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06x11 - Faith

Posted: 01/27/21 20:38
by bunniefuu
Previously on Crossin Jordan.

Are you okay?


That's pretty hard-core.
It's like a cannon for a housefly.

It's a growth in your brain
the size of a golf ball.

You still need the surgery.

Did he give you the stats on that?
That I could probably die?

You've been seizing
and didn't even know it.

If you say a word of
this to anyone...

You tested her DNA
against itself?

How could you make
a mistake like that?

You sure you're okay?

I'm taking you
out of the rotation.

No autopes, no crime scenes,
no lab work.

Is this your way of blackmailing
me into surgery?

You won't let me help you.
I can't do anything about that.

But I can't cover
for you anymore.

According to authorities, there remain
no leads as to the whereabouts

of the bus or the children
who were on it

when it was apparently
h*jacked last Friday.

w*r. School sh**t.
And now this.

Woody have any leads
on where they are?

No, bus is probably
off the road somewhere,

kids stashed away.

Negotiators are just stalling while the
parents are trying to raise the money.

Among the missing
and believed c*ptive

are th grade schoolteacher,
Grace Coleman,

and the bus driver,
Fred Dulluth.

How much are they asking for?

A million a kid...

Yeah, you're right. Didn't there
use to be good news?


I'm gonna get back to work before
I lose my faith in humanity.

I got a triple homicide.


- Good, you're here.
- Mm-hmm.

I'm backed up on two autopsies
and BPD's sending over a body.

- Could you take it?
- Uh...

Writing the new forensics chapter
for the police manual

is so difficult you can't do
anything else?



How much longer are the rest of us
gonna have to pick up your slack?

Uh, assignments aren't my call.

Take it up with Garret.

I already did.

Guess it pays to be
teacher's pet.

I can't be here
and not work.

I finished the chapter a week ago.
People are starting to talk.

I can still do my job.

I'm on different medication now.
My short-term memory is better.

My vision.
So are the headaches, yeah.

And... and I've been
thinking about it.

I'll, uh, video my autopsies, you know,
so I can double-check my work.

What about the
weakness in your hand?

What if you drop evidence
and corrupt it?

I can't put this morgue at risk
again because you're bored.

You think this is about me being bored?

I think this is about you being
scared to do what you have to do.

Cutting open my brain
is not the easy answer.

If it were, I would do it.

You know, you have
a meningioma in your brain

pressing on your frontal lobe

- and you are doing nothing!
- No, I am taking steroids.

Steroids control the swelling.
They don't stop the growth.

You wanna talk about the side effects?
The psychosis...

People function with
illnesses every day.

That's right. When they push themselves,
they forget to eat and sleep,

they wear down the immune system,
they get seizures...

I'm not gonna let
that happen to you.

I, uh, went back to the break room
to get more creamer.

They found the bus.

It looks ugly.

Get away from the bus
if you wanna see the kids alive.

All right, just calm down.
Nobody's making a move.

Get those cars
away from me now!

How about you let
some of the kids off the bus?

As a show of faith. You do that,
I'll have some of the officers

back off a little,
give you some space.

I'll take that,

He's been screaming demands.
You weren't here.

I'm here now.
What do we got?

Uni spotted the bus
traveling North on .

Noticed it didn't have any numbers,
tried to pull it over, it took off.

The chase dead-ended here.

Anybody got a visual
on the kids?

Between the mud
on the window,

the tint, and the glare,
we can't see inside.

But now that S.W.A.T.'s here...

This is Terrel Norton.

We've been talking
on the telephone.

Let six go,
then let's talk ransom.

What is he doing?

Turn off the engine!

Take the driver out.

Go, go! Get the kids.
Get the kids off that bus, move.

Get the door open.

Get the kids over there, fast.

Where are they?

What's going on?

There're any kids on the bus.

Where the hell are the kids?


Synchro: Stilly, Dekka.

Any idea about the kids
and the teacher?

There's miles on the odometer since
the bus was signed out of the bus lot

the morning of the hijacking.
We're miles from the school.

You do the math.

So what was this guy doing?

Wasn't the ransom
about to be paid?

We're thinking wherever
the other hijacker

has them hidden, the search got close.

They decided to ditch the bus
before it became a liability.

Maybe...had another car,
stashed somewhere.

That is the real bus driver,
Fred Dulluth.

The one behind the wheel
is our hijacker.

CSU ran his prints...
Jack McGinness.

He was a janitor
at the school.

Unis searched his
apartment, phone records...

no clue as to who
the other hijacker is or where.

Body temperature zero.
And the rigor's already passed.

He's been dead at least
a couple of days.


Well, there's a...

purple ecchymosis
on the side of his neck.

Purple what?

Suggests hemorrhaging
around the brain.

Yeah, his neck's been broken.

So our hijacker was trying
to dispose this bus and the body.


They've k*lled already.

They've got nothing to lose
by k*lling the kids.

We need Trace off these bodies.
Pollen, mud.

Anything that can
get us location.

We need everything CSU takes off
this bus to cross-check.

We're gonna find
those kids.

Unless it's too late.

This blood isn't from the driver
or from the hijacker

and it's days old.

And the trail leads...

Someone was shot.

Is that the John Doe
they found on Beals?

Beals Street it is.
Abandoned building.

- Construction workers found him...
- Don't need the whole almanac.

Let's just do this.
I got two more waiting.

Some people embrace
their work.

They even smile
every now and again.

I smile... at home.

Oh, great.

Santa Claus in April.

They didn't mention this?

He was found in the chimney.



Merry Christmas.

Bloody hell.
You know who this is?

- Don't even...
- The cookies,

that I left out for Father Christmas
this year, they weren't eaten.

I hate to break it to you,

but there is no Santa Claus.

This body is a lunatic

who put on a costume
and jumped down a chimney.

It happens every Christmas.

I beg to differ.

Yes, Virginia,
there is a Santa Claus.

And he's dead.

I saw the news.
I prepped Trace.

CSU is still prepping
the bus.

But they should have
everything here within the hour.

I'll help with the bodies
and I can run point with CSU.

Bug and I have this one
handled, Jordan.

- We do?
- You need to find those kids.

And right now another hand
will just be in the way.

- But the faster you get through this...
- I know how it goes. And so do you.

Father of one of the
kids is here with a toothbrush.

There's a lotta dried blood
on the bus. Not theirs.

And a b*llet with tissue on it.
It looks like one of them is dead.

You wanna help,
handle the parents.

Get the DNA
and help rule out their kids.

I'll help the parents.

The thing that kills me...

Jamie asked me
to brush his teeth for him

the night before he...

He thought it was
the funniesthing...

having someone...
brush his teeth for him

like he was a little boy.

I wouldn't do it.

I thought he was being lazy.

Why didn't I just do it?

I'll run this.

God willing, he's okay.


You tell me if it's his blood
as soon as you know.

Either way.

Don't you have
any Christmas music?

Okay, stop.


So I ran Mr. Kringle's
stomach contents.

Raisins, caraway seeds and soda bread.
Traditional Irish eats,

served only...

on Christmas Eve.

So that and decomp puts
time of death at December th.

Why do you insist on making
a joke of this man?

Can't you even entertain
the possibility?


Don't you believe
in anything?

I believe this man
was a drunk.

All right?
I found cyanosis.

And he died of asphyxiation
due to compression

of his chest in that chimney.

He also had cirrhosis
of the liver

and a blood alcohol level
of. when he died.

I bet coming down
that chimney

sounded funny
after a few sh*ts

of rum eggnog,
but by the time he fell in,

I doubt Santa knew if he was
on a roof or riding on Rudolph.

Can we move on now,
little elf?

What now?

You know that hair
that you found on his coat?


Rangifer tarandus.


- Reindeer.
- Aha.


Excuse me. The receptionist said
that I should see you.

My daughter...

Oh, uh...

Yes, she's one of the children
on the bus?

She's the teacher.

Grace Coleman.

You're the one
collecting the DNA?


Wow, she has your eyes.

Grace always wanted
to be a teacher.

Ever since
she was a little girl.

It was all she ever
really wanted to do.

Ok, well, uh...

I'll test this.

And we should know
very quickly.

I already know.

The blood that they found
on the bus...

It's hers.

I know you're afraid.


I'm afraid.

But it's true.

You run your test.

It's Grace.

You got a match?

The teacher.

Her mother was sure it was her blood.
And she was right.

You think she knows

The daughter
was involved?

What daughter was involved?

Jordan thinks
the schoolteacher.

No, I... I didn't say that.

But her mother was certain
that it was her blood on the bus.

And... and it was.

I wanna talk to her.

Any luck on the other hijacker?

He doubled the million.
Deadline is noon tomorrow.

Hostage negotiator
thinks that we're in trouble.

The way he reads this guy.
The game he plays, even if the parents

do come up with the cash, we're
never gonna see those kids again.

You need to give me a place
to find them.

We've got a deer tick
on the bus driver's scalp...

I think they're hiding
in the woods.

Traces of silver in the
janitor's stomach contents,

suggests a silver mine
connected to a well.

Of which there are over
in Massachusetts.

And one in every quadrant.

You can't narrow that down?

Look, the major axis of the search grid
extends miles from the school

and from where the bus
was found.

That gives a minor axis
of . miles.

That's , square miles.

They could be anywhere.

And we're nowhere.

Uh, Mrs. Coleman,
I know this is difficult.

If you know something
about this hijacking,

if your daughter was involved
in any way...

No, it's not that.

Not at all.

I... feel it.

I feel her.

You're saying it's
some kind of intuition?

I'm saying I know.

I'm not some nut.

I know that's what I would think if
somebody told me

what I'm telling you now.

It's okay. I am going to go.
I'm very sorry.

I wouldn't believe me either.

He's just, uh, he's just anxious
to find everyone.

He thinks my daughter's dead.

But she's not.

Grace's, uh, sister
died two years ago.

Car accident.

I'm so sorry.

When I got the call
about Tyra...

her sister...

I knew.

I felt it in my core.

But Grace...


She's alive.

We're doing everything we can
to find out where they are.

You have to find her.

I don't think she has much time.

The, uh, mother
give you anything?

She's a kook. You any closer
to finding those kids?

Not yet.


The bus driver died
from a broken neck.

The vertebra's fractured clean.
But check this out.

Ruptured artery too?

To do both at the same time
is a million to one shot.

Kills in one blow.
Instant death.

So the k*ller was either lucky
or a professional.

My guess is military.
Special Ops of some kind.

Bug, hey,
what's going on?

We got a lead.
Jason Roberts.

Born in Worcester.
Same as the janitor.

Dishonorably discharged.

- So they grew up together?
- Uh-huh.

Accused of leading retaliatory
raids in Iraq, k*lling without cause.

The charges were dropped
for a lack of evidence.

It gets worse. Jason Roberts was in
Raleigh Durham four months ago.

Same time, local police
stumbled onto a plan

to kidnap a school bus
of fifth graders.

Didn't connect this before?

Nailed a school administrator

before he made a move.
Said he was in it alone.

One of the things the plans
make clear...Do not release the kids.

If they can ID you,
they're baggage.

If the, uh,
ghost whisperer

has any more flashes of where
the kids are, let me know.

You X-rayed the present?

Impossible to tell what it is.

Open it.

A gift from Santa?

To someone else?

You seriously need help.

Oh, and I saw your little story
on the local news.

"The search for the reindeer

That was off the record.

You've just sent an open invitation
to every nutcase in the city

to traipse in here and try to take
a look at your Mr. Kringle.

Dr. Switzer?

What is it?

The Easter Bunny's
in the lobby.


His name's Horace Burroughs.

We, uh, worked together.

Delivering Easter Baskets?

At the Cambridge Mall.

Four weeks every Christmas,
four weeks at Easter.

At Christmas, uh, Horace was Santa,
I'm the reindeer.

At Easter, uh,
he was a giant egg,

I'm the bunny.

Kids like
to bring us lettuce.

So Horace isn't really Santa.

And you're not really the Easter Bunny.

Horace, um...
loved the holidays, the kids.

And he was an incredible Santa.

He even grew the real beard.

And, um,

no one "ho ho ho'ed"
like Ho-Horace.

Sounds almost like Santa

The spirit of Santa.

Kids felt
he was the real deal.

He wrote down the Christmas wish
of every boy and girl

who ever sat on his lap.

Did Horace drink,
Mr. O'Dell?

Years ago, but, uh,

I thought he'd stopped.

Every Christmas,

and all those kids...

I think he was depressed.

He really had no one.

No family?

Well, he had a daughter,
but they didn't see each other.

Never understood that.

She even lived in town,
I think.

We'll find her.

We'll let her know
about her father.

What are you doing?

The teacher,
Grace Coleman,

this is her blood on the outside
of the emergency exit door.

Uh, her-- her mother
still thinks she's alive.

And she knows this how?


she's uh,
she's got a-a feeling.


- Jordan, go back to your office.
- Look, she,

she's not with the kids

This blood suggests
that she was off...

All the blood suggests
she was taken off the bus.

It's... it's
the emergency exit, okay?

She was bleeding, maybe they
thought she was dead. Maybe she...

- the kids were freaking...
- Listen to me!

One second, please.
If it were Abby,

I would wanna think the
same thing, I really would.

Just because she has faith,
doesn't mean that she's wrong.

Okay, even if she survived,
it's been days.

In freezing cold temperatures,
without treatment.

Yeah, but that doesn't
prove anything.

Listen, there are hundreds of people
searching the whole state, Jordan.

Just go back to your office.
Do me a favor.

No, I... I told her mom.
I told her mom.


I told her mom.
I don't know.

What's going on, Jordan?


- Get back! Get back!
- What's going on?

- Oh, my God.
- Is she okay?



She's gonna be all right.
Isn't she?

- Ah!
- Just open your eyes.

I'm fine.

How many fingers?


That's very funny.
I wish you'd let me call|Dr. Sanchez.

No, I-I called him last night.

I had a seure.

You get a seizure last night?

I'm-- I'm on medication, okay?
He upped my dosage|to control it.

It's, you know,
it's just not in my system yet.

I'm not driving.

I'm not putting myself in places
where it could be a problem.

You know, you scared the hell out of me.
Scared the hell|out of all of us.

So the cat's out of the bag.

- Yeah.
- I swear,

if people start tiptoeing
around me,

I'm gonna k*ll someone.

Is that really
what you're worried about?

I'm worried about the kids.

I'm worried about the teacher.

Okay, you let me handle that.

It's time for you to think
about yourself for once.

I'm gonna walk out of here
and close that door.

And if I catch you setting one foot
outside this office,

I'm just might k*ll somebody.

How is she?

Hostile and argumentative.

Thank God.

- How long have you known?
- A couple of weeks.

You know, we thought it was you.

Researching meningiomas.

You should've told us.

She should've told you.

What does it mean?
What happens to her?

If it keeps growing, it'll squeeze off
the blood supply to the temporal lobe.

She'll have more seizures,
some memory loss.

Lose some cognitive abilities.

Could she die?

I gotta get some air.

Are you okay?

Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

Are you with someone?

My mom.
She's in there.

Santa's dead.

- No not Santa.
- That old man on TV,

dressed up like Santa,

he was my grandpa.

- I'm sorry.
- I never met him.

Why are you sad?

Someone I love is sick.

Are they gonna be okay?

I hope so.

My mother's sad too.

Oh, when people...
lose someone...

it can be hard.

She says he didn't love us.

I'm sorry. I think
she's a little worried|about you.

Hi, baby. Come here,

I'm very sorry for your loss.

From what Dr. Switzer and I heard,
your father was|a very caring man.


It's just that he played
Santa to all those kids.

No, my father was a drunk
who left when I was two.

I've seen him twice in the past
years, and, um...

now I find out that he lived the last
three years a breath away from me.

And not a word.

I mean, what father hates
his kid so much that he would--

just let me know when
I can have his body picked up.

I'm sorry.

Thank you.
Okay, baby, let's go.

So much for your spirit of Santa.


Look, Jordan...
I know you're resting, but...

Shut the door.

CSU partitioned the ice,

the deepest layer had high density
spruce, the next was fir, so that means

- Grace Coleman was probably..
- Jordan!

- Yeah?
- You had a seizure.

- Yeah, I'm fine.
- Are you?

Yeah, I'm, I'm sorry, uh...
I'm sorry I scared you.

Sorry I didn't even tell you.

I'm sorry I'm not
rolling over and playing dead

so everybody can just
fill themselves with pity.

I uh, don't mean to interrupt, but...

You're up.

Is that gonna be a problem
for you as well?

Trace from Jason Roberts apartment.

Dirt by the front door|had orthoclase,
muscovite, biotite and quartz.

From a granite quarry?

Same dirt was found on the bus.

How many quarries
are we talking about here?

There's in Massachusetts,
but four are abandoned.

One of which|is in Phillipston,
which is downstream from a silver mine,

and the search came within
four miles of it yesterday.

I'll get helicopters up there to search.

Woody, if Grace isn't with the kids,

Jason Roberts is the only person who
knows where she is, where he dumped her.

- Jordan...
- No, take men alive please.

- Don't be mad.
- I'm not mad.

We both know trying to put
a leash on you is futile.

It's not who you are.

Thank you.

You can't work here anymore, Jordan.

Are you're firing me?

Call it what you want.
But I won't watch you k*ll yourself.

I'm almost there.

You have a visual on the kids?

Yeah, but no head count.

Roberts has them cornered
in the trailer, but we have no shot,

and he's still on edge
from when the helicopters circled.

You think he knows he's surrounded?

No, we're quiet as a mouse.
To keep them alive.

Him too.

He made us,
he's going for the g*n.

There near the window.
Teams two and three, move, now!

Get the kids out, now!

What's going on?

We got him!
We got him!

Secure, the location is secure.

Oh, what's up, big guy?
It's okay.

It's okay.
It's okay.

We got all kids.

- No one's hurt.
- Here, go with the officer.

- Where is Roberts?
- Oh, he's over here.

He didn't make it.

What about the teacher?

Not inside,

not anywhere outside either. We
swept the perimeter|before we moved in.

All right. I want a mile grid
set up a down this road.

I want everyone to have a photo of Grace
Coleman. And I wanna talk to these kids.

We need to find her.

Uh, hey.

Ugh, Garret sent you to make sure
I was packing up my stuff?

Look, he's just worried about you.
We all are.

Look, if you need anything or

- you wanna talk...
- I don't.

- Listen, the uh, kids, they're all--
- I-- I heard.

They're okay.

Uh, yeah, but just...

look, Woody called.

He talked to the kids|about Grace,
the schoolteacher.

She was shot on the first day.

She went down,
she never moved.

After a while, the hijackers threw her
off the bus in the middle of nowhere.

It was dark and the kids
have no idea where.

I'm sorry.



Mr. O'Dell?
What are you doing here?

You had the Easter Bunny
bring in Christmas photos?

Don't start.

You're gonna make|a great anecdote
at the M.E.'s convention.

She was there.

His granddaughter.

I had it all figured out--

why Horace was in the chimney.

See, his granddaughter
went to the mall...

sat on his lap,
he recognized her.

Wanted to make amends.
Wanted to give her what she asked for.

It's his Naughty and Nice book.

Gwen Burroughs:
I wanna score a goal|for my soccer team.

But I opened the box.


it's a prop...
from the mall.

There's no gift in there.
And-, and the addresses...

where they sent the photos.
Not one,

not one matched
where Horace was found.

He was just a drunk|in a chimney.

You win.

Win what?
This isn't a contest.

I just know how drunks go.

Look, my father drank.

Functional, but...

he was selfish.

An embarrassment.

Ruined my first wedding.

I'm sorry.

I don't want your sympathy.

I'm just telling you

that if some do-gooder came into my life

and tried to tell me
that my father was sorry

or that he wanted to change...

it'd would just piss me off.

Fixing things for them

isn't gonna change
what's happening with Jordan.

Funny thing is though,
I still feel her.

Even if it's not real,
I take solace in that.

Thank you.

- Mrs. Coleman.
- Detective.


She's remarkable.

After everything,
she still has hope.

Jordan, I'm sorry.

- Roberts went for a g*n...
- No, I,

I just wanted to believe
that she was okay.

That her mother had faith for reasons
that we just couldn't understand.

Hey, this...thing you have,

you're gonna be okay.

You are.

You know, just because|we want something
to be true, it doesn't know.

We're all afraid of dying.


Dying's a piece of cake.

This surgery, uh...

this thing's wrapped around
my carotid artery, Woody.

Doctor scrapes a little too hard,
cuts a little too deep, uh...

I'm a vegetable.

I can't, I can't be that.

I don't...I don't wanna be that.

We need to find Grace Coleman.

We're all doing|everything we can.

Jordan needs us|to find her.

- Well, I'm not God.
- Jordan's given up.

You want a miracle?

What if there was one?
What if the mother's right?

We've been working under the assumption
that Grace is dead,

that we're looking for a needle
in a haystack the size of Massachusetts.

What if we assume she's alive?


How could this be possible?

Well, it's been below freezing.

Cold could've stopped the flow
of blood from the wound.

Her heart was already stopping.
You're talking extreme cold

right after the g*nsh*t.

Well, what about when she was
thrown out, she landed in a snow drift?

Okay, great,|so the blood
flow stops, but...

exposure would've
k*lled her in a day.

Maybe Grace found
some kind of shelter.

No, if she had shelter, then
the snow's not stopping|the blood flow.

- You can't have it both ways.
- Maybe you can.

- You wanna share?
- Hot springs.

- I don't get it.
- It's heated underneath.

And the top is a dry riverbed.

She's thrown in a snow bank,
the blood clots.

And then she drags herself
to the riverbed,

where the warmth from the underground
spring keeps her alive.

We recalculated the routes
the bus could've taken,

figuring the quarry where we found
Roberts and where the bus ended up.

Pageant Hot Springs.
Dried that riverbed back in the ' s.

, foot elevation.
I mean, it's a shot in the dark, but...

I'm going with you.

- No.
- I'm thinking you should drive.


I don't work for you anymore.


- Grace Coleman!
- Grace!


It looked a lot smaller on the map.

Maybe we should have the helicopter
come back and take us further up.

She's been out here
for five days, Woody.




- Woody!
- Jordan!


She's alive.

I'm sorry about yesterday.

But I did think that...

you'd want to know what your father,
your grandfather, was doing in the...


This is...


You see the reindeer?

He told me that your grandfather
knew it was you.

And he really wanted
to give you your wish.

To score a goal in soccer?

And, and also to find|a way back to you.

But he got the address wrong.

What are you doing?

Look, your father was
sober|for three years.

Exactly when he moved back to Boston.

You think it was a coincidence

that he moved back so close to you?
He turned his life around,

he wanted to make amends.

- You got all that from a reindeer?
- She was there.

I bet you were there too.

You want me to believe
after all this...

Why not? Why not?

Why not believe the best of him?

If not for you, if not for him...

then for her.

A bit emotional, are we?

You wanna make up stories and try

to alter a family's history,
go right ahead.

I want no part of it.

"God bless us, every one."

EMT says you gotta keep up your fluids.

- You had quite a workout.
- Mm-hmm.

You okay?

Yeah, headache,
but I've had worse.

Doctor says she's improving.
She's gonna be okay.

Thank you.

You're the one who had faith.

You found her.
You were right.

- Listen, I, I never wanted...
- I, I scheduled it for Thursday.

Endoscopic, transnasal surgery.

Sounds like fun, huh?

I'll be there.

I know you will.