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14x16 - The Face of Evil - part 4

Posted: 03/22/04 12:48
by bunniefuu


Part Four

Original Air Date: 22 January 1977
Running time: 24:46

LEELA: What's happening? Tesh, what is it? You answer while you still have a head to answer with.

TESH: The fail-safe.

LEELA: What does that mean?

TESH: The end of the world.

LEELA: Why? Why?

TESH: It means death and destruction. It happened before the time of Land.

LEELA: Hiding there isn't going to help, then.

XOANON 4: Who am I?

XOANON: Who am I?

XOANON 4: Who am I?

XOANON: Who am I?

XOANON 4: Who am I?

XOANON: Who am I?

XOANON 4: Who am I?

XOANON: Who am I?

LEELA: Doctor, are you all right?

DOCTOR: Leela, are you all right?

LEELA: Was that Xoanon, that thing that looked like you?

DOCTOR: Yes, part of him. It's just a question, really. Everything beyond that door is Xoanon. You were inside him. The most powerful computer ever built.

LEELA: Why was he trying to hurt you?

DOCTOR: He's insane.

LEELA: What will he do now?

DOCTOR: His first impulse will be to k*ll me. It'll be more important to him than anything else.

LEELA: Does he hate you that much?

DOCTOR: Yes, because I contradict what he thinks is real. I'm a threat to his world. Red lighting, and the smell. A sort of smell of a smell.

DOCTOR: Don't touch that!

DOCTOR: Xoanon must have shorted the electrical power circuits in the wall.

LEELA: The lights changed while you were in there.

DOCTOR: Yes, a precaution in case I got out. As traps go, a bit haphazard. Why not electrify the floor? I would have expected something more positive.

DOCTOR: This isn't necessary. I've got a wonderful idea.

DOCTOR: Why didn't you listen?

LEELA: He acted as though he was possessed.

DOCTOR: Yes. Xoanon's just warming up. Come on. When he gets desperate enough he'll destroy everything to get at us.

TOMAS: At last we're here.

CALEB: And I always believed it was legend.

NEEVA: The gates of Paradise shall be opened to the people of Xoanon and his dwelling place revealed.

TOMAS: We've outgrown the old superstitions, Neeva.

NEEVA: But it is there, isn't it, Tomas. We start getting proof and we stop believing.

TOMAS: With proof, we don't have to believe.

CALEB: Get everybody ready, Tomas. This is one attack that isn't going to fail. (to Neeva) I wish Andor were here now to see us beat the Tesh.

NEEVA: The Tesh, and Xoanon. He is our enemy.

CALEB: He betrayed us all.

NEEVA: He betrayed me, and I'm going to k*ll him.

DOCTOR: Ah, these could be useful. You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common.

DOCTOR: They don't alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit their views, which can be uncomfortable

DOCTOR: If you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering.

DOCTOR: Leela, that g*n is getting heavy. It's getting heavy. Heavy.

DOCTOR: Now then, when I count three, you'll wake up. One, two, three. Shall we go?

LEELA: Er, yes.

DOCTOR: Something the matter?

LEELA: I moved away from the door. I don't remember doing that.

DOCTOR: Oh, you're just probably tired, that's all. Can you still remember the way to the main control room?

LEELA: Oh, yes.

DOCTOR: Come on then. You lead on.

GENTEK: Captain, the savages! The savages have att*cked the main lock! They outnumber us! What must we do? They will soon gain entry to the tower. Captain Jabel, what must we do? There is no time. The savages are attacking!

JABEL: Is that your reason for behaving like a degenerate animal?

GENTEK: Forgive me, I

JABEL: You are an acolyte of the People of Tesh, the chosen of Xoanon. Would he take into communion with him an unreasoning brute, a mindless beast?

GENTEK: I accept my fault and seek forgiveness. My mind and flesh which should be two are one, and the way was hid by blood.

JABEL: The flesh is strong and we are weak. Now, Gentek, make your report.

GENTEK: (calmly) The savages have att*cked the main lock. They outnumber us. What must we do?

JABEL: Fall back gradually. I will have the heavy duty disrupters set up on level twelve. We will trap the savages there and eradicate them once and for all.

DOCTOR: Ha! You'll have to be quicker than that, you overblown adding machine.

LEELA: He knows where we are.

DOCTOR: Sensory links everywhere? That's impossible.

DOCTOR (on screen): He'd be able to measure every change in temperature, vibration, pressure.

LEELA (on screen): You did say he was the most powerful computer ever built.

DOCTOR (on screen): Yes, and very charming he is too when he wants to be. Marvellous host. I remember once at one of his dinner parties

LEELA: Doctor, he just tried to k*ll you! We've got very little time, he knows exactly where we are

DOCTOR: So? We know exactly where he is. Fair does. You wouldn't want an unfair advantage, would you?


DOCTOR: (quietly) I thought you'd say that.

TOMAS: They're retreating, going further up the tower.

CALEB: Then they're beaten.

TOMAS: No. No, it was too easy.

NEEVA: It's not finished yet.

CALEB: If we let them get away now they'll regroup. We attack!

TOMAS: Caleb, this has got to be a trap.

CALEB: I am the leader, Tomas, and I say attack.

TOMAS: Caleb! Will you listen

CALEB: I've listened enough! We attack. Come! Attack! Attack!

TOMAS: That man's going to k*ll us all.

NEEVA: Unfinished, for the Tesh stand between the sons of the tribe of Sevateem and Xoanon.


LEELA: Ah, that's pretty.

DOCTOR: Now we can see, too.

LEELA: What are they all for?

DOCTOR: They watch and control various parts of the ship, make sure everything's working properly.

LEELA: What's this one for?

DOCTOR: Atomic generators.

LEELA: Oh. Why is it flashing?

DOCTOR: Well, I'll explain it all

DOCTOR: Flashing? He's put the atomic generators on overload. He got desperate sooner than I thought.

LEELA: What does that mean?

DOCTOR: Well, it means I've got about twenty four and a half minutes to build a reverse memory transfer system and wipe my personality print from its brain.

LEELA: And if you can't do it?

DOCTOR: If I can't do it, the atomic generators will explode, taking Xoanon, us and half the planet with them. Effective, but crude.

GENTEK: Check that the sights are exactly aligned, Sarton. There must be no mistake.

JABEL: Gentek, are the projectors set so that the savages will be forced to come this way?

GENTEK: Yes, Captain.

JABEL: Good. All that remains is to project a blank wall in front of the disrupters. As soon as the savages are all in the corridor, we will demolish them before they even know where the beams are coming from.

GENTEK: Is something wrong, Captain?

JABEL: You feel

GENTEK: Something

JABEL: Power. Xoanon. Communion. At last.

XOANON: Destroy and be free. Destroy and be free.

CALEB: There's no one in sight.

TOMAS: There's only one way to find out, isn't there.


CALEB: Come on.

TOMAS: Gently, Caleb, gently.

CALEB: This must be a trap set by the Tesh. Then where are they, and why leave the w*apon unattended?

TOMAS: I don't know. It doesn't make sense.

CALEB: Destroy and be free. Destroy and be free.

ALL: Destroy and be free. Destroy and be free.

NEEVA: I hear you, Xoanon. I hear you.

XOANON: Destroy and be free! Destroy and be free!

LEELA: (silent) Destroy and be free. Destroy and be free. Destroy and be free.

DOCTOR: You'll be all right.

DOCTOR: Xoanon, you'll destroy yourself as well as us!

XOANON: Destroy! Free! Destroy!


NEEVA: Xoanon!

XOANON: Destroy! Free!

NEEVA: Xoanon!

XOANON: Destroy! Free!

NEEVA: Die, Xoanon!

XOANON: Destroy! Free!


XOANON: Neeva.

DOCTOR: Now, Xoanon.


DOCTOR: Hello.

LEELA: I was beginning to think you'd never come round.

DOCTOR: Ow. I wish I hadn't.

LEELA: I thought it safer not to move you.

DOCTOR: Yes. How long have I been out?

LEELA: Two days.

DOCTOR: Two days. Two days? I haven't got time to be lying around here for two days!

LEELA: You should have thought of that before. What happened?

DOCTOR: Don't you listen?

LEELA: I don't remember a thing.

DOCTOR: No, I don't suppose you do. I removed, I hope I removed half of Xoanon's dual personality. How is he?

LEELA: Silent.


LEELA: There hasn't been a murmur from him since I found you unconscious. And Jabel's people don't dare go near the Sacred Heart. Well, that's what they call it.

DOCTOR: And what do you call it?

LEELA: The main computer complex.

DOCTOR: That's better.

LEELA: I've told them all I can, but they won't listen to me. They say I'm ignorant. We have a guarded truce at the moment.

DOCTOR: Give me a chocolate. I think I'll go and see Xoanon.

LEELA: Can I, can I come inside this time?

DOCTOR: Perhaps. Perhaps.

DOCTOR: Ah, so that's why Xoanon lost his hold on Tomas and the rest. I wonder who it was?

LEELA: They say Neeva was trying to k*ll him, and now he can't be found.

DOCTOR: Well, if he was psychotic he'd be impossible to control. Perhaps Xoanon will tell us. Anyone at home?

XOANON: Doctor. I've been waiting for you. Yes, come in please.

DOCTOR: How do you feel?

XOANON: I am whole. And you?

DOCTOR: Oh, I'm fine now, thanks. Can't complain.

XOANON: Good, good. I'm glad.

LEELA: Why did you do all that?

XOANON: Could you be more specific?

LEELA: Keep us ignorant and afraid. Make us hate one another.

XOANON: I created a world in my own image. I made your people act out my torment. I made my madness reality.

DOCTOR: But you told yourself you were breeding a race of superhumans.

XOANON: Independence, strength, boldness and courage in one tribe. Self-denial, control, telepathy in the other.

DOCTOR: Hostility and conflict to speed up the process until you were ready to select the best of both.

LEELA: It's horrible.

DOCTOR: Yes, it is horrible. Isn't it horrible?

XOANON: But it's over now. We are all free, thanks to you, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Oh, well, it was the least I could do in the circumstances. After all, I did start the trouble in the first place.

XOANON: Yours was a mistake anyone could have made.

DOCTOR: I don't think anyone could have made it.

XOANON: (laughs) Sit down, please.

DOCTOR: Well now, isn't this nice.

XOANON: Tell me, Doctor. Where do you think I started to go wrong?

JABEL: My people will not agree to such degenerate plans.

TOMAS: But they are necessary, Jabel.

CALEB: Necessary for our survival.

JABEL: I do not agree.

TOMAS: Well, we'll ask the Doctor's opinion when he comes.

JABEL: Is that wise? Would Xoanon wish it?

GENTEK: That is an important consideration, Captain.

CALEB: This discussion is getting us nowhere.

JABEL: Would one expect any more from savages?

CALEB: Hold your tongue, you scrawny

TOMAS: Caleb, control yourself.

DOCTOR: Gentlemen, gentlemen, gentlemen. Democracy at work, I see.

TOMAS: What did he say, Doctor?

DOCTOR: He said he's extremely sorry about all the trouble that he's caused, that he has great power and knowledge and he puts it all at your disposal.

JABEL: Should we trust him?

DOCTOR: He offers you this as a token of his good faith.

DOCTOR: Press it, and he'll cease to exist.

CALEB: Another of your miracles?

DOCTOR: Well, there's one way to find out.

DOCTOR: No? Little Gentek? Good.

DOCTOR: You've got to trust someone sometime.

GENTEK: But we must still choose a leader.

DOCTOR: Ah. But that's not my problem.

CALEB: There is no choice to be made. I am the leader of the Sevateem.

JABEL: My people would never accept the leadership of a mindless savage.

CALEB: That's an insult!

LEELA: I am a mindless savage, Jabel, and I have talked with Xoanon.

TOMAS: And that makes Leela the obvious candidate.

LEELA: Me? But I don't want to be leader. I'm far too unreasonable, aren't I, Doctor? Doctor?

LEELA: Doctor?

DOCTOR: Leela. What are you doing here?

LEELA: I thought you might need an escort. The creatures are still out here.

DOCTOR: You don't need that, Leela. The phantoms were merely projections of Xoanon's disturbed subconscious. He's better now.

LEELA: I suppose you're always right about everything.

DOCTOR: Invariably. Invariably. Goodbye.

LEELA: Take me with you.


LEELA: What? Well. You like me, don't you?

DOCTOR: Well, yes, I suppose I do like you. But then, I like lots of people but I can't go carting them around the universe with me. Goodbye.

DOCTOR: Come out of there. Out.

DOCTOR (OOV.): Come out! Don't touch that! Don't touch

The Doctor
Tom Baker

Louise Jameson

David Garfield

Victor Lucas

Brendan Price

Leslie Schofield

Colin Thomas

Lloyd McGuire

Tom Kelly

Brett Forrest

Leon Eagles

Mike Elles

Peter Baldock

Xoanon voices
Tom Baker
Rob Edwards
Pamela Salem
Anthony Frieze
Roy Herrick

Assistant Floor Manager
Linda Graeme

John Bloomfield

Austin Ruddy

Fight Arranger
Terry Walsh

Film Cameraman
John McGlashan

Film Editors
Pam Bosworth
Tariq Anwar

Incidental Music
Dudley Simpson

Ann Ailes

Philip Hinchcliffe

Production Assistant
Marion McDougall

Production Unit Manager
Chris D'Oyly-John

Script Editor
Robert Holmes

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Derek Slee

Studio Sound
Colin Dixon

Theme Arrangement
Delia Derbyshire

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Mat Irvine