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06x12 - Arm in Arms

Posted: 03/15/21 08:13
by bunniefuu
1,100 rounds per minute -- that is just beautiful.

Leave it to the Belgians, right?

Waffles, chocolate and badass field weaponry.

I've got 5,000 units.

I need a place to keep them for a while.

♪♪ It's lighter than it looks.



This makes me want to blast the hell out of something.

So, go ahead.

♪ Who laid down in a concrete bed? ♪

♪ Who laid dark thoughts inside my head? ♪

♪ But they don't know ♪

♪ No, they don't know... ♪ Better than sex.

Charlie ask you to be his best man?

No. I mean, they haven't even picked a date yet.

What are you going to do for his bachelor party?


Do the whole cliché, the Las Vegas, stripper thing?

No. I was thinking, like, golf, cigars.

You know, maybe Laguna or Torrey Pines.

It's supposed to be his bachelor party, right, not yours?

Well, fine.

We could take in a Stephen Hawking seminar.

I swear I had a beige blouse here.

No, I think you took it home.

What's wrong with what you have on?

That works for me.


I'm serious.

Six months living out of a suitcase in Portland, and now I'm splitting time between your place and mine?

When did my life get to be so complicated?

You could move in here.


I'm a little old to play house, honey.

Well, who's talking about playing?

W-Why can't it be real?

What's that mean?

(chuckles, cell phone vibrating)

I swear, you made it do that.

DON: Hey, what's up?


No. All right, yeah, no.

I-I'll call him.

Got a sh**ting in San Pedro.

That's LAPD.

Why do they want you?

No, it's not me; it's Charlie.

(indistinct radio transmission)

COLBY: This couple was just fixing breakfast, minding their own business when the round came through the wall.

Went straight through his head, through that wall and into the other room.

So, why don't you take a look?

And this is where it finally stopped.

Now, it's too damaged to identify.

Let me see that there.


But it was clearly high-caliber.

What do you think? Can you help us?

Uh, it's a reverse-trajectory problem.

Unknown source, unknown initial velocity.

Countless exterior variables.

It's doable.


Okay, we need another sweep 300 yards to the east.

Agent Sinclair! Come with me.

I think we have something. Inside.

(computer beeping)

We've got a match -- Arvin Lindell.

COLBY: So, his office is on the other side of that warehouse right there.

You think it's worth taking a look, scouting it out?

DAVID: No. We wait for SWAT.

Put your vest on, please.

COLBY: A lot of good it's going to do against the cannon this guy's got.

That's him. That's Lindell!

(tires screech)

COLBY: He's getting out!


He's f*ring right through the car!

What the hell is that thing?

(tires screech)

DAVID: Come on!

Want to get my hands on that guy.

Never mind that guy; I want to get that g*n.


LIZ: His first victim might have been unintentional, but you should've seen the way he came at us.

I mean, he was standing in the middle of the street like he was invincible.

With that much firepower in his hand, he pretty much was.

We have LAPD out there looking for him, but so far, nothing.

I think I got it. Check this out.

DAVID: That looks like it.

It's a BNT-35?

COLBY: Yeah. They're brand-new, they're Belgian-made.

Yeah, that's a pretty good-looking g*n.

It ought to be. Its list price is 12 grand.

There were 5,000 of them manufactured, and they were all supposed to go to the Saudis, according to the EUCs.

EUCs? End User Certificates.

If an arms dealer wants to move g*ns internationally, he's got to have the paperwork.

You can sell rocket launchers to kids.

As long as you have the EUCs, it's all legal.

Lindell's a g*n show nut.

What's he doing with Saudi weapons?

That's the thing. There were no confirmation of deliveries in the paperwork, so the Saudis never got the arms.

Talking about 5,000 of these things missing?

There is an arms dealer listed in there, and he's got a local address.

His name is Randall Priest.

Go find him -- maybe he knows something.

MAN: I never got the g*ns.

The Saudi deal didn't happen. COLBY: Why not?

Belgian arms manufacturer couldn't meet the deadline.

Told me they were on schedule, promised me they were going to deliver, but at the last minute, they couldn't come up with it.

So I substituted Swiss R-11s instead.

Great w*apon.

Not much profit margin.

So, what, you only made a few million dollars on the deal?

My heart's breaking for you.

The arms business involves a lot of risk, financial and personal.

I'm not going to apologize for the money I make.

What about the devastation you cause?

Any remorse there?

Do you even know where your weapons end up half the time?

Give any thought to who they're being aimed at, used on, who dies?


Do you really think if I stopped selling weapons, people would stop k*lling each other?

k*lling is human nature.

That's why we keep getting better and better at it.

COLBY: All right, look, Mr. Priest, we're interested in the shipment of BNT-35s.

5,000 of them left Belgium.

We need to know where they are now.

I told you, I never got my hands on them.

But I'm guessing you kept your eyes on them.

They do offer the higher profit margin.

So who bought them?

Another arms dealer?

I never name names.

People in my line of work are very touchy about that.

We're wasting our time.

I didn't say I wouldn't help.

But I need a little help in return.

(chuckles softly) Of course.

What kind of help?

There's a shipment -- infrared goggles, night vision scopes.

They've been tied up in customs in New Jersey for almost a year.

No way.

We'll make a few calls.

AMITA: No, September's tough.

Classes begin, and then the last two weekends are the combinatorics conference in Dallas.


Okay, so September's out.

Unless you want to get married at the conference.

Everyone could toast us with the Gale Shapley algorithm.

Used in combinatorics to solve the stable marriage problem.

I get it.

It's not really helping. Okay.

How about August 14? (door opens)

Nope. The Arboretum isn't available August 14.

Unless you don't want to get married in the Arboretum.

Now you're changing your mind about the Arboretum?

It took you two months to settle on that.

(stammering) Yeah. Uh, look, he's right.

We're not moving backwards.

We're just going to find a new date.

Wait, wait, wait, wait. That's all.



The last week of July.

Wait, is that the wedding you're talking about? Not the 26th.

I have to be in Quantico.

Sorry. (Alan sighs)

You know, people say that being married is the challenge.

I say the challenge is getting married.

Once you get through that, the rest is easy.

Guys, let me simplify things for you.

How about a justice of the peace, huh?

This is all very interesting, but it's not really helping Charlie and me.

No, no. No, no, no.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Any luck with, uh, recovering that g*n?

No. You know, it's not one g*n anymore.

It's 5,000 of the things.

Anything I can do?

Well, we're working on a deal to get info, so as soon as we do, I'll let you know, all right?

All right.

ALAN: Wait, wait, wait. June 18.

No, I-I really don't want to be a June bride, if I can help it.

Justice of the peace.

PRIEST: Are we looking at some mutual aid here, or am I just wasting my time?

The U.S. Attorney's Office will intercede on your behalf, see about freeing your containers.

But you get nothing in writing.

This is strictly a good faith effort.

That's about as close to a contract as I ever get.

Looks like we got a deal.

Surprised you don't want something written in blood.

What about those g*ns we're looking for?

Manufacturer confirms that they left Belgium, but they won't tell us who bought them or where they're headed.

Or how one ended up here in L.A.

You've got probably half a dozen arms shipments sitting in this port right now.

They sail in from whatever corner of the world.

They're unloaded, containers are reshuffled, relabeled maybe.

And then they sit until there's a ship ready to take them to their next destination.

Why risk coming through an American port?

Why not just ship direct?

You avoid all the security that's in place here.

It's because of the security.

Ships that go through the U.S. enjoy better protection worldwide.

That's just a fact.

And when you're talking $20 or $30 million in arms...

You move them the safest way possible.

That means one of three ports:

Newark, Miami or L.A., baby.

Okay. Well, that gets the g*ns here.

Doesn't explain how one ends up in Arvin Lindell's hands.

He probably took it as payment.

Lindell used to be a dockworker.

He parlayed it into a nice side business.

If you have containers in port, you need someone to look after them, shuffle them around, make sure they avoid inspection until they're on the next boat.

Arvin Lindell's that guy.

LIZ: I mean, there's got to be

200,000 shipping containers in this port.

We're looking for two?

Classic needle in a haystack.

Only worse -- our haystack keeps shifting as goods come and go.

Actually... actually, the shifting may help us, the movement.

Containers move around the port in very specific predetermined paths.

It's the only way that shipping companies can keep track of so many containers at once and get them to their destinations.

Well, the problem with our guy is, there are security inspections along the way.

He has to avoid them.

Right. So we're looking for two containers... moving outside the normal flow, in terms of space and time.

It's like a newsstand.

Like shipping containers, periodicals come and go on different schedules -- some daily, some weekly, others monthly.

Now, let's say there's a math journal that I really, really want to buy, but I don't have enough money; I have to save up.

Considering how incredibly popular math journals are, I'm worried someone else is going to buy it.

So I decide to hide it by stuffing it, mmm, behind a surfing magazine.

But later, when I come back, the surfing magazine has sold, so I decide to hide the math journal again, this time in the arts section.

I continue to move and hide the math journal until I save up enough money to buy it.

And so the journal ultimately goes from point "A" to point "B," from delivery to purchase, but its movements are far outside the normal flow.

An incredibly popular and very expensive math journal?

All right.

You know what I mean.

So how do we find our two containers?

4-D mapping.

We graph the movements in three dimensions...

OTTO: Over a fourth dimension: time!


Uh, Liz, this is Professor Bahnhoff.

Otto, or...

Otto-Bahn. Nice to meet you.

So, I thought I smelled pizza. Is there pizza? I'm starving.

Oh, whoa. What are you working on?

Uh, we're trying to locate a missing shipment of weapons.

Ah, yes, yes.

Mmm, no, no, no.

No good.

Uh, the muzzle velocity and the rate of fire are entirely inconsistent with the construction.

This g*n won't work.

It works fine. Trust me.

Oh. Maybe I'm wrong.

Uh, I need food.

Any word on Arvin Lindell?

Oh, hey.

Uh, no. I mean, you know, we got everybody out looking.

That's all we can do.

Well, customs is cooperating.

They're clearing the way to have Priest's New Jersey shipment released.

All right, that's good. Hold on.

DAVID: Are we seriously going to help this death merchant out?

Well, David, I don't like the idea, either, but we kind of need the guy.

Can I talk to you for one sec? ROBIN: Sure.

This is nuts.

Am I the only one who really has a problem with it?

What's going on with you, man?

You've been going off on this guy from the start.

It's not this guy -- I mean, it's what he does.

He sells arms indiscriminately to dictators, warlords and terror groups.

This... this guy doesn't give a crap about who his weapons are used on.

And now we're in bed with him.

I know that Tuesdays are normally your place, but my deposition tomorrow got pushed up, so can we please do my...?

Listen. Come here.

I've been thinking about what you said, you know, about everything being so complicated.

I'm sorry. I was frustrated.

No, you're right.

It's ridiculous we pay two rents.

I think we should get married.

Where did that come from?

What do you mean? Well, this morning, you throw it off as a joke, and now you're serious?


I... I mean, it makes sense, doesn't it?

I-I would've thought you'd be happy.

Well, not when you make it sound like you're doing me a favor.

I'm not. I'm...

Well, are you going to say no?

I'm sorry. I... I think I am.

Hey, Liz called -- found Arvin Lindell.

All right.

COLBY: So, how'd the cops find him?

They didn't.

A film crew did scouting for locations.

From all the shells, he must've gone through a couple hundred rounds.

And nobody heard the sh**ting?

That's what I said.

I guess, when the cranes are running, you could set off a b*mb around here and nobody'd hear it.

The g*n exploded?

LIZ: Piece of it caught him in the throat.

Probably bled out just like that.

What's the saying?

"g*ns don't k*ll people.

g*ns do."

LIZ: Thanks for coming down, Otto.

OTTO: Oh, not a problem.

I have a favorite Ethiopian restaurant near here, so any excuse.

You met Agent Sinclair and Agent Granger before.

Oh! Oh, oh, oh!

I was right!

Which is why you're here.

Otto, how did you know something was wrong with the g*n?

Uh, PV equals nRT -- the ideal gas law.

Uh, some Fourier series applied to heat dispersion, throw in a stress-strain curve, and there you are.

Liz said you only glanced at the w*apon's spec sheet.

Oh, well, uh, to be fair, it was the spec sheet combined with Charlie's reverse-trajectory work.

Uh, see, Professor Eppes's data suggested a muzzle velocity of over 900 meters per second, and combine that with a f*ring rate of 1,100 rounds per minute, you're generating heat and pressure levels beyond the tensile strength tolerance of the delivery chamber.

COLBY: Okay. When Charlie does this, he usually dumbs it down just a little bit for us.

Oh. Um...

Well, the barrel wall is too thin.

My guess is that the manufacturer was trying to keep the g*n lightweight.

COLBY: How does the manufacturer mess up this badly?

I mean, they've been making g*ns for 40 years.

Their sn*per r*fles are considered some of the best in the world.

Well, thin-walled barrel -- it's a good design for a sn*per r*fle.

But not a good design for an a*t*matic w*apon?

Yes, yes. Uh, you could fire a 50-round magazine, maybe two, building up heat and pressure.

Next magazine, boom, you get this.

DAVID: So it's not just this g*n; it's the whole shipment.

What are you doing?

Hey. Uh... just trying to find these g*ns for Don.

I think I'm getting close.

I don't want to interrupt your flow.

I just wanted to apologize.

What do you have to apologize for?

I've been a little intense about this whole...

"picking a date" thing, you know.

Who knew it would be this hard?

Listen to me. Don't worry about it.

We're gonna find a date that works for us and for our venue and for your kooky relatives in India.


Okay? Yeah.

I guess I should be glad that we're not getting married there.

You know, I had a cousin who had to postpone her wedding for four months, because they couldn't schedule the elephant.

Your... cousin had an elephant at her wedding?

Yeah. In a traditional Hindu wedding, you pretty much have to have one.

That's how the groom arrives.

Wait a minute. (laughs)

The groom rides in on an elephant?

Yes. (giggles) Is that what you're telling me?

How come no one told me this when we decided to get married?

You hear this? If we were getting married in India, I'd be riding in on an elephant.

Go east, young man.

AMITA: And you would wear a long sherwani jacket and a turban on your head.

Actually, my favorite part of the ceremony is that the bride and the groom have their hands bound together.

It's incredibly romantic and beautiful.

CHARLIE: You still feel good about your justice of the peace idea?

Don't ask me about this stuff.

I don't know what I'm talking about.

How are you doing on those g*ns?

Turns out they're way more dangerous than we thought, and if they slip away, it's not going to be pretty.

I haven't narrowed it down to the exact container yet.

I'll give you the short list.

(garbled radio transmission)

LIZ: Nothing. I mean, you got to be kidding me.

All 22 containers Charlie pointed out to us came up empty.

So what the hell happened? Don't ask me.

I mean, when Charlie started talking about 4-D mapping, I just did the smile-and-nod thing.

DAVID: Yeah, we were relying on information from the Port Authority, so, uh, maybe the problem's coming from there.

COLBY: Thought we'd have another go at Priest.

Figure he owes us, now that customs released his stuff.

Give me five minutes with him.

All right, go for it. You know what, take Colby.

Maybe, like, a little bad cop thing, you know?

Just don't push too hard.

I'm going to be the one to push too hard?

You didn't come over last night.

Yeah, well...

Don, we need to talk.

Come over tonight.

What's to talk about?

Don't be an ass.


Did you know the g*ns were faulty?

Well, this one was, anyway.

All of them.

It's a design flaw.

The whole shipment is bad.

PRIEST: That explains why the Belgians backed out of my Saudi deal.

They must have realized the g*ns were junk.

Junk that somebody is selling. It's a business.

If someone sees these g*ns as a chance to make a buck, they'll take it.

But you would never do that.

No, I wouldn't.

I'm in it for the long haul.

If I ever made a sale like this, and there was a massive b*ttlefield failure, I'd never make another sale again.

Hey, look, I don't have the g*ns...

But you know who does.

COLBY: Look, you can understand why we need to find them, assuming they haven't left L.A.

They haven't. I can tell you that much, all right?

Hey, look, we had a deal with you.

Okay? And we have kept up our side.

And I've kept up my end.

Reasonable cooperation.

Hey, I don't mind schooling you guys in Arms Dealing 101, but I told you from the beginning, I'm not a snitch.

DAVID: Yeah, a snitch is way up the food chain from where you are.

Do you mind if I hide out here with you?

Because Wedding Central in there has just been dealt another blow.

Seems there's a physics conference or something that's a conflict for Larry.

Assuming anyone can find Larry.

You know, I was right when I said that-that getting married is the hard part.

Can we just talk about something else for a change, please?

You can't be tired of it already.

I mean, it's just getting started.

(chuckles) You know, after they set the date, they got the invitations and then the... guest lists, and then there's always a drama about who sits...


(quietly) All right.

I kind of asked Robin to marry me.

She said no.

Why? I don't know.

She must have said something.

We were supposed to talk about it tonight, not that I really want to.

Oh, come on, come on. You have to.

Dad, can we just play, please?

(sirens wailing) (clamoring voices)

(helicopter hovering)

The witnesses say it was a drive-by.

Two sh**t, both with big-time a*t*matic weapons.

We're sure they're our BNTs?

The shell casings match.

We got seven casualties.

Only three were in the targeted house.

The others, all collateral.

DAVID: Found four more victims on the other block.

The rounds went right through this house, slicing through the whole damn neighborhood.

You guys, with me. Come on. All right.

All right, make a hole. Make a hole. I got the back.

Colby, we know these g*ns are useless for the b*ttlefield, but think about it -- they're perfectly suited for street crime.

You fire short bursts here and there.

Right, you never heat them up enough for the barrels to fracture.

What if they're not being shipped overseas?

What if this is their final destination -- these streets?

(indistinct voices)

(siren wailing)

You all right?

11 lives are devastated, just like that.

Well, the only upside -- if there is one -- cops said normally nobody comes forward, but tonight, we got neighbors lining up as witnesses.

Yeah, I mean, this really scared the crap out of them.

To be honest, it scares me, too.

LIZ: Well, no license plate, but we got a definite make and model.

It's a dark blue Monte Carlo, and more than one witness said the driver might have been hit by return fire.

DAVID: All right, so we, uh, put a bulletin out on the car, we keep watch on the hospitals.

It's the same g*ns?

I should have found them.

You know, it's not like 4-D mapping is fringe science.

My math should have worked.

Not if you had the wrong data, Charlie.

That's an easy excuse.

LIZ: It's a valid one, Charlie.

We told you the g*ns were waiting to ship overseas.

You think they're not?

You-you think they're staying here?

I mean, it would explain this.

Charlie, Otto is... is he okay?

CHARLIE: Hey, hey, Otto, are you all right, man?

I just... I-I need to get to a chalkboard.

Is he okay?

Is there anybody we should call or anything?

I think he just needs to work it through.

Work what through?

Theory just collided with reality.

It's not about equations anymore.


Are you okay?

Otto? CHARLIE: Otto-Bahn.


He likes to be called Otto-Bahn.


We just don't realize the absolute frailty of the human body.

AMITA: What is all this?

Uh, it's devastation.

Uh, the damage caused by two g*ns in a single sh**ting event extrapolated out to include all 4,999 of the missing g*ns.

And not just first-person physical injury, but secondary and tertiary emotional injury, as well.

The potential for destruction is... it-it's staggering.

I mean, tens of thousands of lives affected.

Only in a worst-case scenario.

But it's an entirely plausible scenario, if the g*ns end up on the streets.

It's not going to happen.

You can't know that. Listen to me.

My earlier hunt came up empty because we thought the g*ns were being shipped overseas.

Now we know better.

(elevator bell dings, doors open)

You had a long night.

I met a girl.

Two, actually.

You know how that goes.

Or maybe you don't.

Need to ask you something.

Come on in.

How much money does one man need?

What kind of question is that?

I've been standing out there all night trying to figure it out.

All over the world, people are k*lled and maimed by your weapons so you can get richer.

But you already have more money than you could ever spend, and so I'm wondering -- how much do you need?

When is it enough?

I don't know, man.

It's just not that black-and-white anymore.

It's kind of a muddy gray.

I'm going to need to find those g*ns.

And I'm gonna need to go to bed.

Are we really gonna have this conversation again?

No. No, you're right. We're not.

(cuffs clicking) Oh, what, are you arresting me?

This is something else.


Last night, a 58-year-old grandmother was in her kitchen making dinner.

Four high-velocity rounds came through a wall, one hit her in the head -- k*lled her instantly.

You see that house right there?

Nine-year-old girl was inside doing her homework when a stray hit her in the wrist.

Probably going to lose her hand.

They're not my g*ns, man.

No, not this time.

But how is this street any different from any of the other places in the world where you peddle your weapons?

Do you want to talk to these people, see if their grief is any different than the grief that you cause?

You could've stopped it.

It wouldn't have happened if you'd told us who had the g*ns when we asked.

You know what your problem is, Sinclair?

You let this get personal.

You're right.

I got an image in my mind that I can't get rid of, I can't shake.

It's always there.

It goes back to my first posting in Israel.

There was a family, and I had gotten to them right after their house was... was hit by a rocket.

They were still sitting around their dinner table, covered in blood.

They were dying.

They didn't even know what happened to them.

What are the chances that rocket is something that you supplied?

Are we done here?



(engine starting)

(door handle clacks)


Hey. I hear you guys had a rough night last night.

Yeah, it was pretty bad.

I'm sorry.

Look, I know this isn't any of my business, but I noticed things were kind of strained between you and Don yesterday.

Don't take this the wrong way, but it feels a little weird to discuss Don with one of his ex-girlfriends.

That would imply I actually was his girlfriend.

I was never more than a rebound after you guys broke up the first time.

I don't know what I'm supposed to say to that.

Nothing. I just... I thought you should know that he was always... stuck on you.



Just got a call from a hospital in Whittier.

They have a 20-year-old male that checked in to the ER this morning with a g*nsh*t wound he picked up last night.

You run him? Uh-huh.

Record says g*ng member all over it.

He's been arrested three times with his younger brother.

You want to guess what kind of car his younger brother owns?

A dark blue Monte Carlo?

LIZ: Tell us about your arm, Eddie.


I was cleaning my g*n.

It went off.

Okay, we're going to skip right over the question of what a parolee would be doing with a g*n, 'cause we know that's not what happened.

DON: What, this is his little brother?

LIZ: Yeah.

What a cute kid, huh?

You proud of him?

LIZ: You're setting a shining example.

What, you two have been arrested four times together?

Hey, Victor's a good kid.

He looks up to you, doesn't he?

He obviously wants to be like you.

I don't know if he's going to get a chance.

What you talking about?

We got LAPD about to hit your house.

You think they're gonna take any chances with those g*ns you bought?

LIZ: They're ready for w*r.

40 cops, a*t*matic weapons, armored vehicles, stun grenades.

DON: So the question is, how smart is he?

You think he's smart enough to surrender?

Or is he going to try and fight it out

'cause he thinks that's what you would want him to do?

I'm telling you right now -- he fights, he's dead.

What you want from me?

Tell us who sold you the g*ns.

You do that, we let you make a call to Victor, tell him to surrender peacefully.

Nobody dies today.

Look, I don't know the guy's name.

We just called him "Whitey."

(scoffs) No, man, it's not like that.

It's 'cause of his eye.

He's got one that's all... milky.

What the hell is this?

It's a good offer. $1,500 a w*apon?

I paid $2,000, add in the cost of shipping them over, why would I want to take a loss?

The g*ns are junk, Moses.

What do you expect me to do?

I didn't expect you'd try to screw me.

Maybe I should've.

It's $7.5 million.

Make up the difference on your next deal.

Not interested.

The FBI is all over these g*ns, Moses.

It's just a matter of days before they trace them to you.

That happens, they seize the whole shipment, you're out the whole amount.

At least this way, you get something.

I want it in cash... tonight.


Hey, I think we have it.

Yes, yes, yes, uh, we have it.

Uh, we redid the 4-D graphing of container movement in the port; only this time, instead of looking at containers moving atypically in areas proximal to shipping, we focused on areas proximal to port egress.

Yes, yes, ye...

Yes, we recalculated using the new data, assuming the g*ns aren't shipping out.

And so, you found them?

Yes, they should be in a storage yard on the east end of the port near warehouse 32.

32. (chuckles)

I'm in the arms business 20 years, Moses.

You really think I'm still impressed by g*ns?

Where's the money?

It's here. Where are the BNTs?

I need to see the money first.


Is this how you handle all your customers?

(car unlocks)

No wonder you're still a bottom-feeder.

Which is why I brought my own guys.

There's the cash.

Where are the weapons? (car locks)

This way.

(goggles whirring)

Okay, so which ones?

Take your pick. Doesn't really matter.

BNTs are gone.

Already got another buyer.

Want to throw me the keys to your car?

Now, why would I do that?

Oh, you're right.

I could always just take it off your body.

LIZ: Take the sh*t.

It's a setup!

Don't move. Up against the wall.

Down, down!

(indistinct radio transmission)

LIZ: Five dead and six injured.

Add to that your buddy, Arvin Lindell, you're on the hook for six bodies.

You know same as I do those aren't mine.

Oh, yes, they are.

And as supplier of an illegal as*ault w*apon, you can be charged as an accessory in any crimes that your g*ns commit.

4,997 more g*ns out there.

That's like a prison-time investment plan.

And the accessory charges are just going to keep piling up every single time one of those g*ns are used.

Conversation's over.

I want my lawyer.

Just, uh, give us a couple minutes, okay?

You son of a bitch.

You set me up.

Yeah. Yeah, I did.

And if I hadn't, where would I be right now?

You were going to sh**t me, steal my money.

You know what's going to happen when word gets out you're a snitch?

You're done.

It's over for you.

I thought you were done talking.

I've got a name for you, Moses.

General Mombayzi.

Remember him?

Somebody ripped the general off for $36 million last year.

And as long as I'm a snitch, maybe I'll snitch to him.

Can't prove it was me.

You think the general is gonna give a damn about proof?

Tell them where the g*ns are.

All right, man, hurry up!

We got two more stops tonight.

All right, get it out of here. (tires screeching)

MAN: This is the Los Angeles Police Department.

Throw down your weapons. LIZ: Freeze! FBI!

Don't you move.

Put your hands behind your head and turn around slowly.

(helicopter blades whirring)

(handcuffs clicking)


You could look a little happier, you know.

We get the g*ns? With what was on the truck, plus what the Leyva brothers had, they're all accounted for.

You know, another day or two, things could've gotten so much worse.

You think about it, this is just one shipment of g*ns out of how many in the world?

I'm not even going there.

You shouldn't either, man.

Just mark this in the "win" column and call it a day.

I'm gonna pack it up and go home.

I'll see you tomorrow.

I guess gratitude is more than I should expect, huh?

Gratitude for what?

I mean, the way I see it, you come out on top.

With Moses out of the way, you have less competition, right?

That thing you said in the street, about wondering if the rocket that k*lled that family was something that I sold.

I wonder that, too.

It's not too late for you to change your line of work.

You know?

You think one good deed buys me redemption?

Come on.

I think you helped us out for a reason.

And it wasn't for your shipment of night vision goggles stuck in Newark.

How much money does one guy need?

Right? Yeah.

Take care, Agent Sinclair.

♪ It's been five years, we've had good and bad ♪

♪ The ivy grows thick in our dark backyard ♪ You're treating it as a combinatorial optimization problem?

Yeah. Go with what you know, right? What's wrong with that?

Nothing, if limitations on dates were discrete, but they're not.

I mean, for instance, social convention prohibits marrying on Tuesdays.

(laughs) And you think you're going to have better luck with the pigeonhole principle?

You're likely to get a date five years from now.

ALAN: Is this what I think it is?

Yes. A little friendly competition.

We're using math to find a wedding date that works.

I'm using math. She's using some bastardized distant cousin.

Whoever comes up with a working date first gets to choose where we go for our honeymoon.

Ah. Well, sounds very normal.

I'm sure it's how all engaged couples do it.

On the other hand, it was math that got you guys together in the first place, so...

♪ Don't walk away, then turn and say "I love you anyway" ♪ Got it. Done!

I... all right. No, no, no, no.

You know, you go ahead, pigeon man. What you got?

Pigeon man. Yep.

How about August 21?

Yeah. My grandmother's hip surgery.

Nice try.

The winner is...

July 17.

Oh, you mean your cousin Vinay's graduation?


ALAN: Oh...

Hey, how about October 9?

Oh, that was yours and Mom's anniversary.

Yeah, so what?

I mean, I don't know, Alan.

We were kind of thinking we would leave that as, you know, your day.

I'll share it.

October 9.

Yeah. (giggles)

So, it's settled? Finally?

I can't believe we actually have a date.

We're getting married.

Yes, we are.

And I get to pick the honeymoon.

♪ Don't walk away ♪ Mm.

♪ Then turn and say "I love you anyway"... ♪

(door opens)

I thought Thursdays were my place, but I guess I got it wrong, huh?

Come on, Don. Help me out.

It took a lot for me to come here.

What do you want me to say, Robin?

Well, I don't know, but I think we need to talk.

You asked me to marry you. And you said no.

Well, don't you even want to know why?



There wasn't a hint of romance in the way that you asked me.

Look, you know, I mean, it wasn't official.

I go to Charlie's, and all they talk about is weddings, weddings, weddings, and-and... I don't know.

I think I just got caught up in it, and-and I was feeling it out.

Well, that's what I mean.


You're this really romantic guy, with your old movies, and your old-fashioned values.

You still open the car door for me.

And the fact that that was the best that you could come up with tells me you're not really ready.

Well, I wouldn't have asked you if I wasn't ready.

You're going through a lot of transitions, Don.

At work, finding God.

That motorcycle.

You're searching for something.

And you need to figure out what that is first.

Hey. I love you.

And I promise you that I will say yes when you're really ready.

I thought I was.

Until then, let's just do what we do.

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday -- my place.

Tuesday, Friday, Sunday -- yours.

That's complicated.

Complicated works for us.