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01x03 - The Wonderstudies

Posted: 04/25/21 16:14
by bunniefuu
Previously on High School Musical The Musical, The Series Ricky and Nini proved that opposites don't always attract Okay, that is a five! Ashlyn fell in love with a piano...

"I already know"

EJ fell in love with himself And I borrowed Nini's phone You are welcome But I will be stealing the show

Okay guys! Here we go! A five, six, seven, eight!

All right guys, come on! Get your head in the game Carlos, when can we take the blindfolds off?

When you are able to dribble and pirouette at the same time Come on, try again It is important to set up impossible situations in rehearsal That way, by opening night they have been through every possible emergency scenario Someone has a heart attack? Keep dancing The sound system goes out because of a tornado?

Keep dancing Tornadoes come and go Dance is forever

Thanks for waiting You okay?

She told him she loved him Who?

Nini I found an archived post on her Instagram EJ, you cannot go snooping around someone's phone like a stalker I play to win, Ash have we met?

Go to June first Security code is seven seven, seven, seven

"Cannot help dreaming of you"

"Guess I am saying I do not not love you"

"You know, you know..." Okay Firstly, since when does he get a song?

Whatever It was four months ago Yes, but it happened Okay, ancient history Ricky and Nini are completely over There is no Ricky Yes

It is him I spoke too soon I am going to take this Are you insane?

Do not answer that phone EJ!

This is Nini, talk to me, me It is me, your... buddy, Ricky Sorry to bother you I know we do not do voice convos but I saw you singing with Ashlyn today and I felt like we shared a moment, or a thing I do not know maybe a moment is a thing Why am I still talking?

Anyway, whatever If this voicemail is too much or too soon, or you are not into it we can just ignore this and pretend nothing ever happened, okay?

Poof! Gone Okay Bye

Nailed it Crushed it

You need to return this, now I know Nini could still be inside I know For the love of God do not listen to that voicemail I will! I mean, I won't, I know You are going to listen to it are not you?

Why do not you believe me?

Forget the ride, I will walk home

It is me, your... buddy, Ricky Sorry to bother you I know we do not do voice convos but I saw you singing with Ashlyn today and I felt like we shared a moment, or a thing

Have you seen my phone?

It is kind of a eggshell champagne color, has a Playbill case?

That is adorable No, but we will keep a look out Just remember there is no phones in rehearsal I know!

Things were simpler when I was a teenager We had flip-phones and M-Three-P players My job in a nutshell is to put these kids on airplane mode So they can fly Miss Jenn, I need a moment please Do you have an appointment?

I have got this, Carlos we are done for the day

Hi Hi! you have never been here have you?

This is where the magic happens I have been here This is where my robotics club won the state title last year We built an entire working crab on a 14-dollar budget Cool Miss Jenn, did you spend a huge chunk of your budget on some kind of smartphone for this production?

If you knew anything about technology you would know that is called a Palm Brio...

It is a Treo 600, I owned one and It was a gift from my dear friend Vanessa Hudgens who I totally hit it off with as a featured dancer in the film She wanted us to have it as sort of a brick of good luck she is a giver A giver or a seller?

You sent this receipt to the faculty lounge printer which is two floors away instead of the one that's a foot from your desk So we both have technology challenges It says that the purchase was made by someone named Jenn Jennifer Yes, that's me, Jenn, Jennifer Saying it twice does not make that your real name Okay, and what's your name Mr. Mazzara?

How is that a real name? My first name is Benjamin Well aren't you lucky?

Who even are you?

I am a very busy, actual teacher now If you will excuse me I need to go home and figure out how to make my leading man levitate with a basketball

Everybody hold!

Nini, where were you? We have been here for an hour I am so sorry I lost my phone and spent last night living as a hunter-gatherer which, by the way did you know there are things that are only on TV at a certain time?

Okay anyway, I finally picked it up in the lost and found...

Wait, did you say an hour?

Gina sent you and me a text asking if we could come in early so she could talk through a new idea, you did not get it?

No,because my phone was missing Look honey You have got to keep better track of your stuff A real triple-threat means singing acting, and being organized Got it Yes, I saw it, too EJ was supposed to return that phone Suddenly feeling hashtag complicit If you had been here you would know that Gina pitched a whole new dance break for Gabriella and Taylor in the middle of Status Quo and she had Carlos work it out with her and it is just dazzling

You and Carlos?

Gina, why do not you hydrate and show Nini the new choreo?

Would you?

Okay Is it just me, or is it possible that Gina stole my phone?

She schedules an early rehearsal she knows I will miss and then shows up with a whole new dance number featuring her freakish gymnastics skills that she knows I cannot do and now I am in the doghouse with Miss Jenn Is any of this an accident?

I mean If she's willing to steal a spotlight what else is she willing to steal?

Hey Nini, how was your night?

Um, not so hot actually, excuse me Okay

"Not so hot"?

Was that about my voicemail?

I mean Is that her answer?

Yes, that was her answer This is a basic triple pirouette

This is like a two count of krump and then we're into some Argentinian tango Piece of cake if you have ever spent a few months overseas Here's where you kick your face

Hmm, can I kick yours?

I love your humor ok part two, ready?

There's not a word for this last move per se but I call it the Death Whack Give a gander

Ta-da! So that, but you start on the left foot Ready?

I have seen the movie a few hundred times Vanessa Hudgens walks in and stands there What I do not remember is the part where she jumps into the splits and cracks her pelvis It is on Okay, here is the deal Are you sitting down? Excellent So It seems like Gina really wants my part in the show and she is basically willing to k*ll me to get it I could have told you that days ago Wait, hang on, I did But now she's stealing phones and inventing special ways for me to hurt myself So, here's what I came up with What are we back in fifth grade? Not the point So the way I see it I could do one of six things One, talk to Miss Jenn Two, magically learn the dance Three, have my moms yell at her mom Four, quit the show Five, eat so much ice cream Or six, steal something back We can scratch out number six because that's an act of w*r

Too late Nini!

I thought you would veto the ice cream This is not good I know No, I mean this is really not good Yes but it is not news, either You broke her heart you crashed her play you bugged her for a little bit and then you left her a sad voicemail You think it is time to move on?

I wouldn't but you have that other thing Pride Okay, tell me what to do Just be yourself you know Be the bigger man Okay, pick one Definitely bigger man You are the lead in the play dude It is time to act like it

You are right It is like that scene in the movie where Troy tells his teammates

"You are my guys and this is our spam"

When does he say that?

You know I just realized that my allergist keeps the sound off in the waiting room and maybe I cannot read lips

You stole Gina's shoes Wasn't that hard What if she retaliates?

Then I will come back at her twice as hard I will rain down hellfire you understand?

I am the night Nini, I got to be honest this doesn't feel like you I know, it did not feel like me But I have stepped into the light I play to win now

I thought you would be proud

Yes, but stealing just seems a little low You are better than that You are better than...

You are Nini

Hmm, alright maybe you are right And I do like that you see me that way I always have You are a good person And I do not know if it is because you are a senior or somebody raised you right but I wish I had what ever you have got inside of you It is like confidence mixed with morals, and about a dozen abs

Thanks for being you

You look terrible Yes, I feel really guilty Wow! That's not an emotion I knew you had Sorry I never should have stolen her phone You think? It is not the person I want to be It is not the person Nini thinks I am

You know what I should do? Apologize?

Yes, but first, I have to come clean and if I am going to own up to this I need to do in a way something she really hears What are you thinking? Okay hear me out She wrote a song for Ricky so I should do that For her, I mean You want to do what now?

Write a song for Nini To tell her the truth and say I am sorry and just show her how much she means to me EJ, respectfully have you ever written a song?

I mean have you even written a poem?

No, but you write songs So I was hoping you could help me out How fast of a turnaround are we talking here?

I am studying for an AP Psych test tomorrow Could you just like loan me one of your songs?

And I will change the lyrics

Please, Ash I am trying to do the right thing I need to prove myself here I will send you a track I am playing with It is not really my style I was trying to figure out the software No, it is perfect! You haven't even heard it yet

Dig deep, okay?

You cannot just charm your way out of this one

Why do I have it out for Miss Jenn? I do not I have it in for my program I need a minimum of 12 students in my robotics club to go to China Four have already dropped out for the musical and I do not have the technology to make four more This is w*r

So I have thought about what EJ said and decided that sometimes you just have to stand up and do what's right I am returning Gina's shoes When she isn't looking Okay I have a few different options And just hear me out, but I think that you should try this one on first Are these for the new dance break in Status Quo?

High-key love them whose is whose?

Taylor, Gabriella Okay, mine is everything But for Gabriella you may want to put her in a color that pops little more She's already kind of bland Not as a person sweetest girl in the world but as an actress I do not want her to get lost in the crowd

Did you return the shoes? I may have stole her water bottle No! You do not have to say it No, I stole three scarves some jewellery, and her laptop

Oh, my God! Kourtney! There is more in the front pocket Yes, we are going to jail I am in the kitchen, EJ!

Uncle Dennis and Aunt Debbie are not home, right?

I do not really want an audience for this Thank you?

No, you know what I mean okay you ready?

I am just impressed you wrote a whole song Yes, it is got metaphors and everything Well, I am proud of you sing from the heart

Here goes

Before you go and make that face you make When you are mad at me So mad at me Let me say it is not my place going through your voicemail and your history And if this were a TV show You know I would have to go and plead insanity because the lying and spying and prying Isn't really my personality I am an idiot for taking your phone This is my fault, my bad If I said a million sorrys How about a billion sorrys Ooh!

You shine just like the stars And I am not even a night light because what I did wasn't so bright I am really sorry Girl...

Girl, you know I was scared that this would end That's why I checked your DMs his has been so hard for me to keep this secret from you and our friends But given the chance I would definitely do it again No, wait, that's not right I mean that I wouldn't do it again!

No! This is my fault, my bad If I said a million sorrys How about a billion sorrys Ooh!

Can't we just start again Once upon a time, I am sorry Nothing else to rhyme with sorry Okay Ooh!

Not so great at saying sorry Hope you know I am really sorry Ooh!


Did you like it?

There's a lot to admire It is too much I guess I was hoping it would feel a little less boy band and a little more heartfelt Maybe if you tweaked a couple of the lyrics Like there are words that rhyme with "sorry"

I mean not really "Starry"?

You know what?

I cannot do this You are right this is her thing with Ricky She'll just see right through it I am going to find her after rehearsal tomorrow tell her what happened and straight up apologize She might forgive you Would you?

I am proud of you either way Yes that's what I thought

Troy and Chad, scene 45! Let's go I am looking forward to doing this scene today I am just going to be... Troy a decent guy with a lot of talent whose only problem is that he cares too much I am just going to power through the day, find Nini say what I need to and everything will be fine Just get through this Chad rehearsal and get on with my life Okay let's take it from the top And remember these two boys are "best bros"

Which it is a sacred thing for reasons I will never understand, ready?

"We had a meeting about how we haven't been like a team, Troy Us, not you and the singing thing...

I do not want to talk about it We want you to know that we are going to be there cheering for you

Look win or lose... We are teammates

Even if you turn out to be the worst singer in the world And you are not going to hear me sing dudes because Gabriella won't even talk to me, and I do not know why

Okay, that was okay but it was a little stiff Let's loosen up pass some energy back and forth right Let's use the ball and improvise

Just say whatever? Chad it up

Troy, you are the best player we have got, we are so lucky Wouldn't be anything without you The way you pretend to play basketball is really inspiring Thanks, Chad, and the way you dance is totally normal and not at all weird for a regular high school kid You deserve everything that's coming your way Back at you, dude Back at you times two Four!

Eight! Back at you infinity plus one!

Okay, major overcorrect! Let's take a soft ten EJ, honey, let's get you some ice

Miss Jenn, have you got a second?

Sure It was my understanding that a big reason you got this job was because of your experience as a featured dancer in the original High School Musical film Yes, sir And a featured dancer is someone who dances with the people whose characters have names?

Where is this going?

Maybe you can explain this What is that?

It... My phone has a bright flash Doesn't matter, This is you, 2006 with all the other extras who did not sing or dance or even have a real name Sound familiar?

Miss Jenn, I got you a matcha half-caf with the show Red Bull I am sorry, what's going on here?

It is nothing Are you sure? Yes, it is fine You do not look fine Go inside and practice your box step young man This is a grown-up conversation Miss Jenn, is he bothering you?

You know you ought to spend less time worrying about your drama teacher and more time trying to make some friends under the age of 35

Carlos, go run the Status Quo vocals for a few minutes, okay?

Do not ever talk to my students like that again Your students? Do you have a teaching credential?

I may have fudged a thing or two on my resumé but I am here because I believe in these kids Not because they are all going to be Broadway stars but because they aren't They are weird and unusual and quirky but they come here at the end of the day and everything that they get made fun of for outside that room is what makes them shine inside it You may think Carlos has no friends but the day I posted that cast list he got 17 new ones That's sweet But Vanessa Hudgens is not your friend Miss Jenn And the stories you have been telling these kids are nothing but smoke and mirrors It is all just a ruse I am sorry, but you need to go in there and tell these students that nothing here is real

Why do not you tell them what's real?

"Not another sound"

"No, no, no, no"

"Stick to the stuff you know"

"If you want to be cool Follow one simple rule"

"Do not mess with the flow, oh, no"

"Stick to the status quo"

"No, no, no"

"Stick to the stuff you know"

"It is better by far to keep things as they are"

"Do not mess with the flow, no, no"

"Do not you stick to the status"

"Stick to the status"

"Stick to the status quo"

I have no notes

No I am not going to fall on my sword and confess about the phone now Do not need to make Ricky look like the good guy It was a one-time thing and no one has to know Just going to keep my head down and forget about the last 48 hours As soon as this heals

Hey man how's the lip?

All good Listen, I do not know what happened out there It was an accident Really?

Because "infinity plus one" sounded pretty real That's not even a number Do me a favor and stay away from me and Nini, okay?

Excuse me? Do not act like my best friend Don't act like her boyfriend Just stop acting, period Why cannot you be real?

Listen I am just trying to make the best out of a bad situation...

Stop trying, Ricky Do not try so hard! It is embarrassing Dude I am just trying to say that I am sorry You want to apologize?

You can start with that thirsty voicemail you left for Nini Okay, she doesn't need to hear from you anymore What did you just say? Just go home

Hey, Gina?

Do you have a second? That's all I have Okay so I just want to say I do not know what happened with my phone and I do not care anymore and I know you do not like me very much And I am okay with that But we have to find a way to respect each other and I know that starts with me Okay So, when I thought you stole my phone I may have gone a little crazy and then you said something mean and I may have gone extra crazy Point is, I have come into possession a few of your things and I would like to return them to you

I know It was kind of a workout getting it all here I do not know how you walk around with all this stuff You must be freakishly strong But that is beside the point What is the point?

I am not got to be a doormat for you but I am also not going to be a klepto So we can all just stay in our lane and... find our own ways to thrive right?

Stick to the status quo

Anyway I hope you enjoy having all of your heavy stuff back I will see you at rehearsal Just one thing before you go

I did not have your phone

Hey! Nini!

I have to say something to you I know we are not a couple anymore, I get that You have been very clear But... I thought there was a little trust left between us You know I thought I still meant something to you I just cannot do this right now Fine, okay?

But the next time I spill my guts to you in a voicemail do me a favor and keep it to yourself I do not need to hear from EJ that it is wrong and stupid What voicemail?

What do you mean? You heard this from EJ?