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06x16 - D.O.

Posted: 01/27/21 20:41
by bunniefuu

- Madeleine, aw!
- Hey.

- Oh, she's beautiful.
- Oh, she's just|a little fussy.

- She just woke up, right?
- No. She's always a little fussy.

- Let me hold her.
- Oh, please.

Let her go. I know all about them.

Hey. Want to try your luck?

That's good.

Oh, oh, my phone. Nigel?

- What?
- Would you take her?

- It's the phone.
- No, I can't.

- Hold the head!
- Like that? Like that?

Oh, Woody. .
Hi. What?

I need to go.

- Bye.
- Good-bye.

Quite a set of lungs she's got on her.

Oh, I can't believe you 'd me
down here just to look at a chair.

I need a second opinion.
Now, online, it seemed perfect.

Up close, I'm not so sure
it works with the room.

- You ready?
- Yeah, yeah.

- Has anyone seen this?
- Uh, no.

Good. There's time.
Okay, rent a van, wait till dark.

Drive out to the docks.
Just dump it in the bay.

- It's that bad?
- Oh, God, you seriously need a wife.

Uh, excuse me.
Are you all, uh, homicide detectives?

Yeah, can we help you?

Yeah, yeah. I want to report a m*rder.


Why don't you grab a seat
and tell us what this is all about?

Uh, Woody, these are hospital labs.

"Carbon Tetrachloride poisoning,
ccs. "

- Carbon tetra...?
- There's no cure for it.

Once it's in your system, you're dead.

So somebody m*rder*d this Shawn Curaco?

- Yeah.
- All right, well, where's the body?

Right here.
It's me.

You need to go back to the hospital.

My daughter, Emma.

She disappeared
nine years ago from Tucson.

That's where I live. Every
year I have her photo age-progressed

and put it on a missing persons website.

Someone from out here,
uh, answered my post.

They saw your daughter here, in Boston?

Yeah, they said they met this guy
named Will and Emma was with him.

All they knew was his first name,
cell phone number.

I, um... called the number,
and I talked to this guy Will.

And soon as I mentioned
Emma's name, he hung up.

I kept calling until
he finally agreed to meet with me.

- Where and when?
- Yesterday afternoon...

the diner at the little motel
that I've been staying at.

I, uh, went down and
ordered coffee, Waited.

I, uh, went to the men's room,

and by the time I got back,
he was there at my table.

With your coffee left there unattended.

You have to go back to the hospital.

There... there's nothing they can do.

I have hours...

to live.

I just need to find her before I die.

- Lily's baby is so cute.
- You like babies?

- Well, that depends.
- On what?

The baby.

Oh... so the little one has to please
you in some way. And then you like it.

I tweak you, and nothing.

So you like it when I rise to the bait?

You know, since we're stuck
working with each other so often,

I decided to stop torturing you.

- And how's that going?
- You tell me.

You're just trying out
a new method, aren't you?

This in one enormous corpse.

It's a beast with two backs.

Howard Greco and Stan Plum.

It's amazing. Rigor's in full bloom.

Synchronous m*rder?
Do you know how rare this is?

All right, I've got...
a Kn*fe in Pajamas' chest.

Pajamas strangles tuxedo...
and Tux stabs Pajamas.

You've gotta see this.
They have a website.

- "Howard the Magnificent, and Stan. "
- Magicians?

They've been a double act for years.

And now, ladies and gentleman,
for our grand finale...

simultaneous termination.

Any trace we find on you will help
lead us to Will, and so to Emma.

Now, are you wearing the same clothes
you wore yesterday?

- Yeah.
- Ok.

Will there be enough time
for you to do the tests you need to do?

Yeah, I've called in the
Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. Macy.

He'll help us out.
It's just this way.

I'll have to be autopsied, won't I?

Uh, well, it's our, usual procedure
in the case of a suspicious death.

What will happen to me?

I'd like to know.

Well, poison collects in the liver,
so that's where we'd look.

- You, uh, slice it up, right?
- Yeah.

Will you be doing it... the autopsy?


Did he touch you at all?

No, when he started to leave,
I got up, got in his face.

I said, "Where's my daughter?"

He grabbed me and pushed me away.

- Right here on your coat?
- Uh-huh, yeah.

- Got any kids, Dr. Macy?
- Yeah, I got one, a daughter.

Girls are tough.

They sure worship their daddies
when they're little.

And then, one day...

It's like somebody
flipped a switch, right?

I've got a partial.

Just six points,
but may be a way to build it up.

I'll ask Bug to take a run at it.
He's on his way back in.

Just, uh, stay here and try to rest.

Hey, uh, make sure everybody
knows I'm not dead yet, okay?

Isn't that a pretty rattle?

- Lily.
- Oh, hey, Bug.

I was out on call, but I managed
to come on by for a visit.

Hey, Madeleine.

- Is she upset?
- Uh, no. This is her quiet voice.

So uh, I can't believe I haven't
seen you in almost a month,

since right after the birth.

Yeah, sorry I haven't been
returning phone calls.

I can't get to the phone unless
she's asleep, which she never is.


So how is motherhood, huh?

Oh, it's amazing.

It's just such an adventure.

Oh, just... completely..

She never stops crying.

Well, what does the doctor say?

Uh, the doctor says it's just colic,
which means she never stops crying.

I am alone in the apartment
all day long.

I feel like the walls
are closing in on me

and nothing I can do
makes her feel better.

Has Jeffrey been any help?

Oh, uh, he comes around.
We start bickering.

Oh, honey.

I got a new pacifier.
Maybe that'll, um...

- Oh, hey. Lily, let me.
- Really?

Hi, Maddy.

Hey, girl.
That's better.

That's better.
Oh, there you go. That's better.

They weren't exactly of international
renown: road shows, cruise ships.

It's a tough life.

Well, from what I read on the website,
Howard was the real talent.

Child prodigy, in fact.
Plus, he designed the tricks.

From what I read on the website,
Howard wrote the website.

He's certainly got the ego for it.

Besides, one should never underestimate
the gifts of the supporting player.

Hop in.

Yeah, maybe later.

Hey, do you notice anything unusual
about this Kn*fe-throwing deal?

There's only knives.
Bet I know where number is.

Okay, sweat pattern indicates shoulders.

What's that?

"Professional Magic Quarterly. "
"Wanted: solo magic act for casino.

- week contract. "

That's what this is about.

Howard was gonna dump the dead weight.

Stan finds out, breaks in, furious.
Howard stumbles out in his pajamas.

And wham. Stan guts him.

Moments before expiring,
Howard thrusts Stan back against

the wheel, choking him to death.

s*ab, push, strangle, fall.
Case closed.

An interesting theory.
Utterly false.

- Nigel, don't try to bait me.
- I'm not baiting you.

You're simply wrong.

- Howard att*cked first.
- Prove it.

Don't worry. I will.

I sent techs to pull trace
off the booth Will was sitting in.

Got mostly lint and debris,
but there was a speck of something.

There she is: Emma Curaco.
"Last seen in Tucson, ."

Okay... alfalfa meal, bone meal,
colloidal phosphate.

- Fertilizer?
- Like what you'd use for roses, huh?

I tracked down the girl
who replied to Shawn's post.

This Will guy hit on her
in a coffee shop.

He gave her his first name
and his cell phone number,

and then he sat down with a woman
this girl swears was Emma Curaco.

- What about his cell phone?
- Disposable, no paper trail.

Well, we can still piece together
a location and history off the number.

I think I'm... I need a...
I need to...

Shawn. Shawn!

Is there anyone I should call?

No. Find her, please.

He doesn't have much longer.
We've gotta find Emma.

Best chance of that is to find Will.

Just so we're clear, this is a m*rder
investigation, not a missing persons.

She's out there somewhere.
Her dad's about to die.

And I feel for him, I do.

But there's no law against
not calling your dad.

If there were, there'd be a few
warrants out on you too.

So Bug worked up that print narrowed
by age, race, description parameters.

Will is really Danny Baker,
originally from Tucson.

Wanted for m*rder from a liquor store
robbery in New Mexico, .

You sure he's our guy?

Well, there were two
accomplices at the crime:

unknown suspect number two...


unknown suspect .

Emma Curaco: wanted for felony m*rder.

No wonder she didn't call
home for nine years.

How the hell did she end up
in that liquor store, huh?

With some jerk with a g*n.

Nine years I've been searching, waiting.

Now I'm gonna die here
while she's probably

just a couple of miles away somewhere.

Shawn, don't give up.

We're gonna find her. You'll see her.

I shoulda left it alone.

I should never have come here.

Now, they're gonna

track her down and
lock her up in a cell, hmm?

You're a father looking
for his daughter.

You can't blame yourself for this.

All I wanted was just to see her.

Blindfolded and locked in chains
while I swallow the key!

l am Howard the Magnificent!

And this is Stan.
Thank you.

I present to you, my good people,

- the Chains Of Death!
- I've got her.

Got who?

It defies the laws of physics.

See, Kate insists that
an enraged Stan stabbed Howard.

But were that the case,

Howard could not have
mustered enough pressure

to produce asphyxiation in Stan.

Yeah, I've got some physics for you too:

immovable object meets
unstoppable force.

- Pardon?
- You and Kate.

This only ends badly.

Why, 'cause I'm right and she's wrong?

No, because you're Nigel and she's Kate.

Look, so you're right.
Just know it on the inside.

Yeah, but there's a question
of science to be answered here.

Look, you two have to work together.

drop it, you know,
before someone gets hurt.

Okay, Danny Baker last used
his cell phone yesterday

minutes before he met Shawn.

Cell tower puts him somewhere... here.

-block radius.
That's helpful.

seconds in this cell call
transferred to a different tower

and then back again.

Which means he was
hovering in the overlap. Okay.

"Wildwood Botanicals. "

There was trace of rose
fertilizer in the diner booth.

He parks, goes into Wildwood Botanicals,

and then drives off to the diner.

Why go to a nursery
on your way to a m*rder?

Hi, there.

Something I can help you with?

I hope so. I'm looking for this man.
I think he may have been here yesterday.

His name is Danny Baker.
He sometimes goes by Will.


He doesn't really look lik
the gardening type, does he?

I guess he doesn't.

You guys carry rose fertilizer, right?

Right over here.

Organic compound, synthetics,
bulk ingredients,

like alfalfa meal, rock phosphate.

Who is this?

The owners, Steve and Carolyn Anderman.

They're not in today.

Do me a favor, write down their address.

Oh, she really loves you.

She's a sweetheart.

You know, I'm sorry
it's been so difficult.

Eh, it hasn't been all bad.

It's the strangest thing.
She's just this little blob of life,

but from the minute I held her,
I knew I would do anything.

I'd throw myself in front of
a train to protect her.

Of course, it wouldn't k*ll me if
she'd take a nap every once in a while.

It's an old Indian lullaby.

My grandmother used to put me
to sleep sometimes.

It's beautiful.

Let's see if it can still
work it's magic.

Nonsense. Thrust is the issue.
It's a matter of inertia.

Howard att*cked first.
Look, once the blade enters his chest,

muscle paralysis makes it impossible
for a strangulation grip to sustain.

Torque equals linear force...

- Yeah.
- times radius.

So if Stan was being strangled,

he couldn't have inserted the Kn*fe
from such a close angle.

- Yeah, but the stabbing was defensive.
- No, the stabbing was offensive,

probably due to the fact that Howard
was embarking on a solo career.

Maybe it was Stan who
had come to announce

that he was finally
breaking free of his master.

- Stan Plum?
- Yeah.

The guy's got second banana
written all over him.

Well, second banas don't commit m*rder.
Egomaniacs do.

Rigor's passing.

What is it?

It's a locket.

"Anna, my flower, Whom
blooms by the hour. "

It's not about a job.

It's about a girl.

I used to take her to see Triple A ball.

On cool evenings out there, I'd, uh...

buy her hot chocolates.

She loved those hot chocolates.

Her mom took off when Emma was .

After that, we stopped going to games.

Pretty much stopped talking
all together.

Well, guess there's a time in every
girl's life where they

blame everything on their Dad.

You know, drought, famine, pimples.

Been there, huh?

Oh, yeah. Yeah. I would not want to have
been my dad when I was a teenager.

How is it now?

You guys close?

Uh, well, it goes in cycles.

Excuse me.




Well, they found her house. The police
are on their way there right now.

- Jordan...
- Hey, I will talk to Detective Hoyt.

I'll bring her back here myself if
I have to, okay. You're gonna see her.

Emma Curaco!?

Emma, Boston PD.

Mr. Anderman?

She's gone.

Please, try to think.
Where could she have gone?

You are seven years
and two kids into a marriage

and you had no idea
that your wife had a past?

I knew she was in trouble as a teenager.
She never talked about it.

Besides Jerry, she doesn't even
know anyone from back then.

Let me guess.

Jerry Blaustein.

He's involved in this?

He's the nicest guy in the world.
He baby-sits my kids.

- What about him?
- Will Cormac.

He shows up once a year,
usually to borrow money.

I never understood
why Carolyn let him in.

Maybe because they had a past together.

They both came by the nursery
yesterday to see Carolyn.

I had a feeling something was wrong.

Steve, we're gonna find her.

If we do it today, there's a chance
she'll see her father before he dies.

Now, is there anything else
you can think of that might help?

She packed a bag.

She told me what happened in New Mexico.

She said to give the kids a kiss,
and she left.

We're gonna need addresses
and phone numbers on Jerry and Will.

It was supposed to be fun.
A few weeks, a road trip.

Emma asked me to come with them.
She didn't know Danny that well.

All of a sudden, we were in this liquor
store. Danny pulled out this g*n.

I'm not denying New Mexico.
But I didn't poison this Curaco guy.

Where'd you get it, Danny,
the carbon tetrachloride?

Chemical supply?
Custom paint shop, maybe?

You havin' trouble with my English?
I told you. I went to the diner.

We talked. I left.

We just wanted Mr. Curaco to leave
Emma alone and go back to Tucson.

I still can't believe this is happening.

Come on, Danny.
If you didn't do it, who the hell did?

I can't believe they're dead.

years, they were together.

And you were their theatrical assistant?

Mm, for, uh, for nearly a decade.

Set up the gags, wheeled out
the water t*nk, that sort of thing.

I quit the act four years ago
on the road in Toledo.

Why? Was it because Stan jealous
of your relationship with Howard?

My... what?

We found this with the bodies.

That's a picture of you
and Howard, isn't it?

One theory is that Stan was motivated
by jealousy and he att*cked Howard.

"Anna, my flower, Whom blooms
by the hour."

- I don't understand.
- Yeah, I know. It should be "who. "

No, no, no.
I mean... How-Howard?

Oh, Howard and I never...

Stan was the man I loved.
He was sweet, and shy.

And he had such talent.

Well, the quiet ones often do.

I always wished he'd...

he'd get out from under that big galoof
and strike out on his own.

So you and Stan were the item,
which would then lead to the theory that

Howard was the one who
was motivated by jealousy

and he's the one who att*cked Stan.

There never was a me and Stan.

Oh, oh, sure. I, I dreamed of us
getting together one day, but, uh,

I guess he just didn't feel
that way about me.

This doesn't make any sense.
I just saw them together yesterday.

You saw them yesterday?

It was... so awkward.

I hadn't heard word one
from them since I left,

just some empty envelope
in the mail from Toledo.

And then not a word.

I mean...

even if Stan never loved me,

I thought we were all friends.

I gotta go.

I'm working for a lion tamer now.
If I'm late, he'll bite my head off.

That little weasel.

- Excuse me?
- The empty envelope...

Obviously, Howard bought
the locket for Anna

in Toledo to let her know how he felt.

And jealous Stan stole it
before he could mail it.

But she didn't even love Howard,

probably felt he was a pompous,
egotistical blowhard.

Yeah, well, at least he had the guts
to put his feelings out there.

He wasn't a chicken.

- Stan was a quiet, lovely man...
- And it's always the quiet ones

who break like twigs.

Look, they ran into Anna yesterday.

Howard realized that Stan stole the
locket and ruined his chances with Anna.

He decides to leave the act.
Stan won't let him.

Argue, argue, s*ab, choke.
Case closed.

Case is not closed!

Mmm, I have not slept that well
in a month. Thank you.

It's the little things that
are so difficult:

paying a bill, running an errand.

Well, drop her off tomorrow,
if you'd like.

Thanks, but we'll survive.
Right, Madeleine?

No, I mean it. I would love
to spend more time with her.

With, uh, both of you.

Uh... yeah.
I don't get it, Lily.

I- I felt like we were really
on the cusp of something.

And then I don't see you for a month.
You don't return my calls.

Look at me.
I'm covered in spit-up.

I haven't showered in three days.
I'm drowning in a sea of baby poop.

You think I care about baby poop?

I screwed this up, Bug...
with Jeffrey, with you...

I've need to prove to her...
to myself... that I can do this.

Do you need to prove
you can do it alone?

It was good to see you, Bug.


All this from the Anderman house?

There's gotta be something
in here that'll help us find her.

I just hope it's in time.

Well... here's her down vest.

Can you smell that?

- Carbon Tetrachloride.
- Must've leaked

when she was carrying it in her pocket.

She poisoned her own father?

Kids. Grandkids, huh?

Yeah. We, found these home movies
when we were going

through all the things found
in her house.

I thought you might like to see them.

She has a family... a life.

What are you not telling me?


You wouldn't lie to a dying man,
would you?

- She's dead, isn't she?
- No, no. She, uh...

she's just gone. She ran.

But the police have Will.

This guy, uh, Will...
did he, uh...

confess to putting stuff in my coffee?

No. He said it was somebody else.

Who's he blaming?
I mean, who else is there?

No, no. Look, uh, I know I fell apart
pretty bad back then after her mom left.

We had some...
some rough years there.

But even in the middle of all that,

she was the one takin' care of me.

It's like she wanted to hate
my guts, but she...

it just wasn't in her nature.

She didn't do this.

Hey, here you are.
Looks like we got lucky.

She hit a couple of ATMs late yesterday,
withdrew her max twice.

First up in Andover and
then up in Methuen.

She was on her way to New Hampshire.

You with me here or what?

I think we need to take
a harder look at Danny Baker.

He had motive, opportunity. We can
place him at a table across from Shawn.

Jordan, I know you like this Shawn guy.

And I know you don't want to believe
that a girl would k*ll her own father...

I'm just saying I think Danny's our man.

Well, I'm still bringin' her in.

You gonna help me or not?

Okay, only one New Hampshire
number called

from her home phone in the last year.

Uh, twice in August.

No name, no address.

Which means I'm going to have to rouse a
New Hampshire judge to get me a warrant.

Hold tight.

- Hey, there.
- Hey, Lily, how are you?

Uh, still a little low on energy and
self-esteem, but, I could use your help.


I just need to go to the market and the
bank and, uh, maybe get a... a haircut.

Jeffrey's out of town.
Well, it takes a village.

Or at least a morgue.

Can you believe these two?
Love at first sight.

Well... I, I'll be on my cell
if you need me.

- Okay, take as much time as you need.
- Thank you.

Dr. Macy, can I ask you something?

- It's about Lily.
- The answer's yes.


What kind of sign do you need, Bug,
skywriting, a burning bush?

Whatever the question, the answer's yes.

- You paged me?
- The locket... was Stan's.

Just so we're clear, you don't do that.

Stan's journal: Toledo.
Right after Anna left.

"Anna my flower, Doth give me the power.
Anna my flower, Your love is my tower"?

There's drafts ending with "Anna
my flower, Whom blooms by the hour. "

Stan made the locket for the love of
his life. He's the one who mailed it.

He wasn't chicken. He was stepped up
to the plate and declared his love.

But jealous Howard intercepts it,
switches the photos, and keeps it.

Years later, Stan's nursing
a broken heart,

till he bumps into Anna the other day.

And after chatting for a few minutes,
he realizes someone stole the locket.

He smells Howard's hand in this.
So late that night, he breaks in,

searches the apartment,
and finds the locket.

When Howard wakes up
and discovers him...

How dare you break into my apartment.
And why are you wearing a tuxedo?!

Because tonight I've begun my solo
career! And I'm taking Anna's locket,

and I'm gonna go straight to her door
and ask her to marry me, like I should

- have done years ago!
- She'll never marry you,

you talentless hack!

Hands grip tight.

As the Kn*fe plunges in. You bastard.

You're the bastard...
you bastard.

Any word from the hospital?

Uh, yeah, I just spoke with his doctor.

His blood bile numbers
are through the roof.

It's only a matter of hours now.

Well, she sure doesn't
look like a m*rder*r, huh?

They come in all shapes
and sizes, Jordan.

You know, the thing about dads...
you know, you take them for granted.

They're always there, like furniture.

You never think that the last time
you see 'em is gonna be the...

the last time.

Hi, Emma, this is Jordan Cavanaugh.
Please don't hang up, uh...

Listen, your dad is very sick
right now. He's in

St. Agnes hospital here in Boston.

And he'd like nothing more
than just to see you before he dies.


- Emma.
- Shawn?

- You're here.
- Yeah.

You want a hot chocolate?

No thanks.

It hurts.

Emma, it hurts.

Is there anything I can do?

Don't go.

No. I'm here.

It's cold.

- I'll buy you a hot chocolate.
- Sure.

Yeah, a hot chocolate
would be really nice.

I love you, honey.

I love you too, Dad.

- Emma.
- Oh, my God.

I don't understand. How can he be dead?
What happened?

How the hell did she get here?
I called her.

You what? I want her to know
what happened to her father.

You tipped off a wanted fugitive?

If she poisoned him, why would she risk
everything to see him before he d*ed?

It makes no sense.

There's something we're missing.
Think hard, Emma.

The three of us met at the nursery.

Danny said he was just gonna go
talk to him. That's all I know.

- Okay, what happened next?
- Nothing.

Later that night, Jonathan came over.

Poor guy was shaking like a leaf.

We knew if my dad found us,
we we're gonna all end up in jail.

- We've been over all of this.
- Just keep talking.

- What happened next?
- Nothing.

- We went for a walk.
- Details, Emma.

Uh... it was cold out.
I wore gloves.

We turned up Hawthorn.
Jonathan forgot his coat.

He borrowed my down vest.
We turned up Varna. We kept walking.

- Jonathan wore your vest?
- I don't understand.

What has that have to do with anything?

Stan made this?
For me?

Remember the envelope from Toledo? He
mailed it to you right after you left.

Unfortunately, Howard removed
the locket and replaced the picture.

Stan would've wanted you to have that.

My poor Stan.

It must've broken his heart
that I never responded.

Well, the important thing now is to know
that he loved you and cherished you.

- You were his flower.
- Whom blooms by the hour.

- Such a shame about Howard and Stan.
- Yeah.

It's always sad when people who work
together end up k*lling each other.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- You look refreshed.
- I can't tell you how amazing it was

to stand in line at a bank and have
one complete, uninterrupted thought.

- Of course, I missed her terribly.
- Yeah, she missed you too.

Time to go home.

Yeah, it is. But we should stop
by your place first to pick up the crib.

- You're coming home with me, Lily.
- What are you talking about?

You, me, and Madeleine.

- Bug, I know you want to help...
- This is our time, Lily. This is it.

I love you, and I love Madeleine.

maybe the timing isn't perfect.
But you know what?

It's never gonna be more perfect
than right here, right now.

So... do you have any questions?

Have you ever assembled a crib before?

I'll try my best.

Jonathan confessed?

He knew your dad would never
let up till he found you,

so he went to the motel
diner and waited.

When your dad got up from the table,
Jonathan poisoned his coffee.

Detective Hoyt said that
he talked to the Albuquerque D.A.

Now, if you'll agree to testify
against Danny, you should do okay.

Thank you for being with
my father when he d*ed.

He never stopped looking for you.

He wanted you to know
how much he loved you.

This concludes autopsy
B- - on Shawn Curaco.

Dr. Jordan Cavanaugh,
Medical Examiner, presiding.

Hey, Dad, it's, uh, it's me.

It's been a long time.
I, uh...

I just wanted to call and say hey.
