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01x09 - Opening Night

Posted: 04/25/21 16:32
by bunniefuu
"Previously on High School Musical The Musical: The Series"

We relocated to this haunted theater...

"Miss Jenn went a little insane"

"And Nini and Ricky were nowhere to be found"

Hey, guys But it wasn't all bad Stops I'm like a genie. You let me out the bottle, there's no going back in

"Youth Actors Conservatory"

Kourtney, are you sure I have to wear this jacket?

I feel like it's going to rip You're great. Don't worry!

Guys? Guys, has anyone seen my glasses?

Places for Act Two, everyone Troy, you're on

Let's do this

You're late We finished painting the sets, like, twenty minutes ago What's the big emergency?

I... I want to play you something Just promise me you won't laugh I have no control over when I laugh, Ricky Here goes

"I fell in love"

"With the only girl who knows what I'm about..."

Wait. I'm going to stop you right there Can I at least do the first verse?

Sure Okay

"After all is said and done"

"I can't just pretend I'm moving on"

"Is it just a part we're playing"

"Because it don't feel like we're faking..."

Can I talk now?

So this is for Gina? I-I thought she moved away She did. The day after she missed tech rehearsal It... It all happened so fast Oh, okay The song is for Nini Like an opening night thing Nini and I almost kissed the other day Wait. What!

You're not talking I'm reading Come on, it's not a novel! It's just four words. Four little words It's jewelry It's a dog tag But he's going to wear it around his neck. That's jewelry Silly opening night gift I'm sure Ricky's going to give me something, too What?

I just think it's deep Well, it should be We've come a long way, and Ricky's been, kind of, great lately

Everything okay?

Miss Jenn asked if I knew Taylor's lines Wait, what?

"Haven't stopped thinking about your sound check"

"You have the best voice in Northern Utah"

"Please say you'll go on for Gina tonight"

And then there's like a hundred emojis Oh, my gosh, Kourts!

So, you approve of this?

How am I going to know the lines? What am I going to wear?

We were able to secure the gym as our performance space tonight I made a video on my phone of three rats fighting over a Milk Dud at the El Rey Theatre and the school board and the principal caved I just like to take a moment alone on opening night before all the chaos begins Savor the solitude Sorry! Didn't mean to startle you Ricky! You're really early!

I know. I just... I didn't know what do with myself all afternoon Let me guess opening night jitters?

Yes, it's just a lot My mom's coming tonight and I've technically never been in a musical before, so...

I understand the stress you're under All I can tell you is what my director told me the night somebody sneezed a blueberry muffin onto the stage during a regional production of South Pacific Use it Okay Besides, if you're the only actor with opening night jitters we are in excellent shape

I d-didn't know anyone would be in here Let me guess, jitters?

Little bit. I just realized this morning this is the first time I've been cast as the lead on purpose But it won't be the last Tell her the muffin story Do I have to?

Listen, I'm going to run. I'll see you in a couple hours for pre-game Just take a second, both of you and... soak in the stillness

Sorry! I think that was me Okay, how many people are in here?

Do you want to...


Can't believe we made it here Yes. Against all odds, right?

Yes. I-I was just thinking the same thing Hey... that other night, in the theater, i-in that room, I...

Listen, that... No worries I-I get it. It was a... tough day We're all in a really weird... place Yes Yes, totally weird It's cool We're... We're cool, right?

Yes. Yes, totally cool Cool So, so... so, I'll see you before the show Yes. You too Good luck tonight

Sorry, coming coming through, I'm late!

We've got mystery flowers, people!

Those are massive Why mystery?

There's was no card, so, I'm guessing it's dealer's choice But, if I had to bet I would say it's for our leading lady Not from me. Sorry It's okay Head up, Mr. Caswell You know Miss Jenn says this is a phone-free zone Yes, I know but this is important Always is Hey! Oh, hey How do I look?

Solid, Miss Darbus I did a double-take Any pearls of encouragement?

Just be you, Ashlyn You're enough

Look, Big Red's a sweet guy We're friends You know, I don't need some great romance to be complete or whatever We're good Half hour!

Okay, last touches, anyone?

Speak now, or forever hold your face!

Why? Where're you going to be during the show?

My beautiful babies, let's gather round for some housekeeping!

First of all, who brought Versailles?

No one knows Well, I suppose we'll just have to share, then Oh, and speaking of sharing most of you know that our dazzling Taylor had to leave under family circumstances Gina sends her love and support to all of you but unfortunately she's on the East Coast and won't be able to make it to tonight's performance And so, I have asked Kourtne to fill in, in her stead


So, now, what I would like to do is please think of a word or phrase from the show that expresses where your head is, or your goals for tonight If anyone wants to share?

"you're my guys and this is our team"

"What if you want to try something really new"

"and it's a total disaster and all your friends laugh at you?"

"Do you ever feel like there's this whole other person"

"inside of you just looking for a way to come out?"

"Do the romp and strut your stuff!"


"My shower head is very impressed with me"

"I'm proud to call you my sister"

It's close enough My nail beds are history

"Sharpay's kind of cute, too"

"So is a mountain lion but you don't pet it!"

And I'll just say, no matter what happens tonight we're all in this together

Okay, Wildcats, take a moment to settle your nerves If we had a curtain, it would be up in twenty minutes!


Hey! You know I got your back tonight, right?

I mean, I'll have the words in my hands on stage but I don't know what to do when you maniacs start dancing What you always do Your best But, seriously, you're my idol Kourt. Let's just have fun Thanks, Neener I got to get changed...

Sweet. See you guys in a bit

Hey, are you okay?

Yes. I just g-getting in character Okay

"I fell in love"

"With the only girl who knows what I'm about"

"I fell in love"

"With a boy and I can't tell if I fell out"

"After all is said and done"

"I can't just pretend I'm moving on"

"Is it just a part we're playing"

"Because it don't feel like we're faking"

"When we're underneath the lights"

"My heart's no longer broken"

"For a moment"

"Just for a moment"

"When we're singing side by side"

"There's so much left unspoken"

"For a moment"

"Just for a moment"

"A moment in love"

"A moment in love"

"But is a moment enough?"

"When we're underneath the lights"

"My heart's no longer broken"

"For a moment"

"Just for a moment"

Here you go, girls. Have fun Hey! Oh, hi!

How's our leading man doing?

I think he's going to surprise you Well, at this point, I've learned to stop being surprised by him We owe that to you You... Hey, Mike are these reserved seats?

I... think it's first come first serve Jennifer... Miss Jenn, this is my wife... Ricky's mom, Lynne Oh, how lovely! You both must be so proud. Here you go Oh, yes Thank you Yes W-We're going to go find some seats Enjoy the show Thank you Nice to meet you... Lynne

I'm okay. Excuse me

Dim the lights

Wait, wait The disco ball Quite a production you've got going here. Who's winning?

Disco. Disco. Okay

Okay. Listen to me Do you know anything about audio-visual equipment?

Only everything I need your engineering genius All your training Those fancy degrees I'll tell you what you can do for me Perhaps you could distribute some of my Robotics Club stickers to the crowd, drum up some community interest in what I do?

Done! Let's go Never touch me I already loaned them my Robotics Club lighting console I might as well save the show, too

You have an amazing voice You're a singer, right?

Just the church choir is all I tried a solo and nearly fainted Really? Why's that?

I took one look at all the people staring only at me and the next thing I knew I was staring at the ceiling End of solo career But you sounded like you've done a lot of singing Sure, lots. Yes, my shower head is very impressed with me

EJ? Yes?

You know, you know we're putting on an actual show, right?

Hey, thanks, Ash I have the power of sight You want to get off your phone for ten minutes and be part of the team?

Sorry, yes Forgiven Oh, gosh! Sounds like the fireworks have started Can you hear them?

Fireworks. Fireworks

Need a hand? Man, how many have you got?

Okay, I'll leave you boys to it!

Not so fast Maybe you could have an usher spread the word during the intermission I've got a whole box for you Consider it done

One, two, three four, five, six, seven...

The leg has to cross on from the back How's it going? I think she's getting it Oh, my god, there's like a hundred parts Yes, that was two counts of eight, but keep drilling it, though I don't know about this

Here. My good luck charm Vanessa Hudgens's phone from the movie. Trust the process But, what if it's a mess?

Then we'll go down together okay? It's our scene!

And it starts in thirty seconds Okay. Let's go! grunts Right. Okay

What do you know about Troy Bolton?


I wouldn't consider myself an expert on that particular subspecies

"However, unless you speak cheerleader, as in, oh my gosh!"

"Isn't Troy Bolton just the hottie super b*mb!"

You know what, dude?

Can't make it tonight Gotta catch up on homework What? Hello, we're only on the second day back I'm not even behind yet, and you know I've been behind on homework since preschool That's hilarious. Catch you later

Homework? There's no way

Carlos this is as far as I can split Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for "Stick To The Status Quo"

This is our biggest Act One showstopper and you're all going to k*ll it because I love you Any questions? I have a couple hundred Wait, how is the Taylor dance break going to work?

Gina's tray-ography is really complex I can run to the pit and have the orchestra cut that part!

What? No! What...

Or we could just have Gina do it

Gina! Hi Oh, my God. What? No way Hi Hi you guys I don't want to interrupt How did you get here?

A friend bought me a last-minute flight back I was going to drop off these cupcakes and then hide in the gym and cheer you guys on Gina. No one in the gym wants to hide more than I do right now Wait, are, are you playing Taylor?

I was, and it was nice and now it's your turn to save my butt and do the dance Please. I'm asking you

Can I?

Of course. You can do the curtain call together Let's hit the halls, people!

Kourts. I'm not done with you yet, honey Come see me after the Christmas break, okay?



"No, no, no, no"

"Stick to the stuff you know"

"If you want to be cool"

"Follow one simple rule"

"Don't mess with the flow, no no"

"Stick to the status quo"

"No, no, no"

"Stick to the stuff you know"

"It's better by far"

"To keep things as they are"

"Don't mess with the flow, no no"

"Just stick to the status quo"

"Everybody quiet"

"This is not what I want"

"This is not what I planned"

"And I just got to say"

"I do not understand"

"Something is really"

"Something's not right"

"Really wrong"

"And we got to get things"

"Back where they belong"

"Not another peep" "No"

"Not another word" "No"

"Not another sound" "No"

"No, no, no, no"

"Stick to the stuff you know"

"It's better by far"

"To keep things as they are"

"Don't mess with the flow, no no"

"Stick to the status"

"Stick to the status"

"Stick to the status quo"

So good. Like, everything is... It was so good That was good The one Yes

Still can't believe you're actually back Yes. Well, one night only Don't blink, you'll miss me It's tough, you know?

Seeing Gina, it's like she never left But I'm also not who I was a week ago?

Or maybe I'm just back to who I always was?

I don't know Something's different I didn't think we would ever see you again That makes two of us

I wish... I don't know what to say Don't say anything Just fly, dude What?

It's time to get your head in the game Troy and ballers in five minutes!

Ricky, we need you in your harness, pronto!

Here you go, bro You. Got to go


"See, why we love..."

So, how's it going?

This is, kind of the best night ever But I'm going to miss you as Taylor I think I got off that stage just in time You were so funny, Kourt And you know my moms were freaking out that we were out there together Wish I could find them

"Congratulations to all the cast list will be posted"

"I called your names, twice"

Hang on, is that Kalyani Patel?


The Dean? From the Youth Actors Conservatory!

That's her Yes, her... Her, her pictures are all over their website!

Fourth row, writing on the clipboard! Why is she here?

I guess I kind of invited her?

What? Why?

I looked at the website, and I thought about what you said Nini, if anyone deserves a shot...

But now?

This is your moment Kourtney. This is some next-level pressure Well, I'm back on makeup so you just let me know if you need a powder

"Just keep your head in the game You got to"

"Get'cha get'cha head in the game"

"You got to"

"Get'cha get'cha head in the game"

"Come on Get'cha get'cha head in the game"

"We got to Get'cha get'cha head in the game"

"Let's make sure That we get the rebound"

"Because when we get it Then the crowd will go wild"

"A second chance Got to grab it and go"

"Maybe this time We'll hit the right note"

"Wait a minute Not the time or place"

"Wait a minute Get my head in the game"

"Wait a minute Get my head in the game"

"Wait a minute"

"Wait a minute Got to"

"Get my, get my head in the game"

"I got to Get my, get my head in the game"

"Come on Get my, get my head in the game"

"I got to Get my, get my head in the game"

"Why am I feeling so wrong"

"My head's in the game"

"But my heart's in this song"

"She makes this feel so right"

Should I go for it?

I got to shake this, yikes!

"You got to"

"Get'cha get'cha get'cha get'cha head in the game"

"Get my, get my"

"You got to"

"Get'cha get'cha get'cha get'cha head in the game"

"Get my Get my"

"You got to"

"Get'cha get'cha get'cha get'cha head in the game"

"Get'cha get'cha head in the game"

"You got to"

"Get'cha get'cha get'cha get'cha head in the game"

"We will now have a ten-minute"

"Ten minutes to Act Two"

Ricky, what happened at the end?

It's a long story Are you okay?

Has anyone seen Nini?

I could really use a pep talk right now My mom's new boyfriend decided to show up and I want to punch a wall I feel like I need a miracle to face Act Two Nini's in a quick change booth right now She seems a little nervous Wait, why, what happened?

I thought I was doing a good thing but I think it backfired You see that lady with the clipboard out there?

That's the dean from the performing arts school she was looking at You invited her?

Ricky, you look like you're shaking. Do you need to sit down?

Actually, I do. Excuse me

Hey, listen What's going on?

You need to do the second act. As Troy Are you sick? No. I'm good Just not good enough to help Nini get to where she wants to go Wait, what are you talking about?

I'm screwing up out there I can't blow this for Nini There's someone in the audience who could change Nini's life She needs her best shot to impress them

Will you do it?

Go on. Take it

Kourtney, are you sure I have to wear this jacket?

I feel like it's going to rip You're great. Don't worry!

Guys? Guys, has anyone seen my glasses?

Places for Act Two, everyone Troy, you're on

Let's do this