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01x22 - Secrets and Lies (1)

Posted: 01/27/21 20:18
by bunniefuu

Sorry to drag you out of bed.

Who'd miss a chance
to wander the halls

of a mental institution
in the middle of the night?

Bad choice
for a first date?

Man, this place
is depressing.

Which is kind of ironic
when you think about it.

Or not.

So, fill me in
on our DOA.

Erin Meyers, .

Nurse found her hanging by
a belt during a room check.

Cheery. How long
had she been here?

I don't know,
five years.


Hi, hi, hi.

Now we're
getting somewhere.

Something I can do for you?

I'm Davey.
Davey, Davey, Davey.

Good to meet you, Davey. I'm
Jordan. If you'll excuse me.

Jordan, that's
a boy's name.

Not this time.

Look, I'd love
to stay and chat.

Erin's dead.

That's right.
Did you know her?

She was
a good girl.

What do you mean?

Time for bed,

Bye, bye, bye.


We're up here.


Let's get her
down from there.

Come on, fellows. Guys, let's get
her down and put her on the bed.

Uh, Dr. Hacken, this is Dr.
Cavanaugh from the M.E.'s Office.

Hi, I'm Keith Hacken. I was
Erin's primary psychiatrist.

Any idea
what happened?

She must have stolen the belt and
hung herself in between room checks.

What was
wrong with her?

She suffered from
paranoid delusions.

Any prior
su1c1de attempts?

Not according to
her history, no.

Did she ever talk about
wanting to k*ll herself?

She voiced
a desire to die.

So that's a yes?

As you know,
a stated desire to die

doesn't necessarily
indicate suicidal...

If you'll excuse me,

this incident has the
whole place in an uproar.

Nothing like the sound
of shrink double-talk.

He's got
liability issues.

Let me get started.

Huh. No petechial hemorrhaging.

That's odd.

Is it always present
with suffocation?

Not always, but it's
pretty standard.

Look at this.

No abrasions, no burning on the neck.

Just an indentation
where the belt was.

People who hang themselves usually
struggle, even when they want to die.

But we found her hanging.

Yeah, but there's a pretty good
chance she was already dead.

Jordan, heard that Summit View
case took an interesting twist.

I'll know more
after the autopsy.

Well, just promise me this isn't you
trying to spice things up, all right?

Trust me, I'd be happy enough not
to have to see that place again.

Hey, Jordan.

Oh, morning,

Uh, Dr. Macy, your ex-wife
called, she said it was important.

Thanks, Lily.

What's shaking
in corpse city?

How'd you do on
the ' Robby?

I snagged it
for a song.

Oh, rock on!

Will you bring it by later?

I definitely will, yeah.
Oh, good.

"' Robby"?

I, uh...

I collect
antique robots.

That's interesting.

Wow, you, uh... You never told me that.

You never asked.
How's our DOA?

Headed for
autopsy right now.

Is it okay if
I tag along?

Only if I can hear all
about Robby while I work.

See, this is why I don't
tell you things, Jordan.

I don't get it.

What's a nice, young,
sweet girl like Lily doing

hanging around with a bunch
of dead bodies all day long?

You mean as opposed to a bitter,
old, messed-up broad like me?

No, no, no.
Hey, come on.

You have a specialty.
You're an M.E.

What Lily does she could do in any
old office, with a view or something.

I'm just messing with you. Lily's great.

You find anything yet?

It's what
I haven't found.

There's no bleeding in the
muscle tissue around her neck.


And the hyoid bone's
fractured from the hanging,

but there's no blood there, either.


You don't bleed after you die, Woody.

No blood means she was already
dead before she was hung.

So, you were right.

Someone m*rder*d her
and then hung her

to make it look like a su1c1de.

Only problem now is,

I don't have the slightest
idea what really k*lled her.

Woodrow, JCav.

I got our young lady's
blood tests.

Well, anything there to
tell us how she was m*rder*d?

There's a rumor going around that
you made off with a mint ' Robby.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, sweet.

And the blood tests?

Nothing unusual
in her tox screen,

considering the potpourri
of meds that she was taking,

but look, here's an
interesting little tidbit.

Her Beta hCG level
was elevated.

That complicates things.

I'll say.


She was pregnant.
She was pregnant.

Little early for lunch, isn't it?

You remember
bringing Abby here?

Sure, it was
her first meal out.

More food on the floor than
on the table, as I recall.

Only pancakes she'd eat besides yours.

What's going on,

I'm late.

You're late?

You're kidding?


How long?

Two weeks and...
And counting.

Is... Is there any
chance that, uh,

you know, it's just
not coming back?


But thanks
for that.

No, I didn't mean
to suggest that...

What, that I'm old?

Come on.

Does Abby know?

No, of course not.

I just wanted to tell you
before I went to see the doctor.

Can't you do one of those home test thing...

I did. I want a blood test to be sure.

When are you going?

The day after tomorrow.

I can go with you.

It's okay.


Based on the unborn fetus, I'd say six weeks.

We're gonna need to talk
to some of the patients.

Her best friend
was Kelly McDonald.

I met a guy in the hallway named Davey

who seemed pretty interested in her.

Davey was like a big brother
to her, very protective.

Anyone else you know of who
could have gotten Erin pregnant?

You know I'm bound
by confidentiality.

Let's not let confidentiality
shield a m*rder*r.

All the patients are
supervised in the common room.

There are bed checks performed
four times an hour every night.

So, you're saying no one
could have been in her room

long enough for her to get pregnant?

It seems
highly unlikely.

You were alone with her,
though, right?

During the sessions.

What are you

Just that you were the only
guy who seemed to have any, uh,

alone time with her.

I was her doctor.

I was one of the few people in
this world who tried to help her.

Kelly's in there.
I'll be in my office.

Kelly McDonald?


I'm Detective
Woody Hoyt.

This is Jordan Cavanaugh
of the M.E.'s Office.

You cut up dead people and
they lock me in the nut house.

Some world.

Roll of the dice,
I guess.

Do you mind if we talk
to you about Erin Meyers?

I can't believe
she's dead.

Were you
close friends?

As close as you can be
in a hellhole like this.

This doesn't look so bad.

Trust me.

You wouldn't like the chocolates
they leave on your pillow.

You know anyone who would want to hurt Erin?

Contrary to
popular belief,

folks in here aren't the
ones that hurt people.

Oh, I wasn't saying...

That woman
over there,

her parents thought it
was fun to shave her head

while they
watched Carson.

That's horrible.
And that guy...

Yeah, Davey.

His mother liked to electrocute his privates.

She didn't like him
playing with girls.

I didn't mean to suggest anything.

Only one guy in here
I know who's dangerous.

The guy
making origami birds?


k*lled his wife
and two little kids.

Maybe we should be
talking to him.

Good luck.

Redding hasn't talked
in over years.

That's why he's here
instead of jail.

Erin didn't k*ll
herself, did she?

I didn't think so.

If you want to help your friend,
please just tell us what you know.

Who, me?


I don't know anything.

Fresh air feels that much
better when you get outside.

I don't know, they're
all getting help in there.

Scary to think where they'd be without it.

There but for
the grace of God.

Anyway, I'd like to talk to that Redding guy.

I'd like to run Dr. Hacken's DNA
against the fetus from Erin Meyers.

I'll work on
a court order.

What do you
got there?


probably lost it.

Or they left it.

Hey, Jordan.
You got a minute?

Actually, I'm, uh, kind of
in the middle of something.

So, I had lunch
with Maggie.

Oh, how'd that go? It
was kind of complicated.

Really? That's why I
was hoping we could talk.

We can do this later,
can't we, Garret?

Can you enlarge
this for me?

Enlarge, reduce,

I can make it do cartwheels if you like.

Pretty lady.


I sort of see
a resemblance.


That's times .

A little bigger.

Now, go in closer
on the hairclip.

And times four.




Mommy, I'm here.




It's a rough case, huh?

Yeah, if you weren't wacky starting out,

two days at Summit View
would do the trick.

Can't imagine it's any
worse than hanging out here.

Is this
about Garret?

It's about me.

You're not thinking
about leaving us, are you?

All I know is that I
need something to change.

Plus I'm not even
helping out here.

That's not true.

Well, whether it's true or not, I
can't be who I want to be in this place.

Not anymore.

Anyway, boo-hoo
for me, right?

Look, I got to go
run an errand, but, uh,

we can talk when
I get back, right?

I'm fine.


But I appreciate
the offer.

Mommy, I'm here.

Excuse me.

When did you cut down the tree out front?


The big oak tree.

There's a stump
out front.

Oh. I'd say
over years now.

Keep everyone inside.

Looks like
an accident.

Hi. Detective Hoyt,

What's wrong with Mom?

Why aren't you in school?

It's called lunch, Dad.

She was crying this morning
and she wouldn't tell me why.

Well, I have no idea.

Why didn't you come over last night?

Look, Abby, what happens
between your mom and me...

Affects me, whether you like it or not.

Did you guys
have a fight?

I'm not having this conversation with you.

Are you guys cooling off for a while?

I will not be third-degreed
by my own daughter.

Oh, well, what then?

What, did you
knock her up?

Oh, my God.

Abby, listen.
I can't believe this.

I get put on house arrest for
so much as looking at a guy,

and then you go do this?

Tell me I'm not having a
little brother or sister.

Tell me.

Your mother
is not pregnant.

I hope not.


Davey, right?

Hi, do you know
anything about this?

Hi, Jordan, who's a girl, not a boy.

That's right, yeah. Hey,
did you know this girl Kelly?

Kelly, who's a girl.


Kelly, who was
a good girl.

Yeah, like Erin.

Good girl, good girl,
good girl.

Okay, Davey,

You get his
phone number?

I can't help thinking
this guy knows something.

Sometimes still waters are just stagnant.

This poor girl. You were
here when this happened?

Why's that?

I was looking
into something.

Why didn't you
call me?

Didn't pan out.

Look, you want to find out
what happened to her or what?

Yeah, looks like she jumped from that window.

Except she didn't.

Of course
she didn't.

Look, she's on her back and her
head is away from the building.

That window isn't high enough for her
to flip over mid-jump and land like that.

What are you saying, she
jumped from someplace else?

I'm saying
she didn't jump.

From the position of the body
and the height of that window,

she had to come out backwards.

Nobody jumps out
of a window backwards.

Which means
she was pushed.


The usual?

Is it getting
that obvious?

Let's put it this way,
we'll make it a double.

Listen, can you
keep a secret?

Bartender's oath.

I've been seeing
Maggie, my ex-wife.

Word on the street, it's
not much of a secret.

Is the word on the street
that she might be pregnant?



And if that's
the case...

Let's just say I'm not handling
the prospects of it too well.

I mean, with Abby
thinking about college,

I had my mind set
on one thing.

Yeah, freedom.

It's the last thing in the world
I thought would ever happen.

Well, take it easy. You don't
know anything for sure yet.

Yeah, I guess.

And your ex-wife,

she's probably as
upset as you are.

Oh, I guarantee you, I'm
not helping matters there.

Anyway, I'm
living proof.

They can grow up,
move away, whatever.

There's no such thing
as freedom.

Dad, I need a minute.

I'll be right there.


Excuse us.

What's going on,

I'm working a case at Summit View.

Summit View
Mental Hospital?

You've heard of it.

Of course.

Well, somebody there's been
leaving me things on my car.

Does this mean anything to you?


Well, Mom had one just like it.

Did she?

I think
it's hers.

They also left me this.

I don't have
my reading glasses.

It's an admission form to Summit
View from with Mom's name on it.

I don't know
what that is.

She wasn't there, Jordan. End of subject.


What's wrong, Mommy?

Dr. Cavanaugh?


Bug's looking for you.

He's in Autopsy One.

Isn't that where
I'm supposed to be?


Am I in the wrong room or
are you at the wrong body?

Dr. Macy asked me
to lend you a hand.

On my patient?

Look, just don't sh**t
the messenger, all right?

What'd you find?

Well, I haven't opened her
up yet, but you were right.

She didn't jump.

The trauma is consistent
with her being pushed.

The blood loss is minimal
considering the damage to the body.

She must have been dead before
she was pushed out that window.

That would explain
the lack of blood.

So we have two girls,
both m*rder*d,

just not the way
we thought they were.

Question is,
what k*lled them?

Let's hope
she tells us.

Since when do you assign
another M.E. To my case?

I thought you could use another body.

Don't read a grand conspiracy into it.

It's pretty damn clear you
think I can't handle myself.

It's a double
homicide, Jordan.

Should have been two people
on it when it was a single.

You saying
I'm overreacting?

No, I think you're
reacting to something else.

What were you doing at Summit View
when that girl went out a window?

I found an admission form from to
Summit View with my mom's name on it.

Was she there?

I don't know.

Well, did you ask Max?

He said she wasn't.

Okay, well,
then she wasn't.

Or my dad
lied to me.

If he lied to you, he must
have had a damn good reason.

Look, my memories of my mom are shaky enough,

and now everything I think I
knew about her seems like a lie.

Listen, leave it alone, Jordan.

I say that as your boss and your friend.

There are some things we're
better off not knowing about.

Maybe you want to live in a
fantasy world, but I don't.

You don't know anything about my world.

Well, maybe we should
just mind our own business.

Maybe we should.

Hey, Lily.


Uh, have we released
Erin Meyers' body yet?

Uh, no, she's
still here. Why?

Oh, we're not having any
luck with cause of death.

Maybe looking at them side by
side will tell us something.

Looking at them side by
side would break my heart.

I've noticed you've been
talking to Detective Hoyt lately.

Woody? Yeah, we share a mutual interest.

Pretty arrogant guy,
if you ask me.

Really? I think
he's kind of sweet.

He struts around like he owns the place,

flashing his badge,
his g*n.

He's a cop.

Still, I mean...

I think that
you're jealous.


Why would I
be jealous?

Oh, come on, Bug.
I know how you feel.

You do?

Of course.
Don't be ashamed.

I'm not ashamed.

I mean, it's
only natural.

All little boys want to
play cops and robbers.

Yeah. Well,
you got me there.

You okay, Bug?

Yeah, sure, fine. Just
gonna take her to Trace.


Sorry I'm late.

I'm just surprised you
decided to show up at all.

Well, I told
you I would.

Oh, really?

I don't seem to recall
anything past my being too old.

Come on, you took it the wrong way.

No, let's not
start, all right?

Fine by me.

Place does kind of bring
back memories, though, huh?

Sure does.

Waiting and hoping.

Being so blessed
with Abby.

Listen, Maggie,

whatever happens,
we'll figure it out.



What are you
doing in here?

I'm a medical examiner.

Dr. Hacken authorized me
to look at the Meyers file.

Then why are
you in the C's?

Oh, look at that.

Wow, no wonder
I didn't find it.

I don't know
who you are.

I'm going to check
with Dr. Hacken.

Okay, I'm going.

Can I help you
with something?

Look, I'm done here,
so I'm just gonna go.

What do you want?

Is this for me?

Herman, you're not
lost again, are you?

Come on, let's go
back to your room.

I couldn't find
Dr. Hacken.

Don't worry about it.
I'm outta here.

I've tried iodine fuming,
nihydrin, silver nitrate.

You know, it might just help if
you tell me what you think it is.

I told you,
I have no idea.

Does it pertain to the hot
and cold running corpses

coming out of
Summit View?

I don't know.

Well, how did
you get it?

What does it matter if you
can't figure out what it is?

Don't give up on me
just yet, love.

What about...

Hello, there.

Can you trace it?

Of course I can.

Make sure you run it against all the
patients and staff at Summit View.

Yes, ma'am.

Let me know as soon as you find it.


Jordan, hi.

I'm sorry to
just drop by.

No, I'm, uh...
I'm glad you did.

You ever just not want to go home?

Yeah. Many times.

I thought maybe
we could get a pizza.

Is everything okay?

Hey, is that Jordan?


Hey, Lily.

Oh, Woody's making his
world-famous spaghetti.

You gonna join?

Actually, uh, no. I...

I really just came here to tell you that

the autopsy report shows
that Kelly wasn't pregnant.

Is that so?

Yeah. So, uh...

I'll just go.

No, no... No... No, Jordan,
why don't you come in?

Excuse me.


Hey, the fingerprint doesn't belong to

anyone at Summit View,
not patients or staff.

Whose is it then?

That's just it.

It doesn't belong
to anyone, I'm afraid.

FBI, National Database.

I've exhausted
my resources.

So, you just
can't find it?

You don't understand,
Jordan. What I'm saying is,

it doesn't exist anywhere.
It's, uh... It's a phantom print.

Phantom print.

I'll call you back.

What was that?

Uh, I gotta go.


What's this
all about?

I know Mom was
in that institution.

Why'd you lie?

I gave your mother my word I'd
never tell you. I promised her.

What was wrong
with her?

It's complicated.

I need to know
why she was there.

Remember coming with me to the
precinct when you were a little girl?

Of course.

I did that 'cause
your mother was

sad a lot.

Probably would have been diagnosed
with some type of depression

if she believed
in that sort of thing.

She'd be fine
for stretches,

and then
she wouldn't.

Was she crazy?

Your mother had a miscarriage
when you were about five,

and she was
distraught over it.

She started thinking
people were out to hurt her

and I didn't know
how to help her.

And locking her up in an
institution seemed like an answer?

I was afraid
she'd hurt herself.

I was afraid to leave you alone with her.

Don't you dare say
you did this for me.

I did it for her.
It helped.

She came home


A patient at Summit View who k*lled his
whole family gave me this fingerprint.

It matches the phantom print
from Mom's m*rder scene,

the one we've been looking for for years.

Where'd he get it?

Well, Dad, I'd ask him, except
the bastard doesn't talk.

Calm down.

How did a patient from
Summit View get this print?

I don't know.

And I'm supposed
to believe you?

Don't get into all this again, Jordan.

I don't see how
I have a choice.

Hey, Jordan.

Morning, Lily.

I, uh... I hope that, that wasn't weird
last night with me being at Woody's place.

Not in the slightest.

I went over there
to see his Robby,

and then we decided to make
an evening out of it, so...

It's none of
my business.

Anyway, that's all
that it was.

Look, even if it wasn't,
I have no claims on Woody.


Because there's a rumor going
around to the opposite effect.

We're just friends,
that's all.

You know, so if
you're interested...

Me? No, no. No.

You sure?



Well, I'm glad that
we cleared the air.

Me, too.

All right.


Well, we're
off the hook.

Is that so?

I've been trying to figure out how I feel.

I guess you can't help but be disappointed
even if it's not what you had in mind, right?

Yeah. It's been a long time
since I thought about a baby.


Like another lifetime.

These last few days, that's
all I've thought about.

I mean,
the possibility.

Yeah, me, too.

I couldn't sleep last night. I kept
thinking about Abby and that neonatal unit,

hooked up to all those
monitors and how scary that was.

You paced that hallway
for three days.

I can understand where it
comes from with the mother.

You know,
the attachment.

You carry the baby for
nine months, it makes sense.

But with the father,
there's no real explanation.

I mean, I didn't have a
relationship with her yet, no bond.

At that moment, I would have thrown
myself in front of a bus for her,

done anything to save her.

I guess it wasn't that long ago after all.

We were playing
with fire here, Garret.

Getting back together.

You know that.



where does this
leave us?

I don't know.

I don't know.

Starting without me
again, I see.

It's becoming a chore to find you.

Find anything?

Yeah. But how it helps us, I don't know.

They have identical blisters
on the heels of both their feet.

That's strange. You find
blisters anywhere else?

Nope. Checked both bodies head to toe.

What about
in the mouth?

Not yet.

Small, nondescript blister
under the tongue.

Same here.

What if they're
entrance and exit wounds?

Made by what?


Usually, with electrocution, the
flesh and insides are visibly burned.

Not if
the current's small.

Like if they were standing
on a grounding device

and the current went in through
the mouth and out through the feet.

Sounds pretty complicated.

Who'd know how to do that?

Someone with firsthand
experience at being electrocuted.

Where are you going now?

I think I know who
k*lled these girls.


Did you find what you were looking
for in the Summit View records office?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

I had to talk them
out of a formal complaint,

so don't insult me
by lying about it.

I've got to go
talk to Woody.

What the hell is going on with you?

I had to know the truth about my mom.


I didn't find anything.


I need to discuss
this case with Woody...

Call him. Do not go back to Summit View.

But I have... Jordan,
it's off limits. I mean it.


Did you find
the device?

Not yet. Hey, you're
in big trouble here.

I am?

Dr. Hacken says you snuck in a file room?

That's a long story.

Well, I think
I'd like to hear it.

Hi, Jordan.

Hi, Davey.

I'm gonna look
through your room now.


Do you know what we're looking for, Davey?

I think so.

I couldn't stop.

Couldn't stop what?

Mama hurt me to make me stop, but I couldn't.

Couldn't, couldn't,

So, what did you do?

Mama wasn't here to stop me, and I hurt Erin.

And I was
gonna hurt Kelly.

I had to help them.

How did you
help them?

If I show you,
they'll take me away.

That's right.

I don't want them to.

This is my home.

Davey, you have to
show us.

You have to show us how
you helped those girls.

I helped them with this.

Okay. Davey, okay.

Poor guy. Didn't stand a chance
after what his mother did to him.

In his mind, sex was worse than death.

He k*lled those girls to
protect them from himself.

The sins of parents.

Oh, I should go apologize to Dr. Hacken.

Hey, you just can't stop yourself, can you?

I don't know what you're talking about.

You're in something over
your head and you're scared.

I'm fine.

I'm worried about you, Jordan.

Join the club. I've got
a brochure here somewhere.

I'm sorry I wasn't
alone last night.

Don't sweat it.

Lily and I, we're...
We're just friends.

It's none of
my business.

It's not, huh?

Look, Woody,
I gotta be somewhere.

Let me go with you.

You don't even
know what it is.

I'm willing to
take that risk.

I'm not.

You gotta let me go.

You know who I am, don't you?

I got your message.

I found
the fingerprint.

What do you
want from me?

You left things
on my car.

You led me around by the nose.
Now tell me what comes next.

You murdering son of a bitch,
tell me what you know about her.

You tell me!

I know who
k*lled your mother.


I know who
k*lled your mother.