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03x17 - Powerless

Posted: 02/14/21 09:01
by bunniefuu
I can't believe you woke me up at the crack of dawn for this.

We're in the middle of nowhere.

It's an adventure. It's a consolation prize.

You and Dad are getting a divorce and this is your way of trying to make me feel better.

Just get out of the car.

This is a chance for us to do something new together.

Just you and me.

Yeah, 'cause that's how it's gonna be from now on, right?

Just you and me.

Hey, I know this is hard for you, but it's not exactly easy for me either.

Your father and I tried hard for a really long time...

We used to be a family.

You and Dad used to not fight.

You just forgot, that's all.

Sophie... Yeah, I know.

I'm a kid.

I don't have any power.

You and Dad get to make all the decisions, but stop expecting me to pretend like I'm okay with them.

Fair enough.

Let's go take a hot air balloon ride.

Are you sure about going up in this?

It seems really foggy.

Yeah, it's just a marine layer. It'll burn off.

It's magical.

It's not magic, Mom.

It's hot air. That's what makes it fly.

Actually, it doesn't fly. It floats.

Like a cloud, over the entire world.


That definitely doesn't feel like floating.

The winds are kicking up.

Whoa, whoa!

Forecast said they were gonna hit later.

Gabe, this is Nick.

Go ahead, Nick.

Winds are pushing hard.

We're gonna have to set her down past Decker Road.

Copy that.

Whoo! Seems pretty fast.

Yeah, there's gonna be a little bounce.

Hang on.

Gonna feel the bounce. Whoa!

Hang on.

It's gonna be rough.

I don't like this.

Oh, thank God. Everyone okay?

Yeah. Let's go, right?

Okay. You think so?

Okay, I just need to get out of this thing.

Okay, let me get out for a sec and help you.

Mom! Mom! Mom!

Sophie! Oh, my God!

Oh, my God, what are you... bring it down!

Oh, God.



What's your location, ma'am?

I don't know. I'm in the middle of nowhere.

She's flying away!

Did you say flying?

It all looks so romantic till someone has to call 9-1-1.

I heard dispatch gets a lot of calls from these things.

Maddie tell you that?

Uh, no. Someone else.

Oh, my God. Please, please help.

How old is your daughter, ma'am?

She's 10.

She have a phone with her?

No. I thought she was too young.

Look, there's a radio up in the basket.

That's how Nick and I communicate.

Mine's in the truck. Okay, go get it.

Sir, try not to move.

You got blunt force head injury.

He's in and out of consciousness.

Pupils are equal and reactive.

Let's get him on a backboard to transport.

The girl.

We are working on that right now.

Cap, they issued a wind advisory for this area, possible 40 mile an hour gusts.

Those ropes don't look like they reach more than 30 feet.

She needs to get lower.

You know how to land one of these?

Yeah. Good.

I need you to teach her.

Okay, we should be in range. Give 'er a try.

Sophie, can you hear me?

Please answer.

Can you hear me?

Mom? Where are you?

Baby, I'm right behind you.

We're in a fire truck and we're following you.

It won't stop. It's flying faster.

Tell her about the ropes.

Baby, there are ropes above you.

You can use them to steer. Do you see them?

I see them, but I can't... Sophie.

I can't. Baby, you have to.

I'm scared.

I know. I'm scared too.

Yeah, but you're a grownup.

I'm a kid in a stupid hot air balloon.

I know you feel powerless, but you're not.

You have all the power right now.

So use it.

Okay, here's what you need to do.

Now use the red and white rope to let out just a little air.

She's doing it.

It's moving.

She's dropping hard, Cap.

Yeah, we're not gonna make it before she lands.

Looks like she's headed for this open field.

Oh, my God, I'm gonna crash!

Honey, you're doing great.

Here she comes! Here she comes!

Mom, tell her to hunker down.

Okay, let's go.

Move, move, move, move.

Grab that far rope!

Dig in your heels, guys!

I got it!

Hey, I got you, I got you, I got you.

Sophie! Oh, my God!



Oh, are you okay?

She's in one piece.

Oh, thank you all so much.

Aw, thank her. She did an amazing job.

Let's go home.

You were right, Mom.

I do have power, so...

I think you and Dad should go to therapy.

I swear, now that we have two, bedtime is like a hostage situation.

It's just constant negotiations.

Well, who won?

They did.

Okay, okay, we have got to cut back on eating out.

We're spending more on restaurants than groceries.


You went to Shogun without me? What?

Well, there's a charge here for the teppanyaki place.

Who'd you go with?

Oh... Chimney.

You know, never took him out for his birthday.

And you didn't invite me?

I love teppanyaki.

Babe, you know how it is.

I invite you, so he invites Maddie, Maddie invites Buck, Buck invites Eddie, and now we've gotta invite Athena and Bobby and next thing you know, you're looking at a dinner bill roughly the size of a mortgage payment.


This is a whole new side of you I haven't seen before.



Oh, really? Mm-hmm.

Well, did I tell you that I was thinking...


About getting us a Costco membership?

Oh, tell me more.


Mommy! Ugh.

Guess I'm being summoned now.

No, no, no, stay.

Just trying to renegotiate their deal.

I got it.

Who the hell is Imelda?

Bobby, hey! Hey.

I thought Athena was doing the pickup.

Well, she took an extra shift and I'm subbing in.

And I'm early. Are you hungry?

We got plenty of food. Yeah, yeah.

Come on in.

Athena's been picking up a lot of overtime lately, huh?

Yeah, lately, I've been feeling like all our communication has been through text messages and Post-It notes.

Ever since she caught this case.

Which case?

The Realtor r*pist. Mom's on the taskforce.

What? I saw it on the news.

All right, well, let's leave it there and not bring it to the dinner table, okay?

Happier subjects please.


Let's talk about the schedule for Saturday.

Prom planning again?

So Mom's gonna take me to get my hair and makeup done at 12:00, so we should be done by 3:00...

You're not getting ready at the house?

When did this happen?

It happened after May guilt-tripped Mom because she didn't go with her to pick out her stupid dress.

I did not guilt-trip.

I just said it would have been nice for her to be there when I picked it.

Yeah, you guilt-tripped her.

Darius is coming to pick me up at 4:00.

Dad will have 45 minutes for pictures, so...

That's it?

We have to go take pictures at Darius' house too.

Everybody gets 45 minutes.

Don't you think your old man should have a little extra time?

I mean, you know, on account of my... my brain tumor.

Hmm. Yeah, not funny.

No? Mm-mm.

Well, okay. All right.


I'll tell Darius to come earlier.

You get an hour. Okay.

Well played. Thank you.

Although I don't think you're gonna get to play that card much longer.

Your scan is tomorrow, right?

And Dad's gonna crush it.

Hopefully. Okay.

You know, I'm feeling good.

You know, no headaches, no dizziness, but, you know, I just...

You don't wanna jinx it. Right, right.

You know, the last time, it was nothing but bad news.

I'm just, you know, preparing myself for the worst.

I get that.

But the thing about bad news?

You never see it coming.

It's 2020.

How is it possible that this man just disappeared into thin air?

No movement on his credit cards.

He hasn't been back to his house or his office.

Still looking for the car, but he'll turn up.

And then what?

Even if we find him, we still don't have any physical evidence that proves he r*ped anyone.

No fingerprints, no DNA.

Just videos of a man in a mask attacking these women.

Still blaming yourself for losing him?

Because you didn't.

I had him, Lou.

Not your fault.

In fact, you're the reason why he's in hiding right now instead of targeting his next victim.

As long as he's still out there free, there's always gonna be a next victim.

Captain's office is set up.

They're bringing the first woman in now.

Yeah. All right, thank you.

Captain's office? Yeah.

Didn't seem right to put 'em in the interrogation room.

We need a confirmation.

Is that you in the video?

That's me.

But that angle...

He put a camera in the smoke detector.

He knew my house.

How to get in, where to hide, where to put a camera.

How? He studied you.

He used a drone to stalk his targets.

He learned your patterns, your movements.

You know, I thought someone was watching me, but I dismissed it.

I just moved in, so I thought I was being paranoid.

What else do you remember about that night?

Any detail at all might help us.

I remember everything.

I forgot that part.

Would you like a minute?

I just wanna get this over with.

You reported this as a break-in, not an attack.

I didn't wanna admit it happened.

I guess I thought if I didn't say it out loud, I could pretend it didn't.

Turn it off. Please.

I'm sorry.

I'm sure it must be hard to see yourself.

That's not me anymore, so it's fine.

He stole so much from me that night.

I mean, physical items I can replace, but... the pieces of me he took, I'm...

I'm not sure how to replace those.

I'm sorry, I don't recall any mention of missing items.

My necklace.

I was wearing it when he att*cked me, and... he took it with him when he left.

Are we done here? I think I've had enough.

Of course.

We'll have an officer walk you out.

Thank you.

We need to go through those files again.

See if anybody else is missing personal items.

Yeah, those guys sometimes take souvenirs.

Trophies. Mm.

You know what I like to call those souvenirs?


We find that and we can put him away.

For good this time.

Okay, Mr. Grant, I need you to hold your breath again. Okay.

Another 20 seconds.



And breathe.

And hold.

And release.

You doing okay, Mr. Grant?

Yeah, I'm fine.

You don't sound fine.

I was sitting in that coffin for 45 minutes.

The least they could do is give me a hint about what went on.


That's a figure of speech, Athena.

Now I have to go upstairs and give blood.

Michael, you sure you're doing okay?

Because I can... There is nothing to do.

Okay? We just...


And hope.


So talk later?

Yeah. Sure.

You found something?


Yeah, I've been going through his credit card purchases again.

Thought that was a dead end.

Well, at first glance, yeah, but then I figured, you know, maybe if I mapped out the places that he frequented, we'd get a fuller picture of his movements, you know?

Figure out where he'd go.

Well, he lives here.

His office is here.

These are his real estate listings.

Now, this seems to be off the beaten path for him.

What is it? Coffee shop.

I've got seven charges in the past six months.

I just can't figure out why he'd go there.

Doesn't overlap with any of our victims.

I don't know, it's odd, but it's probably nothing.

Yeah, well, nothing seems to be all we got right now.

No, I-I understand.

I just need to think about it. Do I have to decide now?

Okay, I'll let you know. Thanks.


You okay?

I don't know.

The district attorney's been calling me about Greg's sentencing hearing.

They want me to make a victim impact statement.

Yeah, I think we're all making statements, right?

They said... Letters.

We were all supposed to write letters about our hostage experience.

But I guess because I was victimized twice, they think I should make a personal statement.

In the courtroom.

So you would have to be in the same room with Greg.

I really thought this was all over.

That I wouldn't have to see him again.

But talking about what he did to me while he's sitting there looking at me?

I don't know if I can do it.

Then don't. Look, he pled guilty.

He's going to prison whether you're in the courtroom or not.


But not going makes me feel like a coward.

He's in jail.

But it still feels like he's the one with all the power.

No, no, no.

What are you doing?

Trimming the trees, ma'am.

You mean murdering them?

If you have a complaint, you should call the city.

They have the power.

We're just doing our jobs.

With a saw!

That one still hasn't come back from what you did to it last year.

Tree trimming is an important step to maintain the beauty, safety, and health of your neighborhood.

Botanical butchers!

Trees are like show dogs.

Without the right cut, the entire aesthetic is wrong.

They're not made for crew cuts.

Sorry, lady, but the crew cuts are what keeps them from taking down the power lines.

Grab me the other saw.

Whoa! Oh, my...

Who's got the power now?



Is your captor armed or known to you?

They just stole my truck!

Wait, I'm sorry.

Are you reporting a kidnapping or a vehicle theft?

Both. I've been truck-jacked.

I'm a tree-trimmer, and some psycho just jumped in my truck and took off when I was in the bucket.

We're headed east on La France and...

Oh, God. Sir, are you still there?

You might want to send an ambulance.

Maybe more than one.

You okay, man?

Ma'am, LAFD. Stay where you are.

Don't try to get out.

Guys, these lines are still hot.

I want you to grab dry chem and CO2 from the truck.

Dispatch, this is Captain 118.

I am at the intersection of La France and Maple.

I need DWP to shut down the power here.

Copy that, 118.

DWP estimate ten minutes.

Vehicle is under downed power lines.

See if you can shave some time off that.

How's he doing? No broken bones.

Just a couple of bumps and bruises.

Maybe a concussion. But he fell through the roof.

Cardboard boxes bore the brunt of the fall.

You know, stunt guys still use 'em as crash pads.

But aren't those boxes usually empty?

I thought these truck cabs are supposed to be grounded.

Why does her hair look like that?

High-voltage events can emit an awful lot of static electricity.

You came for the tree murderers.

Yeah, yeah, I don't think that's who they're here for.

Hold the elevator?

Thank you. No problem, man.

I can see she's got subdermal tissue damage from the strike.

We need to transport her.

Any update on when DWP's gonna get the power off?

There's your answer.

Let's get her out.


Thanks for the quick work on the power, Dispatch.

I'd say you're welcome, but our updates show they're still four minutes out.

If you didn't shut the power off, who did?




I'm on it, Cap!

This is gonna be a long day.

Prably an outage.

You know, by law, the generators are supposed to kick on in about ten seconds.

I'm an architect.

Backup generators in this building strictly power level one support systems where failure will result in loss of human life.

I'm a doctor. That's great.

Well, if I have a panic attack in here, at least I'm with a medical professional.

Oh, I don't know.

It depends on what kind of insurance you have.


Wait, are you prone to panic att*cks?

I never had one before today.

But never been trapped in an elevator either.

Look on the bright side.

There's worse places to be trapped.




An accident caused an outage.

DWP's working on restoring the power.

We recommend that people shelter in place until the power's restored.

Oh, I'm not going anywhere.

That's sort of the problem.

I'm trapped inside.

You think you could send someone to get me out?

It's getting pretty cold.

Where did you say you were?

I'm in the walk-in freezer.

You're stuck inside the freezer?


Okay. What's your name?

Gordon. Gordon Johnson.

Okay, Gordon. I'm Maddie.

There should be some kind of emergency release knob inside the freezer.

Have you looked for it?

It's frozen over.

Tried whacking it with a chateaubriand, but the ice is pretty thick.

Any idea when you can have someone sent out?

Power's out for half the city.

It might take some time.

Can you tell me how large the freezer is?

Probably about 15x30. Good.

That's enough cubic feet of oxygen to last you a few hours.


Hours? I can't be in here hours.

No, no, no. Gordon, don't panic.

The faster you breathe, the more air you'll use, so you need to slow your breathing.


I don't wanna end up another frozen piece of meat in here.

That's why you need to conserve as much of your body heat as possible.


Okay, I want you to look around and tell me everything you see that isn't frozen meat.

How we doing, Gordon?

Pretty cold.

Tired too.

No, don't fall asleep, Gordon.

I need you to stay awake. Okay?




LAFD. Gordon?

Okay, he's out. Probably hypothermic.

Let's cut him out now.

Saw's dead. Need another battery.

Oh, and that was the last battery pack.

Too many car accidents in one day.

Couldn't we just break open this window?

Even if we could get in that way, how do we get him out? It's too small.

The unit should have an electronic emergency door release and without power...

Inside of that door is a frozen block of ice by now.

Yeah, well, so's Gordon if we don't get him out.

Maybe it just needs a jump.

All set here.



Can you hit it again?


Pumping warm fluids.


Dispatch, we got to him in time.

Think he's gonna be all right.

I'll give you a call back once they get us out.

Bye. Love you.

Kids okay?

Yeah. Yeah.


Anyone you need to call?

I texted my office. They'll handle the rest.

No, I meant, you know, at home... or something.

Oh, yeah. Oscar.

Oh. Oh, that's...

But he's not expecting me till 7:00.

Oh, okay. Yeah, that's good.

My dog.


I guess he's probably not good at returning texts.

The worst.

Yeah, I bet.

And to answer the question behind the question, no, I don't have anyone special waiting at home.

Hey, Athena. What's going on?


I think I found something.

Studio Self Storage.

Does he have a unit there?

You know, maybe that's where he's storing his trophies.

It would explain those coffee shop charges.

I need you to contact the manager.

Nobody's here because of the power.

All right, I'll find out.

This could be the break we need.

I can't say for sure, but I have a really strong feeling.

Yeah, see you soon.

Dispatch, 727-L-30 at Studio Self Storage doing a business check.

Copy. 727-L-30.

Dispatch, 727-L-30.

I'm gonna need backup and detectives dispatched to Studio Self Storage.

I have a possible...

727-L-30, do you copy?

727-L-30, please respond.

Officer needs help.

727-L-30 at Studio Self Storage.

Her mic's still keyed open, but I can't talk to her.

All units, police, and fire RA, clear channel two.

Switch to Tac Channel 50.

Officer on open mic in distress.

Needs assistance.

727-L-30 at Studio Self Storage.


Take him to the hospital and everyone else, on the engine, now, let's go.

Cap, they're telling us to switch to Tac 50.

Sir, the building's not clear.

Captain Nash, she's here.

Athena, can you hear me?

Can you hear me? Athena.

Pupils equal and reactive.

Might be a fractured rib.

Arm's definitely broken. Right closed fracture.

All right. Starting fluids.

Splinting the arm. You stay with us, Athena.

How's she doing?

I got...

I got him.

Suspect down?

Alive. Wounded.

Let's get a medic. He can wait.

Dispatch, I need additional RAs to Studio Self Storage.

We need to move her!

Bobby. Bobby.

I'm here. I'm here.

I'm right here.

I'm right here. Stay with us.


'Cause I've had enough of this place.

No offense. None taken.

Thank you. Listen...


I'm sorry. One second.

Hey, Bobby.



But I don't understand. Prepare ourselves for what?


Bobby said your mom was pretty banged up.

She's gonna be okay, right?

Yes, she will.

But right now, she's hurt, and we've gotta be strong to help her through it.



Oh, hey.


Mom, I'm so glad you're all right.

Oh, me too, baby.

Me too.


It's okay.

Come here. Give me a hug.

But I don't wanna hurt you.

Oh, you won't.

A hug from my babies is exactly what I need.

Ooh. Oh, see?

Ooh, I'm feeling better already.

It looks worse than it is.

Good. Then you'll be out of here soon.

She has to stay here for a few days.

I'm gonna stay with her.

Nurse is gonna set me up with a rollaway.

Oh, it's foolish.

I don't want anyone making a fuss.

I'm fine. No, you're not fine.

I'm staying.

Just please let me do this.


It'll be good to have the company.

What else are you hiding?

Hey, Karen, the babysitter's here.

You ready?

Yeah, I'm not really feeling too well, so it's probably not a good idea for me to go to the hospital.

Just give Athena my love.

Are you sure?

Yeah, positive.

I hear Athena's gonna be okay.

Yeah, Buck called from the hospital and said that she's in rough shape, but nothing life-threatening.

Although I will be having nightmares about it for a while.

Yeah, hearing her struggle?

Not being able to help her?

But hey, gives us something new to talk about in therapy.

Well, that's great.

'Cause I was starting to think that I was boring Frank.

You know, you could talk to him about going to court.

You think I should do it.

Maddie... No.

I just think that you should consider what it means if you don't do it.

You keep saying that you feel powerless.

Maybe if you face him and tell him how you feel, you'll get your power back.


Who's Imelda?

What am I looking at here?

Proof that Hen is cheating on me.

What? Hen would never do that.

I mean, not after what happened the last time she did that.

She's got all these dates and the name of a hotel.

I mean, is that when she's planning to meet up with this Imelda?

You find anything else on her phone?

Nothing. It was locked.

I took a picture of the screen.

Oh, did you use her thumb to unlock it while she was sleeping?

Ew. No.

Wait, do you do that?

Of course not!

Buck did it to me once after I got stabbed.

Anyways, look, it's just two text messages and a scrap of paper.

It probably means nothing.

There's a charge on our credit card.

A teppanyaki restaurant.

She said she took you there for your birthday.

Is that true?

I cannot believe she lied about that.

I love teppanyaki.

See? Another lie.

Right to my face.

She's using me to lie to you.

We barely survived the last time.

And now we have two kids to think of.

I really wish I knew how to help you, Karen.

You got anything to drink?

Yeah. I got coffee.

I'll get us something stronger.


Thank God. I found 'em like this.

I don't think she can drive home.

Karen, I thought you were sick.

I am sick.

I'm sick of the lies.


I'm sick of the betrayal.

So much betrayal.

Hey, Chim, maybe we should give them some privacy.

Why do I have to leave? This is my apartment.

And Hen is the one who's cheating.

Wha... I'm not cheating.


I saw the texts.

And this, this is when you were gonna meet her at that hotel.


Imelda is Dr. Royce.

Dr. Imelda Royce.

Oh, a doctor.

At least that's better than the last one.

I'm a doctor too!

I have a PhD. Wait.

Dr. Royce is that surgeon... the surgeon you met the day that you put your hand in that man's chest.


Which... was really stupid and reckless, by the way.

Okay, maybe you should stop talking now.

She had a meet-cute over an open chest wound.

That's not right!

It wasn't a meet-cute.

It was just a meet.

And I was talking to Dr. Royce... Imelda... about what it took to get into med school.

These are the dates of when I can take my MCATs.

Wait, you're thinking about going to medical school?

Since when?

I don't know.

That's why I didn't say anything.

I mean... it was just such a crazy idea.

Oh, baby, no.

That's not crazy.

Oh, my God, you'd be an amazing doctor.

I'm so sorry I doubted you.

I'm so relieved.

I'm not.

The kids forget something?


You know, May is at the salon, I dropped Harry off at the Andersons', and... thought I came to check in on you.

Well, I'm... not fine.

But I am managing.

Yeah, me too.

Seeing her like that just...

Part of the job, I know that, but... seeing it, hearing it...

Makes you feel powerless.

When that g*n went off, when I thought I'd lost her, I...

I know I didn't, but I keep coming going back to what if.

And I... I don't know what to do with that feeling.

You know, a wise man once told me that he couldn't offer me any sage advice.

All he could offer me was a hammer.

What do you want me to do with a hammer?

I never did like that fireplace.

Michael, Athena's gonna k*ll us.

Don't worry.

I'll build you guys a new one.


That one goes in a frame.

Think you guys should pay me for my services.

Whoa, wait a minute.

Let's take a look at the pictures first.

Get over here.

Okay, Ms. Nash, your turn.

No, I don't think so.

I'm in no condition for a photo sh**t.

Mom, I want you in my prom pictures.

Oh, look at me, May.

I see you.

And I couldn't be more proud.

You got him. You won.

Those bruises show what kind of fighter you really are and I want pictures to remember this moment.

Yes, hi. It's Josh Russo.

I've thought about it.

I'd like to give a statement in court.

You're not happy for her?

I just can't get past the fact that she's leaving me.

My Dr. Wilson.

Hey, make sure you get my good side.

Looks good.

All right.

Get it, Mama.



Pacific West 1135.

We were heading from Phoenix into Union Station.

We've crashed somewhere close to the LA County line.

Okay, so how many...

There are multiple injuries.

This is a mass casualty situation.

You've gotta send out every available RA unit.

We need USAR for search and rescue, LAPD for traffic control.

We're gonna need a mobile command center.

I'll call them now. Okay.

It seems like you've done this before.

Yeah, but I was on your end of the line.

I used to be a 9-1-1 dispatcher.