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14x17 - The Robots of Death - part 1

Posted: 03/23/04 10:46
by bunniefuu



Original Air Date: 29 January 1977
Running time: 24:06

1. EXT. desert (Night)

(Cruel winds blow sand over the rocky craggs of a desert. Traversing the harsh terrain amongst the mesas is a huge vehicle - the sandminer Storm Mine 4 - its shiny metal body glinting in the strange night light. Storm Mine 4 is propelled by means of screwpumps and blasts waste from three forward vent pipes. The enormous body of the mine tapers upwards into a tiny bridge with a full front windscreen. Through the windscreen, five ROBOTS are visible at work.)

2. INT. STORM Mine 4 bridge

(The ROBOTS on the bridge busily move from one instrument to another, checking readings. One of them is black - A DUMB - and the other four are green - VOCS. The moulded faces of the robots are attractively humanoid, and they wear tunics. Each has an identity plaque on its chest with the letter 'D' or 'V' to designate type, and a unique identification number. They speak in soothing, pleasant, human-like voices. Their voices betray no emotion, but they do not sound like machines. A VOC of unseen number reads data off an instrument panel.)

Voc: Turbulent centre, vector 7.

(V32 approaches the forward instrument panel.)

V32: Scan commencing now.

3. INT. STORM MINE 4 recreation room

(Seven members of the human crew of Storm Mine 4 are engaged in subdued recreation activities: CHUB, BORG, DASK, TOOS, ZILDA, UVANOV and CASS. They are waited on by robots. All are dressed in futuristic, theatrical yet elegant clothes and makeup. The beautiful makeup lines around their eyes resemble the eye markings of the robots. The room itself also speaks of a life of luxury and decadence, decorated with strange futuristic sculptures in the art deco style. The room is slightly sunken, with a couple of steps leading up to the door. CHUB, a short 25ish man in a turquoise and steel grey tunic, walks across the room to where BORG, another young man, is receiving a shirtless shoulder massage from V16.)

CHUB: There was a Voc therapist in Kaldor City. Specially programmed, equipped with vibro-digits, subcutaneous stimulators, the lot. Do you know what happened, Borg? Its first client wanted treatment for the stiff elbow. The Voc therapist felt carefully all round the joint, and then suddenly just, ah, twisted his arm off at the shoulder. Shoomph! (Gives a sinister laugh.) All over in two seconds.

BORG: I've never heard that.

CHUB: Kaldor City.

(DASK, a more earnest looking 35ish man in steel grey, turns the page of a book he is reading.)

DASK: What was the reason?

CHUB: Reason? It was haywire. I wouldn't let a robot work on me. Not for all the zelanite in this ship.

BORG: Shut up, Chub.

(BORG pushes V16's arm away from him and sits up.)

BORG: Thankyou, V16.

(DASK closes his book and takes a glass of wine from a robot. In the foreground, UVANOV, a small goateed man in his late 40s dressed in bronze, studies a chess game he is engaged in with V9.)

DASK: A Voc class robot has over a million multilevel constrainers in its circuitry. All of them would have to malfunction before it could perform such an action.

TOOS: Your trouble, Dask, you take all the magic out of life.

(TOOS, a 30ish woman in copper plays checkers with CASS, a 30ish man who wears maroon. CHUB crosses the room to challenge DASK.)

CHUB: They go wrong, my friend. It's been known.

DASK: Only when there's an error in programming. Each case on record -

CHUB: This was a case that tore his arm off.

(An eighth crew member, POUL, enters the room. He is 40ish with curly hair and a pale yellow outfit.)

POUL: We're turning. Has anyone noticed?

(CHUB sits by ZILDA, a young woman in her early 20s wearing silver. Her outfit includes a silver head-dress that has two membranous 'ears' like the small webbed bat wings.)

ZILDA: I heard it was a leg.

V9: Mate in eight moves, Commander.

UVANOV: Never!

V9: I will check, Commander.

(V9 presses buttons on a wrist touchpad.)

V9: The computation is confirmed.


(DASK smiles, stretching in appreciation.)

DASK: They're unbeatable, Commander.

(A communicator alert sound is heard. UVANOV speaks into his wrist communicator.)

UVANOV: Commander.

V14: (On communicator.) V14 tracer, sir.



(A VOC stands on a raised platform at the back of the bridge in front of a large screen with continuously changing symbols. V14 stands below, speaking into a wrist communicator. V5 works in the background.)

V14: Storm scale three, range ten point five two, timed three zero six, vector seven one and holding.

UVANOV: (On communicator.) Right, full crew alert, 14. Out.

(The bridge crew of six robots continue to walk calmly about their business as a recorded announcement in Uvanov's voice is heard.)

RECORDED ANNOUNCEMENT: Full crew alert. Full crew alert.

5. INT. Recreation Room

(The crew rise from their seats preparing to move to the bridge.)

UVANOV: Chub, break out an instrument pack.

CHUB: Right, sir.

UVANOV: Let's hope this one's worth chasing.

TOOS: 'Bout time we had some luck.

RECORDED ANNOUNCEMENT: Full crew alert. Full crew alert.

(The crew exit the room.)

6. EXT. Space

(The TARDIS spins through space.)

7. INT. wood-panelled tardis console room

(LEELA conscientiously makes a yellow yo-yo go up and down to one side of the console room. She concentrates very hard.)

LEELA: Doctor.


LEELA: Can I stop now?

(The DOCTOR adjusts instruments on the other side of the console.)

DOCTOR: If you want to.

LEELA: It will not affect this?

DOCTOR: Affect this? No. It's a yo-yo. It's a game. I thought you were enjoying it.

(LEELA lets the yo-yo clatter to the ground.)

LEELA: Enjoying it? You said I had to keep it going up and down. I thought it was part of the magic.

DOCTOR: Magic, Leela? Magic?

LEELA: I know, I know. There's no such thing as magic.

DOCTOR: Exactly. To the rational mind, nothing is inexplicable. Only unexplained.

LEELA: So, explain to me how this ... TARDIS is larger on the inside than the out.

DOCTOR: Mm? Alright, I'll show you.

(The DOCTOR turns to search for something at the back of the room.)

DOCTOR: It's because insides and outsides are not within the same dimension.

(The DOCTOR retrieves two black plastic boxes of different sizes. He holds them up, one in each hand.)

DOCTOR: Which box is larger?

LEELA: (Pointing.) That one.

(The DOCTOR places the larger box in the centre of the TARDIS console and grins. He crosses to LEELA's side in the foreground, and holds up the smaller box for comparison.)

DOCTOR: Now which is larger?

LEELA: (Pointing across to the larger box.) That one!

DOCTOR: But it looks smaller.

LEELA: Well, that's because it's further away.

DOCTOR: Exactly. If you could keep that exactly that distance away and have it here, the large one would fit inside the small one.

(LEELA looks at the DOCTOR dubiously.)

LEELA: That's silly.

DOCTOR: That's transdimensional engineering, a key Time Lord discovery.

(The TARDIS engines signal that materialisation is imminent.)

8. INT. Storm mine 4 forward scoop deck

(The TARDIS materialises inside a small metal-lined room with sand on the floor.)

9. INT. wood-panelled tardis console room

(The DOCTOR approaches the console and LEELA follows him excitedly.)

DOCTOR: This is the exciting bit.

LEELA: What's exciting?

DOCTOR: Well, seeing what's outside.

(The DOCTOR activates controls on the console and the scanner opens, revealing only the vertical metal slats of a wall. The DOCTOR approaches the scanner for a closer look.)

DOCTOR: I think ... it's metal! We've landed inside something metal.

LEELA: But how can we? How can the TARDIS be inside something metal?

DOCTOR: Well, one box inside another, I've just explained it to you.

LEELA: No, not very clearly.

(The DOCTOR again approaches the console and activates switches, closing the scanner.)

DOCTOR: Well ... it's a rather dull subject anyway.

(The DOCTOR closes the console hatch and steps down towards the coat rack.)

DOCTOR: I wonder where we are.

LEELA: You mean you don't know?

DOCTOR: Well not precisely, no.

LEELA: You mean you can't control this machine?

(The DOCTOR puts on his jacket and scarf, and folds his hat into his pocket. LEELA follows him and picks up a blaster of the kind she used in The Face of Evil.)

DOCTOR: Well of course I can control it. Nine times out of ten. Well ... seven times out of ten. Five times ... look. Never mind, let's see where we are.

(He walks towards the door as LEELA checks her blaster.)

DOCTOR: You won't need that.

LEELA: How do you know?

DOCTOR: I never carry weapons. If people see you mean them no harm, they never hurt you.

(LEELA shrugs and puts the blaster down.)

DOCTOR: Nine times out of ten.

(He exits. LEELA follows, wielding her knife.)

10. INT. forward scoop deck

(The DOCTOR and LEELA emerge from the TARDIS cautiously, finding themselves in the metal room with sandy floor. The DOCTOR walks towards an open hatch which leads into a darkened, dirty chute. LEELA approaches, holding her knife before her.)


(Storm Mine 4 continues on its trek through the craggy, barren wastes of the desert.)


(With great sense of purpose, the human bridge crew - UVANOV, ZILDA, CASS, POUL, TOOS - enter the bridge, passing the robots who are calmly at work. UVANOV now wears a spectacular head-dress like broad bronze feathers sprouting from his head. He stands before an instrument in the foreground that features a transparent green dome. TOOS too now wears a magnificent head-dress: hers is like a skeletal copper mohawk. She and ZILDA sit at consoles below the raised platform, surrounding by blinking lights. CASS climbs the stairs up to the platform. POUL crosses the bridge to a workstation on the other side.)

UVANOV: How's it look, Toos?

TOOS: Tell you in a moment.

UVANOV: Right tracking?

ZILDA: Clear and running, Commander.

UVANOV: Left tracking?

ZILDA: And running.

TOOS: It's small. Scale three point four, not building.

(UVANOV approaches the forward console, where V58 is working.)

UVANOV: What have you done with all the big ones?

TOOS: (Sing-song.) I don't make them.

ZILDA: (In background.) Range four point one two. Running time three point three zero. Ground centre zero zero one.

TOOS: That's something, anyway. We won't have to chase this one.

(V32 stands behind UVANOV.)

V32: No instrument pack report yet, sir.

UVANOV: Chub! Get after him.

POUL: It's alright, I'll go.

UVANOV: Scientists!

POUL: (Laughs.) Yes.

(POUL leaves the bridge. UVANOV turns to climb the stairs.)

UVANOV: How can I run a mine with amateurs?

(ZILDA turns defensively.)

ZILDA: Chub's alright.

UVANOV: Why? Just because he's from one of the founding families?

ZILDA: I didn't mention his family, Commander.

UVANOV: (Interrupts.) One of the twenty? You know, it's amazing the way you people stick together. No, it's not amazing. It's sickening.

ZILDA: I hope you're watching the traversers, Commander.

UVANOV: Oh, please don't worry about my job, Zilda. What's she blowing, Toos?

TOOS: The spectro is money. Could be some zelanite. Some keefan. (Smiles triumphantly.) Traces of lucanol!

UVANOV: Ah, money in the bank. Cheer up, Zilda. I'll make you rich again.

(ZILDA scowls.)


(The metal-slippered feet of a ROBOT walk silently along a corridor.)


(The forward storage locker contains wall-to-wall open shelving made of blue-scaffold, and the shelves are stuffed with boxes and supplies. CHUB tries to pull out an instrument pack from a shelf, but it appears to be stuck.)

CHUB: Oh. (Mutters.) Ohhh! Blazing robots. Where in the seven suns is that robot? (Calls.) Robot! Robot?


(The metal-slippered ROBOT feet continue to walk silently along a corridor, approaching a door.)

16. INT. forward storage locker

(The door opens and V45 enters the storage locker. CHUB still stands beside the instrument package shelf.)

V45: Yes, sir?

CHUB: Where have you been? Get that instrument package.

(V45 does not obey the order. Its eyes now glow an eery red.)

CHUB: Well come on, get a move on. I've got to launch it before the hatches are locked.

(V45 does not move.)

CHUB: Er ... did you hear what I said?

V45: Yes, sir. I heard what you said.

CHUB: Well, get on with it then!

(V45 moves towards CHUB. CHUB turns in frustration and points to the package.)

CHUB: No, look. There, you electronic moron. What are you doing? Look, stop. Stand still.

(V45 continues to move toward CHUB, now with hands outstretched. CHUB backs away, suddenly afraid. V45 does not stop. As CHUB backs into a corner, V45 follows him.)

CHUB: No. No. Get back. Get away from me.

17. INT. CORRIDOR junction

(ROBOTS walk silently along corridors in a junction area where many corridors meet. POUL steps down into this junction, searching for Chub. He hears a long and blood-curdling scream - it is CHUB's voice. POUL examines the communicator pinned to his chest, and sets off at a run.)

18. INT. bridge

(UVANOV and CASS stand on the raised platform, hard at work beside V21. CASS activates controls on a console. UVANOV speaks into his wrist communicator.)

UVANOV: This is the Commander. All checks complete, all systems clear and running. Security robots: stand by to commence hatch lock sequence, now.

TOOS: (In background.) Range two zed. Running time point four three. Ground centre zero zero zero.

(UVANOV races down the stairs, still speaking into his communicator.)

UVANOV: You two movers, stand by to switch to motive power.

(UVANOV looks into the green domed instrument, holding handles on its sides.)

UVANOV: It's coming right down our throats, so we can really suck the pay stream out of this one.

V32: Monitors indicate obstruction on forward scoop deck.

UVANOV: Then get it cleared, V32. Get it cleared.

19. INT. forward scoop deck

(Appearing not to have moved for a while, the DOCTOR now steps through the scoop hatch leading into the darkened scoop chute, crunching underfoot the gravel on the floor. LEELA follows him.)


(The DOCTOR and LEELA walk along the chute, towards a huge louvred vent in the foreground. The chute is crusted with sand and gravel. The DOCTOR touches the very weathered chute wall with his fingers.)

LEELA: What is it?

DOCTOR: A specially hardened alloy. Scored all over. It must come in under great pressure.

LEELA: What must?

DOCTOR: Whatever it is they fill it up with.


(V32 watches a monitor which shows a giant industrial claw grabbing the TARDIS and lifting it up and out of the forward scoop deck.)

22. EXT. storm mine 4

(Dusty winds swirl around Storm Mine 4 as it continues on its way. The vent pipe below the forward louvred vent blows out dust particles, perhaps preparing for the approaching storm.)


(The DOCTOR and LEELA reach the end of the chute and stand before the louvred vent. The DOCTOR is interested in the vent, but LEELA looks anxiously back the way they came.)

LEELA: Doctor.

DOCTOR: This is very interesting.

LEELA: Back there. I heard something.

DOCTOR: It comes in here.

LEELA: What does?

DOCTOR: Whatever it is.


(The work on the bridge continues, with UVANOV, TOOS, CASS and ZILDA at their work stations, and ROBOTS going about their duties.)

TOOS: Range point eight seven. Running time point one three. Ground centre zero nine three.

UVANOV: It's veering away! (Speaks into wrist communicator.) Mover, where's that power?

BORG: (On communicator.) It's coming, sir.

UVANOV: So is old age, Borg, and I don't want to spend mine in this desert waiting for you to do your job.

TOOS: (In background.) Range point three. Running time point zero two. Ground centre nine nine one.

BORG: (On communicator.) Switching to motive units ... now.

(POUL enters the bridge, distressed, and crosses to UVANOV.)

UVANOV: (Moans.) Oooh. We may just catch the edge but we're gonna have to chase to stay there.

POUL: Commander!

UVANOV: What is it?

POUL: Chub's dead.

ZILDA: Dead?

UVANOV: You sure?

POUL: Of course I'm sure.

UVANOV: (Mocking.) Alright, then. First things first. There's nothing we can do for him now.

POUL: He was m*rder*d!

UVANOV: How do you know?

POUL: Because people don't strangle themselves.

TOOS: Strangled?

POUL: Yes, he's in the forward storage locker.

ZILDA: You'll have to abort this one.

UVANOV: What, and lose this storm? We're almost onto it!

ZILDA: Poul's talking about m*rder, Commander!

UVANOV: I'm talking about money.

POUL: You have no choice.

ZILDA: (Significantly.) This time.

UVANOV: (Grumpy, into communicator.) Close scoops. Trim vents. Crew, stand down.

25. INT. forward scoop vent

(The DOCTOR and LEELA look through the vent louvres at the desert outside. LEELA is captivated.)

LEELA: What is it?

DOCTOR: A desert. Either that or the tide's gone out.

LEELA: Where are the trees?

DOCTOR: There's no water, so nothing grows. Nothing at all by the look of it.

LEELA: It's beautiful.

DOCTOR: Mm. Bit garish for my taste.

LEELA: (Points.) What's that white thing? On the horizon.

(Beyond them, we see swirling dust clouds billowing up between craggy mesas.)

DOCTOR: Looks like dust. It's a sandstorm. Come on. Come on, let's get out of here. (Firmly.) Come on! This is a sandmine. We're in one of the scoops.

LEELA: What does that mean?

DOCTOR: The storm could be travelling at a thousand miles an hour. The sand will cut us to pieces unless we get back to the TARDIS. Come on.

(He goes. LEELA follows.)

26. EXT. storm mine 4

(The winds have whipped up around the front of the sandminer, blowing dust and rocks in a ferocious storm. The massive vehicle seems to struggle against the gale, but its powerful screwpumps push it ever onward.)

27. INT. forward scoop deck

(The DOCTOR and LEELA run back along the chute into the scoop deck. But the TARDIS is gone! They need to shout to be heard above the noise of the storm outside.)

DOCTOR: We've been robbed!

LEELA: I said I heard something.

DOCTOR: The shutters.

LEELA: What?

DOCTOR: If there are no manual controls, we're dead.

(The DOCTOR leaps back through the hatch and runs along the chute towards the vent, with LEELA close behind.)


(The louvres of the vent close as the DOCTOR and LEELA reach it.)

LEELA: Somebody must have heard.

(They turn back to see who it could have been.)


(POUL points UVANOV inside the forward storage locker, and UVANOV strides towards the dead body of CHUB.)

UVANOV: He was like this when you found him?

POUL: Just a little fresher.

(UVANOV squats, and turns CHUB onto his back. He examines CHUB's neck. POUL also crouches.)

UVANOV: You said you heard screams.

POUL: Yes.

UVANOV: He was strangled.

POUL: The scream stopped.

(UVANOV finds a red plastic disc with white trim stuck to the back of CHUB's hand. It looks like a bicycle reflector.)

UVANOV: What's this?

POUL: I've no idea.

(UVANOV removes the disc.)

UVANOV: Crew all assembled?

POUL: They should be by now.

UVANOV: Let's get this thing settled then. The sooner we get this worked out, the sooner we get back to making our quota. Scientists! I never should have let him on board!

POUL: He'd probably agree with you.


POUL: (With one last, curious look at CHUB.) Coming, Commander.

30. INT. forward scoop deck

(The DOCTOR and LEELA run back into the scoop deck in frustration.)

DOCTOR: There must be a way out!

LEELA: I do not think I like this metal world, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Well, we can't get out of it till we find the TARDIS.

(LEELA, looking behind the DOCTOR, suddenly draws her knife and strikes a defensive pose.)

LEELA: Watch it!

(Two ROBOTS - V17 and D84 - enter the scoop. D84 approaches close to the DOCTOR, looking him squarely in the face.)


(The human crew has assembled for a meeting. BORG and DASK pace uncertainly. Now fully clothed, BORG wears a pale maroon tunic. TOOS and CASS are deep in anxious conversation. ZILDA is also there, unseen. A VOC stands by the door like a well trained servant. Enter UVANOV and POUL.)

UVANOV: All present?

DASK: Kerril's not here yet.

TOOS: He's on his way, he was in the rear section. But it'll take a while.

UVANOV: Right. We'll make a start then.

CASS: Right.

(The crew take their seats, except for UVANOV and POUL, who remain standing on the steps by the door.)

UVANOV: Now, you all know that Chub is dead. One of you k*lled him.

ZILDA: One of us, surely?

UVANOV: That's what I said.

POUL: No, you did say one of you.

UVANOV: Alright, then. One of us k*lled him. The question is, which one?

TOOS: And why?

(UVANOV steps down from the door and approaches BORG.)

UVANOV: Well, this is a two year tour. Maybe Chub was just beginning to get on somebody's nerves?


ZILDA: (To UVANOV.) He was certainly getting on yours.

UVANOV: Yes, but we all know where I was.

BORG: I was on the power deck.

UVANOV: Was Dask with you?

BORG: Yes.

DASK: Not all the time. I went to check the synchro relays.

BORG: Now, look! I had nothing against Chub. Okay, he talked too much, but I was -

ZILDA: Anyway, the time Poul heard the scream -

CASS: (Correcting.) A-ah. Says he heard the scream. Let's keep the point open.

POUL: Well why should I lie?

UVANOV: (To CASS.) Now you interrupted Zilda. Founding family people never interrupt each other. Isn't that right, Zilda?

POUL: Someone interrupted Chub. With both hands.

UVANOV: Please, Poul. We're all waiting for Zilda.

ZILDA: I was simply going to say the scream could have been arranged.

TOOS: How?

ZILDA: A communicator recording.

UVANOV: What'd be the point?

ZILDA: To give somebody an alibi, Commander. You sent Poul to look for Chub. You could have arranged it all.

TOOS: You mean, the poor man might have been dead when Poul heard the scream?

UVANOV: (Dismissive.) Oh, nice try, Zilda. Now. Does anybody know what this is?

(UVANOV holds up the red disc. TOOS and BORG reach towards it, curious.)

DASK: It's a corpse marker.

(At the word 'corpse', TOOS and UVANOV pull away and BORG is left holding the disc. DASK makes a nervous gesture with his fingers.)


DASK: A robot deactivation disc. They use them in the construction centres. If ever we used the stop circuit and turned off all our robots, they'd have to go back to a construction centre for reactivation. On arrival, each would be marked with a disc like that to show it was a deactivated robot. The technicians call them corpse markers. It's a sort of a joke.

POUL: Seems our m*rder*r has a sense of humour.

UVANOV: That was on the back of Chub's hand.

BORG: Not just a m*rder*r then. Seems like one of us is a maniac.

CASS: Use your brain, Borg. We would know, wouldn't we?

BORG: But we don't.

(BORG places the disc on the back of CASS's hand.)

BORG: Do we?

32. EXT. storm mine 4

(Outside - mirroring the turmoil on the sandminer - the storm rages on.)

33. INT. bridge

(Seemingly oblivious to the events that have transpired, four VOCS and two DUMBS continue to work calmly on the bridge.)

V14: Storm scale sixteen. Range nine point eight. Timed two zero one. Vector seven two and holding.

(A silver robot enters the bridge. It is Super Voc SV7, whose appearance is identical to that of the others in every respect but colour.)

SV7: Alright, 14. Full crew alert. All of the humans in the rear section are accounted for. Storm Mine 4 is now under complete robot control. Begin the check sequence.

34. INT. corridor

(V9 leads the DOCTOR and LEELA along a corridor. They come to a door.)

LEELA: Doctor, how do you know they're not hostile?

35. INT. UVANOV's quarters

(V9 goes through the door and enters Uvanov's quarters. The DOCTOR and LEELA follow it inside. The door is on an upper level that forms an L-shaped platform at the back of the room, bounded by an elegant metal banister. A few stairs lead down to a sunken area containing a comfortable padded couch and desk. The dŽcor is again strikingly art deco and pleasing to the eye.)

DOCTOR: Because robots are programmed to help people, not hurt them. You won't hurt us, will you?

V9: Please wait here.

(V9 exits. LEELA descends the stairs and examines some strange objects on the desk. The DOCTOR listens at the door for activity outside.)

LEELA: What's all this for?

DOCTOR: Mineral extraction. The surface of this planet is a sea of sand -

36. INT. corridor outside uvanov's quarters

(A ROBOT listens at the door to the DOCTOR and LEELA's conversation.)

DOCTOR: (Through door.) - probably several miles deep and constantly moving. And I imagine contains valuable metallic elements. Otherwise they wouldn't go to all this trouble.

37. INT. uvanov's quarters

LEELA: Like those creepy mechanical men.


(The DOCTOR moves away from the door and investigates the room. LEELA tests out the couch, kneeling on its cushiony softness and bouncing.)

DOCTOR: I have seen a similar sort of thing on Kilarna Beta. The mine passes over the surface searching for useful ores. Naturally, the heavier elements tend to sink in the substratas. So a really good sandstorm is a bonus - it stirs things up a bit.

LEELA: Sometimes you talk like a Tesh.

DOCTOR: Thank you.

LEELA: It was not well meant. Are the mechanical men friendly?

DOCTOR: Robots don't have feelings. It's the people they serve we must hope are friendly.

LEELA: Perhaps there are no people here.

DOCTOR: What? Robots don't need chairs, and certainly not padded ones.

LEELA: (Smiling, pleased with her insight.) Because they have no feelings?

(SV7 enters, remaining on the upper level of the room.)

SV7: Please identify yourselves.

DOCTOR: Well, I'm the Doctor and that's Leela. I wonder if it's possible for us to speak to the person in charge. I'd like to thank him for saving our lives.

SV7: I command.

DOCTOR: Well thank you for saving our lives.

SV7: What are you doing here?

LEELA: Er ... well the other mechanical man told us to wait.

SV7: What were you doing in the scoop?

DOCTOR: Trying to get out.

SV7: Please wait here.

(SV7 leaves, closing the door.)

LEELA: Talkative.

(The DOCTOR ascends to the door. LEELA jumps up and follows.)

LEELA: No, Doctor. He said we must wait here.

(The DOCTOR unlocks the door with his sonic screwdriver and it opens with a hum. He looks out to ensure the corridor is clear.)

DOCTOR: First we find the TARDIS. Then we have a little scout round. And we'll be back before they know.

LEELA: Doctor!

(But he is gone. LEELA takes out her knife and cautiously exits the room, following the DOCTOR down the corridor.)

38. INT. recreation room

(UVANOV stands by the door, speaking into his wrist communicator.)

UVANOV: Right. Hold them there.

(A tone signifies the end of the communication. UVANOV cheerfully descends the steps into the room, where the human crew are still seated. ROBOTS stand around the periphery of the room, ready as always to take orders.)

UVANOV: Well, that settles that then.

CASS: I told you. Didn't I say so? Maniacs.

UVANOV: Come on, let's all get back to work.

POUL: Now just a minute!

ZILDA: Yes, what do you mean 'let's get back to work'?

UVANOV: You heard SV7. There are intruders. A man and a woman. They're obviously the murderers and we've got them under lock and key.

BORG: Why are they obviously the murderers? I don't see that.

CASS: You just don't like to be wrong, do you?

BORG: Nobody's proved that I am. I mean, who are these people?

ZILDA: Could they be ore raiders?

BORG: Ore raiders? There's no such thing.

UVANOV: No, listen. We're at this moment in the middle of the biggest storm we've come across since we started this tour and we are wasting time.

BORG: The robots are mining.

UVANOV: Robots do not have instincts. They'll be lucky to get half of what we can get. We are not out in the middle of this desert for pleasure. We are here to make money. So get on your feet. And get back to work.

(No one moves.)

UVANOV: That is an order!

BORG: Give it to a robot.

UVANOV: What did you say?

TOOS: Commander. We've got to find out about those two.

POUL: For all we know, there may be more of them.

CASS: Makes sense.

DASK: If there are more of them, they'll be caught. In the meantime as the Commander suggests, I think we should return to our posts.

ZILDA: Why? Nothing's changed.

UVANOV: (Resigned.) Alright. (Activates communicator, and speaks into it.) Seven.

SV7: Yes, Commander?

UVANOV: Bring the man and the woman here.

SV7: I was about to inform you, Commander. They have escaped.

BORG: You see?

DASK: What?

UVANOV: Escaped? Then you better find them and find them quick. Put every spare robot on it.

39. INT. corridor

(The DOCTOR and LEELA walk slowly through the sandminer, watchful. The DOCTOR passes an open door and continues onward. LEELA goes through it.)

40. INT. FORWARD Storage locker

(LEELA enters the storage locker. Everything is just the same as before, except for the presence of a gurney covered in a light green plastic sheet. LEELA examines the packages on the shelves, then bumps into the gurney. She pulls back the sheet to reveal the dead CHUB.)

41. INT. corridor in hopper area

(Meanwhile, the DOCTOR has wandered into a more open, industrial part of the sandminer. Here he finds the TARDIS, parked in a nook. He grins, and pats it.)

DOCTOR: Hello, my dear old thing.

(He walks back the way he came, and his attention is caught by the open door of a hopper. He swings the door back and watches through the transparent hatch as ore fills the hopper.)

DOCTOR: The ore comes in under pressure from the separators. I wonder what it is, Leela. What do you think, Lee -

(He swings around, realising that he is alone.)

DOCTOR: - la? Leela? I wish that girl wouldn't wander off like that.

(He walks back a little way further, coming to another hopper door. He opens it and steps inside. It is dark. He shines a torch around the hopper interior and lights on a dead body curled in the corner. He steps across to investigate, crouching by the body and turning it over - the body has eye makeup like the sandmine crew, but it is not a person we have met. Suddenly, the door and the hatch close behind the DOCTOR, and ore begins to rain down on his head from a chute in the ceiling. The ore buries the dead body. It looks like it will soon bury the DOCTOR too ... )

Doctor Who































Incidental Music by


Title Music by


and the



Title Sequence by


Production Assistant


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Special Sound

d*ck MILLS

Costume Designer


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Script Editor










Transcript by Lindy Orthia May 2009