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2020 (2017)

Posted: 01/28/21 16:55
by bunniefuu
Target acquired and entering hot zone.

Alpha Team is on standby.

Roger that. Hold position.

Awaiting visual confirmation.

Is the package on board? That's affirmative.

Package is on board.

I repeat, package is on board.

Where are you taking us? Where are we going?

Please, you don't have to do this.

You don't understand how dangerous this is.

I have visual confirmation.

Alpha Team, be ready on my mark.

Waiting for your command.

Target is down. Execute! Execute! Execute!

Alpha Team is inbound.

Move out! Let's go, brother!

Come from the back!

Let's go!

Why are we stopping? What's happening?

Shut up! Stay down.

It's a set-up!

Why are they sh**ting? What is happening?

I said stay down!

I'm taking directed fire! Hurry the hell up!

Who did you call? I didn't call anyone, I swear.

Put your hands up!

Turn on the w*apon.

Now! No, you don't understand.

Those men that are sh**ting your men outside are not gonna let you turn this on.

You need to stop this now.

Do it! Now.

Do it now! Now!

Now! I said now!

Do it.

Do it now!

Do it.


Do it!

I'm not turning this on. You're gonna have to sh**t me.

What are you doing, Kate? This is crazy.

Just do what he says.

You! Turn it on.

I-I don't know how. Do it!

I've-I've only watched her run this.

I said, do it now!

Okay! Okay! Do it!

Don't do this. You shut up!

Don't do this. I have to.

Shut up.

Do it. I'm sorry.

Now! Do it!

I think that's it.

What's it doing?

You don't have to do this. Shut up!

I'm sorry.

It's armed.



Kate! Come on, let's go.

No, I've got to deactivate this thing.

Let's go. Let's go.

Let's go. We gotta go right now.

It's been activated. I have to stop it.

No, we have go right now.

No, I have to shut it down.

What the hell is that thing? Ah!

Let's go!

Ah! We gotta go!


We're taking heavy fire.

Request evac to this location.

I need all ordnance on my pod right now.


Fire for effect. Fire, fire, fire.

Direct hit.

All stop, all stop.

This is India Zero Two.

The hostage has been recovered.

We're returning to base at this time. Over.

Copy that. The w*apon?

The w*apon's been destroyed.

No, it hasn't.

It's just beginning.

So, professor, what exactly are you hoping to find?

Anomalies between the two sets of data would be great.

Comparing readings from this close to the fault with the ones we've collected, would be invaluable.

Ideally, this is gonna help us make sense of all the data we've collected.

I mean, really anything that might help give us some answers, Jake.

Here we are, guys.


It's beautiful, huh?


Yeah, not exactly what I was thinking.

Well, if you were thinking, then you wouldn't be spending your spring break with your father, would you?

How many times do I have to tell you?

It was a political statement.

Yeah, well, your political statement nearly cost me my job and almost got you expelled.

You know, sometimes I think you do those things just to get back at your mother and I.

Judging from your silence, I'm gonna take it that I'm right.

I'm an adult.

Yours and Mom's problems have nothing to do with it.

So don't make it about that.

Okay, Miss Political Statement.

There is a phrase...

"If you can't do the time, don't do the crime."

Look, it's gonna be a long couple of days if you don't start looking at the bright side.

There's a bright side? Yeah! Uh, I still have a job.

And you still get to go to school, tuition-free.

Sorry, I didn't mean it to go that far.

I know.

Hey, professor, which of these goes inside the ranger station?

And you get to spend time with that guy.

I don't know, Jake.

How about starting with the ones labeled "Ranger Station?"


Got it! Hello!

Is that Mom? Is she back?

You know what, thank you very much, I'm good.


I guess that wasn't Mom. No.

Somebody trying to sell me steak knives, so I guess...

You told me she would be home a week ago.

She's back.

She had some bureaucratic things to take care of.

What else did she get herself into?

Rob Harris.

Hey! Heh-heh-hey! Long time.

How are you, Martin? This is my daughter Jessie.

Heh-heh-hey. Hi!

I've heard a lot about you. It's good to finally meet.

Wow! She looks like Kate.

Heh heh. It's a good thing. Thanks.

Speaking of, how is Kate? I haven't seen her in forever.

Yeah, well, that makes two of us.

I say something wrong?

Just a... It's a touchy subject.

Oh, the divorce.

Yeah, anyway, uh, so, let's talk about this stuff.

What's going on?

I'm sure as heck glad you're here, Rob.

If I'm reading that equipment correctly that you sent me there's a crazy amount of seismic activity all over the fault line.

Looks like a popcorn machine.

I wanna be wrong, but all this activity is...

I got a bad feeling. That's why I'm here.

Yeah, we picked up the same readings at university.

Let's get inside and see what you got.

Sure. Let me help you with the equipment.

Hey, don't worry about your mom, okay?

She's gonna be fine. She always is.

Worrying about her and wanting to see her are two separate things.

You seem to forget that.

The hostage has been recovered.

We're returning to base at this time. Over.

Copy that. The w*apon? The w*apon's been destroyed.

No, it hasn't.

It's just beginning.

Yes, I see here we've received numerous phone calls and emails warning of impending disasters.

Is that what you were doing over there in Yemen?

Risking your life and the lives of others to stop some crazy disaster?

Sir, these crazy disasters have already begun.

Yes, I've, I've seen that.

Uh, an earthquake in Yemen.

A temblor in Qatar.

Sandstorm in the desert.

A sandstorm in the desert.

Not really an anomaly, is it?

The winds in the sandstorm you're talking about were over several hundred degrees.

What's your intel on that?

That's just the beginning.

Global seismic activity is up 15 percent since your team extracted me.

Fifteen percent, and it's on the rise.

The Hellstorm has been initiated...

There is no such thing as a Hellstorm w*apon.

I am sitting here, as proof otherwise.

And this is your proof?

Most of my research was destroyed in the field.

You are right, in the field.

The field where our men, good men apart from saving your life took out a t*rror1st w*apon stash that was confirmed to contain chemical weapons.

Chemical wea...

Is this a joke?

Miss, uh, doomsday scenarios are nothing new to this office.

Russia's getting squirrely with her nukes.

!sis may or may not be acquiring a dirty b*mb.

North Korea...

Well, forget about North Korea.

But your scenario...

Let's just call it what it is, it's fantasy.

Hellstorm weapons, resonance weapons.

This isn't fantasy, it's fact. I have seen it.

Yes, I've read your report, I think we all have.

Resonance as a w*apon is just a theory.

Enough to know the difference between fact and theory.

We don't give credit to outlandish theories here in this office. If we did, we would have shut down for the 2012 Mayan apocalypse.

GMOs would have turned all of us into zombies by now.

I'd even turn off my laptop for Y2K.

The point is, whatever was in that desert was destroyed.

It isn't destroyed! It's activated!

The only thing your bombs did was make it harder to turn off!

There are some very smart men in the middle of that desert who have figured out a technology that makes it capable of wiping out an entire village.

So I would gratefully appreciate this office's help...

Whatever you think was or was not in that desert was taken out by a team of men who also risked their lives to save yours.

So... what we'd appreciate from you is a little bit of gratitude.

This meeting's over. Uh, over?

Why am I here? I said, this meeting is over.

This meeting might be over, but mark my words this... this has just begun.

Where are the seats for the tent?

Babe, uh, where's my toolbox?

I don't know. I thought you packed it.

I told you to pack it.

Why would I pack your toolbox?

Because I asked you to.

Yes, and I told you I couldn't because I had to pack the groceries.

So you didn't pack it?

I packed the groceries.

Seriously, do you ever listen to me?

Clearly not, 'cause if you did you'd have a toolbox, wouldn't ya?


Oh, my God, babe! Are you seeing this?

Run! Run!


Oh! Oh, no!

Rob, you're gonna wanna see this.

That's the second one today.


Not really an alarming size, it's barely registering.

No, but it-it's not the size that's of concern it's the frequency. Have you been mapping these?

Yeah, every single one of 'em, like you told me to.

See, it's not the size.

Would you grow up?

Yeah, the, uh, pins are tagged with size duration and time.

So, what's that supposed to mean?

Is California getting ready for the big one?

Well, it shouldn't be.

See, normally, this kind of activity would be a good thing to release the stress along the fault line, but...

But then the seismic activity would be decelerating, right?

Exactly, but here it's accelerating.

You've been paying attention.

What is that?

Another one. Something's coming in.

Okay, professor, that didn't feel small.

No, it didn't.

Ranger Station 219, go for Martin.

Alright, copy that.

I got an emergency. You should come with me.

Okay. Uh...

You guys stay here and finish set up the equipment.

Stay here?

It's just a tremor.

We should be fine.

Can we talk?

I can't believe you were there.

I can't believe you went to Yemen.

Who are you? I mean, you saw it, right?

You saw the w*apon. Was it, was it operational?

Sorry, my parents always said that I was very short on tact.

Drew. Drew Slack. Wait.

What do you know? Why didn't you say anything in there?

Off the record? Not a reporter.

Your car's not bugged, is it? What?


I was part of the crew that hacked the files.

We dumped the info out there, th-the files that you got.

Files that sent you to Yemen. No. Wait! Slow down.

That was you?

Well, me and some anonymous friends.

That's treason. Uh, okay...

I'm acutely aware of that, but I don't see it that way.

See, okay, because if you're right which I think that you are then it's the men in those rooms that are the real treasonous ones.

Okay, they know, Kate. Keegan, Pierce.

They know that Hellstorm exists.

They're lying to you. Why, why lie?

Because it's their technology that got stolen in the first place.

Sensitive government information.

How do you think that's gonna look?

Thing is, they're confident they destroyed it.

Yeah, well, they're wrong, we've got to get back in there.

Wait, wait, are you kidding me? You can't go back in there.

They'll have you locked up before you can say anything.

Or worse. Worse?

This division of government doesn't exactly answer to a whole of people, if you get what I'm saying.


How sure are you that it's operational?

I was there.

I saw it. It is.

This is so bad.

Oh, this is so bad.

Okay, Drew, listen.

I need your help. I have to get out of here.

But I need you to get my files. They have them.

I need them.

You can do this, go get me my files.

I'm going to jail, I'm definitely going to jail.

You're gonna be a hero.

Nelson Mandela was a hero, and he went to jail for 27 years.

Drew, thousands of innocent people are going to lose their lives, maybe more.



I'll do it.

Where are you going? San Andreas Fault.

Is there a problem there, too?

There's gonna be a problem everywhere.

Go get me the info.

Got it.

Come on, Rob.

Oh, Rob, this does not look good.

Man, what happened here?

What is this?

Oh, no.

I knew these people.


Look at that.


Let's go!


Look. It looks like there was another seismic event.

You know how to read that?

You do know who my parents are, right?

Yeah, so, why this sudden interest in what your father's doing?

Thought you were going on spring break.

I was.

I got in trouble for a little political stunt.

This is my punishment.

I guess there was a lot of that going on.

I heard that there was this group of people who painted themselves green and went streaking across campus to raise awareness for Earth Day.

Thought that was kinda cool.

Thanks. My father didn't think so.

Wait, that was you?

Where am I at when all the cool stuff happens? Damn!

Jake, it was for a cause. Well, no, I get that.

And I support it, like, like wholly.

Like next time you do it, any time you want to do it you just, you let me know and I'll be there, you know, f-for the cause.

Jake... With a paint brush and paint.

Jake, you remember when we were in the car and you told me to tell you when you were being awkward and uncomfortable?


I'm doing it right now, aren't I?

Yeah, you're doing it right now.

I'm sorry. I just...

I get nervous when I'm around you.

Whatever. Ahem.

We have internet. Oh, perfect.

What? What? What?

Again, what we are seeing is widespread destruction that has consumed Paris.

Oh, my God.

Reports are coming in from all...

Is that the Eiffel Tower?

...describing huge earthquakes followed...



Massive storms that have toppled...

Mom! Where have you been?

Survivors have described a scene right out of hell with smoke, ash, and debris raining down over the entire city.

Gotta get out of this park. I agree.

Change of plans, guys. Pack up your stuff.

We're leaving.

Kate, when'd you get here?

...definitely being described as a natural disaster.

What are you guys looking at?

We can only assume at this point that so many innocent people are dead.

And the damage is in the billions if not more.

Emergency crews are pouring through the rubble as scores of buildings lay in ruins in the center of one of the greatest cities in the world reeling now from the effects of this catastrophe.

Don't take your eyes off the screen.

Let me know if anything changes.

What time did these readings come in?

There's a major at the front desk.


Hello? Penny, it's Drew.

Do you have a second? Are you watching the news?

Did you see what happened in France?

Do you know where I work? Of course I know.

Why are you whispering?

Because I just told you where I am.

And this call isn't exactly legal.

Dude! You are in a government building.

Go somewhere else.

I can't. I can't. I don't have time to explain it.

Just need you to listen to me, okay?

Oh, shh.

Are you in a bathroom?


Oh, my God.


Agh. Go.

Oh, sorry.


Sorry about that.

Okay, long story short.

I need to get to the server room, and I can't get access unless there's a critical network failure.


I need a zip b*mb.

Are you kidding me? No. I'm not kidding, okay?

I need a data dump so massive that it clogs the servers and shuts everything down.

Come on.

They're monitoring our activities so I can't do it here.

Penny? Are you there?


Is this treason?

No, why does everybody keep saying that?

'Cause it is.

Okay, no, it's not...

Technically, it is.

But it's...

It's for a good cause, I'm telling you.

What happened in France is not over.

Okay, if, if you, if, if you just do me this one solid I'll give you whatever you want.


Okay, but you owe me.


I'll text you when it's ready.


What do you mean it's not over?

I don't have time to explain. Um, I love you, bye.

What? You love me?

Did I just say that?

No, the entire park.

We need to close off to the public.

Anyone still inside, we need evacuated.

Why everyone? Because it's not safe.

Not just the main entrance, all the entrances.

So one minute I think you're teaching in France and then next, I find out that you're kidnapped.

In Yemen. By militants.

I was in France, and I found out about these leaked government files, and I had to go see if it was real.

This is a global threat. Hey, that's not your job, okay?

Who-who do you think you... You think you're James Bond?

Do you have any other explanation for what's going on right now?

Hey, you know, maybe I don't, maybe I don't.

Maybe I'm just sitting at a university trying to raise our daughter, while you're running around risking your life for God knows what.


Don't do that right now.

Now, the Hellstorm w*apon is, is real.


I thought we were leaving the park.

Hellstorm w*apon is a myth, Kate.

Well, now you just sound like the Department of Defense.

Department of Defense? When were you at Department of Defense?

They pulled me out of Yemen.

Hey, but now you know the whole story so we don't have to go to couple's therapy.

So you're gonna make a joke out of this? Huh?

A fully operational resonance w*apon is burrowing its way into the earth's crust and destabilizing the lithosphere.

Those readings that you sent to me from here they're happening everywhere, but especially on fault lines like the San Andreas that we are literally standing on right now.

Do you understand what I'm saying?

Yes, I know what you're saying.

I don't.

What's a resonance w*apon?

You just heard all that? Yep.

And including the part where my mother has been seriously kidnapped in Yemen and we have no idea where you are.

Kate, you were kidnapped?

So, what's this all about

'cause you're kinda freaking me out.

You're kidding me? We can't talk about this here.

The cameras have cameras.

I feel like Gene Hackman in "Enemy Of The State."

Does any of this have to do with the dump?

Are we gonna get caught?

This is bad, Penny. Like people are going to die.

Like, they may already have.


France, India.

Now, it makes sense that you said you loved me.

What? No, that was more of like a moment of severe stress and anxiety more than anything.

I didn't really, you know, mean anything by it.

Oh, too bad.

Too bad? What do you mean too bad? Too bad?


But hey, you brought me soup to work.

We're like an old married couple, right?

Oh, God.


It's the same stuff every time, come on.

What's this?

It's, uh... It's soup.

What? We can't bring in soup anymore?

Come on, my girlfriend brought it for me.

I've been working through lunch. Burning the candle at both ends.

You know how it goes.

I think it's made of basil.

You smell the basil? Think it's, like, in there somewhere?

Okay, I'll tell you what, if I don't finish the whole thing I'll come back and I'll give you the rest of it.

Yeah? I'm good?

Great. Thanks, Hughes.

Loading, unloading.

I swear I'm having déjà vu.

Who cares?

Must've been tough to listen to.

Between your parents and all?

It's not exactly "The Brady Bunch."

Did you really not know where your mom was?

Apparently not.

You know, she's always off doing something and trying to save the world from something but this one, you know, really takes the kick.


My mom never leaves me alone.

So... Well... Heh.

I wish I knew what that was like.

Trust me, you really don't.

I guess the grass is always greener.

Yeah, I guess.

What the hell is that?

That's not good.

Look, it's one thing for some kook to wax on about the apocalypse it's a whole other scenario when the things she warned us about actually start to happen.

The w*apon was destroyed. How certain are you?

France is on a fault line, sir.

They've suffered major earthquakes before.

This is all just bad coincidence.

From our intel, it's a bit more than just an earthquake.

And I don't subscribe to bad coincidences.

When our offices were hacked, you know what got leaked.

I don't have to tell you this.

So, did we or did we not ever get Hellstorm operational?

No, there's never been a successful test.

Even Nikola Tesla couldn't figure that one out.

And he discovered it.

You know what they say about a hundred monkeys?

No. What?

Lock them in a room with some typewriters and eventually you'll get a few lines of Shakespeare.

It's time we started running some scenarios on the off-chance that this wasn't just a coincidence.

Sir, we have reports of another disturbance.

Alright, Kate, we are leaving now.

Did you find a pattern?

Between setting up shop and being chased by a pyroclastic debris cloud?

No, we haven't had chance to sit down and access it yet.

Just a question. It's not just a question.

I know how that head of yours works.

No. This information. This is what I need.

Distance, time, location. Do you have a printout of this?

Kate, come on. Oh.

Come on, we gotta go.

I need that printout.

What are you looking for? She's looking for a pattern.


The only way to reverse what's already happened is to predict the waves in formation.

The what? Man, this is way above my pay grade.

Kate, we're out of time. We have to go.

No, I got to get one more reading.

Ah. Ahh!


That's really, really not good.

Jessie! Ah!

Ah! Jessie!

Get to the truck. What is that?

Just get to the truck.

Martin, come on!

We gotta go. Just leave it!

Martin, get out!

Martin, come on!

I got it!


Martin! Martin!

No! He's gone.

No, no, no! He's gone.

He's gone!

Watch out!

The storm's gone.

Kate, we gotta go back. We can't leave him there.

Rob, he's gone. We got to get his body.

The only reason that storm didn't k*ll us all didn't take this entire park out is because of where we are.

The San Andreas is a major vein on the Yellowstone Caldera and we are sitting on a ticking time b*mb.

Which is why you need to go.

Go? Yes, it's too dangerous.

I need you to take the kids and get out of here.

Of course, you know, we've only been together for a few hours.

That's good enough, right? It's not fair.

Jessie, every minute you are here is a minute you are more in danger.

Exactly my point. And you feel the need to stay?

Just like you decided to risk your life in some Godforsaken desert somewhere?

So not the time to be having this discussion.

Of course it's not. You never want to talk about it.

Okay, you know this park, where's the closest exit?

No. Listen, Kate.

If you're right, where are we gonna go that we're safe, huh?

Los Angeles? San Francisco?

There's nowhere that we can go that we're not in danger.

Now, we are not leaving you. You understand?

But if you have a plan, I sure would like to hear it.

If I just got the rest of those readings off that computer, I could have enough information.

She's pacing. What does that mean?

It means she's thinking. Or just triangulate.

Yeah, if we can triangulate the waves, we can get three different readings from three different locations.

That might be enough information.

Enough for what? To try and isolate the wave.

You think you can stop this thing?

Whoa, wait. What?

We're gonna stop this thing?

Us? Right here?

This thing that's tearing up the globe?

Yeah, but we're gonna need a little help.

Y-you're talking about an expl*si*n in the magnitude of a-a one kiloton nuclear b*mb!

Where are we gonna get that?

That's plan B. She has a plan B.

Like this one. Okay, look, we're here.

This is where we need to go to get the first reading.

The Hellstorm w*apon is operational.

You mean the w*apon that doesn't exist?

Sorry, just trying to clarify.

Trying to get my head around this whole thing. I'll shut up.

Hellstorm is a device that uses resonance to amplify toroidal currents deep within the earth's crust causing disasters.

Now you've all seen an opera singer break a crystal glass with her voice.

It's the same thing, but on a global scale.

Hellstorm is the voice the earth's crust is the crystal glass.

Now the fracture is so deep within the earth's crust that it releases a rush of high pressure gases causing these storms.

It's a one-two punch of natural disasters.

As a result, the earthquakes release the powerful storms.

It'll wipe out any city it hits.

If it's a wave as you say it is then it should just fade overtime, get weaker.

No, wh-when the device is active it's designed to get stronger over time.

That's what a resonance w*apon is designed to do.

So, we take it out. b*mb the area again.

It's not that simple. It's too deep.

Our most powerful w*apon has a range of 200 feet below the surface.

Hellstorm by now is over a thousand feet deep.

Besides a b*mb of that magnitude on foreign soil would only exacerbate global tensions.

Global tensions?

Sir, have you seen the news?

Got it, I'm shutting up.

Now there is good news, however.

In our preliminary test with the w*apon there's a signature.

It's a signal that's associated with the ultra-low frequency waves that it sends out.

Uh, drones, radio arrays, whatever you can tap into we have to find that signal.

It's the first and most important step in stopping this.

What if we don't stop it?

Then it's an end-game scenario.

There are several hotspots around the globe.

Pacific Rim, Indonesia, Yellowstone.

A Hellstorm eruption in one of those areas would not just thr*aten a city it would thr*aten the human race.

Bite me.

Godspeed, you wonderful monster.

Did the server crash?

It seems li... It seems like it.

I'm-I'm locked out. Is everyone else locked out?

Yes, sir.

Uh, no, we have a team working on that as we speak, sir.

Of course. Call it a...

A contingency plan.

Yeah, yes, sir.

Yes, sir. Will do.


Our entire network was just shut down.

We've been hacked. Oh, damn it.

Well, h-how extensive is it? Everything, sir.

Have we found that signal yet?

The Hellstorm w*apon creates a catastrophic wave of energy.

And we're gonna need an equal and opposite wave of energy to destroy it.

So that's what we're looking for.

Okay, I think it's working.

Good job, Jake.

So what are we supposed to do now?

Just kinda wait for something bad to happen?

Yeah. Hope that the next one isn't as bad.

That's not very comforting.

You should go talk to her.

I don't know how to talk to her.

Kate, she's not a mathematical equation that you can get wrong.

You're her mother.

Just talk to her.

Okay, we're getting something.

This is it. Get on the timer.

Record the readings. I'm trying.

You okay?

I think it stopped.

Is one of the storms coming? Are we dead?


Jake, we're fine. Oh, of course.

Yeah, no, I knew that.

Did you get the reading? Yeah.

Now I know why Rob likes having you around.


We have one reading, we need two more.

Guys, the quicker we get these readings the quicker we can get out of here.

What do you have in mind?

See if we got the equipment, we got walkies in the truck.

We need to split up.

I think it's a bad idea.

We are standing on the San Andreas Fault.

I need readings from both plates.

The Pacific and the North American.

That bad idea is our only chance.

I'll go with Dad.

No, wait.

You go with your mother. Jake, you're with me.

We're gonna take the truck, we'll go up that ridge up there we'll get our reading. You guys get your reading right here.

When we're done, we'll meet back at the bridge. Okay?

You guys be careful, that last shake that we had is hitting somewhere else, and we're not gonna be as lucky.


Be careful.

Thank you.

Okay, folks, I got a problem, needs fixing.

Who's my best tech?

That's me. Right here. I am.

Right. Drew. Come with me.

Come on, let's go. Coming.

Oh! Earthquake.

Okay, it's over.

Back to work, people.

Let's go. Come on.

This whole building is gonna come down on top of us we'll be trapped inside, that's like, my worst nightmare.

Well, from what I've been hearing around the world you'd be a lucky one.

Alright. Get in there, plug in.

You get 30 minutes. The gate clock ticking.


We're approaching the bridge with our equipment.

Everything you need should be in those bags.

Copy that, Rob. We're on our way to set it up.

This just feels kind of ironic, huh?

What's that?

I remember when you and I would go hike the canyons together.

That was ages ago. What was I, like, five?

Okay, you know what? I get that you're upset with me.

Yeah, what gave it away?

Let's set up here. Yeah. Work.

So much easier than having a real discussion.

You sure this is it?

Yeah, yeah. This is it.

We'll set up right here. Okay.


Kate, we're in position.

Right. Let me know when you're up and running.



Here, plug it in.

Come on. What's wrong with this thing?

Oh, you press this.

Look at that. Your dad taught you well.


I'm up. Me too.

I'm already getting readings. Oh, wow.

This is crazy. Look at that frequency.

Yeah, it's definitely building.

Is there a problem? Uh, no.

I was just gonna go use the restroom. Uh, I...

I didn't ask for permission, it's sort of I got an emergency, you know?

Code red, uh, code brown, actually.

Ah, just go. Make it quick.

Okay. Hold it. You...

You're not taking your laptop?

Well... Yeah.

I mean, I might be in there for a while so I figured I'd just, you know, get some work done, maybe...

No, I need you to give it to me.

Come on. Why don't you hand it over now?

No, no, no, no, no, no.

Security! Sir! Sir, stop!

I need the building on lockdown right now.

Stop him! Stop him!

What am I doing? What am I doing?

I'm going to jail. But not today.

No soup for you.

Get up. Ugh.

Another breach? Who's messing with us?

I don't have to tell you the ramifications of all this should any of it to find its way back to our doorstep.

It's not my first day, sir. I'm aware.

Just make sure it's not your last.

I'm on a plane to brief the joint chiefs.

When I land... Uh, let me correct that.

If I land, I wanna know that the situation's been scrubbed and sanitized.

Are we clear?

Yes, sir.

You have my permission to proceed... with impunity.

Lot of seismic activity over here.

Ooh! Look at that. Wow.

We got one coming soon. Yeah.

Something's definitely coming.

Hey, Mom? I think we're picking up something.

Mom? Rob! Rob, come in.

You good? Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine, fine.


Kate, come in.

Mom, we need to go now. Rob? Rob, come in.

Rob. No, Rob! Mom.

Kate, come in. Damn it!

Professor, is this normal?

No, that is not normal.

Brace yourself.

Mom... We need to leave.

That's not good.

No. No, it's not.

Mom! We have to go!

I have to get this data. Mom! Mom!

Jessie! Mom!

Jessie! Mom, please!

Mom! Come on!

Jessie, run. Jessie, go!

Mom, we have to go!

I got it, I got it.

Go, go! Mom, come on.


Let's go. Come on!

Get down!

We gotta go! In the truck!

Do you have any idea the depth of the trouble you're in?


Don't you mean us?

Okay, okay, okay, I get the...

I don't think you appreciate the situation you're in.

We looked at your computer.

You hacked into a government database.

You stole classified documents.

Now, where did you send them?

I sent them to my mother.

I thought it was a recipe for sugar cookies.

Okay, okay, okay.

I sent them to the professor.

She knows more about this than any of us.

No, she doesn't.

We have all the data.

Not just hers, but an entire network of information.

Now, she's just one person.

Have you ever stopped to consider what would happen if she's wrong?

I will not allow her to doom humanity in some ill-conceived attempt to save it.

No, 'cause you've got that covered, don't you?

Oh, come on, you know you want to.

You work out?

You listen to me you little speck of nothing.

Once this is all over, and you and the professor are deemed enemies of the state.

I will make it my mission to make sure you end up in the darkest vilest hole imaginable to spend the rest of your long and agonizing life unless you tell me where she is.

Now, where is she?

Rob, come in.

Rob, come in.

Why aren't they answering? I don't know.

You don't think they could have been caught in that expl*si*n, do you?

They were right across from us if they set up in the right area.

They could've got caught in that eruption.

They weren't. You don't know that.

Rob, come in. We need that info.

I thought you were worried about Dad.

I am. No.

You're worried about getting his info.

You don't think I'm worried about your father right now?

Who knows what you worry about when you're halfway around the world?

We're not looking for them.

So what are you doing?

Looking for an important e-mail.

I'm gonna go look for Dad.

Uh, no. Uh, you're not going anywhere.

We're not splitting up. Not in this.

Holy crap! He did it! He got, uh, he got the files.

All you care about are these files!

And in the meantime, Dad could have gotten k*lled in an expl*si*n!

Jessie, there are things in this world that are bigger than you and me.

They are bigger than family.

Nothing is bigger than family!

Okay, you're right. You're right.

Jess, it's just sometimes the world isn't that black and white.

Why can't it be? Because it's not.

For me it never has been.

I make sacrifices, and I live with them.

And I do dangerous things that take me away from you because I have to.

Because it's my calling, and I hope... someday that you understand that.

But for now... baby...

let's just go find your dad.

Let's go.


Rob, come in. Do you hear me?

We don't have all day so... this is gonna keep going until you give me a reason to stop.

Now, where is she, and what is she doing?

I don't know.

I swear.

Sir, intel thinks they found the Hellstorm wave signature.

I may not need you after all.

Kate! Jessie! Come in.

They're not here?

Kate. Kate, Jessie, come in.

Kate, come in.




Kate, come in. Come on, please.

Come on, guys, please.



Kate! Where are they?

There they are. Come on.

Rob! Dad!


Jessie! Dad!


Oh, God.


It's good to see you.

We got your data. Let's hope it's worth it.

It'll be, I promise.

Come on.

Let's get in the truck. Go. Okay.


I'm getting ready to land soon. I need answers.

How long do we have?

By our calculations the wave will hit the Yellowstone Caldera in less than five hours and twenty-five minutes.


How do we stop this?

We're working on that, sir.

Work faster.

So what are you hoping to do with all this data?

Quick, Jake, if a tidal wave were coming for the coast, how would you stop it?

Is that a trick question? You can't stop a tidal wave.

It's a theoretical one.

Theoretically, what would you do?

You'd open up a trench in the bottom of the ocean.

The waves' energy would go down, it would never reach the coast.

That's actually right.

I-I was gonna say that. Kate, Kate.

I-I already told you, okay?

That would require a massive expl*si*n.

We're talking nuclear. Yes.

At the exact time and exact location.

It's the only way to counteract the wave.

Without this, we have nothing.

Oh, oh, right, right. Plan B. Yeah.

How-how is plan B coming?

Plan B.

Hey, I need Pierce.


Yes? You have a phone call.

Yeah. Well, I'm kinda busy here.

Yes, I told her that but she said it's urgent.

Very urgent.

Her? Who?

The professor.

Okay. Put her through. Yes, sir.

Professor, I'm so glad to hear from you.

I'm here with... your little buddy, Drew.

Kate, Pierce knows what I sent you.

Drew, are you okay?


I'm at about a ten on the pain on the hospital scales.

Yes, we were just telling him how much we really don't like treason over here.

It was a physical demonstration.

Pierce, you son of a bitch, you listen to me.

Drew didn't just send me info on Hellstorm I have everything, I have all the data.

I have all the files. I have proof.

Proof that you knew there was a w*apon.

Proof that sensitive files were hacked out of your office and given into enemy hands.

Proof that when you went in to save it all you ended up doing was turning it on.

You have blood all over your hands.

Your hands are covered in blood.

That does not sound good.

Phil, listen, we can make a deal right now before this gets any worse and trust me, it's going to get worse.

I can stop it.

But I need the help of the US Military.

Military? W-W-What exactly are you proposing?

I need a device that is capable of delivering the equivalent of one kiloton expl*si*n.

Ah. Are you joking? That's...

You're talking about a small nuclear device.

On US soil, no less.

Yes, I am, and you have it but I'm talking about a fair trade.

All of the files for all of your help plus Drew.

You're talking about nuclear munitions.

Hellstorm isn't stopping.

If this wave activity ignites Yellowstone it is an end-game scenario.

This is as bad as it gets.

You're right.

I'm sorry, come again?

The device will reach the Yellowstone Caldera in a little over five hours.

Okay, yes, but given the right tools we can stop it here.

Now, what kind of power do you think I have?

You have enough assets at your disposal.

You didn't listen to me once.

Don't make the same mistake again.

We are running out of time.


I'll get back to you.

You've gotta like her style.

Now, am I free to go?

Not exactly.

If this is gonna work, we gotta get underground.


There's a tunnel system.

Inside of the old mines, not too far from here.

I think it might be deep enough.

What are we waiting for? Let's go.

I don't think that's a bad idea.

This could be a win-win.

Assemble her a team. Give her the requested assets.

If she's right, it's gonna all clean up quite nicely.

Like I said, I want this mess scrubbed and sanitized.

And if she's wrong?

Then nothing's gonna matter, anyway.

We're all screwed.

The professor's been informed of your arrival.

We'll send in exact coordinates.

Hey, we're counting on you to make sure that payload reaches her safely, huh?

Roger that. I'm on it, sir.

It's coming closer.


Well, it's safe for now.

A few more tremors, I don't know.

The whole place feels like it's gonna come down.

A few more quakes and the whole place will come down.

We're not even sure this thing's gonna show up.

I really don't wanna be here anymore.

That answers our question.

That plan B?

Let's hope so.

What are you doing?

Penny! Penny!

Hey, are you okay?

What did they do to you? Hey!

Stop. Come on, you can't do this.

You can't do this.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no. You can't. Come on.

Stop. Sorry. Loose ends.


Didn't think I'd see you again so soon.

That's good luck. Started in the desert.

Hopefully it'll end right here.

I like the sound of that.

Where are they going? Protocol.

They'll be back with the evac at the scheduled time.

They better be.

That's Jameson, our b*mb tech, as ordered.

I hope you guys know what you're doing.

So you have a nuclear b*mb inside that thing?

Yeah, it's a one SADM.

Special Atomic Demolition Munitions.

It's capable of one kiloton detonation.

Ma'am, I was told you're the one with the where and when.

You're gonna do down about a mile down in there and we are running out of time...

Whoa. We can't go down there a mile in that thing for a remote detonation.

I'm assuming that we're not all going down there.

No, they're staying here.


Relax. Be right back.

Look, I know it's cliché, kid.

Just push the red button, okay?

Push the red button.

I'm not pressing anything.

No, you have to, sweetie.

Look, kid, it's not gonna detonate anything.

I-it's just gonna set off the timer.

You'll be alright. You can do it.

I can't do this. Hey, look.

This isn't you painting yourself green and starting some political statement.

You know about that? I do.

And I'm proud of you, and I know you don't know that.

And I need to do a lot of things differently but right now, this is a sacrifice and I need you to be strong.

Can you do that?

Yes. Okay.

Mom? I love you.

I hate to be the one to break this up but we gotta go.

Hold that thought, okay?

You can do this. I love you.

Man, I really hope this works.

Everybody okay? Yeah. Let's go.

Go, go. Go.

We do not know the full extent of damage.

Reports of a sixth major...

We're running out of time.

Base to Bird. Base to Bird.

Come in. Over.

Base to Bird. Base to Bird. Come in, Bird!

This is Bird, sir.

I am still in a holding pattern above the fault line.

Jameson has the package, en route.

But the entire area is unstable, sir.

Copy that.

Three hours and counting, sir.

Come on, man. Keep moving. Keep moving.

Yeah, yeah.

I say we go over to my house. Let's go.

Right there.

You okay? Yeah. I'm okay.

I could activate the b*mb but you're gonna have to tell me when.

Wait, wait, it's close. Just hold on.

We are primed and ready.

No, not yet, it has to be at the exact time or this whole thing is worthless.

Yeah, well, if we don't detonate soon we're all gonna be worthless.

Hope you're right about those calculations, doc.

She is.

Base to Bird. Come in. Over.

This is Bird. I've got explosions all around me.

Damn it!

I hate to break it to you guys, but we got to go right now.


Jessie, hit the button now. Jessie, hit the button.

You have to hit it. You heard her.

I can't leave them in there. I can't.

You have to. They're my family.

It's our orders, and we need to follow them.

Jessie, they'll have time to get out but you have to start the timer.

It's gonna be okay.

Press the button.

Jessie, you can do this.

Come on.

She did it. Let's go.

The new detonation's been set, sir.

Alright, let's get out of here.

You're not going anywhere.

What are you doing?

Just following orders.

No! No!


Come on guys, we got to go.

Alright? We don't have a choice.

We gotta get out of here.

I can't leave them.

We have to get to the helicopter.

Let's go, come on.

Come on.

Go. We have to go.

Come on. Let's go.


There's no evac!

I don't see a helicopter.

They said they were coming back.

Do you see a helicopter?

No. No, they left us!



Ah... Come on.

That's big.

That's it. That's the exit. Go! Go!

Mom! Dad!

Dad! Mom! Dad! Jessie! No!

Jessie! No, Mom.

We gotta go. We have to go.

Dad! Come on.


Jake, let me go!


What happened to the helicopter?

There is no helicopter. It was a set-up.

Get to the truck. Get to the truck.

Everybody hang on!


Faster! We're running out of time!

We're not clear of the blast radius.

Come on, come on!

How do we know when we are clear?

When we're not dead. Move! I'm moving!


How much time do we have?


So, is it over? Yeah.

It's over.

How do you know?

Well, 'cause she has this nasty habit of always being right.

Not about everything.

You okay, doc.

Our country could use more people like you.

I think she made her sacrifice.

I think we all did.

It's time to go.

Hey, professor?

Am I going to get extra credit for this?

Right. Never mind. I'll ask, I'll ask you later.