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05x04 - Early-May 2020

Posted: 03/11/21 08:36
by bunniefuu
[NOVA] previously on queen sugar...

[CALVIN] who are you praying for?



removing some of the loneliness.

The despair I believe he's starting to feel.


how's Micah?


coming home.

Yeah, well, good luck.

It's this girl I go to school with.

She look like Sza.

And she is obsessed with you.

Please say hi and make her day?

[VIOLET] I know your mama's on your mind.


- And that don't sound good.


I'm fine.

Like I said, we got this.

We just gotta believe.


I'm here to solve your problems, miss Thompson.


can you start on Monday?

- Yes, I can.





I ain't know all that was under there.


isn't it beautiful?

It's totally original and perfectly preserved.

I'm gonna clean it today.

And then, voila!

You're gonna come home to a brand-new chair.

Can't wait.

Hey, babe...

Your uniform's on the clothesline.



thank you.

Appreciate you.



♪ I know... ♪

♪ This summer is a new day dawning ♪

♪ fix your crown ♪

♪ and come outside ♪


♪ Dreams never die ♪

♪ take flight as the world turns ♪

♪ keep the colors - in the lines ♪ - ♪ Dreams never die ♪

♪ take flight as the world turns ♪

♪ keep the colors in the lines take flight ♪

♪ dreams never die ♪

♪ keep the colors in the lines ♪

♪ keep the colors in the lines take flight ♪


hey, buddy.

I'm about to be out.

See you later tonight.

I like that new outfit.

It's very nice.

Oh, thank you.


Before you go, mommy said that your new work clothes can't come in the house when you come home.

- It's a precaution.



Not just for us.

But it's also for the elderly people pop sees everyday.

- Yeah.


so you don't get them sick.

You know, they take my temperature every day I go to work.

Just to make sure we all straight.

Yeah, I was just reading about the temperature-taking.

That everyone's doing these days.

And the normal body temperature can actually fall into a much wider range than most people think.

Common knowledge is that the average human body temperature is .

degrees fahrenheit, but really anything from all the way up to can be considered healthy.

It's usually lower in the morning, goes up during the day, peaks in the late afternoon or evening.

Sometimes as much as just one or two degrees.



give me some.

That's how you do your schoolwork.

- That's your son.

- It's your son.

I'll see you later, baby.

Have a good day.

Be good to your mama.

- [BLUE]

I will.


keep that up, Blue.

- [BLUE]

I will.



give me some more information when I get back.

I thought I smelled something good.


good morning.

- Good morning.


The five-star treatment.

For a five-star lady.

- You're spoiling me.


I'm also thinking you're up to something.


Something big.

I'm listening.

My kid's college.

They're sending everyone home.

She asked if she could quarantine with me.

Well, with us.

- Wow.


- Yeah.

She's tested so...

Things really didn't go so well for me at your grandfather's party.

I know.

I know, but she wasn't a part of that.

All right?

She was in her dorm in Texas.

So please don't lump her in with her mother.

They're different people.

Are they?

I'm seriously asking.

Are they different?

The mother and daughter bond is a powerful one.

Yes, I know.

But she is nothing like her mother.

She's a young woman who's trying to figure out her place in the world.

And her world is much bigger than Hailey's ever was.

She's learning.

And she's growing.

How do I know Hailey's not sending Courtney here to spy on me?

In my own home.

Hailey thinks I'm the black bitch who wrecked her home.

Courtney hasn't listened to a word her mother's said since she was .

They're like oil and vinegar.

And that's not what's happening here.

Look, I can't say no to your kid.

I'm not...

Comfortable with it.

But I'm not gonna keep you from your children.

Thank you.

You know, Courtney hasn't looked at me the same since the divorce.

But she's a great kid.

She's smart, independent.

This could be my chance to reconnect with her and get my daughter back.



look at you!

Not the shoulder bop!


This is the most relaxed I've seen you in weeks, ma.


this is not relaxation.


- Acceptance.

- Mmm-hmm.

You know, I figured if we're gonna be living like this, for a while, we may as well...

Make it enjoyable.

Sometimes, at least.


Good point.


You know, I have my son, I am...

Not alone, I'm not sick.

You're not sick.

As long as we keep it that way how bad could staying at home be, you know?

I know.

Need some help?

You know I always need some help in the kitchen.

You wanna grab those carrots?

- Yeah, I'm just gonna wash my hands.

- Yeah.

You know, when you were little, you couldn't wait to help me in the kitchen.

- Really?

- Mmm-hmm.

- Well, I don't remember that.


this was back before, you know, we had help.

Back when we were just starting out.

People say that things are best when things are simple.

Or even hard.

I didn't believe that back then.

What about now?

If we could just take this horrible virus away, but leave the...

Quiet connection, you know.

The downtime.

I'd take it in a heartbeat.


It's really nice when you can drown out all the drama and stuff and just..



Speaking of drama, what's going on in your world?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Tell me about this new girl you've been...



It's her?

Y'all must be on the same wavelength.


Ah, this is a great time.

What's up?

What you rocking with?

Sza over salad.




Hollywood. How's it going?

They won't let me in, Vi.

They won't let me see my own mother.

I thought they were gonna make an exception.

They changed their mind.

They said it wasn't safe.

Oh, baby, I'm sorry.

You know, I just sat in that hospital parking lot.

For four days.

Just looking at windows.

I ain't even know which one was hers so I...

I picked one, I stared at it and I prayed.

Now she in there all by herself.

Ain't breathing the way that they want,

saturation or something, I don't know.

But I know it ain't right.

I'm driving up there.

You don't need to be by yourself right now.

No, no, no, no, no, baby, no.


Nah, baby.

I'm okay.

I don't wanna be worried about both of y'all.

You stay right there.

Where you safe.

And I'll be okay.

As long as she okay.


I guess you're right.

She gonna fight this thing.

She gonna come out of it.


And we claim it in his mighty name.

- Amen.

- Amen.

- I love you, shay.

- I love you, baby.




- When did she and her friend leave?

- A while ago.

They're driving straight through.

She should be crossing to Louisiana in...

A couple of hours.

Do you think she'll like this towel set?

Or this one?

Like, is...

Is she into pinks or greys?

I'm a little embarrassed to say, but...

I don't know what she's into these days.

But I am excited and eager to find out.


I know she's gonna love you.


That's nice of you to say, but no offense, we're not even sure she loves you.


- Dad.

- Hey, snuggles.

Oh, big fella!

You haven't called me that since November th, .

Like, you remember the exact date?

It was actually my th birthday party.

And I gave you a contract where we agreed you would never call me that again?


- at least not in front of other people?

- Point taken.

It's good to see you.




Courtney, this is Nova.

Nova, this is Courtney.

It's a pleasure to meet you, Courtney.

Actually, it's a pleasure to meet you, miss Nova.

I've heard a lot about you and your work with the tru papers.

It's an honor.


can't wait to get to know you.

Thanks for having me.

We're happy to have you.


here, come on.

I'll show you to your room.



No, no.

No, ma'am.

This is prosper.

I got your message the other day.

Hey, prosper.

Good to hear back from you.

How you doing, over there?

Haven't heard from you in a bit.


It has been a while.

I dropped some groceries for you the other day.

Left them on the porch when you didn't come to the door.

Oh, yeah, I got them. Thank you.

I'm sorry I didn't come to the door.

Can't be too careful.

Don't know if folks been tested or not.

Prosper, when's the last time you left the house?

Got some fresh air?

- They say it ain't safe.

- I know.

I know.

But you're the only one on the land, right?

Might be nice to just go out for a walk, sometime.

I get out sometimes.

And I'm all right.

Honest, I am.

I know.

I know, but you...

You know, we might be able to help each other out.

A little, you know.

Hollywood is out of town looking after his mother for a while.


I'm here by myself, you're there by yourself.

Don't make sense for us to be alone if we don't have to.

I could use some company.

I'm used to having people around, you know.

I could make us some real good home-cooked meals.

Well, that does sound good.

It could be fun.

What do you say?

Why don't you pack a bag and come out my way?

Just for a little while.

- I'm on my way.

- All right.

I'll be waiting for you.

All right.



...And welcome

to fact or fiction...

You mind if I join you?

- Felt guilty about dumping me, huh?

- No.

You know, contrary to what you may think, I actually like spending time with my mother.

You've got a weird way of showing it.

I'm not old, Micah.


Lukewarm old?


like whatever's just before old.

- You know I knew who Sza was, right?

- That don't count.


I was...

I was basically a teenager when I had you.

- Yeah, what was that like?

- What?

You just never talk about getting pregnant with me in college.

You know, being a mom so young.

I guess most people don't know that I was...

Almost a teenage mom, huh?

Yeah, you don't exactly fit the profile.


No, I guess not.

I think for a long time I just I felt like I had something to prove.

I was the good girl at a top university.

And messed up.

That's what people used to say.


Wait, people used to shame you about me?

Yeah, at first.

And telling daddy was one of the hardest things I have ever done.

What did he say?

Not much.

He listened, and then he said, "you are my amazing daughter.

I was proud of you yesterday I'm proud of you today.

And I'm sure you're gonna make me proud tomorrow." Yeah, that sounds like grandad.

I miss him.

Hmm, me too.

But he didn't scream.

You know there wa...

There was no lecturing.

And I think his faith in me, it fueled me.

- That's beautiful.

- Yeah.


I got the university to put your father and me in graduate housing and...


And sacrificed my social life.

Got your grandmother to help pay for sitters.

And I got serious about my success.

You know.

If I was gonna be a college mother, I was gonna be the best college mother.

It was hard, but I did it.

Straight as and multiple job offers on graduating.

And you haven't stopped running since.

I run for you.

You are what got me through those hard times.

I just...


- I don't wanna fail you.

- You didn't.

Thank you.

No, thank you.


You know what, what are you watching?




oh, I'm sorry.

Oh, no.

It's okay.

If my hands ain't moving, they do me no good now, are they?


- You're new around here.

- Yes, sir.

You like it?


A means to an end.


something like that.

Ralph Angel.

Ralph Angel?

Now there's a name for you.


Reggie Foster.

- Just a regular old name.

- Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Reggie.


I've been living here a little over a year now.

My wife, Zora Lee, has a...

Little bit of dementia, so she's over in the other building with people that need a little more special care.


I'm sorry to hear that.

Oh, no need to be sorry, son.

- We've been together years.

- ?

Yes, sir.

I'm the luckiest man on this whole, big planet.


y'all really in it to win it, huh?

Couldn't win it without her, and wouldn't want to.

Hey, man, keep swinging, Mr. Reggie.

Thank you, Mr. Ralph Angel.


How we doing?



Where Blue at?



How'd his lessons go today?


I couldn't keep up.

Everything I tried to give him to keep him occupied, he just sped right through it.

I told you, he's smart.


he's bored.

Yeah, that's 'cause he's special.

That's good news, ain't it?

That boy gonna be somebody, someday.


of course, he is.

It's just...

I cannot...

Engage him all day, everyday.

I still gotta get a new job.

I missed my na meeting.

And I just heard that , people are gonna die from this thing by the summer.

I'm just...


I'm not complaining.

But just...

I'm overwhelmed.

- Come here.

- No.


turn around.

I will...

come here.

You know what to do.

You gonna be fine.

We gonna be fine and he gonna be fine.


we're gonna be fine.


And you is fine!



come here.



it's all good.





You coming like that now.


Fourth book in a row.

- All right, all right.

- There's that.

- In your face, dad.

- All right.

All right, all right.

You're not used to being owned by your daughter, huh?

Listen, I am man enough to admit she's winning.

But I didn't think she'd be so aggressive about it.

Did he just call me aggressive?

I believe he did.

Listen, I didn't mean anything by it.

It's fine.

I'm just wondering if you ever said that at poker night with the fellas.


it's different.

How is that?

Okay when did I become the bad guy?

When you were born.

Like every other heterosexual cisgendered white male.

Okay, wait a minute.

"When I was born"?

What do they teach you at this college?

Look, I'm just saying...

We're all born into a system.

Either it works for us, or against us.

Of course we all have choices we can make, but there's no such thing as neutrality.

These facts bear themselves out in ways big and small.

Like your comment about women being too aggressive at a game that is literally meant to be aggressive.

- Have you been giving her lessons?

- No!

But I must say...

Well said, young lady.

Well said.



come on in here.

Make yourself all the way home.

Are you sure Hollywood's not gonna mind with all that stuff going on with Willa Mae?

He was glad to hear that you gonna be here to help me with this house while he's gone.

And he said to tell you he will see you when he gets back and that you are welcome and wanted for as long as you want.

- Thank you.


this is your room, here.


and you just make yourself at home.

- Okay.


Excuse me.


hey, baby.

How is she?

What's going on?



They're taking her off the ventilator, Vi.


Oh, my god!

Oh, Hollywood.


This is happening too fast.

Tell them you don't want that.

You have the choice.

They said it was just a matter of time.

That's what they said.

Now, I can keep her on it, but if it ain't gonna do no good,

then what am I doing it for?

It'll just be for me.

Not for her.

Yeah, you right.

Her time is appointed.

Just thought I'd have more of it.

I know, baby. Me too.


Well, you think about all the time you had.

The good times.

The fun times.

The proud times.

Hollywood, she is so proud of the man you are.

And I say "is" because, right now,

she's among the living.

She is here.

Now tomorrow...

She might be among the eternal.

But she'll still be near.

That's what we believe.

And if Willa Mae Desonier gave you anything, baby,

- she gave you her faith.

- She did.

Her greatest gift to you.

So you lean into it.


You make her proud, Hollywood.


so, what are we in the mood for?

We got vegetarian chili, we got Turkey chili.


Neither, actually.

I think I'm okay.

How are you not hungry?

I'm starving.

I think I found something.

Yeah, this might be something.

- Can you make me a copy of this?

- Yeah.

- Great job.

- Thanks.



Micah, your phone is, uh...


Micah, where you at?

This party's insane.

Hurry up!


what are you doing?

What are you doing?

That's not cool.

I'm the one not being cool?

Weren't you spying on me?

No, I picked it up to hand it to you.

Wait, is this why you're not hungry?

Are you saving your appetite for a party?

In the middle of a pandemic?

I was just gonna go for a drive.

I wasn't even gonna go to the party.

So, there is a party.

With numbers climbing and you were gonna go and hang out wi...

Who is this new girl?

You're sneaking around.

You're making poor choices.

I'MMA need you to stop talking to me like I'm a child.

Then stop acting like one.

I was just gonna stop by for a second to say hello.


what's her name, Micah?

- Amber.

Are you dating a white girl?


you are really on one.

- I'm an adult, remember?

- Are you being safe?

- I'm an adult.

- Answer the question!

Are you being safe?


We're living in the most dangerous time in this country in years.

And you decide to put me and you at risk.

For... for some rebound girl?

For sex?

Like father, like son.

I didn't mean that.

[NOVA] that was a good game.


- it was fun.

"She said, surprisingly."

Well, you have to admit I had or have a lot to be nervous about.

Given me and your father's history.

Your history is definitely open to interpretation.

It's in the past.

I believe in moving forward.

It's the future that most concerns me.

My dad's future to be exact.

What do you mean?

It wasn't until my dad was with you that I realized, I have never seen him completely at ease.

- Totally happy.

- Well, he's...

He's happy you are here.

You, your brother, your sister.

He loves you.

He's a good man.

Always took care of his responsibilities.

Still does.

But he was never happy.

His heart is so full when he's with you.

Any fool can see that.

I can see why.

You're very kind.

Thanks for having me here.

- Want some more?

- Oh.


- You're done?


- here you go.

- Whoa!

- Hold on.

- Oh.


Spoiling me, Vi.

- You deserve to relax.


man, Hollywood's gonna be mad when he gets here and sees all this attention you're giving me.


So, have you heard back from him yet?

Oh, prosper...

I shouldn't have let him go by himself.

He's not doing good.

Willa Mae passed this morning.



I'm sorry, I thought she would've made it through.



It's our age group.

Now after all we survived, now we getting picked off one-by-one.

I mean she's the fifth person I know passed in two months.

I mean five... that's too much.



I mean, why us?

And why this way?




- We're gonna get through this.

- Yeah.

We're gonna get through this.



what's going on, Mr. Reggie?

- How you making out?

- How you doing, Ralph Angel?


you got something on your mind, og?

You know all things they don't tell you when you're growing up?

Like, all that hustling.

And all that roostering that you do when you're...

Young and middle-aged.


It don't amount to nothing.

What make you say that, Mr. Reggie?

We have to make a living, hmm?

But the big job and the house and the car and the...

Ooh-look-what-I-got-now-it is that everybody has.

When you get right down to it, the only thing you want, is somebody that you love.

Who'll rub your back when you're having trouble sleeping or...

Or hold your hand for your birthday.

That's all.

Don't tell me it's your birthday, Mr. Reggie.

Come on, man!

Happy birthday, og.


thank you.

So, what, miss Zora Lee coming by later?

She was.

But now they've banned all visitors for the next couple of weeks.

'Cause it looks like somebody visited the other day and they've tested positive.

Look, I'm sorry to hear that.


Me too.


but you know what?

Shit, we could celebrate right here.

Look, I know I ain't no replacement for miss Zora Lee, but, look, I know how to throw a party with the best, though.


I'm sure you do.


hey, I'm serious.

I'm sure you do.


You know...

I'MMA start calling you...

"goodheart." [CHUCKLES]


look at you.

Young brother, young man.

Looking after an old man that you just met.

I guess there is...

Hope in this world, after all.

Do you know about the first time Davis and I had a fight?


It was about three months after you were born.

We broke up.

I put him out and I was a single mom with you for a bit.

What happened?


I just felt like he wasn't pulling his weight.

You know, he was travelling to college games and practicing with the team.

I was just stuck in this tiny apartment.

Juggling my studies and you by myself.

I was alone more than he was with me.

Or there.

We had this bad, bad fight.

I put him out.


If I was gonna be alone, I might as well be alone.

He just left?

I made it pretty impossible for him to do much else.

He tried.

Everyday, he came to see you.


How long did that last?

Two semesters.


How did y'all get back together?

I apologized.

From my heart.

Just like I am about to apologize to you, right now.

I was wrong.

In every way in that exchange.


can you forgive me?

I just Don...

Like, what made you say that?

- You really think that about me?

- Absolutely not.


I just...

I think I'm just...

I'm struggling seeing my little boy as a man and I...

Oh, mom.

Just trying to figure out how to handle that and I...

It's absolutely no excuse.

I'm so sorry, baby.

I am so sorry, Micah.

Nah, I get it.

I hear you.

It's okay.

It's okay.



hey, you.

Courtney go out for a run?



- You wanna make some noise?


- down, boy.

- Mmm-hmm.

We don't know when she'll be back.

Well, maybe we should have thought about that before.

- We?


We French now?

- We.


- Yes.


thank you.

For giving her a chance.

She's lovely.



I'm looking forward to getting to know her.

It was nice to see you two getting along.

Especially after everything that just happened recently.

Oh, you mean your ex-wife's blatant racism?

Yes, that.

And you know how sorry I am about that.

Courtney's proof.

The apple can fall far from the tree.

It's not all about race like it is for Hailey.

Feels good.


I just wanna be sure you don't think all this is going to be easy.

This quarantine together?

It's not gonna last forever.




When we get out of here and things go back to normal, I don't want us to delude ourselves about what it means for us to be together out there.

Especially with all these maga bumper stickers and trump signs all around us.

It's no different.

It's just louder.


ma, I found another one.

It was in your parish files.

Oh, great.

Just put it right there.



What exactly are you looking for?

Maybe I can help you.

I'm looking through old parish by-laws.

What's that about?

Well, this pandemic hasn't taken my eye off of the ball of misery that is Parker and Landry.

They'll be back and I wanna be ready.

I'm not gonna let our people be taken down by corporate interests.

Not gonna happen.

If you have someone you need to...


No, no, no.

This is important to me too.

All right.

This is cool.

- What?

- Us, mom.

You and me, against the world.

West and Bordelon.

Bordelon and West.

Sounds better.

Yeah, you're right.

- Bordelon and West.

- Mmm-hmm.

- We really is the best.

- Hey!


- Out here with finesse.


we'll put you to the test.

- What!


we'll never, ever rest.








- Hmm?







Reggie, I got something for you.


- What is it?

- You'll see.

Come on.

Oh, I don't like surprises, man.

Just this one time.

I promise.

- Come on.

- All right.



come on.

Right this way, sir.

What you got going on, Mr.



special delivery.

Come on.


oh, my lord, have mercy.

Zora Lee!


Baby, I miss you.

I love you, always.

Oh, baby.


I love you too.

I miss you.

♪ If it be your will ♪

♪ that I speak no more ♪

♪ and my voice be still ♪

♪ as it was before ♪

♪ I will speak no more ♪

♪ I shall abide until ♪

♪ I am... ♪


"mama, hello from the rig.

The sun sets in the middle of the water.

The best part of this job." Wish I could talk to you right now, pop.

But I know you hear me.

I know you see me.

"I watch the colors and I think of how beautiful you are just like the yellows and the oranges, in the sky." I just hope this make you proud.

"I love you, lady.

Your devoted son, Hollywood." love you too, pops.



hey, how was work?




Tell me.

What is it?

You my soulmate, right?

Always have been.

Always will be.

I know it ain't perfect.

I know you wanted something fancy and all, but...

The world falling apart right now, Darla.

And time ain't always promised.

You know?

We been through more storms than...

Most folks will ever see.

But we still here.

I don't wanna wait for perfect.

'Cause I can't win in this life without you.

And I would never ever want to.

Let's get married.


As soon as we can.

As soon as we can.



I love you so much.

Let's do it tomorrow.


let's just do it tomorrow.

- Let's just do it tomorrow.


- that's perfect.

- It's perfect.


♪ ...End this night ♪

♪ if it be your will ♪

♪ end this night ♪

♪ if it be your will... ♪