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03x13 - Cry m*rder

Posted: 04/10/21 16:41
by bunniefuu

♪ Just give me a steel guitar ♪ ♪ A glass of wine ♪ ♪ And let me drink to a love ♪ ♪ I thought was mine ♪ ♪ A love I thought was true to me ♪ ♪ But now I'm drinking to her memory ♪ ♪ A steel guitar and a glass of wine ♪ ♪ While my tears, they glisten and the candles shine... ♪



I knew it.

You okay?

This isn't funny.

I'm not laughing.

Inside you are.

I can assure you I'm not.

You know, you-you could have broken my finger.

Maybe you shouldn't be poking around down here.

Oh, so you intentionally tried to maim me.

I did no such thing.

Why else would you put a mousetrap on top of a wine bottle?

Gee, Magnum, perhaps because we have a mouse problem?

Since when?

Since I found a dropping.

And your first instinct is to k*ll this innocent creature?

It's a rodent, Magnum.

Labs experiment on them all the time.

All the more reason to give this one a break.

This conversation is over.


Get over it.

You know, FYI, mice have a really keen sense of hearing.

Communicate very well, they have wonderful memories.

Why do you think they're experimented on all the time?

Go on.

Because they're smart.

They're the smartest animal next to man.

No, they're not.

Name one animal that's smarter.

Chimps, dolphins, horses, pigs?

Those are the obvious ones.

Name something else.


We have a visitor.


Doesn't appear to be anyone there.

Must be a delivery.

I'll get it.

This place is like a slaughterhouse.

- Dungeon.

- What?

Medieval down here now.



Uh, think you should come out here.

Magnum, if it's a package for me, I'd appreciate it if you'd just bring it up to the main house?

I don't know who it's for.


Magnum, is that a...?



You got to admit, I mean, he is pretty cute.


Do you even know what you're doing?

I'm comforting him.

Just be careful.

- You want to take him?

- Absolutely not.


MAGNUM: Good job.


And now you upset him.


He has no idea what I just said.

No, babies are born with the ability to sense British and uptight.

Aren't you?

Yes, you are.

Y-You do realize you're not keeping it, right, Magnum?

We need to call Child Protective Services.

Don't listen to the mean lady.

Uncle Thomas has you.

Come here.

Oh, yeah.

Bloody hell.

What's it say?

"Please give Hiapo a good life."

KUMU: What's going on?

I thought I heard a...


One of those.

What's that baby doing here?

You didn't notice?

He's been living in the guesthouse for three years.

I meant the smaller one.

Somebody left him at the front gate.

Along with that note.


His name's Hiapo.

That means "firstborn."


Who would do a thing like this?

Well, given Magnum's many dalliances, perhaps it was one of his former paramours?

Are you suggesting this kid is my love child?

Well, it's not out of the realm of possibility.

- Right.

- Now here we are.


Oh, this is so sad.

What happens when you punch in a bit?


Well, so much for facial recognition.

Want to hold him for a second?

I thought you'd never ask.


- Oh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.

What are you doing?

I'm guessing he's looking for fingerprints.

I mean, there's got to be one on here, right?



Nothing like the smell of a newborn.

What, you mean excrement, spit-up and urine?

Eh, she does not like babies.

That isn't true.

I just prefer it when they're looked after by a parent or a legal guardian.

You gonna call Child Protective Services?

Eh, no, I think we should

- hold off on that.

- Why?

Because this isn't a fire station or a hospital.

You can't just drop a baby off anywhere you want to.

Whoever left him here could get into some serious trouble.

Perhaps they should.

Yeah, but we don't know the circumstances.

We should find out who the mother is, get the whole story, and then we can go to CPS.

I agree.

They wanted him to have a better home.

He's now in our care.

Very well.



Not a single print.

But this could be something.

'Ewa Beach Women's Services.

Here we are.

'Ewa Beach Women's Services.

Looks like it's a nonprofit.

If they're the ones that gave this woman the car seat, they might know who she is.

Now, whoa, whoa, hold on.

You realize we have a client meeting in less than an hour?

- Yeah, just cancel it.

- No.

It's with the insurance company we've been courting.

They have very deep pockets, which means I might be able to cover some expenses around here.

I'll go to 'Ewa Beach.

I'll see what I can find out.




Chop-chop, Magnum.

Okay, all right, buddy.

Right, well, what are you doing?

Putting him in the car seat.

Safety first.

Get that little arm in.


Ready for a ride?

I'm still unclear as to why he had to come with.

We can't leave him home alone.

Kumu's out there looking for his mother, right?

If she shows up with the baby in hand, they're gonna call HPD immediately.


How's he doing back there?

You think he's strapped in tight enough?

I do.

Can you check?



Snug as an astronaut.

Thank you.

You know, I'm a little nervous.

It's a kid.

Lot of responsibility.

True, but you can't be entirely foreign to this experience.

You didn't have dogs growing up?

Of course I did.

But, you know, that wasn't the first pet I had to take care of.

That was... was Roberto.

Who was Roberto?

Roberto was a, was my mouse.

Loved that little guy.


Roberto the mouse.

Yeah, he was a gift from my uncle for my eighth birthday.

He was what's known as a tan.

He's-he's got a chocolate back with this tan little belly.

Really cute.

So what became of Roberto the mouse?

You know, I don't really want to talk about it.

I'm not mocking you, Magnum.

Yeah, it's not that.

Did you k*ll it?

Why would you say that?


You were eight, and taking care of a pet is quite the responsibility, you know?

It was an accident, all right?

I-I took him out of his cage when I probably shouldn't have, I was playing with him in the front yard, somebody pulled in, he...

he got crushed.

That must have been heartbreaking.


Hey, buddy.

- Oh, my God.

What did you do?

- What did I do?

What did you do?

- You're making him cry.

- Well, can you make it stop?

- There's not an on-off switch.

- Well, that's not what I mean.

Well, you're gonna have to help him out.

I'm driving.


Pull over.


It's okay.

MAGNUM: It's okay, little buddy.



Hurry up.



Hey, buddy.

What's going on?

He's wet.

It's degrees out.

I'm sure he'll dry off in due course.

That whole towel's soaked.

That's not how it works.

H-He needs a diaper.

Oh, for heaven's sake.

What are you doing?

Bring him here.

Okay, here we go.

Now lay him down.


Now take your shirt off.


Just strip, all right?

You're all right, you're all right.

Shush, shush, shush, little man.

Very noisy.


What am I supposed to do with this?

I don't know.

You figure it out.

Just a second...

There we go.

Very good.

Aw, there we are.


Improvised field dressing.

Problem solved.

Ah, that's better.

So many questions right now.

Uh, we're gonna need a favor.

I'm guessing it has something to do with the baby that's wearing your shirt as its diaper.

Thought so.

What's going on?

His name's Hiapo.

- Who does he belong to?

- Believe it or not, someone dropped him at the front gate this morning.

Oh, wow.

Maybe he's yours.

Given your history of casual hookups.

Uh, can you just watch him while we talk to our client?


I think I can handle watching a little baby.

I'm also gonna need a shirt.

Yes, that would be prudent.


Look at this little guy.


Okay, let's go.

Don't worry, little fella.

Soon as you turn three, I'm sure he's gonna ask you for favors, too.

Hello there.

I'm Juliet Higgins.

This is my partner Thomas Magnum.

Olivia Tremell.

I work for the Kloten Insurance Group.


Zurich-based, $ .

billion in direct premiums.

Two-percent market share.

You guys do a lot of high-risk underwriting on the island, right?

Yeah, we like to do our research on our potential clients.

That's good business.

So, how can we help you?

What do you know about white truffles?

They're delicious.

They're the most expensive food in the world.

OLIVIA: Both right.

Two days ago, one of our clients, a local restaurant called Angelino's, was robbed.

The Italian place on Kapiolani.


Sometime after closing, pounds of Italian white winter truffles from Alba disappeared from the restaurant.

At their current market price, that's approximately $ , .

For mushrooms?


Excuse my rather unrefined associate.

It's okay.

I had the same reaction when the policy crossed my desk.

As you can imagine, my bosses are not too keen on having to cover such a sizable loss.

Which is where we come in.

MAGNUM: You want us to find the mushrooms.

If you can, we'll give you a generous finder's fee.

Ten percent of the total value.


We've never made that kind of money before.

And you wanted to cancel.

Need I remind you, I was the one who came up with the idea of courting insurance companies for their business.

If you saying, "Uh, we need to, uh, hit up some fat cats to make a quick buck," is your definition of an idea, then-then, yes, it belongs entirely to you.

grand, man, that is some serious stacks.

Hear that, Hiapo?

We're gonna be rich, buddy.

Well, whilst I would love to share in your enthusiasm, there is one small problem.

What's that?

Well, white truffles go bad in a few days.

If we don't find them soon, there will be no "serious stacks" to talk of.

♪ ♪ Hi.

Oh, what the hell is this?


We just got him down.

Don't tell me you stole this baby from a homeless person.

Gordie, can you please use

- your inside voice?

- Seriously?

(WHISPERS): We're trying to find the baby's mother.

It's a long story.

Child Protective Services is on the second floor.

Well, no, that's actually not why we're here.

No, we need to see a police report.

You know this isn't a library where you can just check stuff out, right?

No, no.

We're working the Angelino's burglary case.

You mean HPD's working the case.

We've actually been retained by the insurance company.



You happy?

You woke him up.


- He's hungry.

- How do you know?

Because I'm a father.

MAGNUM: There you go.

Look, I'll get you the file.


Just get that baby some food, then over to CPS, all right?

All right?

Don't mind Uncle Gordie.

He's just a little grumpy.

MAGNUM: Wow, he really pounded that thing.


- Oh.


Didn't you just go?

That was an hour ago.

Is that normal?

Why are you asking me?

Here you are.

You know, whatever's the opposite of maternal instincts, you were born with a ton of it.

For your information, I am an expert on children ages six to ten.

I find that really hard to believe.

At , Mr. and Mrs. Belshire employed me as a summer nanny, thank you very much.

You were a babysitter?

Oh, my God, those poor kids must have hated you.

Quite the opposite.

They relished the discipline they did not get from their parents.

I doubt it.

Excuse me?

Just saying, you're like...

Mary Poppins without the fun.

Will you stop dillydallying?

That child is turning ripe.

Well, if I'm gonna be working, you should be working, too.

Not sitting there enjoying me be tortured.

Anything in the report that we can use?

I'm still reading.

Did Angelino's have any security cameras?

They did have security cameras, but they weren't working prior to the burglary.

- Convenient for the thieves.

- Not really.

The restaurant had yet to get back on its feet post-COVID, so repairing the cameras was a deferred cost.


Oh, man.

Please do something with it.

You know, why does it have to be me?

I-I could read just as well as you can.


Besides, you're clearly very good at it.

Changing diapers?

At being a father.

Oh, okay.

This might be something.

Please, anything to distract me from what's going on down here.

The truffles were only delivered a few hours before the burglary, so our thief had to have prior knowledge.

- Why is that?

- Because Italian white winter truffles weren't on the menu since Christmas.

So this could've been an inside job.


WOMAN: 'Ewa Beach Women's Services.

KUMU: I'm looking for this young woman.

I know you can't really see her face.

You know her, don't you?

I might.

Can you tell me her name?

Where I can find her?

What's this regarding?

Uh, it's a private matter.

I'm sorry, but we need to safeguard the privacy of the women who seek assistance here.

I understand.

But this is important.

I swear I mean no harm.


Unless you want to share what this is about, I can't help you.

Mahalo for your time.

Hey, Luana, this is Keala from 'Ewa Beach Women's Services facility.

A woman came by here looking for you, but she didn't say why.

Call me back when you can.

Okay, thanks.


Uh, I'm sorry to bother you again.

I-I have to make a phone call and my phone just died.

Can I borrow yours?


Dial first.





Hey, Rick?

It's Kumu.

This might be a long shot, but I think I have a lead on, uh, Hiapo's mother.

You think you could have one of your friends at HPD run a number for me?

As I told the police, when I came here in the morning, I found the front door open.

I came directly to the kitchen, and they were gone.


The entire delivery.


Would your baby like some cheese?

Uh, no, thank you.

He-he just ate.

So, according to the police report, a padlock was cut off this refrigerator.

Yes, ma'am.

Which means the thief brought bolt cutters, knowing what to expect.

- What are you saying?

- HIGGINS: Well, besides your employees, who else knew about the truffle delivery?

Only Mrs. Memminger, the food distributor that I buy the truffles from.

How well do you know your employees?

Noi siamo una famiglia.

Each one of them is like family.

Wait, wait, wait, are you implying that one of them did this?

That's not possible.

Your employees had been out of work for a while.

Uh, people tend to act out of character when they get desperate.

Mr. Ferragamo, on the day you discovered the truffles stolen, did any of your employees fail to turn up for work?

One of my waiters.

Jimmy Bowman, .

Graduate, Kukui High.

No record, but his father did time, and his two cousins, frequent fliers.


If you're thinking about them as suspects, I suggest you tread carefully.

They're dangerous guys.

Copy that.

Now, if you could just text me Bowman's address in Pearl City, it'd be much appreciated.


Sorry about that, little buddy.

No fun today.

Mommy and Daddy are gonna get you to a safe place so we can solve this crime and get that cash.

Could you please not say that?

Say what?

"Mommy and Daddy." Okay, do you prefer "Daddy and the overly strict nanny"?

HIGGINS: I prefer none of the above.

MAGNUM: Can we please not fight in front of the kid?

I don't know about this.

What if I drop him?

You're not gonna drop him.

Perhaps one of us should stay.

No, he'll be fine.

I'm also gonna need the keys to your Porsche.

Excuse me?

I'm not taking this car seat out again.

And you have to have it just in case.

Just in c...

Just in case?

Just in case of what?

Just in case of what?

I don't know, place catches fire, you got to run.

If that happens, I want to make sure Hiapo's in the car seat.

Now give me your car keys, okay?

You guys are gonna get along just fine.





So, what's up?


Nice car, mister.


- Can we sit in it?

- How old are you?


I'll tell you what, c you guys keep an eye on the car, there's bucks in it for you.


Cute kids.

Anything happens to Rick's Porsche or those kids,

- it's on you.

- They'll behave.

How do you know that?

Did you hear what the older one said when he walked up?

"Nice car"?

"Mister." Means there's somebody at home teaching him manners, right?

They're not gonna mess with the car, trust me.

Two hours with a baby and suddenly he's an expert on child-rearing.

You said it yourself, I would make a good father.

Or were you messing with me?

Got the job done, didn't it?


Unlike you, I have excellent parental instincts.

I think Roberto the mouse would disagree.

- What'd you say?

- Nothing.


What are they doing?

And on this week's episode of Father Knows Worst, two youngsters destroy a pricey German sports car.

Eh, come on, kids, knock it off!


Jimmy Bowman?


♪ Stop the rock, can't stop the rock ♪ ♪ You can't stop the rock ♪ ♪ Stop the rock ♪


♪ Stop the rock ♪


♪ Stop the rock, can't stop the rock ♪ ♪ You can't stop the rock ♪ ♪ Can't stop the rock ♪ ♪ You can't stop the rock, can't stop the rock ♪ ♪ You can't stop the rock, can't stop the rock ♪ ♪ You can't stop the rock, can't stop the rock ♪ ♪ You can't stop ♪



♪ Ba, ba, ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba ♪ ♪ Ba, ba, ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba, ba, ba... ♪

Hey, watch it!

Get out of here.


♪ Shape the rock like Henry Moore ♪ ♪ Aphrodite at the water hole ♪

Hey, watch it!

♪ Shape the rock... ♪ Yo, it's me...

I got trouble!

Coming your way!

♪ The water hole, come on ♪ ♪ Ba, ba, ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba ♪ ♪ You can't stop ♪ ♪ Ba, ba, ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba ♪ ♪ You can't stop ♪ ♪ Ba, ba, ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba ♪ ♪ You can't stop ♪ ♪ Ba, ba, ba-ba-ba... ♪ ♪ Can't stop the rock, you can't stop the rock ♪ ♪ Can't stop the rock ♪ ♪ You can't stop the rock, can't stop ♪ The rock, you can't stop the rock ♪ ♪ Can't stop the rock, you can't stop the rock ♪ ♪ Can't stop the rock, you can't stop. ♪ You're trespassing.


We don't want... we don't want any trouble.

Some neighborhood watch group you've got here.

We're Jimmy's cousins.

Why you chasing him?



We're looking into a burglary that happened at the restaurant that Jimmy worked at.

He don't know nothing about it.

You don't work for Big Tuna?

No, we absolutely do not.

- Who's Big Tuna?

- Don't say anything.

Big Tuna said he'd cut me in on the score if I told him when Angelino's got a truffle order.

- What'd I just say?

- Well, Big T screwed me.

- Why should I protect him?

- 'Cause I said so.

Just let him talk, please.

I'd be shutting up, too, if I was you.

Please, gentlemen.

We are what you'd like to call, uh, good Samaritans with a very...

poor long-term memory.

And, uh...


helping us could be very, well, lucrative.

And I can guarantee discretion.

Discretion means we'll keep our mouths shut.

I know what it means, jackass.

Look, you were saying, uh, your associate Big Tuna said he would cut you in on the proceeds of these stolen truffles, yes?

Yeah, but then he reneged.

Said he'd send over some leg breakers if I kept asking for my cut.

You thought we were the leg breakers?

I guess your family wasn't gonna step in?

Kid's got to learn by his mistakes.

His father would've wanted that.

Sound advice.

Now, gentlemen, we'd very much like to leave, if you don't mind.

If you could point us in the direction of this Big Tuna chap, we'd be very much appreciative.

As long as you keep Jimmy's name out of it.



You have our word.

I'll take your driver's license instead.


'Cause I'm gonna write down your addresses.

And if the cops come for my cousin here, you two are gonna be dead.

What happened to letting Jimmy learn from his mistakes?

That wouldn't be Jimmy's mistake.

It would be yours.

I'm here.

This better be a real emergency.

The last time you texted me "Get down here, Defcon ," you needed somebody to film you doing the handstand challenge.

Well, this is a legit emergency, my man.

Why, what's going on?

The liquor commission is on its way down.

Yeah, so?

So I'm thinking a baby behind the bar is a little bit of a code violation.

Oh, whose baby is that?

Nobody knows.

Some lady dropped him off at Robin's Nest, hit the doorbell and ran.

What are the chances it's Magnum's?

I'd say three to one.

Anyway, Higgins and Thomas are off on a case and Kumu is busy, so I've been babysitting this guy, but now I need you to tag in.

Yeah, all right.

All right, all right, buddy, come on.

Hiapo, meet TC.

TC, meet Hiapo.

Yeah, give me a fist bump, give me a fist bump.

Give me a fist bump... boom!




You take that baby to CPS yet?

Gordie, what happened to picking up the phone and saying aloha?

So you didn't?

That's not why we called.

All right, I'm hanging up now.

- No, no, no, wait, wait.

- Wait, wait.

No more favors until you get that baby into the system.

Gordon, we have a very good lead as to who the baby's mother is.

We feel like it is in the baby's best interest to find her before we add any more trauma to her life.

She abandoned her child.

You can't force her to take him back.

No, but we can hear her side of the story.

And figure out if foster care is what she thinks is truly best for her son.

Ah, come on, you're a father, Gordie.

You should, you should understand this.

All right.

What'd you call me for?

You ever hear of a guy named Big Tuna?

Why do you ask?

He's a person of interest in our case.

We stopped by his house earlier today, no one was there.

You have any idea where we might find him?


I know exactly where you can find him.

That's a lot of holes.

Six .

-caliber GSWs to be exact.

Five to the chest region.

And one to the forehead penetrating the frontal and parietal lobes.

Coup de grâce.

Somebody didn't want Big Tuna getting up.

HIGGINS: Thank you, Noelani.

You know, for a guy named Big Tuna, he wasn't very large.

He did have a peculiar diet, I can tell you that much.

How so?

I found something odd in the contents of his stomach.

A fungus known as Choiromyces maeandriformis.

Maybe he sampled some of what he stole.

$ , a pound, I'd probably do the same thing.

What are you talking about?

We believe the deceased might have stolen a very expensive delivery of white winter truffles.

Oh, well, this wasn't that.

In fact, from a culinary point of view this fungus is known as a fake truffle.

One burglary, one m*rder.

All for nothing.

Well, perhaps the k*ller didn't know that the truffles were worthless.

What about Ms. Memminger?

The woman who sold them to Angelo?

Yeah, maybe she had reason to believe somebody would find out they were fake.


TC, how's the baby?

Yo, this boy is having a full-on meltdown... what should I do?

Well, he probably needs to be fed, burped or changed.

Yeah, no kidding.

I already did all that.

And he's still screaming like a banshee.

Look, man, I got clients coming that want to talk about a wedding package.

I need help here.


Uh, TC, put us on video.

And turn the camera on him, all right?

Okay, hold on.

All right.

Okay, okay, okay, okay.

All right, all right, all right, all right.

Hello, pumpkin.


Someone's having a bit of a moment, aren't they?


It's okay.

Poor thing.


♪ The Grand Old Duke of York ♪ ♪ He had , men ♪ ♪ He walked them up to the top of the hill ♪ ♪ And he walked them down again ♪ ♪ And when they were up ♪ ♪ They were up, and when they were down ♪ ♪ They were down, and when they were only ♪ ♪ Halfway up, they were neither up nor down. ♪ Oh, come on.

My voice isn't that bad.


Come on.

Okay, uh, uh...

Where's the baby?

There he is!

Oh, where's the baby?

There he is.


Where's the baby?

There he is!

There he is, okay.

You did it, Higgy baby.


Okay, well, I'd, uh, I'd just try and put him down now, yeah?

Roger that.






My name is Teuila.

Can we talk for a few minutes?


I came over from Maui about a year ago to work.

Wanted to save up for school.

Anyway, I started seeing this guy.

It was s-sort of casual.

When I told him, he said there was no way it was his.

Said I was trying to trap him or something.

Why did you leave your baby at Robin's Nest?

I live a few miles from there.

I'd always see the gates.

Thought the people who lived there must have money and could give Hiapo a better life than I ever could.

I saw them a couple times.

Coming or going in that red Ferrari.

Thomas and Juliet.

They looked like a nice couple.

Like two people who really cared about each other.



They're not a couple.

Although I do think they care deeply for each other, when they're not bickering.

If they're not together, what are they, then?

Business partners.

Well, he also works for her.

Uh, it's complicated.

Well, I thought they were a couple.

And I was desperate.

If I gave Hiapo to foster care, they would just move him around.

I didn't...

I didn't know what else to do.

I thought this was the best thing for him.

You gonna call the cops on me?


I don't think anyone needs to know about this.

But my friends can't keep him.

I can't raise him on my own.

I can barely take care of myself.

What about your parents?

They can't help?

I'm too afraid to tell them.

We don't exactly have the best relationship.


You think they'll be disappointed.

I know they will be.


Do you want to keep your baby, be his mother?

(VOICE BREAKS): Of course I do.

Then you have to grow up.


You can't just embrace adulthood in some ways and not in others.

Oh, I know it's going to be painful, but you have to at least try.

For Hiapo.


Can I help you?

Helen Memminger?

Detective Magnum, HPD.

This is my partner Detective Higgins.

Can I see your badge?

You can see the inside of my squad car.


I don't think so.


All right, we're not cops.

We're private investigators.

Oh, in that case, you can leave.

Let me ask you a question...

What is that, a . ?

- We're done talking.

- HIGGINS: Listen, you recently sold nearly half a million dollars' worth of white winter truffles to Angelo Ferragamo.

We suspect you knew those truffles were fake.

Those truffles were then stolen by a man who is now dead.

Meanwhile, the truffles are missing, which leads us to believe he was k*lled for them.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Did you k*ll him to keep it a secret?

Do I look that dumb to you?

Then tell us who else on this island would be interested in those truffles.

You want me to help you find a k*ller?

You help us, we won't turn you in for ripping people off.

That's a ballsy statement seeing as I'm the one holding the g*n.

Not anymore.

- I was gonna do that.

- Well, I got tired of waiting.

Now, tell us who else you sell your fake truffles to.

After COVID, no one's got the cash to buy truffles.

- Angelo's my only customer.

- Angelo couldn't even afford to fix the security cameras.

How did he pay for truffles?

Mrs. Memminger, did Mr. Ferragamo know the truffles he was buying were fake?


So Angelo knew that if anyone else found out the truffles were fake, he wouldn't get the insurance money.

So he k*lled Big Tuna to keep it a secret.

And now I'm gonna have to k*ll you.

So, those are the truffles?

Shut up and walk.

Guess you found them at Big Tuna's place, and now you're bringing them here to hide.

You do realize that if you k*ll us, the insurance company are going to have even more questions.

Questions they'll never get answers to.

- (g*nsh*t)


HIGGINS: Uh, Magnum.


Drop the truffles.


You know how ridiculous that sounds?

Evidence is evidence.




Angelo told us everything.

Why would he do that?

Well, we may have taken our time calling the ambulance.

Maybe you should just tell me the details of the crime.

When Big Tuna stole the truffles from Angelo and realized they were fake, he blackmailed Angelo.

For what?

Half the insurance claim, or he'd reveal the scam.

So Angelo k*lled him.

So these are worthless?


Which means the insurance company's no longer obliged to give us ten percent of the claim.

We'll be lucky to get our day rate plus expenses.

Maybe we could hide some diapers in the bill.

Well, you did the public a service by getting a k*ller off the street.

That should be payment enough.

Yeah, but the cash would have been a nice bonus.

You're welcome.

So, how was babysitting?

You take that little fella down to the beach, pick up some babes?

Hmm, that's something you would do.

I do not need a baby to help me meet women.

- My game is just fine.

- Okay.

There he is.

Hey, little guy.

Missed you.

No apparent wear and tear.

Well done.


You know what?

I got some Okinawan sweet potatoes in the back...

I'll puree 'em, send 'em out.

Thanks, brother.

I got to tap out.

See you later, little guy.

Thanks, TC.

TC: All right.


What a cutie.


- Oh, no, he's not...

- Ah, thank you.

He is quite adorable, I know.


Okay, say goodbye.



Say goodbye.


You've really enjoyed spending this time with Hiapo, haven't you?

It's been fun.

Ever thought about having one of these?

No, not really.

Well, I mean...

yeah, Richard and I would talk about it, but...

we wanted to be married for a few years first.

I know Ethan wants a couple.

How about you?

Yeah, I thought about it quite a bit when I was, uh...

being held c*ptive.

Coming home, having a couple mini-me's.

I think it helped to have something to look forward to, you know?

- Mm.

- Something to keep me going.

Well, for what it's worth, I think you'd be really good at it.


I don't think you'd be so bad yourself.

Appreciate that, but...

well, I don't know that I'm built for it.

Not everyone should be a parent, you know.

Come on, you would love it.

Yes, she would.


It's just...

the world is a very strange place right now.

I just think we need to fix it before we bring any more life into it, you know?


Can't leave it for the next generation to clear up.

Fair enough.

♪ ♪ MAGNUM: Luana just pulled through the gate.

HIGGINS: I'll be up in a minute.

You got him.

Catch and release this time.

So, where's he gonna go?

Well, this one...

isn't going anywhere.

Roberto the second, meet your new owner...

Thomas Magnum.


I believe he's a tan.

Well, he's certainly cute.


- Hello.



Thank you.

Just, uh, one more thing.

He stays in the guesthouse.

You sure?

I mean, we could share him, raise him together.

I'll give him to you on the weekends, you know.

No, no, no.

I think we've done quite enough co-parenting, thank you.


Okay, we better go up.

This one's mother is waiting for him.


- He kind of looks like you.

Yeah, we both like wine.

Wow, somebody was hungry.

MAGNUM: I found it.

Hiapo's gonna love this.


Look at that, buddy... a rubber chicken!



Come on, who doesn't love a rubber chicken?

It's okay.

Shh, shh, shh.

- Shh, shh, shh, shh.

- Here.

Let me try.


Ooh, shush, shush, shush.

♪ Round and round the garden, like a teddy bear ♪ ♪ One step, two step ♪ ♪ Tickle you under there! ♪


- Yeah.



You'd be a great mom, Ms. Higgins.

Slow down.

I already have my hands full looking after one baby.

Come on, don't talk about Kumu like that.

I'm pretty sure she was talking about you, buddy.



I figured that out.

All right, uh, Kumu just texted: Your parents are here.

She's bringing them over now.




- Here you go.

- Right.

There she is.

♪ We're gonna catch our dreams ♪

It's gonna be okay, kid.

TC's right.

You guys have friends here.

Regardless of what happens...

we'd like to stay in your life, if that's possible.

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪ ♪ We're going on a journey ♪ ♪ You and me ♪ Yeah.

Yeah, we would love that.

♪ We're going on a journey ♪ ♪ You and me ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪ ♪ We're going on a journey ♪ ♪ You and me. ♪