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14x07 - The Hand of Fear - part 3

Posted: 03/12/04 03:42
by bunniefuu


Part Three

Original Air Date: 16 October 1976
Running time: 24:22

SARAH: Are we dead?


SARAH: Are you sure?


SARAH: What happened?

DOCTOR: Nothing happened. A sort of un-explosion has taken place.

SARAH: Un-explosion?


SARAH: There's no such thing.

WATSON: Doctor, Miss Smith, get out of there. The radiation level in there will be lethal.

DOCTOR: Oh no, come on in, Watson. Come on in. There's no radiation at all. Look.



WATSON: Where's Driscoll?

DOCTOR: He's in the core.

WATSON: But that would have caused a nuclear expl*si*n.

DOCTOR: It did, but fortunately it was absorbed.

WATSON: But it couldn't!

DOCTOR: Oh, it could, it could, and it did.

SARAH: There was a sort of un-explosion.

WATSON: Un-explosion?

DOCTOR: Yes. Fission took place but instead of the expl*si*n going outwards, it went inwards.

WATSON: Driscoll?

DOCTOR: Driscoll's in the core, probably vapourised. You see, it's feeding on radiation and it's now in control of the core's potential itself.

WATSON: You mean that thing in there is still alive?

DOCTOR: Very much so, and regenerating.

WATSON: Well, it's beyond me. I mean, to what end?

DOCTOR: To live, to grow. You see, instead of energy being created from matter, matter is being created from energy. Eldrad is rebuilding himself, and the probability is he'll strike again.

WATSON: You mean other reactors?

DOCTOR: Who knows? Might as well put these back.

SARAH: Yeah, well, that's not going to stop him.

DOCTOR: No, but I like to be tidy.


WATSON: It's time we got out of here. Fight fire with fire. I'm going to call in the armed forces. Destroy # that thing before it causes any more harm.

SARAH: Well, it's our only chance.

DOCTOR: Somehow I can't see throwing missiles against that working.

SARAH: It's trying to get out!

WATSON: Nunton Complex, red alert. That's what I said, red alert.

SARAH: Come on, Doctor.

DOCTOR: No, no, no, wait a minute, Sarah. Maybe we should try and communicate with Eldrad.

SARAH: How, use hand signals?

WATSON: All right, we've got ten minutes. Air Command have ordered a tactical nuclear strike to take this place out.

DOCTOR: Take it out?

WATSON: Yeah, level it. And by God they're keen.

DOCTOR: Yes, I'm sure they are.

WATSON: Well, we're on an isolated part of the coast. It'll give them a chance to use their stand-off missiles.

DOCTOR: Yes, but what do we know about it?


DOCTOR: It's intelligent.

SARAH: It's destructive! It's k*lling people.

DOCTOR: An alien lifeforce, shipwrecked on a strange planet. Crystalline, regenerates through irradiation. It's probably afraid.

SARAH: It's afraid? I'm afraid! Look, that thing isn't friendly. Let's get out before it does. Look, you said we had ten minutes.

WATSON: That was half a minute ago. Come on.

SARAH: Right. Doctor!

DOCTOR: Fascinating.

DOCTOR: This is intensely interesting, don't you? Come on, let's get out of here.

WATSON: Come on, man! Leave that! All right, Jim.

WATSON: Take cover, everybody!

WATSON: Get down, man!

WATSON: We'd better take cover. The flash could blind us. Doctor. Doctor, please! Miss Smith, hold your nose and open your mouth.

SARAH: What?

WATSON: The blast. It could perforate your eardrums.

DOCTOR: Any second now.

SARAH: Hey, shouldn't something have happened by now?


WATSON: They fired the missiles. What happened?

SARAH: Yeah, what happened? We saw them fired.

DOCTOR: They've been neutralised in some way.


DOCTOR: Professor Watson, any being that can live, let alone thrive, inside a nuclear pile, is hardly likely to be deterred by a few primitive missiles.

WATSON: But they're the most powerful missiles we have.

DOCTOR: On your standards, perhaps. I think we should try much older weapons.

SARAH: Like?

DOCTOR: Speech. Diplomacy?


DOCTOR: Conversation? Come on, driver, let's go.

ELDRAD (OOV.): What is this place? Where have I come to?

ELDRAD: Can this be the form of the creatures who have found me and who now seek to destroy me? No matter. They shall fail, as the obliteration has failed. Strange form or not, Eldrad lives, and shall again rule Kastria!

DOCTOR: Right, you stay here. I'll go on. Shouldn't take long, one way or the other.

SARAH: Good. Let's go then.

DOCTOR: Not you. You stay with Professor Watson.

WATSON: I think you'd better do as he says this time.

SARAH: Yeah. Yeah, you're right. I should. But I'm not going to!


SARAH: I worry about you. Look, anyway, who found that thing?

DOCTOR: You did.

SARAH: Right. So, I'm involved. It could have been me, not Driscoll, and besides, I'm from Earth and you're not.

DOCTOR: That's true.

SARAH: Exactly.

DOCTOR: Yes, but

SARAH: Oh, but what?

DOCTOR: I worry about you.

SARAH: So, be careful.

DOCTOR: We'll both be careful.

SARAH: Fine.

ELDRAD: You! Come forward.

DOCTOR: Hello. You must be Eldrad. I was only going to say, how do you do.

ELDRAD: Are you responsible for this stupid attempt to destroy me?

DOCTOR: No. Tell me, how did you prevent the missiles from exploding?

ELDRAD: I absorbed the energy of the expl*si*n into myself to complete my regeneration.

DOCTOR: I thought so. Didn't I say I thought that was it? I thought

ELDRAD: You are not of this backward planet. What are you doing here among these primitives?

DOCTOR: Well, I'm here to help them. I'm called the Doctor and this is Sarah Jane Smith. Say hello to the lady.


DOCTOR: Eldrad

DOCTOR (OOV.): Can I ask you the same question?

ELDRAD (OOV.): I am Eldrad, creator of Kastria.

ELDRAD: Why did you try to destroy me?

DOCTOR: You've got it wrong, Eldrad. We're the ones who saved you.

ELDRAD: It seems you speak the truth.

ELDRAD: Why should they attack me with their primitive devices?

DOCTOR: Oh, because they're stubborn and violent and sometimes they try to destroy things they don't understand.

ELDRAD (OOV.): Then they must be taught otherwise.

DOCTOR (OOV.): You wouldn't be the first one to make that mistake. Others have tried.

DOCTOR: Excuse me, I don't want to pry, but could you tell us how you got here?

SARAH: We found your hand in a quarry.

ELDRAD: I was betrayed. They tried to obliterate me. Now I must return to avenge myself.

DOCTOR: What? After all this time?

ELDRAD: Explain!

DOCTOR: Well, you've been on Earth a hundred and fifty million years, and you've lain dormant all that time.

SARAH: Leave him alone. He's telling you the truth!

ELDRAD: You are a Time Lord. I have heard of you and the role you play in time and space.

DOCTOR: You didn't need to do that. I would have told you.

ELDRAD: Unfortunately, Doctor, I have learned to trust no one. I need your help.

SARAH: Our help? Oh, you must be

DOCTOR: Shush.

ELDRAD: As a Time Lord, you are pledged to uphold the Laws of Time and to prevent alien aggression.

DOCTOR: Only when such aggression is deemed to thr*aten the indigenous population. I think that's how it goes.

ELDRAD: Then you must help me in my struggle.

SARAH: Why must he help you? You're destructive.

ELDRAD: No, no, let me explain. Kastria was a cold, inhospitable planet, ravaged by the solar winds. I built the spatial barriers to keep out those winds. I devised a crystalline silicone form for our physical needs. I built machines to replenish the earth and the atmosphere. I brought Kastria to life! And then, two alien planets made w*r on each other, and Kastria became their battleground. They destroyed my barriers. The winds came again to dehydrate the planet. The alien invaders made puppets of the Kastrian leaders. I was discredited and sentenced to obliteration.

SARAH: But if you did all those things for your people, why did they turn against you?

ELDRAD: My people didn't. I beg you to help me to save Kastria once more. Why do you hesitate? It is your duty. Help me. Take me back through time.

DOCTOR: That would contravene the First Law of Time, a distortion of history. I can't do that.

ELDRAD: You cannot refuse.

DOCTOR: I'm not refusing, Eldrad. I'll take you back, but it must be in the present time.

ELDRAD: Silence!

ELDRAD: I seem to detect another presence in this building.

DOCTOR: I don't think there's anyone else here.

SARAH: No, there's no one here. They've all been evacuated. We're the only one's here. Alive, that it.

DOCTOR: Do you accept our conditions, Eldrad?

ELDRAD: Yes. You leave me no choice.

DOCTOR: Good. Well, follow me.

SARAH: After you.

DOCTOR: No, Eldrad, leave him!

ELDRAD: You shall die slowly, as traitors deserve.

DOCTOR: Eldrad! Eldrad, I swear to you, if you don't release him, I'll never return you to Kastria.

SARAH: He's still breathing.

ELDRAD: Come, Doctor. Let us be going.

DOCTOR: Listen. You owe your regeneration to this man. Remember that.

ELDRAD: Yes, and I am grateful. Leave him alone and I promise you he will recover.

DOCTOR: I'm not leaving here until I know he's all right.

DOCTOR: Are you all right?

WATSON: Yes, yes.

DOCTOR: Very well.

ELDRAD: You see, Doctor, I am not as cruel as you think me.

DOCTOR: Come on, let's go.

SARAH: You're sure you're all right?

WATSON: Yes, yes, I'm all right.

SARAH: I've got to go. You'll be all right. I have to go.

WATSON: But I put six sh*ts into that creature.

JACKSON (OOV.): Professor Watson?


JACKSON (OOV.): Professor Watson?

WATSON: Yes, yes. In here, Miss Jackson.

JACKSON: What happened?

WATSON: Well, it's just that the laws of physics have been. Of course, the Atomic Energy Commission are not going to believe this.

JACKSON: What were those planes doing? They were bombing the complex.

WATSON: Planes? Yes, of course, the planes. Yes, but the RAF are not going to believe this either.

JACKSON: And I saw the Doctor in your car. He nearly ran me over.

WATSON: Oh, thank goodness for that, the Doctor. You saw who was with him?

JACKSON: Miss Smith?

WATSON: But, no one else?

JACKSON: No. Well, I couldn't see in the back.

JACKSON: You all right, sir?

WATSON: It's just that no one is going to believe me.

WATSON: Yes? Yes, this is the director speaking. Well, we don't know what's happened yet. Well of course there's going to be an inquiry.

DOCTOR: Come in, Eldrad. Welcome to the TARDIS. Well, what do you think?

ELDRAD: I congratulate you, Doctor. The achievements of your people in temporal engineering are indeed as impressive as I have heard.

DOCTOR: Well, thank you. I'm glad you like it.

ELDRAD: Where are its armaments?

DOCTOR: They're in here.

DOCTOR: Your w*apon's won't work in here. We're in a state of temporal grace. We're multi-dimensional.

ELDRAD: What do you mean?

DOCTOR: Well, in a sense, you see, we don't exist while we're in here. So you can't hurt us, and we can't hurt you.

SARAH: She can't hurt us?


SARAH: Right. There's a question I can ask you now. Why are you helping her?

DOCTOR: Well, in a sense I think you could say I'm helping Earth, Sarah. After all, I can't allow Eldrad to go on smashing nuclear power stations. Who knows how big she might become or what damage she might do. Anyway, I want to see Kastria.

SARAH: Why? What on Earth for?

DOCTOR: Well, travel broadens the mind.

SARAH: And a stitch in time saves nine.

DOCTOR: What does that mean?

SARAH: Look before you leap.

ELDRAD: Will you stop all this childish prattle? Time is passing.

DOCTOR: Yes. I wonder, would you just give me a hand with the coordinates? I'm a bit vague on the exact whereabouts of Kastria.

ELDRAD: Of course, Doctor. What is the expansion factor?

DOCTOR: Oh, just punch up seven four three eight oh oh O W eight I one two one two seven two seven two nine double one E eight E X four one one one three zero nine eleven five, and then see what happens.

SARAH: Off course, are we?

DOCTOR: No, I don't think so, no. Could I just check your coordinates.

ELDRAD: Why, do you doubt my ability?

DOCTOR: Oh no, no, no. I just want to make sure we get there.

SARAH: So for once you'll have to trust someone, won't you.

ELDRAD: Only fools trust. I trusted them, and they tried to obliterate me.

DOCTOR: Eldrad, you'll achieve nothing on Kastria unless you overcome this paranoid obsession with treachery. You must cooperate.

ELDRAD: Again you leave me no alternative, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Oh, don't be so abject. All we want is your cooperation. If you've missed those coordinates, symbolic resonance will occur in the trackoid time crystal, and if that happens, there'll be no chance of us landing anywhere, ever, ever, ever.

DOCTOR: We've landed.

ELDRAD: You will have to trust me, Doctor.

SARAH: Is that Kastria?

ELDRAD: It is.

SARAH: It's very nice.

ELDRAD: The solar winds have devastated it, but I will reclaim it again.

DOCTOR: You may have left it a bit late, Eldrad. That hurricane's been blowing for a hundred and fifty million years.

ELDRAD: How is the atmosphere constituted?

DOCTOR: Near enough Earth normal.

ELDRAD: And the radiation count?

DOCTOR: A bit high.

ELDRAD: It's all I shall need.

DOCTOR: Damn it, the aliens have left this planet as good as dead.

ELDRAD: Oh no, Doctor. This is as Kastria was before I built the solar barriers. My fellow Kastrians may not have been able to maintain the systems that I devised for them, but there will be survivors, leading miserable existences in the thermal caves deep underground.

DOCTOR: But nothing functions. There's no power. I can't see how we can reach these survivors even if they do exist.

ELDRAD: Do you think that I would not be prepared for my return?

SARAH: That's incredible! Where's the power coming from?

ELDRAD: Energy drawn from the core of the planet.

DOCTOR: Inexhaustible energy.

ELDRAD: Exactly, Doctor. My gift to Kastria. I have come to claim my kingdom. Come, we will descend to the thermal chambers.

The Doctor
Tom Baker

Sarah Jane Smith
Elisabeth Sladen

Dr. Carter
Rex Robinson

Renu Setna

David Purcell

Roy Pattison

King Rokon
Roy Skelton

Robin Hargrave

Professor Watson
Glyn Houston

Roy Boyd

Miss Jackson
Frances Pidgeon

John Cannon

Judith Paris

Kastrian Eldrad
Stephen Thorne

Bob Baker and Dave Martin

Assistant Floor Manager
Terry Winders

Barbara Lane

Christine Ruscoe

Fight Arranger
Max Faulkner

Film Cameraman
Max Samett

Film Editor
Christopher Rowlands

Incidental Music
Dudley Simpson

Judy Neame

Philip Hinchcliffe

Production Assistant
Marion McDougall

Production Unit Manager
Chris D'Oyly-John

Script Editor
Robert Holmes

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Derek Slee

Studio Sound
Brian Hiles

Theme Arrangement
Delia Derbyshire

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Colin Mapson

Philip Hinchcliffe

Lennie Mayne