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01x08 - The Tech Rehearsal

Posted: 04/25/21 16:18
by bunniefuu
"Previously on High School Musical The Musical: The Series"

Thanksgiving is all about sharing secret talents and discovering new co-stars Learning the meaning of humility and giving thanks for making new friends I just hope Miss Jenn had a nice night off with her large extended family

Excuse me, kids!

Oh, my gosh! What happened?

It's okay, nobody was hurt There was a small fire in the theater over the holiday and the sprinklers did their job We're almost done in here just have to finish up in the faculty room next Some circuits blew in there over the break We fell asleep, we smelled smoke we pulled the fire alarm and Benjamin Mazzara said "Run", so I ran I will donate my entire salary to rebuild the theater But the show must go on Unfortunately the show cannot go on What?

Fire ripped through half of your costumes and the sprinklers ruined a bunch of your sets I... I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to red tag the entire backstage area for a month at least

Did she just say costumes?

Okay, okay, listen up Hug your neighbor take a moment and let's all reconvene in the cafeteria after school to talk about our options Nini and Ricky, spread the word Got it, yes, of course Ricky? Ricky?

Sorry, after school in the cafeteria, got it I... It's just, I'm the props guy so it's kind of a hard day I... I guess if you hold it like this you can't tell it got ruined

Okay, guys!

Wait, where's Gina?

I think she's going through a family thing right now Okay, prayers to our Gina I'm really not sure what to say You've all worked so hard I've seen all of you grow so much But if we don't have a theater we don't have a show Wait, what?

Come on, Miss Jenn we've got to do something I think we... I don't know, I guess we could consider other venues?

What about the old Kingston downtown?

It's condemned The... The Lucky Ducky Puppet Pavilion?

It's a massive Starbucks now How about the El Rey?

Yes That's brilliant, dude Any other ideas?

Miss Jenn, I feel like you just had a really weird reaction to what I just said Sorry, what did you say?

Carlos is asking if we can try and use the El Rey Theater My Uncle Ruben is the listing agent and the last thing they had in there was a fashion show like, four years ago This place has five-hundred seats What?

Four ninety-eight but who's counting Wait, that's actually pretty sweet I can't imagine we would be able to get in on such short notice Ruben, can we use the theater for our show?

Si, si, si Sounded like a yes to me!

The El Rey Theater it is!

Miss Jenn, aren't you excited?

Yes, I am that feeling Wildcats, let's grab all the props and costumes that didn't get damaged and let's load out

They say that one way to heal from a bad memory is to immerse yourself back in that memory This should be extremely healing

On your right, heads up! Oh, sorry!

Don't apologize! This is like, a weird adventure!

Looks like the cast is in pretty good spirits Yes, actors, man Fire or no fire, they still have their charm and perfect skin I know it's a little silly, but I feel like I lost a little piece of myself when all those costumes went up in flames I hear you, that paper mache basketball took me three weeks to make Three weeks?

I kept gluing my fingers together Hey, Carlos I was thinking if there's any emergency money I could run up and replace some of the costumes and...

Let's stick a pin in that, Kourt Right now, the only priority is making sure we can put up a show At least we have the El Rey!

Hey, maybe I should carry that Why? N... N... No reason No, I'm fine to carry it It's just a little bit sensitive Are we still talking about the box?

It's actually Miss Jenn's show file Script breakdowns, set sketches and all of her audition notes You mean this says why which people got which parts?

No further comment, thank you

I don't know I'm kind of scared Right this way, follow me Smell that smell, the theater Mold, it's a sign of life Everyone, watch your step And, let me know if you haven't had a tetanus shot recently, okay?

Hey, sis, how you holding up?

I don't know, Kourt I actually feel l weirdly guilty Almost like I caused this? Like, it's a sign How could you have caused this?

I kind of had a strange weekend and started thinking about applying to this performing arts school...

Hold up, performing arts school?

Yes, it's called the Youth Actors Conservatory It's slightly amazing and also totally unimportant right now I don't know what I was thinking Y... You were going to spend senior year without me?

Look, my grandma got in my head about "finding new shores"

But that's over now and we have a show to save This whole fire thing could've been a lot worse anyway Yes, yes, for sure

Here's what I learned this week the confessional thing went a bit too far The truth is, I don't need to apologize for who I am Whatever it says in Miss Jenn's audition file, I am me and that is the only me I need to be

"Next Armie Hammer"

"Oh, classic Troy on paper"

"Lacks emotional connection to the material"

Can we move that to... Thank you Once we get the set...

Hey, you're really good I'm really proud of you Oh, really? Okay, good! Okay!

Let's have some real talk welcome to tech rehearsal I don't know if you've noticed but most of the tech in this particular theater appears to be hand-cranked Natalie Bagley, my dear my stage manager this is your chance to be the hero Wher... Wher... Where is she?

What? What is it? What's happening?

Natalie Bagley's getting her wisdom teeth out Okay Okay, so, I'm down a stage manager, my "Taylor's" MIA Gina's okay She's a fighter and she'll be back for opening night Did she text you? No, you?

Totally normal just, heads-up, from now on All righty, big Red, do you know how to hang a light?

I know how to hang out?

Cool, Carlos, let's set marks to light "Status Quo"

Troy and Gabriella find somewhere quiet and run the rooftop scene It's been a while and I need you opening night ready by dinner time, okay?

So, we're staying through dinner?

I have baking club tonight...

Which is completely irrelevant in the midst of our tragedy This is going to work, I can feel it Clear the stage! Let's go!

Hey, you okay? It's a lot I... I just don't know how to make things light up You walk into a room

Seriously though I've been through a few tech rehearsals in my day just holler if you need me Thanks, Ash You got this

Yikes, this place is not creepy at all Right?

Yes So, how you been?

Fine, and you?

I'm okay Look, about the other night at Ashlyn's party...

Oh, no, it's totally fine, I get it You do?

Yes, I mean I said something nice you acted like a punk what is there to discuss?

Cool, then we don't have to talk at all Sounds like a plan For the record, you're the one who called me your "buddy" and I've been iced out for weeks so maybe it was building up And that's that on that Okay, glad you got that out of your system?

Yes, actually I am Excellent! Page fifty-three? Page fifty-three This should be fun I'm all about the work

Okay, we just need to nail down our lighting and our sound and, ta-da, we've got a show I need some bodies for the rooftop scene I can do Troy Fine Or at least some people think so Carlos, stand in for Gabriella Do we have a working lightboard? Do we have a working light switch?

Found it!

Sorry everyone My uncle Ruben said that there was going to be some leftover stuff from the fashion show I guess, the theme was eighties rave?

In a nuclear reactor?

Big Red, do we have anything more flattering?

Working on it!

Okay, Troy, basketball stuff Gabriella, math stuff nobody doesn't cry, and we end up here center stage Gabriella, give us your cue

"Remember in kindergarten you would meet a kid"

"know nothing about them then ten seconds later"

"you're best friends?"


"Singing with you felt like that"

Look, I never thought about singing, that's for sure Until you And now, I don't want to stop ever

That's excellent and a little weird Big Red, can we hit these guys with a spotlight?

I'll look for it What is happening right now?

I'm just emoting Carlos, feel free to join me This is a tech rehearsal and I'm your choreographer Okay, boys, let's not wait for the lights Just stand on your marks and gimme your cue again?

I never thought about singing that's for sure Until you And now, I don't want to stop ever EJ?

Yes Are you sick?

Wait a minute I know what's going on here Big Red, did you do that?

No I...

"Remember in kindergarten you would meet a kid"

"know nothing about them then ten seconds later"

"you were best friends?"


"Singing with you felt like that"

"I never thought about singing that's for sure"

"Until you"

"And now, I don't want to stop ever"

You know what, I know these lines Should we just lose the scripts?

For sure, yes, okay

Remember in kindergarten you would meet a kid know nothing about them and then ten seconds later you're best friends?

Yes Singing with you felt like that

I never really thought about singing, that's...

Actually, sorry, do you remember, in kindergarten when I couldn't pronounce your name?

You had a hard time with vowels back then Plus, I, never really loved the name Nina anyway

I couldn't say my A's So, I called her Nini and it just...

It just sort of stuck I still can't think of you as a Nina You could just call me "buddy"

Sorry about that one wasn't a good day for me Yes, I get it And just for the record, I was Richard Bowen until first grade when you started calling me Ricky So, pot, kettle Okay, I'm sorry, but nobody under the age of fifty should be named Richard and I couldn't look you in the eye Was it the name or the fact that I microwaved your Barbie that year...

Maybe both Man... I guess we've had a few mishaps Yes, more me than you, right?

I mean, remember when I took out your lemonade stand doing that wheelie?

Yes, I do And then, was it fourth grade when I ate your science project about moldy bread?

I think we both suffered on that one And then I couldn't even say "I love you" when you wrote me that song

Do you...

Maybe we should warm up our voices Yes, yes, good idea we do Yes, just in case we have to sing later Smart Yes, good plan Okay, let's pretend we figured out the lighting If we've got a sound system we've got a show I need someone to sing for microphone levels Who's not doing anything?

Kourtney is an amazing singer I'm a singer, not an actor This voice is for church Thank you for volunteering Just sing anything from the show Doesn't matter what no judgment This is a safe space

"I believe in dreaming"

"sh**ting for the stars"

"Baby, to be number one"

"You got to raise the bar"

"Yes, we're going to"

"Bop, bop, bop bop to the top"

"Slip and slide and ride that rhythm"

"Jump and hop"

"Hop until we drop"

"And start again"

"Zip, zap, zop hop like a mop"

"Scoot around the corner"

"Move it to the groove"

"until the music stops"

Kourtney, honey that was a wow Yes, Kourt!

Unfortunately, it seems we have now broken the sound system the lights, and possibly me Carlos, could you please clear the theater right now?

So good!

Miss Jenn, are you okay? You've been acting a little...

I'm fine, I just need a minute or a vacation, it's not clear Okay, everyone, follow me we are going to take a long five?

You looked in the audition files didn't you?

Oh, boy I tried to warn you, those were for Miss Jenn's eyes only Not a problem, because apparently I don't have emotions Sometimes you do have a way of performing that doesn't exactly feel authentic Then what was I just doing onstage?

That felt more like an allergic reaction And what's authentic to you ,Carlos?

A forest full of human beings?

That concept may need a little bit of time And so do I

Miss Jenn? I don't think I'm alone in noticing that you seem a little...

On edge?

I was going to say fully freaked out This is where I was sitting Sitting for what?

The Utah premiere of the High School Musical movie This entire row was filled with family, friends But the only audience I cared about was Lucas Grabeel You may know him as... Ryan I had one line in the movie He was the only lead who came up to me on set and said

"You really nailed that line Jessica"

I didn't have the heart to tell him my real name But they cut it They cut my line "Is that the last apple?"

"Is that the last apple?"

I have a line here did I miss it?

That night set me back seven years My confidence was shattered What happened?

Is Kenny Ortega here?

Miss, will you please come with me?

No, I'm in the movie No, don't "Miss" me I... Did you hear my line?

"Is that the last apple?"

That's terrible Thank you, Ashlyn You know, if it helps you inspired me to write a whole song about regrets I know, and now nobody will ever hear it because our PA system died faster than my career in New York Miss Jenn, I think you need to find a quiet place and, like, forgive yourself

Use these my lucky crystals Haven't let me down once Use them how?

Whatever feels right You need to trust yourself the way...

I don't know the way we all trust you

"Me, me, me me, me, me, me, me, me"

"You, you, you you, you, you, you, you, you"

"Me, me, me me, me, me, me, me, me"

"Nini, Nini, Nini, Nini, Ni..."

All right, Ricky, let's focus Oh, hang on It's Gina

"Sorry, drama with my mom's job"

"I think we have to leave a day early"

I feel so bad for her I can't even imagine After all that work just up and leaving I get it, though moving is a big deal I mean, I just mentioned this performing arts school I was looking at to Kourtney and... she was not exactly thrilled for me Wait, that's amazing You... Like a drama school? It's in Denver Yes, it's never going to happen It's like super-elite they would never take me What? You're like, one-in-a-million talented What are you talking about? You've never left Salt Lake you don't know how much talent there is out there That's not fair, my parents took me to Disneyland once and I met a very talented Minnie Mouse Yes, Minnie Mouse your first crush Actually she was my second...

Hey, guys? Hey guys we're... We're ordering pizza while Miss Jenn is having some kind of real time mid-life crisis You both good with pepperoni and soy cheese?

Yes, oh, yes Yes, that sounds good to me Super good Is it good for you?

Cool C... Cool

Hey! I heard you singing earlier Oh, yes?

You're not going to quit makeup crew, are you?

Sorry, I know you're multi-talented or whatever I just think you have a gift for making things look better I mean, the Sharpay makeup?

Y... You made me look the way I feel Well, I'm not going to quit my day job, but I don't like categories You know, why limit yourself to one thing, right?

Right, cool And, the singing was amazing too You can do anything, I mean I know that, Sebby and you can, too Okay

Hey, it's been a long time Should we go ask what's going on?

She's having a moment Maybe you can go and ask her I don't want to freak her out more with my lifeless eyes

Anyway, whatever, it's...

You were right, by the way

Forest of Boys was a mess and coming here was a huge mistake I have no business taking charge of anything No, you stepped up, dude You always do, and... if I'm being honest, it's... you know...


Admirable EJ, was that a compliment?

Don't make me start emoting Okay, well, the words were a four but the sentiment was a solid ten

I'm going to walk away now

I can do this, I can do this I can do this The past is the past and I can still pull off this show Somehow Ashlyn, honey, is that you?

I can't tell if the crystals are working

Ryan, is that you?

It's Lucas, Jennifer You remember me? You actually know my name?

Of course, I do This is your contractually obligated dream sequence Being back here, it reminds me of that scene in the cafeteria Remember when I asked about the apple?

Jennifer, let it go But I can't, when that line went away, I think I lost my way too You know what you need?

A time machine?

I was going to say a song

"Those kids They do believe in you"

"And that's worth so much more"

"Than a line about a piece of fruit"

"Or a Tony Award"

I was going for an EGOT Let's not get ahead of ourselves

"Think of this as the role of a lifetime"

"It's the part you were born to play"

"Keeping their dreams in your sightline"

"Now it's their turn to take the stage"

"Think of this as a role to remember"

"Like Elphaba or Eponine" I'm more of a Glinda

"It's all of the things you could ever bring to a scene"

"You know what I mean"

"So give it your all"

"Right from the start"

"You got to play this from the heart"

"You're their teacher you're the lead"

"And you're off book now"

"Give it a go"

"Show them the way"

"We're all in this together at the end of the day"

"I should know, after all I played Ryan"

"Ryan" "Ryan..."

"Is this the role of a lifetime?"

"The part I was born to play?"

"Showing them how to smile in the bright lights"

"Now it's their turn to take the stage"

"This could be a role to remember"

"Like Elsa or Eva Peron"

"I'll teach them to channel their feelings"

"I'll share what I know"

"And live for the show"

"I'll give it my all"

"Right from the start"

"I got to play this from the heart"

"I'm their teacher I'm the lead"

"And I'm off book now"

"Give it a go"

"Show them the way"

"You got to let the music play"

"This is now and the rest is history"

"I felt small, I couldn't breathe"

"When they took that apple from me"

"But you're right here now"

"And you never know when you'll get a cameo"


"So give it your all"

"Right from the start"

"You got to let them play their parts"

Tonight, all the roles will be played by the drama students of East High

"Give it a go"

"Show them the way"

"You got to let the music play"

"This is now and we're making history"



Miss Jenn, say something!

Sorry, was that last one too hard?

I'm the teacher Yes?

And we're making history everything's going to be okay I know where we have to go Broadway? Back to East High Oh, my God! How hard did I hit you?

Dude? Talk about it in the car

"We come back here tomorrow and one of us"

"This can't get wrinkled because it'll show"

Hey, are you okay?

Yes, I just... almost did something really stupid Do you want to talk about it?

No, it's over it was just a moment Okay Oh, hey! I heard you sang a song It was ridiculous Yes, that's what I heard, except maybe not in the way you mean it No, honestly, Kourt, yo... you have the best voice in school I don't know about all of that but I'll say this I can tell why you like it up there See you in the car?

Yes, I'll catch up Okay

Look, I'm not going to give up on costumes or makeup But, for the first time, I see why Nini wants this so bad And if she's not going to put herself out there, I'll do it for her

"Youth Actors Conservatory how can I direct your call?"