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05x23 - Angels and Devils

Posted: 03/13/21 06:27
by bunniefuu
("sn*per at the Gates of Heaven" by The Black Angels playing)

(Amita screams, Charlie grunts)



Amita! No! No, let me go! No!

Charlie, help me!

(Amita screams)

(vehicle door closes)

(tires squeal) AMITA: Charlie!

(phone rings)

Hey, buddy.

Blue Jeep... tinted windows...

The license plate had an "A-3-3."

Where are you? CalSci parking lot.

They took Amita.

What? Are you safe? Blue Jeep.

Tinted windows.


Liz, roll campus security, LAPD and a medic to Charlie's parking spot.

And also put out an alert on a blue Jeep, tinted windows, partial plate A-33.

Just roll.

I want sheriff, every aerial in the sky.

Just empty out the damn office and wake up anyone who isn't here.

(tires screeching)

♪ How old will you be when they finally help you? ♪ WOMAN (over radio): Kidnapping suspects are in a blue Jeep.

Partial plate: Adam-33.

(siren chirping)

♪ Don't stop movin', they're right behind you... ♪

(garbled radio transmission)

Hey. DON: Hey.

Hey, what's going on? Okay, okay, just relax.

I've got the whole office on it.

Did you find her? What can you tell me?

There were two of them.

They were dressed in black, uh, masks.

One of them was definitely a woman.

They hit me.

They hit me with the butt of a g*n, I think.

Did they say anything? No.

Did you get any sense that maybe you knew them?

No, I called you while they were leaving.

Given the time frame, the probability of a successful area search...

LAPD's in pursuit.

All right.

(sirens wailing)

(tires squealing)

(sirens wailing)

Don, this is Colby.

We're intercepting the pursuit at Hill and 12th.

(tires squealing)

(tires squealing)

(alarm blaring)

(tires screech)


No! No!

I wanted to see her.

You should have let me see her.

We don't know if she was in the car for sure, Charlie.

Let's just get you home, okay?

I'm not going home!

I'm going to the FBI!

I'm gonna find out what happened.

If anyone responsible for this is out there, I'm gonna find them! Come here.

Just sit tight for right now, okay?

(garbled radio transmission)


We got two bodies in the car, both female.

Beyond that, it's a morgue question.

They had time to get Amita out of the car before LAPD spotted 'em.

Or one of them could have gotten out.

The techs say the expl*sive was acetone peroxide, highly volatile.

You bump it or burn it, it goes off.

DAVID: They call it "Mother of Satan."

It could be domestic t*rrorists, maybe.

Yeah, a car b*mb fits a lot of M.O.s.

Why Amita?

ALAN: Hey, Charlie...

We got to get some coffee before we start.

Before we start what?

Should he be here? Stay close, all right?

Don, do we know?

No, nothing for sure.

Okay. Any assistance I can offer either with the case or anything else...

Subject one, female Caucasian based on skin samples grafted to her clothing.

20s, 182 pounds, give or take.

Definitely not Amita.

Subject two, also female, 20s, skin sample inconclusive. Three-months pregnant.

Not Professor Ramanujan.

The right radius has markings of a shotgun wound one or two months old.

So unless Professor Ramanujan has been out duck hunting with an ex-vice president...

Got it.

I've got partial fingerprints on subject two, and I'm running them both through DNA databases.

Hey, Charlie.


Okay, she wasn't in the Jeep.


Liz just called from the coroner.

Okay, she wasn't in the Jeep. She, uh...

Okay, if she's... if she's not, uh, then...

We got a fingerprint hit off of one of the bodies:

It's Irma Rydell.

She has a rap sheet in Iowa: burglaries, dr*gs, as*ault.

DON: Look familiar? Maybe a student?

I've never seen her before.

You sure? Yeah, I'm sure.

Why did she kidnap Amita?

Well, we're working on that, Charlie, but I just need you to focus here, okay?

Focus, okay.

We know Amita was grabbed at CalSci here at 10:48 from your call.

LAPD picked up the Jeep here at 12:17.

NIKKI: That's almost 90 minutes to travel 15 miles.

At night, no traffic, we're talking half hour max.

So they made a stop.

At least one.

DON: Come on, buddy.

This tells us something, I know it.

What do you think, Charlie? Path minimization or...?


There's not enough bias for flight and evasion.

It's, it's the same with any...

It's the same with any Eulerian circuit.


So the police set up these roadblocks when?

NIKKI: We were scrambling off Charlie's call.

Figure a few patrol cars in the area, five, ten minutes to get some more people, another five for aviation.

You know, the mathematician John Conway proposed a challenge called the "angel problem" in which an angel stands in the middle of an infinite chessboard while devils attempt to block her way.

Now, the angel moves at a defined rate from square to square, but every time she makes a move, another devil appears and attempts to block her movement, finally winning when the angel has no square left to land on.

Now, there are strategies by which this angel can play indefinitely and others where the devils are able to stop her.

This is roughly analogous to your cordons and your roadblocks...

We're the devils?

For the purposes of this particular game theory.

An adaptation of the problem might infer probable routes that our angel -- our kidnapper -- could have taken.

Can you do it without Charlie?

Yeah. I mean, I don't see why not.

I have rather always fancied myself more as a Mycroft than a Dr. Watson.

You know, I'm not one of those who always needs to be running and jumping and kicking in doors or anything, but...


It just seems like we're wasting our time out here when we could be, you know...

Kicking in a few doors?

EDGERTON: Before you do, you might want to check this out.

Same boots, heavy in the toes like he was squatting.

Staked her office out three different days, I'd guess.

Better bag those.

Good to see you, too, Edgerton.

What are they?

Eh, beats the hell out of me, but he's been leaving them at the last few crime scenes.

You want to tell us who he is?

Been tracking Mason Duryea from Oklahoma.

Prison shrink called him a manipulative sociopath.

I'd go with crazy, violent and smart.

Irma Rydell.

As soon as your prints hit AFIS, I knew my job connected up with yours.

Why is that?

Rydell's husband did time with him in Huntsville.

Duryea k*lled the husband, seduced the wife, and they hit the road together.

I'm pretty sure your second Jane Doe is going to be Katie Forman, a runaway from Barstow.

Told her parents that Duryea knocked her up.

She's the reason I jumped his trail to L.A. in the first place.

He sends his pregnant girlfriend out driving around in a car full of expl*sives?

They're all his girlfriends.

These are just the ones I've ID'd.

Two others were arrested trying to rob a bank in Montana.

Runaways, drug addicts, part-time whores -- all female, all impressionable.

Amita doesn't profile as any of that.

They call themselves a tribe.

Spout half-assed social revolutionary crap to justify burglary-murders, arsons, robberies.

LIZ: And the acetone peroxide?

I'd say he's got some new ambitions.

Trail went cold two months ago.

Katie Forman was my first new lead.

CHARLIE: What does he want with Amita?


I don't know, Professor.

(panting) Please, if you could just tell me what it is that you want.

I want you to be quiet.

Quiet is important.

You have to make room for his words.

And we don't need to tell you not to run, do we?

AMITA: I think you have the wrong person.

Seriously, I didn't do anything.

I think you have the wrong person.

I told you to shut up. Please.

No, no, please, no, please.

(squeals) Go.

(women giggling)

Hello, Amita.

Do I look at you or look at the camera?

MAN: Just look at me.

Who are you?

MAN: The court has appointed...

DURYEA: The court? Not my court.

Your court, your rules.

Not my rules.

This isn't about sanity.

This is about good and evil.

If a man knows what he's doing, he's evil.

If he doesn't, it's not his fault.

Is a coyote insane because it eats your poodle?

IQ of 155.

Goes to jail a small-time thief, self-educates on Nietzsche, Ayn Rand, Charles Manson.

The women Edgerton arrested refer to him as a "political martyr" and a "spiritual freedom fighter."

Yeah, fighting for what?

You're looking for ways to... to put me on the cross.

The Pharisees thought Jesus was crazy... man.

They're gonna crucify me, too.

Just you wait and see.

The Federal Pharisees hunt me for bureaucratic sport.

They try to label me, call me... insane.

Semantics of a society that props up the weak and gelds the strong.

You're looking at me.

You're looking through me.

You're wondering why you're still alive...

...why I stretched out my arm through time and space and flexed my mighty, mighty hand and tapped you into service.

You're wondering.

Why Amita?

I'm dialed into the gestalt... and you are the gestalt.

Blogs, websites.

She got herself a profile in Wired magazine.

You're the one that exposed that computer that pretended to be human.

No, no, no, no, that wasn't me. That was somebody else.

You spoke at DEFCON.

A maiden queen among the hackers... the outlaws.


I am a math professor.

You were.

Henceforth, you are to be my binary messenger.


(wind blowing) Do you hear that sound?

You think that's the wind?

That's the hounds baying.

Now, I don't have much time left, so why don't you... sit your pretty ass down at the computer and you listen to me real, real careful.


Well, actually, there is no proven correlation between... physical proximity and promptness of result.


It's not gonna go any faster with you looking over his shoulder.

Will it go any slower?

Uh, probably not.

Uh, where you going?


...are going to the field.

The field.

COLBY: So, Edgerton says he's been leaving these at the crime scenes.

Okay, uh... maybe this is a notch code of some kind, um, used for keys or film...

For film?

Or... Yeah. Used for sheet film to identify brands or emulsions.

That's not likely, but... they look... familiar.

Hey, man, just, uh... just let me know if you find anything, okay?

CHARLIE: How many cases have I helped with?

How many algorithms have I pulled out of thin air when I had to?

And now I've got nothing.

(phone rings)


Here. No.

No, I haven't, I haven't used my credit card today.

Well, then someone else must...

Here, let me take it.



(keyboard clicking)

Is that it?


I'm just testing the firewalls.

You know, what you're asking me to do is not a simple hack, okay?

There are files and programs I need to even attempt something like this.

You don't need to buy time from me, Amita.

I'm not gonna hurt you.

I need you.

I am not lying to you.

I just want to do what you want me to do, and I want to go home.

Now, th-there's a computer in my office.

If you could get that for me, that could make this whole thing go a lot faster.

You know, I read a story one time... about this Indian princess.

She gets herself kidnapped by some demon king.

Ram and Sita. That's it.

Ram rescues Sita with the help of Hanuman.

The Monkey King.

Well, here's the thing.

What if I'm the one that rescued you from the demon kingdom of the two-car garage, 800 channels, freeway-bound, state-supervised petri dish they call a free society and make you eat it?

The story's over, princess.

You've been saved.

Let's see about this laptop.

Okay, this is our fifth stop.

All right, the angel and devils problem will only yield possible nodes in places where the movement and timing of the kidnappers allows that Amita might have been taken from that first vehicle.

This is the best possibility yet.

Isolated, no streetlights -- lot of places they could be hiding her.

EDGERTON: Or places where they had a second car waiting.

You always got to make your appearance like that?

People just don't seem to notice me until I talk.

So I'm assuming your own process brought you to this same spot.

Started backtracking the Jeep's skid marks from the crash site.

NIKKI: Through downtown L.A.?

Tires on asphalt, footprints in the grass, same principle.

They were taking a lot of hard corners -- made it considerably easier.

I left the door open around back -- come on in.

LIZ: I don't like what I'm seeing inside this guy's head.

It's radiator fluid.

Something must've been parked there a while.

EDGERTON: Four doors.

Maybe an Impala.

Tire tracks will not be as easy to follow.

Here, check this out.


Acetone peroxide.

A b*mb lab.

Figure they didn't snatch Dr. Ramanujan until they were finished with what they were finished with in here.

LARRY: These parts. EDGERTON: Yeah, I ran a check -- this place has been in Chapter 11 for six months.

No one would have known they were here.

Arms... legs, heads.

No torsos.

You know, I'd really like to meet that guy who was using your credit card number.

I mean, if you're going to steal, why steal junk?

What? Yeah, a clock and a teapot, I can sort of get, but, uh, who in Los Angeles is going to need a snowboard?

And $275 for a snow globe?

Wrap me up in a prison jumpsuit to define me, wrap yourself up in a suit and tie to define you.

Strip away the suit and tie, don't think I don't know what you are.

You're a dog... sniffing through the puke and garbage.

Hey, she's alive.

She's... she's communicating with me.


There were four fraudulent charges that were made on my credit card: a mantel clock.

Uh, it's the same exact one I bought her for her birthday.

A brass stacking teapot set.

That was... that was her parents' graduation gift to her.

A snow globe, a snowboard.

I bought those for our trip to Colorado.

Okay, but I don't understand.

I don't know how she's doing this exactly, but there's no way it's a coincidence.

She's talking to me.

These four things are in her office.

She wants us to watch her office.

COLBY: So, Amita talking to Charlie in secret code.

What do you think?

DAVID: That, if I was in Charlie's place, I would be grasping at straws, too.

But, you know, on the other hand...


You think that's what's going on with Don, too?

I mean, he just keeps watching Duryea's psych interviews over and over.

You got to figure that he's on to something.

(vehicle approaching)


One o'clock.

Yeah, here we go.

Piper St. Joan.


Why do we ever waste any time doubting Charlie?



She's dead.

So is your stooge.

She's as good as dead.

(keyboard clicking)

Going somewhere?

I have to go to the bathroom.



Show Amita to the bathroom.

And show her the way back, too.

You will have to k*ll me before that ever happens.

A lot of things happen before we die.

Off you go.

(door opening)

PIPER: Zombie with the g*n.

Waiting for words that will never come.

COLBY: You mentioned that already.

In the car, during processing, and in the elevator.

Mason says the devil will come with credentials.

Mason tried to k*ll you.

Dallas tried to k*ll me.

She's always been jealous of my position at his right hand.

What was the laptop for?

Bitch asked for it.

I knew she was a bitch, but Mason, he said no, she's, she's a member of the tribe, even if she hasn't taken her place yet.

So, Mason makes mistakes.

They're all pieces.

And Mason sees the pieces as a whole.

Bitch is as good as dead when he finds out.

All right, the "bitch" is my friend and she has a name.


Friend of a zombie with a g*n.

There's a surprise.

I'm gonna take a shot in the box.

No, no, no, no.

I want her to focus on Colby.

I just wish we had a shortcut into her head.

We do.

His head.

DURYEA (on video): Well, congratulations.



DON: Hey.


I mean, it's going to take some time.

Are you kidding me?

Are you?

We're doing everything we can. I hope you know that.

I know if it was your girlfriend out there, you would be doing...

Bouncing off the walls. I'd be swinging at anything that got in my way.

I'd be tearing down the city.

You don't think I haven't put myself in your shoes about every two minutes since this happened?

I'm keeping a clear head for you and Amita.

That's how we're going to get her home.

Any luck with this stuff?

I've got a head full of possibilities, and I can't zero in on a single one.

So, don't. Don't do it. You don't have to.

Look, I've seen this happen to you over and over again.

The stress gets too close to home, and you don't see straight. You check out.

So, what do I do now?

Go to your gut.

So, they kidnap Amita, all right, they bring her back to their b*mb lab.

Full of mannequin parts.

Yeah, they're packed up here, moving on to a probably harder to find lab.

They hand off Amita.

Then try to dump the kidnap vehicle because Duryea doesn't want to leave the Jeep here.

And he doesn't want us to know what he's up to.

In Gaza, they use mannequins as booby traps.

Load them up with expl*sives, sucker the soldiers in.

And no torsos.

It's like a puzzle with the largest pieces missing.

He leaves wood carvings at crime scenes, kind of like limbs.

So, he wanted us to find this?

Or not.

Or he didn't care.

Let me ask you something.

Did you really pay $275 for a snow globe?


Snow globe.

No, I paid ten bucks for it.

I bought it at a, uh...

I paid cash for it.

Three dollars for an antique Indian tea set, 60 cents for a snowboard, and my personal favorite, 28 cents for an art deco mantel clock.

Farmers' American Credit says that none of these charges actually happened.

Amita hacked into their server and wrote those charges directly into your bill.

I think that she's working on that level that you, her and Larry do when the rest of us are standing around with our hands in our pockets, waiting to be pointed in the right direction.

So, come on.

Maybe when Larry gets back...

No, no, Charlie, she is not talking to Larry.

She is talking to you.

Those things, those are memories about the two of you.

They're numbers.

And they don't mean anything to me.

No? No.

Oh, my God.

It's a 32 bit IPv4 address.

IPv as in Internet?

Private network.

It's Amita's private network.

Oh, she's so amazing.

Come on, Charlie.

It's a mirror IP address.

She's letting us watch what she's doing in real time right under his nose.

It's not drugged.

That glazed look on your face is just love?

There's a lot of love here.

Tribal love.

The way men and women are supposed to be.

DURYEA: You're part of something big, Amita.

You just don't know it yet.

Once the message is out, you'll see that.

You making progress, Amita?

Uh, uh, yeah, actually, it's coming along.


Even without your laptop?

Do not make that mistake, Amita.

Just cause your zeros and ones don't mean that much to me doesn't mean I can't add.


A betrayal was expected.

No, I... Part of the dance.

No, I didn't. I...

Well, how long has it been now, Amita?

How long?

The hounds aren't baying yet.

Piper and Dallas, they're in jail or they're dead.

No. No. You don't know that.

They knew the price they'd have to pay, and they took the risk purely 'cause I asked them to.

That's the love of the family, the tribe.


And what I'm asking you to do right now... eat.



It's all right.


(Amita crying)

I forgive you.

CHARLIE: She's writing a cyber attack on Farmers' American Credit's main servers, which is how she got to my credit card under Duryea's nose.

Because it looks like what it was -- an attack on their firewalls.

DAVID: Can she really hack Farmers' American Credit?

Probably not, no.

No, the IP address she sent me sent me to a dummy website.

I think she wants me to help her fake an attack.

DAVID: Techs are trying to back trace from the address to a server, but it could take hours.

I mean, if they're stealing Internet, we might not even be able to get more than a neighborhood.

Well, it's not about the credit cards.

You know, that's not who this guy is.

CHARLIE: Farmers' American Credit carries 15% of this country's credit card debt.

Do you realize, if one could get in...

It is a burr.

Larry, that's, uh, evidence.

LARRY: And it is also a puzzle.

Six piece puzzles date from the 1800s.

And when assembled, they take the form of a seed burr.

CHARLIE: Bill Cutler proved that there are 25 possible notchable pieces to make solid six-piece burrs, and they can be assembled

314 ways.

Each burr is a key piece. Now, you pull that out... whole thing falls apart.

DAVID: Well, you said Farmers' American Credit -- they have 15% of the country's credit card debt?

$451 billion.

Even a day or two offline -- you could send tremors through this economy.

The weak have to protect themselves from the strong.

That's why you have to take our teeth out, crush our spirit.

That's the construct you're serving.

Remove the weak link, and the whole machine breaks apart, and then... only then can it truly come together as a whole.

Mason ever talk to you about these?

Sure he did.

I mean, everything he says, he says over and over.

"Remove the weak link, and the machine breaks apart."

You're the weak link.

He replaced you.

Amita is the new piece.

You lying, pig-faced bastard!

He sent you to get caught.

He sent you to betray him.

He will burn this place to the ground to get me back!

He-he will... He will scoop out your eyeballs and spit in the sockets!

You don't get it.

I am the Pharisee.

Forked tongue! Forked tongue.

He left you behind to lead me to him.

That is your piece in the puzzle.

You think you're going to save her?

You're not.

(chains clank)

But I'll send you into hell.

I'll draw you a map.



DON: Team one is taking fire from the two side.

Team two, give me a sitrep here.

They got this side covered.

I guess Piper gave us the right address.

Stand fast, everyone.

Guys, get a command van set up out there.


(shell casings clinking)

One down.

Mason, they k*lled Hope.

Calm down. Remember the plan.

Everything like I told you.

AMITA: Plan?

It's over.

Oh, you think you were picked at random?

You think your relationship with the FBI was some coincidence?

You wanted them to find me?

DURYEA: You don't make history in the shadows, Amita.

You strike your definitive blow in the coliseum while the crowd looks on and cheers.

We don't have much time.

If you can't destroy the Farmers' American Credit servers before the doors fall...'ll die along with us.






LIZ: No casualties.

And tell Edgerton he was right about the dummies.

Looks like the yard is booby-trapped with these things.

DON: All right. Fall back and wait for my next.

David, throw it.


Do you hear that?

That's the sound of the coliseum rising up around us.

It's almost time to face down the lions.

(g*nf*re continues)


They went for the throw phone.

They're also moving more of those bombs in front of the windows.


Duryea is blocked by a b*mb and Amita.

Can't risk another shot.

All right.

We're covered on all four quadrants.

b*mb squad's on its way.


The dummy site's almost up.

(phone ringing)

I've accepted your phone, and I've demonstrated my position.

All right, well, I'd like to speak to Dr. Ramanujan.

Yeah, she's a bit busy right now.

All right, so how about we talk about what you want?

I want 15 minutes. What?

I said I want 15 minutes!

I am nowhere near ready.

You can't buy time I'm not selling.

What do you think, that this is a magic trick?

That I can just run my fingers over a few keys and crash one of the most secure databases in the world?

All I know is you got 15 minutes, 'cause that is all I gave you!

Now turn around and get your fingers on these keys before I break them off!

15 minutes.

You think he's going to blow himself up?

DON: No.

Not this guy. LARRY: Hey, Don, the way he's arranged the yard, it seems to me it's almost like a burr puzzle.

Well, if it is a burr, there is a key piece.

A safe route.


All right, Colby, you're with me.

Nikki, you got the phone.



(g*nf*re continues)

WOMAN: They're right outside.

DURYEA: All right, load up.

Stand behind the bombs.

All right, hold your fire, hold your fire.

(g*n clicking)


No shot.

Do it now.

CHARLIE: Trying to anticipate Amita's programming.

Charlie, she is talking to you.

All I want to do is talk back.


Hey, Nikki.

Hey, get Ian on the radio.

Hey, Ian.




Is that it? Is it happening?

It's wiping out everyone's accounts.

Can they stop it?


All right, let them in.

What? We're done here.

Done? They're going to take us to jail, separate us.

Jail is just the beginning.

What I done... what I done is... is Madoff...

Enron, AIG ten times over and blood and thunder!

They're going to write books, sing songs.

Hell, they'll make T-shirts.

AUDREY: Hope died for you.

Michelle died for you.

No, they died for the message, Audrey.

AMITA: Yeah.

The message on T-shirts.

(g*n clicks, computer warbles and beeps)




(shell clanking)


DON (muffled): Amita.


You okay, sweetie? You hit?

Stay right here.

DON: Huh, huh?

Come here, I got you, there you go.

You all right? AMITA: Yeah, I'm okay.

(handcuffs clicking)

My book will be called

"Two Days with a Computer Illiterate!"

DON: All right.

Thanks, Don.


DAVID: You know when you get that feeling that you've been up so long you can't remember how to be tired?

I think it's going to come right back to me.

I feel so energized.

I mean, contrasted with a discipline where results are measured in microns and light years, there's just such immediacy to this work.

On the good days. LIZ: To the good days.

Hey, papers are on your desk, Mini-Don.

I'm out. Are you guys grabbing a beer?

Give me five minutes to get changed.

Yeah... Um... no.

COLBY: That one, I did not see coming.

LIZ: I know.

I always thought he had his eyes on you.


Okay. While I'm completely comfortable with that line of humor...

LARRY: You're expressing said comfort with a novel shade of crimson.


DON: What a week.

ALAN: Yeah... what a year.

You get stabbed.

Charlie gets shot at.

You both nearly lose your jobs.

And if I was to inventory it, it... you got your train crashes, your escaped convicts, your serial K*llers, bank robbers.

"People work so hard at living, they forget how to live."


(chuckling) No.

Gary Cooper, Mr. Deeds Goes to Town.

Talmud's got some good stuff, too, though.


You know, after I got hurt...

I started wondering about... the-the whole spiritual journey.

Was it just a joke with a bad punch line?

You know, God's way of telling me he doesn't exist?

So, what did you decide?

I don't know if you ever decide.

I went back to work.

Charlie needed me and...

Robin, David, Colby.

Amita needed me. Yeah.

And Nikki always needs someone looking out after her.


People need me.

And sometimes I forget that.

Then, life reminds me.

You know why Amita's alive?

'Cause you picked up Charlie's phone, talked to some credit card company.

I was just... doing what I do.

Yeah, being there.

That's exactly what I'm trying to say.

Whatever God is...

I'm pretty sure it's in how we're there for each other.

AMITA: You know, all I could think about... all I knew is that you would find me.

Well, you believed in me more than I believed in myself.

Yeah, well, that's how it's supposed to be.

You know what this... this whole year has made crystal clear to me?

You have no idea what your life is going to look like five years from now, or one year from now, or a week.

It all turns on a dime.

And the things that matter... don't want to turn around and realize you've lost them...

...while you were waiting.

You know I love you so much.

I love you, too.


...will you marry me?

♪ And no one ♪

♪ Is ever gonna love you more than I do ♪

♪ No one's gonna love you more than I do. ♪