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03x02 - Slam Dunk

Posted: 01/27/21 20:21
by bunniefuu
As you've heard, this was shot
by the dashboard camera

in Officer Logan's squad car.

I wanted you to see it again
before you begin deliberations.

The defendant's car.

Darryl Ainsworth got out

because he was trying to keep
Officer Logan from seeing the cocaine

that was in plain view inside.

Mister Ainsworth didn't want to go
back to prison for the third time.

That was his motive for k*lling
Officer Logan.

Jake Logan was thirty-one years old,

an eight-year veteran
of the Boston Police Department.

He had four commendations for heroism.

He divided his off-duty time between
the Police Athletic League and

helping his father
with the family business.

When the police caught up
with Ainsworth the next day,

he was attempting to flee the jurisdiction.

Officer Logan's blood was on the clothes
that he'd worn that night.

A decade ago, based on the evidence
that you have seen,

a jury convicted the defendant
of this senseless m*rder.

The conviction was overturned
on a technical point.

I tried that case then.

I'm trying it now.

And I will be here in ten year's time

if that is what I have to do to keep
this man behind bars.

Because this man, as the evidence i
narguably demonstrates,

k*lled Officer Jake Logan in cold blood.

I know, ladies and gentlemen of the jury,

all of you will do the right thing.

Nine-one-one from my office. Can we
have an early dinner instead of lunch?

Sure. Can I have my employee
back soon?

The last jury convicted Ainsworth
in ten minutes,

and half of that was spent
selecting a foreman.

You'll have her back in an hour, tops.

Why you allowed Jordan on a jury--

By the time they brought her in,
I'd used up all my peremptory challenges.

Believe me, if I'd know she was
waiting in the wings, I'd have saved one.

Anyway, it doesn't matter.
This case is a slam dunk.

Even Jordan Cavanaugh can't derail it.













We've been here less than
ten minutes, Mister Webb.

I don't think we need to rush
Doctor Cavanaugh.

But it's an open and shut case.

Well, yeah, uh, but there's one thing
that- that kind of bothers me.

Well, uh, the evidence couldn't be
more clear-cut.

It's the wound in Officer Logan's chest.

- The entrance wound.
- Yeah.

What about it?

Nothing personal.


So, according to the prosecution's case--

Officer Logan and Ainsworth
slid down the incline,

grabbing and punching at each other.

Logan managed to sock Ainsworth,
but he couldn't get to his g*n in time.

And Ainsworth...fired his w*apon at Logan
from a distance of about eighteen inches.

Do you have a point?

If that's the way it happened,

there should have been
tattooing around the b*llet hole,

uh, g*n powder embedded in the skin.
Why wasn't it there?

He had on a police issue jacket.

Open in the front.

Well, maybe they were farther apart
than eighteen inches.

No, the shoe prints say they weren't.

The crime scene investigators
were definite

about where the two men were
standing at the time of the sh**ting.

They don't make a lot of mistakes.

So what? There's nobody else
who could have done it.

There weren't any other shoeprints.
Just the cop's and the defendant's.

But there were no other bare spots
that would take prints.

I mean, the guy's guilty.

Even if you were to pick away
every detail of the prosecution's case,

I mean, you just can't get around that.

Ainsworth was a two-time loser.

There were dr*gs in his car.

Everything except the actual sh**ting
was caught on tape.

I'm not saying that Ainsworth didn't do it.
Maybe he did.

But there are some anomalies here
we need to discuss.

What'll it take to put your mind at ease?

I'd really like to take a look at
a copy of the autopsy report.

It was entered into evidence.
Uh, we can ask the judge to see it.

Then I guess that's
what we'll have to do.

- You're welcome, sir.
- Nice tie.

Festive, like you.

Do you have to go back
to your office tonight?

No, do you?

Certain inducements might keep me away
from my desk for a while?

How long a while?

Depends on the inducement.

I have one that might qualify.

Like to hear about it in detail.

Well, first--

My office.

Don't do it.

I have to. The jury may be in.

Yes? Did they say why they wanted it?

Alright, thanks for letting me know.

The jury sent a note to the judge asking
for the autopsy report.

And I was wondering what was
taking them so long. Now I know.

Well, it could have been
somebody other than Jordan.

She just can't help herself, can she?

Has to keep everything stirred up.

Has to stick her thumb in my eye
one more time.

I'm sure everybody on the jury knows
the original conviction was overturned.

And they all know why.

The sound card from the dashboard camera
got misplaced before the first trial.

Why the First Circuit thought
that warranted a reversal--

Jordan doesn't do things
for the hell of it, Renee.

Whatever her reason is,

I'm sure it has nothing to do with
wanting to screw up your case.

Yeah, well, the results are the same.
A live grenade in the jury room.

You know you're the D.A.

Should have more faith in the system.


Nineteen ninety-four?

Gee, Garret, you run out of cases
from the present?

I'm a dedicated public servant.

Oh, then you'll be eager to sign
the massive stack of authorizations

- I left on your desk.
- Hmm.

My enthusiasm's barely containable.
Aren't you going home now?

Apparently not.

Oh, I know this seems like overkill, right?

So to speak. What we have here is
a bunch of morons

who demonstrate heir faith
in some seriously weird god

by allowing themselves
to be bitten by rattlesnakes.

Uh, don't know where they get
the rattlesnakes from.

I'm not making this up, either.

Hey, shouldn't Jordan be back by now?

I'll suit up and help you.

And, Peter, I know you're pulling double
duty, but no more coffee, alright?

- See ya.
- Uh-huh.

Does this mean you've reached a verdict?

Oh, no, no. We just broke for the day.

I thought I'd drop by and see
if I could help out.

Good, you can give Peter a hand in Trace.

Oh, and Jordan, why did you want to see
the autopsy report on Officer Logan?

I can't discuss the case.
Sorry, it's the rules.

Rules? Who am I talkin' to?

I took an oath, Garret. Now, maybe
that doesn't mean anything to you.

Doctor McCain was kind of a hack,
but I'm not seeing anything glaringly bad.

`Course, I'm only on page two.

Don't take this the wrong way, but uh,
what does it have to do with you?

Is there really something wrong
with this case,

or are you just kicking up dust
for the hell of it?

Ah, Walcott wondering
what's taking so long?

The evidence is overwhelming.

Then she's got nothing to worry about.

And she doesn't need you running
interference for her.

I don't need this.

It's all in my autopsy report.

Your report contains some ambiguities,
Doctor McCain.

And that's the nice way of puttin' it.

It's not enough that you fired me
when you took over.

Now you bring me back to insult me.

Okay, ready when you are, chaps.

I can't tell which the entrance wound.

The one in his chest.

Well, look, th- there's no tattooing.

Both of `em are oval.
Red rim abrasions in both of `em.

No torn skin margins, neither one,
and both exhibit microtears at the edges.

You're gonna have to explain to me
how you knew which was which.

The shoeprints at the crime scene
showed that

the sh**t was standing
in front of the victim.

Explain it to me forensically.

You know how hard it can be
to tell entrance

from exit with a small caliber sh**ting.

You testified twice that you knew.

Back when Doctor Blackledge ran this place,

we worked with the cops
and the D.A.'s Office.

Sure, we used to call him
Doctor Choo-Choo

because he railroaded so many defendants
with predetermined outcomes.

Was this one of those cases?

You're a self-righteous jerk, Macy.

And it was nothing that I did that
got the conviction overturned.

It was the prosecutor
who lost the sound card.

What prosecutor?

The one who tried the case--
Renee Walcott.

You got a problem, talk to her.

- What's going on, Doctor Macy?
- I'm not sure.

I want to see the body.

And what's it gonna tell you
after all this time?

A lot more than this piece of crap.

All I'm saying is that
the autopsy was written

as though the results were
a foregone conclusion.

And so they were.

You can't even tell which
was the entrance wound.

Who cares?

Cops blood on Ainsworth's clothes.

One mysteriously missing thirty-two
caliber m*rder w*apon,

a compelling motive,

drug-addled brain and--
oh, yes--the videotape.

Where was the g*n?

Now, it wasn't Officer Logan's g*n.
Where was it?

We are never gonna get outa here, are we?

Okay, the videotape.

Ainsworth worth gets out of the car.

He's wearing jeans and a T-shirt.

He's not holding a g*n.
Wasn't in his waistband.

Could have been here.

Pretty uncomfortable way to drive.

Are you as crazy as she is?

Guy had to have a g*n on him
somewhere, because he shot the cop.

Did he? Uh, isn't that
what we're here to decide?

Just because we didn't see a g*n doesn't
mean there wasn't one, Doctor Cavanaugh.

There is really no other explanation
for what happened that night.

So we just ignore the defendant's
testimony? / Of all the--

That guy came up with the stupidest
excuse I ever heard.

Do we really have to waste
our time discussing that lie?

What did you think about
what the defendant said?

Well, I guess it was the best
he could do under the circumstances.

He said he got knocked out and
doesn't know what happened after that.

I woke up and somebody had shot him.

It wasn't me.
I didn't even have a g*n.

Lame, pathetic, pitiful.

Someone else did it
while he was knocked out.

Gimme a break.

You saw his booking photo
from two days after the m*rder.

The force behind that was plenty
to knock somebody out.

Maybe they both got knocked out.

And the defendant came to first
and shot the cop.

Uh, no, there was no bruising
on the officer,

and he was standing when he was shot.

Why do you want to exhume Jake's body?

There are some lingering forensic issues.

Is there something wrong with the case?

Well, the District Attorney seems
to be worried.

Uh, it's very rare for a judge
to halt jury deliberations

to consider new evidence to consider
new evidence, but it can happen.

I don't want you to dig him up.

It's not right after all these years.

Is there any chance that our son's k*ller
could be a acquitted?

You never know with juries.

I wouldn't ask if I didn't
think it was important.

You decide.

Jake was a huge help to my husband
in his business.

Custom carpentry.

He used to get off his shift
and go straight to his dad's shop.

Please don't let Jake's k*ller go free.

You're positing the existence
of a third party,

who just happened to be there,

just happened to want the officer dead,

just happened to have a g*n
and just happened to get lucky.

I'd like to have a g*n right now.

Any more talk like that, Mister Webb,

and I'll send a note to the judge
requesting your removal.

For what? Standing up to a lunatic?

We'll have another voice vote.

- Guilty. / Guilty.
- Guilty. / Guilty. / Guilty.

Not guilty.





Not guilty.


Not guilty.

You've converted two morons.

Is this normal?
I mean, after ten years?

He was buried at the top of the slope.

Moisture drained away.

Alright, we got red rim abrasions
at nine o'clock on this wound

and at three o'clock on the wound
in his back.

So that means the sh**t was
farther away than everybody says.


Close up, the abrasions should be
in the same position,

both entrance and exit wounds. Read to me
what it says about the path of the b*llet.


"The b*llet entered through the chest,
ripped through the intercostals,

perforated the upper lobe of the left
lung and then exited out the back.

- Didn't hit a single bone.
- Does that matter?

With bone fracture, you can determine
the direction of the b*llet.

All I have are muscle tears,
which tell me nothing.

Alright, close him up.

You got the crime scene report
in that stack of stuff?

Yeah. Here.

Detective Al Morris was first
to arrive at the scene.

Was he now?

So why didn't he testify at either trial?

Eh, I'm looking for Detective Hoyt.
Is he on duty?

Well, can you track him down
and ask him to call me at the morgue?

Okay, thanks.


Mister and Mrs. Logan came to my office.

They wanted to know what's going on.

I had no idea what they were talking about.

Should I send you a memo
every time I make a decision?

You lied to them. You told them
I wanted you to exhume their son's body.

No, they made that assumption.

Based on what you said or left out.

What did you leave out?

I beg your pardon?

What happened to that sound card?

I told you, it got misplaced.

You didn't tell me it was
in your possession at the time.

Garret, it was lost. I wish it hadn't been.

Why didn't you call Detective Morris
as a witness in either trial?

There's no conspiracy here.

I didn't say there was.

Dig up all the bodies you want,
you'll come to same conclusion that I did.

However, by asking for your help,

Doctor Cavanaugh violated her oath
as a juror.

She did not discuss this case with me.

And I do not intend to let it slide.

You've had your claws out for Jordan
ever since you walked in here, haven't you?

My claws.

I just don't like her,
because she's a loose cannon

and because you allow her
to rub your face in the mud.

And what?

That's supposed to be your job?


He was the first cop on the scene
and he didn't testify?

Yeah, is that normal?

It's the D.A.'s call.
Maybe the guy's a bad witness.

I've known a lot of cops
who freeze up on the stand.

But he was there seven minutes
before anybody else.

Okay, I'll admit it's a little weird,

but it doesn't mean there's
some big cover-up goin' on.

- You think the guy on trial didn't do it?
- I don't think anything.

I just want you to ask Detective Morris
why he didn't testify.

Why don't you ask him?

Because you're a cop.
He'll feel more comfortable with you.

What, he's gonna tell me things
he's not gonna tell you,

then I betray his confidence.
Is that what you're thinkin'?

I'm thinking you'll do
the right thing, Woody.

It's kinda who you are.

Alright, don't slather it on.
I'll talk to Detective Morris,

but I will not do anything
to help a cop k*ller walk.

Good. Neither will I.

You gotta remember, the cops
caught up with him at a bus station.

He was on his way out of town,
and flight is an indication of guilt.

Or fear.

Yeah, it doesn't tell us anything.
He'd run whether he did it or not.

- The exhibits you asked for.
- Thank you.


So what's this gonna tell us?

We know it was Officer Logan's blood
on the defendant's clothes.

If Ainsworth was lying on the ground
unconscious when the cop was shot--

okay, right here.

See how most of the blood is
on the left side.

If Ainsworth was lying on his right side,
this is what we'd expect to see.

Is that the only way that can happen?
I mean...

what if he was standing a little bit off
to the side when he pulled the trigger?

Maybe. Except the b*llet's path
through the body was dead straight.

Are you saying the splatter pattern
corroborates the defendant's story?

It tends to corroborate it.

Which one of you is juror number twelve?

That would be me.

Judge Marshall wants to see you
in his chambers.

The rest of you are not to discuss the case
until juror twelve returns.

Doctor Cavanaugh,

you've been accused of violating
the oath you took as a juror.

No, not unless you changed it
between then and now.

Do you have any idea
how serious this is?

I have a feeling you're
about to explain it to me.

Your Honor, a day after the jury
requested the autopsy report,

Doctor Macy had
Mister Logan's body exhumed.

Obviously, Doctor Cavanaugh asked him
to look into the case.

That's not true.

Did you speak to Doctor Cavanaugh
about this case?

I did.
She said she couldn't talk about it.

Why did you have
Mister Logan's body dug up?

I read the original autopsy report,

and it raised some questions
that I thought deserved further scrutiny?

Did you find anything probative
or exculpatory?

I found more questions.

For me to give you what you'd want,

I'd have to brand the Chief
Medical Examiner a liar.

Absent proof, I'm not inclined
to do that. / Nor am I.

She could have talked one of her coworkers
into stimulating Doctor Macy's curiosity.

I see you don't mind calling me a liar.

Have you spoken to anyone about this case.


The eleven other people in the jury room.
That's it.

Mister Collins?

I have no problem with Doctor Cavanaugh.

I'd need more than
your personal opinion

about what might have happened,
Ms. Walcott.

I will not reconstitute the jury
at this point.

Then I ask that you sequester them
for the remainder of deliberations.

That I will do.

And I think I'll let you have
the honor of telling your fellow jurors.

Sequestered? You're kidding?

- Hey, don't look at me.
- I'm gonna lose my job--

Sooner we focus,
the sooner we can get out of here.

Focus on what? More minutiae?

We're missing the forest for the trees.

Amen, sister.

The videotape is the forest.

No matter what you do,
you can't get around that.

I'm not trying to get around anything.

I just want the anomalies explained.

Well, we don't have enough information
to do that.

Then how can we be expected
to make a decision?

Since the discrepancies can't be
resolved in this room,

are you likely to change your vote?


Common ground at last! Me, neither.

Normal people call and talk. They don't
drag each other in front of a judge.

Normal people aren't responsible
for the administration of justice.

I told you Jordan said nothing
to me about this case.

- Have I ever lied to you, Renee?
- Not that I know of.

Don't you think you would know?

Someone as prickly as you
are would figure it out in a hurry.


Look, at some point, you just have to jump
in the water and trust you'll be okay.

Oh, didja get that off a mug?

Okay, then.

You Hoyt?

Ah, Detective Morris.
Thank you for comin' down.

Have a seat. What'll you have?

Whatever's on tap.

- Boss, a beer, please.
- Sure thing.


There you go.

So what's this about?

Uh, I just thought we could talk.

You didn't bring me down here
to tell w*r stories, did you?

No, no.

The Chief M.E. was wondering why you
didn't testify in the Jake Logan trials.

I heard he dug Jake up.
What's he doin'?

I'm not sure, but I told him if he wants
to mess the case up,

he should not count on me.

Well, I was on an extradition pick-up
in Utah for the first trial,

in the hospital for the second.
Shoulder surgery.

Could have gotten a sub
to do that pick-up.

I didn't want to testify.

I sort of left something out my report.

The twenty grand I found in the trunk
of Logan's squad car.

Hey, he wasn't on the take.

Liked to gamble.
Sometimes he won big.

It would have just muddied the issues.

You would have done the same thing.

Well, what happened to the money?

I gave it to his father.

Prosecutor never heard about this?

No, why would I tell her?
It had nothing to do with the m*rder.

Hey, you don't have to convince me.

So there wasn't anything
nefarious goin' on.

The guy just wasn't available
to testify either time.

It's not like Walcott needed him.

Yeah? Yeah, I see him.
No-no, it's okay.

Mister Logan.

The District Attorney didn't ask you
to look into anything.

You lied to us.

- Who are you.
- Detective Hoyt.

You're a cop. You're helping him.

If you'll have a seat, I'll try to explain.

I can listen standing up.

The original autopsy performed
on your son was unprofessional.

- Were you there?
- No, I pulled the report and I read it.


- I want an answer, Macy.
- I was curious.

And what sparked your curiosity?

Mister Logan, I understand
why you're upset, but sometimes-

Can I get a straight answer out of you?

No, sir. I don't have an answer.

If that piece of garbage that k*lled
my son gets off because of you,

you need to watch your back.

Sir, I understand that you're angry,

but that's no reason
to thr*aten people.

You heard me. You heard me.

What are you doing this for?

- Ready when you are, Doctor M.
- Now what?

- The tape from the dashboard camera.
- What for?

It was just accepted as is.
It was never even enhanced.

Doctor Macy,
you've got to tell me the truth.

I'm beginning to think that Ainsworth
is innocent, okay? Let's go.

Two days and you think
you're deadlocked.

What's the split?
Just the numbers, please.

Last vote, nine to three.
Then you're three votes from success.

Your Honor, we won't ever reach a verdict

because that crazy lady right there will
never convince me to vote not guilty.

That's enough, sir.

- Uh, may I say something, Your Honor?
- Is it more name calling?

No, sir.

Uh, there's just so much
insufficient information in this case.

We can't reach any logical conclusions.

Stop right there, Doctor Cavanaugh.

We all saw the same evidence, and there's
no way you can sell me that position.

There's also no way I will declare
a mistrial after only two days.

You will return to the jury room and you
will stay there until you reach a verdict.

Is that as clear as you can get it?

Lord, no. Now, it would help if I knew
what you were looking for.

What's that right there?
In the mirror?

It's another video artifact, probably.

- Can you get the two men clearer?
- Yeah.

Morris say anything else?

Found a big a wad of cash
from Logan's trunk.

Morris didn't put it in his report.

- Dirty cop?
- No, a gambler.

I spoke to some of the other guys who said
he was a stand-up guy and a great cop.

Yeah, with a gambling problem.


Stop the tape.

What is that?
That shadow right there.

Well, perhaps it's just a shadow.

We convert to frequency domain.

Enhance the spike.

Or perhaps a g*n.

Ainsworth testified he wasn't carrying
that night.

You still think the son
of a bitch is innocent?

You still think Ainsworth didn't do it?

I never said that.
So you'll tell the judge?

What for. If this were exculpatory,

he could halt deliberations,
but not for this.

I've had my turn.

Police report says
the D.A.'s investigator spent

a couple days looking for
the g*n ten years ago,

but the cops don't have a copy
of his search grid.

Now you're gonna prove my case for me?

What happened to "Jordan has
a reason for everything she does"?

If that jury hangs and you have
to try Ainsworth a third time,

you're gonna thank me for finding that g*n.

If you do.


Not guilty.


Not guilty.


Not guilty.

Not guilty.

Nine not guilty.

Did any of you change your vote just
because you want to get out of here

- and go home? / They all did.
- I didn't.

Aw, bull. You know what?
It's not gonna do you any good.

Rest of you can whine
as much as you want,

because Rosenblatt, Harris
and I are standin' firm.

This is the crime scene, and this is the
fleabag hotel where Ainsworth was living.

- Overlay the police search grid.
- Mm-hm.

Looks like they covered every square
inch between the two.

Guy from the D.A.'s Office?

Hansen's Dry Creek Bed. Is it always dry?

Mmm, depends on the rainfall.

Cops checked the creek.

Not past here.

Where does it go?

Feeds down into Scarboro Pond,
south end of the park.

I take it the pond was never dredged.

That's the problem with airtight cases.
Everybody gets overconfident.

You know, you might not need
to call out the dredging crew.

Yeah, before it gets to the pond,
it has to pass through here.

City must clean it out sometimes.
That's not ten years worth of debris.

g*n can't still be here.

If somebody found it,
they would have turned it in.

Probably sank in the mud.

Nigel, get in there?

- The- these are new shoes.
- Take `em off.

Gimme this thing.
I got this.

Man, it is nasty back here.

Alright. I got a belt buckle.

I got some needle-nosed pliers.

I got- I don't know what that is.


a thirty-two.


It's Jordan, isn't it?

This trial would be over by now if she
wasn't in there pokin' holes in everything.

That'd be my guess.

Jordan being Jordan,
guilty man's gonna go free.

You may need to rephrase that, Woody.

The striations are completely different.

They can't be. It's Ainsworth's g*n.
The serial numbers match.

Yeah, but the b*ll*ts don't.
This g*n did not fire the fatal shot.

I don't know whether
Ainsworth did it or not.

That's the whole point.
There's no category for innocent.

There's just guilty and not guilty,

and if the evidence doesn't add
up beyond a reasonable doubt,

we have to vote not guilty
regardless of how we feel about it.

Mister Rosenblatt?

When you put it that way, not guilty.

Well, that just leaves you and Richard.

I just can't get around the videotape.

If the tape didn't exist,
how would you vote?

But it does exist.

All it tells us is that both men
were there that night.

Everything else is discrepancy
piled on anomaly.

The bottom line is the guy, Ainsworth.

Did you look at him?

Did you see what he is?
An addict, a loser, scum.

I didn't hear anything
in the judge's instructions

about convicting based on character.

Alright, I'm changing my vote.
Not guilty.

I was a cop for almost twenty years.

All day, every day I dealt with people
like Darryl Ainsworth.

You're a doctor. What do you know
about the mean streets?

Almost twenty years?
Why almost?

What are you gettin' at?

Well, you get a full pension
at twenty years.

Why didn't you stick around for it?

Maybe one too many brutality complaints?

Kick in the wrong door once too often?

oh, and I- I like this one--

you buffed your reports to make
sure that the scum got locked up,

whether they were guilty or not.

Here it is.
Your last chance to play God.

You do realize this doesn't
exonerate Ainsworth.

He could have been carrying
a different g*n that night.

If you don't show this
to the judge, I will.

Oh, I'll show him.

If I can get him to call a mistrial,
I can start over with a new jury.

I think he'd start over
with a new investigation.

Alex, find Judge Marshall and
tell him I need to see him urgently.

Alright, I'm- I'm on my way.

The jury's reached a verdict.

- Doctor Macy.
- It'll have to wait, Nigel.

- No-no, this one can't.
- What is it?!

Alright, that blur on the videotape,

you know, the one that
I thought was a video artifact.

I enhanced it.

You're not gonna believe what I found.


Has the jury reached a verdict?

Yes, Your Honor.

As to the sole count of the indictment,
m*rder in the first degree,

we find the defendant, Darryl
Cole Ainsworth, not guilty.

-- so much.

-- the testimony. He didn't know
what the hell was goin'on.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,

thank you for your
service to the court.

You are excused.

The judge have something to say to us?

Please have a seat.

My office enhanced the video
from your son's patrol car.

I think you know what we found.

What are you talking about?

Mister Logan?

There was a third car.
We got the license plate number.

It was your car.

Carl, what- what's going on?

Okay, then I'll tell you
what we think happened.

You can correct me at any time.

Jake was stealing money from your
business to pay for his gambling habit.

He wouldn't admit he had a problem
and you couldn't stop him,

so you decided to follow him to see
what he was doing with the money.

I'm giving you...the benefit
of the doubt here,

assuming you didn't set out to k*ll him.

With him being a cop,
an unexpected opportunity arose.

Way for you to make
all your problems go away.

You stopped Darryl Ainsworth
for a broken taillight.

When he and Ainsworth started fighting...

you found yourself
in the perfect situation.


What are you doin'?

See, we prefer to think just
happened to have a g*n in your car,

and desperation pushed you over the edge.


I spent my whole life building
up my business.

I just couldn't make him stop.

Mr. Logan, you should speak with
an attorney before you say anything else.

Nice to know I didn't help
get a k*ller off.

Yeah, it's nice to know the system works.

The system needs a serious overhaul.

Jordan, the next time you're called
for jury duty, let your shrink know.

I'm sure there's a reason
you should be excused.

Wow, did you mean to call me
a nut job or are you just crabby?

Okay, crabby it is.

But I've got something to cheer you up.

Ballpoint pen through the eye, autopsy two.

I know you love those ballpoint pen cases.

Hi, Renee.


Well, movin' on.

Uh, before you go,

thank you.

Okay, what for?

It can't have been easy standing up
by yourself in there.

You did a good thing.

Well, thanks.

Why? What made you doubt
the case so much?

I didn't in the beginning.

I just thought uh, well, nobody
else wanted to talk about it.

It seemed to me that was the
whole reason we were there.

Okay, good.

Um, I came by to tell you.

I don't know how to swim.

It's never too late to learn.

Well, maybe not tonight since you're busy.

With what?

With the ballpoint pen thing with Jordan.

Well, don't you think
this is more important?

Do you?

Are you always gonna be this challenging?

Isn't that what you like about me?