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05x02 - Mid-March 2020

Posted: 02/25/21 06:16
by bunniefuu
Previously ,on Queen Sugar...

The people voted for the highway to proceed.

THey also voted me in to stop it.

Do you know this fight has just begun?

I know how to fight.

The man standing next to you is your new brother.



This is a man's space, all right.

This is a space we can hang out at.

When is the real spot open?

Maybe it's time we rip the bandage off.

We said no more hiding.

It's time to meet your family.

Darla Sutton...

Would you give me the privilege of becoming your husband?

We're getting married y'all!

That's my wife right here!

tHey're all nice.


These are my favorite.

THey look the same to me.

This one is perfect for our engagement party.

Let me see.

So we got invitations to the wedding, -mmm-hmm.

Engagement party and rsvp cards?

I mean, you sure we need all that?

You can't just send a group text everybody for the...

What you been calling it?

Our small, but stylish wedding.

Small and stylish.

And beautiful.

Like you.

Like you.

Have you decided?

Where you want to go on the honeymoon?

I don't know why you keep putting this all on me.

Because if I get to have my dream wedding, then you should get to have your dream honeymoon.

You know, I always wanted to go to New York, maybe catch a show.

I ain't never been to one of those fancy Broadway theaters.

I love that idea.

I know it's a lot on you.

Nah, tHey want us struggling.

That's what tHey want.

THey want us worried about harvest.

Worried about eminent domain.

- Do you know what?

- Hmm?

I ain't worried.

We get to choose how we deal with things.

You hear me?


THey can't steal our joy.

Unless we let them.

That's right.

Come here.

♪ Dreams never die ♪ ♪ take flight as the world turns ♪ ♪ dreams never die ♪ ♪ take flight as the world turns ♪ ♪ keep the colors in the lines take flight ♪ ♪ dreams never die ♪ ♪ keep the colors in the lines ♪ ♪ keep the colors in the lines take flight ♪ May I help you?

I'm councilwoman Charley bordelon, here for Parker Campbell.

You're here for Ms. Campbell, today?

Is there a problem?

Ms. Campbell cleared her schedule for the day.

You're welcome to take a seat if you like, while I clear this up.

My time is just as important as Parker's.

Our appointment was for right now.

So, no, I won't be waiting.

My apologies.

It all happened pretty fast.

A phone call in advance of a schedule change is standard.



And unacceptable.

Please pass that along.

Of course, Ms.

Bordelon, I understand.

Hey, Charley.

How'd it go?

she was gone when I got there.

Cleared her schedule and everything.

Makes me think something's up.

I'll figure it out.

Of course you will.

So you have a free hour.

How about some self-care?

Get a manicure or something.

Buy a latte and sit in the park.

That sounds nice.

But it'll be me back at the office, catching up on work.

Well, how about a counseling session?

I need some advice.

I'm meeting Calvin's mom and his kids for the first time today.

That's today?

THey'll all be at grandpa greer's 85th birthday.

Well, two of his kids, anyway, his oldest is away at college.

well, that's good.

The little ones you can charm.


Just breathe.

Stay calm.

Be the queen that you are, no matter what tHey might try to throw at you.

thanks for that.

Think you could help me with these books, Mr. Prosper?

Gonna have to give me a raise with all this multitasking.

I'm sorry about that.

Hey, look, I appreciate you, okay?

I'm just so excited.

Yeah, but it's okay if everything is not exactly how you want it by the time you're open.

Folks will understand.

No, man, it's just I got these books, man.

I got books on mental health.

I got books on financial health, like this one here.

Black fortunes: The story of African Americans who survived sl*very and became millionaires.



So, we're gonna kick it up in here, but we gonna get that paper right.

You know when I first came to St.

Jo, me and the fellas, we'd get together every Thursday night, come hell or high water.

You had me, Ernest, cardale, all the fellas, we'd get together over at my place.

And we'd chop it up about what was going on in our lives, what was happening, the good and the bad.


Then one day everybody stopped coming around.

Why do you think that was?

That's the way we do things sometimes.

Only say so much before we just hit that wall.

That ain't nothing but the truth.

Hollywood, this is really good that you're opening this place.

I mean, we need somewhere to be when things get rough.

Yeah, things always get rough around here.

Something on your mind, Mr.


Not really.


I've just been keeping a eye out on that virus stuff up in Seattle.

I just...

Hear that it's good at taking out us old folks.


It's gonna have to get through me and all of St.

Jo's before it get to you.

We're here for you, whatever you need.

So, the knights can move in a very unique way.

So, tHey can go up and down or sideways.


THey move in "I" formation.

THey can go there or there.

Hmm, like a secret w*apon.


So are you giving lessons now?

- Thought y'all was playing checkers.

- We're playing chess now.

all right.

Checkers are for suckers.

- I'm not a sucker.

- Well, I didn't mean you, mommy.

I meant everybody else.

Oh, okay.

I'll teach you next, pops.

I'll take you up on it.

I'm gonna go clean up.

- The knight goes in there.

- Y'all want some crawfish for dinner?

- Sure.

- oh, that'd be nice.

But, um, before you go, I have a little news.

- What's up?

- There's a management training position, opening up in the commercial insurance division in March.

And my boss is putting me up for it.

That's what up, baby!

Come here.

I mean, I haven't gotten it yet.

You did get it.


Thank you.

I'm actually a bit nervous about it.

But I'm realizing that my fear of losing is keeping me from even trying.


Well, you've been trying.

And succeeding.

And I'm proud of you.



You did get it.

You heard that?

Be nice to your mama.

- I will.

- I'm gonna go clean up.

so, she didn't have bags or anything?

no, just a carry-on.

First-class seat on the last flight to New York last night.

Sounds like she left in a hurry.

All right.

Thanks for the intel, tariq.

Hey, no problem.

The airport's been getting quieter and quieter these days.

So, I welcome having a little something to do.

Why's it been quieter?

People spooked over this Chinese virus.

Italian virus, whatever it is, people starting to stay put.



Thanks again.

Really appreciate it.

All right, take care.

the number of confirmed cases in Washington state is still on the rise, as expected.

100 new cases since Wednesday.

there are now at least 450 total cases statewide, with 31 deaths.

The state...


Only took me two calls today to get you to call me back this time.

Hey, mom.

Sorry I'm just getting back to you, school has been...

I get it.

Freshman year is always the hardest.

Especially for the parents.

I just miss you.

I miss you back.

I'm seeing you later, right?

For homecoming?

I wouldn't miss it.

Just need to make a quick stop at the farm and I will be there.

What about dad?

Did he ever get back to you about...

Yeah, I talked to him this morning.

He will be there too.



- Okay.

- Shall we meet you at the dorm?

No, no.

My roommate is a slob.

If you saw my dorm, you would send me to the er to get checked out.


Meet me in the quad.

Right near the pop-up booths, can't miss me.

I can't wait to see you.

All right.


ah, Calvin!

It's been too long since you've been home, darling.

Hi, mama.

I'm here now.


- Mama, this is...

- Nova.

You are even more beautiful than my son described.



So glad to meet you.

These are for you.

Well, thank you.

And it's Julia, please.

Now, you make yourself at home.

There's a whole barbecue spread in the backyard and there's drinks in the cooler.

We'll find time for some girl talk later.

I look forward to it.


I knew she was going to love you.

- let's go find grandpa.

- Okay.

Well, there he is.

The man of the hour.

grandpa greer.

So good to see you, son.

- Happy birthday.

- Oh, thank you.


This is Nova.

Happy birthday, grandpa greer.

This is for you.

Calvin said scotch is your favorite.

Ah, it's the good stuff.

- It's aged to perfection.

- Like you.

- Daddy!

- Em.


Look at you.

Daddy, what took you so long?

Well, I had to get a special gift for a special girl.

Wow, it's super pretty.

You like it?

- I love it.

- Well, you need to thank Miss Nova.

She picked it out for you.

Hi, Emily.

I've been looking forward to meeting you.

Your dress is really pretty.

Thank you.

I like yours as well.

I love my necklace.

It'll go perfectly with the dress.

Would you like me to help you put it on?

Thank you.

You're welcome.


- I get nervous in interviews.

- Mmm-hmm.

I feel like I'm on trial.


You want to have the attitude that tHey're on trial.

Be subtle about it, but your attitude should be "I'm here to help you." not...

"please give me a job." You know?

I mean, every hiring manager wakes up that morning hoping that today is the day that someone will walk through the door to solve all their problems.

To fill the position that tHey need filled.

So, you let them know you can take care of that for them.

Your primary goal is to leave them with the feeling of, "yeah, she can do that." You understand?

Yeah, I, um...

I've never thought of it that way before.

I'd tell them to kiss my ass if tHey don't hire you.

- Okay, too much.

- Too much?

I get your point, though.

Don't think about my past or what I've done wrong.

An interview is about the future.

Theirs and yours.

You want to tell them, their future will be better if tHey choose you.

It's all subtext, of course, but sometimes you have to be fierce out loud.

"Fierce... Out... Loud."

- "Fierce out loud."

- mmm-hmm.


You need to bring your tail over here.

I'm on the way.

Just got caught up with work.

Man, just hurry up, we got a lot of work to do before we open this place up.

Man, call your brother.

I thought that's what I was doing.

I'm talking about Calvin, your white brother.

Oh, you got jokes now?

Okay, now I see you.

What, are you saying we ain't gonna let no white folk in the club?

Thought we was better than that.

boy, you're a mess.

- All right, Ralph, bye.

- All right.

I mean, what is this craziness?

How do you know it's crazy?

You haven't even seen it.

Open it.

Oh, baby.

Baby, you didn't have to do this.

I love you.

thank you.


You're going to have a spectacular opening when this place is ready.

I'm so proud of you.

I'm a lucky, lucky man.

Slow your roll, tiger.

- That's for tomorrow night.

- What's tomorrow night?


You brought it back!


Tomorrow we're gonna roll it all the way back to our first date night.

Oh, now, that was a night to remember.

If I can still fit in that outfit.

Oh, baby, I'm sure you do.

I'm gonna fix this place up real nice for the occasion.

I'll surprise you.



All right, this is what I'm talking about.

- Hey, Davis west.

- Hey.

Hey, can we get a selfie?

Miss Charley, a friend of mine is working at the smoothie stand.

You want something?



Strawberry smoothie sounds great.

- Okay.

I'll be right back.

- yeah.

Hey, are you sure this was where we're supposed to meet him?

Yeah, he said he'll meet us in this area.

Oh, okay.

- I'll text him.

- All right.

Introducing the new men of nu zeta gamma!

- I can't believe Micah's missing all this.

- Yeah.

- Nu zeta!

- huh!

- Nu zeta!

- huh!



- Brother prophet!

- Huh!

Introduce yourself!

♪ Now brothers, I think it's time we turn to chapter 1-9 ♪ ♪ 6-9 ♪ ♪ thou shall pass the collection plate ♪ - Brother showtime!

- Huh!

Reveal yourself!

♪ Showtime ♪ ♪ show, show, showtime ♪ ♪ show, show, showtime ♪ ♪ show, show, showtime ♪ why didn't you tell me Micah got into a fraternity?

I didn't know.

- Yeah, man.

- For sure.

Hey, have you seen kiki?


Oh, it's on!

Yeah, I guess.

Nova, this is my son, James.

James, this is the lady I was telling you about.


I'm gonna go get something to eat.

So clearly, not everyone in your family are ready to meet me.

It's not you.

Listen, he's just still pissed about the divorce.

I get it.

- Mom!

- Hey!


You didn't tell me your ex-wife was going to be here.

I didn't know she was coming.

- Do you wanna leave?

- I'm fine.

- Really.

- Really?

No, no, no, no, no, no.

I'm fine.

I'm fine.


One second.

Okay, here we go.

Hey, Calvin.


It's Nova, right?

I'm his ex-wife.

It's nice to meet you, Hailey.

Did you get meet my kids?

I did.

THey're amazing.

THey are.

Despite everything you did to destroy our family.

Okay, we're not doing that.

It was nice to finally meet you.

Say, how does it feel to be the other woman?

The mistress who came between a man and his family.

You're so much better than that.

Shame on you.

Shame on me?

You're kidding, right?

You're the one who should be ashamed.

Calvin, let's go.


Go on with this one.

Until the next one.

THey're all the same.



I want your voices kept down, please.

that's enough.

Oh, Nova.

You didn't know that Calvin has a very specific type.

He's always had a thing for the exotic.

The blacker, the better and all that.

Really likes the dark-skinned girls.

And actually, you're skinnier than most.

He likes them thick, you know, the girls with the big butts that jut out like so...

Watch yourself, Hailey.

Oh, I'm sorry, sugar.

Did you think you were the only one?


She is the only one.

The only one I ever loved.

Everybody else, and I do mean everybody else, to me, it was just passing time until she would have me.

I thought maybe you'd seen more than enough of me yesterday.

I'm meeting with a contact from Xavier's pharmacy college.

An epidemiologist.

I just...

I need to get some straight talk about this new virus and how we might be at risk if it hits here in Louisiana.

Has your school said anything about this?


Everything's fine here.

Well, if it does hit here, I'm gonna need you to come home.

Don't worry so much, mom.

I picked up your favorite, apple fritter and cocoa.

If it's still your favorite.

So that's a passive-aggressive way of you saying you don't know what I like anymore?

I joined a fraternity.

I don't see what the big deal is.

Then why keep it a secret?

You could have talked to us first.

But instead, you went ahead and joined a house with such a bad reputation.

Think about your future, Micah.

I know what people say about us.

But the gammas, we're not thugs.

Did you even consider your father's fraternity?

THey have a reputation for graduating scholars and politicians, athletes...

- I met with dad's fraternity on campus.

- And?

And tHey didn't want me.

THey didn't want you?

Micah, you could have just asked your father...

I didn't want his help.

Besides, I'm happy where I am.

I'm almost 20 years old.

I don't need to consult you every time I wanna make a decision like some little boy.

I didn't know that you thought that way.

I'll do my best to respect your boundaries.

You've been real quiet.

Is everything okay?

Yesterday was just a little exhausting.

I love this part of the city, don't you?

You have something to say to me, I can take it.

How many black women have you been with?

In my lifetime?

A few.

I find it odd that you never mentioned that.

It makes me wonder what else I don't know about you.

You know me better than anyone.

So was Hailey right?

Do you have a thing?

- A fetish, when it comes to black women?

- No.

Calvin, you know what I'm about.

I can't be in a relationship with someone who objectifies black women.

Nova, stop.

My feelings for you have nothing to do with me having a "thing" for black women.

I'm a man who likes women, all kinds.

There were others before me.


There were other women before you.

Just like there was other men in your life before me.

But for me, there's only been one woman I've ever loved, only you.

And I will spend the rest of my life saying that to you and anyone else who needs to hear that.

That is the truth.

Nothing is gonna change.

I want everything with you.

I meant to ask you, you were cool with everything that happened yesterday?

What do you mean?

The way I was dancing with the girls.

You know it didn't mean anything, right?

Micah, come on.

You know I'm not tripping over stuff you do with your fraternity brothers.



Who was that guy you were talking to at the smoothie stand?

You mean Darrell?

He's just some guy in my class.


What class?

Art history.

He's a really nice guy, and his dad owns, like, a car repair shop or something in Lafayette.

- In Lafayette.

- Mmm-hmm.

Are we gonna make it on time?

Yeah, come on.

We'll be fine.

Plus, if we late, I'm gonna do like tHey do in the movies.

Gonna bribe the maitre d' with all that extra cash I'm about to get from the harvest.

blue is happy to spend time at Marcus'.

THey're becoming like old friends, even though tHey're only nine.

old friends are good friends.


what was that?

...And here in the us, where confirmed cases have increased across the country.

There is growing concern over the possible impact of the virus.

and I ain't trying to hear none of that.

that stuff, the media, tHey trying to gas something up.

Sounds like a bad cold to me.

I don't know, I mean, tHey're saying that older people are more vulnerable to it.

I hope it doesn't come to St.


Ain't enough of them left anyway.

That's for real.

That's true.

And the ones we've got are like treasures, I mean, imagine something happening to Mr.



That thing ain't coming all the way over here.

We're gonna be fine.

As always.

Let me listen to my song.

right, yeah.


What about that?

"Time flies" playing...

♪ All the pain and fly away? ♪ ♪ Been living the life of excuses ♪ ♪ battling bruises stuck in the fight ♪ ♪ defeat is a state of mind ♪ ♪ so how do you choose it? ♪ ♪ Piece it together but what does it mean? ♪ ♪ You're stuck in between ♪ ♪ how to take a step learn to redirect ♪ ♪ disconnect and recollect faster ♪ ♪ new direction need to recapture ♪ ♪ turning pages to a new chapter ♪ ♪ the same equation need a new answer ♪ you would be lucky to have me.

I have worked here for three years, and I can probably do your job better than you.

You would be lucky to have me.

My name is Darla Sutton.

Pleased to meet you.

And tHey'd be lucky to have you.

Damn lucky.

You got this.

I know.

but what does that mean, ma'am?

"A disruption of life is coming." That's a little alarmist, don't you think?

the CDC doesn't use that type of language unless it's warranted.

Ma'am, how do we make sure that our elderly have what tHey need?

How do we keep them safe?

respectfully, this is not going to only be about the elderly.

Yes, tHey are the most susceptible due to underlying conditions.

But we're seeing widespread infection across many segments of the population in other countries.

Society here has to stop down.

Spain and Canada have both done so in the last two days.

We're recommending the same.

and France just announced a lockdown a couple hours ago.

we're told it'll be left up to the states since the federal government isn't gonna make the decision.

If New York and Los Angeles do it, we should also.

once the virus shows up in your municipality, your constituents will have to reorient how tHey think of being in public spaces.

For how long?

two weeks.

At a minimum.

♪ As the night moves in ♪ ♪ love takes on new meaning ♪ ♪ if you were here ♪ ♪ you would know what I mean to say ♪ ♪ But circumstance ♪ ♪ leaves me only waiting... ♪ Hello, beautiful.

I got ya.

Nice place.

I'm glad you like it.

But why are you surprised?


I must admit that when you said we were going to R&B night at Lonnie's sweet and sour shake shack, I didn't know what to expect.

I've not been here at night before.

Now why would I bring a first-class woman to a second-class joint?

Whatever I decide to do, I do it right.

You'll see.


I will see.

Miss Violet, you are looking particularly fine tonight.

Well, thank you.

What I wanna know is why you didn't let me pick you up.

- Mr. Hollywood...

- Whoa, no, stop.


No, no, no.

Don't try to clean it up now.

No, you did not call me Mr.


What you said was, "look here, joker."

- all right.

I did.

- Mmm-hmm.


look here, joker.

We just met.

You seem nice and all.

Seem like you got a nice job.

I have been around the sun a few times and survived it all.

You don't get to be my age by being a fool, so let's just slow it down.

- Because...

- I do not like to be rushed unless I'm in the mood.

I won't forget that.

Oh, lord!

I don't believe that you put up with all that attitude I was slinging that night.

- I was a lot, baby.

- Mmm-mmm.

Baby, I could not get enough.

You were a woman who was in full control of where she was and where she had been.

I loved it then.

- I love it even more now.

- Mmm.

- Eighteen years later.

- Hmm.

And I still feel like there's more ahead of us than behind us.

- We are blessed.

- Yes.

Yes, ma'am, we are.

oh, damn.


just when it was getting good.

It's Charley.

Hey, Charley.

Uh, baby, can I call you back?

It's important, aunt vi.

what's wrong?

Trump keeps saying this is gonna go away, that it will disappear.

I mean, we know he's lacking in some areas...

Lacking in all areas.

Okay, he's lacking in all areas.

He's got more information than we do.

He can't be making this up.

Baby, he doesn't even read his daily briefings.

That's a known and reported fact.

I mean, he's clearly tap-dancing.

this thing feels more serious by the day.

And I don't trust a thing that clown says.

I mean, the NBA is cancelling their whole season.

That can't be nothing.

Follow the money.

It's a billion-dollar industry.

Something's going on.

the department of public health and the CDC have confirmed that the virus is here in the United States, in Louisiana, in alarming numbers.

So far, there's conflicting information about how it spreads and how to protect yourself.

Some officials say wear a mask.

Others say facemasks are useless.

And others say masks should be saved for medical professionals.

But the state and local governments have to make some decisions since we aren't getting more than finger pointing from the white house.

It all trickles down to us.

I'm not trusting anyone is looking out for St.

Jo's except us.

We've got to take care of each other.

California issued a stay-at-home order today.

We're hearing that New York is set to shut down tomorrow.

Our council has decided to get a jump on it, and not wait for the state.

We're directing our municipal agencies to prepare.

So I'm giving you a heads-up today.

Vi's pies will have to close for a couple weeks.

All right.

All right.


Thank you, Charley.

What was that all about?

The most important thing is that our...

people stay healthy, safe and sound.

Vi's prized pies & diner will be here when this is all over.

Theme music playing...