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04x08 - The General

Posted: 01/30/21 09:02
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Turning the tide!

As Separatist control over vital but isolated supply routes expands, Republic forces inv*de a key planet, the darkened world of Umbara.

In the midst of helping Obi-Wan Kenobi's battalion conquer the Umbaran capital, Anakin Skywalker is called away to Coruscant.

His battalion is temporarily placed under the command of Jedi General Pong Krell, a shrewd and temperamental leader.

Krell's reckless strategy forced Captain Rex to retreat with his platoons in a disastrous defeat.


We have got to move before those fighters come back.

Rex! Rex, over here!

Jesse, take the right flank. Dogma, take the left flank.


It'll be okay, buddy. This will ease the pain.

The capital city's too fortified.

We need your battalion to help us take it.

Resistance from the Umbarans has been greater than anticipated.

We're holding our ground at the moment.

We've gathered intel on an airbase to the west.

It is re-supplying the capital's defenses.

CLONE: Incoming! Incoming!

Get down, get down!

If you could capture that airbase, it will sever the capital's supply lines allowing the rest of our forces to move in.

I'll see to it that the airbase is placed under our control.

Remember, General Krell, the entire invasion depends on your battalion.

Captain Rex, have those coordinates mapped and all troops ready to move out immediately!

Yes, General!

There's a base there, all right, and it's heavily guarded.

At least three t*nk divisions, plus g*ns.

We'll advance along the central gorge and engage their forces in a full-forward as*ault.

The gorge is narrow, sir.

We'll only be able to move our platoons in single squads.

Perhaps a closer recon will tell us if there's a more secure route.

Obi-Wan and the other battalions are holding off the enemy right now while they wait for us to take out this base.

We don't have time to look for a more secure route.

Yes, sir.

All right, listen up.

We'll assemble the squads into two divisions.

We'll move straight up this gorge towards the airbase at the far side.

The casualties are going to be high.

Is Krell trying to get us k*lled?

You know, I wasn't sure that Krell was crazy before, but now I'm positive.

We had to retreat from the capital because the General pushed a flawed strategy. Now this?

I don't know! Could be fun.

Well, I, for one, agree with the General's plan.

We're running out of time and this is the best option.

No recon? No air support? We don't know what we're up against.

They have weapons we've never seen before.

A few of General Skywalker's plans seemed reckless, too, but they worked.

Yeah, but General Skywalker is usually leading his men up in the front not bringing up the rear like General Krell.

A full-forward as*ault would leave us too exposed.


We have to look at other options.

-It's going to be a meat grinder. -Fives.

It would help if you eased their minds.

What, you mean coax them into following another one of Krell's su1c1de missions?

We lost a lot of men last time.

Krell may do things differently, but he is effective in getting them done.

He's a recognized w*r hero.

He may have had some victories, but have you seen his casualty numbers?

More troopers have been k*lled under his command than anyone else!

That's the price of w*r, Fives.

We're soldiers. We have a duty to follow orders and, if we must, lay down our lives for victory.

You believe that, or is that what you were engineered to think?

I honor my code. That's what I believe.

-Is everyone clear on the plan? Hardcase? -Yes, sir.

-Fives, are you clear? -Yeah.

All right, get in your groups. Let's move out.

Everybody stay alert. Fingers on the trigger.

They look spooked.


What the...

Oh, skrag!


Blast it!

Look out!

Its head is ray-shielded!

We need rocket launchers!


Mayday, mayday! Rex, we need rocket launchers now!

Get those rocket launchers down there! Move it, troopers!

-Take it, take it. -Thanks, buddy.

I got him, I got him.


Go! Go, go, go!

Keep moving, keep moving!

-That was close. -You got a point there.

Move it, trooper.

Everyone regroup, now! Take cover!

Move it! Move it!

We're safe for the moment, but they'll be coming around any second.

Bring up the launchers, spread detonators along that corridor.

Trap them into the bottleneck. We're going to blow those things sky high.

Hurry up, we only have a few seconds.


Here they come!

Hey, come on! Over here!

-Let's see how tough you are! -Hey! Hey! Hey!

Right over here!

Over here!


We got her! We got them!

Good job! All right, let's move out.

That one's still got some juice in it, waste it!



No juice left in him either.

Hey! Still hungry?

Chew on that!

Everyone, keep moving.

Hey, Kix, leave it.

We've got a problem.

CLONE: Fall back! Fall back now!

What are they doing?

Captain, continue your att*ck!

Sir, we're overpowered. We need reinforcements!

The rest of the battalion is holding the entrance to the gorge, Captain.

They're guarding it so your troops can break through to the airbase.

-Sir, we can't possibly... -You must stand your ground!

Do you read me?

Captain, are you listening?

Do not fall back! That is an order!

The platoons are in the formation you requested, General.

Should I send them to support Captain Rex?

I'll give the order when I give it, Sergeant Appo.


Keep the wounded as quiet as possible.

All right, you heard the General. Let's go.

You can't be serious.

I used to think General Krell was reckless, but now I'm beginning to think he just hates clones.

The Captain is right. Now let's move out.

We can't take them head-on. We need to find another way.

You got any ideas?

Then this is it.

Okay. Let's do it!



The rocket launchers don't work on these things!


Help me with the wounded!

We got to get these guys out of here.


Forget it, we have to leave them!

We can't just leave them, sir!

You don't have a choice. That's an order!

You sound like General Krell.

Look, Kix, it's more important to save yourself right now.

If we survive, you can patch up the wounded later.

We're finished.

We've still got some fight left in us, Tup, and I've got an idea.

What were you thinking?

Remember what you were saying about finding another way to destroy those tanks?

-Yeah. -Well, I have a mission for you.

CT-7567, where are you?

General Krell, we've come up with a plan to infiltrate the airbase.

What is your plan?

I've dispatched two men on a stealth incursion into the airbase.

They've been ordered to co-opt starfighters and use them against the tanks.

You what?

You've put this entire as*ault on your hope that two clones can do what your entire group could not?

Sir, the rocket launchers don't work on these tanks and it'll be easier to slip by undetected while the rest of us keep the tanks occupied.

Captain, you will launch a full-forward strike immediately or you will be relieved of duty.

We need to hold out as long as we can.

I'm trusting Fives and Hardcase to pull this thing off.

The second they spot us, I start blasting.

Hardcase, can't you take it easy for once?

Stick to the plan, instead of g*ns blazing.

I'm sorry, it's just how I am.

My commander on Kamino said my growth acceleration chamber had a leak.

Made me hyper-active, I guess.

Shh! There's the airbase.


Some kind of sensor wall.

Use the tree to get over the sensor wall.

Uh, how am I supposed to do this, exactly?

Figure it out.


"Figure it out, Hardcase. Figure it out."

What's to figure out about climbing up a tree?

How about you try it next time?

Great, nice view.

I prefer a good fight to all this sneaking around.


Wow, I never actually thought that would work.


So, how do I start this thing?

Well, how should I know? Start pushing buttons!


Glad these things are ray-shielded.

I don't think I can do this!

Watch out!

Let's hope this trip was worth it.

All right, let's go!

Hey, Kix, put it down, you're wasting aim.

-Clear out, Captain! -The big g*ns have arrived, sir!


Take that!



That's the stuff!

CLONE: Whoo-hoo!

-Way to go, boys! -(CHEERING)

Attaboy, Hardcase!

All right, let's bring them home.


Sergeant, their defenses are down.

Send in the rest of our forces. att*ck the airbase!

All units, move out.

Despite Hardcase's flying, you two saved us all.

That wasn't so tough.

You sure? You looked a little green when you came out of that fighter.

Captain. Report. What is our situation?

General, we have taken the base and cut off enemy supply lines to the capital.

Luck has smiled on you today, Captain. Consider yourself fortunate.

It wasn't all luck, sir. A lot of men d*ed to take this base.

The price for such victory. Perhaps someday you'll realize this.


He's the one who will never realize.