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12x13 - Red Rover, Red Rover

Posted: 03/30/21 07:10
by bunniefuu
Previously on "NCIS Los Angeles..." Call an ambulance.

SAM: Gonchgarov.

She may have poisoned him.

I'm not at liberty to reveal my sources, but so far, we have verified everything they've given us.

- How's the vacation going?

- Hey, hey.



ANNA: It's okay, Max.

Come in.

Katya is back.

KENSI: Katya Miranova, aka Kate Miller, was a Russian asset that Anna was working while undercover in prison.

DISTORTED VOICE: I have something of yours.

I believe you know CIA Officer Joelle Taylor?

I'll give you her location in return for you.

Think quick.

She's lost a lot of blood.

We have a history with your suspect.

You cut us in, we'll tell you what we know.

You can question Anna as much as you want, but in exchange, she stays on our turf.


Sorry about this.

NELL: A currier delivered a package to the LAPD, addressed to you.

NELL: Oh, my God.

Is that Joelle's finger?

There is a messaged saved to the phone.

DISTORTED VOICE: Now she's losing even more blood.

Follow the rules, or next time, I'll send something larger.

See you soon.

FEMALE VOICE: Please leave a message after the tone.

Arkady's cell phone and landline are both going straight to voice mail.

Anna says that he has extra security, but I just want to be sure.

NELL: Kensi and Deeks are on the road back from the shipping yard.

I could redirect them to Arkady's.

Yeah, but send Fatima and Rountree, as well, just in case.

He may need some extra convincing.

You got it.

ANNA: Why are you wasting time asking me about Maksim and his operatives?

We need to focus on finding Katya and recovering Joelle.

CARLSON: "We" is a pronoun you need to remove from your vocabulary, Ms. Kolcheck.

Near as I can tell, you were working as an illegal agent for a foreign government.

SO I ASK AGAIN: Why did Maksim allow you to join his operation?

What did you provide him in exchange?


Did we get a match to Joelle?

Uh, not exactly.

Looks like another flash from Langley, telling us to...

call off our identification efforts.

Which is its own kind of confirmation.

I'm so sorry, Callen.







Let me guess.

You're starting to regret the finger.

I told you it was a cliché.

You want to get a reaction, send an eye, an ear.

Better yet, send a tongue.

That'll freak 'em out.

You do know aspirin and alcohol are blood thinners.

And white bread?

You really are trying to k*ll me.


That's it?

You don't want anything else?

How about some teeth?

I got .

are my own!












What was the nature of Katya's threats?

She wanted me to know that she can get to my father, and that she knew about my relationship with Callen.

Did she ever thr*aten you personally?

No, but it's clear she wants revenge for my undercover op in prison.

The defection, Joelle... it's all been designed to get to me.

Even before the threats, you were already tracking Katya for several months.

Since I first learned she was active again.

What was your source for that information?

That's classified.

Oh, wrong answer.

You've been on trial before, Ms. Kolcheck.

You know that thing the lawyers do when they ask you a question, but they already know the answer to it?

Well, that's what I'm doing, too.

So I ask again: What was your source for that information?

Or should I say "who"?

CIA Officer Joelle Taylor.

Katya reached outto the Agency to discuss the terms of her defection.

Joelle wanted me to consult.

So why didn't you take her up on it?

Why instead did you aid and abet a foreign intelligence operative in direct opposition to the CIA's mission?

I was protecting the people I love.

By keeping them in the dark?

I don't think so.

Try again.

I'm telling you the truth.

You're telling yourself a lie.

Try again.

Okay, this is a waste of time.

Are you a Russian spy, Ms. Kolcheck?

- No.

- Are you crazy?


Then why?

Because I know Katya.

And you cannot control her.

You cannot trust her.

All she understands is betrayal.

Clearly, so do you.

Agent Callen, please, I...

Arkady's phones are going straight to voice mail.

Is there anywhere else he could be?

He promised me he'd stay put, but you know Arkady.

He's probably entertaining a lady friend...

or two.

Well, this could be awkward.

I just sent the rest of the team to check up on him.

I see some therapy in their future.



DEEKS: Emergency lights are on, which means the power must be out.

FATIMA: You guys take the rear.

We'll take the front.

Move it!


There's no sign of his security.

- Yeah.

- You hear that?

It sounds like a fricking party.

I'm gonna pick the lock.

- Go for it.

- Yep.


DEEKS: Just a heads-up, if Arkady pops outin full latex bondage gear, you should probably avert your eyes.

'Cause there's some things that can't be unseen.

FATIMA: Rountree and I are headed around back.


♪ Back door is open.

DEEKS: That's not good.

KENSI: Got it.

I'm in.


- Nice and easy.


you take the ground floor.

Deeks and I got upstairs.



Nice and easy.

♪ Guys, I got a body in the kitchen.

It's not Arkady.

He's armed.

Looks like his throat was cut.

- Damn.

- It could be one of his guards.


I found another one.

Multiple s*ab wounds.

There's music coming from a battery-powered speaker.

- I'm shutting it off.


- Any sign of Arkady?

- Kensi, Deeks?

I've got two more outside the master bedroom.

Both shot.

There's been no report of g*nshots in the area.

I'm sending LAPD.

She's probably using a sil*ncer.


- Yeah?

- You got to see this.

- That's a panic door.

- Yeah.

Callen, Arkady may be locked inside of his panic room.


Open the door!

It's Deeks!

- I don't think he can hear us.

- Yeah.

Do you see a keypad anywhere?

No, I don't.

Looks like the door was disguised as a mirror.

I'll bet it stays unlocked until somebody engages the pins from the inside.

- Deeks.

- What?

These drill holes are still warm.


Rountree, Fatima, Katya could still be inside the house.

Cover us upstairs while we try and figure out how to get Arkady out of this panic room.


Rountree, Fatima, do you copy?

Kens, Deeks?

Go, go, go, go, go, go.

Nell, Callen, have you been able to reach Fatima and Rountree?

We were right here.

We couldn't reach you.

NELL: Kens?


Do you copy?

Yeah, we can hear you now.

NELL: That's strange, guys.

You fell off comms for a minute, but Fatima and Rountree maintained signal.

KENSI: Look, we think Katya may have been here only a few minutes ago, so cover our backs while we try and get Arkady out of the panic room.


I think she left a signal jammer.

It's probably why we couldn't get through to Arkady's cell and why he can't get through to us.

It'll have a short range.

You need to find it and disable it.

Got it.

We're going back in.


All right.

Come on, come on.

Come on, where are you?

Come on.

Hold on, hold on, hold on.

Found it.

- Callen, you hear me?

- Loud and clear.

Oh, thank God.



- Come on, Arkady, pick up.


Are you okay?

Arkady, it's Callen.

I need you to open the panic room.

Where is Anna?

I want to talk to Anna!

Sh-She's here.

Hold on a second.

Tell Arkady to open his panic room.



A-Are you okay?

Yes, I'm fine.

Open the door.

- Are you safe?

- Yes, just open the door.


- KENSI: Hey.

You okay?

You hurt?

Uh, no, I've just been...

in there for over an hour, with the pounding and the drilling, and I'm trying to make a call, but nothing goes through.


You know, you could really use a signal repeater or at least a sat phone in there.

No, with those service fees?

Forget about it.

But at least you got the cases of vodka.

I'm glad to see your priorities are straight.


Speaking of.


Are you okay?

She's safe, she just can't talk right now.

KENSI: All right, come on, let's get you out of here.

- Let's go, let's go.

- ARKADY: All right.

Thank you.

ANNA: Did you get her?

Did you get Katya?


She left just before they got there.

She must have seen or heard them coming.

Or someone tipped her off.

Why do you say that?

Because she evaded me for months now.

Every time I think I get close, she vanishes.

CALLEN: I don't think Katya has very many friends right now.

She's betrayed just about everyone, including the Russians.

Which would be a reason to tip her off, so they can k*ll her themselves.

Better than risking one of their operatives falling into our hands.

But if they do k*ll her, we'll never find Joelle.

You should have called me last night.

You were checking on Kam.

Kam is fine.

You should have called me.

Well, one of us got a good night's sleep.

You should have called me.

Uh, you're right.

I'm sorry.

Nothing from Katya yet?


Maybe she just wanted to be sure LAPD got us the phone.

Well, maybe.

Or maybe she lost her only bargaining chip.


You can't think that yet.

Joelle's already dealing with a g*nsh*t wound to her leg.

If Joelle's alive, why go after Arkady?



Joelle's not family.

Anna would be more willing to trade herself to save her father.

The question you should be asking is why go after Joelle at all.

Arkady's an easier target, better leverage.

Hell, if she knew where to find you, she'd have gone after you, too.

CALLEN: Maybe she already did.

Just not in the way we'd expect it.

Katya's defection was a setup, but she had to make it seem legit.

How is she gonna do that?

Feed the CIA verifiable intel, make herself seem more valuable.

When Carlson brought me in, she said they had a source that identified me as a Russian spy, and that every piece of information the source had provided had checked out.


She wanted you sidelined before she made a move on Anna.

But she didn't know how to get to me directly, so she took advantage of Carlson's little mole hunt and framed me as a Russian spy.

Katya played her.

Now she's in there covering her own ass.



ROUNTREE: Along with cutting the phone line, looks like she broke into the panel and cut the power, too.

You guys got juice now?

Yeah, looks like it.

Thank you.

- Good work, Rountree.

- Okay, okay.

Arkady, will you go down the list right here?

Can you go...


Go down the list?


Down the list.

To back patio.

To the back patio.


There's an arrow.

Hit the arrow to go...

Okay, you know what?


Give it to me.

No, no, I see it, I see it.

Just back off.

I'm having flashbacks of trying to teach my mom how to Zoom.

You taught her very well.

She's very good at it.

- Never forgets to unmute.

- DEEKS: I'm sorry.

What did you just say?

What did he just say?

What am I hearing?

You-you Zoom with...

You Zoom with my mom?


I miss the bar.

Human interaction, heavy pours.

And her sharp tongue.

Thank goodness she had to cancel on me last night.

Although, panic room is built for company.

Oh, my God.

He said that out loud.

I'm gonna k*ll him.

I'm gonna sh**t...

- You're kidding, right?

- Stop.


Both of you.


KENSI: We're just gonna...

Give me that.

Focus, please.

Right there.


That is correct time.

I just finished nice warm bubble bath, and then the power went out.

Good thing security system has backup battery.


All right.

So she used a laser to blind the camera.

Do you have cameras inside the house?

[CHUCKLES]: Are you crazy?


So let me get this right: She took out your phones, she took out your power, she took out your cameras, then she took out the guards?

She was very well-trained.

No one is this well-trained.

And even if they were, she'd be too smart to take out four guards alone.

You think she's working with somebody else?

Or multiple people.

I only saw one person, and she was wearing a mask.

Like, some dog, wolf.

Maybe she works in a pack?



The safe house is prepped.

I'm ready to take Arkady.

- Great, thanks.

Let's go.

- What?

No, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no, I'm not going to safe house.

Yes, you are, Arkady.

This is not up for discussion.

Let's go.

I want to see my Anna first.

Arkady, I know you do, but you can't.


I know what she did looks bad, but it was all my doing.

I mean, I swear, she is innocent.


You have to believe me.

Arkady, Callen will keep her safe.

DEEKS: We're all gonna keep her safe.

I promise.

- KENSI: Please?

- DEEKS: Let's roll.

Everything Katya gave us checked out.

So as far as the ODNI was concerned, she was the golden goose of intel.

So when she gave you up, we had to act.

What about Joelle?

Did she believe Katya?


She defended Agent Callen against the accusation, but she was overruled.

We gave her the option to bow out, but she insisted on handling the defection.

She didn't want to put anyone else in harm's way.

We should have listened to her.

I should have listened to her.

Hey, guys?

Did you talk to SECNAV?

Yes, and she spoke with Secretary of State about talking to the Russian ambassador.

No promises, only that they'll try.

- Try what?

- To get the Russians to call off their hit on Katya.

You're joking, right?

They'll deny everything.

Well, it's a long shot, but we have to try.

Joelle's life depends on it.

You think they care?

If they have to choose between us losing a spy or them, they'll choose us.

Then bypass official channels.


The ODNI covers all the intelligence agencies, including the CIA.

Use back channels and reach out to the operatives here on the ground.

I can't go to the CIA.

Why not?

And why isn't this place crawling with CIA?

After what happened with Gonchgarov, why do you trust us more than your own people?

Because I think your girlfriend's right.

Someone's helping Katya.

Someone with connections.

Might be the Russians, but it might be the mole we have in our own house.

I may not like how you guys do things, but at least I know whose side you're on.

Well, speaking of Gonchgarov, maybe he can help.

Well, he's in a coma.

Not anymore.

Just received word from the hospital.

He's awake.

Well, he barely spoke to us before.

What makes you think this time would be any different?

Well, the guy almost died.


That would change anyone's mind.

CALLEN: It's better you go.

After what happened before, he's not gonna be too pleased to see me.


But I want to know the minute that phone rings.




You okay?


You're not having a reaction to the injections?


No, honestly, I'm not.

I was just thinking, uh...

Just, part of me doesn't blame Anna for doing what she did.

Partnering up with Russian operatives to k*ll a sociopath who wants her dead?

Well, either that or spending her whole life looking over her shoulder wondering when everything's gonna come crashing down.



No, I...

I hate to admit it, but, uh...

...Kessler's right.

He's in my head.

There's not a day that goes by that I don't wonder if I should just drop everything and put an end to him.

I'm in.

[LAUGHS]: Okay, I was...

I was only partly serious.


I mean, think about it.

This guy's been hanging over our lives for months now.

He said he wants to find you and to t*rture you, but the truth is, he doesn't have to find you to t*rture you 'cause he's doing it right now.

I love you, and we're trying to conceive, and you need your rest, and your body is constantly in fight-or-flight.

So screw that and screw him.

Let's hunt him down, and let's drag him back to prison.


I love you so much.

I love you.

You want to go get him right now?


- I'll go with you right now.


Well, actually, your plan has a little hiccup...

What's that hiccup?

'Cause I thought this through.

...when it comes to dragging him back to prison.


He's been pardoned.

Yeah, I wasn't actually talking about U.S. prisons.

I was talking about my friends in North Korea.

- They have prisons.

- Ah.

And then Singapore.

- Yeah.

- It's pretty dingy there.

- Or Azkaban.

- Azkaban?

It may be fictional, but I feel like it would...

Be really bad.

- NELL: Kens, Deeks.

- Yeah.

What's up?

Get to the bullpen.

We have a call coming in on Katya's phone.

Nell, you ready for a trace?

NELL: Almost.

Assuming she's calling from a cell phone, I'm gonna try to narrow down which cell tower it's going to.

And ready.

This is NCIS Special Agent Callen.

Who am I speaking with?

DISTORTED VOICE: I think you know who this is.

Do I?

Then why the electronics?

I know what Katya's voice sounds like.

I have no voice.

My country took it after Anna betrayed me.

Punishment for my failure.


Where's Joelle?

I want to talk to Anna.

She's not here right now.

You sent this phone to me, so talk to me.

We have nothing to discuss.

I want to talk to Anna.

And I want to talk to Joelle.

I need to know that she's still alive.

She is still alive, but not for long.

Damn it, I think she's using a voice-over IP.

DISTORTED VOICE: If you want her back, Anna must go to the front of the pavilion at Valley Recreation Park.

She must come alone.

If I see anyone else, even a helicopter, in the vicinity, Officer Taylor will be k*lled on the spot.

She's gonna be a sitting duck in that park.

Yeah, Katya could take her out with a r*fle from multiple vantage points.

Like I told you before, Anna is not here.

And I don't know where she is.

So this is my counteroffer.

You take me instead.

You turn me over to the Russians, I guarantee you they will...

rethink the hit they put on you.

If I cared about the hit, I would have turned Officer Taylor over to them already.

I want Anna and only Anna.

She needs to be there in exactly one hour, or Officer Taylor bleeds to death.

This is Special Agent Hanna.

We need proof of life, or this conversation is over.

Put Joelle on.

JOELLE: Whoever this is,

- don't believe her.

- Jo, it's Callen.

She's gonna k*ll me, Callen.

Don't give her anything...



DISTORTED VOICE: Anna now has 59 minutes.

Make sure she takes the phone.



Guys, I'm sorry.

She's calling over the Internet.

She's using a non-fixed IP with no address.

All right.

Kensi, Deeks, grab your gear.

Have Fatima and Rountree meet me at the park.

This is going down at...


- Got it.

- On it.

I'll call up Carlson, work up a plan.

We're gonna need Anna's help.


Whatever you need me to do, I'll do it.

I'm in position on the south side of the park.

We got the west side covered, guys.

FATIMA: We got the north.

Camera is up and running.

Not that we can see much.

SAM: We don't want to risk her spotting us.

Just keep your distance until I give the signal to move in.

Copy that.

Seven minutes, G.

Anna ready?

Just about.


Can we talk for a sec?

Just us?

Now is not the time to break comms.

Listen, I'm sorry.

I wanted to tell you...


Not now, Anna.

But I was afraid of what you might think.

Listen there's still so much you don't know about me.

Nell, any updates from Carlson?

Yes, she's established a secondary perimeter around the park with help from LAPD and sheriffs.

An ambulance is on standby.

And LAPD has a chopper hovering just a few miles to the west, waiting to move in on our signal.


It's time.

She just passed us on Califa.


she is in the park.


I'm in position.


And time's up.


I'm here.

Now what?

I'd feel a lot better if we could hear the other end of that call.

I see it.

I'm coming your way.

Okay, guys, it looks like she's heading around the pavilion.

Sam, can you see anything?

SAM: I see Anna.

She's stopping by a gray van.


Anna, run.

- That's a b*mb.

- Oh, my God.

DEEKS: Guys, we need to clear the area.

No, we can't do that.

She'll blow the vest.

No eyes on the driver.

Katya, I'm here.

Let her go.

Get out.

Not by the hair of my chinny chin ch...

- [g*nsh*t]


Guys, what are we doing?

- Are we moving in?

- SAM: Hold your position.

If she sees us, she could drive off and detonate the vest.

We don't even know if that thing's real.

We have to assume it is.

Katya has no problem k*lling people.

The next one will be in her head.

Get in.



I've lost Anna's signal.

Camera, phone, tracker, everything.

CALLEN: She's using a jammer again.


They're headed east on Califa!

We're gonna try and cut her off.


I'm going for Joelle.




We're in pursuit.

CALLEN: Yeah, so am I.

DEEKS: We don't see the van.

Damn it.

Nell, where are they?

They must have turned into the alley off Owens.

Guys, LAPD chopper's almost there.

SAM: Joelle!

Joelle, what are you doing?

I'm getting away from people!

- Come on, come on.

Come on.

- Get out of here!

Come on.

Okay, we got to stop this bleeding.

What's the point?

I don't have any blood left.

You just hang in there, all right?

Put that... hold that on there, hold that on there.


- All right.



- All right.

- Okay.

- Okay?


Callen, LAPD spotted the van...

It's turning into the mall parking lot.

I got 'em.

Federal agent!

Everybody out of the van with your hands up!

Hands on your head!

Move away from the van!

I said everyone inside the van come out!



Who are you?!

I'm David!

I'm David Thomas!

I'm just a delivery driver!

Was anybody else in that van?

No, they bailed.

The blonde and the one in the mask.

I didn't do anything!

She pulled a g*n on me and made me take her to the park!

They bailed out where?

Behind the mall, next to the theater.

Nell, divert that chopper.

- Other side of the mall.

- Hey, tell Carlson to close the perimeter, don't let any traffic through.

NELL: Copy that.

I'm also checking for mall cameras.

- Go.

I got him.

I got this.

- Yeah.

I'm gonna hand this to you.

Flip over.

Put that on.

Nice and easy.


NELL: Okay, Sam, b*mb Squad's on the way.

How's it going with Joelle?

I've stopped the bleeding, I need an EOD kit.

Fatima, there should be one in the roach coach.

Got it.

And I need a cellular jammer.

This thing's been wired for remote detonation.

All right, we're headed back your way.

What are you doing?

We got to go.

This thing's too slow.

I can get there faster on foot.



- I need you to stop moving.

I need you to shut up!

It's hard to believe that...

you were my daughter's teacher once.

Yeah, that makes two of us.

But Kam was the only one of those brats that I could tolerate.

How is she?

Oh, she's good.

She got accepted into Annapolis.

You must be proud.

Oh, I am.

But she's not going.

It's okay.

Turns out she may have another path in life.


What is that?

What is that?!

All right, it started a countdown... three minutes.

Must've been programmed to start at noon.

Sam, Sam, you're a good dad.

Your kids need you.

- Get out of here!

- It's not gonna happen.

Fine, then I will!

I need you to stop moving.

God, stop trying to be a hero.

It'll get you k*lled.

I'm not leaving, all right?

You want to save my life?

Let me save yours.

Oh, God, you're insufferable.

Rountree, I need you to run faster!

Hey, look out!

Look out!


Nell, I'm behind the theater.

You getting anything from the mall cams?


For some reason, I can't access them.

So I'm checking nearby traffic cameras for any suspicious vehicles.

Deeks, did the driver say anything else to you?

D-Did he see them transfer vehicles?


He didn't see anything.

He just got out of there as fast as he could.

NELL: Okay, Callen, the mall cameras are closed circuit.

You'll need to access them on-site.

Okay, I'll go.

You stay in case she gets a hit on the traffic cams.


- Sam!

- Stop, stop, stop, stop!


Toss it to me.

- Back up.

- The jammer's already active.

It won't affect our comms.

- How much time we got left?

- Two minutes.


If she wanted me dead, I'd be spread across this field already.

The b*mb's a dud.

It's a distraction.

And it's working.

You should be out there, trying to catch her, get-get Anna back.

SAM: All right, along with the cell phone, Katya installed a thermal sensor and a voltage meter.

If this thing's a dud, it's pretty damn convincing, huh?

ROUNTREE: Can't you just pull it over her head?

Oh, gee, why didn't we think of that?

We already tried that.

Can't get it over her shoulders.

The vest is too tight and the wiring is, too.

We'd risk tripping it.

All right, maybe, uh, try cutting it off her.






Damn it, she rigged the straps.

There's got to be a way to get you out of this thing.

- Can your arm fit in there?

- Sam, it won't fit.

- Try, try.


- Sam, it won't...

- Just try!

- It won't fit, Sam!

- Stop it!


- Just try!


Please... just go.

Damn you.

Hey, hey.

Let me go.

On my own terms.

Don't make me break your arm.

Oh, no, Sam, wait, no.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa!

- Ow!


- Whoa!


I just dislocated it.



Come on.

Come on.




I guess it was a dud.

NELL: Sam, is everyone okay?

Yeah, we're good.

Joelle needs an ambulance ASAP.

They're already en route.

And they'll have her blood type for immediate transfusion.


I'm sorry, I struck out with the theater cameras.

System went down minutes ago.

It had to be Katya.

She had everything planned to a T.

Did the chopper see anything?

Has anyone been stopped at the perimeter?


Callen, no.

I'm sorry.


I can't find them, and I feel like we're out of options.

Come on!


- Hey.

- Anything?


I thought this new Kaleidoscope was supposed to help us predict where people were gonna go.

It only works if the people are predictable.

Bottom line, Katya does not compute.


Well, can I get you anything?



Hawaiian vacation?

Which island?

Uh, I don't know.

I've never been.

Where are the active volcanoes?

Big Island.

Then let's not go there.


- Oh, you're coming with?

Oh, absolutely.

I just want to lay on the beach and forget that people like Katya exist in the world.

Sounds awesome.


Hey, Nell.

How you doing?


I'm fine.

I wish I could say the same for Joelle.

Any word from the hospital?

She's still in surgery.

She's lost a ton of blood, possible infections.

Callen's at the hospital now so he can be there when she wakes to question her.

What about Anna?

Well, just about the only good news we have is we confirmed no one was in the van when it blew.

And there's no hard evidence that Katya's working with anyone else.

Have we alerted the airports or, uh, border crossings?

Oh, yes.

State and federal law enforcement agencies have all been notified.

They're all on the lookout for Anna and Katya.

It's like they're fugitives all over again.


She obviously switched vehicles to something else that she could transport Anna in.




We have no idea what to look for.

I can't believe I let this happen.

Hetty should have never put me in charge.

Hold on a second, that's not fair.

Nell, that is not fair.

Just because you're in charge doesn't mean that you can control absolutely everything.

No one can.

Neither could Hetty.

I mean, look at all the crap that happened under her watch.

Yeah, well, at least she wanted this job.

I mean, I never asked for this.

In fact, I told her that I didn't want the job.

What did she do?

She didn't care.

She just manipulated me into taking it anyway, because that's what she always does.

That's who she is.

She's a freaking master at it.

And now here I am, sitting in her chair, and I'm going to get Anna k*lled.

And I don't know what to do.


You don't have to know what to do.

That is why you have a team.

You have me, you have Deeks, you have Sam, you have Callen.

- All of us will help...

- Kens, I love you, but I cannot do the pep talk right now, okay?

I have to get in contact with SECNAV, I need to have a phone call with Agent Carlson, and you... you need to go home, and you need to go to sleep.

Thank you.

Yes, ma'am.

No "ma'am." Never "ma'am."


SECNAV, please.

This is Acting Operations Manager Nell Jones.

Hey, I just dropped the driver off at the boatshed.

What did Nell say?

Any sign of Anna?

- No.


We don't have anything.

- All right, well, let's get back out there.

We got to find her.

Baby, we will.

It's just, uh, we don't have any leads right now.

Yeah, but that's not good enough.


This-this never should have happened.

We promised Arkady we would take care of her.

- I looked Arkady in the eye...

- Sweetie, we all promised him.

...and I promised.

We all did.

We're supposed to be better than this.


Well, he's no help.

Just another innocent driver that Katya almost got k*lled.

Duped like the rest of us.

What about Gonchgarov?

You get a chance to question him?

Not before Katya called.

I was thinking about heading back over there.

I think I'll join you.

Let me call Callen first.

Sounds good.

I'll be outside.



Hey, what'd the driver say?

SAM: Ah, he doesn't know anything.

What about Joelle?

She's still in surgery.

But honestly, if she had any information about Anna, she would have told you in the park.

She'd lost a lot of blood, G.

She might remember something when she's feeling better.


You tell Arkady yet?

No, um...

I was just about to call him.

All right, well, me and Carlson are about to take another shot at Gonchgarov.

I'll let you know if it yields anything.



All right.


Agent Callen?

How is she?

I'm afraid the damage to her leg was far worse than we initially thought.

The first g*nsh*t wound went untreated for so long, there was internal damage with the tissue and the muscle, and infection had set in.

We put her on a heavy dose of antibiotics to prevent sepsis, but I'm afraid the leg couldn't be salvaged below the knee.

She lost her leg?

I'm very sorry.

It may be a little while before you can see her, but if you leave your number at the nurse's stations, they can call you.

♪ ♪

