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01x12 - Eye to Eye

Posted: 01/31/21 07:58
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously, on Hardy Boys...

Where's your nephew now?

MRS. KHAN: Three weeks
ago, he disappeared.

And I believe you're
the man to find him.


- FENTON: Rupert Khan?
- Yeah.

- You knew my wife.
- I was helping her

to destroy the Circle of The Eye.

GLORIA: Ever since I heard they
found that piece on the boat,

I've been thinking about my successor.

The legacy of The Eye
will fall to you, Francis.

"The only place The Eye
can be broken or reforged

is in the chamber of The
Eye where we discovered it.

I think that it's the only place
it can be destroyed, as well."



FRANK: He does something crazy
every time I don't listen to him.

So, why didn't you listen?

Because he wants to destroy
The Eye and I don't. That's why.

He is right about one thing, though.
We'd probably be safer without it.

CALLIE: Okay, so just tell him
he was right... when we find him.

- [LAUGHING] You okay?

- JOE: Yeah.
- When you've lost as much as we have,

sometimes you have to take big risks.

GEORGE: We have gone too far this time!

We have blood on our hands.

We are not responsible for those deaths.

VICTOR: You cannot simply walk
away from the Circle, George.

GEORGE: No, I can't wait.
It's not safe here anymore.

They're coming.

I have to get out of Bridgeport tonight.

I'll contact you when I land.


Wait there.



It's them.

It's the Circle, isn't it?


Let me help.

GEORGE: Gloria...

You are my daughter, and
I will always love you.

But you will never be part
of the Circle of The Eye.

GLORIA: Just tell me why.

What did I do?

It isn't your fault, darling.

It's mine.


I know one day you'll understand.

And I hope you'll forgive me.

Goodbye, Gloria.


- FRANK: Joe, wake up.
- Aah!

Get dressed. Attic.
Five minutes. Hurry up.

Don't let this go to your head.

But... you were right.

I like where this is going already.

I've thought about it, and
we need to destroy The Eye.

Nice to have you on board.

What do you think I was
trying to do this whole time?

You wanted to destroy one
piece of it. That's not enough.

We need to destroy the entire thing.

And how do you suppose we do that?

I mean, even if we could get the
other two pieces, which we can't,

the only place that it can
be destroyed is the chamber.

And we have no idea where that is.

This map is useless.


Maybe not.

I think we missed something.

George built that entire room

to hide everything
he knew about The Eye.

He even hid it from his own daughter.

The way to the chamber is
in there. I'm sure of it.

Well, even if it was, Grandma
wouldn't just let you walk in.

FRANK: She would if she thinks
I'm gonna give her what she wants.

- JOE: She wants you.
- FRANK: She wants control of The Eye.

That's our leverage.

- What's this?
- STEFAN: Just came in.

My dossier on the man
who att*cked the Astghik,

k*lled the crew, and stole
your piece of The Eye.

Turns out he was a known
associate of Victor Nabokov.

Ex-military. Did the
dirty work for the family.

Victor died months before the attack.

He couldn't possibly have ordered it.

STEFAN: That's what concerns me, ma'am.

He must have named a successor.

The Nabokovs, the Khans,
and the Estabrooks.

All the families back in play.

The rivalry of one generation,

passing on to the next.

JOE: You can't just give her the piece.

If you do, she won't have any
reason to tell you anything.

This is the best shot we have!

If you have another idea, let's hear it,

but for right now,
this is the best option.

So, you're going undercover.

Mom wanted to expose the truth,
and bring down the Circle.

No Eye, no Circle.

Let's finish what she started.




- Yeah, I'm just going to work.
- TRUDY: Can you come here, please?



What's up?


I'm gonna ask you something, and
I want you to level with me, okay?

Yeah, yeah. Sure. Of course.

That thing. The... The piece.

It's here, isn't it?




Look, I know you think
I'm some sort of obstacle

that you have to get by...

I don't think that.

Okay, maybe sometimes just a little bit.


Look, I get it.

I may not know what that
thing even is, but...


I know a lot of people have
been hurt because of it.

I want it out of the house.


I'm working on it.

I gotta go.

I'll talk to you later.



Miss me?

Don't flatter yourself.

I see you've come to your senses.

I'll take the piece now, Mr. Cox.

[GRUNTING]: Hold on. Hold on.

It took me forever to
climb through that window,

so just give me a minute.


Things didn't exactly go as planned.

I don't have it.

- GLORIA: Stefan...
- I had the Khan piece.


And I lost it.

To whom?

You make me an offer,
and I will tell you.

You know, you're as bad a
negotiator as you are a thief.

Ouch. I'm not gonna
hold that against you,

- because we're such good friends.
- Stefan, get in here, please.

She has two pieces now.

- GLORIA: Who has?
- This -year-old girl. Okay?

I got a little bit ambitious,
went after her, this happened.

- A -year-old girl did that to you?
- No.

No, not her specifically.
She has... people.


This is what we're going to do.

You want to get paid,

you finish the job.

My two grandsons are in
possession of my piece of The Eye.

[CHUCKLES] You want to steal
from your own grandkids?

It's not stealing. It's already mine.


Yeah, okay. Fine. You got a deal.

- Now?
- No, tomorrow. Yes, now.




- Oh, hey.

CALLIE: Called your house.
Your aunt said you were here.

How's Joe doing?

- He's fine.

You know Joe. Nothing really phases him.


Well, other than trying to
navigate the inner politics

of a menacing secret society
run by my grandmother,

- I'm doing great.
- Right.

Seriously, whatever issues the
two of you have had in the past,

she's still your grandmother,

and I don't think she would
ever do anything to hurt you.

You'd think so, right?

Which is way more than
I can say about Stacy.

Do you actually think
Stacy's gonna help you?

What are you talking about?

I saw her kiss you.

Callie, that was... that was nothing.

But that girl is using you.

You can see that. Right?

Or are you actually
just like every other guy

the second a girl shows him
the slightest bit of attention?

That's actually not what's happening,

but if you want to take it out on
me because Chet broke up with you,

then you, you go right ahead.


You know, for such a smart guy,
you can be pretty dumb sometimes.

- Callie. Callie, wait.

- STACY: Ooh. What was that?



That did not look like nothing.

You know, it's funny. I'm
actually starting to enjoy

all the silly high school drama.

Like, no wonder her
boyfriend dumped her, right?

Come on. Everybody knows.

She saw us kiss.

Well, it's probably better
that she knows about us.


Yeah. Us.

Now that Joe's safe, you and
I can move ahead with our plan.

And what plan is that, exactly?

Frank, we want the same thing.

We do?


To get revenge on the
people who made us orphans.

I'm not an orphan.

Frank, do you even know
where your father is?



It's okay, though.

Because we have each other.




FENTON: Not exactly
the presidential suite.

RUPERT: It's fine. It's
a good place to lay low.

- FENTON: Good.

'Cause you're gonna have to stay
put till we get some answers.

Don't answer the door.

With what we been through, don't worry.

You think your aunt's gonna play along?

She's gonna have no choice.

All right. Thank you, Rupert.

Laura was a friend.
She deserves justice.

All right. I'll see you soon.

- Listen, okay?
- Yeah, yeah.

Call me the second Kanika calls you.

- Okay.
- You have my number.






You okay?


Mm-hmm. Perfect, just
like five minutes ago.

I'm gonna go take a shower.

You're gonna be fine, right?

I think I'll make it.

Okay. Well, um...

Call if you need me. Okay?



Geez. You fall down one mineshaft...





You look terrible.


You gonna let me in?

No. Don't think so.

Okay. One, you are way too
young to be this cynical.

Okay? Two,

I've run into a bit of
bad luck with my last job.

It didn't exactly go according to plan.

Maybe you should find a different job.

It's not the job. It's the people.

Come on, buddy.


If I let you in, you do what I say,

and you leave when I tell you.

Yeah. Your house, your rules. Got it.

Gah. All right.




I am fine by the way.
Don't need any help.

I've let you into my house
twice. I've helped you enough.


Well, Joey, now that you mention it...

What do you want?


Are you expecting company?

No. Wait here.


And don't touch anything.

FENTON: Hello?

Hey. Remember me?

- Dad!


JOE: I missed you so much.

Missed you more.

- I sincerely doubt that.


No more trips.

- No more trips.
- Ever again.

Ever again, no more trips?

- Yeah.

Where's your brother?

Probably at work.

He's at work, huh?

Yeah, yeah. He got a job at Wilt's.

The dorky hat and everything.

- Frank got a job at Wilt's?
- Yeah.

He still can't make a coffee
to save his life, though.


You look a little taller, maybe.

Wait. Wait, really?

Well... actually, maybe not.


- What's that?
- Oh. Oh, that was nothing.

Probably just Trudy.

Let me take your bags.


Hey, buddy. It's okay.

It's okay.

I'm gonna be home for a while, okay?

Listen, I know you said you're okay,

but do you want me to
make you a sandwich?

Sure, yeah. I'll, I'll take a sandwich.




- FENTON: Hey.

- Trudy. Hey.
- Hey, Fent.

- You're back.
- Are you okay?

There's a man in Joe's room.

FENTON: Who are you?

Who are you?

What's he doing here?

You know him?


Well, one of you better
tell me what's going on.

His name's JB.

He's a friend.

He got hurt, so I was helping out.

- He's not your friend.
- Yes, he is.

- He kidnapped you.
- He what?

Start talking.

JOE: So, the tall man
k*lled everybody on the boat,

chased after Ern,

who you might remember held me
at knifepoint at the barbecue.

Then he chased me through the carnival,

- into some haunted...
- Wait, he came after you?

Yeah, he was going for the
piece of The Eye that Joe found.

JOE: Then Frank took a test
to get into some fancy school

started by Grandma's dad,

that turned out to be a training
ground for a secret society.

Oh, and we decoded this message

that told us where the
idol was gonna be sold.

We figured that if we
knew who the buyer was,

they might be able to tell
us what Mom was working on.

You missed a lot.

So, did you call the police?
Did you tell them everything?

Jesse knows everything, but her hands
are tied because of Chief Collig.

I'm not following.
What's wrong with Ezra?

- He's involved.
- FENTON: What?

He's corrupt.

Do you realize how serious
an accusation that is, Frank?

Do you have proof?

Dad, this piece of fabric
was found at the drop site,

and it matches a tear in Collig's coat.

Wait, how did you match that?

Well, I... I...

I broke into his house.

Well, I don't know where to start.

Do you realize how lucky the two
of you are that you weren't hurt?

Or even worse?

And Trudy, where were you in all this?

- I...
- It's not her fault.

She tried to stop us.

You know what? We're
gonna deal with that later.

Do you have the piece of The Eye?

Well, where is it?

Don't worry. It's safe.

Go get it. Now. Go!


I expected better judgment from you.

- Seriously?
- FENTON: Yeah.


JOE: Frank!

- No, no, no, no, no, no, no!


- FRANK: What? What's wrong?
- It's gone.

- What?
- It's gone.



- Fenton.

She's on her way.

When can you get back here?

leave as soon as I can.

Ah, I'd like you to be
here sooner than that.

Please, you gotta hurry.

Okay. I'm on my way.

- You're leaving?

- Yeah.
- JOE: Again?

- FRANK: Where are you going?
- I'm gonna go see Rupert.

This is all connected.
I want you to stay put,

and I'll be home soon.

Dad, we have to get the piece.

Dad, Joe's right. Whatever
else is going on right now

won't matter if they
get all three pieces.

Guys, this no longer concerns you.

I don't want you going
anywhere near anybody

that has anything to do with
The Eye, or anything else.

Well, it's a little late for that
now. They're already involved.

And that should have never happened.

You weren't here.

Excuse me?

What did you expect? That we were
just gonna sit around and do nothing?

No, you've done enough, And
now it's no longer your problem.

- Dad, you just... you don't...
- FENTON: Hey!

Stay out of it.



Sorry, boys.

You know how he is.


Where are you going?

If we want to destroy The Eye,

we have to get all three pieces in
the chamber before the Circle does.

We don't even know where the chamber is.

We don't even have a piece.

Oh, I think I know someone who does.

If you want to convince
Grandma that you're on her side,

you need to go all in,
or she won't believe you.

You're right.

Wait here.

Take these.


Good luck.




I'm so relieved.

Are you... you all right?

- I'm fine.

Fenton Hardy found me before
your people could finish the job.

MRS. KHAN: You know.

Yeah, we know.

That you hired me to
get me out of Bridgeport?

That you tore up his
apartment. You beat him up,

so you could find out
what him and Laura knew.

Did you k*ll my wife?

Of course not.

Did you k*ll Victor Nabokov?

Victor died before the last
part of The Eye was found.

[SCOFFS] What reason would
I have had to k*ll Victor?

Oh, I don't know. Two pieces of The Eye.

Twice as useless without
the Estabrook piece, so no.

I would not have taken that risk.

Put myself in the position I'm in now.

What position?

The Khans are no longer in
possession of their piece of The Eye.

Someone stole it from me.


MRS. KHAN: I'm not certain,

but I believe there's a new
person acting against the Circle.

Possibly the same
person who k*lled Victor.

And Laura.

So, all of this
planning, and you lost it.

All the time you spent trying to
cut my father out of the family,

hunting and nearly
k*lling your own nephew,

and you have nothing.

Rupert, I don't believe anyone
could say that I have nothing.

This belonged to your wife, Mr. Hardy.

It may provide some answers for you.

You stole that from my flat.


- What is it?
- RUPERT: It's a message to Laura.

From her grandfather.

She sent it to me when she
thought her life was in danger.

I never had a chance to listen to it.

You're not gonna just give me
this tape and walk out of here.

You're gonna help us.

Or what?

Are you going to arrest me, Mr. Hardy?

RUPERT: He won't have to.

We know all your enemies.

FENTON: There's blood on your hands.

So I'm gonna make you a deal.

And you're gonna take it.

Thank you, Mr. Cox.

I look forward to
never seeing you again.


I knew it.

You know, Joe's probably
the one person on Earth

who actually liked and trusted you.

He helped you, and this
is what you go and do?


I was hired to do a job.


FRANK: Who hires a thief to
steal from their own grandson?

- Francis.
- FRANK: And him?

He put a target on Joe's back.

He brought him right here
as a hostage to trade.

I tried to be patient.

And then I grew tired of it.

You said that you cared about us.

Stefan, show Mr. Cox out. I
need a moment with my grandson.

Come with me.

Francis, I'm not happy about
the way this has all transpired.

But I'm asking you, what
would you have had me do?

You could have given
this to me at any time,

but you chose not to.

You even lied to me about having it.

You ignored the dangers you were
putting you and your brother in.

You seem to feel entitled,

as if you had more right
to the thing than I.

And I gave you time.

Time to see the bigger picture.

I was going to give it to you.

But you stole it before I could.

I told Joe that you
wanted what we wanted,

and that I was sick of the games.

He begged me to wait.

Told me that we had to
agree, because we were family.

I told him that you were family, too.

Families don't always agree.

I think I understand why you did it.

'Cause you had to.

And The Eye, it's
bigger than everything.

[SOFTLY]: Yes.


Why did you come here just now?

To tell you that JB stole our piece.

And to return these.


The journal. Thank you.

FRANK: We never did
figure out what it was for.

It was on the wall.

Yes, yes. I know. I remember.

Thank you, Francis.

So what do we do now?

Well, we protect the family legacy.

And reclaim our place in the Circle.


You go ahead.




What are you doing?

Just give me a minute. Okay, Joe?

GEORGE [ON TAPE]: One can never
know what The Eye has planned.

The Circle thinks they do.

But such power is not
meant to be controlled,

and that, my dear
Laura, is why I must go.

I've decided to flee
with my piece of The Eye.

If it remains, it can be made
whole by the other families.

But as long as the pieces
forever remain apart,

The Eye can do no more harm.

No one can ever know where I
am taking the Estabrook piece,

least of all, your mother,

who can only see the possibilities,
but not the consequences.

- GLORIA: Enough.


Come in.


Our deepest sympathies on
the loss of your father.

- Give us the room.

- Now, Laura.
- I know where the door is.

- SERGEI: It's not easy losing a parent, ah?

Somehow, I don't think
you share my loss.

Your father and I had our differences.

He had his ideas.

He wasn't very interested
in listening to ours.

AHMED: His ideas threatened The Eye.

Reaching out, as you did,

it was the right decision.

SERGEI: We know you were
not his chosen successor.

But if you know the
location of his piece,

that could change your situation.

Until all parts of The Eye
have been accounted for,

we cannot discuss your
future in the Circle.

Where is his piece?

I have no idea.

Don't sit.


My father never respected my opinion.

He treated me like an outsider.

But the Circle is bigger than my father.

It's bigger than all of us.

That's the reason I called you when
he tried to flee with his piece.

We mustn't let our past differences

get in the way of our future.


When I find my piece of The Eye,

I will remember this moment.

And I can promise you, I
won't repeat his mistakes.

You're wiser than he
gave you credit for.

GEORGE [ON TAPE]: Laura, by now
you know I was not a perfect man,

and my sins will no
doubt catch up with me.

You are the only one I trust.

Your music box is the key.
Use it when the time is right,

and you'll learn the
truth about everything.

Whatever you decide to
do with that knowledge,

I know you'll do it
for the right reasons.

I only ask that you
never let your mother,

or anyone else, reassemble The Eye.

Where's Frank?

- JOE: At Grandma's.
- TRUDY: He's where?






Do you have any idea how happy I am

that you're here with me?

Especially now.

Why now?

You're an asset.


- Don't look so surprised, my darling.

STEFAN: The guests have arrived, ma'am.

Thank you, Stefan.

Ah, Kanika. Thank you for coming.

And finally, I meet the
infamous Anastasia Nabokov.

Why are we here, Gloria?

GLORIA: After a long
and circuitous journey,

I'm happy to report that the
Estabrook piece of The Eye

has finally found its way home.

Thanks to Francis,

my grandson, and my successor.

Please. Won't you all come in?

I didn't know Victor had a daughter.


That's because he hid
his daughter from you.

Hey, Frank.

GLORIA: So, here we are.

The Circle is complete again.

And The Eye can be
used as it was intended,

in cooperation by all of us,
and all who come after us.

We have been broken for too long.

Because of your father.

No, because of all of our fathers.

Because of their ambition, and greed.

My father only broke The Eye

as a last resort to ensure cooperation.

Or to ensure control.

Your father acted alone. Do
you remember that part, Gloria?

STACY: Which one of you
two k*lled my father?

Or was it both of you?

Just all this talk about
fathers got me thinking about...

We learnt that Victor's
death was of natural causes.

There's nothing natural
about a neurotoxin.

He lived, by the way, for
a few more painful days.

Just long enough to tell
me what I needed to know.

And what was that?

That you're both vipers.

MRS. KHAN: And what sort
of snake did he say he was?


Why are you even here?

Don't you need to
have a piece of The Eye

in order to be a part of the Circle?

MRS. KAHN: Yes, I see him in you.

You're the one who stole it.

No. She did.

I stole it from the thief she hired
when he tried to steal mine, too.

GLORIA: No, you stole
my piece from my boat

moments after it was found.

Well, after you didn't know
where it was for how long again?

GLORIA: Our families,
for the past years,

have worked against one another.

It's time we came together.

It's time for a truce.

STACY: A truce. So that
we can hug and make up.

My grandmother's right.

Everyone in this room has
lost something to The Eye.

But this isn't about the
damage that's been done.

This is a chance to work together.

We should take it.

[SCOFFS] That's really sweet, Frank.

But this party sucks.


I have one piece of The
Eye, and you have two.

We need one another.

What kind of person would I be

if I made a deal with
someone who k*lled my father?


- Stacy, wait.
- What?

Just come inside. We
can figure this out.

You and me, or you and Gloria?


What is so funny, Kanika?

I'm sorry, but this...

This is just all so absurd.

Why is that?

You know, I... I, I
had wondered for a while

if Victor's death might have
been an inside job, but...

seeing that girl today,

it's clear it wasn't.

They are gonna make the same
mistakes as they always have, Frank.

Her, and the generation before her.

But we'd be different.

We can fix what they've ruined.


You don't want to destroy The
Eye. You want it for yourself.

- You're the same as everyone else.
- I am nothing like them.

Look, and I know that
you aren't, either.

It's not too late to start
again the right way, Frank.

Just you and me.

You know whatever happens now is on you.

Goodbye, Frank.


I don't think there's gonna be a truce.

No. I don't think there will be.

So what now?

I'm not sure.

But you're on the inside now, Francis.

What would you do?


FENTON: Frank?

- Frank?

Come on. We're going.

- No.
- Get up. Now.

I'm not going anywhere.


You're not safe here.

There are things that
you don't understand.

There's things that
you don't understand.

Trust me.

I'm where I'm supposed to be.

You go home.

GLORIA: He's made his decision, Fenton.

We're not done here.





STACY: Expecting someone else?

What are you doing here?

Have you heard from Frank recently?


"Hey, Callie.

I'm so sorry about
everything that's happened.

Meet me at Wilt's so that we can talk.



You know, I was gonna add "XO,"

but then I remembered you
two haven't kissed yet,

so that wouldn't seem very realistic.

Can you just leave me alone?

Sure thing.

You know, it's funny, though.

I can't shake this feeling

that something really
bad is about to happen.

It's like in the pit of my stomach.

I can just tell that something's off.

Has that ever happened to you?

I'll see you real soon, Callie.



♪ Sorry ♪


STACY: We can give you a lift.

I'm good. Thanks.

I'm so sorry to do
this. It demeans us both.

But get in the van, Callie.