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05x01 - High Exposure

Posted: 03/07/21 06:14
by bunniefuu
Previously on Numbers:

MAN: Practical applications.

Professor Phillip Sanjrani? Yes?

Special Agent William Fraley.

I'm gonna have to ask you to come with me.

You work with the FBI. What's happening?

I don't know. I-I'll find out.

The guy e-mailed instructions for a bioweapon to Pakistan.

They got some FBI scientist to review my work and say it's applicable to human pathogens.

I'll find that report, and I'll review it.

His work is in crop development.

It's designed to create new strains of food crops resistant to drought and insects.

Why is Phil Sanjrani still in custody?

We now know that there was no t*rror1st action.

Doesn't matter. He did what he did.

Yeah, it matters. It matters.

CHARLIE: I e-mailed the rest of Sanjrani's work to scientists at four universities in Pakistan.

You lost your security clearance?


This is my attorney, and he's negotiated my surrender to Federal authorities.

AGENT: Mr. Eppes, I'll need to handcuff you.


♪ It has begun ♪

♪ This is the reason why I live ♪

♪ I give back everything that I take ♪

♪ I won't leave until I grow, I grow ♪

♪ It's second nature, and I know, I know ♪

♪ This is the reason why I live ♪

♪ I give back everything that I take ♪

♪ I won't leave until I grow, I grow ♪

♪ It's second nature, and I know, I know ♪

Uh, Andy, I got still got all kinds of slack down here.

(rope snaps)


You pulled me off!


Andy's indisposed at the moment.

You have something that belongs to me.

Send up the pack.

We didn't know.

No. You didn't.

So, we're cool, right?


We're cool.


Call you later.

What are you doing here?

I didn't tell anybody when the hearing was.


I'm a Federal prosecutor, I know these things.

Oh, yeah?

You off the hook? Yeah.

The judge accepted the government's motion and dropped all charges.

You are so lucky, Charlie.

So is your friend Sanjrani.

You call three weeks in Federal detention lucky?

Well, he could've wound up in jail or deported.

Only if the FBI was intent on seeing something that wasn't there.

What about your security clearance?

It didn't get straightened out.

Even though you technically did nothing wrong?

Hey, that's not the way the Bureau sees it.

Mm. Good-bye to covert satellites.

Well, there's plenty of other cool stuff here to work on.

Well, maybe you should think about maybe getting your clearance back.

That means a whole new security investigation, right?

Except this time, they'll be looking for a reason to say no.

They'll grill me.

They'll grill everybody I know.

They'll be intrusive and embarrassing.

Well, it sounds like payback.

Oh, that's exactly what it is.

Meanwhile, for every case I worked, there's lots of stuff here that went neglected.

So much math, so little time.


(garbled radio transmission)

MAN: Throw up the rope and put him in the bigger bag.

MAN 2 (over radio): We're at the bottom of the hill making our way up.

Yeah, right there, put a marker.

Andrew Tomkins, 22.

Brian Wright, 24.

Don't know much about them just yet.

So, Tomkins was sh*t at close range.

Wright either fell or was dropped.

Somebody tore through their stuff pretty good.

Definitely looking for something.

We'll need somebody that knows the mountains.


Yeah, maybe we can see if Ian Edgerton's around.

Hey, man. Don.

COLBY: What are you doing here?

I caught up with an escaped convict in Riverside.

Tonight I fly out of LAX to Oslo.

Fugitive stockbroker.

So you came down here to taunt us with your lack of availability?


What do you say, Ian? Agent Eppes.

I asked Ian to come give us a little bit of his wisdom.

I don't know if you guys need a tracker.

DAVID: Lot of innocent people up here.

We got kids, families, hiker, puppies.

(garbled radio transmission)

So why's the FBI involved?

Simple double-homicide.

Check this out.

It's been processed.

It was in the bag they use with chalk.

COLBY: Found it attached to his harness.

An uncut diamond?

DON: Yeah, 72 carats.

It's worth about half a mil.

Not so simple after all.


Hey, guys, how are we doing on those two dead climbers?

No records. Wright was unemployed.

Tomkins had a part-time job.

Neither of these guys have a residence.

They stayed with friends, lived out of their cars.

Spent all their time rock-climbing.

The diamond -- it's still a mystery.

I mean, you're gonna tell me this guy looks like a sophisticated jewel thief?

Yeah, I hear you.

But still, I mean, somebody wanted them dead, right?

What about the diamond itself?

I'm running the rock through the Jewelers' Security Alliance database.

And who the hell are you?

Special Agent Nikki Betancourt.

Nikki's new around here.

If you can qualify as "new" after four years LAPD.

Where I come from, we spend, uh, more time working informants than databases.

Well, it takes more than street cop attitude to get an invitation to Quantico.

I got a law degree. Oh.

Another overachiever.

NIKKI: Nothing so far on the diamond.

Don't even know yet if it's stolen.

Well, I mean, the guy didn't mine it.

There's a science to diamonds, the way they authenticate them and all.

Yeah, so let's get Mr. Math in on this.

Uh, Charlie has a problem with his security clearance.


Charlie's not working with us anymore, okay?

Can we just leave it at that?


Okay, then.

Uh, what about that other guy?

Flintstone, Fierstein?


Yeah, he's worked on a few cases with us.

Amita, too.

MAN: Brian and Andy, man, they were full on, always climbing.

They have any enemies?

No, they never got in any trouble.

Brian was too goofy and friendly to get anybody mad at him.

And how about Andy?

Andy was a little more serious than Brian, but not much.

Who knew them best?

That would be Pete and Skeet.

Pete Fuller, Theresa Kulhman, the climbers who found the bodies.

Skeet's real name is Theresa? Seriously?

So were they just climbing partners or anything more?

I don't think Pete's even noticed Skeet's a girl.

We're gonna have to talk to them again.

Oh, well check out Stony Point. That's where they go bouldering.

What's bouldering?

Climbing on smaller rocks without ropes.

My cousin back home in Boise is a climber.

You're from Idaho? City of Rocks!


City of Rocks National Reserve in Idaho.

Sweet granite, radical routes.

Never been there?

(dance music playing)

♪ Merci beaucoup merci beaucoup ♪

(singing in French)


(grunts) (chuckles)

Damn it.

That was close!

Want to give it a run?

It's a fun little problem.

Yeah, I'll spot ya.

Thanks, we have a fun little problem of our own though.

About Brian and Andy?

Yeah, heard you two were close with them.

Hung out all the time.

Yeah, we've been on a lot of climbing trips together, the four of us.

How'd they support themselves?

Brian worked on and off for a mountain guide service.

Andy's parents sent him cash now and then.

Yeah, Andy was their only son.

It's got to be tough on them.

And what about Brian's family?

We've haven't heard from them.

Brian's parents are dead.

Got a cousin back East, I think.

His family was us, you know, other climbers.

Come on, big guy. Pull up the skirt.

We're not on Oprah. (chuckles)

They say anything to you guys about coming into some extra money or finding something valuable, anything like that?

Bri called me the day before he d*ed and said there was a chance he'd have a little money soon.

Did he say where the money was coming from?

He said he found something he thought he could sell.

But he didn't know what it was worth or if it was even worth anything.

You have any idea what it was?

He didn't say.

What else did you talk about?

Bri was excited about a new route he found.

You know, rock climb nobody'd done before.

THERESA: Bri said it was a classic -- might even be as hard as 5.14.

Said he was gonna name it Wrecked.

Um, is, uh, is that where they were k*lled?

No, no, the new cliff was someplace else, only they knew where.

PETE: You know, we should try to find it, do the route.

Name it after Brian and Andy in their honor, you know?

Yeah, that's what they would want.

Only, a 5.14 might be a little over your head, partner.

Oh, like you're gonna go first?

Do you see what just happened on this wall?

I'm just saying that... No, it's not right.

Look, I lead. You know that.

THERESA: Why you gonna try to make me...

That's a heck of a leap, Larry.

Oh, I'm pushing somewhat ahead of a fully supported thought, but let's think of this as a moment of suspension over a narrow breach.

Just one quick little step over a small brook rather than a... a heck of a leap.

CHARLIE: Hey, what's that old saying?

Uh, there's speculation, speculation squared and cosmology.


Gentlemen, just in time to save the magic and grace of physics from the harsh logic of these mathematicians.

What's up, Ian? It's good to see you, man.

You, too, professor.

I understand you're a thr*at to Homeland Security these days.


So what's up?

Actually, we need to talk to these two.



CHARLIE: Well, then I will go get some coffee.


Well, that was awkward.

ROBIN: Charlie.

Oh, hey, Robin.

Uh, Don's in Amita's office right now.

Actually, I'm here to talk to you.

I want to help you get your clearance back.

You do, huh? Why's that?

To earn a Girl Scout badge, why do you think?

I've won cases with evidence that you've found, Charlie.

And us prosecutors, we love winning.

I'm persona non grata at the Bureau.

I'm not the only one who needs your work.

What about Don?

He's not pushing the issue.

He doesn't want the headache.

I'm surprised.

I thought the two of you would be fighting this a lot harder.

AMITA: Rough diamonds are tough to trace.

They're uncut.

There's no laser print on file.

No reports of theft yet.

So it could have been stolen from anywhere.

Or even stolen many years ago.

AMITA: You could try using an optic crystallographic analysis.

If we had any idea what that meant.

It's basically shining a light on the subject.

A diamond is a crystal, its atoms arranged in a symmetrical structure.

Optic crystallographic analysis shines a polarized light into the crystal structure.

How the light refracts could reveal impurities -- nitrogen or sulfur trapped within the crystal.

And this can tell us where the diamond was originally found.

Of course the problem with diamonds is they don't come from regions, but from the center of the earth.

And they're created in the heat and the pressure of the earth's mantle.

The very properties for which diamonds are valued -- the hardness, the clarity, the purity -- that's what makes it difficult to identify them as coming from one place or another.

It's a challenge President Clinton gave scientists back in 2001 to combat this problem of "conflict diamonds."

DAVID: Welcome to our special brand of the FBI.

So you can get an idea of where the diamond's from, but not for sure?


Now, do we know how these rough diamonds are transported?

In plain cases, unmarked cars, carried by trusted couriers.

Maybe one or two people know about a shipment.

So the shipments can't be targeted.

LARRY: I'm so fascinated by how this jewel, from the earth's core, would up in the chalk bag of a rock climber.

Yeah, we think he found it. Didn't know much about diamonds.

I understand tradition holds that the-the most valuable of these brings bad luck.

The Hope Diamond, uh, stolen from an idol, curses those who touch it.


I didn't think you'd be upset about the FBI stuff.

ALAN: Yeah. Well, what I don't like is they think they can strip you of your security clearance.

Why? Most of your political heroes couldn't have even gotten security clearance.

Look Charlie, I'm very proud of the way you handled things.

I mean, you did the right thing when it wasn't easy.

I knew I'd have to face the consequences.

Not all of them, you don't.

There are some people at the FBI that want to punish you, and I don't think they should be able to.

Listen, it doesn't affect my reputation in my field.

You mean, you don't mind the federal government imposing unjust limitations on your work?

Dad, all I need to do my work is a notebook, pencil...

And lots of chalkboards.

I know.

Just came in.

A report of a missing diamond shipment.

Oh, yeah? So we got ourselves a current case?


Kenneth Bryce, an L.A. diamond merchant, was due to deliver 30 stones to New York yesterday -- worth about $50 million.

He's missing.

Okay, well, get the boys.

The plate matches Bryce's car, the diamond merchant.

Yeah, he booked a seat on a commercial charter, used a false name for security purposes.

I guess we'll see how well that worked out for him.

WOMAN (over P.A.): Service to Reno, Nevada, your Flight 264 is now boarding...

It's unlocked?


It's your turn.

That look like him?


Pretty sure his diamonds are not with him.

Dead guy is Kenneth Bryce, a partner with his brother in Bryce & Sons Jewelers.

Robbed and sh*t at the airport.

Colby and I will talk to the brother, see who knew about shipment plans.


So, what are we thinking?

That transporting diamonds is possibly a more dangerous job than Alaskan crab fisherman.

Just two people knew about the shipments: me and my brother Kenny.

You think he would have told anyone?

My brother was a very careful person.

He flew private charters under pseudonyms.

He never discussed shipments with anybody but me.

DAVID: Maybe you were overheard, possibly by customers, workmen?

I don't see how.

We planned shipments before shop hours.

You know, our father started this business, and Kenny and I worked it with him.

Bryce & Sons.

Now it's just me.

Let's assume the rock climber wasn't involved in the robbery.

So, how'd he get the stone?

All right. The starting point is a small municipal airport -- private and chartered aircraft.

So, what do we know about small planes?

They fly.

And they sometimes...


Larry, the m*rder*d climbers had a secret cliff, with a route they'd named "Wrecked."

Because maybe they had found a wreck nearby?

If a plane flying from that airport crashed in that area, it was, without a doubt, flying north.

Private pilots don't always file flight plans, and small planes aren't tracked by radar over their complete flights.

But the airport logs show takeoffs and a general sense of their destinations.

All right, here's one.

It left El Monte, scheduled to land in San Jose.

But San Jose didn't log the arrival.


EDGERTON: We think the robbers h*jacked the diamond merchant in the airport parking lot, put the diamonds on a small plane headed for San Jose.

LARRY: Crashed in the San Gabriel Mountains, the climbers found it and took the diamonds.

All right. So, who k*lled them?

Well, theory doesn't encompass that.

And do we know who the plane registered to?

Rented by a guy, using a fake ID.


Well, if it had one, it wasn't on.

And an aerial search could easily miss a small plane wreck.

Well, one on foot's gonna take a month.

Not if we can mathematically narrow down the search area.

I'll give it a whirl. Charlie would be faster.

No, that's not gonna happen; D.C. won't let it.

One more possibility: we find that secret cliff these dead climbers were talking about.

All right, let's try both. Fine.

A flight plan doesn't say where the plane really was when it crashed.

Aircraft that go down over these wilderness areas are sometimes never found.

Did you know, more small planes have disappeared over the continental U.S. than have vanished in the Bermuda Triangle?


So they said on MythBusters.

Stolen diamond, missing plane, m*rder*d climbers -- random pieces.

And yet, like asteroids millions of miles apart, they all orbit the same source of gravity.

Well, a big diamond exerts a lot of pull.

Certainly does.

Pete and Skeet?

Nah, man. They took off for the mountains.

They say where they were going?

They said they were headed out to find Drew and Bri's secret crag.

I thought no one knows where it is.

Well, that's not gonna stop anyone from looking.

So, where would they start?

Well, like the rest of us -- with a good old USGS topo map.

(computer beeping)


That's an interesting approach.

How interesting?

Moderately interesting.

We're wasting our time.

No, I didn't say that.

I-I mean, this analysis should garner you at least half a dozen target areas.

Eight so far.

Have the FBI send over some FAA radar data from the day of the flight.

We tried that; the signals are too weak over the mountains to get an accurate fix.

Have you been looking for the noisy edge?

The noisy edge of what?

Larry, Squish-Squash, remember?

When Charlie tracked that UFO for Don.

The visitor from space who was not a visitor from space.

Oh, my word, that seems like a hundred years ago.

Tell me about it.

I still have the algorithms in the computer lab.

They'll take the faint radar signals, separate it from the noise and give us a probabilistic flight path.

Charlie, thank you very much.

I was never here.

WOMAN: I'm just gonna fill it with water, okay?

DON: All right.

You guys want to canvass around, see if you get any info?


Who else got a lead on that secret cliff?

Visitor Center employee said Wright and Tomkins were in right before the killings.

Tomkins invited her to go climbing along the Cougar Ridge trailhead.

I talked to a ranger that saw their car with no Adventure Pass.

Wrote a summons, gave me the location.

I got a backpacker who says he ran across a newly marked trail.

All right, why don't you guys check those out, huh?

What about you? You got something?

I got some prospector who said he heard machinery.

COLBY: Machinery?

DON: Yeah, like a drill.

A drill? In the mountains?

Well, actually climbers will use them to bolt in anchors.

It's worth checking out.

If just one of these leads is right, we find ourselves a secret cliff and a plane crash.

DON: All right, well, cells aren't working, so take the radio and keep it on.

We'll meet back here in... two hours?

Hey, Amita. Hey.

How's it going?

Great, thanks to you.

You know, I had no idea that getting radar data required a court order.

No problem.

This has got to be awkward for Charlie.

Um, he's keeping busy.

He actually gets to spend time with his students now.

Don likes to keep busy, too.

They're both workaholics, aren't they?

You know, I kid Don that if he's not working or having sex, he's thinking about work... or sex.

Yeah, with Charlie, he's having so much fun working that he can't stop working.

Well, that's a good thing.

Don thinks everything will fall apart without him.

That's typical oldest kid.

Or the fear of insignificance in the face of a little brother genius.

But that's how they've connected, right? Through work.


And food.

(chuckles) Yeah, food.

They're a little obsessed about food.

Yes. Well, they get that from their dad.



(water rushing)

I know why the ranger found Wright and Tomkins' car here.

They were using the local bathroom.

And I found the local bar.

So much for this lead.

(birds screeching)

EDGERTON (over radio): You two join up with me at Cougar Ridge.

I'm looking into a rocky canyon here with a lot of possibilities.

Copy that.

NIKKI: Copy.

THERESA: We were climbing, that's all.


MAN: All the way out here, like your friends?

Don, are you reading this?

PETE: Please, just tell us what you want.

We lost something up here.

Your friends found it, but they didn't have all of it.

Dude, you're the ones with the g*ns.

If we knew anything, we would tell you.

Only need one of you to tell us where it is.


(indistinct radio chatter in distance)

MAN (over radio): ...shifting to the northwest after midnight.

Tuesday, mostly sunny, highs 87 to 97.

Light winds becoming less, five to ten miles an hour in the afternoon.

Forecast for mountains and foothills: the rest of today, mostly sunny, highs 89 to 99.

Southwest winds, five miles an hour, shifting to the southwest in the afternoon.

(turns off radio)


(g*nsh*t echoing)

(g*nf*re over radio)


(g*nf*re continues)

Go, go, go!


We got people headed out to search the vicinity of the sh*ts.

That's a possible 12 miles to the north and ten miles east.

120 square miles?

It'll take us a week to cover.

Call in for aerial recon and get as many guys out there as you can;

I'll be back.

Where you going? Pasadena.

That's an hour from here.

Eight minutes by chopper.

Nice job, idiot. Let's go.

Gian-Carlo Rota of MIT said that combinatorics is like putting different colored marbles in different colored boxes and seeing how many ways you can divide them.

Eppes... we need you.

(whispers) I can't work for the FBI.

Forget that. Your brother's in trouble.

What do you mean? What's wrong?

I'll tell you en route. Come on.

The rest of you... take an early recess.

What were you guys doing up here anyway?

Dude, did you see that crag?

It's got, like, a dozen classic hard lines on it.

That could be the first 5.15 in California.

We got to find someplace to hide, I guess.

I always feel safer above the ground.

I can minimize it further to account for the idea that Tomkins and Wright were two or three miles from a road.

It will take days to finish.

Not with help from JPL.

DAVID: Don's not gonna like this.

Well, we can argue about that after we save his ass.

All right, listen: go to this site.

A friend of mine has access to classified National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency imagery.

AMITA: Got it.

All right, here, what we're looking at is a high-definition image of the San Gabriels taken off a LandSat maybe a half hour ago.

What you want to do is overlay that with the probable flight path.



There. There's something right there.

LARRY: To be that big and reflect that much light that would have to be... AMITA: Stone.

And a lot of it.

High-alpine granite?

It fits the parameter of the secret cliff.

It's in the shadow of the flight path, and it's two miles from a road.

Can you pull up the topo -- What's the name of that canyon?

(computer trilling)

Icehouse Canyon.

LARRY: Icehouse?

Wait, that's in the guidebook here.

Wait, wait, wait. Back in the 1800s, there was an ice plant there, serving the gold miners.

Gold miners?

That's the right one.

Edgerton. Get me back on the mountain.

(cries out)

Is it broken? I don't know.

Doesn't matter. Let's go.

Let's go. You guys get a head start.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. You sure, man? Yeah, yeah.

There's three of them. They got bigger g*ns.

Go, go, go, go, go. Come on.

EDGERTON (over radio): Agent Granger, this is Edgerton.

Do you copy?

Go ahead.

Get over to Icehouse Canyon as fast as you can with as many people as you've got.

Right. Got it.

Ian's got a location on Don.

(g*n clicks empty)

Let's go. Come on.

Come on. We got to keep moving, guys.

Come on. Come on, come on.

Let's go, Pete. Come on, come on. I know you're hurt --

Hey, hey, get Skeet out of here.

Look, you guys can move. I can't.

No, no no, I'll hold them off. Let's go.

How? You're out of a*mo, right?

Look, they're not going to k*ll me.

They think I know where the diamonds are.

We're sticking together, come on!

I can't... or we're all going to die.

Come here. Pete!


Hey! Go, go, go!

I know where the diamonds are. I know where they are.

So, what are we gonna do about Pete?

Soon as you're safe, I'm gonna get a team and I'm gonna go after him.

(cocks g*n hammer)

You might miss... but I won't.

Finger off the trigger.

Thank you very much.

Hey, how'd you find us?

(indistinct radio transmission)

Well, I could tell you, but you're not gonna like it.

What? Charlie.

Still, it came down to the wire.

This clown was gonna pop your brain box.

Yeah. What about the other two? Where's Pete?

Bumbles here said they had a jeep on the fire road.

Nikki and Colby found tracks; the vehicle's gone.

We got a chopper searching. All right.

CHARLIE (over radio): Ian? Can you hear me?

Yeah, let me hand you to your brother.

Hey, Don, you okay?

DON: Yeah, Charlie, I'm fine. Where you at?

I'm at the FBI.

Listen, I think we found the plane.

The coordinates are latitude 34.5733, longitude minus 118.1216.

Okay, got it.

And, Charlie... thank you very much.


But get out of there before the assistant director sees you.

Otherwise we're both screwed, you hear me?

(helicopter blades whirring)

DON: Check this out.

Diamonds are long gone, huh?

And they think Pete knows where they are?

How good a liar is he?

No ID.

And he's not talking.

And the other two evaded a dragnet with a hostage.

Body on the plane had a fake ID.

And we have no name on the live one we got.

But what we do know is that this robbery crew was able to learn details about a secret diamond shipment.

So, maybe they left some record of how they did that.

DAVID: There.

That's the dead guy from the plane.

Other one matches the description Don gave.

Bet they're not there to buy an engagement ring.


Yep. Got it.

They tried to bug our store?

That's impossible.

The entire store is electronically shielded.

They knew about the shipment.

They must've figured a way around that.

To get past the electronic shield that was installed in the store, this device was wired to a small satellite dish on the roof.

That way, it sends a signal to the satellite, which in turn relays it to the receiver on the ground.

That means that the robbers could've been listening in from anywhere.

Well, that's true, but... we know where the dish was pointed, we also know there are very few satellites that would even accept such an anonymous signal, So, we should be able to identify the satellite involved.

Can we get a precise date and time for the conversation overheard?

Yeah, we can do that.

A comprehensive geometrical analysis should be able to provide the probable locations for such a receiver.

Do it fast. They've got a hostage.

Larry, this analysis is pretty deep stuff.

Do you know how to do it?

I know how... to get it done.

Charlie, listen, to quote the late Paul Erdos, "Is your brain open?"

Uh, as long as it has nothing to do with the FBI case.

I mean, it was one thing when Don was missing, but...

No, this is purely particle physics research.

Okay, I have a problem with the bubble chamber analysis program that I've been using to identify ellipses in particle track data.


I ran it past Dr. Tolenson, who said he didn't understand...

Wait. What do you mean, you showed it to Dr. Tolenson?

No. No.

Tolenson att*cked my paper on lattice theory.

He tried to get my space in the faculty parking lot.

I waited five years for that space. Let me see it.

I didn't know... Let me see that problem.

I could run this past... No, let me see it.

Give it to me. I want to see it.

Maybe you can help us out with something.

We know that Andy and Brian found the plane wreck.

But why didn't they report it instead of going on to another cliff to climb some more?

Man, you got to understand climbers.

They probably figured, hey, the guy's already dead.

There's no rush.

At least they got their priorities straight.

THERESA: Bri and Drew were good guys, but... they didn't do a lot of deep thinking, you know?

You think Pete's still alive?

We're working under that assumption.

Lot of people trying to find him.

He's a brave guy.

Risked his life to save Agent Eppes.

And me.

All right.

Now, this should work.

You gonna show this to Tolenson right now?

'Cause I'd love to be there to see his face when he sees this.

Well... not at this instant, no.


Larry's analysis of the signals sent to the device we found at the jewelry store pinpoints a house rented under the name James Meyers.

Interpol lists that as an alias used by this guy:

Alex Rezar.

Known associate of...

Keith Jackson and Nigel Moore.

All right, well, since we got Moore, let's bring in his friends then, right?

(door closes)

I don't think that kid knows where the rest of those diamonds are.

Then it's over.

Can't go back to the wreck site.

The FBI knows about it.

You know, I was wondering... how'd you know where the crash was?

I put a tracking device on the plane.

The pilot -- you didn't trust him?

I trust you.

I trust Moore.

That's it.

What about the kid?

We're done with him.


Hold still.

It'll just take longer and hurt more.

Screw you.

FBI! Stay where you are!

Hands! I need to see some hands!

Freeze! Get 'em up. Get 'em up now!

Federal agents! Hands up!

Get 'em up!

I got it! Clear!

Clear! Nice and easy.

Get your hands on your head.

Keep 'em up there.

Turn around.

Hey, that'll look good on you.

OFFICER: All right, bring 'em out.

You got him? (handcuffs clicking)

(indistinct radio transmissions)

Roll over.

We'll get you to a medic. Come on.

Can you stand up? Yeah.

I got ya. Get up.

ME's report on the dead pilot.

Check out the tox screen.


Out cold when he crashed.

You thinking what I'm thinking?

No honor among thieves.

REZAR: We want lawyers.


Right after story time.

The story's about four guys who bugged a jewelry store to find out when a shipment of diamonds was going out.

They k*lled the owner.

The stash went on a light plane headed north.

Drugged the pilot.

Plane crashed.

Climbers found the wreck, but they didn't find all the stash.

You want to know why?

Because one of you slipped most of the diamonds out of the case, left enough to fool the pilot.

Then maybe offered him a swig from a flask, something like that, huh?

DON: They figured the plane would go down and nobody would know those diamonds weren't on it.

Didn't know I'd planted a tracker on the damn plane.

EDGERTON: And all of you went on a wild goose chase through the mountains looking for the missing diamonds, (chuckling) but one of you already had 'em.

We could have been rich and in Europe by now.

Instead of busted in L.A.

Sit down.

You won't be safe in prison.

I promise you.

I thought you were dead!


I guess he's finally figured out she's a girl.


Wonder if that'll mess with the climbing.

DON: Right, got it. Thanks.

Diamonds are in a safe deposit box registered to our friend Keith Jackson.

We couldn't have done it without Charlie.

You have no idea the flak I'm getting.

Well, you do the job right, you're going to catch it.

That's life in the Bureau.

I guess.


Thanks for the help.

Don't mention it.

I would have signed up for the FBI sooner if I knew it'd be like this.

Yeah, I'm pretty damn great, aren't I?

I meant the case. So did I.


ROBIN: You know, Charlie, for someone who can't work for the FBI, you seem to have done a lot of work on this case.

More than you know.

Well, you know, Ian doesn't give you much choice.

Yeah, he's tough to say no to, that guy.

CHARLIE: Guy can k*ll a person from 1,000 yards away.

LIZ: See, this only makes my argument for me.

I really think you should appeal the FBI's decision.


Yeah, me, too.

You do?

Yeah, I do.

Look, you're not a thr*at.

Come on, they know it.

And you don't think it would make things more awkward for you?

(Don sighs)

Ah, whatever, screw it.

They can't mess with us.

There's a tough guy.

The fighting Eppes Brothers.

CHARLIE: All right, I'll do it.

I'll appeal their decision.

ALAN: You know, the first time my wife and I took Charlie to the pediatrician for an earache, he wouldn't let the doctor examine his ears because he thought the doctor might just see the thinking going on in his head.

The doctor declared Charlie the second most stubborn kid he'd ever met.

And the first?

Uh... don't tell me. Don?

You got it.

Particle physicists like to use pool balls to describe the actions of subatomic particles, but actually, these massive spheres behave in a far more predictable, even Newtonian manner.

Now, let's say that this cue ball has the characteristics of a boson.

He's stalling because he doesn't have a sh*t.

No, no, no, no, no.

I shall call this sh*t... the Fleinhardt Boson.

(laughing) The flying what?


LARRY: Just as I intended.

Let's see either of you take your sh*t from behind the dryer.

Uh, well, it's your sh*t.

