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01x21 - Go!

Posted: 02/19/21 15:23
by bunniefuu
ACT 1.

Opening Scene.

(Continued directly from the previous episode. Michael points the shank at Warden Pope.)

Pope: You son of a bitch!

Michael: We're gonna take this real easy, Warden. I just need you to do a couple of things for me.

Pope: You just bought yourself ten years.

(CO Mack's voice comes over the radio on the side.)

CUT TO: CO Mack with Bellick's truck in the parking lot.

Mack: Warden, Bellick's truck is here, sir. I'm staring right at it. Shall we start looking for him?

(In the office, Michael picks up the radio.)

Pope: Michael, if you just put that shank...

(Michael holds the radio close to Pope.)

Michael: Tell the guard you spoke with Bellick, and he said he's taking some personal time.

Pope: You can't possibly get away with this.

Michael: I don't think you want to find out how badly I want to get my brother out of here.

(He holds the shank up threateningly, and holds the radio closer.)

Mack (o/s): Sir?

Pope: Mack.

Mack (o/s): Yes, sir.

Pope: I just spoke with Bellick. He's walked into town. He's taking some personal time.

Mack (o/s): Is he all right?

(Pope hesitates. Michael grips the shank.)

Pope: He's fine.

Mack (o/s): Copy that.

Michael: Okay. I just need you to do one more thing.

[1. INT. Pope's office. Night.]

(Michael uses parcel tape to tie Pope to his office chair.)

Michael: Have Lincoln transferred to the infirmary. And he needs to be there overnight.

Pope: How long have you been planning this?

Michael: That is a conversation for another day, Warden.

(He holds the shank and the radio out.)

Pope: Pope to Base.

C.O. (o/s): Go ahead, sir.

Pope: Have Lincoln Burrows transferred to the infirmary. I want him held overnight for tests.

C.O. (o/s): Copy that.

Michael: Once we're gone, you'll find Bellick in a hole under the guards' break room. I'm sorry you got caught in the middle, but one day you'll understand why I did this.

Pope: You'll never make it over the wall.

(Michael gags Pope with a tie, and drags him into the closet. He walks over to the table and picks up the radio.)

Michael: I'm sorry, Henry.

(He knocks Pope out with the radio, and closes the closet doors.)

[2. INT. Pope's office. Night.]

(Michael picks up the office phone and dials out. Then he places the receiver on the desk and walks out.)

[3. INT. Reception. Night.]

(Becky looks up from the desk.)

Becky: Everything all right?

Michael: Yeah, uh, he's getting an earful from someone over at the DOC.

(Becky looks over at the switchboard and sees the red light for Pope's office.)

Becky: Oh. Is he on with Mr. Drushal?

Michael: I'm not sure, but, uh, it's turning into a conference call and he said he didn't want to be disturbed.

Becky: Oh, well, of course.

Michael: Have a good night.

Becky: You know, Michael...

(Michael stops in the doorway and turns.)

Becky: You know he can be a big old grump sometimes, but I hope you know how highly he thinks of you. There's no way he'd get that Taj Mahal done in time for his anniversary without your help.

(Michael nods slightly and turns to leave.)

[Camera shot of the Storage area - night.]

[4. INT. Pipes system. Night.]

(Bellick continues to furiously rub his restraining ropes against the jagged bolt in the pipe.)

[5. INT. Michael's cell. Night.]

(Michael is escorted back into his cell. Sucre is looking very anxious.)

Michael: It's 6:55.

Sucre: That's five minutes till tier.

Michael: It's one hour till the next count. One hour to get over that wall and as far away from this prison as possible.

[6. INT. Westmoreland's cell. Night.]

(Westmoreland puts his glasses case in his mouth while he takes off the bloody cloth on his wound. He replaces it with a clean sock, every movement bringing excruciating pain.)

[7. INT. T-Bag's cell. Night.]

(T-Bag waits for the cell doors to open. He looks across the tier and locks eyes with Abruzzi. They glare at each other threateningly.)

[8. INT. Tweener's cell. Night.]

(Tweener wrings out his jumpsuit in the peroxide-filled toilet, and panics when he sees blue spots.)

[9. INT. C-Note's cell. Night.]

(C-Note jumps off his bunk, pulling on a grey sweatshirt. He looks across the tier and makes eye contact with Trumpets. Trumpets pulls his fist across his throat in a 'you're dead' gesture.)

[10. INT. Michael's cell. Night.]

Michael: You unscrewed the toilet, right?

(Sucre looks up apologetically.)

Michael: That's five minutes we don't have.

Sucre: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm just...

(Michael reaches in the book for the bolt.)

Sucre: I just...I just feel like my head is spinning a little.

(He gets up and vomits in the toilet.)

Michael: Are you okay?

Sucre: If we get caught...I can't do ten more years, bro. I can't!

(A buzzer sounds and the cell doors slide open.)

Guard (o/s): Tier time. One hour.

Michael: There's no going back now.


[11. INT. Michael's cell. Night.]

(Abruzzi makes his way up the tier to Michael's cell. He furtively slips his bleached jumpsuit to Sucre, who hides it under the mattress.)

(Manche walks up, T-Bag behind him.)

T-Bag: If you get stuck in one of them pipes, boy...

Michael: Bull.

(The inmates all appear casual, leaning over the railings.)

T-Bag: Keep walkin', bull, keep walkin'...

(Westmoreland approaches them as the guard walks away.)

Michael: You okay?

Westmoreland: Great.

(Sucre stashes Westmoreland's jumpsuit under the mattress.)

(C-Note and Tweener approach Michael's cell. C-Note leans over the railing, watching Trumpets who is staring at him. Tweener hands his jumpsuit to Sucre.)

Sucre: It's got blue spots!

Tweener: Yo, I got a late start.

Sucre: Only one thing you needed to do.

Michael: Lock the gate. I gotta finish this off.

(Sucre angrily puts Tweener's jumpsuit under the mattress and then barricades the gate while Michael finishes unscrewing the toilet.)

Abruzzi (to T-Bag): Said a prayer for you, Theodore. Said a prayer for us all.

(T-Bag stays silent, looking nervous. C-Note looks down at Trumpets, also nervous. He walks into the cell. The cell is now being flanked by the entire escape crew, bar Michael and C-Note.)

[12. INT. A-Wing cell block. Night.]

(Trumpets' crew surround him. One of them hands him a sharpened nail.)

Trumpets: I want him dead. Anybody gets in the way gets run over.

(They all march up the stairs.)

[13. INT. Pipes system. Night.]

(Bellick finally cuts through the ropes that are restraining his hands and feet together. He hears voices above him.)

Patterson (o/s): Hey, you makin' coffee?

CUT TO: Patterson and Mack in the break room.

Patterson: Just a half a cup, Mack. If I have more than that, I'll be up all night. Thank you, bro.

CUT TO: Bellick. He tries to call out but he is still tightly gagged and it's muffled.

[14. INT. Michael's cell. Night.]

(Michael unscrews fast. C-Note hovers next to him.)

C-Note: How many more screws?

[15. INT. A-Wing cell block. Night.]

(Trumpets and his crew march down the tier towards Michael's cell. Abruzzi, T-Bag and Sucre are still blocking the cell entrance. Tweener, Manche and Westmoreland stand by.)

Trumpets: Get C-Note out here.

Abruzzi: Huh? Haven't seen him, man.

Trumpets: That's real touching and all - you sticking up for a brother. But y'all need to step aside. Right now.

(Suddenly the escape crew are surrounded at all sides by Trumpets' boys. They all look disinterested as Trumpets inches into Michael's cell. He holds the nail out ready. All he sees is Michael sitting on the lower bunk.)

Michael: Something you need?

(Trumpets looks under the bunk.)

Trumpets: Where is he?

Abruzzi: Told you. We haven't seen him.

(Trumpets glares round at them all, suspiciously, then leaves the cell.)

PA: Wilson, medical detail. Five minutes. Ramirez...

CUT TO: C-Note, sitting fearfully in the hole behind the toilet.

[16. INT. Nick's apartment. Night.]

(Veronica sits across from Nick, his g*n on the coffee table.)

Veronica: This whole time, everything you said was a lie.

Nick: No. No, I never stopped fighting for Lincoln's innocence, never. They approached me after I took this case.

Veronica: Who's they?

Nick: John Abruzzi.

Veronica: John Abruzzi, the Mob boss?

Nick: Yes.

Veronica: How much did he pay you?

Nick: My father's freedom.

Veronica: You said your father was exonerated.

Nick: I lied, okay? I agreed to keep tabs on you, in exchange Abruzzi had some guy who was already doing a life sentence cop to the m*rder that my father didn't commit. And that's how I got him out of jail.

Veronica: Your dad's life for mine.

Nick: No-one needs to get hurt here, Veronica.

Veronica: Oh, you think Abruzzi wants legal advice from me?

Nick: All you have to do is make sure Michael gives this Abruzzi guy what he needs to know. That's it.

Veronica: Nick. You don't think they're gonna let me live, do you?

Nick: I gotta believe that.

(The phone rings. He answers it.)

Nick: Yeah. Okay. Right.

(He hangs up and grabs his g*n.)

Nick: Stand up. We have to go. Get up!

(He pulls her to her feet and moves to the door.)

[17. INT. Michael's cell. Night.]

(Michael stands by the hole. He holds out a jumpsuit.)

Michael: Charles.

(Westmoreland takes his jumpsuit and goes into the hole. Tweener goes into the cell, and takes his jumpsuit from Michael, entering the hole after Westmoreland.)

Michael: Sucre, drop the sheet. Manche, you're next.

(Manche looks nervous.)

Michael: Let's move it!

(Manche looks like he might get stuck in the hole.)

Michael (to T-Bag): This one's for you.

(T-Bag takes the jumpsuit and pushes Manche through the hole with his boot.)

T-Bag: Move your fat ass!

[18. INT. Pipes system. Night.]

(Bellick continues to scream but they are muffled. He tries to work the gag out by shaking his head.)

[19. INT. Michael's cell. Night.]

(T-Bag is about to enter the hole when he realizes Abruzzi is behind him and stands back up.)

Michael (handing Abruzzi a jumpsuit): That's for you.

T-Bag (to Abruzzi): Age before beauty.

(Abruzzi stares at him for several seconds before smiling widely. He goes into the hole. T-Bag follows. Michael hands a jumpsuit to Sucre.)

Sucre: So you got the key to the infirmary?

(Michael shakes some foot powder into his pocket.)

Michael: Not exactly.

[20. EXT. Lake Michigan. Night.]

(Sara stands by the lake, deep in thought.)

[21. INT. Pipes system. Night.]

(Michael pulls the toilet back to the wall. C-Note and Abruzzi move a shelving unit that is covering a hole Michael started on during the riots.)

C-Note: All right. How are we doing, baby?

Michael: Not good. We're already ten minutes behind. Let's move it.

(The cons move through the hole quickly, one by one.)

[22. INT. Pipes system. Night.]

(Bellick uses the edge of the hole to try and rip through the tape gag on his mouth.)

[23. INT. Pipes system. Night.]

(Michael moves quickly through the tunnels, the other inmates behind him.)

CUT TO: Bellick, who has cut through the duct tape.

Bellick (yells): Help!

CUT TO: Michael stops quickly.

CUT TO: Bellick, yelling.

Bellick: HELP!

ACT 2.

[24. INT. Pipes system. Night.]

Bellick: Help! Help!

[25. EXT. Storage area. Night.]

(Mack looks over at Patterson, having heard something.)

Mack: Did you hear that?

Patterson: Hear what?

(They walk back towards the break room.)

[26. INT. Pipes system. Night.]

Bellick: Help!

(Suddenly a hand clamps over his mouth. It's T-Bag and he's holding a blade close to Bellick's face.)

Bellick: Hel...

T-Bag: Shh!

(He puts the knife to Bellick's throat threateningly. They wait.)

Mack (o/s): You hear anything?

[27. INT. Break room. Night.]

Patterson: There's nobody here, man.

Mack: I swear I heard something.

(They listen again, but hear nothing.)

Mack: Come on, let's go.

[28. INT. Pipes system. Night.]

T-Bag: You scream and I'll cut out your windpipe, got me?

Michael: I need his jacket and his hat.

(T-Bag hands the blade to Michael, pushes Bellick forward and drags him through the tunnel. The other inmates follow.)

[29. EXT. Street. Night.]

(Sara sits in her car, deep in thought. She unclips her safety belt and gets out.)

[30. INT. Infirmary Lobby. Night.]

(Sara walks through the foyer and up to the gate.)

Guard: Evening, Doc.

(He buzzes her through.)

[31. INT. Pipes system. Night.]

Bellick: Brains of the outfit, huh, Scofield? (to the others) He's leading you off a cliff, boys.

C-Note: You're acting like you still in charge. Shut your mouth, bitch.

(Sucre emerges from the pipes, followed by Manche.)

Sucre: So pendajo!

(Bellick looks up at the pipe and locks eyes with Tweener.)

Bellick: You. (to T-Bag) You know, he's...

(Tweener punches him to shut him up and then forces the duct tape back into Bellick's mouth. Abruzzi comes out of the pipes.)

Abruzzi: Ciao, bello.

(T-Bag forces Bellick's head up to look at him, then just smiles widely and moves on through the pipes. Michael puts on Bellick's jacket. Bellick looks murderous.)

[Camera shot of a train going along the track - night.]

[32. INT. Nick's car. Night.]

Veronica: Nick, please, don't do this.

Nick: Tell Michael to give Abruzzi what he wants.

Veronica: Please, Nick, come on, they're gonna k*ll me! Nick...

(Nick pulls a pillowcase over her head.)

Veronica: Nick! No! No! Nick...

[Camera shot of the grate, coming down the pipe to the inmates sitting below.]

[33. INT. Pipes system. Night.]

Michael: Everyone put your coveralls on. I'll be back in a minute.

C-Note: Yo, where you goin', man? Hey!

Sucre: You heard him. Come on.

C-Note: This is ridiculous, man.

[34. INT. Pipes system. Night.]

(Michael, now wearing Bellick's jacket, walks until he finds a small utility box. He takes a handful of the foot powder from his pocket and blows it on the keypad. When he looks he can see the powder has stuck to keys 1, 3, 5 and 8.)

Michael: 1, 3, 5, 8.

(He presses the enter key but the light blinks red.)

Michael: 3, 5 , 8 , 1. Enter.

(The light blinks red again.)

Michael: 8, 1, 3, 5. Enter.

(Still the light blinks red.)

[35. INT. Pipes system. Night.]

(Westmoreland moves his jacket and puts his hand on the bleeding wound. C-Note notices, but says nothing.)

[36. INT. Government building. Night.]

(Two men sit at a conference table.)

Suit: The scope of this, which we're all aware of, can cloud judgment. I suggest we look at this in very simple terms. We have an employee, she's not working out. We fire her. It needs to be that simple.

Suit#2: But she's the Vice President of the United States.

[Camera shot of Caroline pacing her office, drinking from a spirit glass.]

Suit: And that's all she'll ever be. She's plummeting in the polls. If we keep her as our candidate, we're handing the presidency to her opponent. And then everything we hoped to gain with Caroline in office is all gone.

Suit#2: Fine. We ask her to drop out. But how do we know she'll keep her mouth shut on everything she knows?

Suit: Samantha?

(Agent Samantha Brinker steps from the shadows.)

Brinker: Yes, sir.

Suit: I need a very frank assessment from you right now. Based on your contact with her, will the Vice President go quietly?

Brinker: No. Absolutely not. Becoming President is the most important thing to her. If we take that away, she has absolutely nothing to lose. And I guarantee you, she will do everything she can to take everyone she can down with her.

Suit: We need to make a move on her. Now.

[37. INT. Infirmary. Night.]

(Sara walks towards her room. Before she gets there, the elevator opens and two COs escort Lincoln to the infirmary.)

Orderly: You okay, Doc?

(Sara doesn't answer. She unlocks the door to the infirmary and walks in. As she looks up she notices vials of Morphine on the shelf.)

[Flashback: Sara back in the days when she was a drug addict, sh**ting morphine into her vein.]

[Camera shot of two guards walking through the grounds.]

[38. INT. Pipes system. Night.]

(Sucre looks up at the grate.)

Manche (panicking): What's going on?

Sucre: I don't know.

Manche: What are we supposed to do? Just sit here?

Sucre: I don't know. I don't know!

Manche: Man, this whole thing is messed up, bro!

T-Bag: Feel free not to come, Gordo.

[39. INT. Warden Pope's reception room. Night.]

(Becky looks across at the switchboard on the telephone. The red light is still on. She looks over at the office.)

[40. INT. Pipes system. Night.]

(The inmates are waiting when suddenly an alarm blares out. They all panic, looking up at the grate.)

CUT TO: Michael, looking at the utility box.

ACT 3.

[41. INT. Pipes system. Night.]

T-Bag: We're screwed. We're screwed!

C-Note: C'mon, let's go!

(They are about to head back when Michael appears.)

Sucre: Michael, we gotta go back.

Michael: We're moving forward. Stick with the plan.

C-Note: Do your ears work, fool? Do you hear that?

Michael: It's the fire alarm in the psych ward.

Sucre: How do you know?

Michael: I set it off.

Sucre: Why?

[42. EXT. Psych Ward. Night.]

(The psych ward inmates slowly exit the building.)

PA: Exit the building in an orderly fashion.

(Michael watches them all from beneath the grate.)

[43. EXT. Airstrip. Night.]

[Caption: Goose Park Airstrip. 10 miles from Fox River.]

(An aeroplane touches down on the runway. Maggio gets out, followed by a pilot.)

Pilot: We're in the sticks. You know how many people would hear a jet like this landing?

Maggio: Don't worry about it.

(He holds a police scanner in his hands.)

[44. EXT. Psych ward. Night.]

Orderly: False alarm. Back to the psych ward. Everyone!

(The psych ward inmates turn around and walk back.)

Orderly: Walk in with me now. Very good. Just gotta keep on walking.

Orderly#2: Come on guys, you heard him. Come on, let's go. It's cold out here. That's it.

(As the last of them walk away, the camera pans to the grate. Michael's hand comes up to move it aside.)

Orderly (o/s): Come on, Davy, let's go...

(Someone breathing heavily watches Michael and the escape crew hurry across the yard.)

[45. INT. Psych Ward. Night.]

(Sklar is about to close the gate after the inmates.)

Michael: Hold up! Got some stragglers.

Sklar: Cool.

Michael: Let's go.

(Some of the escape crew file past Sklar, but Sklar singles out Tweener.)

Sklar: Wait a minute. That's not whack-shack issue. Everybody stop.

Michael: Stay where you are! I said stay where you are. (to Sklar) What's the problem?

(Sklar takes Michael to one side.)

Sklar: That's John Abruzzi right there.

Michael: Yeah, that's...that's bad news. Listen, you got that sedative you were talking about?

Sklar: Yeah.

Michael: You got some now?

Sklar: Yeah.

Michael: Let's have it.

(Sklar takes it out of his pocket and hands it to Michael.)

Michael: This'll put him out, right?

Sklar: Like a light.

(He turns back to look at Abruzzi and Michael sticks the needle in Sklar's neck.)

Michael: Perfect.

(Sklar falls to the floor, unconscious.)

Michael: Let's go. Let's go.

(They all hurry into Psych Ward.)

Michael: Straight down the hall, straight down the hall.

[46. EXT. Street - in Nick's car. Night.]

Veronica: Nick, please don't do this!

(Nick pulls the car over and opens the back passenger door. Veronica holds up her shackled hands in defence. Nick pulls the pillowcase off her head and cuts the ties on her hands.)

Nick: Come on.

Veronica: What's going on?

Nick: I'm getting you to the airport. Go, go, go. Get to Blackfoot and you find Steadman. There's still time for you to get to the bottom of this thing.

(He opens the passenger door of a cab and pushes Veronica into it.)

Nick: Take this, take this. And I'm sorry about this, okay? You gotta believe me. I'm sorry. (to the driver) Take her to O'Hare.

Driver (o/s): Okay.

(The taxi cab drives away and Nick dials on his cell phone.)

Nick: Dad. You still got the key to my apartment? Okay, just meet me there. I'll explain it later. Just meet me there.

[47. INT. Psych Ward. Night.]

(In the psych ward basement, the cons open the hatch and drop down into the tunnels that lead to the infirmary. Michael walks over to Tweener.)

Tweener (nervously): Halfway there, yo.

(He tries to walk to the hatch but Michael puts out an arm, pushing him backwards.)

Tweener: Wassup?

Michael: I know you told Bellick.

Tweener: I don't know what you're talkin' about...

Michael: But I owed you and I pay my debts. But as soon as we're out of here, you go your way, we'll go ours. You understand?

(Michael drops down the hatch to the tunnel and leads the way, the other cons following. Tweener comes down and follows last.)

[48. INT. Infirmary. Night.]

(Sara is leaving the infirmary. She closes the door without locking it and turns around to bump into Nurse Katie.)

Katie: Oh, Sara. It was a false alarm at the psych ward, that's what all that racket was about.

Sara: Good. Thank you.

(She hurries on. Katie looks surprised.)

Sara: Uh, good night.

[49. INT. Concrete tunnel. Night.]

(The escape team hurry down the tunnel. Westmoreland drags behind.)

C-Note: Hey, look, maybe it ain't worth it if it's gonna k*ll you.

Westmoreland: I'm getting outta here.

[Camera hovers behind them, where someone with heavy breathing is still watching them and following them.]

[50. INT. Infirmary Lobby. Night.]

(Sara hurries to the gate. A guard lets her and Nurse Katie through, then goes back to his post.)

(Michael peers round the corner further down the corridor. It's empty. He crosses the hall and beckons to the others.)

[51. INT. Caroline Reynolds' office. Night.]

(Vice President Reynolds throws her drink glass into the fireplace, where it smashes.)

Kellerman: You're overreacting.

Caroline: I don't mean to shock you, Paul. But I am privy to things that you're not, and I am telling you the Company is selling me down the river.

Kellerman: It's a Legends for Literacy fundraiser. It doesn't mean anything. It's a rubber-chicken dinner.

Caroline: Which I got uninvited to on the day of. You don't do that to your candidate unless a candidate is no longer your candidate.

Kellerman: Caroline, you've been drinking, you're upset.

Caroline: How can you not understand this is so beyond me. I would think, after being by my side for fifteen years, you would have gained at least a rudimentary understanding of how things work.

Kellerman: Listen to me. Listen to me. They're doing this to see how you will react. So you need to be strong. Be presidential and you'll get through this. We'll get through this.

[52. INT. Infirmary. Night.]

(Lincoln sits on a chair, opposite a guard who is reading Truckers Monthly.)

Guard: I'm figuring I'll need a two-inch lift if I'm gonna run with a new set of 30 by nine and a half’s. Question is, add coil springs or just stay with the spacers? What do you think?

(Lincoln sits up straight suddenly, looking at the doorway. The guard spins round to see Michael enter, along with the rest of the escape crew.)

Guard: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy, hey! I ain't a hero for fourteen dollars an hour. You do what you will.

Michael: Uncuff my brother.

Guard: You got it, boss.

(The guard unlocks the handcuff, Lincoln rubs his wrist. He leaves the keys hanging in the cuffs.)

Guard (to Michael): Pretend I ain't here, boss.

T-Bag (laughs): Yeah. You and the radio.

(He punches him and the guard collapses, unconscious. T-Bag hovers over him and then notices the handcuffs and the keys.)

[53. INT. Nick's apartment. Night.]

Nick: Dad, are you here? Dad, you gotta get ready, we gotta go.

(Nick's dad appears in the living room, but he is being held at gunpoint by the man in the trenchcoat who threatened Nick in the electronics store in an earlier episode.)

Trenchcoat: How's it going, Savrinn?

[54. INT. Warden Pope's reception. Night.]

(Becky looks over at the switchboard again. Pope's line is still busy. She reaches for the phone, then has second thoughts. Instead she presses the intercom button.)

Man's Voice (on the line): And I get why the guy's lighting the candle, but why are the others playing the bagpipes?

(There is laughter on the line.)

Man's Voice (on the line): Welcome to Joke Line! Just $2.99 a minute!

Becky: What the hell...?!

[55. INT. Nick's apartment. Night.]

Trenchcoat: Where's the lawyer?

Nick: She's gone.

Trenchcoat: Yeah? Then so's your Dad.

(He points the g*n at Nick's dad's head.)

Nick: No, no, no! Don't.

Trenchcoat: Have you got her or not?

Nick: I can find her.

Trenchcoat: And will you have her in front of me in the next two minutes?

(Nick hesitates.)

Trenchcoat: It's a very simple question, Nick.

Nick: No. Just give me a chance. You've just gotta listen to me...

(Trenchcoat sh**t Nick's dad in the head.)

Nick: No! No!

Trenchcoat: Hey! This is happening right now! You have one more chance. Where's the lawyer?

(Nick hesitates again. Trenchcoat sh**t him in the shoulder. Nick staggers backwards.)

Trenchcoat: Where's the lawyer?

(Nick laughs.)

Nick: She's about a million miles away from here. You're never gonna find her. Why don't you just suck it?

(Trenchcoat fires the g*n, sh**ting Nick in the head.)

ACT 4.

[Camera pans over Fox River - night.]

[56. INT. Infirmary. Night.]

(The escape crew file into the infirmary.)

(Camera hovers behind them - someone with heavy breathing is still following.)

(Michael puts out his hand for the infirmary doorknob.)

Sucre: It better be open, bro.

(Michael's hand closes round the doorknob. The rest of the team wait in tense silence. Michael turns it, and the door opens.)

Michael: We're in.

[57. INT. Sara's car. Night.]

(Sara sits in her car crying, devastated about what she has just done.)

[58. INT. Infirmary. Night.]

(The team move into action.)

Michael: First we gotta get that window out. Then we gotta get the bars off.

(Sucre moves to work on the window.)

Sucre: Watch it, watch it.

(Westmoreland stops, blood seeping through his jumpsuit now.)

(C-Note follows Michael down the hall to the fire hose.)

C-Note: Is this gonna work?

Michael: We're about to find out.

(The team unravel the hose.)

[59. INT. Pope's office. Night.]

(Becky knocks on the door.)

Becky: Warden? Warden?

(She notices the room is empty and frowns.)

[60. INT. Infirmary. Night.]

(Sucre ties the hose around the bars on the window. Tweener, Westmoreland and Manche put pillows on the floor to catch the bars, to minimize noise.)

Sucre: Ready.

(The team pull the hose tight, the end tied to something inside the elevator. Michael moves to press the button which will send the elevator down.)

(The elevator won't close over the hose, and dings open again.)

T-Bag: What now, genius?

(Michael presses the 'down' button again but the same thing happens.)

T-Bag: Take your time. We got...(he checks Michael's watch)... fifteen minutes to get over that wall.

(Tweener pushes through the group and goes into the elevator. He presses the button and the doors slide shut. The team hurries for cover, watching as the hose pulls tight.)

[Camera shot of the elevator moving down the shaft.]

(The team waits anxiously, watching the bars. The bars creak and groan, and finally the bolts give way. The bars fall forwards onto the pile of pillows along with the entire window frame.)

Michael: We're through.

[61. INT. Pope's office. Night.]

(Becky walks in with Stolte.)

Stolte: You're sure you didn't see him walk out?

Becky: Positive.

[62. INT. Infirmary. Night.]

(The cons remove their jumpsuits.)

Michael: Let's go, guys, I need those suits.

(Tweener appears in the doorway, having come back up in the elevator.)

Abruzzi: Good job, kiddo!

[Camera moves to show the person with the heavy breathing is approaching them.]

(Michael looks up to see their unwelcome visitor. It's Haywire - and he's holding a radio.)

Haywire: I knew it.

Michael: Haywire.

Haywire: I knew it. As soon as I saw you go into Psych Ward, I knew it. Either I come with...

(Lincoln, Michael and T-Bag make to come forward and get him. Haywire holds up the radio and they stop dead.)

Haywire: Oh! You want me to make a little person-to-person call here?

Michael: Haywire, just take it easy.

Haywire: The other person being a Correctional Officer.

Lincoln: He's in.

Abruzzi: What?!

Lincoln: He's in.

(Haywire grins in delight.)

Abruzzi: Are you crazy?

(Lincoln gets up to the window and gets on the cabling to cross to the wall.)

Abruzzi: Okay, after Lincoln, we go alphabetically.

C-Note: Whoa, whoa, hold on, A-bruzzi!

Abruzzi: You want a seat on the plane? Line forms after me!

(Abruzzi gets up on the window ledge, piling the white jumpsuits on Lincoln as he crosses.)

Abruzzi: Go ahead. Go, go, go.

[63. INT. Warden Pope's office. Night.]

(Stolte calls to another CO.)

Stolte: Hey, Roy.

Roy: Yeah?

Stolte: Did you see Pope leave?

Roy: No.

Stolte: No way he could have walked by?

Roy: I haven't left my post since I punched in.

[64. EXT. Prison yard. Night.]

(Lincoln makes his way across the cabling - and almost slips - but manages to regain his hold. Michael, on the window ledge, checks his watch. Lincoln reaches the other side and puts down the white jumpsuits over the barbed wire. He signals Abruzzi.)

Abruzzi: All right.

(Abruzzi begins to cross the cabling. It creaks where it attaches to the infirmary wall.)

[Camera shot of Lincoln and Michael, each looking anxious.]

(Sucre begins to climb the cabling.)

[65. INT. Infirmary. Night.]

(Westmoreland gasps and falls to the floor.)

C-Note: Hey, hey, hey.

Michael: Charles.

C-Note: You okay, old man?

Westmoreland: No.

(Haywire looks over at them.)

Michael: Let's take a look.

(Michael and C-Note roll up Westmoreland's sweatshirt to reveal the wound and a lot of blood.)

(Haywire takes his chance, and goes to climb the cabling.)

Michael: It's just a few more steps. You can make it.

Westmoreland: Oh, I could make it another foot. Maybe two. But why? I wasn't going for me. I was going for my daughter. And you can do that. Will you promise me?

Michael: Yes, I promise.

Westmoreland: Money, buried under a silo. At the Double K Ranch just outside of Tooele, Utah. There's plenty to split. The government didn't want any more embarrassment after I took all the money so they lowballed it to the papers. The truth is Michael, it's not one million under that silo. There's five million dollars there.

(C-Note looks at Michael, shocked. Michael looks around to check who else heard: T-Bag pretends not to have heard but it's obvious he did. Manche looks shocked. Tweener, by the window, also heard. Tweener heads out the window onto the cabling.)

[66. INT. Pope's office. Night.]

(COs Patterson and Mack Andrews enter the office with Stolte and Becky.)

Patterson: Did you check the chow hall?

Mack: Yeah, nothing.

Patterson: Anybody try his cell phone?

Becky: Oh!

(She goes to the desk phone and dials.)

[67. INT. Infirmary. Night.]

Westmoreland: Give Anna her papa's love.

(Michael clasps his hand.)

Michael: I will. I will.

(T-Bag climbs the cabling. It creaks even further and shifts out of the wall at the infirmary side.)

Michael: Here. Easy, easy.

(Michael puts a pillow behind Westmoreland. He looks across at the window: C-Note climbs out onto the cabling.)

[68. INT. Pope's office. Night.]

(Pope's cell phone rings as Becky holds the office phone in her hand.)

Stolte: Now where's that coming from?

(They all look at the closet and Becky goes over to open the doors. She gasps.)

Becky: Oh my God!

Patterson (on his radio): I have a code three in the Warden's office. I repeat, a code three. Patterson to base.

(Becky removes the gag from Pope's mouth.)

Pope (drowsily): Sound the alarm. Sound the alarm.

Patterson (on his radio): Patterson to base. Right now.

Pope: Sound the alarm!

[69. EXT. Prison yard. Night.]

(C-Note finishes his climb. Michael and Manche are left in the infirmary, with the dying Westmoreland. Lincoln gestures for the next person.)

Manche: Yo, bro, we gotta go!

Westmoreland: Go, Michael. Go and don't look back.

(As Michael goes over to Manche, Westmoreland's eyes glass over.)

Manche: No, no, no. I'd better go last.

(Michael grabs the cabling.)

Lincoln: Come on, Michael! Come on. Come on!

(Michael steps onto the wall and grabs the cabling.)

[Camera shot on a set of floodlights: they flash on at full beam.]

[Camera shot on a second set, which also flash on.]

[An alarm blares around the prison.]

Lincoln: Michael, move it!

PA: All prisoners prepare for head count.

Lincoln: Come on!

(The floodlight on the watch tower scours the grounds. COs begin running out onto the grass with dogs, the dogs bark frantically.)

PA: All COs report to your appointed areas.

Lincoln: Michael, come on! Come on, Michael...Michael, come on!

(Michael is about halfway across. He keeps climbing until he's almost there...the cabling creaks and comes away from the wall and the infirmary end.)

(A panicking Manche climbs out of the window ready to grab the cabling.)

(Sirens fill the air. Michael is almost there.)

Lincoln: Come on, move it! Michael, come on! Move it!

PA: All inmates are to prepare for count immediately.

(Manche grabs the cabling but as soon as he does, it can't take his weight and it rips out of the wall. Manche falls to the ground, and Michael, still holding the cabling, hits the wall on the other side.)

Lincoln: Michael!

(Michael tries to climb up the cabling.)

Lincoln: Michael, grab my hand. Michael, give me your hand. Give me your hand, come on.

(He reaches down as far as he can.)

Lincoln: Give me your hand. Come on!

(Michael reaches up but he can't quite reach it.)

CUT TO: Manche on the floor, he gets up and runs over to the cabling. COs run round the corner and over to Manche.

C.O.: Over there! He's at the wall! Get down!

Manche: Don't sh**t! Don't sh**t!

(Several COs bundle him to the ground, restraining him, pointing g*ns at him. One of the COs notices the cabling. He goes over to it and they all look up.)

[Camera pans up the cable and over the other side of the wall. Michael is gone - he made it over.]