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01x09 - Secrets and Holograms

Posted: 01/30/21 18:09
by bunniefuu
[droids beeping]

All right, guys, listen up.

The Platform Classic is tomorrow.

And if Yeager's gonna let us watch it, we need to finish these repairs as quickly as we...

What are you smiling about, Kaz?

Me? Oh, um, nothing. No reason.

Alright, spit it out already.

Let's just say I heard a rumor, and if it's true, it's gonna make the Platform Classic, the biggest race in the galaxy.

Trust me, Yeager is gonna be so happy.

Yeager happy? As in happy?

That seems very unlike-- Oh, I get it.

You are proposing another joke.

Am I correct, Kaz? [laughing]

[condescending beep]

Okay, g*ng, keep working on those repairs.

Captain Doza wants to see me about something important.

Can we go too, Yeager? Please? Please?

Why do you wanna go so badly? And what are you smiling about?

-That's what I wanna know. -Nothing.

[chuckles] Nothing at all.

We should go see what Doza wants.

Yeager. Thank you for coming so quickly.

What do you need his time, Doza? More last minute repairs?

Well, I know I've been calling on you quite often of late, old friend, but these are desperate times.

What is it? Pirates? Saboteurs?

The Platform Classic.

Uh, what about it?

The Classic is a chance to bring much-needed money to our economy. The prize is 100,000 credits.

The Aces will be in it, of course, but this time, I wanted to make it bigger than ever.

So I'm calling on you, Yeager. The best of the best.

Sorry, my racing days are long over.

I knew you'd say that.

But I also know you could never resist competing with a legend.

[Marcus] It's been a long time.

I'm sure I don't have to introduce famous sky-racer Marcus Speedstar.

Three-time winner of the Five Sabers.

Whoa, Marcus Speedstar.

I can't believe it.

Hard to believe it's been almost ten years, Jarek.

Wait, you know Marcus Speedstar?

Of course I know him. He's my brother.

[heroic fanfare]

This will be the greatest Platform Classic the galaxy has ever seen.

Jarek Yeager versus Marcus Speedstar.

Brother versus brother.

The answer's still no.

My racing days, like my days of dealing with him, are over.

Now, hold on a minute, Jarek. We need to talk.

Surprised you'd even agree to this, "Speedstar."

[snickers] See you again in another decade.

So great to meet you, Marcus. Big fan.

I'm Kaz, by the way. Hey!

Mm, Yeager, sir, why does your brother have a different last name?

You thought "Speedstar" was real?

You knew all about this, Kaz?

I heard rumors that Marcus Speedstar was gonna be here.

But I didn't know he was your brother.

And the more handsome one at that.

Been too long since I've seen my big brother.

He's the one who taught me to fly when we were kids.

Wow, Yeager used to be a kid?

[clears throat] Look, I'm busy. And you got a race to prepare for.

Look, I didn't come all the way out here to race you, Jarek.

I came out to see you.

Well, then you wasted your trip.


-[Kaz] Oh, hey, ooh. -[Tamara] Wha?

He likes us.

That's a traditional Cracek greeting of friendship.

My name is Neeku. This is Kaz and Tam.

[shrieks amicably]

Huh. Everyone, meet Oplock and the astromech R4-D12.

[droids beep]

I'm surprised to see you here.

I thought we agreed we'd never race again.

I know that, but Doza doesn't.

Besides, I didn't come here to race.

I came here to talk.

You already know I don't wanna talk to you.

That hasn't changed.

Well, you know what else hasn't changed? You're still the only family I have left.

I don't want us not speaking to one another.

I see Oplock is still with you, even after what happened. I don't know why.

It's because Oplock forgave me.

He judges me on the person I am.

Unlike you, Oplock decided to help me through things.

Well, it looks like you have him and you have your fame.

Because let's be honest, that's what you really wanted all along, the fame.

And you did whatever you had to do to get it.

It was easy to win after you dropped out.

And I guess that's what I'm gonna do tomorrow, win.

See you around, brother.

You know you could never beat me.

Yeah, but you and I are the only ones that know that.

Come on, Oplock, D12. We're gone.

You go behind my back like that again, you're out of here.

-Understand me? -Yes, sir.

I... I didn't realize you were so afraid to race again.

Yes, especially against your own brother.

Afraid? I taught Marcus everything he knows.

He couldn't touch me.

It just so happens we have an agreement not to race one another.

Probably because he's considered one of the greatest racers in the galaxy.

One of the greatest? Hah!

You clearly don't know what you're talking about.

Well, I mean, if you're not gonna race...

We would have to assume Marcus is the better pilot.

Oh, I see, you think I'm making all this up.

Well, just watch.

I'll go challenge him and he'll back down. That's how this always works.

[Marcus] Ha-ha! Thank you, but seriously, I can pay for my own drinks.

Nonsense, Marcus Speedstar.

It's an honor to have you here.

It's not often we get celebrity racers out here as big as you.

Oh, great. Guavian Death g*ng.

[concerned beep]

Looks like our little maneuver back on Rishi didn't work like I'd hoped.

[speaking foreign language]

Wha? Oh, hey, Guavians.

Small galaxy. How is everyone?

Looking nice and... red. Really red.

[speaking foreign language]

That was your ship back on Rishi? I never realized.

I would've stuck around if I knew it was you fellas.

-[cup clinks on floor] -[speaking foreign language]

Which is exactly why I'm here.

As soon as I win this race, those 20,000 credits will be all yours.

[speaking foreign language]

[whimpering growl]

Wha--wha--what? You're taking Oplock until I pay?

Come on, boys, let's be reasonable.


It's okay, Oplock, just go with the nice Death g*ng for the next few hours.

There's nothing to worry about.

There isn't a pilot here who stands a chance against me.

[Jarek] Marcus.


I've changed my mind.

I'm racing you in the Platform Classic.

Hope you don't mind the competition.

[chuckles] You don't wanna do that.

See? He's quitting, like he always does.

See you tomorrow at the big race, brother.

Wait, what are you doing?

I came here hoping things had changed.

But if you're not willing to forgive me, what's the point?

I need that money.

All right, bets are now open for the Platform Classic.

Don't be shy, Ladies and Genarians.

Put your credits down right here.

-Whoo-whoo-hoo! -Fifty on Yeager.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Everybody calm down.

I'm not gonna race.

You know, once you agree to race, you can't back out of it.


So, uh, weren't you trying to prove Marcus wouldn't race you?

Jarek. You gotta let me explain.

I sort of temporarily lost my mechanic.

The Guavian Death g*ng has him and--

Stop right there. I don't wanna know. It's just more of the same from you.

You need a mechanic? Here's one.

Kaz, why don't you help him out?

Huh? Oh, well, I, uh...

There, you got my best mechanic.


Your best mechanic?

I didn't say what he was best at?

Reorient that cam slider, kid.

Sure, the uh... Yeah, I just need a, um...

So your Jarek's best mechanic?

-Well, um, top three. -[beeps]

Actually, I'm a pilot too, mostly.

When I found out that you were Yeager's brother, I couldn't believe it. You're amazing.

I mean, the Baktan 5000.

No, Jarek was the amazing one.

He could've been one of the greatest racers in the galaxy.

I knew Yeager was at the Battle of Jakku, but why did he leave the defense fleet?

-He never told you? -He's not exactly open.

After the w*r with the Empire, the military downsized.

Yeager and I raced for a living.

[chuckles] I raced for myself. For the fame and the glory.

But he was racing for something more.

His family.

-So you know about them? -Yeah.

He had a wife and daughter. Yeager never talks about them.

We competed in some big races together, but I could never beat him.

I wanted to win. I wanted to win so badly, just to be the best.

So I juiced up my racer with some hyperfuel.

That stuff is dangerous.

We were neck and neck, approaching the last hoop.

I opened up the throttle, but I wasn't ready for the power.

I clipped Yeager's ship, and sent the whole race out of control.

I thought the hyperfuel would guarantee me a victory, but it ruined everything.

[Tamara] Yeager. [whistles]

Wow, look at her.

She's a thing of beauty.

Boosters need a little fine tuning, though.

Can you bring me a fresh generator ring from my office?

You got it.

Yeager, sir, I have to ask, why did you stop speaking with Marcus?

My people would offer a sibling one of our own hearts, or multiple internal organs if so requested.

I know, Neeku.

Brothers are supposed to be there when you need them most.

Mine wasn't.

So, uh... how did you get in trouble with the Guavian Death g*ng?

Had to borrow a few credits.

Fell into hard times after I lost a couple of races.

No big deal.

Is that why you decided to come here?

Just for the money?

[scoffs] No.

There are plenty of races across the galaxy, kid.

I wanted to see my brother again.

I've been looking for him for years.

I mean, how could I pass this up?

[excited beeping]

Heh, I know, Bucket, it's been a while.

You haven't forgotten how to co-pilot this baby, have you?

-[beeps] -[Kaz] Yeager.

You know, you should forgive your brother, for whatever he did.

You don't know what you're asking of me.

But he's your brother.

Did he tell you I had a family?

Did he tell you I had a wife and a kid?

No. There's a reason he didn't tell you that.

Well, your brother loves you. He wanted to be just like you.

Marcus has never cared about anyone other than himself.

That's not true.

Look, his mechanic is in trouble with the Guavian Death g*ng.

He needs that prize money to pay them off.

That's not my concern.

[announcer] Racers to the Starting Dock.

The Platform Classic is about to begin.

Your droid looks a little worried.

[anxious beeping]

[Marcus] Nah, as soon as the race is underway, old D12 comes alive.

Unlike Bucket over there, who'll probably blow a fuse before the race even starts.

[defensive beeping]

Yeager, I know you won't like to hear this, but...

I have to win this race.

You've been singing that song since we were kids.

-Never gonna happen. -You don't understand.

I didn't come here just to race.

Yeah, you came here to lose.

But you lost me a long time ago.

[countdown lights beeping]

[announcer] And they're off!

The racers are entering Phase One, the obstacle course.

Whoo! All right, D12, time to shine.

[ship whirring]

[Jarek] Always had respect for D12. Can't believe that old droid stuck by you.

[Jarek] Goes to show droids are different than their pilots.

What is that supposed to mean?

[rings ding]

[excited beeping]

[announcer] Jarek Yeager and his brother Marcus Speedstar take an early lead.

Neck and neck at the front of the pack.

The first of the racers is entering Phase Two, The Climb.

The Phase two atmospheric climb only ends when the racers reach the very edge of space.

I can never forgive you for what you did.

[Marcus] How many times did I try to talk to you and you disappeared?

[announcer] As they pass through the hoop, an ion pulse shuts off their engines.

They're now in Phase Three, The Powerless Plummet.

[speaking foreign language]

I left because I lost everything. Everything, because of you.

You don't understand. I've been trying to tell you all this time.

[wing clanks]

[Neeku] Oh, I cannot watch.

The plummet is the most dangerous part of the race.

-They're just gliding. -From space, Kaz.

If they miss the re-ignition hoop, their engines won't come back on.

They will crash.

[concerned beeping]

-I see him, D12. -[groans]

[wing scrapes]


[cheers and applause]

[announcer] And the racers are entering the home stretch.

You know you could never beat me.

-Why do you even try? -Because this time it matters.

I have to win.

Hah, that's what you've always said. You just want the fame and the glory.

That's all that matters to you.

I admit, I cheated. I wanted to win so badly.

But that's not me anymore. I have people who depend on me.

And if I don't win this race, they're gonna die.

Like those people who died when you caused that crash?

My family, gone, because of you.

Because all you care about is yourself.

Not anymore, Jarek.

I've spent years hunting you down to tell you how sorry I am.

To tell you how much I loved them too.

I know I couldn't say it before.

I was too ashamed. And then you disappeared.

I miss them every day, Jarek.

And you too, brother. I'm so sorry.

Jarek, believe me when I say I am racing for more than myself this time.

Like you used to.

[speaking foreign language]

You deserve to win this, brother.

No, you need it.

And the winner is Marcus Speedstar.

[cheers and applause]

[credits clink]

There. Paid in full.

[speaking foreign language]


[speaking foreign language]

[groans and babbles]

Oplock, it's good to have you back, buddy.

-They treat you okay? -[dispirited groan]

[speaking foreign language]

We've got some extra money left over too, thanks to Jarek here.

It's good to have you back, brother.

I was just about to say the same thing.

Are we good?


But we will be one day.

Well, it's better than where we were.

[engine whirs]

[turbines roar]

You were amazing out there, Yeager.

You would've had an incredible racing career.

Maybe, maybe not.

And here's something I don't often say, You were right.

It's important to forgive people.

When you don't, nobody wins.

-Di--did I say that? -Not in so many words.

BB-8, I think Yeager and I are becoming friends.


Okay, maybe not friends like you and I are friends, but--

-[beeping] -What? We're friends.

I--I thought you and I were friends.

I mean, we're definitely buddies, right?

Come on. Confidants at the very least?

Allies? Pal?

[heroic fanfare]

[theme music playing]