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01x12 - Cleaning Up

Posted: 02/12/21 17:59
by bunniefuu
How is she?

In and out of the morphine drip.

They got her stabilized is all I know.

Go on in.


Unfreeze your ass off that wall, then.

Either pay your respects or get your head back into this case.

f*ck this case. f*ck it?

You're just gonna call off your little crusade?

Is that what you think it was? A crusade?

Avon Barksdale was a way to show everyone how smart I was and how f*cked up the department is, that's all.

Just put Jimmy McNulty up on your shoulders, march him round the room, break out the keg.

It was never about Avon Barksdale, Lieutenant.

It was all about me.

You think I didn't know that?

You think we all didn't know?

Listen. This case is gonna move forward with you or without you.

This case got her shot.

I put a battery up her ass and got her thinking it meant something.

And you know what?

Burrell, Rawls, and them, they were right.

This case means exactly shit.

Well, I know it meant damn near nothing to me when you came in beating the drum.

But now we got that woman in there, that good police, breathing through a f*cking tube because it meant something to her.

And the sh**t who dropped Kima? They're still in the wind.

And whoever sent those m*therf*ckers into that alley, he needs to get got, too.

You can stand there dripping with liquor smell and self-pity if you got a mind to, but this case, it means something. Now.

If you walk through the garden You better watch your back Well, I beg your pardon Walk the straight and narrow track If you walk with Jesus He'll save your soul You gotta keep the devil Down in the hole All the angels sing About Jesus' mighty sword And they shield you with their wings Keep you close to the Lord Don't pay heed to temptation For his hands are so cold You gotta keep the devil Way down in the hole

Way down in the hole Way down in the hole Way down in the hole Way down in the hole

You hit them again?

I been calling all morning.

They ain't hit me back yet.

Damn, we gonna tap out by noon.

Yo, Poot! What we got over there?

200, maybe.


What the f*ck is this?

What the f*ck you think, n*gg*r? Fish food.

Give me my shit.

Heads up.


I need your pagers. All y'all, the whole crew.

Who else? Sterling, Cass and Manny.

Go get them shits. How am I gonna talk to my girl?

Talk to your hand. That's the only girl you got.

No more. Get out of here. Just get the f*ck out of here, man.

No more pagers. Touts, lookouts, off the air, all right?

Nobody gonna use these cellphones except for you and Bodie, and y'all don't say shit on these, you understand?

We the only n*gg*r*s that need them numbers.

Not your moms, not your girl, nobody. You feel me?

You use these phones to set up a meet, go to that meet and talk face to face, period.

So no more payphones? You deaf? I said no phones.

How I'm gonna reach y'all?

All right, top number's for re-ups, second number's for muscle.

You need me, hit me on the third number.

Learn them shits, then throw that shit away.

You doing this in the towers, too?

Doing it everywhere. Payphones is dead.

All right?


Yo, String. We need some re-up, man.

Re-up from where? You n*gg*r*s ain't heard? Narcos took the main stash.

Why the f*ck you think we changing up?

Back the f*ck up, young'un. These shits ain't for you.

All right.

Cool. There you go.

There we go. All right.

The gift of corrected vision.

Compliments of the BPD.

Dang, y'all are focused.

What man wouldn't be?

Excuse me.

They been cleaning us for a few days.

Last night they burned us all the way. I knew it. I f*cking knew it.

I'm in this m*therf*cker's head. Not a message since early morning.

I had to cut Prez loose.

Send him down to Annapolis. For what?

State finance reports. I checked the stuff here but Barksdale's money has legs.

Shit. All the work we did to get up on this f*cking wire.

You don't hit these guys and expect them to stay in the pocket.

They know they dropped a police. We need to change up, too.

Come on. Shardene. Honey, this is Detective McNulty who's working with us.

She works at Orlando's, helping us out there from time to time.

And now I think that she can see well enough to match faces to voices.

Look, I'm not gonna lie to you. I'm scared of this shit.

Time comes, though, I know you gonna step up.

We need Pearlman to approve her wearing a wire.

Can I get a coffee? How do you take it?

I'll get it. A little cream, right?

Those narco m*therf*ckers cleaned my shit out.

You can replace product and currency.

He right.

We gotta focus on what's real here. All of this shit is real. All of it.

They wanna put me in a box.

I think what's important is to take stock.

Ask yourself what's out there that can hurt you.

Where are you weak? Where you need to clean up?

Think it through.

Start with Orlando, if Orlando rolled.

You know he talked about the club, at least.

That punk-ass n*gg*r ain't talk about shit else.

That's all he knew about. He wasn't with us.

We kept him on the outside.

So you walk away from the club.

You're not on the license, you're not a listed owner.

They can't make a connect. When did this shit start up?

About the time that your nephew beat that charge.

When they found that witness with the lead in his dome, the shit hit the newspapers.

But around that time, the cops was on our shit.

The security guard whose testimony sprung D'Angelo.

Nakeisha Lyles? Bug-eyed ass bitch. But we hooked that up.

So she can still hurt you, right? Yeah.

The point is anybody who can hurt you can be put into play.

The less I hear, the better. All right, yo.

Hey, yo, lock that door.

Lock that door.

So we got Bird and Bey.

Bird will stand tall.

He already in jail, and Bey about to go, too.

And Wee-Bey hard like a rock.

And we got Savino.

It ain't nothing but an Arm & Hammer charge.

He ain't gonna flip out over a m*therf*cking three years.


Then we got that shit with Orlando, and the only problem there was Little Man.


Was. Was.

Who else?

It's over, your wire's cold.

The court orders give me a total of 90 days on five phones.

I'm doing the full 90.

You want to sit listening to a bunch of broke-ass pay phones, have at it.

But you don't need all that manpower to do it.

You want some bodies back, I'll send a couple.

Hold on, Lieutenant. I gave you those people.

I decide who comes back.

But feel free to speak your mind, if it were up to you.

He asked you a question, Lieutenant.

I have no opinion. Take your pick.

What's the name of that old detective from Pawnshop?

And that young one, Valchek's braindead son-in-law.

Freamon, Pryzbylewski.

Keep them.

Send back Sydnor and Santangelo.

And, Lieutenant, if you want to do anything beyond listening to those dead phones, you need to brief me first. Hmm?

You did good, Cedric.

You play your cards right, all the work you did over the past few months will speak volumes for you.

Major Spurgeon says he's retiring at the end of November.

Opening up the Northwest Command. That's right.

Hi, Ronnie. Come in. Sit.

Sheila, send Patrick in. Yes, sir.

Anything up? With me?

Same shit, different file.

How about the Barksdale thing? You got my office reports.

We're looking into a bug in the man's nightclub.

Aside from that, you're doing what?

Pulling campaign finance reports for every politician in the city of Baltimore, right?

I am?

We are?

And making calls to some contributors, asking questions, doing background checks.

I don't know anything about this.

I mean, Ronnie, where the f*ck is all this going?

Those are public reports, right? I mean...

No one on that detail has come to me for any kind of subpoena.

You got back-doored, too, huh? Well...

Just so there's no misunderstanding, I want to give you this.

Copies of checks on the account of my re-election committee representing the return of five separate contributions, totaling $4,500.

Also copies of the checks from the donor are represented in there, too.

Kind of like Caesar's wife and all that shit.

The only thing that we could come up with were those five checks.

I don't know those people, and I don't know why they gave.

That money's gonna be returned to the donors.

Guys, listen to me.

I don't know a f*cking thing about anyone looking at campaign contributions.

Be that as it may, this should make it clear that our hands are clean.

I want you to take that back to whoever's on the hunt and I want you to tell them they've got no quarrel with me.

What's up, String?

So y'all want to get with me?

We need to holler at your boy. You know, the one that dimed on Omar's bitch.

Can't recall his name.

Which one?

The one that was at the Greek's that night.

We paid him for the lookout. What y'all need him for?

What's it to you?

You ain't got to worry about him. Say what?

He's gone, he's out the game. Out the game?

The man asked you a simple question.

I don't mean y'all no disrespect. You know I don't.

I am sitting here telling you that the boy is out the game.

Even if he wasn't out the game, he wouldn't be no problem.

Well, you know we just want to talk to him, D.

Avon... let the boy be.

Just let him be.

Honey, just leave the damn thing alone.

Where'd you get these, man? Prevas.

Broadway market?

Best chili dogs in the city. No, man, not even.

I'll give you ten bucks if you can name a better dog.

George's on Light Street. The Greek joint?

That closed when you were still sucking on your mama's nipples.

My mama's nipples? I was sucking on them last night.

You owe me ten.

I said name a better dog you can have today, not in history.

You go get that dog right now.

You cannot go get that now. You said the best f*cking dog.

Can you please keep it down?

I can't hear a g*dd*mn thing!

You'd know how much I got if you laid something on me.

You like that freeze? If you holding.

I'm fixing to be. That's why I'm here, you know?

'To discuss some things.'

When you done discussing, you come back.

All right, then. Hold that pose right there, shorty.

I'm gonna hook you up with some uncut.

Y'all n*gg*r*s talk too damn much, man.

Who the f*ck is she? Housing police?

No, she's one of them civilians they got doing security.

Housing cops wear the grey uniforms. So she's not armed or nothing.

Do she look it?

You leaving early?

I was early, I worked the lunch crowd.

She's out.


Scraps. What we want is in that office.

There's no reason for Shardene to be in there long enough for us to get it.

Take it out, I can't do this any more. You won't have to.

I think they'll look at me and know. I need to quit.

I don't need you wearing this wire, all right, honey?

I just need you to go in there and do one more thing.

Oh, look at this country n*gg*r.

Damn, Wallace. Wally!

He kept crying till I sent him bus money.

All right. I just got tired of that same old country scenery.

It was just too slow for me.

But did you get some of that country ass?

If he did, it was on four legs.

n*gg*r, they got no farms down there, man. They did have some Bamas though.

They got their Saturday night shit down at Sears.

They was like... You were about to cry. You got DieHards?

These Timbs. Yeah, they Timbs.

I can see the tree on the side of them.

So you gonna put me back on the money?

Hold. Look, if we do put you back on, you have to start as lookout, man.

You lost your spot when you bucked town, dawg.

A real man would stay with his people.

He wouldn't run at the first sight of blood.

Y'all can still holler Five-0, right?

If he want back on the money, he back on the money. If he want it.

My man might be thinking of going back to Edmondson like we talked about, right?

Come on, n*gg*r, let's walk.

Dawg, you ain't cornholed no animal for real, did you?

Go ahead, Poot. You're stupid.

Don't be f*cking with my Sean John.

So who caught it? Garvey.

He knows about the witness angle but he doesn't want to run it up until he knows more.

Why ace Nakeisha Lyles now?

Now they know we're for real.

Avon's cleaning the house all the way.

First the phones go dead and then anyone he thinks we might be able to flip.

What about the boy?

f*ck me.

We took him to the shore Friday.

The plan was to bring him back up for the Grand Jury.

What happened? Greggs got shot.

Trooper Reese?

This is Lieutenant Daniels, Baltimore Department.

Can someone go near Cambridge and check on a kid we got stashed down there?

'Call him.' There's no phone.

'Can you hang on?' I'll hold.

Have Sydnor pull a car from motor pool.

We get the kid here. He sleeps on my sofa and we Grand-Jury him in the morning.

What about your stripper? The woman's got heart.

I mean, I want her protected. No more bodies, hear?

I got room at my place, she can lay up with me.

I got no problem with that. Remember who you are, Detective.

Protect and serve, Lieutenant. Protect and serve.

I'm saying, this here game, it ain't gonna work for you no more, man.

You leaving, you stirred up some shit.

I'm saying it ain't your fault. D, look.

I appreciate what you trying to say and all, but I grew up in the courts, all right?

I been with them n*gg*r*s since forever.

I guess this is home, right?

You ain't hearing me, Wallace.

You ain't hearing me.

Anybody asks you whether you in this game, you tell them you in it for life, all right?

Play it hard, play it tight and make sure n*gg*r*s know you stand by your people.

No loose talk, no second thoughts, and no snitching.

Play it like that.


What you doing down in the PJs? Lost? I'm looking for you.

You know I be down here working.

A working man got to eat.

My favorite spicy fish cakes? On the saltines with the mustard.

You gonna make me cry, you know.

I need to get up out of here and get back to it.

You be safe. You, too.

All right.

This here.

Sterling's, baby, we're about to feast.

What the hell is Sterling's?

Sterling's on 29th Street? Don't you know nothing?

Shit, if it ain't up on the Westside, I don't know shit.

Cos this shit, this is me, yo, right here.

Who was that, your new girl or something?

No, n*gg*r, that's my mom.

You know Senator Davis?

No, sir.


Clay wanted to meet you, see if there was any help he can offer.


Your people are apparently pulling finance reports and checking up on some of the contributors.

I wanted to reassure you on that front.

I'm not involved in dr*gs, Lieutenant.


And this business with the senator's driver.

Mr. Price, Damien. Day-Day.

This er... This business with Mr. Price, this is a misunderstanding that is really of no concern to the police.

We hid $20,000 of cash on him delivered out of a project tower by a known drug suspect.

The money was banded and manicured by denomination.

This is...

There's no crime here.

That was money that Damien already had on him when he drove to Franklin Terrace.

Money from a cash-bar fundraiser the previous weekend.

We filed an amended finance report that shows that...


There's no probable cause for a search of Mr. Price.

I think we are in agreement on that.

No, there was PC for the search.

You're saying you have evidence that a senatorial aide is involved in dr*gs?

I'm saying we had reason to stop Mr. Price and search him, after which we discovered $20,000 in cash, in banded, manicured bills.

That's all I'm saying.

Explain to this m*therf*cker just what it is he's doing here.

Lieutenant Daniels? Excuse me, sir.

But it's pretty basic.

If the senator is not involved in anything illegal then he doesn't need to worry.

I can't be any clearer about it than that.

Fool, what do you think?

That we know anything about who gives money?

That we give a damn about who they are or what they want?

We have no way of running down them or their stories.

We don't care. We just cash the damn checks, count the votes, and move on.

Anything else, Deputy Burrell?


You need to put his ass on a foot post so far out in the sticks that he's gonna see the Philadelphia cops walking towards him.

Now you just ain't talking to me now, Erv.

You talking to the Mayor, the city caucus, the state central committee.

And right now, you got your hand in our pocket.

18, baby!

Eight-eight-eight-eight-eight-eight-eight- eight-eight-eight-eight-eight-eight.

18 with a b*llet, baby.

Detective Sergeant Hauk reporting for duty, sir.

And the best part? Carver's 37.

You know, it helps if you know them by the numbers.

It makes you sound more professional.

f*cking Carver. He gets back from training, he's gonna kiss the stripes.

I'm gonna make him kiss the stripes.

Congratulations. Thank you, sir. Appreciate it.

Sergeant Hauk? God help us.

Daniels. 'Daniels, this is Trooper Reese.

'Grandmother says this kid's been gone two days.'

Wallace is out of pocket. Two days.


Ain't no re-up in the towers, neither?

No. Shop dead, yo.

What up, man? Same old, same old.

What's up with that boy?

Oh, man. He just a punk, that's all.

D put him back on count though.

Word? I heard he was out the game.

He was, but he back now.

Where he been at?

Down his granny house, he says.

His granny.

I heard he damn near shit his pants when he saw what happened to Omar's bitch.

He just ain't built for this, you know. His heart pump Kool-Aid.

Right. What about you?

You built for this shit?

No doubt.

You ready to put the work in?

You got heat?

All right, soldier.

It's clear upstairs.

No extension cords. No juice boxes. No Wallace.

Dang, boy, Chink Bob's never be putting no napkins in the bag.

m*therf*cker. Napkins expensive and shit.

So is my money.

All right, come on, go. Something to eat?

Y'all know what's here.

Y'all need to get up in this Chinese food cos I'm looking needy right about now.

What you listening to? Hold up, take them plates first.

Big Tymers, their new video on 106th and Park.

106th and Park? The joint is vicious.

What they call you? Buff, cos I got the stuff.

You got the stuff? You need to get up in these egg rolls or something.

Any word on the kid?

I rolled around Cambridge all night with his B of I.

If he's down there, he ain't got no profile.

We got lookouts to every car.

We're trying for an address on his mother.

Detective. Lieutenant.

Wire's dead so we've been ordered to begin sending bodies home.

Sydnor, we have a little longer because Cantrell still owes me.

You OK with Rawls? I gave him his clearance, right?

What's he gonna do to me?

Keep it warm, Sanny.

What's that?

Plans for Orlando's. The upper floors. This is the property next door.

How'd you get them so quick? CoStar.

Plan is to get a remote mike into the office. Maybe even some fiber optics.

Only we don't know where Avon's office is.

Which is where Shardene helps us out.

Is she gonna take out a tape and ask Avon to hold the other end?

Ain't none of y'all been in the military?

How do you learn a 30-inch, quick-time?

Draft-dodging peace freaks.

Get me a ruler and some string. Why me?

Why? Why?

Because the man said so, that's why. Wallace ain't no snitch.

Man, how you know? How you know where he been running to?

He was getting high. I've seen him cop.

He probably went down to the shore to clean that shit up.

Man, if he using, then you know he ain't reliable. Come on, think.

Look, the man gave the word, all right? We either step up or we step the f*ck off.

That's the game.

That's the f*cking game.


You ever hear of an elected official in Baltimore giving money back?

Whatever you're doing scared my boss shitless.

He calls me in and hands me that.

Forgive me for prying into the details of our investigation.

I know, it's annoying. But what the hell are you guys doing?

Is that Avon's money?

Eastside addresses but maybe Barksdale has fronts we don't know about.

State's Attorney's returning this? Fast as he can.

Y'all are stirring some shit here. Why didn't you tell me?

Aren't you better off that we didn't?

I remember my mom used to bring me here.

We used to go to Fruit Fantasy.

Orange soda, some shit like that?

No, these were fresh.

My mom poured Bacardi in hers though.

Wasn't much she didn't pour it into. Talking about her like you're still a kid.

I got to thinking on her.

Your ass ain't got to be hard all the g*dd*mn time.

Soft link break the chain.

What are you, a boy or a man?

I'm a man.

So what are we gonna do, man, go have some fun?

OK, on this floor. It's the second room from the rear.

The stairs start 30 paces from the front. There's 24 stairs, about a foot each.

When you get to the top floor, it's eight paces to the door of the dressing room and another 10 to the back room.

80 to 110 in from the front.

The third floor of this building is vacant.

Otherwise we'd need a warrant.

$15. Here take $10.

$15. m*therf*cker, I don't see no meter.

Get the f*ck out of here.

It's 2:30 in the morning.

Easy now. Hole only needs to be as big as your finger.

Not those sausage fingers you got.

You know what big hands mean.

You know what big hands mean, right?

Lieutenant, I just pulled a fresh address for Wallace's mother.

We're OK here.

Where y'all at?

All right, when I find y'all, y'all gonna get it.

You better come out now.

Where y'all at?

Look, I'm not even playing with y'all right about now.

You hear me?

Game over. Where the f*ck y'all at?

When I find y'all, I'm beating your asses. Now where y'all at?

Don't let me find y'all.

Check this, Poot. Little Man left his player and shit.

Yo, man, you...

You a weak-ass n*gg*r, man.

You should've stayed down in the country, man.

Y'all my n*gg*r*s, yo.

You f*cking brought this on yourself.

We boys! You brought this on yourself.

Why it gotta be like this?

You my n*gg*r*s from BC, remember that?

Come on, wetting your f*cking pants, like you a little boy.

Be a man! Stand up like a m*therf*cking man.

Y'all my n*gg*r*s. You said you a f*cking man. Stand up.

That's us, man.

Do it, goddamnit, if you...

Darcia Wallace? We're looking for your son.

Thought you might know his whereabouts.

Where-a-who? Shit, I be looking for that smart little n*gg*r, too. Boy took me for $10.

Recently? What's going on?


Couple of police interrupting me, while I'm trying to get my drink on.

Your son might be in danger. He will be if he shows up.

Snatched that $10 out my purse.

I'll slap the bright out his eyes. Here's my card.

You run into him, you call me.

'Y'all got a tape?' 'Over there, man.'

'All right, let's see what we got here.'

He's packing shit up.

'What you scratching your head for, man?

'How y'all get the safe in here, and you can't get it out?'

Just dial 911 and talk to whoever pick up.

Don't say your name or nothing.

Just say there's been an animal hurt inside the house and then you hang up.

'What up? So what do you need from me?'

'I need you to run up to NYC to pick up a little something.'

'Look, I know we tapped and all.

'Everybody waiting on the re-up, but I never made that run before.'

I feel like I don't have that many people around me I could really trust.

Not like I can kin. You follow me?

All right? How much is it?

We just need to maintain.

Put out enough so we can keep hold of them towers.

When? Tonight.

All right.

'What am I driving?' 'A rental, nothing flash.'

'Where from?'

'I don't know where from, man, one of those places by the airport.'

'Yeah.' We got something real.

'I'm on my way.' All right.


Which one? The rental there, the Taurus.

I gotta say, Lieutenant, you got mad suction with the federales.

Yeah, Daniels.




Poor f*cking kid.

With Wallace gone, that's Stringer out of the box.

He was in there changing his f*cking clothes.

You believe that?

Boy had to get himself correct.

We're on. No need for an eyeball. Let the satellite do the work.

How about I call my lawyer, have him explain that whole profiling thing to you?

Mr. Barksdale, our tollbooth cameras have you on the GW Bridge at 23:10 hours, then re-entering the turnpike at the same exit 35 minutes later.

Why did you drive all the way to New York for half an hour?

Step out of the car, sir. Keep your hands where I can see them.

Turn around, face the car, hands on the roof.

Are you carrying any weapons, sir? No.

Knives, any needles? No.

Any illegal substances I should know about?

OK. Spread your legs back.

Spread your legs back more.

OK, slowly bring your right arm around your back.

Now bring the other one.

Remember me? Lawyer.

Easy. We're just getting started.

Lawyer, m*therf*cker. OK, so you're hard, but guess what?

I could give a f*ck. You? I'm tired of your games.

You want me to write a letter, or some shit like that?

No game we need to run. You're popped with a kilo of uncut.

Not that you messed up. You did everything right.

Speed limit, turn signals, working tail-lights.

Question you gotta ask is how'd those troopers know to pull you over?

Someone else f*cked up. You following me?

But it's you they're gonna blame and you who's gonna do the jolt.

Lawyer. That'd be Levy, right?

He's getting paid by your uncle, is that right?

He's looking out for your interests.

More than you.


I ain't saying another damn thing to nobody but my lawyer.

Oh, by the way, your boy Wallace, shot dead in the low-rises.

That's how y'all take care of your own, right?

You're a lying m*therf*cker.

So what? You want me to write a letter to his mom, too?

Get the f*ck out of here.

You didn't have to send him the way you did.

In one car? He should've been trailing a mule.

95 or on the train, it don't make no difference. He shouldn't have been alone.

Look here, Brianna. Ain't you ever heard of a trap-car?

You send my son to New York in a m*therf*cking rental and let him ride with that package in the trunk?

I'm sorry. That won't bring him out of prison.

Better make sure that Jew lawyer of yours earns his money, huh, eh?

D'Angelo has to do his part. Meaning what?

You like the car you driving in, right?

You like this crib? I put you in this crib. You like it?

We all got a lot to protect here. You need to remind him of that.

So when it come down to it, he can stand up tall.

You ain't gotta worry about my child.

I raised that boy, and I raised him right.

It wasn't me who f*cked up.

Really? So who did? Why the f*ck are we here?

All you need to do is keep your head through the bail hearing.

We've got a shot at bringing you home. Then what? Huh?

Who gonna take the weight for all the shit in the trunk of that car?

Where's Wallace at?

Where's the boy, String?

D'Angelo, shut your mouth.

Where's Wallace?

That's all I want to know.

Kid, you'd better think.

Where the f*ck is Wallace?

Huh, String? String?

Look at me. Look at me!

Where the f*ck is Wallace?

I don't want this m*therf*cker representing me.

I'm gonna get my own man.

So just get back in your car and get the f*ck back down south.

All right, you stupid m*therf*cker. You made your decision.

I made my decision. Where's Wallace at?

Where the f*ck is Wallace? Where's Wallace?

String! Where the f*ck is Wallace?

God damn!

Bring him in, you're done.


We have the charge whenever we want it.

Why not stay up on the bug in his office?

The bug you didn't brief me about.

I thought your little bird told you everything we did a minute after we did it.

One of ours got hurt. That should mean something.

We're hunting her sh**t and by the grace of God and your good work, we've got a viable case on our main target.

Just charge Barksdale with the attempt purchase from New York and bring it all home.

What about Stringer? He slipped off the hook when we lost the boy.

We've done all we can.

Are you hearing me?

These are the people responsible for dropping a police.

Not just the sh**t, but ones who make the dirt happen.

I'm trying to put them down for real, not for some short-time bit.

That all you trying to do?

If it is, how is it you have people pulling campaign records and finance reports?

The f*ck has that got to do with anything?

The money is part of my case.

I was willing to say otherwise, to let your friends hide some of that dirt, but not now.

You want to talk about dirt? Have at it.

Talk about your Eastern district days.

Talk about what was going on when you ran wild in the DEU.

That's just talk.

Just talk?

FBI field reports.

You came into a lot of money, quick.

And you can go to jail just as quick if I start asking the right questions.

This case ends, or you are done.

Hell, I don't even need you to lock up Barksdale.

I'll have your major debrief your detectives and type the warrants himself.

This case is done.

You do what you feel.

You wanna pull Avon in on half a case? You go ahead.

You wanna put my shit in the street?

Feel free.

But the Eastern had a lot of stories.

Mine ain't the only one.

A lot of people came through that district.

If you were gonna do me, I'd already be done.

But there ain't nothing you fear more than a bad headline now, is there?

You'd rather live in shit than let the world see you work a shovel.

You can order warrants, and I'll serve them.

But as long as I have days left on those dead wires, this case goes on.

Yo, look at these Delta Force m*therf*ckers, man.

Look at them. All right.

What's up with Levy? He said he gonna meet us down there.

I still didn't get this safe out of here yet, man. How much money in it?

$150,000. $150,000.

Open it up, man. No sense in ruining a good safe.

This isn't as much fun as I thought it would be.

The SWAT love to break out their toys.

Do they think it's Tony Montana? They probably haven't touched a g*n in years.

f*ck this shit.

You and me, Lieutenant.

What units are in the alley?

Any sightline to the rear door?

10-4, who has the roof?

We're gonna move in on my command. Everyone stand by.

We're not gonna need your men today.

Now wait a minute. My case. Back your men off.

Catch you later.

It's good.

Barksdale's wearing bracelets.

Still no Wee-Bey, no Little Man?

No, nothing there.

This is the best work I ever did. I never did a case like this. But it's not enough.

I gotta go back to Auto tomorrow morning and...

I just feel like this just ain't finished. Detective.