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04x03 - The Good Solider

Posted: 01/26/21 03:49
by bunniefuu
Pumpkin double cream cheese.

Come on.

You got to eat something.

Eat one of those, and then you don't have to eat The rest of the day, or the rest of the week.

Any luck, our girl kat will show up at the stansbury funeral.

Gonna need some energy.

We might have to chase her down.

Never know.


I can't find the second shell casing.

I've looked everywhere.

You put them both on the table, right?


It's got to be in the house.

You looked, right?


What about the g*n?

I got rid of it, like you told me to.

I'm not stupid.

So it's there.

Don't worry about it.

Come on.

Eat something.

What about lo-jack?

Someone could find his car in that lake Because we didn't check his lo-jack.

I did.

It didn't.

He had it disabled.

The last thing he wanted
Was for someone to be able to track him.

How could i not have known who he was?

I don't know if i can do this.

I'm drowning, holder.

You have to.

We got no choice.

Yeah, we do.

I could, um...

I could just tell them who he...

Who he was, what he was.

What, are you f*cking crazy?

After everything we've gone through?

Look, i'm not going to jail for that scumbag.

Caroline's pregnant.

Everything is different now.

I'm gonna be a dad.

Gonna have a wife and baby that need me.

So, here's what we're gonna do, linden.

We're gonna move forward and leave this shit behind.

So eat your f*ckin' muffin.

We got a funeral to get to.

Man: Hold!

Front present!

Right, left.

Left, right.

What makes you think kat will show?

She was at the hospital.

Maybe she's his shorty.

Then again, probably not.

That kid's never got his cherry popped.

Man: Left, right.


Come here, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.

Left round!


Left face!


Kyle: What do you want?!

Sorry, kyle, but we're still looking for this girl.

Well, she's not here, okay?

I told you, i don't know her.

What the f*ck?

Why are you wasting your time with that girl Instead of...

Catching who did this to my family?!

This is absolutely not the time.

Please give kyle some privacy.


Told you that girl wouldn't be here.


He's a weak-willed son of a bitch, And i could give a shit where he is right now.

Yeah, yeah, i hear ya.


I just want to know where your husband went that night, And i'll be out of your hair.

Oh, for god's sake, carl.

Don't you people ever talk to each other?

I told that other detective that night That he was going to the lake house.

What lake house?

The crappy cabin we bought up at lake sawyer When we first got married.

It didn't even have a toilet.

We were young then, and stupid.

Which detective did you talk to?

I don't know.

The greasy one with the chin hair.

He came to the house looking for james.

Thanks, jen.


Woman: You've reached the voicemail of lieutenant skinner.

Uh, lieutenant.

Reddick here.

Uh, sir, i-i know you're on vacation, but, uh...

If you could give me a call, it'd be mucho appreciated.

Uh, not an emergency, But your daughter's a little worried.

Might want to give her a call, too.

Uh, okay.

Holder: This is detective holder.

Leave a message, and i'll get back to you.

Dinsmore: There is comfort in remembering That death is not the end.

There is comfort in knowing That we can see those we love again...

And that philip, linda, phoebe, and nadine...

...Have finally come home.


W-would you like to say a few words, son?

My family was, um...

A big part of my life.

My little sister, nadine, Was funny and...

And sweet, and, uh...

I guess some people think i did it.

Dinsmore: thank you, kyle.

Would you please join me in prayer?

Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses.

I shouldn't have said that.

I should've written something to say.

People think they know what grief is, but...

They don't.

You say things and do things sometimes that don't make sense.

You did fine, kyle.

Cadet knopf, you needed to see me?

Yes, ma'am.

May i speak freely, ma'am?

Of course.

What is it, knopf?

This is difficult, because i know it's been A very challenging day for cadet stansbury.

If this is a private discussion, you may close my office door.

But rules are rules.

And as duty guard, i'm aware that, as you always say, ma'am, "good order is the foundation of all good." What do you want, lincoln?

Last night, while i was on patrol at around 2200 hours, I witnessed a young woman Sneaking out of cadet stansbury's room, ma'am.

How old was she?

I'd say 25-ish.

Who is she?

I have no idea, ma'am.

But i did hear what she had to say to him.

Sarah: See this car here?

Here it is again.

Harjo: Yeah, looks like a toyota.

It's a corolla, maybe.

It's an older model, though.

These photos were taken over a two-year period.

This car was parked in front of the stansburys' house Early morning, late at night.


there's somebody in the driver's seat.

I want to know who this car belongs to.

sarah, this is a needle in a haystack.

I mean, we've got a make, maybe.

This isn't much of a license plate.

This doesn't give us a lot to work with.

So canvass the neighborhood, see if anyone can i.D.


Just do it.

Rayne: Detective linden.

Thanks, harjo.

Is there something i can help you with, colonel rayne?

Looks like you just moved in.

Been a few years, actually.

Decor is not our first priority.


How many of you are there?

Homicide detectives?


You're looking at her.

There are advantages to being the only woman, aren't there?

I don't know.

I've never worked with another woman.

Well, we can be challenging...

Or so i've been told.

Uh, how can i help you, colonel?

I think i may know Where you can find that girl that you're looking for...

Kat something or other?

Did kyle say something about her?

No, but she apparently was in his room last night.

That's strictly against school rules.

And kyle knows that.

I'm disappointed in him.

I am doing everything that i can to help you, detective, As i told you that i would.

Did you see the girl?

One of my boys did.

He heard her invite kyle to her show tonight.

She's some kind of musician.



You got a sec?

Yeah, but talk fast.

I got to pick something up for caroline, And the store closes in like five.

Look at you...

all p*ssy-whipped, settled down.

Keeps me off the streets.

Well, we'll see how long that lasts.

Hey, i-i know you told me, but i can't seem to remember.

What did you say you were doing That night that adrian kid went missing?

Same as you...

i was looking for the kid.


You didn't tell me you were at skinner's lake house, did you?

What lake house?

Why would i do that?

Yeah, right.

Having a senior moment, i guess.

What's with all the questions, man?

You want to put me in the box or something?

Eh, just dotting my t's, crossing my i's, Pulling all this pied-piper shit together for the d.A.

Yeah, you're worrying me, bro.

Seem a little scattered.

Maybe you ought to try Some of that "ginko bilobo" or something.

We got a lead on the girl.

Esd said kat's last place of employment Was greenhurst equestrian center.

Stansburys were members.

Maybe the dad gave her a job.

Why would he do that?

He liked her torn fishnets.

Tell you one thing, kat can't be much of a musician If she plays at a joint like that.

What is that?

Chipotle cheese kale chips.

You gonna feed that kind of crap to your baby?


When he has teeth.


What makes you think it's a "he"?

I don't know.

I guess i always figured i'd have a little man, you know?

So, you're just going for it, this whole baby thing?

Going to my first prenatal ob-gyn thing tomorrow.

I just never saw you as the parental type.

What can i say, linden?

You've been an inspiration to me.

You'll be a good dad.

What did reddick want earlier?


Just talkin' shit about you, per usual.

That's her, right?


Whoa, there, kitty, kitty, kitty.

Where you going?

You just got here.


What are you doing?

Seattle police.

You got a minute?

Let's go, kitty.

You were arrested for assaulting philip stansbury last october.

He dropped the charges.

And he gave you a job.

Was he your sugar daddy?

It wasn't like that.

I needed the money and a place to stay, so...

The beach house.

You were living there?

I don't buy it, mamacita.

Why would he move a sneaky, little ho-bag thief Into his beach house unless he was gettin' A little somethin'- somethin' on the side?

How the hell should i know?

Guess he was just a nice guy.

Can i go now?

Was he?

A nice guy?

Ask his kid.

We're asking you.

He was okay.

He got me a job shoveling horse shit at that phony club of his, So i guess i should be eternally grateful.

Seems you had a pretty good deal at the stansburys'.

Why'd you leave?

Because the social experiment was over, and he had failed.

Holder: Who?

Philip stansbury, A.K.A.

"father of the year 2013," Failed to rehabilitate poor, little, f*cked-up me.

That was his mantra...

Hard work and discipline will lead to strength in character.

Apparently, a shit-ton of money.

You seen that house?

You did.

We've got your prints all over it.

I used to sneak in when they weren't around, Walk, pretend i lived in those rooms like that was my life.

But it wasn't.

I was just an example to his loser son That following the rules can make you a stand-up citizen.

Do your chores, clean your room, No blue jeans, no posters on the walls, No snacking between meals...

What rules did you break?

Took a f*cking haagen-dazs bar out of the freezer 'cause i was hungry.

practically called the cops.

When kyle tried to stand up for me, He punched kyle in the face.

His own kid.

So you had plenty of motive to k*ll philip stansbury.

A lot of people hated the stansburys.

They were mean, hateful people.

Stuck-up daughter was cruel.

The mom was sick...

i mean, real sick.

Used to walk around the house, braless, Flirting with phoebe's boyfriends.

I heard rumors she used to teach tennis To the boys at the high school, and then "something happened." Poor kyle.

The only thing he ever did was try to protect me from his dad.

I was the only friend he had.

And that m*therf*cker being dead Is the best thing that ever happened to kyle.

Trust me.

You were there that night.

The lights were on in the beach house.

Kyle gave me the key, okay?

It was a place to stay when i needed one.

That night?

Fell asleep watching tv.

I heard this...


Like a scream.

It freaked me out.

I was going toward the house...

When i heard g*nshots.

Lots and lots of g*nshots.

I got scared and ran.

Can i please go now?

Afraid not.

We're gonna need your company for the next 48 hours.

Then i want a lawyer.

Dead center's 10 points.

If any of the dot remains, it counts as 9.

sh**ting's a very mental sport.

If you're not prepared up here, can't do it.

Meyers says he thinks i got a good chance At qualifying for junior olympics.

If rayne will let me.

The bitch wants to do away with the r*fle club.

My dad will have something to say about that.

I thought you liked her.

It's not about liking.

It's about what she's done to st.


You know, graduating from this place used to mean something.

The whole place has gone to shit.

Now they'll let anyone in who has the dough.

Well, colonel rayne seems to really care about the school.

No shit she does.

It's the only job she could get After she bombed out of the army.

I heard she was dishonorably discharged.

You heard from whom?

My dad knows a lot of people.

You want a shot?

No, that's okay.


i'm not very good.

You're probably better than you think you are.


Here comes ginger.

Sarah: Get out of the car.

Get out.


I'm through with your bullshit.

This isn't a game.

Get out!

This is where it started.

Your parents were asleep.

The k*ller was cold-blooded, methodical.

First, your dad.

He never had a chance...

Shot in the chest three times while he was sleeping.

Blew a hole right through his head.

why are you doing this to me?

And then your mom.


She was wounded, but she tried to crawl away.


She was shot three times in the back, Once in the back of the head.

Was she screaming?

Stop it!

Stop it!

Did she call out for you, kyle?

I don't know.

I don't know!

I don't remember!

Was kat here?!

Was she with you?!



she was your only friend.

She said that your father being dead Was the best thing that ever happened to you.

No, i don't know why she said that, i swear!

Why are you protecting her?!

Just leave me alone!

Did she do this?!

Did she do this to make life better for you?



Did she help you do it?

No, no!

She didn't help me do it.

You lied about knowing kat.

What else did you lie about?

Did you pull the trigger?


I'm gonna be sick!

Come on.

We're not done.


Not anymore.


That is where we found nadine.

Who could have k*lled a sweet, innocent little girl like her?

I don't know!

I don't know!

I would tell you if i did!

She was the only one who loved me!

She was the only one who cared about me In this whole f*cking family!

There was no music in this house..

No talking.

They all hated me.

Why did they hate you?

Kyle: It was...

I mean, i don't know.


this was a house of silence.

No one told the truth about anything.

What was the truth, kyle?

I don't know.

Did i k*ll them?

Maybe i did.

You loved nadine.

Do you really think you could have k*lled her?



From the moment i was born, that's all my dad ever wanted.

Sarah: What?

For me to be a good soldier.

You collect those?


My dad gave me one every year for my birthday, But i wasn't allowed to touch them.

They're rare.

Kat mentioned something About an incident at the high school with your mom.

You know what she was talking about?

You sure?

The girl's prints don't match the partial?

Partial on the g*n?

All right, well, just run it again.

Just do it, all right?

Call me back when it's done.

I must have messed up the time.

I'm sorry, babe.

When i got there, they said you already left, And, you know...

Well, i found out our due date.

October 10th.

Baby's a libra.

That's tight, right?

Th-that's a good thing.

I don't know.

I think the libras are diplomatic And nonconfrontational.

What's going on?

We're holding someone for the stansbury murders, but...

I don't think she did it.

No, i-i meant, what's wrong?

You've been kind of out of it.


Y-you do remember that we're having dinner With your sister and her kids tomorrow night, right?

'cause clearly you forgot the cupcakes.

I'm sorry, babe.

I-i've just been waylaid with this case and everything.

I-i'll pick them up tomorrow.

What's the big deal?

Uh, nothing.

Just don't forget the dinner, okay?

That's the big deal.

I know.


Hey, mom.

Oh, no.

It's spring break.

I was supposed to pick you up at the airport at 6:15.

Yeah, i tried to call you, but you didn't answer.

So i took a cab.

Figured you were working.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm so glad you're here.

Are you okay, mom?

Yeah, i am now.

I am now.

There he was, standing at my door.

I didn't even remember he was coming.


of course, i had nothing planned for him, So i guess he'll just hang out at the house all day.

He'll be all right, as long as the internet works.

You're full of sunshine today.

I've been thinking about kat.

I don't buy her as the k*ller.

It doesn't...

it doesn't feel right.

Ain't her palm print on the g*n.

We should probably cut her loose.

And i don't think kyle did it, either, not after yesterday.

Look, i've been thinking.

I mean, reddick ain't as much of a mook as we think he is.

Yesterday, he asked me what i was doin' again that night.

What'd you tell him?

I told him i was lookin' for adrian, as before.

So what's the problem?

He brought up the lake house.

I mean, i played dumb, but i-i don't like it.

He ain't lettin' it go.

He must have talked to jen.

You asked her about the lake house that night.

What are we gonna do?

She doesn't know anything, And reddick doesn't have anything.

He's just digging.

Why didn't you tell me about this?

I just did.

We can't afford to keep secrets, So keep your shit together, holder.

Yes, linda stansbury was assistant coach For our boys' varsity tennis team a couple of years ago.

She was, uh, quite a dynamo.

What a tragedy, that poor family.


We heard she had some trouble when she was here.

It was hearsay.

And i prefer not to speak ill of the dead.


Go ahead.

Was she fired?

We came to an agreement That it might be best if she wasn't here anymore.

So she was fired.


I don't really think we need to dredge that up right now.

This is a multiple-homicide investigation, mr.


You can make it easy on yourself, Or we can bring you down to homicide For a formal conversation.

It's your call.

There were allegations of inappropriate sexual relations With a 16-year-old student.

Male or female?

A boy.

One of her tennis players.

There were, um...

Suggestive texts sent, and there were allegations of relations.

But no charges were filed?



So, you had a teacher sexually as*ault a minor And you didn't file charges?

His parents weren't interested in pursuing it further.

And mrs.

Stansbury left.

She was a volunteer, you see, so she was donating her time.

I'm sure the stansburys Donated more than time to your school.

It explains why nobody believed the kid or stood up for him.

He was extremely troubled.

Shortly after mrs.

Stansbury left, He came to school with a-a w*apon in his backpack.

What kind of w*apon?

We have a strict zero-tolerance policy at meadow park, So he had to leave, of course.

Like i said, he was a very troubled boy.

What's his name, mr.


I'm sorry, but i really can't tell you that.

He was a minor.

That's all i'm willing to say.

And i'm within my rights not to disclose his name.

Now, if you'll excuse me, i have a meeting with my staff.

What kind of w*apon did he bring to school?

A handgun, With 50 rounds of amm*nit*on.

I'll call king county sheriff's, See if they got an arrest report of a kid with a g*n At meadow park the last couple years.

Harjo: Hey, sarah.

Hey, i canvassed the entire stansbury neighborhood.

There's no older-model corollas For the residents or their employees.

What about partial plates?

We got three letters...

w, e, and q...

And over 5,000 hits.


Thanks, harjo.


Holder, linden, got a second?

Holder: What's up?

You two know bethany skinner, right?

I thought you'd want to know about the lieutenant.


What about him?

He's alive and well.

Clearing his head in wyoming for a couple weeks.

Dad texted me this morning, finally.


I guess i overreacted.

Guess we can call off the dogs, huh?

What the hell's going on?

Am i goin' f*ckin' nuts here?

You sent that text.

You kept his phone?


Thank god i did.

It saved us.

It got her and him off our backs.

I thought we got rid of everything.


what else you got?


You didn't think to tell me You were gonna keep his f*ckin' phone?

No, i didn't.

Why the hell not?

You were losing your shit, holder, And i didn't know what you would do.


You're the crazy one.

You're the one who can't keep your shit together.

Okay, look, just...

Calm down.

I took care of it, okay?

We don't have to worry about bethany or reddick Or anything anymore.

We got away with it.

Isn't that what you wanted?

That's enough for today, cadet.

Hopefully, you've learned your lesson.

You're dismissed.

You may return to the barracks for the evening.

Ma'am, i'd like to stay and finish up, If that's okay, ma'am.

When everyone goes home for the weekend, It gets kind of quiet in the barracks.

All right, then.

Why don't you get cleaned up And meet me at 1900 hours at my residence?

I imagine you're hungry.

You said in your, um...

your application to the academy That you were interested in going east for college?

I don't know what i'm gonna do.

You have time to figure it out.

I'm graduating in three months, So i-i think that ship has kind of sailed, don't you?

Well, if you could go somewhere, anywhere, where would that be?

I just want to get out of seattle.

I hate the rain.

I'm sorry i lied to you.

Kat had nothing to do with it, and, um...

I didn't want her to get in any trouble.


she's had it tough enough as it is.

I won't break the rules anymore.

We can have dessert in the living room.


Don't stop.

That was lovely.

I don't remember the rest.

Your father said you were very talented, But i had no idea.

I was never good enough.

My dad used to take me to all the competitions, But he said it was a waste of time.

I was never very musical.

But i'll tell you a secret.

I dance.

Ballroom dancing.



You know, i was raised by an exacting father, and...

I know what that's like...

To want somebody's approval, to long for it, and...

...To never quite get it.

Kyle, did he hurt you?

Did he do that to you?

My dad?


Uh, nadine did.

Your little sister?

She had night terrors.

She'd just be sitting up with her eyes open...

Like fully open...

screaming, and...

But i-i couldn't wake her up.

So i'd just hold her as tight as i could, And she'd scratch and bite me like a dog.

And i'd just wrap my arms around her.

And i could just feel her little heart beating so fast Until it was over.

It was like that almost every night.

But, uh, what about your parents?

They must have heard her.

You know, it went on for hours sometimes, But no one else ever came.

She used to say there was a monster in her room.

I told her not to be afraid, You know, that the monster had gone away.

You know what you said about grief at the cemetery?

How'd you know?

I lost someone, uh...

Very close to me once, and...

I didn't realize at the time how great that loss was, And...

But i grieve it every day.

Kyle, i think that it is a good thing That you're here at st.


The discipline, the camaraderie, the sense of purpose Gave my life meaning again, and it can do the same for you.

But you don't seem happy.

I am.

I'm very happy.

This cake's good.

It's called natural childbirth 'cause it's natural, you know?

Women have been doing it for hundreds of years.

Maybe even longer.

Cuatro, cinco...

Why would we take her to a hospital?


They'll just sh**t her up with a bunch of dr*gs.


all right, little man, you can speak spanish.

We get it, we get it.

And she won't even bond with the baby.

Oh, come on.

I had both these kids in the hospital.

I bonded with them just fine.

All i care about is a healthy baby.

Doce, trece...

Holder: And, i mean, i-it's safer at home, you know?

Birth is a sacred experience.


and sage and myrrh massages loosens the pudendum...

okay, wow.

T.M.I., babe.

Ocho, nueve...

Catorce, quince.

All right, little man, chill.

I'm serious.

Don't you want a doctor there?

I mean, what if something goes wrong?

What could go wrong?

A lot.

Believe me.

Can we not talk about this right now?

Who wants desserts?



My friend marny's baby got stuck.


Yeah, well, that ain't gonna happen.


you know what your problem is, liz?

You're a downer.

And you always have been.

That's why you can't get a date.

You know, no one wants to be around you.

...Sesenta y uno...

All right, shut the f*ck up, little man.


He can take it.

His dad used to say worse.

Ain't that right, little man?


Ain't that right?


Kayla: Shut the f*ck up!

Davey: You shut the f*ck up!



Thanks a lot, uncle steve.

Holder: I'm sorry, but, you know, Your kids are running wild.

You know, they don't listen to a thing you say.

Kids need boundaries.

Yeah, like you know the first thing about being a parent?

You're barely out of adolescence yourself.

I'm sorry, caroline, but the idea Of this guy being someone's father is a little scary.

You know, i forget.

If you're clean in n.A., Does that mean you can still drink alcohol?

f*ck you, too.

Sorry, kids.

Stephen, come on.

Please stop.

He can't help himself, caroline.

He's drunk.



Don't you dare talk that way in front of my kids.

Caroline: Okay, he...

he picked up a new case.

He's been under a lot of stress, right, babe?

Hey, don't apologize for me, all right?

You don't even f*cking know me.

Isn't this what you want?

Your little bro gettin' married, settled down, blah, blah, blah?

Well, i did it.

I more than did it.

You know, we're gonna make it.

We made it.

f*ck, i more than made it.

You know, w-we're gonna be happy.

Just 'cause you never been happy, don't mean i won't.

Even though mark was an assh*le, i don't blame him.


k*ll myself, too, if i had to live with you.

Stephen, shut up.

Who wants to watch cartoons?

Let's go watch cartoons.

Come on.

You're an awful person.


Man: I can't tell you how many times i drove high and loaded...

How many times i woke up and checked the grille of my car To make sure there wasn't somebody's dog Or a kid crushed on it.

God was in that car with me those nights.

He was behind the wheel, not this piece of shit.

And i'm grateful today that i don't got to apologize To some mother for k*lling her child, Some...Wife for k*lling her husband.

That's all i got.

Stephen, addict.

All: Stephen.

Good for you, man.


You didn't k*ll anyone.

Good for you.

God checked out on me.

Blacked out in the back seat or something.

See, i-i got a body on my grille.

No one knows what i did, so i got away with it.

So it's all good, right?

f*ck god.

f*ck god.

And f*ck all of you.

'cause none of you got anything i need.

I mean, tell me what i'm supposed to do With this shit that's on my scorecard.

I'm gonna...

Be a dad...

A dad to a little baby.

You think you're a piece of shit?

You got no idea, man.

No idea.

What you looking for, harjo?

Uh, holder and linden.

I got the arrest record and booking photo Of that kid from the high school they wanted, The one that brought the g*n to school.

Eh, just leave it.

They'll be in soon.

You got good hair, kid.

I remember when i had hair like that.

Hair is wasted on the young.