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03x15 - Legacy of Mandalore

Posted: 01/30/21 09:59
by bunniefuu
Welcome home.

You really think it's gonna be that bad?

I haven't been back to Krownest since before my time at the Imperial Academy, Ezra.

And I didn't exactly leave on good terms.

Well, maybe things have changed.

They might be happy to see you.

You don't know my family.

I do.

Your mother is the leader of Clan Wren, Sabine.

She may be with the Empire now, but I believe her true loyalty lies with Mandalore.

Even if that were true, she thinks I'm a traitor.

If you can convince your mother to help the rebels, all of Mandalore might follow you and the Darksaber.

I should let them know we're coming so they don't sh**t us down.

That's funny, I...

Wait, you're not kidding, are you?

What happened? They're jamming us.


Sounds like your family just sent out the welcoming committee.

Rockets! Rockets!

I see them.

Didn't you tell them who you were?

That's probably why they're sh**ting at us.


We've lost the main thrusters. Brace for impact!

Looks like recruiting the Wrens will be more difficult than I thought.

You weren't easy to recruit either. So we switch to Plan B.

Better stay out of sight.

I have a feeling we're gonna need you later.

Now, remember, I could be related to these guys.

Don't worry. I'll play nice.



Ezra! What? They shot first, Sabine.



You changed your hair again.

You know me.

Do I?

Who are the Jedi?

They're my friends.

I'll explain everything, I promise.

I'll take you to the stronghold, but I can't vouch for how you'll be greeted.

How can you wear that armor, Tristan?

How could you join them?

You shouldn't have come back, Sabine.


So it's true, then.


Put her in a cell. She'll be held for trial.

Mother, we need to talk.

The Darksaber?

Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, this is my mother, the Countess Ursa Wren.


Whoa, hey! No, no, no, just saying hello.

What did you expect would happen here, Sabine?

That you'd be welcomed with open arms?

You're wanted by the Empire!

I know, but I'm part of the Rebellion now.

Please hear what I have to say.

I will tolerate the Jedi presence in our ancestral home if they surrender their weapons.

Well, that went better than I expected.

That was better?

I hope you're not really expecting us to hand over our lightsabers, are you?

We need to do whatever it takes to make this work.

They'll be safe, Ezra.

All right.

Your rebel friends are going to bring the Empire down on all of us.

You believe the Darksaber will protect you?

It won't.

It's only a symbol.

Yeah, a symbol that's united all Mandalorians in the past.

Look, if we stand together now... Stand together?

Sabine, it's everything I can do to keep the other clans from destroying us because of what you did.

I didn't know the Empire would use the w*apon I designed against our people.

But you don't believe me, do you?

Even if I did, it wouldn't change all the other ruling houses from seeing you as a traitor.

Your own brother now serves Gar Saxon to prove our loyalty and regain some small amount of status.

Gar Saxon is a k*ller.

He's the Emperor's Hand, the acting ruler and governor of Mandalore.

And his men wiped out the Protectors.

The Protectors were ex*cuted for treason, just as Fenn Rau will be when he is found.

They were loyal to Mandalore and Saxon betrayed them!


Fenn Rau's people are dead and mine are not.

And I intend to keep them that way. All of them.

Except for me.

Walk with me.

So you're Sabine's brother?

I didn't even know she had a brother.

I mean, it's not that she didn't want to talk about you, but she just, I don't know, she never really talked about you before.


Yeah? Less is more.

Aren't we here to make friends?

Just let me handle the negotiating.

How could you align with the Empire?

After everything they've done to our people, after what they made me do.

Do you think I didn't try to stop it?

There was nothing I could do, Sabine.

Mandalore was on its knees before the Emperor.

After he put Saxon in power, we had a choice.

Side with him or Clan Wren would be destroyed.

Your father...

Please, don't tell me.

He's alive.

On Mandalore.

A c*ptive in everything but name.

But if Clan Wren acts against the Empire...

They'll k*ll him.

Why didn't you try and find me?

Find you?

Sabine, when you ran away, it saved you.

Don't you understand?

Coming back here has put you in danger.

As much danger as holding that blade.

Where did you get it?

From Maul.

You won it from him in combat?

Not exactly, I...

Then you have no claim to it.

Well, I'm holding it. That's a pretty good claim.

Anyone can hold the Darksaber.

The trick is keeping it, along with your head.

Do you even know how to wield that blade?

You'd be surprised.

Always so immature, so selfish.

Yeah, and what about you?

Always putting power and politics before your own family.

Everything I do is to protect my family, Sabine!

Please! You do it for control.

And your father called me stubborn.

Now I see it in you.

What do you see?

A warrior.

Not the one I'd hoped, but still...

Well, I am your daughter.

How could I be anything less?

Look, the rebels are planning something, and we need your help.

It'd be the first real blow to the Empire and we can show the galaxy that they can be defeated.

Please tell me these rebels are more than just a blind Jedi and some child.

Our numbers are growing every day.

Mother, this could be the key to freeing Mandalore from Imperial control.

I am not a traitor.

I want to save Mandalore too, but it needs a strong leader.

You have to trust me... just like I'm trusting you.

Mother, you're being summoned by Sundari.

How's it going?

You know Mom. She hasn't changed.

No, but it's nothing a little sparring practice won't work out.

You game? Sure.

It's been a long time since I put you in your place.

Leave those and go.

My daughter has come home.

What of her rebel friends?

She's with two Jedi.

You've done well, Ursa. Keep them there.

The Jedi are yours, but my daughter...

Don't you worry, Countess.

Clan Wren will be well taken care of

The Jedi would like to speak with you.


You believe you know my daughter better than me?

You don't know what it's taken for her just to be here.

You should listen to her.

She's a child.

I believe you're underestimating the woman she's become.

Why would Clan Wren ever side with the Empire anyway?

Sabine said that your family were true Mandalorians, loyal only to...

You have no idea what you're talking about, boy.

I know that she was telling the truth about the Protectors before.

Sabine and I fought Gar Saxon on Concord Dawn.

He was proud that he wiped them all out.

Sabine, she fought Governor Saxon?

Yeah, she did. And she held her own.

Then I'm afraid what I have to do is unfortunate.

You've been practicing, brother.

Let me guess. You think I'm a traitor too.


But when you left, the other clans turned their backs on us.

We lost everything!

Our power in the Capital... our respect and our honor.

If I can restore our family's name... if I can protect Father, then I have to try.

Saxon promised!

Gar Saxon cannot be trusted.

Mother trusts him.

Enough to trade the Jedi for your safety.

Mother, what have you done?

You can't do this!

Yes, she can.

Because she is loyal.

Just not to you.

I believe you have something else for me.


Sabine, this is for the best.

I've upheld my end of the bargain, Saxon.

You have the Darksaber. Take the Jedi and let my daughter go.

Your mother betrayed everything you believe in to save you.

It's admirable... except she consorted with known traitors to do it.

What are you talking about?

Why, Countess, you are harboring rebels here.

Clan Wren is clearly a threat to the Empire and must be made an example of.

Governor, wait!

It doesn't have to be this way.

We are all Mandalorians.

I've been fair to you, Tristan, and you've served me well.

I'll give you a choice.

Stand with me, or die with your family.

I choose family.

Then Clan Wren ends here.

Took you long enough!


I've been busy.

Remember, only blast the guys...

In white, I got it.


You will be taken back to Mandalore to finish what you started, the last living member of the Wren Clan.


By Mandalorian custom and law, no one can interfere.

Are your customs more important than the life of your daughter?

I'm impressed. You have some skill.

But not enough to save you.

That's funny.

I was about to say the same thing to you.


I'll never yield to you, girl.

You'll have to k*ll me.

That might be the Mandalorian way... but it's not my way.

Not anymore.


No one threatens our family.

Gar Saxon was guilty of treason against the throne, collaboration with our enemy, and the execution of my fellow Protectors.

But when the rest of Mandalore finds out about his death, there will be chaos.

Perhaps Mandalore needs chaos if it's to become strong once again, and so that we may find a leader worthy of our people.

Sure, now you show up when all the fighting is over.

The Empire will come for you once they find out what's happened here.

The Rebellion can help.

The same Rebellion that sent you for my help?


Mandalore must rise by itself.

We protect our own.

So do we. Sabine?

She's right.

Wait. You're not coming with us?

I'm done running away.

My father's on Mandalore.

We'll find a way to get him back.

And then...

Then maybe we can join the fight against the Empire.

But right now...

I can do more good here.

I am so...

Do not say you're proud of me.

Me? Never.

But I am going to miss you.

We all will.

Thank you. Both of you.

You did well today.

All of Clan Wren saw who you've become.

You could lead Mandalore.


This was about my family.

I'm not Mandalore's leader.

But I'll find the person who is.