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06x13 - Post Hoc

Posted: 01/27/21 20:39
by bunniefuu
So I spoke to Dr. Sanchez
He said surgery, trans-nasal. Now.

Yeah, well, did he give
you the stats on that?

That I could probably die, maybe a have
a stroke and be a vegetable?

You're gonna be fine.

It's not rocket science,
just brain surgery.

If something goes south
on the table today,

I don't wanna spend the next years
drooling in front of a TV.

- Jordan, that is not gonna happen.
- Unless it does.

She's losing pressure.

It's arterial. Possibly carotid.

A segment of the meningeal moves
in twine with the carotid artery.

There was no way to remove it.

So I'm just gonna have to live with.

I don't understand. If the anesthetic's
worn off, why hasn't she woken up?


Hello, my goodness.

I didn't know I was here.

Do you know my name?

Always got to try.

No matter how long that takes.

Yeah, yeah.

Whatever stops you from dreaming.

Whatever tries to stop you from living.

Flip it.

Welcome home.

What happened?

Welcome home!


What about a bug?

Get it together, girl.

Go away.

Not until you tell me what's going on.

Tell him you're hallucinating.

As if she'd ever admit a weakness.

I'm fine. It's really nothing.

Liar, liar. Pants on fire.

You are such a child.

Did you lose your balance? The doctor
said that might happen for a few days.

Tell him you saw a fly on the mirror.

- Why are you helping me?
- Why wouldn't I?

I saw a fly... on the mirror.

I k*lled it.

Guess you did.

I'm gonna go get my bag.

He bought it.

You're incredibly good-looking.

Sad for you, we do not prioritize cases
based on the beauty of the detective.

Whatever your criteria
are, I can meet them.

We're very busy today.
We'll get to you when we can.

I called four hours ago.

Here's your number.

You remind me of my mother.

Really? Your mom's
snarky and impossible?

And you remind me of my cousin Richard.

Thinks his only function
in life is to look pretty.

Look, I can't touch the body
until one of you signs off.

I don't even know who he is.

We'll get you a medical examiner
as soon as one becomes available.

Here's one now. Dr. Vijay.
He'll take your case.

You don't tell me what to do.

She's not in charge? In her dreams.

Finish the Baxter report. Now!

Yes, sir. Right away.


Sorry. What?

Chandler, Elliot. Detective.

Three years homicide
in Pittsburgh, now here.

Yeah, I don't blame you.
Look, county dump.

You want me to drive?

- I'll meet you there.
- All right!

She's had her meds.
Food's in the fridge.

Takeout menus on the table. Nigel
will be here at to relieve you.

That's it?

Yeah, and call if
I have another seizure.

What. You remember.

You know, eyeballs rolling
back in my head, limbs flailing.

- She's yanking your chain.
- That's funny.

She just needs to get
a little rest, cover up.

Whish might be possible if you
guys would just gimme back my keys

and go about your business, not
that I don't appreciate your concern.


- what if something does happen?
- Call , then call me.

Nigel will be here in three hours.
And I want you to have.

Yeah, love you too.

So, uh, what do you want to do?

I've been trying for two
days to read this book.

Oh, right. I got it.

What should I do?

If you're hungry, you
could help yourself.

Food. In the 'fridge. I got it.

What've we got?

Rigor's just abating.
He's been dead about hours.

Who is he?

Angelo Peppino, .

Savemart discount card.
Gym membership.

Ah. , , ... -something dollars.

And no mugging.
Not that I thought it was.

You're not gonna mug somebody
then cart their body to the dump.

- Blunt force trauma.
- How do you know that?

Looks like he hit his head
on this chunk of concrete.

Or somebody hit him with it.

I don't know what happened
here and neither do you.

You people are all so blas.

My first homicide case, I thought it
was a bum who drank himself to death.

Didn't much care.
Didn't take it seriously.

You know, if I could hear your life
story some other time, that'd be great.

Turned out to be the
first victim in a series.

If I'd caught the k*ller then,
four more people wouldn't have died.

It's not gonna happen again... ever.

I'm gonna find out what
happened to this guy.

What did you say?

You heard me. While
you and half the staff

are out babysitting Jordan, this
place is spinning out of control.

- Anything else?
- Tox is backed up by a week.

- Breyer Labs can take the overflow.
- Can they do our paperwork, too?

And what about the autopsies?

'cause none of that's getting
done either.

Then go do it!


So? The Baxter report?
Done and on my desk?

No, he'll do it later. He has
to get to Jordan's. Go ahead.

No, you have to go back to
work. I need that report.

You may have noticed the
chain-of-command concept eludes her.

- Get Jordan a home-care nurse.
- No!

You know, she's out of the woods.

She'd probably appreciate
the peace and quiet.

So would I. Get going.
Woody's waiting.

So I'm the only one
who works around here?

What's up, Buggles?

Where's your pungent detective?

Notifying the widow. Hey!

- Is that for Jordan?
- Yeah.

Okay, you know what? I'll take it.
You and I just changed shifts.

No, we didn't. I've had just
about enough of La Switzer

as I can take for one
day, thank you very much.

Come on, Nigel.

Detective Chandler is gonna be
breathing down the neck

of whoever handles this case.

You know it makes me crazy
to be hemmed in like that.

It makes Kate crazy too.

Hey, it'll give you something
entertaining to watch.

On the agenda is the replacement
of the city's budget director

who's resigning under pressure.

We will bring you highlights tonight...

In the news, Jordie's got the
blues People buggin' and freakin'

And coming over peekin' They
think they're being framed...

What? What?!

I'm sorry. I need the remote.

What time is it?

Uh, : .

: ?

Nigel was supposed to be
here at . Where's my phone?

You okay?



You sure? You look a little
green around the gills.

No, I'm fine.

A little sleepy. I
think I'll take a nap.

Know how many pens are
thrown away every year?

- ?????????
- $ . billion.

- You're not answering that.
- Excuse me.

Nigel Townsend.

Where the hell are you?

I'm at work. Where the hell are you?

At Jordan's. It's . If you're
gonna stick me with double duty,

somebody should at least tell me.

What are you talking about?
I traded shifts with Bug.

Well, where's he?

He should've been with
you like two hours ago.

No, no! I'm all ready
being helped. Thank you.

Ha. Funny.

All right, I'm on my
way. Just wait for me!

- Where you going?!
- Wait. Come on.

- Where you going?
- Jordan's.

All right, look. Come on.

Assume Mr. P here was
k*lled at home by his wife.

Are you basing that on something

or have you had a string of
bad relationships yourself?

Ha. Funny.

Nine disturbance calls
at his house last year.

That doesn't make it m*rder.

And according to the neighbors,

his wife was constantly
saying she wanted him dead.

Have you arrested her?

She's not home.

Well, here's a thought.
Find her.

There's an APB out.

Look, I need to know
what happened to this man.


Does that "please" work on your mother?

Usually, I have to get her coffee too.

One very large, sugar-free

iced mocha cappuccino.
No whipped cream.

No whipped cream.

Bug, where are you?

I'm on my way to Jordan's
to cover your butt.

You can't just blow this off
and not tell anybody it's...





The spilled soup, key is in the
ignition, and the door's wide open.

- He's been kidnapped!
- Let's not jump to conclusions.

- Did you call his house?
- And his cell phone.

He's not there.
He's not anywhere! I can't bel...

All right. Calm down.
Just take it easy.

Let's go over everything again.
When we saw him down here earlier,

he took the soup from you.

- Right, and then I went back upstairs.

- Did you see anything, anyone?
- No!

Better call Woody.

- He's with Jordan.
- Pull him off.

And tell him not to say
anything to her about Bug.

If he comes here, who stays with Jordan?

- No way. I am not a nanny.
- There's no one else who can go.

Why don't you just hire a nurse?

Okay, let me rephrase that.
There's nobody else I trust.

This guy can wait.

Listen. Whatever you do,
don't tell her about Bug.


Hey, hey, where are you going?

This buys me your time and
attention. No whipped cream.

Take it up with him.

Oh, finally.

- You've gotta be kidding me.
- Exactly what I said.

Are you gonna let me in?

She's taking a nap. Any news on Bug?

Not yet. How's she doing?

Great. You just gotta make
sure she takes her pills.

The schedule is right here.

Pills. Got it.

Some go with food, some
on an empty stomach.

So you just gotta watch what she eats.

Don't rile her up 'cause
she needs calm and rest.

You can go now.

Hey, anything happens to her...
I'm a witness.

Hey, got anything?

Fingerprints on the driver's door.

- All Bug's.
- Anything inside the car?

Just getting started. Had
to do the perimeter first.

Who would do this?

- Nigel, focus!
- l am focused!


You look in the trunk?

- No. You think he's...
- Pop it.

- Can't find the switch.
- Gimme the keys.

You can breathe again. He's not in here.

- This isn't right.
- What?

Bug's keys. House keys aren't there.

You sure?

He's got one of those magnetic key
chains that splits apart.

The apartment keys are missing.

I get over there.
Kick in the door if you have to.

All ready got his spare set
from his desk.

- Where's Woody?
- He's downstairs.

The evidence from Bug's car.

- I'll run it. I'll run it... go!
- Okay.

Dr. Macy, this is Carly Peppino.

- She's the wife of the man...
- Widow!

Sorry for your loss.

Can I see him?

Right this way.

Whoa, you haven't even started yet?

We're a little short-handed right now.

There's gotta be
some... Hey! No touching.

I just wanna open his eyes.


- So he can see me do this.
- Give me that.

You can't do that!

You're gonna do that
anyway, right? I'm helping!

Bug's apartment is just down
there, around the corner.

- His keys?!
- I got 'em. I got 'em.

Right, right. You got the
key. I can't handle it.

It's his apartment.

Homeland Security?

Whoa, whoa, whoa! It's
out of our jurisdiction.

You gotta be kidding me.

You've called Homeland Security
and asked them what's going on?

Yeah. Apparently, nothing
they do is any of my business.

I'm hoping they don't feel
the same way about you.

They probably do, but I'll look into it.

Please tell me Nigel did not break
the seal and go into Bug's apartment.

Homeland Security seal? Of course
he didn't. What would be the point?

If there was anything
there, DHS already has it.

Could there be any reason for all this?
Something about Bug you don't know?

He's not a t*rror1st!

I know this is hard for you, but you
gotta take a deep breath and calm down.

These cases can turn ugly.
We'll proceed with caution, okay?

What could it be? Why
are they holding him?

Is anybody gonna tell me why I'm here?

Sit down, Dr. Vijay.

- You traveled to India last year.
- Yeah.

You listed the purpose of the
trip as a cousin's wedding.

Yes, what's this...

You left this country on April
th and returned on April nd.

Look, if you tell me what you're
looking for, maybe I can help...

When you arrived in Delhi, you
checked into the Pangloss Hotel.

You stayed at the hotel for
five days and then you disappeared.


No, I didn't disappear.
I went to Mumbai.

And Afghanistan.


There's no official record of
that trip. How'd you get there?

I didn't.

I've never been to Afghanistan.

Is that when you joined Al Qaeda?

I wanna make a phone call.

It would be best if you'd
exhibit a cooperative spirit.

Look, you do know I'm an
American citizen, right?

There's very little
about you I don't know.

By the time this is over...
there'll be even less.

We gotta go through Bug's stuff.

- What are we looking for?
- I don't know. Anything weird.

Woody's talking to Bug's neighbors.

Should I be afraid to open his mail?
They gonna come for me too?

- Why would they take Bug?
- I don't know.

He doesn't even fit the profile.
He's a Hindu, for God sakes.

There are Hindu extremists.

None that are attacking us.

I don't know the answer to one
question you can ask me right now.

Just keep looking.

Files, books.
Paper clips, pens.

You wanted weird.

Orangewood Hospital. $ , .

For knee replacement
surgery. Bug never had that.

Somebody did, using Bug's name.

Get the hospital records.

What are you doing?

Oh, I'm making myself useful.
Am I being presumptuous?

No. No.

How are you feeling?

I'm not quite awake yet.

- A little hungry.
- Oh.

Well, you're not supposed to
eat again for another half hour.

Okay, then. I'll go take a shower.

Thank you.

So, somebody used Bug's
identity to get an operation.

How could this have anything
to do with what's going on?

I don't know. You get anything?

An acknowledgement that
they're holding him. That's all.

Reading between the lines?

They think they've got something on him,
but they're never gonna tell us what.

It's Charles I.

He didn't like Parliament,

- so he ruled by royal proclamation.
- And the Star Chamber.

Secret trials, no indictments,
no juries,

no witnesses, no rights to appeal.

Sound familiar?

This man who pretended to be Bug?

The hospital also treated him
for cutaneous Leishmaniasis.

- Translation.
- It's a parasitic skin condition.

The most likely places to contract it
are Afghanistan and Iraq.

Has Bug ever been to either country?

You're not listening.
This isn't him.

I know that, but it's his name.
And this may explain

why Holand Security's interested in him.

Okay, so we take this and we show them
they've got the wrong man. Good work.

- Want me to go with you?
- Absolutly. Wait, wait, wait. Hold it.

- Who's with Jordan? I've lost track.
- Kate.

That can't be good.
See if Woody's free to relieve her.



I'm coming in.

What is it?

Come on.

Hey! Somebody!
I want a lawyer!

This isn't right!
You can't do this!

Look, please! There's been a mistake!
I didn't do anything!

Your pulse is good. Follow my finger.

Okay, what happened in there?

I slipped.

You were cowering
and you looked terrified.

No, I'm fine. I'm wet.


what is it?

I, uh, I think I'm having

- For how long?
- A couple days.

Why didn't you say anything?

I was afraid.

I don't want anyone to know
the surgery didn't work.

Did you think you could hide that?

I can try.

What for? I mean, you go back.
You try again.

The surgeons excised
everything they could.

What's left is wrapped
around my carotid artery.

There's nothing more they could do.

- What do you mean you don't care?
- I didn't say that.

We're giving you proof that
Dr. Vijay is not who you think he is

and you're blowing us off?

We'll look into|the information
you provided.

You get proof your case is groundless,
you drop the charges.

No charge have been brought.
We're conducting an investigation.

Look, this is interesting. But by
itself, it doesn't answer our concerns.

- Which are?
- Classified.

- May we see Dr. Vijay?
- Not at this time.

- Where are you holding him?
- Thank you for this.

You both need to stay out of it
and let us do our job.

I'm gonna find out whoever
had that knee replacement.

and shove him down their throats

The agent hinted there's
something more going on.

It's Bug. The agent made a mistake,
and now he's trying to cover his ass.

- They're not gonna want to admit that.
- I'll make him eat it.

Meantime, I'll file a habeas writ.

Will that do any good?

Under the law as it currently stands,
probably not.

Well, how long can they hold him?

As long as they want.

Last year, you synthetically altered
mini-genomes of the Marburg Virus.


From the records|on your computer,

it looks like your were trying
to catalyze the RNA

into producing duplicate
copies of itself.

- Yes.|It was...
- Create a modified virus

that could replicate.

In other words, a superbug.

A w*apon against which
there is no defense.

That's what this is about?

You hacked into my computer and
you decided I was weaponizing viruses?

Why didn't you just come
and ask me about it?

I mean, what is wrong with you people?

I'm asking you about it now.

Right. You decided
I've been to Afghanistan

and you won't listen to the truth.

So why should I think
it'll be different now?

You begin from the premise that
everybody is lying, and then you

scare them to death until
they say what you want to hear?

I want a lawyer.

Sit down, Mahesh.

You experimented on the virus
at the request of a friend.

A Dr. Bowen.

Tell me about her.

Where is she?

You're unbelievably stubborn.

You know you have to tell Garret.
If you don't, I will.

- Where are you going?
- It's time for my meds.

I'll get 'em. Which ones?


Well, of course!


You're so focused on the surgery
you're missing the obvious.

Possibly side effects, among others,

Or the surgery didn't work.

I have an idea.|We're doctors.

Why don't we just adjust the dosage
and see what happens?

What if it doesn't help?

And people call me negative?


No, we are not done with Mr. Peppino.
You're gonna have to wait, okay?

I'm sorry.

I didn't realize all the stuff
that's going on here.

Dr. Macy's on his way back. He said
he'd autopsy your case straight away.

Hey, is there anything I can do?

I just need|a distraction.

Yeah, um...

So you heard about Mrs. Peppino
stabbing the corpse, right?

Yeah, I arrested her for that,

then I had to listen to her rant
her way through booking.

She's convinced her husband was having
an affair with the neighbor lady,

who's and has one tooth.

Right here.


You've got no tells.

Think I'm bluffing?

Call me.

Full house.

Why are you here?

Taking my turn in the rotation.

You weren't in it.

And it calls for three-hour shifts.
You've been here for almost six.

Stuff happens. Things change.

For two days, I been tripping over
Garret and Woody

and Bug and Nigel and now...

it's just you.

You don't even really like me.

Why would you think that?

What's going on?

Kate, it's worse not telling me.

Bug has disappeared.
They're all looking for him.


Hey. Did you find him?

Don't start, all right? She's not
an idiot and she's not a child.

Did you find him?

Yes... sort of.
It's... a long story.

I am relieving you.
Thanks a bunch.

Hey, I had a nice time.


Thank you.

So what did you mean "sort of"?
Where is he?

Is he okay?

The best you can expect
is revocation of your citizenship.

I told you everything.

Have you seen pictures from Abu Ghraib?

That was wrong.

In my opinion, it was just
abuse for its own sake.

It wasn't directed at procuring intel.

Why won't you believe me?

Ordinarily, people who refuse to talk
are transferred to Guantanamo.

Or... elsewhere.

- I'm not refusing.
- But we're up against time constraints.

The chatter we've picked up...

We think an attack|is imminent.

I don't like doing this.

You won't like it either.

This is your last chance.

I don't know anything.

The good-looking detective
will be pleased.

- Listen, Jordan's been having...
- Woody told me.

You didn't have to tell her.

You know that's not true.
She's a dog with a bone.

How much detail did you give?

Just that no one knows where Bug is.

Look, Woody's with her.
It'll be fine.

There's nothing here.

There's no tox, he
hasn't been strangled.

The only wound was postmortem.

Detective Chandler'll be disappointed.
He's convinced it's m*rder.

Print up the tox report
for him, would you?

You want me to close?

It's been a long day. Just leave it.

I've got to go meet with the judge.
And Mr. Peppino won't mind.

Kate, thanks for you're help.

You're Honor, Ms. Walcott has
no standing to file this writ.

My decision, not yours.

We've shown Mr. Gropius that
he's wrong about who Dr. Vijay is.

Have you checked into this?

I'm really sorry. But I can't tell you
anything. National security.

Whatever you think you know
about Dr. Vijay is wrong.

He's not a threat to this country.
He's not a t*rror1st.

Why? Because he's lived here
for several years?

Because he became a citizen?

I was there when he took his oath.
He was the happiest man alive.

There are people who
come here, blend in,

they even become citizens
and then they wait.

I understand that.

What if the basis for your suspicion
is proved wrong?

Mr. Gropius, if Dr. Vijay isn't the man
who was at the hospital...

The only thing|I'm authorized
to tell you is that we've recently

intercepted chatter
about an imminent threat.

What's Dr. Vijay's connection?

Not at liberty to say.

Have you declared him
an unlawful combatant?

I'm not at liberty to say.

Then call your superiors
and get permission.

They wouldn't give it.

/ changed everything.

We're facing an enemy that carries out
vicious att*cks on civilians.

They have massive amounts of money.

A network for training K*llers
and no conscience.

They shift locations...
and tactics...

and leaders.

If we can't keep up with them,
we're in deetrouble.

We understand, and we're with you.

As long as you don't turn into the KGB.

I wish I could tell you how many
att*cks we've prevented since / .

I wish you could tell me how many
innocent people

you've swept up into your net.
This is unconstitutional.

Not until the Supreme Court says it is.

Are you going to order them
to release Dr. Vijay?

I'm afraid... under current law,
I don't have the authority.

- But it's crazy. It makes no sense.
- I know.

You gave them the proof that
Bug's not this other guy, right?

Why are they still holding him?

They don't seem to consider
the hospital records proof.

But have they talked to the surgeon?
Have they x-rayed Bug's knees?

They won't tell us anything

except they have credible evidence
that Bug's doing something wrong.

Okay, then it's gotta be more than
this so-called Afghan connection.

I mean, they got the identity
thing wrong, right?

So maybe their data-ming machines
coughed up something about Bug?

Don't get paranoid on me, please?

They can access information
about any of us.

They've obviously locked onto
something about Bug.

What do you want me to do, Jordan?

We can't just leave him there.

All right, I'll find somebody
to sit with you.

No, I'm fine. Please.
Just go. Bring him back.

Hey, Nigel.

Listen, this is about more than just
a stolen I.D. or a parasitic infection.

We're gonna find whatever it is
they think they know about Bug.

- How?
- We're gonna spring 'em.

I promise you. Come on.

Dr. Switzer called me.
You'll have to wait.

- Oh, come on!
- I'll take care of it.

There's not a single indication
Mr. Peppino was m*rder*d.

There's no g*nsh*t, s*ab wounds.

The blow to his head was postmortem.
No poison.

His medical records did indicate
a slight cardiac arrhythmia.

Is that supposed to be there?

This just might be the answer
you're looking for.

How so?

He should've taken his meal
of blood and then

flown away.

Chances are there's something in
Mr. Peppino's blood that k*lled him...

something we don't routinely test for.

- So what now?
- Now...

we figure it out.

I will call you soon as
I know anything.

Okay? I'll call you.

Find anything?

Not yet.

What if what it is
is what the hospital was...

nothing to do with Bug?

We know there's something,
and we're gonna find it.

Nigel, are you processing a fly
in the mass spectrometer?

- Yes.
- Could you finish

whatever you're doing with it?
I need the machine.

Take care of it, would you?

You want me to autopsy a fly?

If you wouldn't mind.

I agreed to meet with you again to try

to get you to understand
this is serious business.

We've got all that.

If you're looking at Dr. Vijay's
research into the Marburg Virus,

just tell us.

We've given up expecting you
to share information.

Why don't you just nod
if any of this interests you?

Okay, Dr. Vijay has a friend in Doctors
Without Borders. Amy Bowen.

She was in Angola during
the last Marburg epidemic.

I'm sure Mr. Gropius has seen
the e-mails between them.

She asked him in a telephone call

if he could do some research
that might save lives.

He came to me for permission
and I gave it. What...

Did you think he was building
a biological w*apon?

Well, Al Qaeda and al Islamiyah
have networks of scientists worldwide

that are developing biological,
chemical, and nuclear strategies

- to use against us.
- Here's a thought.

Why don't you go after them?

That's exactly what we're doing.

We have -year history of due process.
It's enshrined in the Constitution.

Which provides for the suspension
of habeas in times of crisis.

It doesn't say we can troll
indiscriminately through people's lives

until we find something we don't like.

It doesn't say that we can
snatch people off the street

and hold them till they prove
they're not dangerous!

I'm all for identifying t*rrorists
before they can strike...

giving intelligence the tools it needs
to get the job done.

But you, in return,
have to get it right.

I am personally vouching for Dr. Vijay.
I would trust him with my life.

You've got the wrong guy.

I'm not gonna let this go.

Well, the fly died from potassium
poisoning and so did Mr. Peppino.

There's no injection site, so you
can assume that he ingested it.

In what?

In something strong enough
to mask the bitterness.

Booze, maybe.
An energy drink.

They had the refrigerator full of beer.

That'd do it.

Then I can take it from here.


Your mother would be proud.

- Okay, so what's next?
- I don't know.

I don't know.
We'll go public, raise a stink.

Wouldn't that make things
worse for Bug?

We'll keep going until we get him back.

Hey. I found the identity thief.

The guy with a new plastic knee.
Works pretty good too.

Did you take him to the Feds?

I handed him over
to the District Attorney's office.

Walcott is all over it.

- Okay.
- Sorry I'm late.

Chicken nood.

- Are you okay?
- Fine.

- They let you go.
- Yeah.


Thank you.

Come here!

Welcome home