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05x18 - Chapter Ninety-Nine

Posted: 02/22/21 07:11
by bunniefuu
DIRECTOR: Take one.

Rolling, rolling.

Good day.



Is this okay?

I know to look this way.

Doc style.

Oh, wow.


NAVEDO: Okay, I'm gonna start crying already.


Okay, go.

Start at the beginning.

I just felt like I was holding on to gold.

It was so smart.

DR. SPINOZA: You're pregnant.

But I've never had sex.

JANE: I'm a writer.

BALDONI: Our show has had so many huge moments over the five years.

ROGELIO: She's here!

Cue the music!

No, wait.



The journey has been amazing.

(Jane gasps)






I couldn't even put it into words.


OMG, right?

GUESTS: Surprise!


It just has a little extra magic to it.

I love it so much.

Dad, kiss Mom.


There are so many take-me-back moments.

He's beautiful.

JANE: Tonight is everything I've ever dreamed.

I love you.

I do.

CAMIL: It's full of love.

We love what we do.

It is a lovefest.


COLL: That's one of my favorite moments.


I can't imagine it ending.

It's changed my life.


BALDONI: The fans can expect a very Jane the Virgin ending.

It's a good show.


Chin up, Jane!

♪ ♪ Mm, mm.



♪ ♪ RODRIGUEZ: When I was getting asked to audition for a pilot where I was being the lead in a show that was called Jane the Virgin...

Come on, let's get up.

But you're not feeling good.


RODRIGUEZ: ...I was just, like, a little, like thrown off.

I was like, "What?

They want me?

They know who I am?" ♪ ♪ Jane.

NAVEDO: When I read the logline, 20-something-year-old virgin gets artificially inseminated by mistake, I'm like, "Oh, my God.


Really?" Nausea and fainting spell solved.

You're pregnant.


NAVEDO: But when I saw the finished pilot...

Jane, did you and Michael...?


We didn't.

And it may be rare, but it happened, 'cause I'm a virgin.

A virgin.

SNYDER URMAN: It's based on an Venezuelan telenovela.

So the whole story just kind of came to me of this girl who loved telenovelas so much that all of a sudden her life became like one.

I accidentally inseminated you two weeks ago.

You what?

You what?

I read the script and I thought it was so brilliantly written.

I thought something in Spanish and English, what the hell?

Oh, I don't even know how to say this in Spanish.


No, I didn't.

And then, when I started to look at it, and then when I started to read it, then I got it.

She accidentally put a sample of a man into me.

I was excited.

I thought it was a great idea.

Michael, what are you doing?

And it was very original.

I'd never seen, really, anything like it.



Gloriana Villanueva, w... will you...?

Michael, I'm pregnant.

RODRIGUEZ: I knew it was special from the moment I read the script.

Uh, I knew it was something different from the moment I saw our pilot.

I love you because you're my best friend.

And I want to grow old with you.

And five years in, I still feel like I'm living something that's still very different and new.


I love you.


SNYDER URMAN: The love story at the center of the show is Jane and her mom and her grandmother.

At least you could turn it down.

Mom, she doesn't have to watch if she doesn't want to.

Of course I'm gonna watch.

You guys got me hooked on these things.

COLL: TV, you rarely see three female Latinas being in charge of their lives.

Michael, welcome to your first family meeting.

Proud to be representing the male point of view.

Oh, see, I wouldn't lead with that, 'cause that's not gonna do well in our meetings.

All the joy and all the pain of life contained within this one family.

What if I don't like it?

The baby?

All of it.

We all can relate to this family, and we all can desire to have a family as strong as the Villanuevas.

That's what everybody says, but what if it isn't?

The family is what drives the show, what, you know, what sets the tone...

We're in this together.

All of us.

CAMIL: ...what people connect with.

RODRIGUEZ: It is so wonderful to be a part of a character who came into this journey with very strong convictions of saving herself for marriage, of what that looks like, of what family structure looks like.

My whole life, I didn't want to end up an unmarried pregnant woman like my mom.

But guess what?

I'm an unmarried pregnant woman like my mom.

If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans, 7and that's like, number one, Jane's thing.

I'm sorry that I called you a jerk the other night.

I was just in this...

I'm the father.


She believed that there was always order to that madness.

(ultrasound whooshing)

Little early to hear the heart beat.

SNYDER URMAN: Jane is this combination of her grandmother's strict upbringing, and her mother's more free-spirited attitude.

She is romantic, and she is full of love.

I broke up with Michael.

LATIN LOVER NARRATOR: Jane knew in her heart that this was absolutely the last thing she should be doing.

BALDONI: I've heard people say that the love triangle in Jane the Virgin is one of the best ever on television, and, biasedly, I would have to agree.

With Raf and Jane, that's family.

I'm not gonna leave.

I'm here.

With Michael and Jane, that was like a, like a Notebook love story.

(Michael laughs)

That's amazing.

DIER: I personally like Jane and Michael.

Today we would have been married one year, so I thought we might as well celebrate anyway.

I just think he's just a genuine, great guy.

I had the same thought.

Happy Would-Have-Been Our-Anniversary.


And Rafael, he's also a great candidate for Jane.

Oh, hey, if you ever want to use the Marbella gym...

Oh, maybe I'll take you up on that.


Plus, he's just shredded.

I mean, Justin is in great shape.

(Rafael grunting)


A lot of reps.


You just got to push yourself.

Oh, yeah.

I have empathy for the Michael shippers.

I love you.

BALDONI: I would absolutely want a man to treat my daughter the way that Jane was treated by Michael.

Don't think, just tell me, do you still love me?


They feel different to me.

They feel like different sets of her heart.

BALDONI: This magical world where you don't know who you want her to end up with.

Team Michael.

Print the T-shirts, make the mugs.

There are no teams in this family.

Rogelio has always been Team Jane, to be honest.

So whatever makes Jane happy, Rogelio will support.

You turned out perfect without me.

Trust me, I wish I had you.

I absolutely love the fact that they'd have...

that they have portrayed a Latino, strong, extremely handsome man in a...

in a normal way, you know, full of feelings.

You were incredible, Dad.

Did you just call me "Dad"?

I think I did.

RODRIGUEZ: Five years ago, inclusivity wasn't as prevalent as it is now.

Is there a baby yet?


(sobbing): Mom...

I think the show came at a time when the world really needed it.

Five more minutes of pain for a lifetime of happiness.

A show that, from top to bottom, is about representation.

His name is Mateo.

I could completely relate to these characters, and it was a breath of fresh air for me.

That's my Dad's name.

The Villanueva women in particular represent a segment of the society in the United States that has not been reflected very often.

Abuela wrote this to read at my baptism.

I read it at yours, and I want you to read it at Mateo's.


Growing up, I really didn't see myself on TV, my family on TV.

And I really felt invisible.

May you be brave...

"May you always let your faith be greater than your fear." And it was really a blow to my self-esteem because I felt like I wasn't important.

"And may you one day love your own child as deeply as I love you." That's why a lot of fans resonate with the show, because they feel like they're being seen, they're-- like they're included.

I love you, Mateo.

Ho, ho, ho.

No fighting at the North Pole.

Stay out of this, Santa, okay?

BALDONI: Our show has a really whimsical, magical, unique style that was refreshing for television.

LATIN LOVER NARRATOR: A night like this is just the best feeling in the world.

So much creativity went into it on so many levels, from set design to costumes to just everything.

RAFAEL: Didn't you get my text?

(slot machine sounds)


I mean, everything that Jennie decided to do...

NAVEDO: Modern-day technology with texting and social media and all that stuff, how that played into it; what a great world.

What the hell is going on over there?

You've been posting pictures for five hours straight.

NAVEDO: So awesome.

Well, we're just having fun.

Everything just kind of added up.

The editing, the music, the colorful vibe.

It all just kind of makes your eyes go, like, whoa.

BALDONI: When you watch the show, you kind of just get transported in to this world that you want to be a part of.


Isn't this better than some boring dinner party?

And it's funny.

LATIN LOVER NARRATOR: Rafael stole Petra from Lachlan.

Then Lachlan tried to screw over Rafael.

But instead, Petra and Rafael screwed over Lachlan.

Then Lachlan and Petra just plain screwed.

Jane the Virgin would not be Jane the Virgin without the narrator, and without Anthony Mendez.

LATIN LOVER NARRATOR: They say with children, the days feel like years.

You can do it, Janie.

There is a storyteller, and things aren't random, that everything is going to be leading up to a certain moment.

LATIN LOVER NARRATOR: And the years...

Hurry, Mom!

I can't be late for my first day of junior high.

LATIN LOVER NARRATOR: ...well, they feel like days.

So I see myself as a friend to the audience, like your coach-potato buddy, sitting there and excited to get started.

So at the beginning of every episode, he gets super hyped up, and he's, "Welcome back, my friends." LATIN LOVER NARRATOR: Hey, you guys, welcome back.

When Jane was young, her grandmother taught her to protect her flower.

CAMIL: You need this, you know, like, "Okay, and this is what's happening." LATIN LOVER NARRATOR: Our Jane was accidentally inseminated by this hottie, but she was engaged to this hottie, so now, she's in a big old love triangle.

He's a character on the show.

He's amazing.



Why am I rooting for her?

I've really wanted to, like, break the fourth wall, and when he's talking, I would just look at camera like...

(doorbell rings)

LATIN LOVER NARRATOR: As you all well know, our Jane had an active imagination.

SNYDER URMAN: Magical realism on our show is bringing inanimate objects to life and making the world around you alive in non-traditional ways.

And it's really a rich tradition in Latin American storytelling.

LATIN LOVER NARRATOR: It should be noted that when Jane arrived home, well, she was walking on air.

URMAN: For us, it's when Jane is feeling a certain way and falls in love, her heart glows.

JANE: I love him so much.

Her stuffed animals might talk back to her.

You're doing great.

RODRIGUEZ: Every moment has been magical.

Every episode has something special.

♪ Virginity for you and me ♪ ♪ If you keep your legs closed ♪ ♪ Keep 'em closed ♪ ♪ Keep them closed.

♪ That's what we were-- a dramedy with some magical realism moments.

RAFAEL: Come on, baby.

You know you want me.

I love those.

Those were my favorite to do.

Because the fantasy scenes, you can kind of be -larger than life.

-♪ ♪ RODRIGUEZ: Synchronized swimming to playing, like, Jane the rapper.

♪ First things first, I'm Sweet Lady Jane ♪ ♪ And I'm-a drop lyrics so sick, they insane...

♪ This has just been such a fun journey.

Who are you?

I'm Bachelorette Jane.

It's like an actor's playground.

MAN: Ladies and gentlemen, she pulls out the belly bump!

RODRIGUEZ: So much to do, so much to play, so many characters to be.

XIOMARA: There's nothing wrong with casual sex.

I just had sex in the bathroom.


It's been so incredible.

What an incredible journey Xiomara has had.


What do you think?

In the beginning, the dynamics between Jane and Xiomara are more like Jane's the mom and Xiomara's the daughter.


I have to draw the line somewhere, and telling my mom the ins and outs of my sex fantasy is definitely crossing it.

Did you say "ins and outs"?


To being a conscientious mom.

You get to be selfish now.

You don't have to take care of anyone else.

Just yourself, okay?


When I think about Xo and Jane, I just think about how much I hope that I could be a mother like Xo has been to Jane.

When he opens his mouth, will you stuff my boob in it like it's a hamburger?

Honey, I am all over it.

GROBGLAS: I don't think of these characters necessarily as strong characters.

I just think of them as... as women.

PETRA: I do feel better knowing you've suffered a little.


I like honesty.

So do I.

They're unbelievably accomplished-- all in their own ways-- women.

Oh, please.

Own your hotness.



That's what I've been telling her.

You know, this is what my mother taught me.

You don't need to be married in order to be accomplished and to be happy.

GROBGLAS: It shows women breaking down, being emotional, being strong, being bosses, being mothers.


(both laughing)

GROBGLAS: And none of this means that they're more or less strong.

It's just...


You just push people too far, Petra.



JANE: And at a certain point, they can't come back anymore.

GROBGLAS: There are so many things with Petra that I might not do the same things.

I might not make the same choices she makes.

You can't cancel brunch.

Have a seat, girls.


what's going on?

GROBGLAS: But I always respected her.

I'm here to cook everyone a traditional Czech breakfast.

Alba, any food intolerances?

Petra's experience in becoming a mother, from the...

how she got pregnant.



A sandwich and the extra turkey baster?


Thank you.

I still get turkey basters as gifts.

LATIN LOVER NARRATOR: Petra decided...

to go for it.

GROBGLAS: She has, in her own way, fought for herself and her family and the people she cares about from the beginning.

You protect everyone around you like a dragon.

BALDONI: That's really who she's been.

But it comes from love.


That's how I see you.

Well, this year is easy.

I'm thankful for Mateo, all day, every day.

What's interesting about our show and also the way that I viewed family is that family doesn't always mean blood.

Family is...

the people you choose to keep.



I'm grateful for all of it.

(doorbell rings)

That must be Petra.

That's one of the themes of our show is you get to see that family looks like a lot of different things.

You know what?

Come in, since you're here and there's so much food.

Yeah, okay.

Thank you.

I'm done protecting Britney Spears!

Ideally, Ricky Martin.

I mean it, Teri Hatcher!

Antonio Banderas.


Just the other day, I was telling Gloria Estefan what a shameless name-dropper Catalina is.

Did you tell Oprah, too?

No, just Gayle.

CAMIL: That's a Rogelio thing, because Rogelio's a natural name-dropper.

I left word with the U.N.

ambassador and Gloria Estefan.

One of them will stop the deportation.

So Gloria-- she turned out to be a huge fan of the show.

She said when that episode aired, and he dropped her name...

Oh, my God.


NAVEDO: ...her and Emilio were watching.

He was like, "Gloria!

Gloria, they said your name!" So, pretty cool.



Just look at her.

NAVEDO: The name-dropping was so good.

And then to back it up with the real star, like...

The one and only...

Bruno Mars!

(applause and cheering)



Oh, my God.

Oh, my God!

CAMIL: Not just any "Bruno," but Bruno Mars.

Please welcome back River Fields.


(applause and cheering)



Stop bowing, Sharon Osbourne.

Brooke Shields!

Oh, my God!

She's a legend.

Bananas Foster, madam.

Allow me.


(people gasping)


My eyebrows.

All the fights with Brooke Shields are super funny.

How dare you.

How dare you!

How dare...


Our minds were all blown when Britney showed up.

(magical chiming)

Oh, ho, ho, ho.

GROBGLAS (laughing): That was, like, oh!

I don't think I was even working that day.

I just came to see Britney.

Britney Spears, stop!

CAMIL: Who can forget the Britney Spears feud?

Ro, Ro...

Stop it!

Stop it!

Stop it right this minute!

These are like major, incredible...

We've had Juanes and David Bisbal.

You look just like Paulina Rubio.

I get that a lot.

Rosario Dawson.

You're relentless.

Without a doubt.

Justina Machado.

Puerto Rican, also.


Thank you.

I can't believe you broadcast my cervix to the entire world.

Only three million people watch my feed.

Working with Justina Machado was amazing.

I agreed to sign the contract with a clear understanding...

(both shouting indistinctly)

You are clinically insane!

And having directors like Eva Longoria...



Man, have we been lucky.

But you're going to love the CW.

I don't even know what channel that is.

And I don't want to do business with you again.

Rita Moreno?

Oh, my beautiful granddaughter.

I was like, "Oh, my God.

This is the real Anita, everyone." ♪ It's another beautiful day to be Rogelio.

♪ Rita Moreno, who is like God!

Oh, yes.

LATIN LOVER NARRATOR: Wow, she is good.

The fact that these great big, humongous celebrities, they like the show, and they're willing to come and play with us for a little bit, it means the world.

We're really embracing the telenovela roots, and exploiting all of the giant twists and turns that you can take.

You need to take a few deep breaths, okay?

I'm just so happy that the wedding is finally here.

So you jump from funerals to weddings to happiness to tears.

I left the car running with the air-conditioner on so your makeup wouldn't run from the heat.

Aw, thanks, Dad.

(loud hissing)

JANE: Aah!

Turn it off!

It's smoking.

Oh, my God!

Dad, do not panic.

We always make a joke out of it, because Jane can go from, like, extreme laughter to, like, bawling the next second.

Yo, Michael, te tomo a ti, Jane.

RODRIGUEZ: When you have great writing, it's not as difficult of a challenge to play those beats.

You fall right into it.

Great job!

You waited.

Now go have sex, Jane.

CHOIR: ♪ Go have sex, Jane ♪ ♪ Go have sex. ♪ People enjoy that.

We like our emotions to be toyed with a little bit.

I'm gonna go get some ice for the champagne.

Don't go anywhere.

There's always a twist.

And you want to see what the twist is.

You don't want to know.

You know, it's like magic, right?

It's you.


It takes you on a whole ride, And you can never really guess what's gonna happen.

You're okay.

You're really okay.

LATIN LOVER NARRATOR: Ah, if this were only a romance novel, we could end here, and they'd get their H.E.A.

MENDEZ: There are times when I'm in the vocal booth, and I literally put my hand on my heart before delivering certain lines.


I am so proud of you.

LATIN LOVER NARRATOR: And, friends, it should be noted that Jane would play this moment over and over, until it became a memory.

DIER: I got very emotional my last day, when I was gonna die; I cried.

Because I felt like I was losing a friend.

MENDEZ: When Michael died, it was a moment where I shed real tears.


LATIN LOVER NARRATOR: And, friends, I did say Michael would love Jane until his dying breath.

RODRIGUEZ: Our love story...

I think of Brett Dier and how much fun I had working with him.


It's a good show.


Um, so, uh, when I think about Michael and Jane, what a love story, man.

What a beautiful love story.

How long are you gonna keep tucking me in?


COLL: So, Alba, she has done extremely well considering that she was widowed and that she had to be the only support of her household.

One of my favorite moments for my character is after we have sex.


You look...

(music distorts)

But I love the fact that, you know, you're so prude and so righteous, and finally she gets married, and then we have that scene where they both pop out of bed.

(pants, laughs)

(both sigh)

That's one of my favorite moments for Alba.

At least she got some, you know.


When she got here to the country, I don't think that she ever even imagined that it would get to be to this point.

LATIN LOVER NARRATOR: You'll recall Alba had recently decided to pursue her green card.

NAVEDO: I did love, uh, the immigration story line.

It really puts a human face on this idea of immigration.

(laughing, crying)



COLL: I realize the political importance that it had in terms of the situation that, uh, we're facing in the United States right now.

I spent so many years worrying about being separated from all of you.

COLL: I never understood what it meant, but now I understand what it means, you know, for all the immigrants that work so hard.

ALBA: And I am so grateful that I will never have to worry about that again.


Am I being practical or brave?


I'm a teacher.

I think the show deals with a lot of interesting aspects of what it means to be a hero.


I'm a writer?

(laughs): I have never said that out loud before.

It takes the everyday person and it turns her into a hero.

But I can't stand there and read a book about Michael in front of a bunch of strangers.


I wouldn't be sitting here today if I let fear stop me, and Jane wouldn't be where she is if she let fear stop her.

Chapter one.

BALDONI: I just believe that everybody who's been on our screen has had a chance to play the hero.

You are on a roll, Jane.

Let's bet on your dream now.

Mine will come.

BALDONI: Jennie wrote Rafael as an underdog, almost.

You can trust me with whatever you're feeling or thinking because I love you.

I do.

Because he had everything going against him, in terms of becoming the, the hero, the guy that the audience would really want Jane to be with.

I love you.

I love you.

And through this process of him falling in love, he made a pretty large transformation.

Becoming a father, learning what selflessness was like, meeting the Villanuevas and seeing this tight-knit family.

RAFAEL: I was hoping to get your blessing first.

Of course you have my blessing.

All of the different things that Rafael was exposed to, he started to change.

GROBGLAS: I think the male characters are more interesting because of the women around them as well.

And I think that is true in life.


NAVEDO: I love that Xo and Ro always manage to find each other.

Oh, my God, oh, my God, I'm going to faint.

For Rogelio, Xiomara is the love of his life.

Who knew, when we first said "I love you" on Beach Day...

I love you, Xiomara.

I love you, too, Rogelio.

...that we'd end up here?

They go through ups and downs, rocky moments in their relationship.

Life is beautiful and hard, and the only thing I know for sure is that I want to go through it all with you.

There really truly is a love that can't be broken.

I had Botox this morning, so the tears are struggling to fall, but I feel them.

They're meant to be together.

XIOMARA: Rogelio de la Vega, will you marry me?

Of course I will.

CAMIL: Our romance is a really big and powerful and deep romance.

LATIN LOVER NARRATOR: It should be noted that on the day of Xiomara Gloriana Villanueva's wedding, the power was out, her dress was ruined, but it was still completely magical.

NAVEDO: Weddings are awesome.

I loved my wedding.

In the middle of a hurricane.


I got to wear a little princess crown, like, makeshift dress inspired by the sea.

RODRIGUEZ (laughs): Lots of weddings.

We do weddings well here.

My parents are here today not because they are meant to be, but because they chose each other.

CAMIL: You don't need a big wedding to profess your love.

You just need the feelings there, connected with the heart.

JANE: I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Dad, kiss Mom.



Jane the Virgin is about love.

Love for oneself, and love for others.

RODRIGUEZ: I think the heart of Jane the Virgin is joy.

We just wanted to bring joy into people's life.

Thanks for that, Dad.

I love you.

Thank God.

I love you, too.

CAMIL: It's about love, challenges that human beings have to face.

I think it's real, and it's right, and we should tell our family that we're together.

(laughs softly)

BALDONI: It puts forward the idea that positive choice and, um, good people can win.

Share your feelings.

BALDONI: And it's about how we treat each other, at the end of the day.



a little hurt.

GROBGLAS: The heart of the show is relationships between women.

Here's how I feel: I didn't grow up with a sister, but I feel like I have one now.

GROBGLAS: I really feel like that's where the heart pulses.

Me, too.





Oh, please.

Don't be so dramatic.

If you knew anything about telenovelas, you'd know that everything is supposed to be dramatic.

(door slams shut)

We pay homage to telenovelas, which are so incredibly important in the Latin-American community.

NAVEDO: My grandmother, being from Puerto Rico, she always had telenovelas on and, and she was like, "Come on, ven aquí, ven aquí, vamos a mirar la telenovela.

Vamos, vamos." YOUNG JANE: I just don't know if I can stomach all the ups and downs.

Then don't watch.

Of course I'm watching.

They love the novelas, and they love the twists and turns.


Don't look so surprised.

You know ours is the greatest love story ever told.

What happens is this: in Spanish, the telenovela style of acting is different from what we're doing.

I've always loved you.

Why are you talking in that creepy voice?


It wasn't supposed to be creepy, it was supposed to be sexy.

But in terms of all the things that happen, it is a telenovela.

My long-lost sister.

It's you.

It's really you.


GROBGLAS: Oh, okay.

I have a twin sister showing up.


Leaping lizards.

She's a voracious eater, ANEZKA: Do you think I-I can bother you for a little bit more food?

She yelps and scratches, she's got issues with human contact.




I'm like, "Great.

I know this person.

This is my cat." (laughs)

I can't help it.

In the orphanage, you always had to look out for your bread and your boyfriend.

I was very sad when she died, twice.


Straight out of a telenovela, right?

What I love so much is that it is a love letter to telenovelas.

It's bringing out the best parts of them, which are, like, the amazing, larger-than-life story lines.


Anything can happen.


I go by Jason now.

I come back from the dead, I've got amnesia.

You don't remember me?

No, ma'am.

DIER: You can just pretty much throw anything at this show and it will work because the world accepts it.

Hi, there.


It is me.

DIER: He has no idea who anyone was, so that would be really difficult, having everyone go, "Hi, how are you?" and "Oh, oh, my God," and then him being like, "I don't know any of you." How do we know each other?

Well, we are best friends.

And of course, I am Rogelio de la Vega.

DIER: That was funny.

I think he was also trying to crack me up while we were doing it in the scene.

Rogelio de la Vega.

CAMIL: I love the bromance, and I love the fact that Jennie went there.

I had no idea they were best friends.

(both imitate expl*si*n)

Because it's, it's so funny.

All righty, then.


Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.



CAMIL: What I love the most about Rogelio de la Vega is that he's a well-balanced, well-rounded character.

So he can make you laugh, but you can also connect via the heart with him.

Xiomara, what is it?

I have something to tell you.

The biopsy came back positive.

I have breast cancer.

NAVEDO: It was really important to me to portray it in the most honest way that I could, without being melodramatic.

Chemo hasn't slowed you down at all.

I know, right?

I really do feel good.

The heart and the dedication she put behind it was not easy.

NAVEDO: She's dealing with cancer, and being stripped down of...

that Latina beauty sexiness.

I wish there was more that I could do for you.

Distract me.

Keep talking.

NAVEDO: Then getting down to bare bones of being human; oh, God, I so loved playing that whole cancer storyline.

I thought once chemo was over, I'd put it in the rearview mirror and leave it behind.

But it doesn't work like that.

NAVEDO: I was very proud to do it, and very happy about the response that I received, so...




What I love about Alba and Xiomara is their relationship grew.

Thanks for coming.

We have grown closer as a mother and daughter in understanding each other better.

I just got a little scared, you know?

NAVEDO: For example, me understanding what my mom's reasons were for being the way she was, when we find out how she lost her virginity.

With a guy who wasn't Dad?!


And how she, you know, kept that a secret...

You're such a hypocrite!

How I felt judged by her all those years.

I am just a normal woman who enjoys having sex, and you have made me feel like crap about it my entire life!

NAVEDO: And I think that helped create a bond between us.

NAVEDO: We were finally able to be honest about everything.



Thanks, Ma.

COLL: We're taught as females to be competitive with each other, to not trust...

...move on to the next phase, you know?


In this family, we trust.

COLL: That front porch has become like a symbol for many people...

doing that kind of ritual.

I'm really so happy.


NAVEDO: The porch itself helps with the, the crying scenes.

We call it the "porch of tears." (chuckles)

I'm supposed to be in Honolulu right now, sucking down Mai Tais and having honeymoon sex!

It's, uh, coming to terms with things in life.

That totally sucks.



"We'll have a porch scene..." Oh, okay.

We'll be crying in this one.

If you try to set the same scene in the living room, let's say, those tears are gonna be a little harder to achieve than when we sit on the porch of tears.

I'm heartbroken about Rafael and confused about Michael.

Ma, what's wrong?

Because that's just what it's for.

(tearful): I don't want to have sex, and I love having sex.



RODRIGUEZ: They're my family.

You know, Jane is in love with her family.

And she respects them.

Uh, and so do I.

I love them.

I thought I had a crazy life, but yours...

You don't know the half of it.

GROBGLAS: I can't tell you enough how powerful it is being on a show that means so much to so many people.

Not just us, the people behind, but our fans.

What makes you think I haven't been with a woman?

Have you?


I'm also your lawyer.

That wouldn't be the first line you've crossed.

GROBGLAS: The immense amount of love and wonderful messages that I'm getting personally, with mostly women who are looking at the Petra and JR relationship.

I want to be serious with you.

I knew you'd say it first.


GROBGLAS: To be part of something that has that kind of a powerful impact on people's lives is-- I have no words to even describe it.

I've never felt about anyone the way I feel when I'm with you.

And I think I just quoted Dirty Dancing, but that's the kind of cheesy thing you make me do.

I'm unbelievably grateful.

I happen to love Dirty Dancing.

So it's-it's made the biggest impact on my life.

You cornered JR in an elevator and said she's really important to me?

I didn't say that, exactly.

LATIN LOVER NARRATOR: Actually, verbatim.

GROBGLAS: Jane definitely worked her way against all the odds into Petra's heart.

Everyone's not going to love you!

That is not what this is about.

Then what is it about?

You, okay?

It's about you, because I love you.

RODRIGUEZ: That evolution has been remarkable.

And I don't want anything to come in the way of our family because we've worked too hard.

And, like I said...

I love you.

I think their relationship was handled beautifully.

W-Well, thank you.

I ap-appreciate your explanation.

It's not black and white.

It's just, there's moments.

And Petra's still guarded.

You have to say it back.

I don't want to.



I love you, too.

What I loved about that moment is, Jane comes around, and then hugs Petra...


And, I don't know why, I had to give her a little kiss on the head before running away.

RODRIGUEZ: That love story has been, to me, such a strong relationship of friendship to project.

PETRA: Jane!


RODRIGUEZ: To get to a space of just such transparency and love.

What's wrong?



GROBGLAS: That scene was beautiful.

And I felt like it feels natural at this point for Petra to go crawling to Jane when she's-- when she feels broken.

(sobbing): Can I use this rag?

W-- That-- My sweatshirt-- Mm...

Like, who else?

She broke up with me.

And I feel like someone cut out a piece of my heart.

Oh, Petra...

That scene, like, women, sisterhood, friendship, and the way it could evolve into something beautiful.

Thank you for letting me stay here.

That's what sisters are for.

And now they technically are actually a family, because, um, they have the same baby daddy.



You ready for karate, bud?




RODRIGUEZ: Rafael and Jane are complicated.

They're, you know, the parents of Mateo...

Sorry, I-I don't know what that was.

They've gone through this insane journey of back and forth and push and pull...

It's love.

BALDONI: It's a testament to the love that these two have that they were willing to overcome all of these obstacles.

I love you.

I've tried to stop, but I can't...

and I don't want to anymore.

RODRIGUEZ: So it resembles what life is.

What a real-life love story should be.

♪ ♪ RODRIGUEZ: I really hope that fans feel full.

I can't believe this!

My heart feels like...

It's glowing?

RODRIGUEZ: And they feel the closure that we all do as we are creating this finale.

I can't imagine it ending.

We're in this together, right?


GROBGLAS: I can't imagine all these characters just ceasing to exist.

I think the finale is a great culmination of wrapping up the entire five seasons.

I just want everyone to be happy.

'Cause it's been a stressful five years for the characters.

Poor things.


Hi, Jane.

CAMIL: And I think that the finale will have happy endings.

Of course, a happy ending on Jane the Virgin might not be a normal happy ending...

Out of many... one.

You are all part of my journey.

BALDONI: I think what the fans can expect is a very Jane the Virgin ending.

JANE: Tonight, it's...

everything I'd ever dreamed.

CAMIL: The journey has been amazing.

The journey has been beyond belief.

I love you, Jane.

Oh, I love you, Dad.

Five years went by real quick.

It's a good-bye party.

DIER: It's been an amazing experience.

Jane has just been really life-changing for me.

These relationships that I'll hold in my heart forever.

I'm so proud of you.

It was groundbreaking in my personal life.

(tearful): I love you.

(tearful): I love you, too.

NAVEDO: And really impacted my life in a positive way.


MENDEZ: I get to see it as a fan.

LATIN LOVER NARRATOR: They're having all the feels.

And I'm just so proud of everybody.

You did it!

(crying, panting)

GROBGLAS: It was just something I never thought would happen for me.

Wow, they're beautiful.


It's not just me.

And it's completely changed my life.

It's been an emotional journey.

To be somebody's mom and grandmother...


Five years, a hundred episodes...

Can I put into words what this journey means to me?

I can tell you this: It is the greatest thing that ever happened to me.

You're it for me.


BALDONI: Little did I know what was coming.

And it will forever be one of the most beautiful experiences I've ever had.

It really was like winning the lottery.

It was the...

biggest gift anyone could have given me.


(tearful): Jennie making me her Jane changed my life.


CAMIL: I think it's gonna be one of those shows that it will never go away.

Will you marry us, Jane?

I'd love to.

(crying, laughing)

CAMIL: It's always gonna be there for you to make you feel good, and to warm your heart...

(crying): Mom...

CAMIL: ...and to make you laugh... and to help you remember the important things in life.