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01x04 - It Takes a Village

Posted: 03/02/21 09:51
by bunniefuu
Previously onThe Equalizer...

I was trained by the best.

Damn right you were.

ROBYN: I serve as an equalizer.

I'm the one you call when can't call .

What do you need?

I need those freaky-ass superpowers of yours.

We're not getting paid to do any of this.

We're making a choice to help people who need it.

DANTE: I'm not too keen on private citizens opening their own branch of law enforcement.

HARRY: Detective Dante, that cop who's hunting you?

You like that he's looking for you.

DANTE: This equalizing you're doing, if you don't stop, I have to come after you.

I'd be disappointed if you didn't.

Race you!


- I'm gonna win.

- Hi, Mr. Malcolm.

- Hi!

What's up, what's up?


Be careful, kings.

- We will be!

- Okay!


Hey, Malcolm.


- How you doing, Ms. Sharpe?

- Not good.

My power went out again.

I paid the bill.

Don't worry about it, Ms. Sharpe.

I'll take care of it.

And you call me if you need anything else, okay?

Thank you, Malcolm.

See, they do crap like this to try and force us out of the neighborhood so they can build their damn buildings.

This is why we have to plan, organize and mobilize.

We have to hold our ground.


My bad.

We were talking about your date,

- and here I am rambling.

- It's okay.

I love it when you get fired up.

Makes me wish I had some of that.

You do.

You just have to tap into it.

So where is he taking you tonight?

- Calypso Point.

- Oh...


- Okay.

Question is, do I wear my lucky black dress or my "still feeling you out" floral print dress?

Well, is he good-looking?

Well, then you have your answer.


- Oh, I hate first dates.


Try to enjoy yourself.

And if it goes bad, just give me a call.

I'll be there.



Hey, Malc, it's me.


Tonight was amazing.

Meet me on the stoop in five so I can tell you all about it.






DELILAH: This is the exact reason why I didn't want to go in the first place.

What happened?

D hit a pothole, she freaked out and almost crashed into a light post.

You know, I didn't freak out.

Maybe if you didn't grab the wheel, I could've avoided it.

Oh, great, so now you're blaming me?

Listen, next time we go out, you just have to pay more attention.

No, there won't be a next time.

I'm never driving again.

And it wasn't my fault.

She's spoiled is the problem.

You and her father gave her a cushy life.

What do you expect?

I don't know.

I don't like that nothing is ever her fault.

Eh, you were exactly the same.

- I was nothing like that.

- Remember that conch shell your father brought back from Jamaica?

It was the only vacation he took in his whole life.

He loved that thing.

Do you remember what happened to it?

Found it shattered on the floor.

You denied it until the cows came home.

But we knew.


I think your memory is fuzzy.

I got to take this call.

[LAUGHS]: Uh-huh.

Hey, Harry.

What's up?

If we don't want him to push us out, then we have to stand and fight.

It's up to us to stop him.

Ain't nobody coming to save us.

This is my home, and I'm willing to fight for it.

Are you?


He was, uh, really gifted.

I'm sorry about your loss.

How does this work?

Start by telling me what happened.

Police claim that Malcolm jumped from his apartment window.

But that's impossible.

I was with him that day.

We made plans.

Something happened.

Crys, you know Malc had a lot of demons from back in the day.

Maybe we should consider that they finally caught up with him.


Malcolm wouldn't do this.

I'm sorry.

Did you take all these pictures?

Been sh**ting here for years.

Somewhere along the way I became the neighborhood historian.

They're really beautiful, Charles.

Thank you.

I'm sorry.

Nothing to be sorry for.

It seems like the three of you were close friends.

If Malcolm didn't commit su1c1de, who would want to come after him?

Not sure.

There are gangs terrorizing the neighborhood, addicts in the park, real estate developers trying to force everybody out.

CHARLES: Malcolm's the one who stood up to them all.

When you do that, you piss a lot of people off.

There was a su1c1de note.

And it was verified to be in Malcolm's handwriting.

I know it doesn't make sense.

That's why we called you.

You seem really certain about Malcolm.

I have never been more certain about anything in my life.

Can you help?

Still can't believe it.

Malcolm's gone.

It's over.

And if you were smart, you would take one of those moving vouchers they offering and get out of here like me.



You said, "If we want change, it's up to us." My father used to say that.


Personal visit, Detective Dante?


I found this by Malcolm's window.

It's from a two-grand special edition pair of Jordan Frags.

Way out of Malcolm's price range.

K for kicks?

It's offensive.


Man, those are fire.

Do you think I could...?

- Nope.

- ROBYN: Jays weren't in his apartment or on his feet when he died.

But it doesn't scream foul play.

They could've belonged to a friend.

There was a history of dr*gs and depression.

Plus a note.

Points to su1c1de.

ROBYN: Well, normally I would agree.

But most su1c1de jumpers land face-first.

Malcolm landed on his back, which is more in line with being pushed or falling.

Okay, but what about the note?

ROBYN: Wait.

Look at that.

The syntax changes.

"Good kid, m.A.A.d city." Malcolm had a Kendrick poster.

That's not a typo.

That's the name of a track.

Play "m.A.A.d. city." I ever tell you what my DJ handle was in high school?

DJ "I wish I was popular"?

Okay, babe, I'm gonna stop sharing with you if you're gonna use it against me.

Just play the song, man.

♪ If Pirus and Crips all got along ♪

♪ They'd probably g*n me down ♪

♪ By the end of this song, seem like... ♪

Song's about a g*ng m*rder.

He was forced to write that note.

So, he knew he was gonna get k*lled, and he left a clue in there the murderers wouldn't notice.


You have to be pretty clever to pull that off under duress.

Crystal said there was a g*ng that was terrorizing the area.

HARRY: g*ng task force database says that is Bombers territory.

Dude named Kenya Bell runs the show.

Violent rep.

Suspected in two murders.

You know, seems like a nice guy.

Why would a g*ng want a m*rder to look like a su1c1de?

I mean, why not just g*n him down in the street?

Let's ask them.

- ♪ Damn ♪ - ♪ Floor seats for the Knicks ♪

- ♪ Couple models blow a kiss ♪ - Huh

♪ They don't even want a pic, wanna lick up on the ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ I done made a couple hits... ♪

Get your ass up!

You want in, we got to know that you can throw them hands.

They take you down again, it's over.

You feel me?


♪ Gettin' caught up in the mix ♪

♪ Hollywood, same chicks ♪

♪ Didn't know that I'd be doing this... ♪

What the hell is this?

♪ Now I paint the bigger pic ♪ ♪ Coo-coo ♪

♪ See, I'm really with the ♪ ♪ Damn ♪

♪ We all grinded to the floor seats ♪

♪ Now all of the pretty girls, they know me... ♪

What kind of respectable organization starts off a relationship with a new member like this?


Hey, who invited your moms?


I ain't ugly enough to be his moms.


You got jokes.

That bike is mine.

What, that bike?

[CHUCKLES]: Sorry, baby.

It don't come with training wheels.


k*lling you, dawg.

Yo, pat her down.

Nice kicks, Kenya.

- Do I know you?

- ROBYN: I doubt it.

But I heard you knew Malcolm King.

You seen him lately?

What, you a... you a cop or something?


Then you made a big mistake.

'Sup, my dudes?

KENYA: Ain't so chatty now, are you?

What made you think you could just roll up in our spot, huh, asking about Malcom?

ROBYN: 'Cause I'm-a light every last one of y'all up in here if you don't drop them weapons right now.

Yo, you wilding, lady.

What's that supposed to be?

What, this?

This is a one-of-a-kind, infinite-load, metacarpal special.

Custom grip.

What you gonna do... give us a stern lecture?

You know what your problem is?

You talk too much.

- [g*nshots]

- What the hell was that?!

Where's that coming from?

- What?



Man, how'd she do that?

ROBYN: Drop them g*ns right now!

Get your ass up.

Get up and get out of here.

I better not see you again unless you're in school.

And if anybody even thinks about messing with him, I'm coming back!

I know you think you got away with it.

But there's always a trail.


♪ This is our time ♪

♪ It's time to stand up, stomp your boots ♪

♪ Kick your feet, we got to rise up ♪ ♪ Rise up ♪

♪ Never backing down, you the ones that gave up ♪

♪ No one gave us anything, we had to step up... ♪


Is that how the Air Force taught you to sh**t?

I was aiming for that truck tire back there.

Mm, just like an Army grunt.

Always picking a less effective target.

I'd be surprised if you got close enough for it to work.

Don't hate.

Not only did I get close enough to clone Kenya's phone, but he is making a call right now.

What is it?


♪ They running, though, 'cause it's a joke. ♪




Kenya, I'm telling you...

I didn't say anything.

ROBYN: Yeah, you didn't, huh?

About what?

I knew Malcolm King's mama.

She gave him those names because she knew they had power.

Maybe they did.

But he got cut down, just like them.

I told him, folks like us, when we stand, we fall.

I spent most of my life fighting for the people.

But in all my years, the people never win.

Malcolm said I'd lost hope.

He was right.

I let him down.

Betrayed him.

Betrayed him how?

I was paid to sway the residents to move out.

But Malcolm was a problem.

I had a spare key to Malcolm's apartment for emergencies.

The day of his m*rder, I gave it to Kenya.

He said he just wanted to scare him.

You know, teach him a lesson.

I didn't think they would k*ll him.

What'd you think they would do?

You know you have his blood on your hands.

So what you gonna do about it?

I'll do anything to make it right.

Well, you said you got paid...

Who paid you?

Kenya, but that's not where the money came from.

People been trying to move in on this neighborhood for years.

No one more than Robert Harrington.

Robert Harrington?

Of Harrington Plaza in Midtown?

At the end of the day, nothing's gonna stop him from getting it.

I'm sure of it...

No one had more to gain from us moving out than him.

I just can't prove it.

So Kenya works for Harrington?

You know, it's not that the people can't win.

Giants like Harrington just know how to exploit weak links.

In order to divide us.

Harrington owns half of Crown Heights, but he can't move forward on his redevelopment plan unless he gets permission from the residents.

Malcolm has been a thorn in his side.

Organized sit-ins, filed dozens of complaints, got the whole neighborhood to do the same.

The slowdown is costing Harrington millions.

Well, that explains why they made it look like su1c1de.

Yeah, they can't have the m*rder traced back to Harrington.

And if they just would've k*lled him, it would've turned him into a martyr.

Disgusting... people's lives destroyed over greed.

We have to stop him.

Or people are gonna be on the streets.

Anyone who gets in his way is gonna get cut down just like Malcolm.

Kenya may have k*lled him, but Harrington gave the orders.

And I want them both.

Between us and them, my money's on us.

That's what we do now, right?

But first, we have to connect the dots between Harrington and Kenya.

Any ideas?

Actually, I do.

Nice glutes.

Missed a spot.

I'll get to it.

You know this is the men's locker room, right?

I noticed.

Makes it hard to come after me.

No law too small, huh?

I don't think that applies here.

Mind handing me that towel?

Oh, so you can get to these?



Put on some shower shoes.

Spreading fungus everywhere.

Just nasty.

You want to tell me why you're here before or after I arrest you?

Okay, as much as I like a challenge, I'm in a rush, so I'll get straight to it.

I saw you at Malcolm King's memorial.

I take it you knew him?

Busted him as a kid.

He had his troubles, but...

he had potential, so I helped him get on the right path.

But you knew that.

Yeah, I also have a lead on his m*rder.

I was told it was ruled a su1c1de.

Meant to look like a su1c1de.

Interested in helping me find his k*ller?

I assume you have proof?

Not only do I have proof, I have a witness.


- Go.

- Yo, let me holla at you, Ma.

- I got a man.


Yo, you know I'm lit, right?



Kenya, we got a problem.

♪ Heard you got some new friends.

I'm hurt.

I thought we were friends.

We are.

I swear.

Friends keep each other's secrets.

You telling my secrets, Chuck?

I didn't tell them anything.


Don't lie to me.

Come here.

You know I k*lled Malcolm, old man.

I'll k*ll you, too.


Hands up!


Don't move!

You're wired.


- You're a dead man.

- And I promise you won't see it coming.

- OFFICER: Turn around.

At least I got my soul back.


HARRY: ♪ Bad boys, bad boys

♪ Whatcha gonna do?

♪ Whatcha gonna do when they come for you? ♪

♪ Bad boys, bad boys

♪ Whatcha gonna do?

♪ Whatcha gonna do when they come for you? ♪

ROBYN: Really?

Is that what we're doing?


We got Kenya dead to rights.

Now we just got to get him to flip on Harrington.

KENYA [RECORDED]: You know I k*lled Malcolm, old man.

I'll k*ll you, too.

You've gotten away with it in the past, but this one's gonna stick unless you play ball.

Who ordered Malcolm's m*rder?

You're looking at life.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

We already know Harrington paid you to k*ll Malcolm.

We just need to hear it from you.

So what's it gonna be, years or life?

Kenya, put the pen down.

Who the hell are you?

Your lawyer.

And I'd like a word with my client.


No deal.

I acted alone.

♪ It's imperative that we take personal responsibility.


- For our neighborhood.

If we stand together, we can defeat the dr*gs,

- the gangs and the developers.


Sounds like my brother.

I thought he sounded like Daddy, too.




I told you it wasn't my fault.

There are at least seven other accident claims about that pothole.

Where did you get that?

City records.


That is a lot of effort not to take responsibility.

So let me ask you this.

What you gonna do about it?

- What do you mean?

- I mean are you gonna do something about it, or are you gonna let it happen to somebody else?

Okay, do something like what?

As much as that school costs, they don't teach you civics?

This is a government of the people, by the people, for the people.

You want to change something, you change it.

When they wouldn't give us the vote in Wisconsin over women's rights, we marched and demanded it.

You want me to march over a pothole?

I want you to figure out what works for you and then run with it.


I want you to march over a pothole.


- Well?

- DANTE: I had him.

He was about to sign till his lawyer, whose shoes cost more than my rent, convinced him to confess to the m*rder solo.

Harrington's insulating himself.

This was our best shot.

He's got enough money and lawyers to duck and dodge forever.

Well, he can't duck and dodge me.

But you got to press pause on chasing me until I can find a way to get to him.

If I did agree, for Malcolm's sake, how are you gonna do it?

Guy like Harrington, you follow the money.

So it really makes perfect sense.

As we revamp the existing structure, it'll attract more businesses like Starbucks and Jamba Juice, while beautifying the neighborhood.

WOMAN: You mean change the neighborhood so that other people can move in.

You want to turn Crown Heights into SoHo.


- CRYSTAL: We won't be able to afford the higher rents.

We want to make Crown Heights better for us, not move us out.

WOMAN: Tell them, Crystal.

Well, that's-that's why we're here... to get this feedback.

We can figure out a plan that works for everybody.

You care so much that you have us come down here instead of coming to the neighborhood?

Oh, no, no, that-that wasn't our intention.

Are you intentionally sabotaging us, or are you just stupid?


Don't you want to get rid of the gangs?

The dr*gs?

The v*olence?

We make this a more beautiful place, we can do just that.

Malcolm King, one of your own, was struck down in his prime by the very g*ng that's plaguing your neighborhood.

Malcolm cared about this neighborhood, and so do I, which is why my vision will help everyone.

If you supported Malcolm King, you should be supporting Robert Harrington.

The audacity.

To m*rder Malcolm and come up in here and throw it up in these people's faces.

You were right.

I checked out King and his family.

New car in the driveway, flat-screens being delivered.

Money's flowing.

But without a warrant, I can't prove where it's coming from.

Yeah, let me take care of that.

Why should we trust you?

My power went out for the third time in two weeks during my son's asthma treatment.

Ma'am, I feel your pain, I do, but I don't control the utility companies.

I mean, maybe I should.

Or maybe he does.

Aunt Vi, I took your advice, sort of.

I tweeted about my accident and got over , retweets.

- In one day?

- Yup.

I mean, before I could respond, I got a DM from the city manager for a meeting tomorrow to discuss it.

A DM is a direct message.

Girl, I know what a DM is.


I wish we had Twitter back in the day.

I can't wait to tell Mom.

I'm gonna go pick out something to wear.




You know how, uh, octopuses have a bunch of tentacles?

Well, uh, Harrington's the kraken of octopuses.

Wait a minute.

Is it octopuses or octopi?

- Did you connect him or not?

- I think it's octopi.

Anyway, Harrington's got his tentacles in everything.

Arms, Harry.

Octopuses have arms.


Oh, great.

Way to wreck my flow.

- My bad.

Please continue.

- Ah, it's fine.

Moment's gone.

Anyway, you were right.

The, uh, power outages traced back to a Gas and Electric supervisor who was paid from a shell corp, the same shell corp that Kenya's family was paid from.

Well, can you connect it to Harrington?

No, but I can connect it to a...

a Bahrain-Hawala money transfer system that's located where Harrington just happens to be developing property.

Why would Harrington be funneling money to a Hawala?

You might want to ask your old employers, because this one just happens to be on a CIA watchlist for funding...


Well, that's not a good look.

Remind me, Harry, people tend to frown on that, don't they?

Only the good ones.

So, if an upstanding citizen like Robert Harrington was exposed, for sponsoring t*rrorists, ooh, think what the press would say.

That could take down his entire empire.

Yeah, right, except I can't find any incriminating files in his system.

Every dictator we took down with the CIA kept some record of their dirty deals.

Harrington is no different.

He's just going through extra effort to hide it.

We find those files, we got the proof.

Doesn't matter.

Even if it did connect to Harrington, I couldn't take it to the D.A. if I wanted to because you obtained it illegally.

ROBYN: Well, forget the D.A.

We're gonna do this my way.

If we can't get him on Malcolm's m*rder, maybe we can get him on this.



Bishop takes queen.

- Checkmate.

- Yeah, I know.


I was only waiting the whole game to make that move myself.



- Hey, forget these board games.

How would you like to take out a real king?

I get it.

Guy tries to make a difference, some jerk kills him.

Now you want revenge.

But it's a dangerous game.

Harrington is in business with some bad people.

He's in bed with t*rrorists.

Prophets of Honor, to be exact.

Responsible for the Paris bombing last year.

He's funding them?

Well, he doesn't support their cause, but he pays them a premium for building permits in Bahrain.

The P.O.H. turns around, takes that money and buys weapons.

So he's building his empire on blood money.

And let me guess.

His dealings help The Company, so they just turn a blind eye.

Why is this so important to you?

You don't even know this Malcolm guy.

You remember Zurich?

Well, how could I forget?

We barely made the extraction point.

Somebody I know wanted to go back for the ambassador's son.

Well, he would've got k*lled if we didn't.

I didn't know him, either, but it was the right thing to do.

I used to think you were a sucker for doing that.

Well, who was the bigger sucker for going with me?

All right, listen.

If we're gonna do this, we got to do it quietly.

You still own a tux?


Oh, yes, I own a tux.

You got an inside man?

I have someone in mind.

BISHOP: Harrington's son.


ROBYN: I've seen their dynamic.

He's looking for a door.

He just doesn't know there is one.

First, I'll earn his trust.

Edwin, right?

I thought I recognized you from the plaza.

Tracy Carter.

From Berkeley.

We both had, uh, Professor Collins for ethics?

You were engaged to Lisa Finney.

Uh, sorry.

Forgive me.

It's been a long time.

You know, I still remember that brilliant concept you two came up with on how to solve the homeless crisis.


I remember thinking to myself, "Now, that couple... they're gonna make a difference." I thought so, too.

Let me guess.

You and Lisa got married, you had a bunch of kids.

Didn't quite work out.

Then I'll bait the hook.

So, if you do it that way, building affordable housing makes sense.

It seems like you could do so much good if your father would just take off the cuffs.


It's possible to make money and help people at the same time.

No matter what I do, he has to sh**t it down just to come in and play the savior.

It's like he wants me to fail.

You know, the sad thing is, it didn't have to be this way, especially after what he did to you back then.

And once I've baited the hook, I'll drop the hammer.

It's no different than creating an asset for the CIA.



You didn't know?

Forcing you from what you love?

Now this business with funding t*rrorists.

It's disgusting.



What are you talking about?

Who are you?

I'm with the people who care about the world as much as you do.

What is this?


We were supposed to get married, take on the world, until...

she broke off the engagement.

Your father arranged that.

He's been pulling the strings of your life the entire time.

You once stood for good, for justice.

Look, I-I know that he's done horrible things, and-and I've hated him for a long time, but...

he gave me a life.


He didn't give you a life.

He took a life from you.

And yours is not the only life he took.

He paid to have Malcolm King m*rder*d.

You know, you can do something about it.

After I offer him redemption, he'll tell me where his father has those files with the info we need to take him down.

Of course, he'll tell me it's impossible.

It's impossible.

Even if I did want to help you get the files, it can't be done.

You let me worry about that.

So I hear your father's having a party.

I guess being a jackass is lucrative.

I don't think I can do this.

Just relax.

Let us handle everything.

Hypothetically, if I were to do it, what would it take?

First, you'd need a key card he keeps in his breast pocket.

That key card gets you access to the elevator, and more importantly, his office, which even I don't have access to.


Meet William Staten and Orisa Njoku, the investors I mentioned.

Pleasure to finally meet the legend.

- Do I know you?

- I don't think so.

I'm pretty sure I'd remember a man such as yourself.

[NIGERIAN ACCENT]: You have very good taste.

And I would know.

I made my fortune in textiles.

A fortune I would like to keep.

Your son tells me you are the man to talk to if I want to invest in New York real estate.

And I think we can all agree that taxation with or without representation is... for other people.

I'm sorry, I can't help you.

Is there a problem?

I don't know you.

I don't do business with people I don't know.

See these two people out.


[IN NIGERIAN PIDGIN ENGLISH]: What is this foolishness?

Come on.

How many times have I told you not to introduce me to these people?

- This is not how we do business.

- I just thought...

I don't pay you to think.

Don't touch me.


- Shut up.

- I didn't say anything.

- I heard you thinking.

- Yeah.

The worst part is, I didn't get the key card.


Should've known.

Well, we need to find another way up to his office.

I already got one.

Service stairs.

What floor is his office on?


Now, see, that face right there?

That is not helping.

♪ I can't believe I fell for it.


What else did the city manager say?


That he had thousands of letters and complaints a mile long and for me to get in line.

It turns out he only took the meeting to show the mayor he's addressing the community's issues.


I was nothing but a photo op.

I'm so stupid.

Look at me.

Don't you ever say that again.

You understand me?

The important thing is you tried.

Yeah, but nothing changed.

Why would Mom even make me do this to begin with?

It's pointless.




Honey, come back.

♪ Get set ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

MAN [OVER RADIO]: Wilson, I need you

- to check the north elevator.

- Over.

♪ Let's go ♪


We're here.

Thanks for the workout.

If you make it into the office...

Which you won't...


...there's a combination lock behind a portrait that leads to a hidden server room.

Portrait of what?

Trust me, you'll know.


I wonder what he's compensating for.

♪ It's what I want, so all I know is go ♪

♪ Green light, green light, the token ♪

♪ Never slow down, I stay in motion... ♪

ROBYN: Old-school.


♪ I ain't joking ♪

♪ Go down once but I ain't mopin' ♪

♪ Get back up, get up, go get it ♪ ♪ Get up ♪

♪ Get back up, get up, go get it... ♪

Well, you used to be a lot faster than that.


♪ Winnin' ♪

♪ Keep winnin'... ♪

Just didn't want to make you feel bad.

Guard the door.

See you in a minute.


- Ticktock.

- ♪ Get back up, get up, go get it ♪

♪ Can't nobody hold me down, push it to the limit ♪

♪ Push it till we fall down, give it all you got ♪

♪ Pound for pound, I will never stop... ♪

EDWIN: The server where he keeps his private files is designed to be un-hackable.

It's-it's air-gapped.

There's no wires in or out.

Course I can hack an air-gapped server.

But to do so, I'd have to upload malware that converts the unit's blinking processor lights into data transmitters so you could download the files from a distance with a camera.

But since you have to physically access the server anyway to upload the malware, you might as well take a little USB drive, stick that puppy on there and download whatever files you need.

It's much easier that way.

♪ Go get it ♪

♪ Get back up, get up, go get it ♪

♪ Go ♪ ♪ Get ready, get set, let's go ♪

♪ Get ready, get set, let's go... ♪

This is a secure area, sir.

I need to see your identification.


Yeah, sure.

Um, would you mind?

♪ Get ready, get set, let's go... ♪


♪ Get back up, get up, go get it... ♪


- Come on.

Time's up.

Let's go!

ROBYN: Almost.


♪ Keep winnin' ♪ ♪ Winnin' ♪

- ♪ Keep winnin' ♪

- [BEEP]

♪ Keep winnin', get back up ♪ ♪ Winnin' ♪

- ♪ Get back up... ♪

- We're good.

No, we're not.

Don't move.

Textiles, my ass.

Arrest them.

I can't say I'm surprised.

Get them the hell out of here.

I need a minute with my son.

The coward.

Sir, come with me.

[QUIETLY]: Sorry.

Well, that went well.

There is no way in the world someone so pathetic is my son!

Help me understand!

Did they use you?

Or did you finally grow a pair?

Is it true, Dad?


You're bullying the Crown Heights residents?

You're backing t*rror1st groups in Bahrain?

Is it true you had Malcolm King m*rder*d?

So you and your little friends, you think you have a leverage play?

- Is that it?

- What about my fiancée?

Is it true she works for your company in Ohio?

How big of a fortune did you pay her to call off the engagement?

Well, let's not overlook the fact that she took the money.


You know, but if your feelings are hurt, maybe you-you should go cry to Mama.

See, I have made some tough decisions to get to where I am, and you are better for it.

What about those people?

Those people?!

I am Robert Harrington, and you are my son.

Who cares about some poor people in my buildings or some t*rrorists in the Middle East?

See, this is why you will never be successful.

Because you're unwilling to make the decisions to get rid of people standing in your way.

Like Malcolm King?

Like Malcolm King.

Damn straight.

You don't just cut a weed to have it grow back.

You pull it by its roots before it spreads.



What the hell did you do?

You let them put cameras in my office?

What have you done?

The right thing.

- ...standing in your way.

- Like Malcolm King?

Damn straight like Malcolm King.

BISHOP: Good job, fellas.

Ditch those uniforms.

I'll see you back at the office.

Your fake cops were a nice touch.

Whatever happened to doing this quietly?

We were quiet.

...pull it up from its roots before it spreads.

Jumbotron is not quiet.

The information had to go straight to the people.

Otherwise, Harrington's army of lawyers would've made it go away.

And don't act like you told me everything.

You forgot to mention that Harrington's firm stiffed you back in the day.

You knew about that?

I am Robert Harrington...

CIA ain't gonna be happy we took out their asset.

See, this is why you will never be successful.

What do you mean?

We were never here.

- ...people standing in your way.

- Like Malcolm King?

Damn straight like Malcolm King.



'Scuse me.

'Scuse me.

'Scuse me.


It doesn't matter what I said.

You can't link me to any of it.

You've got nothing.

Don't be so sure.

Your plan worked.


All of Harrington's secrets being streamed to the world.

Harr-ious Maximus.

Destroyer of empires.

Are you not entertained?

That was a little too far.

- Yeah?

A little much?

- Yeah.

Did you know an octopus has arms, not tentacles?



- Crystal.


You ready?


What's wrong?

Found this under my door.

_ I went to Charles's apartment, and it was cleaned out.

Only thing left was this camera.

Probably for the best.

I think he's right.

It's up to you to carry on Malcolm's work.

And you are absolutely ready.


- Yeah.



- I am.

Yeah, you are.

WOMAN: Hey, Crystal.

WOMAN : All right, all right.

- WOMAN : All right, Crystal!



MAN: Yeah, Crystal!

I promise to continue Malcolm King's fight.

With our new partners, we'll upgrade the neighborhood while keeping the heart that makes it special.


Nice bike.

Well, maybe I'll give you a ride someday.

You better be looking at my license plate.

Should I even bother to run it?

It's a free country.

Just because you're making a difference doesn't mean I'm offering a blank check.

We need to establish some rules.

I'm not asking for permission.

Come on.

Now, you have to admit, it was kind of fun playing outside the lines.

Playing outside the lines or crossing the line?

Whatever gets the job done.


Oh, come on.

You're not still upset, are you?

Hey, if we're not failing, we're not trying, right?


Yeah, I'm gonna need you to upgrade your pep talk game.


How 'bout this?

Every now and then in life, you're gonna hit a brick wall.

It's how you respond that matters.

So what they won't fix it.

Don't let that take your power away.

You know, sometimes, if you want things done, you got to do it yourself.

VI: Are y'all coming, or am I gonna have to fill this pothole by myself?

You knew city hall wasn't gonna fix this, didn't you?

I was just prepared in case they didn't.


I'll go get my coat.

You do that.

Let's go.

Thanks, Aunt Vi.


Oh, and, uh, my father had a whelk shell from Jamaica, not a conch.

Come on, babe!

I knew you remembered.

- All right.

- You're shoveling.

- I'm shoveling?


- Mm-hmm.

You wanted a job, right?

I'll take the pictures.