.


Fourth of July.

It was my first fireworks in Horseshoe Bay.

You see, I like sparkly things.

They-they calm me.

- They have s...



- Okay, eyes on me.

I-I remem...

I remember that.

That was my first day at The Claw.

And the first day that we were all together.

- Yeah.

- BESS: Yeah, that was a good day.

- NANCY: Yeah.

- It was.

GEORGE: It was okay.

No, it was terrible.

Right this way.



Drew, where's that halibut for table nine?


- BESS: Ace!

- Bess is in trouble.

Ace, I'm sorry.

I-I didn't realize.

I-I-I just...

The plates are slippy, and I didn't...


I'm sorry, okay?

- Whoa!

Whoa, whoa.

- S...

I'm sorry.

- I'm...

My fault.

- No, I'm s...

I'm sorry.

No, my-my fault.


Uh, could I, uh...

could I...

could I get a coffee to go, please?


NANCY: Yeah, it was terrible. And then it wasn't.

Eventually, the rain stopped.

The fireworks started.

- I got my sisters.

- Mm-hmm.

I took Florence.

I met somebody by the pier.

Or I-I bumped into him again.

♪♪ GIL: You know, I never thought I'd actually say this, but, uh...

your stories...

have me rooting for the wraith.

It all...

led us to each other.

(QUIETLY): It did.



Did you hear that?!

Don't think about it, Bess.

It's okay.

- BESS: Okay, okay, everything is good.

- Okay?

- Everything is great.




NANCY: Stay calm.

Stay calm.

It-it can't find us if we're not afraid.


- Okay, we have to get out of here.



The front door!

- Nancy, come on!

- Come on!

- No.


It will only follow us.

We got to get out of here.


- No, let the others go.

If it can only sense my fear, then it'll give them enough time to run.

Hey, look, you can't sacrifice yourself.

I will not let my friends get k*lled.






GEORGE: Where's Nancy?





♪♪ LUCY: Don't let the Hudsons know about her.


- KATE: See me sitting under a big green tree.

I love you.


(WHISPERS): Not that.

Not that.

Not that.

I'm afraid.

I'm afraid of me.

I'm afraid that I don't know who I am, that I-I'm just the worst parts of all of them, that...





Oh, it's scared of fire.




Nancy, come on.




Thank you.

For the assist.

- $ .

- You mean $ ?

There it is.

Can you hold this?

I learned this on a bungalow case in middle school.


Can I get a knife?

Not your first mirror mystery, huh?

- Whoa.

- "From sailor's lips, s-sweet songs were spun, but for the Aglaeca, only lies were spun.

Dark spirit you seek, keeper of the deep.

Her truth lies hidden in their sea shanty".

So, the key to defeating the Aglaeca is hidden in a sea shanty?

Like, a sailor's song?

What, from the s?


- Where are we gonna find... ?


Nancy Drew.

What's that old saying?

Where there's smoke, there's a miscreant teen sleuth

- who's about to be arrested?

- NICK: Arrested?

- On what grounds?

- TAMURA: Possession of stolen property.

I got a positive ID on Amanda right after Nancy left.

Oh, and you're not the only ones who know how to decrypt messages from the dark web.

When the rangers reported that fire this morning, I figured it was you.


Bobbsey, while you and your sister may not be identical, your rap sheets certainly are.

Yeah, well, if you don't want me to resist arrest, I need to see my sister.


- Nancy.


Your chariot awaits.

I can't believe you fell asleep on the job.

Easiest $ we ever made.


Let me guess.

Tacking on a few more charges?

See what sticks?


Please turn around.


- It's your lucky night.

So, I am growing on you.


And I'm not the one who let you off the hook.

Thanks for not pressing charges about the stolen mirror.

I told the police it was a gift.

A token of my family's appreciation for all your hard work.

You were gonna tip me again?

I'm touched.


Well, what I didn't tell them was you can't steal a family heirloom when it belongs to your actual family.

This is yours.


Rough night?

I was with a client.

RYAN: Who, him?

Oh, you are rebuilding your practice from the ground up because I fired you, huh?

Because I was wrongfully accused of m*rder.

Not great for business.

What's going on with Nancy?

- I saw you with her.

- Yeah, that's-that's between her and I.

It's a family matter.

If she's in trouble, - that's something that...

- If she's in trouble, it doesn't concern you, Carson.

She made that perfectly clear.

A-And listen, before you go and you get in my face about it, please, just remember I can tell this entire town exactly who Nancy is.

And getting charged for kidnapping, now, that...

that wouldn't be great for business either.

Are you threatening me?



Just letting you know that I could ruin you if I chose to.

But, hey.

Don't let me hold you up.

Meal ticket's waiting for you.

_ NICK: No way.

I thought you got rid of it.

BESS: Um, yeah, I did.



You parked your truck on our lot with this on it.

"Please crush this in your truck crusher.


First off, we don't operate on a note system.

Okay, that was me.

I'm-I'm sorry.

It doesn't matter anyway.

I had to shut down early this morning.

Must've been a water main break or something, 'cause the whole junkyard's flooded.


Uh, hey.

Uh, you want to buy it?

Uh, the price is low.

- I-I'm practically giving it away.


In fact, in fact, Fred, for you, I will give it away.


Water damage like that?

God knows what it's done to the engine.

Sorry, pal.

No one's taking that thing off your hands.

You're out of luck.




If I were to roll this truck off a cliff, what do you want to bet...

It would land on a flock of seagulls that would fly its ass right back up here?

I'd bet it all, baby.

The Aglaeca wants us to die in this truck.


I know that you blame me for getting us into this situation.

And I really want to make it right, but I can't do that if you're mad at me.

What I'm mad at is the idea that I might die very soon.

Right when I'm finally figuring out how to be a part of something I really care about.

'Cause I've never had a crew like us.

I'm not gonna let us die.

I never doubted that.

So, you're still mad?

I'm scared.

Sometimes you just have to let fear be.


The next time you feel like sacrificing yourself to prove you're not a Hudson, please don't.


Just 'cause I'm mad at you doesn't mean I want to lose you.

♪ Midnight shadows ♪

♪ Climbing in the room ♪


♪ Something tells me ♪

♪ It's too late to run ♪

NANCY: I still may not know who I am, but if I'm ever gonna figure it out, I have to find a way to survive this curse.

If not for myself, then for my friends.

Time to go find a sea shanty.

- ♪ Who's gonna save us ♪

♪ All... ♪