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01x06 - How Does It Feel to Be So Beautiful

Posted: 04/02/21 18:41
by bunniefuu

Previously on "Clarice"...

CLARICE: Angela Bird, Tess Laughty, Sandra Bishop, and Rebecca Clark-Sherman.

They were not random victims of a serial k*ller.

Those women were whistleblowers, and Rebecca was gonna tell their story.

RUTH: Catherine thinks you're the only one who can help her.

Please start returning her calls.

- Can you sleep?

- [Gasps]

Or do moths wake you up?

There's no one for you.

- Just me.

- [Gasps]

Separating was about stopping drinking, and I have.

The kids stay with me.

And no judge in America is gonna say any different.

Rebecca was looking for a Dr.

Marilyn Felker, who was the lead physician at the Lockyer Labs clinical trials the whistleblowers were in.

We wanted to talk to you about your sister.

We may be twins, but Marilyn and I haven't spoken in a few years now.



Get me whatever the FBI knows.

The reporter... Rebecca Clark-Sherman.

- [Paddles whining]

- Tell me everything she told you about me and the clinical trials.

- She didn't say anything.

- Sure, she did.

- [Electricity zaps]

- [Groans]



Call FBI.

FBI! There was a man.

I couldn't see his face.

CLARICE: I wasn't dreaming.


It happened.

I see you.

I hear you.

It happened.

There was a man there.

He hit me.

I just...

I couldn't...

I can't remember his face.

That's not unusual.

But if we're gonna find him...

Oh, believe me.

I'll find him.

You dug in and held on to a piece of him.

He can't hide.

He's there, under your nails.

His DNA.

♪♪ I hope we can find him.

I just wish I could remember.

It's not on you.

It's not on any of us.

It's on that bastard that put you here.






♪♪ [Ring echoes]

WOMAN: When you hear that sound, open your eyes and tell me where you are.

[Electricity buzzes]

[Bell dings]

Where are you?

CLARICE: Woodhaven.

♪♪ Are you alone?


There are people...


♪♪ My throat burns real bad.

I can bring you out.



I need to know.

[Exhales sharply]

My legs...

I'm gonna fall.

Then fall.

♪♪ [Truck horn blares]

- Where are you?

- I'm on the floor.

- You don't think hypnosis is a stretch?

- Can you describe it?

- Cognitive interview.



Starling says there was someone else there that night.

I can't get up.

KRENDLER: How could she remember?

She was pumped to the eyeballs with narcotics.

So, what do you do?

I crawl.

I keep moving.

♪♪ MARILYN: [Distorted voice]

You don't understand my humanity.

Marilyn's behind me.

- LI: I can bring you out.

- No.


I see a man.

I see a man in a suit.

He sees me.

MAN: Precious! What's happening?

He's walking toward me.

Describe him.

I see...

I see...

♪♪ How does it feel to be so beautiful?

♪♪ [Gasping]


Who did you see?

I couldn't get his face.

Can we try again?

I can...

I can do it again.

You can't rush it.


- [Door opens, closes]

Whose idea was it to try this?

His majesty.

Hey, Organized Crime swears by Dr.


I gotta go.

Tell Starling she's on leave.



She might hear that better coming from you.

You do it.

I'm late.

Oh, really?

Mandy's been meeting with every divorce lawyer in the District.

To lock you out?

She got mean pretty quick.

Anyway, this guy, his kid used to go to Jason's school.

He reached out.

And he's well recommended.

I hope that means he's a prick.

He has a reputation.

Do you have to...

I do.

You're doing the work, Paul.

She's always looking for shortcuts.

Your majesty, fill out the paperwork for all this hypnosis.

I don't need accounting breathing down my neck.

♪♪ [Telephone rings]

♪♪ [Door beeps, unlocks]

♪♪ [Door closes, telephone rings]

The DNA results came back from your fingernails.


CLARICE: Wait, what?

What, there wasn't enough material, or...?

CLARKE: I don't know.


Maybe you didn't grab a mystery man's hand.

Look, you were drugged.


Maybe there wasn't...

What is it that you don't want to believe here, Clarke?




Tripathi and I are heading over to Lockyer Labs.

Maybe we can find out more about the man who att*cked you.

He knew Marilyn Felker, and she ran the clinical trials.

Okay, great.

I'll ride along.



Admin Leave?

Boss says, and it's Bu standard when we experience trauma in the field.

- Hey, it's not like I was shot.

- Yeah, yeah.

Clarice, listen,


sh**t you if it'll make you sit your ass down for two weeks.

Hear, hear.

If we don't find something soon, this whole case will be on the shelf in two weeks.

Dr. Li said to call her if you want to talk through anything.


I said I'd escort you out the building.


Some guy hit me across the head with a phone.

I am pissed off, and I know that he has something to do with the women we pulled out of that river.

I am going to get him.

I hear you.

But you know who you need to talk to.

She specializes in trauma.

♪♪ Thank you.


Oh, you're carrying a big folder.

I heard a thing in the ladies...

Congressman Gant sent a letter demanding an audit of the DOJ.

- Can you snag me a copy?

- Yeah.

Clarice, what are you doing here?

Afternoon, ma'am.

I was wondering if you could spare a few minutes.


If I over-rule Krendler, and all existing protocols, by the way, I risk putting you out there when you're far from %.

You need to take a minute.

Ma'am, I know what I need, and it is not to take a minute.

- But it's not about you.

- No, it's not.

It's about justice for those whistleblowers, but they don't get to fight for it.

- I'm still here.

- Barely.

You're practically a martyr to the victims.

Respectfully, isn't that why you brought me in, ma'am?

You're pretty savvy for a country girl.

Not savvy enough to see that you should stop avoiding Catherine.

I know she's still calling you.

Why won't you talk to her?

I suspect it would do you both good to talk to someone who's...

been there.

I don't think I can help her.

You could certainly try.

If you're asking me to risk my reputation on your behalf, then you can damn well come to dinner.


: .

Catherine needs this, and I think you do, too.


♪ There's power in the blood ♪

♪ In the precious blood of the Lamb ♪

[Charcoal scratching on paper]

♪♪ [Scratching continues]

♪♪ I told you to knock.

I invited Clarice Starling for dinner.

[Scratching stops]


I thought you'd like that.

Make it for another night.

- Why?

- Can't tonight.

- I was going to...

- [Precious barks]

I wanted to finish this series of sketches, and then...

There's time for you to do your sketches later.

You have been asking for Clarice.

I know I've been asking, but I don't want to talk to her now.

I already talked to her.


She called you back?

Not really.

I left a message pretending I was you.

[Precious barks]

She thought she was calling you.

What?! Catherine, are you...


I didn't say that.

- You never get it.

- [Precious barks]

Dad would have gotten it.

Dad would have understood.

[Scraping resumes]

I wish he was here, too.

But he isn't, so what I was going to say is that Starling is a Federal Agent under my command.

Calling her pretending to be me, it's... it's...

it's just inappropriate.

Well, you wouldn't help me, and nobody would help me, and I feel like a total, crazy idiot, and I don't want to see her now! Catherine, I am not calling this off.

Go take a shower.

You come and join us at the table

- like a...

- Like a what?

Dinner is at : .

♪♪ ♪♪ You know, you don't have to go.

Martin doesn't have any idea how to reach Catherine.

- She thinks I do.

- Mm-hmm.

So, you're going over there with a PEZ Dispenser full of magical thinking, they'll have a happy reunion, and you'll go back in the field against all rational advice.

[Pops lips]

Well, yeah.


You know what people do after they've been kidnapped by a crazy lady dressed as a nurse?

Write to


I was going to say they stand down and have a human life.

With laughing and movies and bowling and stuff.

They don't re-traumatize themselves.

There's a reason you've been hiding...

I said what I said...

hiding from Catherine all this time.

After a year, it's gonna be a lot, seeing her.

I'm good.


Is that why you're wearing two different shoes?


Clarice, I know you want to be reinstated, but don't do this.

CLARICE: She's the Attorney General of the United States.

I can borrow these, right?

- [Chuckles]


- Bye.

I do not approve.

♪♪ This entire building, all these offices, they're trading in the life and death of human beings.

So do we.

You're so bleak.

Eh, I get it from my mom.

Gentlemen, I'm Andrea Bauer, general counsel.

We were supposed to meet with Brandon Culper, your C.E.O.

We're here regarding Marilyn Felker.

We're looking for an associate of hers and anyone at your company she may have been connected to.

Agents, we have every intention of cooperating with any investigation that you're putting forward, but it's our policy that investigators must comply with investigative norms, which include the procurement of subpoenas and warrants.


That's a lot of syllables.

The assistant U.S. Attorney there is expecting you and can help you with those subpoenas.

Thanks for your time.

That sit right with you?

Don't you think that the company that tests medicine should make helping people their first priority?

Be crazy to think that we'd find any sort of higher calling when it comes to Big Pharma.

That's pretty cynical, Shaan.

Look, every second of every day, some family shows up on their knees at the doors to a hospital.

You know what part of the hospital I still sort of believe in?

The maternity ward.

The babies.

That's beautiful.


You don't have kids.



No, my wife passed away.



I'm sorry.

You know, um, they're pumping her full of stuff, and, uh, her parents are...

You know, they're pumping her full of stuff, and she's crying, not because it hurts, not because her hair's falling out or she's turning green or her teeth are...

She's crying because she's scared if she lives, to have a baby.

She's afraid that her body's scorched-earth radioactive, and Big Pharma says, "No.

Just wait two years after chemo.

Wait five years after chemo, and you won't have a monster." She's crying, and they're telling her everything's gonna be fine.

"You don't have to give up your dream of having a family.

But your baby might have congenital problems.

Or your baby might die after six months." So she's apologizing to her parents.

She's apologizing to me...

for getting cancer.

♪♪ [Paper thuds]

[Pen scratching]

What's her name?



I bet she was a beautiful person.

[Keypad clicking]

[Inhales deeply]


♪♪ So, why am I here, Joe?

Here's the thing, Paul.

I'm a lawyer.

I'm even a scary lawyer, but I'm not a prick.

This town is small.

I'm from Hershey, Pennsylvania.

My dad worked the parks.


is Mandy's home turf.

She grew up here.

I know.

I have clients at Brookings.

I heard you two were having...

trouble, and I, uh...

And I reached out.

- Why?

- Because I remember...

vividly seeing Mandy pick your kids up from school.

It wasn't ideal.

Paul, I've been exactly where you are.


takes care of its own.

Mandy's wired in.

That's why she's been able to conflict you out of any other option for a lawyer.

But lucky for you, I'm available, and I would be happy to represent you for your divorce.

She's not her...

best self presently.


She's not.

Not a lot of people get that.


Mandy can't see herself as someone who loses her kids.

She just can't.

Blows up every idea she had of herself.

It's gonna be a real fight for you, Paul.

About % of cases end with the mother getting custody, whether or not she's the right parent.

In my case, my ex-wife most certainly was not.

I miss my kids.

I worry about them.

I don't like what Mandy's doing.

I didn't like it when it was done to me.

But I think we can win for you.

And I want to.

That's it.

That's why I asked you to dinner.

[Pager vibrates, beeps]

Actually, I've gotta go.


Is everything all right?

Uh, work.



Not at all.

I hope we can do this again.


♪♪ [Inhales sharply, groans]


♪♪ [Handset beeps, dial tone]

[Dialing, line rings]


You've reached inventory.

Hey, Al, it's Ardelia.

Hey, beautiful.

I'm calling to follow up on those fingernail scrapings you tested for me.

Oh, right, from Starling.

Real bummer it came up inconclusive for DNA.

- We all want to catch the guy.

- Yeah, we do.

Let me ask you off the record.

Where do the scrapings go?

- Um, why?

- Don't ask why.

The hazmat dumpster behind Buzzard's Point.

That's great.

Thank you.

♪♪ ♪♪ [Piano music plays in distance]

[Breathes deeply]

♪♪ [Footsteps]


Uh, hello.

I'm Clarice Starling.

- I'm here to see...

- Of course.

Please, come in.

♪♪ May I take your coat?

Uh, yes.

Thank you.

Um, I didn't get your name.

It's Bea.

Bea's been with us since Catherine was a baby.

Um, Bea, can I steal you in the kitchen for a moment?

Clarice, go on in and take a seat.

Catherine will be right in.

♪♪ Thank you.

Thank you for bringing her back to us.

♪♪ Oh, I'm glad you're here.

♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪

[Suspenseful music plays]



♪♪ [Paws clicking, Precious barking]

[Precious pants, grunts]


[Precious sniffs]

CATHERINE: She had a bath.

♪♪ I've been calling to apologize.

I shouldn't have acted like that when we talked.



It's okay.

I'm sorry.

There are bad days.

Yeah, of course.

But I'm not at the bottom of a well.





Does it hurt?


Your face.



It's nothing.

- I heard all about it.

- Oh.

Well, it's an open investigation.

[Precious urinating]

♪♪ [Precious barks]

♪♪ You're dressed for dinner.

- You look...

- I look what?

You look lovely.

I'm going to h...

Hell, I'm gonna have some bourbon.


Yes, thank you.

Just water.


what are we going to drink to?

How about Clarice feeling better after she...

That's very thoughtful of you, Catherine.

Are you feeling better, Clarice?

♪♪ Yes.

Yes, thank you, ma'am.


Here's to feeling better.

[Glasses clink]

[Inhales and exhales deeply]

[Telephone dialing, line rings]

AL: You've reached inventory.


I know it's late.

I've got a sample that I need you to run ASAP.

I was just about to head home.


I'll be right there.

Let me into the lab.

I'll run it myself.


But you can't tell anyone.

- Okay.

- Get here quick.

I'm coming now.

[Plate scraping]

[Soft piano music plays]

♪♪ Catherine.

How are you?

Good days and bad days.

It's hard to get out of the house.

Oh, of course.

I'm not stupid, but I feel stupid.

Of course you're not.

That's ridiculous.

[Precious barking]

I'm not lazy, but I feel lazy.

- Does that make sense?

- Catherine, you're not lazy.

Compared to you, we all are.


I can't say I disagree.

[Knife scrapes]

Bea made a lovely dinner.


Yes, she did.

Thank you.

Tom's family always had proper English nannies.

[Knife scraping]

I grew up wearing hand-me-downs.

- You did, ma'am?

- Yes.

So, it took some getting used to, but Bea's become part of the family now.

Catherine, Bea made a lovely dinner.


♪♪ [Scraping continues]

[Barking continues]

♪♪ Catherine, it's a part of moving through it.

What is?

The shame.

Excuse me?

What shame?


I can't eat this.

I need my regular plate.

- Catherine...

- Bea?

May I have my regular plate, please?

Of course.

♪♪ [Precious whining]

♪♪ [Ominous music plays]

♪♪ [Plastic scraping]





Can you please be an adult at this table?


I think I should go.

You're making quite an impression.

Ma'am, with all respect, this is Bill.

This is not her.

Please don't defend me.

This is her carrying Buffalo Bill.

This is you carrying Bill.

Ma'am, when I went in there, I was a trained agent with a w*apon following a known protocol that I did not deviate from.

I locked down the scene, and I called for backup right away.

I knew my job.

Catherine didn't have that advantage.

Something's arrived for you, Mrs. Martin.

From my office?

I, um...


Excuse me.

♪♪ [Precious barking]

♪♪ [Gearshift clicks, engine shuts off]



What's going on?

- ALISON: Daddy!

- Hey.

- [TV chatter]

- [Chuckles]

Ooh! Where's, uh, Mom?

She's sleeping.

Jason made me mac and cheese.

I want to show you something in my room.

Okay, baby, you go finish your dinner.



WOMAN ON TV: Without his mother's milk, the cub will be unable to...

I went in to ask about carpool tomorrow, and she won't wake up.

I can't wake her up, Dad.

Wait outside a sec.







- Mandy.

- [Groans]


♪♪ [Sighs]

♪♪ [Sniffs]

She's okay, bud.

♪♪ She's fine.

She take one of her... one of her pills?

You know what?

I think she did.

Those things can really knock her out.

She wouldn't move.

- I didn't want to freak out Alison.

- That was good.

That was smart.

You did good.

Mom's okay.

Never hesitate to page me.

You can call me whenever you need to.

Pack some things and get Alison.

You're gonna stay with me tonight.


♪♪ [Soft piano music plays]

♪♪ For you.

♪♪ It's getting cold, and you wear a scarf, and I thought, well, you might like a new one.

Did you make this?

It's alpaca fleece.

It's lighter than wool, but warmer.

The color suits you.

All these tiny stitches.

It must have taken you...

I used to love to sew.

Ironic, huh?

Now I knit.

Well, thank you.

It really isn't necessary.

Because you were just doing your job that day?

Your father has a kind face.

He passed away.

Mine, too.

♪♪ I found where his mother lives.

Whose mother?

Buffalo Bill's.

Jame Gumb's.

Her name is Lila.

She changed her last name...

- Catherine, why do you want to...

- ...but I found her.

I'm going to go see her.

Catherine, I don't understand.

Why do you want to meet Bill's mother?

Don't you?

[Footsteps approach]

♪♪ [Sighs]

Clarice, I...

I thought it might help for us to...

talk to each other.

I appreciate you coming, but I don't think it was...


The right choice.

- Ma'am, I believe...

- No.

Let me finish.

What is it?

What's so funny?

Vintage you.

What does that mean?

You're reminding her she's under your control and simultaneously reminding me that she's not here for me.

She's here because of you.

You're the Captain of the U.S. Emotional Gymnastics Team.


You get the gold in Manipulation.

Why must you do this?

You don't get to approve of how I am now.

You were saved.

If anything is mine in this house...

anything... it's my story.

And you took it and used it.

You think I didn't get that part?

And now you're trying to take hers.

I have a story, too, Catherine.

I'd like to hear it.

It's about a young girl who fell in love with the worst thing that ever happened to her.

She loves it so much, she makes everyone relive it day after day after day.

Nothing else matters.

No air can come in.

She makes everyone just smell it.

She makes the whole house smell of it.

She gave it her body.

She's in love.

And the only thing the people who love her ever wanted was for it to never, ever have happened.

♪♪ If it had never, ever happened, Mom, you'd still be the junior Senator from Tennessee.

♪♪ I'm very glad your father is not alive...

to see you like this.

♪♪ [Scoffs]

♪♪ [Door slams]

[Precious whines]

♪♪ [Sighs], but finding the way

Benita Sage?

You the FBI guys?

- You're late.

- Sorry.

Traffic coming back down I- .

Uh, as you know, Andrea Bauer, the General Counsel of Lockyer Labs, sent us.


We're investigating a doctor.

- Felker, right?

- Yeah.

We're looking for an associate of hers.

Bauer says that you can help us with some subpoenas and warrants.

Not going to happen.

You haven't even heard our case.

Lockyer works with the largest drug companies in the world who've got armies of lawyers.

I put together malfeasance cases on three Big Pharma companies.

All I got were scars and no convictions to show for it.

Look, um, we think that the company that Felker worked for silenced three whistleblowers.

And did a professional hit on a witness inside the FBI building.

I lost my assistant trying to get them.

You know why?

They subpoenaed her -year-old mother, who all of a sudden lost her health coverage.

Funny how that worked.

They can't just be k*lling people.

I'm saying no to the warrants for now.

♪♪ [Telephones ringing]

[Siren wails in distance]

I need to talk to someone.

Like a ViCAP someone.


Starling's DNA results came back with a positive.

I thought they were a dead end.

I used a dummy name from an old cold case.

Without Starling's name, the results were different.

Starling's guy is real.

Someone doesn't want us to know that.

So, this someone tampered with the results of the first test?

That's right.

We know someone changed the autopsy results.

Maybe it's the same someone.

Esquivel and Tripathi are on their way back.

- You planning on telling them?

- Have to.

We keep the circle of people who know about this tight and quiet, huh?




My mother's got no idea...

I'm not here about your mother.

I'm here about Bill's mother.

[Light switch clicks]

Why did you look for her?

- Catherine?

- You know what's weird?

- I thought you'd be pleased.

- Why?

Because she had a hand in making him and I have to know her and make her see... me.

I can't just know nothing.

This is my life.

Catherine, I almost never make promises, but I can promise you...

whatever it is you want from her, you are not gonna get it.

You don't know that.

Yes, I do.

My job is knowing.

You don't know anything.

I heard you crying.



In the basement.

You didn't call anyone.

- Not right away.

- What?

I heard a g*n.


And then I didn't hear anything.

I thought he k*lled you and I was gonna die there in the dark.


And then I heard you crying.

For a long time.

No, that's not...

Catherine, I shot him...

and then I reloaded, and then I called in right away.

You think that.

I had Precious with me.

She peed.

Three times.

You were crying, and you didn't stop until I started screaming again.

- No, that's not how it...

- The last thing he said was, "How does it feel to be so beautiful?"



You don't remember.

- [Chokes]

- [Gasps]

Everyone thinks they know better than me.

♪♪ [Door closes]

♪♪ [Door opens]

♪♪ Ma'am, I think we should go get her.

I'm afraid she's gonna do something...


If she could make it past the elevator, I'd be worried.

Ma'am, you brought me here, and you used my very...

complicated relationship to Catherine as a tool.

You used us for you.


[Door opens]

[Crying softly]

♪♪ [Door closes]

I used you for me and my daughter.

[Catherine wailing]

And it didn't work.

Shall we talk about your job?

Not like this.

[Wailing continues]

♪♪ [Catherine screaming]

[Door opens, closes]

[Screaming continues]

[Indistinct chatter in foreign language]

[Horn honks]

♪♪ The work I do for the FBI is a sideline.

Something that's an area of interest for me.

But this is where I started my mental health work.

I see.


what can I do for you?

I need to know if I'm remembering things as they happened.

First of all, no one does that.

Everything is tinged by experience.

And are you sure you want to remember?

You seemed reticent in our last session.

It's not a sin to have a few blank spots.

It is for me.

ESQUIVEL: Evidence tampering.


And your AUSA is telling us it's going to be uphill all the way.

Uphill and plague of locusts.

Where are you heading?

To ask Krendler if we should bring this to Sage.

She said we should call if anything else came up.

- Hold off a beat.

- What?

We're being thwarted at every turn by someone with access.

We need to be airtight before we start making some noise.

♪♪ Okay.

♪♪ [Breathes deeply]

♪♪ [Bell rings]

♪♪ ♪♪




I'm watching him die.

He's bleeding from the mouth.

He's saying, "How does it feel to be so beautiful?"



[Precious barking]



Hello?! Are you alive, you bitch?!

[Crying continues]

Hello?! Please, God, are you alive?

CLARICE: How could I have seen this?

LI: Why?

Because the darkness felt so much thicker than this.

Then let it go dark.

[Precious barks]

♪♪ How does it feel to be so beautiful?

[Breathing heavily]

She was right.

Catherine's right.


No one's coming.



No one's coming.


You fall.

[Bell dings]

You're on the floor.

♪♪ You're not sure if Marilyn is behind you.


Crawl for your life.

There's a man up ahead.

Don't look away.

I'm not.

I'm not looking away.

Do you see him?

[Exhales sharply]


Do you see him clearly?

I see...

I see his face.


Do you know him?

♪♪ No.

KRENDLER: I know it's gonna be a fight, but I'd like to inflict as little damage as possible.

It's no way for my kids to live, seeing their mother like that.

I want sole custody.

HUDLIN: [Crunching]

I'd like to retain you.

- I'm grateful, Paul.

- [Bag crinkles]

Thank you for the trust.


♪♪ ♪♪

♪♪ ♪♪