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06x08 - Isolation

Posted: 01/27/21 20:36
by bunniefuu
- Is the decedent a child?
- No.

- Uh, did he die in police custody?
- No.

Is he under forty with no known
risk factors for sudden death?

Is he "sanctimonious?"
"Supercilious?" "Condescending?"

- Is she crazy?
- Yeah.

These are the criteria, Doctor.
If you can't answer yes to
at least one of them, no autopsy.

You're not in charge here.
You have no medical expertise.

Exactly. I'm a lawyer. Yet I've been
forced to spend the last few months

babysitting medical examiners who
don't understand that resources are limited.

Autopsy protocols
have been put in place.

All I do is review the sheet, but every day
your people ask to violate the criteria. No.

"E.M.S." guessed influenza, but look.
"Petechial hemorrhaging."

Inconsistent with the flu.

Move on.

Thank you.

I'll see you in there, Doctor Macy. always, I appreciate your...

your advocacy, but
no autopsy on Diego Gonzalez.


Garret. Who's in charge here?
You or that...

"Petechial hemorrhaging" could just indicate
a low "platelet" count or high "cortisone" levels...

Or a dozen other things.
Isn't it our job to determine actual
cause of death? We're just going to guess.

Do you not get that we are inches
away from the breaking point here?

I have a meeting.
No interruptions at all for any reason.

- Okay, with Ivers?
- And the Attorney General.

- Just wait, are they going after you for...
- I'll handle it, Jordan.

What about Diego Gonzalez?

Excuse me. Do you speak of
my husband, Diego?

Senor Gonzalez.

(Spanish) The paramedics,
they say "la gripe", the flu.

Okay, could you go get Lily for me?

Is there any family
I can call for you?

My husband is healthy
all his life.

He only sick this morning.
How he die so fast?

Hey. / Lily, this is Mrs. Gonzalez,
her husband died suddenly this morning.

Oh, I am so sorry, Mrs. Gonzalez.
My name is Lily.

Why don't I take you in there?
It's much more private.

Um, actually Garret's in there.
You can use my office. / Okay.

What happened to my husband?

You're going to get us
all fired, aren't you?

Ivers has already called the Attorney General.
They force Garret out, we're all gone anyway.

Mr. Gonzalez got sick this morning.
Flu doesn't k*ll that fast.

It can if there are underlying issues.

His wife said there weren't.

- You have an aspirin?
- Why? You got a headache?

His name is Ivers.

"Bruins" and Canadiens,
rivals to the death,

the match-up of the season
and you are so not ready.

Just give me maybe
half an hour, okay? Whoa!

- Woody, put on a mask!
- What is that stuff?

- Just put on a damn mask now!
- What is it? What's wrong with him?

I have no idea.

Hey, you figure out how he died?

"Pulmonary edema."
He just drowned in all that "plasma."

"Whiteout." You can't even see
the ribs there's so much fluid.

That doesn't make any sense,
not if he wasn't sick until this morning.

It's almost not possible. There has
to be something the wife didn't tell you.

Ask Lily for her number.
We need to talk to her right now.

The "clean room's" for "contagion", outbreaks.
How much trouble are we in here?

Could be one hundred things,
some bad, some...

I don't know how you people cope. Could be this.
Could be that. "Eeny, meeny, miny, mo."

No different for you.

When I'm working,
I know what I'm looking at.

A shell casing, shoe print,
severed finger.

Mrs. Gonzalez has no phone,

but Lily's getting the address for you.

Looks like I'm not going to
make that game,

but maybe you can catch
that last period.

Or I could go with you. You're not the only one
who wants to know if it's "eeny, meeny, miny or mo."

Okay. Find Bug. And Garret needs to be
in on this, too. Interrupt him.

But after we go.

The Attorney General will be here.

Your report's very thorough.
You have a knack.

Thank you.

What you don't have... a grasp of what is or isn't
necessary work in a morgue.

I beg to differ.
That's what the criteria are for.

Would you send your children to a doctor
who diagnosed them from a checklist?

Don't have children.

Your patients, Doctor, are dead.

Which makes the diagnosis even harder.

- I'm finding resumes in the copier.
- Maybe we should wait for the "A.G."

Let's cut to the chase, why don't we?
The "A.G." wants someone out, right?

- This is merely a conversation about how...
- It's not a conversation at all. You know what
it is? You know what it is? It's a formality.

The two of you covering your ass
trying to show that you've done something.

You still fail to see that you
are part of the problem.

So the "A.G." comes in and
chooses a "sacrificial lamb?"

To be frank,

I think he'd rather you choose.


I choose me. I'll resign.
I'll leave today.

- But you have conditions?
- Just one. My people stay, you go.

Reign of terror ends today.
Right now.

Sorry, Doctor "M."

Um, listen, um,

why don't you discuss
my offer with your boss?

You'll see. It's bad.

Bug, you've eliminated
toxins as a cause?

It's not toxins, not "anthrax",
not any type of bacteria.

- We've moved on to viruses.
- How are the lungs?

It's like cutting a steak.

- "Legionnaires?"
- No. Nor "tularemia", nor "Q fever."

It looks like some kind of
"hemorrhagic disease."

Latest "E.L.I.S.A." results.

Oh, bloody hell.

Call Jordan.

This is Garret Macy,
Chief Medical Examiner.

Get me the head of
the Bureau of Disease Control.

Boy, it reminds me of my first
apartment out of college.

"Two-fifty" a month, went out
and bought my first car.

- Man, I had really arrived.
- Car got stolen, didn't it?

First week.

Poor Mrs. Gonzalez,
you should have seen her Woody.

Yeah, what do we got?

Okay, Public Health's
on its way, right? Thanks.

Well, it's a "hantavirus."

- The rat disease?
- Yeah.

- Well, is it contagious?
- No. Only through rodents.

Usually spread through feces,

you know, farmer sweeping out
"droppings" in his barn

kicks up a cloud, breaths it in.

Uh, fifty-fifty, he's dead.

- This is Boston, not exactly farm country.
- Still, come on.

You hear that?

Mrs. Gonzalez! Boston "P.D." here!
Are you okay?

Mrs. Gonzalez!

In here.

I'm just going to prop you up
a bit so you can breath a little better.

Hey, Woody, call the Paramedics!

Oh, man.


are you okay?

Okay. You've got a mask on.

Uh, this is Detective Hoyt, "B.P.D." I need
an ambulance at four-sixty "Toynton Street."

We got at least two people very ill,
respiratory distress.

Hold...hold on a second. Ma'am, is anyone
else in the building sick? (Spanish).

It's okay, Mrs. Gonzalez.
We're going to take care of you, okay?
Just keep breathing. Keep...

Can you call my "papi?"

He's asleep. He won't wake up.

Okay, you stay right here, okay?

There's at least two more.

It's okay, "hon", come on. Come on.

It's okay. It's okay. Here.

Breathe. It's okay.

The onsite autopsy tent should be ready by the time
you get there. How many bodies so far?

At least five. Public Health is still
clearing the building. / Good luck.

Macy, I told the "A.G." about your offer.
He's considering it.

Fine. You might want to sharpen your pencils.
We're going over budget today.

- What's going on?
- "Hantavirus cluster."

Have you notified Public Health? The "C.D.C.?"

I know how to do my job.

Doctor, you left me looking might sad.
Hallelujah, hallelujah.

Doctor, you left me looking mighty sad.
Hallelujah, hallelujah.

Doctor, you left me looking might sad,
hardest case that I ever had...

You must have that true news,

Mother's sitting on the bedside crying.
Hallelujah, hallelujah...

Mother's sitting on the bedside crying.
Hallelujah, hallelujah...

Doctor Cavanaugh?

Martha Dupree, Massachusetts
Department of Public Health.

We've confirmed your morgue's results.
It's a "hantavirus."

At least we don't have to wear masks.
They're hell on the hair.

Okay, so why are you not
letting these people leave?

- The building's the danger, not them.
- Most of them are not documented.

You're holding them for Immigration?

We're taking their blood.
We need to see if they're sick.
If they are, we can start treatment.

Otherwise, you know a lot of them
won't get help in time and they'll die.

Okay, I'm sorry. "Knee-jerk" reaction.

We're testing the blood of everybody
who's been in the building for the virus.

That means you, too. I'll get a syringe.

- I hate needles.
- Who's in charge?

- Were you in the building?
- Yeah, fixing the water heater for the hundredth time

then I got hauled in here. They say they want
to take my blood. / It's just a precaution.

And the government gets our "D.N.A."
A new way to prove immigrants commit crimes?

Look, they just want to make sure
you're not sick. We're all in the same boat.

We're not even in the same ocean.

Only so much you can do.

- Can I get a couple more kits?
- Yeah.

There were a lot of people
with me in the building.

It's okay.

(Spanish), Elena.
This'll just be a little longer.

Do you know how long it takes
an elephant to blink? / No.

Well, they got these great big eyes
so it takes them a while.

You want to do it with me?

One, two, three

and I bet by the time you get to six,
your arm won't hurt anymore.

Four, five, six.

- All done.
- You're magic.

Now will you wake "Papi" up?



Good job.

So, you find anything
out on her mom?

Out working. Cleans houses.
Elena doesn't know where.

- Somebody here's got to.
- Take my blood and I'm on it.

Elena's father, look at his lungs.

Almost black from lack of oxygen.

"Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome." In the middle
of winter in Boston. Doesn't make sense.

Oh, God. Mrs. Gonzalez.

I'll get her.

Hold on, Garret.
Look at this.

Liver's lacerated. / There's got to be
a thousand "c.c.'s" of blood in this belly.

And bruising under the skin.

That's not "petechial hemorrhaging."
That's a blunt impact bruise.

Made by a fist. And here.

His organs were already
compromised by the "hantavirus."

There's no way he could
survive a beating like this.

Okay. Elena's mom cleans house for this lady,
Hope Ellis, out in Roslindale.

I'm going to have a car pick her up.


The "hantavirus" didn't k*ll Elena's father.
Someone beat him to death.



when your "Papi" went to sleep,
was anyone with him? Elena?

A "Bird Man."

"Bird Man?" Why do you call him that?

Does this "Bird Man"
have a name?

What was he doing?

- He wasn't nice to "Papi."
- Okay.

Now this is going to be hard, okay?

But can you tell me what this
"Bird Man" looked like?

All right.
All right.

It's okay.

It's okay.

Hey, Elena's mom.

- Mrs. Garcia?
- Elena. Is Elena okay?

Yeah, she's fine. But right now
I'd like a doctor to have a look at you, okay?

Mrs. Garcia works for you, right?
How long has she been like this?

Magda was fine this morning. She started
feeling sick and she collapsed so fast.

Tomas is dead?

What's going on?

The building that the Garcia's live in
was contaminated by a virus.

Are...are you okay?

I'm tired and my head hurts.

What is it? What is the virus?

When was the last time you were
in the Garcia's building?

Here? Never. I live across town.

- This disease is spreading person-to-person.
- That's not possible.

The woman was never anywhere
near that apartment.

Her only exposure was to Elena's mother,
a person with this thing.

That's not the way "hantaviruses"
are transmitted.

- You have any better explanation?
- This is spreading like a cold, like the flu.

Everyone who passes this on,
one in two of these people will be dead.

We have to lock this place down now.
We're in a "hot zone."

You stay here. You get out!

- Excuse me?
- What's with the mask?

That's for your protection.
That body you didn't want Jordan to autopsy

and his wife who came in, both were infected
with a deadly "communicable" disease.

- The morgue is contaminated.
- We're in "lockdown?"

Macy's sealed the building and turned off
the air to keep it from spreading.

You need to stay here. Alone.

You were with the body.
You're not to be near her.

- Are we going to be okay?
- We're cleaning up.

But this virus,
it lives on doorknobs,

on tabletops, on people's hands.

You're to stay away from anyone
not wearing one of these

so you don't get re-exposed.

- What happens to the baby if...
- Nothing. Just lock the door.

- No one comes int.
- Okay.

Let's get these bodies
into the "Clean Room."

Bug's on his way.
We're ready to start pulling Trace.

We'll do three at a time.
You, me and Bug.

- A transmission chart.
- Yeah.

- What's the plan?
- Jordan's at the site getting oral histories.

We'll work every piece of Trace,
track where the bodies have been.

- Right, so ticket stubs, receipts...
- "Spores", dust, pollen...

No, no, no. We can't process the pollen
without "electron scanning microscope",

which has been shipped out to
Boston "P.D." Crime Lab.

Mr. Ivers decided
we didn't need it anymore.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got it.

Governor's Office heard from Public Health.
They're sending "Ribavirin."

It may help knock down
any virus in our bodies.

Where's the microscope?

Uh, in the basement.
Delivery people haven't picked it up yet.

Okay, see, this is why
we have the equipment.

We're in the middle of a "contagion"
we can't stop unless we can isolate the source.

So, go call the Attorney General, go indict me,
go do whatever you damn well please,

just get out of my sight.

Go get my microscope.

I love you.

Isabel, to stop the virus, we need to know
where everyone in this city has been.

You live in, uh, apartment " H", right?

With your cousin Daneila Sanchez?

Please. She's sick.

We just need to know
where she's been for the last few days.





Doctor Jordan,
they say I can't see my mommy.

Oh, well, that's because they're working really,
really hard to make her feel better, okay,

so you can see her.

Is she okay?

I've been here since I was her age.

I pay taxes, even and
they round us up like cattle.

She's fine and I'm sorry for all of this.

But the more information we get, the more people
we can save, the sooner we can stop this thing.

Anybody I tell you about could get deported.

Well, anyone who's been exposed to this within
the last two or three days could die.

I'm not the government.
We're in this together.

Not exactly.

We need to find these people.

Yesterday morning,

Daniela and I, we went to
the "bodega" downstairs.

Mr. Camacho was there
and Mrs. Gonzalez.


Elena's safe. She's not sick.

Mrs. Garcia,

who would want to
hurt your husband?

My Tomas.

- Mrs. Garcia, if you're afraid...
- He will know. He will hurt us.

Does he live in the building?


But he's there. He's always there.

Mrs. Garcia, no one is
going to hurt you.

Or Elena. I promise.


A "coyote."

He bring my Tomas here.
We owed him money.

Okay,, Eduardo brings people
into this country? People without papers?

Do you know Eduardo's last name?

Tomas was a good man.

A good father.

Detective, she should be talking
and you shouldn't be here.

Mrs. Garcia, get well.

For Elena.


Hey. How are you holding up?

Every tickle in my throat,
I think I've got it.

I almost like how cold I feel because
it means I don't have a fever.

I'll, uh, see
if we can get you a blanket.


I need to talk to you.

An "antiviral" drug arrived.
Called "Ribavirin." It's...

it's very powerful.

- I can't even take aspirin.
- Under normal circumstances.

But right now I think we all need
whatever protection we can get.

What will it do to my baby?

- It can cause birth defects.
- No. No.

- Listen, Lily...
- Absolutely not.

When you saw Mrs. Gonzalez,

every drop of her saliva,
her tears was filled with the virus.

She died hours later. And I know you,
you held her hand.

- You hugged her when she cried.
- I may not have it.

But you may.

Which would give you
a fifty-fifty chance.

Look, even if you survived,

miscarriage is almost a given.

Look, I am sorry
to scare you, it's just...

you need to know.

This is Madeleine.

How can I risk losing her?

- You get the transmission chart?
- Got it. The two clusters don't tie up yet.

Yeah. I've got a "free clinic" on Calvert
and an auto mechanic called Larry Green

who seems to have infected
the whole other group.

Give me a second. I think
I've got something on Larry Green.

Larry Green, great. sh**t.


Yeah. Uh, okay.

Larry...yeah, Larry Green.

He "moonlights"
doing construction.

Worked with patient "A-twelve"
on a residential project last week.

That still leaves one missing link.

And that's not the worst of
our problems.

That was Public Health. They've been trapping
and testing rodents at every cluster.

- Right. To see where this thing started.
- And none of them has a "hantavirus."

- Not even in the Gonzalez's apartment?
- No.

It's not possible.

Diego Gonzalez was the first one to die.
He was the first one exposed.

That rodent population should be at least
twenty percent infected by now.

If we can't find the source,
there's no way to contain this.

Okay. Go over the bodies again.
I'm going to keep questioning the people here.

We're going to find that missing link.

Are you okay?

You're not sick like "Mami", are you?

No. No, I'm fine, baby.

I'm fine.


I talked to Elena's mother.

The k*ller smuggles illegals
across the borders.

A "coyote." She says he doesn't live here,
but he's always around the building.

So I'm thinking delivery guy,
postal worker.

- We got to go back in.
- No. It's sealed off.

So? It's a crime scene. There's got to be
something there to tell us who this guy is.

I...I've got to stay here and
try to link up his victims.

- I'll send you a postcard.
- Hey, Woody,

make sure you "suit up." You really
don't want to catch this thing.

You okay?

Yeah. I'm just...I'm so tired.

- Well you look like "crap."
- Yeah. You, too.

It didn't start with the rodents.

I was reading on the "C.D.C." website.
There was a reported case of
"Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome"

in Argentina
three weeks ago.

There are cases all over
the western hemisphere.

Yeah, but historically,
Argentina is different.

Ten years ago, doctors suspected
that this "Andes strain" of the virus

could be spread person to person.

And we're just finding this out now?

It was "anecdotal."
It have never been confirmed.

Are you saying Mr. Gonzalez
traveled to Argentina?

No. That's just it. He didn't. He hasn't been
out of the U.S. since he got here twenty years ago.

So if he didn't get it from a rodent,
then he got it from someone else.

Someone who probably
died before him.

Two weeks. Hold the door!

Two weeks we've been letting Ivers do our jobs.
And our missing link's been here
the whole damn time.

So much for cost effective forensics.

Take Brian with you down to "Cold Storage."
I want to examine every body
that hasn't been autopsied.

It could take forever.

Start by looking for
"petechial hemorrhaging." Go!

So, we're tracking the source.
There may be more bodies downstairs.


I'm not sick. I'm...I'm just cold.

The results from our blood
test should be back soon.

Bug said you didn't take the "Ribavirin."

I've been trying to feel like...

like my baby's okay.
And I'm okay.

The truth is,
I only care about her.

About everything that she can be.

Everything I want for her.

You're going to be okay.
You're going to be okay.

You both are.



Cause of death,
"Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome."

"John Doe number forty-seven" this year.
He was found in the Common.

"E.M.S." thought he was a transient.
Thought he died of exposure.

No evidence of "foul play"
so under Iver's criteria...

No autopsy.
He's been in there a week.

- Rotting here while this thing burns through the city.
- How many people do you think he's infected?

There's no way of knowing until we get an "I.D."
Find out who he was in contact with.

Mrs. Garcia, please.

Oh, hell, look, uh,

we need to know who this man was, okay.
How he got sick.

He's about thirty.
He was healthy, strong, full of life

until the headaches and then the fevers,
uh, body aches.

Difficulty breathing, you probably
thought he had the flu,

but he didn't.
You thought he'd get over it

then after a few hours,
he was dead.



do you know him?

Who is he?

My brother.

His name is Juan Rivera. He came over
from Mexico ten days ago, already sick.

She said she was afraid. He wasn't
legal and neither was she.

She wasn't about to walk in
and claim the body.

- So, this Rivera got sick in Mexico?
- No. No. On the way here.

- And there's no way he was ever in Argentina.
- So who infected Rivera?

Or does his sister have any idea
who he was traveling with,

- who he saw along the way?
- He was smuggled in by a "coyote."

Wait, your k*ller, the one
who m*rder*d Elena's father.

- A "coyote."
- Has to be the same one.

No, no, no. Not possible.

Whoever infected Juan Rivera
would have died well over a week ago.

But the girl's father was exposed
less than two days ago.

The same person couldn't
have infected them both.


Unless that person is
an "asymptomatic carrier."

You mean your k*ller is
a "Typhoid Mary?"

Yeah. Out there infecting the entire city
and he doesn't even know it.

The vaccine's here from Fort Detrick.

Save some for us, will you?

Already on its way.
Do you have a minute?

Guys, I'll call you back.

I can't give you the vaccine yet.
There's a problem with your blood test.

A problem?

It's inconclusive.
I need to take another sample.

Jordan! Jordan!

- I got our "Bird Man", our k*ller.
- Oh, great. Because he's the one spreading this thing.

- He's not sick, but he's got the virus.
- The guy's name is Eddie Vega. Eduardo.

He works for "Eagle Repair",
out in Jamaica Plain. Big eagle logo.

I'm betting that that's
what Elena meant by "Bird Man."

- I got an address. I'm headed out there.
- Not without the vaccine,

otherwise you're as
dangerous as he is.

Hold still.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm a "cop" and
I need that vaccine now.


Hey. Elena.

Elena, what's wrong?

All right.

Just stay right here, okay?
Stay there.

- Eduardo?
- It's "Eddie", "yo."



Boston Police!


- Drop the g*n!
- You're not leaving here, "Eddie."

Don't test me.

And not because extort people or even
because you m*rder*d a little girl's dad.

- I'm not playing!
- You are carrying the virus

that's making everybody sick,
that's k*lling them.

- You're not getting on the "T", "Eddie."
- I'm not sick. I feel great.

- Drop the g*n!
- I let you walk, you could k*ll half of Boston.

This is an easy choice for me, "Eddie."

You got three seconds to live.

One, two...

turn around.

You look like a monster.

She's right.
You can take that thing off.

You're re-test came back negative.

- I can give you the vaccine.
- So, I don't have the "hantavirus?"

The first test was just inconclusive.

Oh, okay.

- That's great.
- Yeah.

Woody, you caught the "Bird Man?"

Mm-hmm. And he's not going to hurt
anyone else ever again. / That's good.

Turns out Eddie's hobbies not only included
smuggling people across the border,

- but also illegally importing exotic animals.
- Let me guess, from Argentina?

How about we go see your mom? I hear
she's feeling a lot better. / Yeah.

- Come on. You coming?
- Yeah. I'll catch up with you.




final test results.

You're all clear.
Negative for "hantavirus" exposure.

You're safe.
Madeleine's safe.

It's all fine now.

That body in the "Crypt",
the real first victim,

if I hadn't been here,
would you have autopsied him? / Yes.

And you would have discovered
the disease much earlier? / Yeah.

- How many people died all together?
- Twenty-one.

I'd stop this if I could.

Might want to get that.

It's the Attorney General, right?

We had a little chat.
I explained the situation, the...uh...

death toll of your witch hunt,
how the publicity was going to look.

And I changed my offer.

- I guess I'll be going.
- Yes. You will.


- Ivers is going?
- Yeah.

It's about time things got back to
normal around here. What's going on?

- I can't work here anymore.
- I...I know this was scary, but you''re fine.

It's not just that.
I mean it's part of it, but it's...

it's death.

My baby should be hearing
"Mozart" and people laughing,

not the sound of crying and mourning.

I'm bringing a life into this world, Garret.

I shouldn't be smelling death every day.

Mm, Lily.

Depends how long,
how far and how many times...

Oh, before it's too late.

Call all angels. Call all angels.

Walk me through this while.
Don't leave me alone.

Call all angels. Call all angels.

We're trying, we're hoping,

but we're not sure how...

All and every day,
you gaze upon the sunset with such love...

It's almost as if you...


What this all means...

It's best.

For Madeleine.

I know.

Ah, but then you'd miss the beauty
of the light upon the sky...

And, and the sweetness of...

Hey, there you are.

Lily was looking
everywhere for you.

She found me.

It's going to be strange
around here, you know?


That was a horrible thing yesterday
for people to suffer like that,

not go to a doctor,
not tell anyone.

Yeah. They were...
they were afraid.


- Garret...
- Why don't you go home?

Wow. We're way behind
since we had this little outbreak.

I heard.

Would you take a look at this?


Something that size grows in your brain,
doesn't matter it's not cancer.

- He have any symptoms?
- She.

Yeah, uh, headaches, dizziness,

"photophobia", "transient weakness"
on the right side. Apparently.

That what she died of?

Don't know yet.

Take care of yourself.

'Cause we're not sure how it goes...