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07x08 - Leda and the Swan, Part II

Posted: 02/15/21 08:12
by bunniefuu
DUI when I was in high school.

It wasn't me.

I wasn't driving.

My brother was.

I have to decide whether to maintain the story and possibly get caught in a lie.

- And derail your mother's confirmation.

- Uh-huh.

Or tell the truth.

And ruin your brother's career.

I'm a singer.

A songwriter.

I came from Nashville to make music.

You mean, you were able to get me a job?

(CHUCKLES): Got a lawyer in your bag?


I don't.

She's upstairs.

Our victim is Lieutenant Commander Amanda Gregson.

Navy therapist at Belle Chasse.

HANNAH: Amanda was brutally m*rder*d for looking into this as*ault. PATTON: Petty Officer Emily Tascioni arrived at Belle Chasse two months ago.

And if he k*lled the petty officer's therapist, that means he'll probably go after her next.

Emily Tascioni was Commander Gregson's sexual as*ault victim.

And she's gone.

Look, last time you talked to my coworkers, Ted, you claimed to have no idea who our sexual as*ault victim was.

Now here you are at her house.

I swear, I didn't know that Petty Officer Tascioni was the woman your team was looking for.

Why'd you come here, then?

Her CO reached out to me.

He was worried when she didn't show up for work today.

Asked me to do a wellness check.

- You move anything?

- No, ma'am.

Found it just like this.

So, she missed one day of work.

Why call in the cavalry, then?

Her CO had been concerned for a while.

- Why's that?

- Tascioni was never late for work, always enthusiastic no matter how dull the task.

Until a few weeks ago.

She became withdrawn, started making mistakes.

He knew she wasn't okay.

Lines up with when she was assaulted.

Then a couple of days ago, she found out someone close to her was k*lled.

HANNAH: Yeah, that would be Amanda Gregson.

Amanda's death might have pushed Emily over the edge.

HANNAH: Her place is a mess.

Sebastian's doing a forensic sweep now.

Well, maybe this could give us some answers.

I feel really silly doing this, but you asked for it, so...

I'll give it a shot.

It was the first date I'd had since I got transferred here.

We met at this Italian place in Metairie.

Checkered tablecloths.

Singing waiters.

Really cheesy.

It was okay, I guess. Thank you.

Better than eating alone in front of the TV. I went to the bathroom at one point. That must be when he spiked my drink.

I mean, I guess I can't know for sure, but I started getting dizzy.

Slurring my words. - I couldn't even eat.

He said that he would get me home safe.

I must've blacked out, because I was suddenly in my bed, naked. And he was on top of me.

I tried to say no.

I tried to push back, but I couldn't even move my own body, so I just pretended to be unconscious.

Next morning... he was gone, and I was covered in bruises. I don't even know everything he did to me.

But he did a lot.

I want to believe what you told me.

That if I name the man who r*ped me, he'll be punished.

But that's not how things work.

And I'm so afraid now.

I'm afraid to go to work and see him.

I'm afraid to be at home.

I'm afraid to close my eyes and relive it all.

And I just don't know what to do.


We have to find Emily.

Before this k*ller finds her first.

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ How, how, how, how ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ You gotta come on. ♪

- Good morning, Roy.

- Good morning.

Thought I'd bring you two a little fuel after pulling an all-nighter.

Appreciate it.

I had to force Tammy to take a break.

Well, I appreciate you guys working all night.

- Any leads?

- Yeah.

Patton's, uh, tracking her phone, credit cards.

Nothing still.

Sebastian did a sweep of her house but didn't come up with any unknown fingerprints or DNA.

You thinking whoever k*lled Amanda Gregson went after Emily next?

Amanda was her therapist.

She was probably the only other person that knew about her as*ault.

The r*pist had a motive to go after both of them.

Yeah, maybe.

But Emily never told Amanda - the name of her assaulter.

- Yeah, - but the suspect doesn't know that.

- That's true.

Didn't Amanda note in her files that Emily was att*cked - by a coworker?

- There are about a dozen men working on the Drone project with Emily.

Checked their records?

All clean.

However, there were several sailors that were out the night that Amanda was k*lled.

Partying in the Marigny.

PRIDE: The Marigny's only a mile from where Amanda was m*rder*d.


If he knew where Amanda was gonna be, he could've planned the outing as a cover.

Slip away from the group.

Track Amanda.

Dose her and s*ab her.

Then make it back in time for sh*ts at the bar.

According to Fiona, we know the attacker was white.

That nixes Petty Officers Theo Desmond and Angelo Coleman.

PRIDE: Leaving Liam McCall and Jaxson Freeh.

Let's get their photos to Fiona.

She might recognize one of them.

I'll get them over to Sebastian.

He can swing by the bar.


Looks like you got a pretty efficient system here.


Pride's been keeping me busy.

Next delivery is in minutes, and I still have more to pack.

Oh, well, in that case, - four hands are better than two.

- Oh, no, you-you don't have to...

No, it's all right.

Looks like you've, uh, settled in here.


Wade's been a wonderful landlady.

And I never dreamed of getting custody of my daughter back so soon.

It's all because of you.

I don't know how to say thank you.


You don't have to.

It was... it was my pleasure.

I'm assuming you didn't come here because you love to pack boxes.

I love packing boxes.


- But, actually, no, I did come here to see if you could help us out on this case.

- I have some photos to show you.

- Oh.

Do you recognize either of these men from that night?

I mean, maybe.

I mean, maybe.

I'm, uh...

I'm just not sure.

- I'm sorry you had to waste a trip out.

- Oh, it's not a waste.

Get to hang out, right?

That's sweet.


HANNAH: Petty Officer Liam McCall has a spotless record.

Jaxson Freeh, on the other hand, has some minor infractions.

Alerted the master-at-arms to keep an eye on them.

If either of them try to leave Belle Chasse, we'll hear about it.

- Should we question them?

- Not yet.

Tammy and Pride are talking to the other two sailors who were with them that night.

See if they can poke some holes in their alibi.

You really think one of these guys is our k*ller?

I'm starting to.

I hope I'm not interrupting.

Thought you had a flight.

I did, but I changed it.

Do you still like your cappuccino dry?

Not sure it was worth changing your flight to come back here.

I've said everything I have to say.

And I couldn't stop thinking about it.

I couldn't sleep at all.

The fact that you lied to us for years, that you got a DUI for something your brother did.

Look, we've been through this.

Just let me finish.

What kept me up, what made me want to change my flight...

You sacrificed everything for Brennan.

Come on, I was a kid.

I didn't have that much to give up.

You didn't even think twice about it.

I didn't realize years later, you'd be up for confirmation in front of Congress, so...


- Please.

The FBI is thorough in their vetting process.

They're gonna find the red light photo that shows Brennan driving, not me.

They could.

Lying as a teenager's one thing, but lying under oath...

And if we come clean, it could ruin your brother's career.

And if we don't, it'll derail your confirmation and ruin your career.

So, you're just gonna ignore the FBI?

Think it's the best bad option.


There has to be another way.

Look, it's your job on the line.

I'll do whatever you think is best.

We need to talk to Brennan.

- He's got to have a say in this.

- All right.

- But let me talk to him first.

- Okay.

But, Quentin, don't keep me out of the loop anymore.

We're in this together.

THEO: Not quite sure what the big deal is. Few of us went out drinking, let off some steam.

In the Marigny two nights ago, right?

Partying on a Tuesday illegal now?

- Depends. - PRIDE: What kind of partying? Only supposed to have a couple beers, but we got ambitious, and the night got away from us.

Got away from you how?

We hit the strip club.

Spent a month's pay.

Had some fun.

But we were respectful and courteous.

I'm sure the strippers were impressed.

But not everyone had fun that night, did they?

What are you talking about?

Well, one of your friends slipped away, right?

- Hard to say.

- Is it, though?

ANGELO: I'm not looking to jam anyone up.

- Jam them up for what?

- Well, sir, you know better than me.


But what I don't know is which one of your friends did you lose track of that night?

It was a long night, but we were together the whole time.

You sound confident.

It's not a complicated question.

I wonder if your buddy outside feels that same kind of confidence, because if he says a different story than you, it's gonna put you in a bad light.

ANGELO: Four of us went out.

Had a good time.
Came back to base together.

You were together the whole time?

Yes, sir.

Nobody ever left my sight.

♪ Now, now, I wanna ♪

♪ Tan for the top and then tan for the bottom... ♪

WOMAN: Lucky you came when you did.

Usually wipe these after a week.

HANNAH: Looks pretty busy for a Tuesday night.

- Busy every night these days.

- Hmm.

I thought COVID would scare away customers.

Turns out, quarantine made 'em even lonelier.

- BOTH: Hmm.

- And lonely men are good for business.

Stop right there.

- There's our sailors.

- HANNAH: : p.m.

Any chance you remember them?

Long as the customers keep paying and keep out of trouble, they all run together.

When we were walking up here, I saw a hallway to the left.

What does that lead to?

Restrooms, champagne room.

- Any exits over there?

- No, but there's an exit in the dressing room, but it's for performers only.

Can we take a look?

♪ Work, work, work, work, work... ♪ Knock first.

The afternoon shift's coming in.

Either of you work on Tuesday night?

After all these months off, we take every shift we can get.

Leads to an alley, but there's a camera.

Oh, that's been busted for weeks.

Any customers ever come through here?

Against the rules.

HANNAH: You wouldn't remember either of these guys, would you?


♪ Left cheek, right cheek, left cheek, right cheek... ♪ What is it?

He's a regular.

Or was before COVID.

Haven't seen him around as much, thankfully.

Why thankfully?

Let's just say he's one of the reasons - we have so many rules.

- And so many bouncers.

DANCER : He's been 'd half a dozen times.

- But they let him back?

- He spends money.

Brings in other sailors.

Promises to be good, and he is for a while, but then something else happens.

What kind of something else?

He's gotten real rough in the champagne room.

Couple girls quit over it.

Not allowed back there anymore.

Okay, but he was in the club on Tuesday?

Yeah, um, we stayed away from him, but like I said, he spends money.

Some of the others put up with it.

Any chance he was back here that night?

We were busy with other customers.

- Sorry.

- We got to get to work.


Look, Liam McCall may have a spotless record, but he's not a nice guy.

Yeah, and if he's a regular, he'd know how to avoid the cameras, slip in, slip out without anybody even noticing.

Which makes him our number one suspect.


Any luck tracking down Emily Tascioni?


No ping on the cell phone, no activity on the credit cards.

I'm hoping that's because she's being smart on the run.

Think there's a chance that Liam found her first?

Not since we've been keeping an eye on him.

He's been stuck at Belle Chasse all day.

- You gonna pick him up?

- We don't have enough on him.

Other than him not being liked at the strip club, unless you found something.

I've been digging in, but I'm not sure what I have is useful so far.

Liam McCall.

Petty Officer First Class.

Ten years in the Navy, and he's been at Belle Chasse for six months.

Working alongside Emily on a long-range tactical drone.

What about before that?

Bounced around a lot internationally.

Japan, Spain, Greece.

Short-term assignments?

Less than a year at each one.

That's unusual.

I spoke to one of his old COs.

They considered him a ladies' man.


That's one way to put it.

Any complaints ever filed?

Nah, just a lot of transfers.

Could fit a pattern of bad behavior.

He acts out, supervisor sends him packing.

Back-channel justice.

That's what our m*rder victim, Amanda Gregson, was trying to do.

And since Emily felt uncomfortable stepping forward, if you can't arrest him, make him somebody else's problem, right?

I'm gonna keep looking for Emily.

You find a way to bring Liam down.

All right.

LYNETTE: So, you weren't able to connect with your brother at all?

Brennan's been deployed, unreachable for three weeks.

It's probably not a good idea to text him about it.


We don't have three weeks.

Okay, so, uh, we have to decide how to move forward ourselves.

Do I come clean about the DUI not being mine, or hope the FBI don't ask?


Lynette Carter?

Rita Devereaux speaks very highly of you.


You must be Dwayne.

- Yes, ma'am.


I heard that Rita moved here.

A big loss for Justice.

- She was one of the great ones.

- Still is.

- How is she?

- Well, if you could carve out some time for dinner tomorrow night, we'd be happy to cook for you, for both of you, and you can ask her yourself.

Well, uh, actually, we...

We would love it.

- Thank you.

- Table for four it is.

We would?

Okay, well, you know, I, uh, work really hard to keep personal and professional separate.

Quentin, we're just talking about one dinner.

One dinner leads to birthday parties, drinks, baby showers.

Oh, no, you're right.

It sounds terrible.


Look, I got to run.

We'll talk later.


Petty Officer McCall.

Only a matter of time.

- Don't seem too surprised to see us.

- Well, you questioned my friends, restricted my movements to base only.

You want to come back to NCIS with us, answer some questions?


I don't think so.

I'm late for work.

Yeah, we'll talk here.

You want to ask me about Tuesday night.

I'm gonna tell you what my boys already said.

We got wasted, went to the club and came home together.

CARTER: Actually, we want to ask you about another night when you took Emily Tascioni out to dinner a few weeks ago.

And drugged her and r*ped her.


CARTER: Oh, did she say something funny?

'Cause we take allegations of r*pe seriously.

I'm sorry.

Did Emily tell you that?

'Cause I'm the one who should be filing a complaint.

And why is that?

That dinner was two hours of my life I won't get back.

That's not how we heard it.

Oh, so did she file a complaint?

- CARTER: We're not at liberty to...

- I know she didn't.

If she had, you'd be compelled to take me with you, but you're not, are you?

Well, since you drove all this way, I'll tell you what happened.

We met at the restaurant.

She got super drunk, didn't eat her food.

And I drove her home.

End of story.

Now I got to go.

Hey, we're not done here.

You need to get out of my way.

And you need to watch your tone.

Hey, I'm just trying to get to work, serve my country.

- (EXHALES): Ooh.

- Regretting that third helping?

I'm regretting that my stomach isn't bigger.

I'm glad you liked the brisket.

It's my mom's recipe.

Oh, where's your mom now?

- Nashville, where I'm from.

- Ah.

But I haven't seen her since I left with Rory's dad.

Over four years ago now.

I can't even remember the last time I spoke with my mother.

She's never met Rory.

Oh, you should reach out.


it's complicated.

She never understood why I came here in the first place, let alone raising Rory all by myself.

I always thought after she was born, she might reach out, - but she didn't, so...

- Mm.

Well, if it's important to restore the relationship, you may have to make the first move.

Not sure I'm there yet.

Oh, you could tell her your big news.

What news is that?

Pride asked Fiona to sing one of her songs at his next concert in the park.

- Oh, that's wonderful.

- It's terrifying.

I've never performed in front of that big of an audience.

- Ever.

- You're gonna be great.

Thank you.

I'll go get dessert.

Well, for God's sake, when are you gonna ask the girl out on a proper date?



Where is this coming from?

Sebastian, read the room.

You've been eyeing each other all night.

I just...

I don't want her to feel pressured 'cause I helped her out, you know.

She's a grown woman with a child.

She's perfectly capable of making a decision.

And you certainly need to make a move here.


Early morning?

Ah, couldn't stop thinking about Hannah and Carter's chat with Liam McCall yesterday.

Been over their report several times.

Yeah, well, not the first suspect to stonewall.

You know, it was his attitude...

Dismissive, lack of remorse, victim blaming.

Liam McCall is a bully.

Hurts women to feel powerful.

He thinks he wants power, but what he really wants is respect.

That requires admiration, which is hard to come by.

Exactly, so he gets mad, and he takes that rage, and he directs it at the people he thinks are responsible.

Like Emily Tascioni.

Emily was just a stand-in for all the other women in his life who have disrespected him, and she wasn't the first.

Patton dug into Liam's pre-Navy history.

He was accused of sexual as*ault in college.

Charges were never prosecuted, and the victim wouldn't testify.

Any other accusations?

Navy record was spotless.

That's military culture.

He knew women wouldn't put their career on the line to come forward.

Especially in cases where it's he said, she said.

And what happened to Emily wasn't a fluke.

- It's a pattern.

It will happen again.

- Unless we stop it.

- PATTON: King?

- Yeah.

Got a lead on Emily, but I don't but I don't think you're gonna like it.

What'd you find?

Park ranger reported her car parked overnight near the Cameron Prairie Wildlife Preserve.

It's a good place to hide out.

Or to dump a body.

Ranger says this is overflow parking.

Been shut down for a couple months.

Any of them check the car?

No, they stayed back until we got here.


Tinted windows.

Can't see a damn thing.




I got a bad feeling, Pride.

It's empty.

- (g*n CLICKS)

- Who the hell are you?

We're NCIS.

GREGORIO: We know about Liam.

We're here to help.

But first, we need you to put the g*n down.

I felt wrong ever since I told Amanda what happened to me.

Wrong how?

Something in my gut.

I knew Liam was capable of horrible things.

And I knew she wasn't gonna let this go.

Then I heard Amanda was m*rder*d.

So you ran?

Not at first.

I thought about calling NCIS, telling you what happened, but he knows where I live.

I knew I wasn't safe.

- You've been here two days?

- No.

I keep moving.

I don't want to be in one place for too long, 'cause he can track me down.

Well, you're safe now, and it's gonna stay that way.

Liam McCall won't hurt you.

You arrested him?

We're working on it.

Then you can't promise me - that I'm safe.

- We can if you help us.

Help you how?

Go on record about what Liam did to you.


Look what happened to the last person I told.

Amanda didn't even have all the details.

I did that to her.


Liam McCall did that to her.

He'll do it to me, too.

We won't let that happen.

PRIDE: You've got two choices.

You can keep on running, always looking over your shoulder.

GREGORIO: Or you can come with us and help us stop Liam McCall from ever hurting a woman again.


Emily's set up in a hotel.

Officers are rotating in shifts throughout the night.

- Keep her safe.

- All right, great.

Hopefully now she'll get a full night's sleep.

- Pride sent over her statement?

- Yeah.

But it's nothing we didn't already know.

At least now it's on the record, though.

This happened a month ago.

She didn't have a r*pe kit done at urgent care.

She didn't tell any friends.

So it's her word against his?

Might have problems making sexual as*ault charges stick.


But m*rder is still on the table.

Emily's statement might be enough to get us a warrant for Liam's house and car.

I'll start making some calls.


I will never forget the look on Judge Randall's face when you told him where he could shove that gavel.

- Whoa.


You laugh, but I barely avoided a contempt charge.

Ate crow for months.

LYNETTE: It was worth it.

I never get the opportunity to vent like that in the Pentagon.

Well, maybe that will change when you're Under Secretary of the Navy.

I don't think I'll find that out.

I'm withdrawing my name.

You're what?

But they already started the confirmation.

I changed my mind.

The process is too intrusive.

I'm actually considering going into the private sector.

Oh, you'll get flooded with offers.

- Mm.

- But you wanted this job.

You're just, what, giving up?

Quentin, we're guests here.

This conversation can wait.

No, no.

No, it can't.

You're doing this to protect Brennan, aren't you?

I am doing this because a mother sacrifices for her children.

I'm gonna go open some more wine.

Excuse me.

And I'm gonna get the dessert.

I've made my decision.

So you're sacrificing your career to prove a point.


It's a mother's responsibility.

Brennan is an adult.

He can take responsibility for his own actions.

This isn't just about Brennan.

Thank you for dinner.

It was really delicious.

Appreciate it.



Somebody mention more wine?


Try me again.

This time...

- It's gonna work this time, I promise.

- Okay.

- Ready?

- Yeah.

(LAUGHING): It was right there.

It was right there.

I'm, ah...


So much for being your high school champion.

I promise that I was.

I'm not making it up.

It was in my yearbook.

Oh, sure, okay.


Well, everyone knows it's easier when you throw it to yourself.

- Mm.



- It's ridiculous.

Keep telling yourself that.


So I was kind of surprised that you asked me out tonight.

Like a, like a good surprise or a bad surprise?

- Well, I asked Dr.

Wade to babysit.

- Mm-hmm.

- I showered.

- Nice.

- I drove here.

Um, now we're watching...

- Mm-hmm.

- Whatever this is.

- SEBASTIAN: Modern classic.

So I'll let you fill in the blanks.

You want me to fill in the blanks?

I'm not great at that.

I feel like there's too many possibilities, you know what I mean?

Like when I get a Mad Lib put in front of me, I...

Does that answer your question?

Um, I'm not sure.

I feel like it needs to be answered again.

- HANNAH: So, how was dinner last night?

- CARTER: Fine.

Went that well?

Let's just say it reminded me why I joined the Marine Corps and stopped going to family events.


Okay, now this is bordering on harassment.

We brought you a present.

We're gonna be searching your house and your vehicle, - so step aside.

- Absolutely not.

Okay, well, we could cuff you and you could watch from the back of our car; it's your choice.


I told you we weren't done yet.

How about those fireworks last night?

Yeah, sorry about that.

Didn't intend to air my family's dirty laundry out over dinner.

Families fight.

It happens.

- That woman is stubborn as a mule.

- Maybe.

But she also seems like a woman who'd do anything for her kids.

Yeah, at least one of 'em.

You upset because she's stepping down or because you think she's only doing it for your brother?

PATTON: Hey, King.

Seems like our boy Liam liked playing on the dark web.

Spent serious Bitcoin to buy dr*gs from South Africa.


You know, I'd never heard of it until this case.

PATTON: Quaaludes, my friend.

Disco biscuits.

They were the drug of choice long before you was born.

They banned 'em, like, years ago.

PRIDE: According to Amanda's tox report, she had traces of methaqualone in her system when she died.

Probably the same drug he used on Emily, too.


That's good work, P.

Keep on digging.

I'm on it.


GREGORIO: How was last night?


- Sorry.

I just...

- You're safe now.

We've got officers posted / .

Physically, yeah.

But in here...

I can't stay asleep, and when I do, I dream.


Wouldn't be surprising after everything you've been through.

When I'm awake, it's no better.

A living nightmare.

Well, if it's any consolation, your CO agreed to drop any UA charges, so you can go back to work when you're ready.

- That's good, right?

- I'm not sure I'll ever be ready.

You will.

I know it feels hopeless right now.

It's gonna take a lot of time and energy to even feel halfway normal, but you got to try.

You got to look to your future, sweetheart.

Maybe I can give it a shot when you tell me he's behind bars.

We're doing everything we can, Emily.

Actually, I was hoping to get your thoughts on something.

I already told you everything.

No, it's not about that night, it's about Liam's friends.

Jaxson, Theo, Angelo.

They're tight, right?

Liam showed up six months ago and they flocked to him.

Real alpha energy.

Any of 'em ever show any backbone?

Bristle at his control?

I don't understand.

In order to prove that Liam had the opportunity to k*ll Amanda, we have to poke a hole in his alibi.

Look at Angelo.

I always got the sense he didn't care for Liam as much as the others.


Petty Officer Coleman.

Oh, come on, I'm with my kid.

CARTER: Yeah, he looks like a good kid.

I already talked to the other guy.

Yeah, you told him you didn't want to jam anyone up.

Do you even know what Liam did?

Some misunderstanding with Emily Tascioni.

NCIS doesn't investigate misunderstandings.

Liam's gonna be charged with r*pe and m*rder.

What are you talking about?

I heard Emily is okay.

Emily's alive. Okay is another matter. Now, in order to cover up his r*pe, Liam stabbed a Navy therapist on the night that he was out with you.


You can't know that for sure because I...

We do.

And we're gonna prove it.

And you're gonna help.

- I told you everything I know.

- Yeah.

You guys went out to the club, Liam was with you all night long.

He drove us there, he drove us back.

Look, I can tell you that lying makes you an accessory, that you could get into deep trouble.

But if I were you, I would think more about my boy.

What kind of example I want to set for him.

What kind of man I want him to grow up to be.


I want to help you, but I can't.

All he needed was minutes.

Maybe he went out to have a smoke, take a long bathroom trip.

A dance in the champagne room.

He was gone for a while.

I thought Liam was banned from private dances.

That's what I thought, too.

What was so urgent, Sebastian?

So, if Liam drove everyone to the club, then he must have also driven to the coffee shop to find Amanda, right?


It's the only way he could have pulled it off in minutes.

You're thinking Liam tracked some of Amanda's blood into his car?

Well, when we checked the car, it had been wiped clean.

- Right.

- Then I started thinking, what are some of the first things you do when you get in your car?

- Turn the ignition.

- After that.

- Put it in gear.

- Before that.


- Put on your seat belt.

- Yeah.

We found a biological sample that matched Amanda's DNA.

Amanda's blood inside Liam's car?

That is about as far from circumstantial as you can get.


HANNAH: I thought you'd be happier about nailing this creep for m*rder.

No, it's good, I just keep thinking about Emily.

She deserves closure.

You want him on the r*pe charge, too.

GREGORIO: I want him to admit what he did.

Validate her experience, and accept responsibility.

That's a tall order.

Let's see what we can do.

Well, here we go again.

What do you got this time?

GREGORIO: Liam McCall, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Amanda Gregson.

A-Are you kidding me?


You guys have got the wrong guy.

- Yeah?

- I'm innocent.

Oh, well, it's about time.

I'll have you know, as soon as I get out of here, I'm suing this whole department.

Y-You can't just drag innocent people down here and try to bluff your way to a confession.

You think we're bluffing?

You barely had enough evidence for a search warrant, let alone convict me of m*rder.


Something funny?

You're not talking like an innocent man.

You're talking like a guilty man who thinks he got away with it.





Here's a purchase order from South Africa for methaqualone.

- Metha what?

- Amanda Gregson's tox screen, which shows a high level of methaqualone in her blood on the night that she was k*lled.

Emily Tascioni's statement which details when and how you r*ped her.

You think anyone's gonna believe that?

Angelo Coleman's statement, your buddy, who refutes your alibi, says there was a period of at least minutes where you were unaccounted for.

I was getting a private dance.

Signed statements from all of the dancers who worked that night, confirming that none of them ever gave you a dance.

Bunch of drug addicts and whores.

I'm a petty officer with a spotless record.

Here's the kicker.

Traces of Amanda Gregson's blood on your car's seat belt clip.


No, that's impossible.

I-I've never even heard of Amanda.

You need to recognize what kind of trouble you're in here, Petty Officer.

You ordered the dr*gs, you stalked Amanda Gregson and you stabbed her.

That's premeditated first-degree m*rder, and carries a death sentence in the state of Louisiana.


we can make a deal.

What kind of deal?

Admit to raping Emily Tascioni, I'll push for the m*rder charges to be tried in a JAG military court.


What difference would that make?

JAG courts haven't handed out the death penalty in over years.

How much time?

to life.

That's not a deal.

It's the best you're ever gonna get.

And when I walk out of this room...

the offer walks with me.


EMILY: He confessed? I can't believe this is real.

It's as real as it gets.

It's gonna be a long time before I feel like myself again, but this helps.

Does this mean you're going back to work?

- Eventually.

- Mm.

But right now, I'm meeting with SAPR.

The Navy's Sexual as*ault Prevention and Response team?

The master-at-arms Amanda was working with reached out to me, told me what they were trying to do.

Yeah, get Liam transferred.

That kind of back-channel justice has to stop.

It's not a solution.

You're bringing the fight to them?

Somebody has to give these women a voice.

And I can't let anyone else go through what I did.

Well, that's very brave.

And whatever you need, I'm here to help, okay?

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Thank you.

♪ When you walked into the room ♪

♪ Amongst a crowd I barely knew ♪

♪ My vision quickly changed ♪

♪ The only thing I want to see is you... ♪

Knock, knock.

(LAUGHS): Sebastian, you shouldn't have.

Uh, what, come back here?

'Cause I didn't know if I was supposed to, and...

I don't know, maybe it was too much,

- the whole flower thing.

- No, it's just right.

- Okay.

- I meant you didn't need

- to go to all the effort.

- Oh, come on, no.

Someone had to be back here with you in the wings, you know?

Wishing you luck, telling you to break

- something.


Thank you.

Yeah, no, I am a little nervous.


Come on, you're gonna be amazing.

- (LAUGHS): I don't know.

- Trust me, all right?

And tomorrow, I was thinking we could celebrate.

Go get dinner, dessert, maybe go to this ax-throwing bar I keep hearing about.

Or, judging by your expression, thinking maybe you're not into the dessert thing, so we'll just do dinner and ax throwing.

No, it's not that.

It's, um...

I've been talking to my mom again.

- Oh, yeah?

You called her?

- Yeah.

After what Dr.

Wade said at dinner, I-I reached out.

And it turned out she was just as scared to make the first move.


Well, that's awesome.

She wants to meet Rory, of course.

And, um, well, she said I could move back home if I wanted.

Oh, okay...


That's, uh, is that...


Do you want to?

Kind of, yeah.

I mean, on the one hand, she could watch Rory while I work.

- Rory would get to know her family.

- Mm-hmm.

And I could write again, in Nashville, which has always been my dream.


is there, is there room on the other hand, or...?

Well, I met a really great guy...

and I'd miss him a lot.

That's me, right?

- Yes, I'm talking about you.

- Okay.


Had to be sure.

Just got nervous.

I don't know.

What do you think I should do?


I mean, how can you not go back?


- Just as long as you promise me something.

- Mm.

When you get big, don't forget about me, okay?

And I need you to write a song about me, and I need it to be a ballad.

Hey, I never said I wanted to stop doing this.


Well, I mean, Nashville's, like, a, like, a ten-hour drive.

Uh, actually, it's seven hours and minutes.

I mean, I do like a girl who does her research.

Headed to the airport?

Yeah, I was hoping that we could talk before I left.

I tried calling.

What's there to talk about?

You made your decision.

I should have told you in private.

Brennan will be relieved when he finds out.

- Have a safe flight.

- Quentin, please.

I'm trying to explain myself here.

I believed the worst in you when you were a teenager, and I am so sorry.

It breaks my heart that you went through that alone.

It's-it's, uh, it's in the past.

I failed you then.

And I know that that makes it hard for you to believe me now, but what you did for Brennan, was quite noble.

And I am so proud of the man that you have become.

- Mom.

- And you think that I am stepping down to protect Brennan, but really, I want to protect you, too.

And if that means me giving up a promotion so that both of my sons can thrive?

That is the easiest decision I've ever made.

I understand.

And I appreciate it.





You know, I hear Nashville has great barbecue.

I hope it's not too spicy, you know?

I can barely handle a , on the Scoville scale.

WADE: Long distance is hard, but people make it work.

GREGORIO: You know what they say, better to have loved than to keep kicking your roommate out of her house.

SEBASTIAN: Oh, you're one to talk.

You and Kara kick me out, like, twice every week.


It's nice to get out, get some fresh air.

- You know what's good for you?

- PRIDE: Up next, we have a, uh, very talented young lady who's making her debut here with an original song.

Give it up for Fiona Devlin.


♪ Listen up, brother, uncover your eyes ♪ ♪ Watch the words as they form in my mouth ♪ ♪ I got something to say ♪ ♪ Well, okay, it ain't much ♪ ♪ It's just that you're north so I'm heading south ♪ ♪ And I'm hurt ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ When you get emotional, hell to pay ♪ ♪ Start running my, running my, running ♪ ♪ My way ♪ ♪ I'm like the water on a mid-July day ♪ ♪ Keep running my, running my, running my way ♪ ♪ Am I unlucky? ♪ ♪ Whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ Your love's damaging ♪ ♪ Or am I lucky? ♪ ♪ Choose me. ♪