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01x02 - Flesh & Blood

Posted: 04/24/21 07:26
by bunniefuu



[HENRY] Happy Thanksgiving.

[ROSE] Happy Thanksgiving!

Rose, honey, want me to carve that?

Henry, my love, if I let you carve,

we won't eat until tomorrow.

I like things to be, you know, precise.

Yes, but we're hungry now.

- Isn't that right, Kim?
- Yeah. Hungry now, Dad.

Mom carves, we eat.

You carve, we wait.

All right, savages.

Yeah, nice try.

So, this being Thanksgiving,

I say we get real

and share something that
each of us is thankful for.

You go first, Rose.

I am thankful that I have
you two to come home to

after the nutjobs I deal with
across the not-so-friendly skies.

Your smiling faces make everything okay.

♪ Sleep in your nova heart ♪

How about you, Kimmy?

For this.

For us.

- All right Dad, your turn.
- Yeah, your turn.

Well, I'm just thankful I
didn't have to carve the turkey

'cause my stomach's grumbling.


But mostly, in all honesty,

I just would never want to lose you two.

You're the loves of my life.

[ROSE] Cheers to that.

- Love you guys.
- [HENRY] Love you.

[KIMBERLY] Happy Thanksgiving.


[HENRY] Oh. Sorry, I
didn't mean to scare you.

I'm off. You take your meds?

Come on, Kimberly.

I don't like the way they make me feel.

[HENRY] The problem is, they're helping.

Give me your paw.


Good girl.

I know you don't want to make
a big deal out of this today,

- but...
- No, I don't.

Yeah, okay.

We won't. But your Aunt
Jane sent something.

It should come today, so it'd
probably better to bring it in

before the local thieves
snatch it from the stoop.

- No one's gonna take it.
- Really?

Tell that to neighbor dude.

He lost a package the other
day right off the front porch.

Same for the old lady two doors down.

I know what you're trying to do.

You do, don't you?

Of course you do.

Well, bring it in or not, okay?

It's not my fault if somebody
hijacks it before I get home.



♪ They'll be on their own ♪

♪ And I'll sleep ♪

♪ Sleep in your nova heart ♪

♪ As things ♪

♪ Come apart ♪


♪ They walk in and sit down ♪

♪ With their mood of the day ♪

♪ They read books over tea ♪

♪ And they give tips when they pay ♪

♪ Butter and bread ♪

♪ Diet Coke and cake ♪

♪ She takes notes ♪

♪ She makes no mistakes ♪

♪ While daylight is fading ♪

♪ While traders are trading ♪

♪ While the jukebox is playing ♪

♪ And lovers are dating ♪
♪ The waitress is waiting ♪

♪ For a thing to explode ♪

♪ For a light to go on ♪

- ♪ For some sign to show ♪

♪ Her time is yet to come ♪

♪ She's counting the days ♪

♪ Until real life arrives ♪

♪ She's counting ♪

♪ Two, three, four, five ♪

♪ And every minute feels
just like the one before ♪

♪ No surprise, no twist ♪

♪ She wants so much more ♪

♪ While daylight is fading ♪

♪ While traders are trading ♪

♪ While players are playing ♪

♪ And lovers are dating ♪
♪ The waitress is waiting ♪



♪ For a thing to explode ♪

♪ For a light to go on ♪

♪ For some sign to show ♪

♪ Her best is yet to come ♪












[DISTORTED] Kimberly, this
was on the front porch.

Can you take it so I
can put my umbrella down?



Thank you.

What happened?

I tried to get the package.

Oh, good for you.

It's important to push your boundaries.

Maybe we'll try again at
the end of the session.

You know, take a stroll
down the driveway.

Test your limits.

You turned today. Happy Birthday.

Yeah. No, just another day.

Same as any other.

How are your days the same?

Well, I wake up. Um,
I kind of get dressed.

Um, I do my home-school stuff.

Sit around the house. Wait for my dad.

Then we eat dinner and
watch TV, and go to bed.

How are you finding the Sertraline?

It makes me feel numb.

Is numb a good thing or a bad thing?

I see your dad is still
fixing up the place.

Oh, yeah. When he has the time.

You know, he's been
working a lot lately.

What do you think your mom
would say about all the mess?

Or was she okay with the
home improvement chaos?

Do you, um, want to
talk about her today?

It's been almost a
year since you lost her.

And I know that holidays and birthdays

can bring up some
really strong emotions.

And I also know Thanksgiving
was the last holiday

that you and your dad got
to spend with your mom.

No. Just another day,

the same as any other.

Um, I've worked with many people
with similar conditions to yours, Kim.

People with anxiety
disorders, panic att*cks.

The ones who cut themselves
off from the world.

But the difference in your case is
you are a developing, young woman,

and you need talk to someone real.

Someone present.


And I have my dad.

Yeah. You do.

This is so stupid.

[HENRY] Aw, don't be a party pooper.


Okay, open your eyes.

Go on, make a wish.

What'd you wish?

If I tell you, it won't come true, so...

That's what they say,
whoever "they" are.

It was about Mom.

Is that okay?

Of course.

Here goes.

Looks good, huh?

Oh, by the way,

I know you didn't want me to make a
big deal out of things this year, but...

Go on. Open it.

- Oh, wow.
- Yeah.

It's so pretty.

Try it on.


All right.
I want to see.

[HENRY] It's pretty.


Thank you.

Happy birthday, sweetheart.

[KIMBERLY] Thank you.

[WOMAN ON TV] What's on
your Thanksgiving menu?

Tom Elkins, our resident chef, has ideas.


All right, well, I'm headed to bed.

All right, sweetheart.

- Thanks for the cake.
- Of course.

And... and for this.

What'd you get from your aunt?

Just some new teas.

Um, White Rose and Keemun,

and this book on conquering your fears.

Oh, very subtle, your aunt.


And you got outside to go get it?

Right? So that's great.

Um, no.


Dr. Saunders had to bring it in.

Well, at least the local
thieves were denied, so...


Did you take your meds tonight?

Yeah. Yeah.

Does she want to send me away?


[KIMBERLY] Dr. Saunders.

I don't know, sometimes I feel like

she wants to put me away
in a hospital or something.

No, honey, no one's
sending you anywhere.

Dr. Saunders is just here
to help you through this.

We both are.


Go on, get some sleep.

- Good night.
- Night, sweetheart.

[WOMAN ON TV] With thirteen days
until Turkey Day. Stock up on all...







♪ Stone throwers living
inside a glass cage ♪

- Kim?


[KIMBERLY] What? What?

You think you could start
helping me with the renovations?


Honestly, because I need the help.

Please, just help me for the day, yeah?

Come on.


- Very funny.
- Oh, sorry.

[HENRY] Yeah, no, that's okay.

There is such a draft
coming down from that attic.

Maybe it's because you just
punched a huge hole in the wall.

Yeah? No, it's because I need
to put some insulation in.

Mom's to-do list.

Always after me to get 'er done, so...

high time I did.

Can I?

Oh, yeah, sure.


[HENRY] Put that on.
For the plaster dust.

- These, too.
- Oh. Thanks.

Whoa. I can see all the way
up to the top of the house.

- Yeah?
- It's crazy.

I was thinking, um,

Thanksgiving I could make a
turkey, pick up some sides.

Course, it wouldn't, you know...
Wouldn't be as good as your mom's, but...


Um... we could try and make
something special out of it.


If you think you can handle it.

Well, if you give me a hand, you bet.

Yeah. If you want to,
I'd... Yeah, I'd like that.

All right, good.
Thanksgiving dinner at home.


So, do you, um, have any goals?

Like what?

What would you like to do for a living,

if you could do anything?


I don't know.

Something with travel maybe.



- That's interesting considering... [SIGHS]

Must be a real headache living with
this in the background every day.

[KIMBERLY] I'm used to it.

Okay, my dad knows what he's doing.

[DR. SAUNDERS] Um, travel?

Isn't that what your mother used to do?

She was a travel agent?

- Flight attendant.

Waitress in the sky.

That's what she used to call it.



I am...

I'm not here to judge you,

and the last thing I
want to do is upset you.

But I can't help if you keep pretending
that there are no problems here.

What do you want me to say?

Your mother's death was a terrible
loss to endure at your age.

It's one thing when a person
dies before their time,

but it is another thing
for them to be taken.

[KIMBERLY] No, you don't know
what you're talking about.

[DR. SAUNDERS] Only because
you won't talk to me.

Because I'm tired of
answering your questions!

Okay? Just leave me alone!

[DR. SAUNDERS] Say I did.

Say I left you alone
and didn't come back.

Then what?

I mean, do you think
you'd be better or worse?

This whole thing is
about trust, Kimberly.

You need to trust me.

People beat themselves up all the
time over the most awful things.

Things that they had no control over.

And it's common after a traumatic
experience to blame yourself.

Why would I do that?

I didn't k*ll her.

Of course you didn't.

But you need to
acknowledge what happened.

I can acknowledge it.

Okay, some sick bastard
m*rder*d my mother

and dumped her body in a vacant lot.

There, I said it.

Am I cured now?

I think you're afraid because the
man who did this was never caught.

And maybe that's why
you don't want to leave.

Well, would you?

I'm safe here.

I'm safe alone with my dad.

And what if something happens to him?

You can't stay in here forever.

The world is out there.

You hide in here, and you let
whoever took your mom away win.


God, you make it sound like a game.

Couldn't help overhearing the session.

Got a little heated, huh?

Well, confrontational forms of
therapy tend to get patients worked up.

I'm used to it.

She's got the same fire her mom had.

Kimberly's, uh, not making
very good progress, Mr. Tooms.

She just needs to spend
more time with you.

[DR. SAUNDERS] Has Kimberly ever displayed

physical aggression toward you?

Or herself?

No. She wouldn't do that.

Was she ever angry with your wife?

With Rose? No!

Never. I mean, no more than
the usual mother/daughter spat.


Well, I'm just trying to get a better
picture of Kimberly and her mental state

leading to the onset of the anxiety.

No, she couldn't...
couldn't hurt anybody.

Especially not her
mother. Not on purpose.

You know, Henry, it's
easy to miss things

when you're emotionally
enrolled with a family member.

- It's cliché.
- Yeah, okay, Doc.

- But parents are often the last to know.
- Yeah.

So, keep an eye out
for extreme behaviors.

Now, it could be a
sign of the medication,

but it could be a sign
of a deeper pathology.

Extreme behaviors?

Well, Kimberly's angry,

and anger can manifest
itself in many ways.

Like what?

Delusional, obsessive, paranoid.

Look, spending as much
time as she does alone,

refusing to acknowledge
what happened to her...

No. Look, um, Kimberly's
been through a lot.

She'll pull through this. She will.

You're grieving,

And I know it's not
easy. For either of you,

but if Kimberly doesn't
confront what happened,

this house will turn from
a sanctuary into a cell.

This is her home.

It's not a prison.

[DR. SAUNDERS] Henry, please.

You're coddling her when you
should be coaxing her out,

breaking the cycle
that's keeping her inside.

I know how to raise my own daughter.

I'll see you next week.

Please, just, um,
think about what I said.


[HENRY] For what?

For being a bitch.

Oh honey. You're doing the
best you can, all right?

- Yeah.
- You okay?

Well, yeah.

I'm gonna head down to O'Malley's,
get a beer with the guys.


When I get back, we can watch
a movie, pig out on ice cream.

- Great.
- All right. Be good.

- Yeah. You, too.
- All right.


[FEMALE NEWS ANCHOR] A teenager from
Encino, California, is still missing

after a one-week search has failed
to turn up any new leads or witnesses.

Police suspect Sophie Taylor was
abducted near her Encino home.

At a press conference
earlier this morning,

her parents made an
appeal for information

concerning their
daughter's disappearance.

I just want everyone to know

what a beautiful, kind, and
wonderful person my daughter is.

If you're watching this, Sophie,

we love you very much.

We just want to know that you're okay

and for you to come home.

We're appealing to anyone
who knows any information

regarding Sophie Taylor's whereabouts

to contact this number immediately.

[SOFTLY] Oh, my God.

In national news, the President
is once again under fire

for his continual attack on the
working poor, while the...





Shit. [GASPS]


Oh, you're still up. I
thought you'd be in bed by now.

Oh, I thought we had movie night.

Yeah, it just took a little
longer than I planned.

Lend a hand?

[KIMBERLY] Oh, sure.

Oh. Is it cold outside?

Cold? No, well, it's a little chilly
in the van. What have you been up to?

Um, just watching TV.

Anything good?

No, nothing really.

Surfing mostly.

bluffing, Mr. Bigelow.

I don't know what you're after,
but you're trying to trick me.

Phillips, can you tell me...

You're not hungry?



Uh, just lost my appetite, I guess.

[HENRY CHUCKLES] For ice cream?


Well, I'll clean up.


- Shit!
- Easy there, jumpy.


No, it's all right.

- No, I can clean it up.
- Let me get it.

- Careful.
- Ow, shit.

[HENRY] Damn, I told you to be careful.

Come on, let me see.

- Let me see.
- It's fine.

It's fine.

Let me see.

[MAN IN MOVIE] If you got nothing to
hide, you better start talking.

- Or maybe you are guilty!
- [WOMAN] No!

No, it's not too deep, but, yeah,
we should definitely wash up.

Come on.


[HENRY] Yeah. Okay.

Here you go.

I got blood on you.

I don't mind.

There we go.

Yeah, that's the least I can do.








Hey, Dad?

Hey, happy Thanksgiving, sweetheart.


Uh, I have to go out for a bit today.

I left instructions for the turkey.

I think you just kind of bake it
all day, baste every once in a while.

Can you handle that for us?

Uh, yeah, sure, um...

Hey, where did you get
my birthday present?

At a jewelry shop in the Valley. Why?

Are you sure it's not second-hand?


Well, it's tarnished. See?

- Tarnished?
- Yeah.

[HENRY] Oh. Didn't see
that when I bought it,

but, um, it's a
manufacturing flaw, I suppose.

It happens.

So then maybe you can
exchange it for a new one?

It's the only one they
had in stock. Sorry, Kim.

Here, eat your breakfast.

Before it gets cold.






[WHISPERS] Disgusting.



Oh, shit.


Is that... blood?



Oh, my God.

Hey, Aunty Jane? It's Kimberly.

I know it's the holidays,

but I really, really have to
stay with you for a few days.

Um, I'll explain more when I see you.

Just give me a call back. Okay, bye.


Okay, come on, Kimberly.

[EXHALES] Come on, come on, come on.

[WHISPERING] You can't stay here, Kim.


It's just the sun.

That's just some birds.

You're gonna be okay.

Gonna be okay.

You're gonna be...











[HENRY] I'm home!

- Think I found the last pumpkin pie.

How'd it go with the turkey today?
You didn't even set the ta...

What is this, Dad?

They're nothing for you to worry about.

Did you steal them?

What were you even doing in the attic?

I just wanted to see
what you've been doing.

See what? I've been
working on the house.

Honestly, Kim, I think you have to
stop with these wild assumptions.

I can hear you moving around up there.

At night.

Is this what you've been doing?

Hiding these?


I'm allowed to have my
own private things, Kim.

But why would you hide them like that?

- Damn it, Kim! It's gonna be dry!
- Dad?

See, this is why your mother
and I never got you a cat.

Why would you hide them
in Mom's old work bag?

I miss your mom, Kim.

Same as you. I try to hide it,

but sometimes I just need
to spend some time alone

with the few remaining
pieces that she left behind.

Pieces that are mine. Just mine.


Look sweetheart, I'm
sorry if it upset you,

but Dad's not perfect.

There's blood on this.

- That's paint.

- You're not gonna answer that?

No, not right now.

Are you taking your meds?


Well, Dr. Saunders said there
might be side effects...

Erratic behavior, paranoia.

It's not the med...
Don't turn this around on me!

Kim, I gotta be honest with you.
You're acting paranoid again.

- Over nothing. Really nothing!
- Just stop lying!

Don't take that tone with
me! I am still your father!

Did you k*ll her?

What?! Who?

Sophie Taylor.

This is her necklace, isn't it?

Well, isn't it?!

Come on, Dad, the truth.

Not gonna tell the truth? Fine.

They're the same.

Same mark.

Yeah, I talked to the store.

Yeah, but they said it's a style.

Distressed, they called it.


Well, what about these?

Who did they belong to?

They belonged to your mother.

Pieces she picked up from
flights over the years.

She should've turned them in to lost
and found or whatever, of course, but...

you know, your mom was not perfect.

I'm not perfect.

You're not perfect.

I didn't want to tell you in case you...

freaked out.

But that doesn't explain...

[HENRY] You're turning
into her, do you know that?

Neurotic and paranoid until the end.

Did you k*ll her?

No, Kim.

Oh, my God, did you k*ll Mom?

The person who k*lled your mother

is still out there.

Or he's been here with me

the whole time.

[HENRY] Kim, come on, now!

Kim, wait.

- Kim.
- No.

- Kim? Ah!
- No.

- Kim, open up. Come on now. This is silly.

I didn't do anything wrong.

Kimberly? I love you.

- Now open up.

Whatever you're doing in there,
just don't hurt yourself, sweetheart.


I said open this damn door!


Open the damn door!


All right.

I'm gonna count to three,
and then I'm coming in.



- Two...


I'm calling the police!


How may I direct your call?

Um, it's my dad.

I think he's trying...
He's trying to get in my room.

Okay, okay. Can I
take your name please?

Kimberly Tooms.

All right, Kimberly, can
you give me your location?

Uh, Victoria Avenue, Echo Park.

What's the nature of your emergency?

You said your dad is trying
to get into your room?

- Yeah, I think he's hurt someone.
- Who has he hurt?

I don't know. Can you just send help?

I'm dispatching a police
unit to your address now.

Is there a lock on your door?

Yeah, I already locked it.

That's good. Stay there. Help is coming.

- I think he's coming back.



- Kimberly, stay on the line.
- Stand back from the door, sweetheart.

Just a second!

- No!
- Almost in!


- No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
- What are you doing? Get away from there!

- No! No!
- What are you doing?! Come on! Stop it!

I'm not gonna hurt you!
I'm not gonna hurt you!

I said that's enough!



- Are you calm now?

I asked you a question,
Kim! Are you calm now?!


Can we please just talk about this
quietly and sensibly? Can we do that?

It's just that I've been under a
lot of stress lately. That's all.

This just happens to everybody.

Who did you call?

No one.

Oh, sweetheart.

I really wish you hadn't done that.

It's okay. We'll sort
this whole mess out.

So, what are we gonna do now?

Police are on their way, so you're
gonna have a lot of explaining to do.

So do you.

So, who's gonna take care
of you when I'm not around?

Did you think of that?

No, without me, there's
no roof over your head.

A roof, which I'd like to point out,

that you're too afraid to
get out from under anyway.

Probably just wind up
in a damn nut house.

Rubber rooms and
straightjackets for you.

You're the one who needs help.

I didn't do anything.

You're acting paranoid. Delusional.

That's not true.

All right, you listen to me.

Are you sure?

Sweetheart, you've
known me your whole life.

I've always been there for you.

I never hit you.

I never hurt you.

Barely even raise my voice.

Have I?

Well, have I?

Because I love you, Kimberly.
You mean everything to me.

[SOBS] But what about the jewelry?

I mean, I just don't
believe it was Mom's.

Doesn't matter what you believe.

I'm sorry you found it.

I really am.

It hasn't been easy.

What happened to your
mother is an awful thing,

but you can't blame me for that.

I know you hate me, I get it.

I have been somewhat remote lately.

But I've had so much on my mind.

I just wanted this first Thanksgiving
without your mother to be...

I don't know, somehow...

okay for you.

For us.

But am I guilty of being a m*rder*r?

How can you even think that?

So when those police officers show up,

you need to be certain of that.

You need to know in here,

and you need to know in here.

Without any doubt.

Otherwise, you'd destroy
what's left of our family.

So, now

do you feel that you're
one hundred percent positive

that I am who you think I am?


Then when the police officers
do show up, don't say anything.

It's the medication and your
condition that's warping your thinking.


They'll understand.


Evening, sir.

I'm Officer Foster, this
is Officer Banks, LAPD.

[HENRY] Evening.

We received a call from this
address in the last half hour.

A young woman said she was in distress.

Yeah, that would be my daughter.

- Are you the homeowner?
- Yes.

[FOSTER] And your name?

Henry Tooms.

Mr. Tooms, on the basis of this call,

we have just cause to enter
your property to conduct a search

and to interview both you and your
daughter. Do you have a problem with this?

No, please, come in.

Apologies for the mess.


Are you Kimberly? Did you
make the - - call?

- Yeah.
- It's a bit embarrassing, actually.

Kim just overreacted.

Mr. Tooms, we're gonna need you to
step outside the room for a minute.


[BANKS] I'm gonna talk to Kimberly
alone, and my partner, she's gonna take

- your statement in the kitchen there.
- All right.

After you.

I'm Officer Banks.

Can I get you anything?


Are you injured?


So your dad's renovating, huh?

[KIMBERLY] Oh. Um, yeah.

It's been taking a while.

- May I?
- Sure.

- Ooh! No, no.
- Sorry.

No, no, I got it. It's mine.

Kimberly, I'm gonna need you to
tell me what happened here tonight.

Think you can do that for me?

You must get a lot of bogus
domestic calls at the holidays.

What makes you say that?

Well, I just mean, families
together, tempers flare.

Next thing you know, Uncle Joe stabs
Cousin Lou with a fork kinda thing.

It happens.


Kimberly, your dad's not here
right now. It's just you and me.

You made the call for a reason.

Just tell me what... what
made you pick up the phone.


He's right. I overreacted.

So, your daughter's prone
to this kind of behavior?

No, she's...

She's such a good girl.
It's just been a tough year.

Her mother was m*rder*d last year.

- Rose Tooms?
- Yeah.

Sorry for your loss.

Yeah, well, the cops
haven't found the guy yet.

So you're suggesting this is
the reason she made that call?

Officer, my daughter's been a
shut-in since this happened.

She can't even leave the house.

She'll have a panic attack
when the front door opens.

I can't unlatch a window
without her getting dizzy.

She's taking this medication for, uh...



- Are you seeking treatment for that?
- My dad got me a therapist.

We have sessions at home.

Can you tell me the name of your doctor?

Dr. Helen Saunders.

And would it be okay with
you if I contacted her?

I haven't been around as much.

And work's been, like, crazy.

Trying to support the both of us.

Uh, she's just lonely and angry.

I told her off earlier,
she ran upstairs.

Teenagers. [CHUCKLES]

Why'd you tell her off?

Well, the house is just... it's
all over the place right now, you know?

All right.

She went up to the attic, and I
told her... Well, I don't know.

She was up there to see
some of her mom's old stuff,

so, like, you know.

But she practically broke
her neck, so I got...

I just... I lost it,

so she ran to her
room, wouldn't come out.

You know, I raised my
voice with her a bit.

I don't think she was used to it.

She called you guys.

Mr. Tooms, domestic
abuse is a serious issue.

We get a lot of calls on it.

So I have to ask...

have you ever hit her before?

No. Never.

He's never raised his
hand to you in any way?

No. I was just mad.

This is... I shouldn't
have said anything.

I don't...

I don't want him to get in any trouble.

I understand that. He's your dad.

He... He hasn't done anything wrong.

Are you sure there's nothing
else you want to tell me?

Yeah, I'm sure.

Okay then, I think we're done here.

[BANKS] Yeah, it appears so.

According to your dad, this was
all some sort of misunderstanding.

Is that correct?
I'm sorry.

In that case, I'm gonna have to
caution you against wasting police time.

We're only to be called in
cases of genuine emergencies.

Do you understand?

Yes, I'm sorry.

All right, if there's nothing else...

Okay, then we'll head out.

Love you.

Thanks for coming just the same.

- [FOSTER] You have a good night.
- Thank you.

[BANKS] Hey, hold on one second.

Hey, listen, if there's anything
that you want to talk about

that you feel like you can't talk
about here, call me direct, okay?

- [KIMBERLY] Okay.
- Anything at all.


[HENRY] Night. Thanks again.

Happy holidays.

Go to bed. I'll fix
your door in the morning.







- Aah!



[HENRY] You were in my room.

How would you feel if I went
through your personal things?

Should I be disappointed?


Or mad at myself for not
bringing you up right?

I hurt myself.

Give me that.


Because it's mine.

This wasn't in your collection.

- Just give it to me.
- [KIMBERLY] You know what's weird?


All those girls that went missing?

They all kinda look the same.

They kinda look like Mom.


This whole thing's getting out of hand.

I love you, and I loved your mom, Kim.

Our family, it was and is the
most important thing to me.

The night your mom
disappeared, we fought.

Rose had a last-minute
schedule change. Again.

And I was tired of it.

I was tired of not being first.

Of you and me not being first.

Do I regret every word of that fight?

Yes! Every minute, every
second of every day.

But when the cops found your mom's body,

please, you gotta believe
me, my heart broke forever.

I wish I could take those words
and take the anger out of them

and replace it with
compassion and patience.

Which is what I'm doing now.

Do you think I wanna lose you?

Do you think I'm gonna let Dr.
Saunders have you committed?

Kimberly, no!

All I have is us!

Kim, please, please just give it to me,

go to sleep, and everything
will be better in the morning.



- Put that away!
- How many?

You're gonna hurt yourself.

How many?

This is exactly what Dr.
Saunders warned me about.

She said your medication
might trigger aggression.

She told me to look for
this, and I didn't listen.

If you hurt yourself, if you
hurt me, you'll be locked up.

Stay where you are, please.

I wasn't the only one who
fought with her that night!

You don't remember that, do you?

You don't remember how angry
you were at her that night.

- That's not true.
- It's not?

- That's not true.
- Are you sure?

- Go! Leave!
- [ROSE] Kim, it's not what you think!

- Just trust me for once!
- Trust you?

Why would I trust someone
who's cheating on my dad?

- I'm not!
- You leave him. You leave me.

You leave us! Leave!

- And don't bother coming back here!
- Kim!

Kimberly, just give me the knife

before something
happens you can't take back.


- Put that down.
- I said stay away from me.

- Stay back!
- Aah!








No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Stop. No, no, no!


[HENRY] Happy Thanksgiving.



Dad?! Are you there?!



Dad? Please come in.


Don't do this to me!

- Hey!


It's more disappointment than anger.

You leave me no choice here, Kim.

You're out of control.

This isn't permanent.

It's not punishment.

I even left you some of the dinner,

the holiday dinner we
were supposed to have,

including the pie,

which, frankly, you don't deserve.

That should tide you over for now.

Your phone and your laptop are
off-limits until you settle down.

Honey, I need to go
out for a little bit,

so we'll finish talking
about this when I get back.




Hey! Hey!

- [SOBS]


- Hey!

Hey! You can't do this!


You can't do this!

Okay. Okay.


f*ck. f*ck!



[SIGHS] f*ck.






[HENRY] Kimberly.


How did you do that?

Remember when I took you to that
magic show when you were a kid?


They made a woman disappear.

Yeah. Remember, they locked
her in a box, and poof!


She was gone.

You leaned over to me,

you said, "Daddy, how'd they do that?"

Remember what I said? Remember?

"It's magic.

The woman will disappear for a bit,

but she will always come out."

We spent the whole week playing
hide-and-seek all over the house.

And you know what?

I always found you.

And you always came out.

Please, come out.

Right, then.










Watch your ears, sweetheart.


[KIMBERLY] Come on!



Just a little more, I'll be right there!



[WHISPERS] Oh, my God.



Jane? It's Henry.

Oh, I'm fine. Yeah, how are you?

Uh, no, actually, right this second,
she's in the middle of something.

So, uh, hey, I could get her to
call you back when she's finished.

- She called you? When?
- Help!

- She is feeling a little cabin fever.
- Help me!

- So, that's a good sign, right?
- Help me, please!

- Help!
- I just think maybe

- she was a little overzealous...
- Help me!

...about asking for a sleepover.

Absolutely, you should, yeah.

Kimberly would love
to see you, you know.

Tell you what, give me a couple of
days. Honestly, the place is a mess.

If I can just get the house in order.

Mm-hmm. Yeah, take care.

Jesus f*cking Christ.

So that was your Aunt Jane.

She said you had left a message.
Something about making a trip?

You're not doing us any favors, honey.


Oh, come on, do I have to
come down in there and get you?

Damn it!


I know you're scared, Kim,
but I don't think you get it.

I'm trying to help you. I'm your father.

I love you.

Doesn't matter what you did.


[WHISPERING] You're gonna remain
completely quiet and do exactly as I say.

Otherwise, someone is gonna get hurt.

[SIGHS] Kimberly.




Dr. Saunders?

Hi. I'm sorry I'm running a bit
late. It's been a nightmare of a day.

There's all this post-holiday
chaos and Black Friday mania.

I should have called and
said I was running behind.


Are you okay?

What do you mean?

Well, you look... dirty.

Oh. Yeah, I've been
working on the house.


May I come in?

We're gonna have to
reschedule, actually.

Yeah, I got a lot of work to do,
and it's not a good time right now.


It's okay.

She can come in.

I don't think it's a
good idea right now.

Dr. Saunders came all this way.

It's fine.

We could finish up later, right?


- Oh, wow, you weren't kidding.
- Yeah.

Looks like a b*mb went off in here.

Yeah, it's kind of a rough day.

Um, better in here today.


Well, it's a good thing your
dad's keeping you busy, though.


Uh, listen, I'm gonna
sit in on this one.

If that's okay with you.


So, um, are you still
taking your medication?


Why not?

I guess I forgot.

Then how are you feeling without it?

My head's clearer.

And have the panic att*cks,
have they increased or decreased?

I don't know, sometimes I feel trapped.


In this house.

Not literally.

How so?

Like I want to get out,

but I can't.

What's holding you back?

I don't know what will happen to my dad.

So you're afraid if you leave,
you might not see your dad again?

More like I won't come back.

Well, that's called growing up, Kim.

And it happens to all of us eventually.

Children leave.

But one step at a time.

Let's just get you out
the front door first, okay?



I never offered you a drink.

Oh, no, I'm fine. Thank you.

No, no, no, I make a great cup of tea.

And my Aunt Jane, she's my mom's sister,
just sent me these new teas to try,

and I like to mix them
together and make my own.

I've got Lady Grey, Black Currant.

Kinda like Black Grey, you know?

- Kim, she's fine.
- Are you sure?

Stop pushing.

You know what? Um, yes.

Yes, I would like to try the
famous Kimberly Tooms brew.


I will go make that now.

Unless you'd like to make it.


Dr. Saunders would like a Kim special.

I can make you one too if you want.

Sure. Just don't take too long.

- [HENRY] Everything okay in there?
- Fine.

[DR. SAUNDERS] How was Thanksgiving?

[KIMBERLY] Okay, there we go.

[DR. SAUNDERS] Thank you.

Which one is this?

[KIMBERLY] Uh, I chose the Keemun,

with a pinch of the White Rose.

It could suck.

It's black tea, so just,
you know, milk and sugar.

Think the milk turned.

I think it's lovely. I see
what all the fuss is about.

I want to talk about my mom.

All right. Um, we can certainly
do that, if you feel up to it.

I do.

Maybe we could take our time with that.

Uh, if Kimberly wants to talk
about that, it's her choice.

She can go wherever she
wants to in these sessions.

I do want to talk about it.

Go ahead.

I've been thinking
about it a lot lately.

You know, about what happened
to her, and the man...

The man who k*lled her.

I thought a lot about what I would
say to him if I ever had the chance.

And what would that be?

I wouldn't ask him why.


I know why.

He did it because he's sick.

Because he enjoys it.

He probably justifies it to himself.

A man like that invents
excuses to do what he does.

To excuse his own sickness.

Remember you first told
me that I was in a cocoon?

[DR. SAUNDERS] Mm-hmm.

Like a butterfly struggling to get out?

Maybe he's in a cocoon, too.

Except... he hides in his,

where it's dark...

where no one can see him

for what he really is.

And I'd tell him he's
a monster and a coward.

And what do you think
he would say to you?

I'm afraid that's all the
time we have for today.

So much work to do around the house.

Sorry, Doctor.

Right. Well, um,

I think we were breaking
new ground here, Kimberly.

Um, maybe at our next
session, we can venture outside

maybe into the yard?

I'd like that.

- Um...

Great job with the tea.

Five stars.

Well, thank you, Doctor.

Um... I actually need to
ask you both something.

- What's that?
- I got a call last night

from an Officer Banks, I believe? She
said they were called to this address.

She wanted to confirm that
I was Kimberly's doctor.

Is there anything I should know?

- No.
- No.


All right.

- Oh, um, have a good weekend.
- Thank you.





[HENRY] Okay.

You are in so much trouble!

You wanted to know.

Now you know.


I'm gonna have to get rid of her, Kim.

I don't like to work like this.

I like to be careful,
precise, no traces.

These girls need to be punished.

I can't let them influence you.

I can't risk you being
exposed to what they are.

I protect you, Kim.


You know that, right?

That's my purpose on earth,
to make it safer for you.

For when you come out of your cocoon.

Upon emerging from its chrysalis,

the butterfly is at its most
vulnerable state in its life cycle.

Until that's done, it can't fly.

And then it's easy prey for
birds and other predators.

Your mother never understood that.
But then again, she never helped us

with your fifth-grade science
fair project, either, did she?

Second place. So proud.

But then when she found out...

yeah, it was like trying to
put broken glass back together.

What was I supposed to do?

She was just gonna tell the cops,

and then they'd take
you away from me forever.

I never did anything but love you.

I did the best I could
under the circumstances.

Do you not have anything to add?

You don't want to take a little
personal responsibility for this?


You did this. This is
your fault, Kimberly.

Dr. Saunders would still be alive
if you just did as you were told.


But you couldn't do it.
You couldn't toe the line.

And now this is where we are.


If you act like a child,
you'll be treated like one.

I'm not a bad man. Not at all.

One day, you're gonna
walk out that door,

and you'll get that I made the
world a safer place for you.

These girls...

these women, they all want you to...

Well, just want you to be like them.

Even if you haven't met them,

their influence, their
energy, it's out there.

And I would never allow that.


You're my girl.

The best thing I ever did.

I always did everything for...

for you.

F-For us.

f*ck you.

Hey... you just...




Oh, yes. Okay.

f*ck, come on.


- Pick up, pick up.

- [FOSTER] Uh-oh!

Is that Tim O'Day calling?

[BANKS] Oh, my God, what if it is?

Banks. Hello?

Yeah. Hi, it's Kimberly Tooms.

Remember, you said to call... to
call you if something bad happened?

Yeah, I remember.

It's my Dad. You have to come now, okay?

You have to take him away.

- Has he hurt you?
- He k*lled her.

Sophie Taylor? You know,
the missing girl from the TV?

I think he's k*lled other girls.

I mean, he k*lled my therapist
right in front of me.

[BANKS] Am I hearing you right?

You're telling me your dad
k*lled somebody in front of you?

- Yes.
- Okay, where's your dad now, Kimberly?

Um, he's... he's
passed out on the floor.

I drugged him.

But I don't know how much
longer it's going to last.

Okay, I just need you to get out
of the house immediately, okay?

I don't know if I can, okay?

He boarded everything up. I'm locked in.

Stay on the line, okay?

- What is it?
- That domestic from the other night.

Kimberly Tooms? She said her father's
the one that k*lled Sophie Taylor.

[KIMBERLY] f*ck!

- [BANKS] Kim, you still with me?
- Yes.

Kimberly, I need you
to get out of the house

and get as far away as
you possibly can, okay?

We've go units on the way,
okay? Can you hear me?

Yeah, look, I lied yesterday.

Something's wrong.

Oh, shit.

[BANKS] Kim?


[BANKS] Kimberly...

You didn't use enough
for someone my size.

- Ahh!

But the White Rose
tea was very soothing.


- Ow!

God damn it, I f*cking love
you! How do I prove that?!

Go to hell!

You're not goin' anywhere!

This is our home!

I called the police!

I told them everything.

They're gonna come, and they're
gonna lock you up this time.

There's no more hiding, Dad.




- [THUD]
- Aah!

- [THUD]

[CRYING] Ohh, Look what
you did to our family!

Look what you did to it!

So stupid!


We can fix this.

We can fix this.

Oh, no.

[GASPS] Dad.

Dad, no.


Aah! Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

Dad, stop!

Dad, what are you doing?!


Dad, please don't do this.

Please don't do this.

- I got these...
- Dad, please don't do this.

...for your birthday candles.

Stop. Please don't.

That g*dd*mn necklace.

I lied!

I never called the police.

You didn't?

No. I made that up.

They're not coming.

Okay? You're safe.

You're safe here.

Oh, sweetheart.

You look so much like your mother.

- I'm sorry, Daddy.
- Aah!


Aah! Kimberly?!

How many times have I told
you to pick up after yourself?!


[WHISPERS] Okay, okay.



[HENRY] I'm having a...

just a really, really bad day.

I could use a little understanding here.

You're my daughter.

We're supposed to look after each other.

You're a smart girl, lots of potential.

I know I said a lot
of things today and...

some hurtful things. I know that.

But through everything,

I have never been prouder of you.

You've done so well, sweetheart.

You used to hide up here all the time.

So cute.

I'm not hiding now.

So come and get me.

That's my girl.



















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